Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11 beta1 on Debian

2018-06-08 Thread Phil Florent

I obtained an XX000 error testing my DSS application with PostgreSQL 11 beta 1.

Here is a simplified version of my test, no data in the tables :

-- 11
select version();


PostgreSQL 11beta1 (Debian 11~beta1-2.pgdg+1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled 
by gcc (Debian 7.3.0-19) 7.3.0, 64-bit
(1 ligne)

-- connected superuser -- postgres
create user a password 'a';
create schema a authorization a;
create user b password 'b';
create schema b authorization b;
create user c password 'c';
create schema c authorization c;
create user z password 'z';
create schema z authorization z;

-- connected a
create table t1(k1 timestamp, c1 int);
create view v as select k1, c1 from t1;
grant usage on schema a to z;
grant select on all tables in schema a to z;

-- connected b
create table t2(k1 timestamp, c1 int) partition by range(k1);
create table t2_2016 partition of t2 for values from ('2016-01-01') to 
create table t2_2017 partition of t2 for values from ('2017-01-01') to 
create table t2_2018 partition of t2 for values from ('2018-01-01') to 
create view v as select k1, c1 from t2;
grant select on all tables in schema b to z;
grant usage on schema b to z;

-- connected c
create table t3(k1 timestamp, c1 int) partition by range(k1);
create table t3_2016 partition of t3 for values from ('2016-01-01') to 
create table t3_2017 partition of t3 for values from ('2017-01-01') to 
create table t3_2018 partition of t3 for values from ('2018-01-01') to 
create view v as select k1, c1 from t3;
grant select on all tables in schema c to z;
grant usage on schema c to z;

-- connected z
create view v as
select k1, c1 from
(select * from a.v
select * from b.v
select * from c.v) vabc ;

explain analyze select * from v where v.k1 > date '2017-01-01';
ERREUR:  XX000: did not find all requested child rels in append_rel_list
EMPLACEMENT : find_appinfos_by_relids, prepunion.c : 2643

set enable_partition_pruning=off;

explain analyze select * from v where v.k1 > date '2017-01-01';
Append  (cost=0.00..272.30 rows=4760 width=12) (actual time=0.217..0.217 rows=0 
   ->  Seq Scan on t1  (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12) (actual 
time=0.020..0.020 rows=0 loops=1)
 Filter: (k1 > '2017-01-01'::date)
   ->  Seq Scan on t2_2016  (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12) (actual 
time=0.035..0.035 rows=0 loops=1)
 Filter: (k1 > '2017-01-01'::date)
   ->  Seq Scan on t2_2017  (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12) (actual 
time=0.016..0.016 rows=0 loops=1)
 Filter: (k1 > '2017-01-01'::date)
   ->  Seq Scan on t2_2018  (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12) (actual 
time=0.015..0.015 rows=0 loops=1)
 Filter: (k1 > '2017-01-01'::date)
   ->  Seq Scan on t3_2016  (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12) (actual 
time=0.040..0.040 rows=0 loops=1)
 Filter: (k1 > '2017-01-01'::date)
   ->  Seq Scan on t3_2017  (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12) (actual 
time=0.016..0.016 rows=0 loops=1)
 Filter: (k1 > '2017-01-01'::date)
   ->  Seq Scan on t3_2018  (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12) (actual 
time=0.016..0.016 rows=0 loops=1)
 Filter: (k1 > '2017-01-01'::date)
Planning Time: 0.639 ms
Execution Time: 0.400 ms

set enable_partition_pruning=on;

explain analyze select * from v where v.k1 > date '2017-01-01';
ERREUR:  XX000: did not find all requested child rels in append_rel_list
EMPLACEMENT : find_appinfos_by_relids, prepunion.c : 2643

-- 10
select version();

PostgreSQL 10.4 (Ubuntu 10.4-2.pgdg16.04+1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by 
gcc (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.9) 5.4.0 20160609, 64-bit
(1 ligne)

-- connected superuser -- postgres
create user a password 'a';
create schema a authorization a;

create user b password 'b';
create schema b authorization b;

create user c password 'c';
create schema c authorization c;

create user z password 'z';
create schema z authorization z;

-- connected a
create table t1(k1 timestamp, c1 int);
create view v as select k1, c1 from t1;
grant usage on schema a to z;
grant select on all tables in schema a to z;

-- connected b
create table t2(k1 timestamp, c1 int) partition by range(k1);
create table t2_2016 partition of t2 for values from ('2016-01-01') to 
create table t2_2017 partition of t2 for values from ('2017-01-01') to 
create table 

Re: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11 beta1 on Debian

2018-07-12 Thread Andres Freund
Hi Tom,

On 2018-06-29 18:17:08 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> Alvaro Herrera  writes:
> > Since Tom has been revamping this code lately, I think it's a good
> > idea to wait for his input.
> I'm on vacation and won't have time to look at this until week after
> next.  If you don't mind putting the topic on hold that long, I'll
> be happy to take responsibility for it.

