Re: [GENERAL] MySQL treads belong else where.

2001-08-30 Thread Shaun Thomas

On Wed, 29 Aug 2001, Guy Fraser wrote:

> I would appreciate it if the MySQL zealots with troglodytical
> mentalities would confine themselves to there own mailing list.

Er?  Man, everybody just has to chime in with their $0.02.  Let the
moderators handle it, oh flaming sword o' justice.

> The odd comparison is OK but the flame wars are a waste of storage.

Which, while an amusing read, also point out actual flaws in Postgres
that we could stand fixing.  People do bitch without a reason, but
the do it more often when they have something to bitch about.

Me, I was just being devil's advocate.  Looks like not everyone
caught that.  Oh well.

> PS If you don't understand any of these words use a dictionary to find
> out what they mean. Don't just presume they are insults.

Now, now.  You had me going for a while, but you have just instantly
turned what may have been a mildly informative post into a pathetic
flame.  I mean, really.  What was that about troglodytical mentalities?

For the most part, I agree with you.

For everyone else who doesn't get it.  Upgrade.  Upgrade now, upgrade
quickly, and upgrade until you can't upgrade anymore.  Postgres 7.1
is not the postgres of yesteryear.  Postgres has evolved past the horrid
thing MySQL compared itself to.  The best part is that 7.2 will be
even better.

The point here is to know postgres's flaws.  Ignore the flames, and
upgrade.  The more people using the newer versions, the better the
next one will be.

C'mon, kiss a developer today!

| Shaun M. ThomasINN Database Programmer  |
| Phone: (309) 743-0812  Fax  : (309) 743-0830|
| Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]AIM  : trifthen  |
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| "Most of our lives are about proving something, either to   |
|  ourselves or to someone else." |
|   -- Anonymous  |

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TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

RE: [GENERAL] MySQL treads belong else where.

2001-08-30 Thread Andrew Snow

> So far I haven't seen any real flames or insults thrown about 
> yet  - no MYsql will kill your puppy threads at all. There 
> can be rigourous discussion without insults being thrown and 
> so far that's all I've seen.

No, but it WILL kill your data, if the DB is big enough and has been in
use long enough.. speaking from personal experience *weep* ;-)

I used to think mysql was great while I was learning SQL, because it was
free, unbloated, and easy to use.  But I think one grows out of it for
larger and more complex projects... Postgres' larger set of features and
sophisticated locking become invaluable.

I know (from reading this list) that people sometimes have trouble with
PGSQL, but quite honestly I found that after I had read the Postgresql
docs in their entirety, everything "fit" and seemed intuitive.  (I found
it not unlike the feeling of becoming a FreeBSD user after having used

For the project as a whole I guess its a matter of killing off the
genuine FUD with one hand, and fixing the areas in Postgres that MySQL
does have genuinely have an advantage, with the other hand.

- Andrew

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [GENERAL] MySQL treads belong else where.

2001-08-30 Thread Michael

Guy Fraser wrote:
> Hi
> I would appreciate it if the MySQL zealots with troglodytical
> mentalities would confine themselves to there own mailing list.
I've yet to see any MYsql zealots on this list.

> The odd comparison is OK but the flame wars are a waste of storage.

> MySQL and PostgreSQL both have loyal followers for there own reasons.
> Both of these open source database engines have pros and cons. Each
> database project has it's own unique set of requirements which are more
> suitable to one or the other, but could probably be don in either.
> Marketing a database by claiming your features are better and the
> feature of the other are useless is immature.
No it's not useless - if you don't offer alternative view (like MYsql's
information on foreign keys) people do believe everything they read.

> I use both, but I look to this list for PostgreSQL questions and
> answers. The bantering of MySQL zealots does not help anyone on this
> list with PostgreSQL questions or answers.

Detailed and open discussion of MYsql vs Postgresql does belong on the
general list.
A lot of people do believe everything MYsql says (like I used to) like
to get both sides of the story and then be able to pass the information
to others. It helps in making decisions on which database to use.

So far I haven't seen any real flames or insults thrown about yet  - no
MYsql will kill your puppy threads at all.
There can be rigourous discussion without insults being thrown and so
far that's all I've seen.

> Guy Fraser
> PS If you don't understand any of these words use a dictionary to find
> out what they mean. Don't just presume they are insults.
> --
> There is a fine line between genius and lunacy, fear not, walk the
> line with pride. Not all things will end up as you wanted, but you
> will certainly discover things the meek and timid will miss out on.
> ---(end of broadcast)---
> TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

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