Is that still the plan? Do you forsee any issues here? This has been
somewhat of a longstanding open item...


Andres Freund

Re: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11 beta1 on Debian

2018-07-12 Thread Tom Lane
Andres Freund  writes:
> On 2018-06-29 18:17:08 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
>> I'm on vacation and won't have time to look at this until week after
>> next.  If you don't mind putting the topic on hold that long, I'll
>> be happy to take responsibility for it.

> Is that still the plan? Do you forsee any issues here? This has been
> somewhat of a longstanding open item...

It's on my to-do list, but I'm still catching up vacation backlog.
Is this item blocking anyone?

regards, tom lane

Re: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11 beta1 on Debian

2018-07-12 Thread Alvaro Herrera
On 2018-Jul-12, Tom Lane wrote:

> Andres Freund  writes:
> > On 2018-06-29 18:17:08 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> >> I'm on vacation and won't have time to look at this until week after
> >> next.  If you don't mind putting the topic on hold that long, I'll
> >> be happy to take responsibility for it.
> > Is that still the plan? Do you forsee any issues here? This has been
> > somewhat of a longstanding open item...
> It's on my to-do list, but I'm still catching up vacation backlog.
> Is this item blocking anyone?

I don't think so.  The patch might conflict with other fixes, but I
suppose that's a fact of life.

Álvaro Herrera
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

Re: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11 beta1 on Debian

2018-07-15 Thread Tom Lane
David Rowley  writes:
> Anyway... Patch attached.  This is method 3 of the 3 methods I thought
> to fix this, so if this is not suitable then I'm out of ideas.

I started to look at this patch.  I think this is basically the right
direction to go in, but I'm not terribly happy with the details of the
data structure design.

First off, given that we're now going to have a Plan data structure
that accurately reflects the partition hierarchy, I wonder whether we
couldn't get rid of the fiddling around with lists of ints and lists of
lists of ints; aren't those basically duplicative?  They'd certainly be
so if we add the rel's RT index to PartitionedRelPruneInfo, but maybe
they are even without that.  Alvaro complained about the code associated
with those lists not being very idiomatic, but I'd like to just get rid
of the lists entirely.  I especially don't care for keeping the implicit
ordering assumptions in those lists (parents before children) when the
same info is now going to be explicit in a nearby structure.  (This
ties into the remarks I just made to Amit about getting rid of
executor-startup lock-taking logic.  Most of that change only makes
sense to do in v12, but I'd prefer that this patch not double down on
reliance on data structures we'd like to get rid of.)

Second, I still feel that you've got the sense of the prunable-subplans
bitmaps backwards, and I do not buy the micro-optimization argument you
made for doing it like that.  It complicates the code, yet the cost of
one bit in a bitmap is completely negligible compared to all the other
costs involved in having a per-partition subplan, whether or not that
subplan actually gets used in a particular run.

One very minor quibble is that I'd be inclined to represent the
PartitionPruningData struct like this:

typedef struct PartitionPruningData
PartitionedRelPruningData partrelprunedata[FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER];
} PartitionPruningData;

so we can allocate it with one palloc not two.  Also, in the Plan
representation, I'd suggest avoiding situations where a data structure
is sometimes a List of Lists of PartitionedRelPruneInfo and sometimes
just a single-level List.  Saving one ListCell isn't worth the code
complexity and error-proneness of that.

regards, tom lane

Re: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11 beta1 on Debian

2018-07-15 Thread David Rowley
On 16 July 2018 at 06:55, Tom Lane  wrote:
> First off, given that we're now going to have a Plan data structure
> that accurately reflects the partition hierarchy, I wonder whether we
> couldn't get rid of the fiddling around with lists of ints and lists of
> lists of ints; aren't those basically duplicative?

I'm a bit confused by this. I get that you're talking about the
partitioned_rels List, but without that list then how would
make_partition_pruneinfo() know what the subnode's parents are?
Perhaps we could add a relid field in RelOptInfo to mark the direct
parent of a but that does not make getting a unique list very quick
when given a List of subplans. A Bitmapset could be used, but we'll
end up with a mixed hierarchy with UNION ALL parents. Unsure how to
separate those again without some complex processing.

I'm not objecting to improving this as I don't really like that list,
but I just can't quite think of how else to represent the partition

>  They'd certainly be
> so if we add the rel's RT index to PartitionedRelPruneInfo, but maybe
> they are even without that.  Alvaro complained about the code associated
> with those lists not being very idiomatic, but I'd like to just get rid
> of the lists entirely.  I especially don't care for keeping the implicit
> ordering assumptions in those lists (parents before children) when the
> same info is now going to be explicit in a nearby structure.  (This
> ties into the remarks I just made to Amit about getting rid of
> executor-startup lock-taking logic.  Most of that change only makes
> sense to do in v12, but I'd prefer that this patch not double down on
> reliance on data structures we'd like to get rid of.)

Right, but I need to use something for v11. Do you want to see two
separate patches here?  If we're not going to change this in v11 then
I still need to use something to describe the partition hierarchy so
that make_partition_pruneinfo() knows how to build the data structures
for run-time pruning.

> Second, I still feel that you've got the sense of the prunable-subplans
> bitmaps backwards, and I do not buy the micro-optimization argument you
> made for doing it like that.  It complicates the code, yet the cost of
> one bit in a bitmap is completely negligible compared to all the other
> costs involved in having a per-partition subplan, whether or not that
> subplan actually gets used in a particular run.

But get_matching_partitions() returns the set of matching partitions,
not the set that does not match. It sounds like doing it the way you
ask would require inverting the Bitmapset returned by that.  I don't
quite understand why you think this is more simple to implement. I
can't see how we'd map the non-matching partitions into subplan
indexes for the Append node.  Can you give a bit more detail on your
design for this?

> One very minor quibble is that I'd be inclined to represent the
> PartitionPruningData struct like this:
> typedef struct PartitionPruningData
> {
> intnum_partrelprunedata;
> PartitionedRelPruningData partrelprunedata[FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER];
> } PartitionPruningData;
> so we can allocate it with one palloc not two.

That could be done, sort of. Only I currently allocate the array which
stores these PartitionPruningDatas as one chunk of memory. I can do
that today because the PartitionPruningData struct is a fixed size. If
you want to make it have a flexible size then I'd need to allocate an
array of pointers in the PartitionPruningState... or use a
FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER of pointers there too.   I've done it that way
locally for now.

> Also, in the Plan
> representation, I'd suggest avoiding situations where a data structure
> is sometimes a List of Lists of PartitionedRelPruneInfo and sometimes
> just a single-level List.  Saving one ListCell isn't worth the code
> complexity and error-proneness of that.

I'll make that change. But I'm confused; was the first thing you
mentioned above not to get rid of this list?

 David Rowley
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

Re: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11 beta1 on Debian

2018-07-15 Thread David Rowley
On 16 July 2018 at 06:55, Tom Lane  wrote:
> Also, in the Plan
> representation, I'd suggest avoiding situations where a data structure
> is sometimes a List of Lists of PartitionedRelPruneInfo and sometimes
> just a single-level List.  Saving one ListCell isn't worth the code
> complexity and error-proneness of that.

Thinking about this some more, I don't quite see any reason that the
partitioned_rels for a single hierarchy couldn't just be a Bitmapset
instead of an IntList.

A parent partition is always going to have a lower relid than its
children, so that means that the top level parent will just have the
lowest member in the set.

There's already code in the inheritance_planner which rebuilds the
IntList from a Bitmapset:

while ((i = bms_next_member(partitioned_relids, i)) >= 0)
   partitioned_rels = lappend_int(partitioned_rels, i);

ExecLockNonLeafAppendTables could be made to accept a Bitmapset rather
than a List. In fact, we could probably get rid of the nested loops if
we did it that way.

What do you think?

 David Rowley
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

Re: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11 beta1 on Debian

2018-07-15 Thread David Rowley
On 16 July 2018 at 12:55, David Rowley  wrote:
> Thinking about this some more, I don't quite see any reason that the
> partitioned_rels for a single hierarchy couldn't just be a Bitmapset
> instead of an IntList.

Of course, this is not possible since we can't pass a List of
Bitmapsets to the executor due to Bitmapset not being a node type.

 David Rowley
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

RE: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11 beta1 on Debian

2018-07-15 Thread Phil Florent

I should post that in the general section but I am confused by the sentence "A 
parent partition is always going to have a lower relid than its children"

In the code, relid has many meanings and not only "oid of a class" as in ?
PostgreSQL: Re: relid and 
Michael Fuhr  writes: > On Thu, Mar 24, 2005 at 
11:01:23PM -0300, Edson Vilhena de Carvalho wrote: >> Can anyone tell me what 
is a relid, a relname and

In fact, I want to be sure I can say to the developers they will always be able 
to create tables and partitions in any order :

create table child1(c1 int, c2 int);

create table midparent1(c1 int, c2 int) partition by list(c2);

alter table midparent1 attach partition child1 for values in (1);

create table child2 partition of midparent1 for values in (2);

create table topparent(c1 int, c2 int) partition by list(c1);

alter table topparent attach partition midparent1 for values in (1);

select relname, relkind, oid from pg_class where relname in ('topparent', 
'midparent1', 'child1', 'child2') order by oid asc;

  relname   | relkind |  oid
 child1 | r   | 123989
 midparent1 | p   | 123992
 child2 | r   | 123995
 topparent  | p   | 123998
(4 lignes)


Re: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11 beta1 on Debian

2018-07-15 Thread David Rowley
On 16 July 2018 at 16:56, Phil Florent  wrote:

> I should post that in the general section but I am confused by the
> sentence "A parent partition is always going to have a lower relid than
> its children"

It's a little confusing since RelOptInfo has a relid field and so does
RangeTblEntry. They both have completely different meanings.  RelOptInfo's
relid is a number starting at 1 and continues in a gapless sequence
increasing by 1 with each RelOptInfo.  These relids are completely internal
to the server and don't appear in the system catalog tables.
RangeTblEntry's relid is what's in pg_class.oid.

I was talking about RelOptInfo's relid.

Using relids starting at 1 is quite convenient for allowing direct array
lookups in various data structures in the planner. However it's also
required to uniquely identify a relation as a single table may appear many
times in a query, so trying to identify them by their oid could be
ambiguous.  Also, some RTEKinds don't have storage, e.g a VALUES() clause.

 David Rowley
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

RE: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11 beta1 on Debian

2018-07-16 Thread Phil Florent
I get it. Thank you for this precision.



De : David Rowley 
Envoyé : lundi 16 juillet 2018 07:48
À : Phil Florent
Cc : Tom Lane; Robert Haas; Amit Langote; PostgreSQL Hackers
Objet : Re: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11 beta1 
on Debian

On 16 July 2018 at 16:56, Phil Florent>> wrote:

I should post that in the general section but I am confused by the sentence "A 
parent partition is always going to have a lower relid than its children"

It's a little confusing since RelOptInfo has a relid field and so does 
RangeTblEntry. They both have completely different meanings.  RelOptInfo's 
relid is a number starting at 1 and continues in a gapless sequence increasing 
by 1 with each RelOptInfo.  These relids are completely internal to the server 
and don't appear in the system catalog tables.  RangeTblEntry's relid is what's 
in pg_class.oid.

I was talking about RelOptInfo's relid.

Using relids starting at 1 is quite convenient for allowing direct array 
lookups in various data structures in the planner. However it's also required 
to uniquely identify a relation as a single table may appear many times in a 
query, so trying to identify them by their oid could be ambiguous.  Also, some 
RTEKinds don't have storage, e.g a VALUES() clause.

 David Rowley
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

Re: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11 beta1 on Debian

2018-07-16 Thread David Rowley
On 16 July 2018 at 06:55, Tom Lane  wrote:
> I started to look at this patch.  I think this is basically the right
> direction to go in, but I'm not terribly happy with the details of the
> data structure design.

I've made an attempt at addressing the issues that I understood.

I've not done anything about your Bitmapset for non-matching
partitions. I fail to see how that would improve the code. But please
feel free to provide details of your design and I'll review it and let
you know what I think about it.

 David Rowley
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

Description: Binary data

Re: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11 beta1 on Debian

2018-07-17 Thread Alvaro Herrera
On 2018-Jul-16, David Rowley wrote:

> On 16 July 2018 at 12:55, David Rowley  wrote:
> > Thinking about this some more, I don't quite see any reason that the
> > partitioned_rels for a single hierarchy couldn't just be a Bitmapset
> > instead of an IntList.
> Of course, this is not possible since we can't pass a List of
> Bitmapsets to the executor due to Bitmapset not being a node type.

Maybe we can just add a new node type that wraps a lone bitmapset.  The
naive implementation (just print out individual members) should be
pretty straightforward; a more sophisticated one (print out the "words")
may end up more compact or not depending on density, but much harder for
debugging, and probably means a catversion bump when BITS_PER_BITMAPWORD
is changed, so probably not a great idea anyway.

I suppose the only reason we haven't done this yet is nobody has needed
it.  Sounds like its time has come.

Álvaro Herrera
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

Re: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11 beta1 on Debian

2018-07-19 Thread David Rowley
On 17 July 2018 at 12:21, David Rowley  wrote:
> On 16 July 2018 at 06:55, Tom Lane  wrote:
>> I started to look at this patch.  I think this is basically the right
>> direction to go in, but I'm not terribly happy with the details of the
>> data structure design.
> I've made an attempt at addressing the issues that I understood.

I've attached a patch intended for master which is just v2 based on
post 5220bb7533.

No other changes were made.

 David Rowley
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

Description: Binary data

Re: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11 beta1 on Debian

2018-07-19 Thread David Rowley
On 18 July 2018 at 06:01, Alvaro Herrera  wrote:
> On 2018-Jul-16, David Rowley wrote:
>> On 16 July 2018 at 12:55, David Rowley  wrote:
>> > Thinking about this some more, I don't quite see any reason that the
>> > partitioned_rels for a single hierarchy couldn't just be a Bitmapset
>> > instead of an IntList.
>> Of course, this is not possible since we can't pass a List of
>> Bitmapsets to the executor due to Bitmapset not being a node type.
> Maybe we can just add a new node type that wraps a lone bitmapset.  The
> naive implementation (just print out individual members) should be
> pretty straightforward; a more sophisticated one (print out the "words")
> may end up more compact or not depending on density, but much harder for
> debugging, and probably means a catversion bump when BITS_PER_BITMAPWORD
> is changed, so probably not a great idea anyway.
> I suppose the only reason we haven't done this yet is nobody has needed
> it.  Sounds like its time has come.

I don't mind doing the work if that's what's wanted, but I'd rather
wait for Tom to provide a bit more input into this as he seems to have
some ideas that I don't understand well enough to write code for.

 David Rowley
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

Re: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11 beta1 on Debian

2018-07-20 Thread Amit Langote
On 2018/07/19 22:03, David Rowley wrote:
> v3-0001-Fix-run-time-partition-pruning-for-UNION-ALL-pare.patch

Thanks for updating the patch.

I studied this patch today and concluded that it's going a bit too far by
carrying the nested partition pruning info structures from the planner all
the way into the executor.

I understood the root cause of this issue as that make_partition_pruneinfo
trips when UNION ALL's parent subquery, instead of the actual individual
partitioned root tables, is treated as the root parent rel when converting
prunequals using appenrel_adjust_*.  That happens because of a flattened
partitioned_rels list whose members are all assumed by
make_partition_pruneinfo to have the same root parent and that it is an
actual partitioned table.  That assumption fails in this case because the
parent is really the UNION ALL subquery rel.

I think the fix implemented in the patch by modifying allpaths.c is
correct, whereby the partition hierarchies are preserved by having nested
Lists of partitioned rels.  So, the partitioned_rels List corresponding to
UNION ALL subquery parent itself contains Lists corresponding to
partitioned tables appearing under it.  With that,
make_partition_pruneinfo (actually, make_partitionedrel_pruneinfo in the
patch) can correctly perform its work for every sub-List, because for each
sub-List, it can identify the correct root partitioned table parent to use.

But I don't think the result of make_partition_pruneinfo itself has to be
List of PartitionedRelPruneInfo nested under PartitionPruneInfo.  I gather
that each PartitionPruneInfo corresponds to each root partitioned table
and a PartitionedRelPruneInfo contains the actual pruning information,
which is created for every partitioned table (non-leaf tables), including
the root tables.  I don't think such nesting is necessary.  I think that
just like flattened partitioned_rels list, we should put flattened list of
PartitionedRelPruneInfo into the Append or MergeAppend plan.  No need for
nesting PartitionedRelPruneInfo under PartitionPruneInfo.

We create a relid_subplan_map from the flattened list of sub-plans, where
sub-plans of leaf partitions of different partitioned tables appear in the
same list.  Similarly, I think, we should create relid_subpart_map from
the flattened list of partitioned_rels, where partitioned rel RT indexes
coming from different partitioned tables appear in the same list.
Currently relid_subpart_map seems to be constructed separately for each
sub-List of nested partitioned_rels list, so while subplan_map of each
PartitionedRelPruneInfo contains indexes into a global array of leaf
partition sub-plans, subpart_map contains indexes into local array of
PartitionedRelPruneInfo for that partitioned table.  But, I think there is
not a big hurdle in making even the latter contain indexes into global
array of PartitionedRelPruneInfos of *all* partitioned tables.

On the executor side, instead of having PartitionedRelPruningData be
nested under PartitionPruningData, which in turn are stored in the
top-level PartitionPruneState, store them directly in PartitionPruneState,
since we're making planner put global indexes into subpart_map.  Slight
adjustment seems to be needed to make ExecInitFindMatchingSubPlans and
ExecFindMatchingSubPlans skip the PartitionedRelPruningData of non-root
tables, because find_matching_subplans_recurse takes care of recursing to
non-root ones.  Actually, not skipping them seems to cause wrong result.

To verify that such an approach would actually work, I modified the
relevant parts of your patch and confirmed that it does.  See attached a
delta patch.


PS: Other than the main patch, I think it would be nice to add a RT index
field to PartitionedRelPruneInfo in addition to the existing Oid field.
It would help to identify and fetch the Relation from a hypothetical
executor-local array of Relation pointers which is addressable by RT indexes.
diff --git a/src/backend/executor/execPartition.c 
index dac789d414..f81ff672ca 100644
--- a/src/backend/executor/execPartition.c
+++ b/src/backend/executor/execPartition.c
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ static char *ExecBuildSlotPartitionKeyDescription(Relation 
 static List *adjust_partition_tlist(List *tlist, TupleConversionMap *map);
-static void find_matching_subplans_recurse(PartitionPruningData *pprune,
+static void find_matching_subplans_recurse(PartitionPruneState *prunestate,
PartitionedRelPruningData *prelprune,
   bool initial_prune,
@@ -1396,14 +1396,10 @@ adjust_partition_tlist(List *tlist, TupleConversionMap 

Re: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11 beta1 on Debian

2018-07-20 Thread David Rowley
On 20 July 2018 at 21:44, Amit Langote  wrote:
> But I don't think the result of make_partition_pruneinfo itself has to be
> List of PartitionedRelPruneInfo nested under PartitionPruneInfo.  I gather
> that each PartitionPruneInfo corresponds to each root partitioned table
> and a PartitionedRelPruneInfo contains the actual pruning information,
> which is created for every partitioned table (non-leaf tables), including
> the root tables.  I don't think such nesting is necessary.  I think that
> just like flattened partitioned_rels list, we should put flattened list of
> PartitionedRelPruneInfo into the Append or MergeAppend plan.  No need for
> nesting PartitionedRelPruneInfo under PartitionPruneInfo.

To do that properly you'd need to mark the target partitioned table of
each hierarchy. Your test of pg_class.relispartition is not going to
work as you're assuming the query is always going to the root. The
user might query some intermediate partitioned table (which will have
relispartition = true). Your patch will fall flat in that case.

You could work around that by having some array that points to the
target partitioned table of each hierarchy, but I don't see why that's
better than having the additional struct. There's also some code
inside ExecFindInitialMatchingSubPlans() which does a backward scan
over the partitions. This must process children before their parents.
Unsure how well that's going to work if we start mixing the
hierarchies. I'm sure it can be made to work providing each hierarchy
is stored together consecutively in the array, but it just seems
pretty fragile to me. That code is already pretty hard to follow.

What's the reason you don't like the additional level to represent
multiple hierarchies?

 David Rowley
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

Re: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11 beta1 on Debian

2018-07-25 Thread Amit Langote
On 2018/07/21 0:17, David Rowley wrote:
> On 20 July 2018 at 21:44, Amit Langote  wrote:
>> But I don't think the result of make_partition_pruneinfo itself has to be
>> List of PartitionedRelPruneInfo nested under PartitionPruneInfo.  I gather
>> that each PartitionPruneInfo corresponds to each root partitioned table
>> and a PartitionedRelPruneInfo contains the actual pruning information,
>> which is created for every partitioned table (non-leaf tables), including
>> the root tables.  I don't think such nesting is necessary.  I think that
>> just like flattened partitioned_rels list, we should put flattened list of
>> PartitionedRelPruneInfo into the Append or MergeAppend plan.  No need for
>> nesting PartitionedRelPruneInfo under PartitionPruneInfo.
> To do that properly you'd need to mark the target partitioned table of
> each hierarchy. Your test of pg_class.relispartition is not going to
> work as you're assuming the query is always going to the root. The
> user might query some intermediate partitioned table (which will have
> relispartition = true). Your patch will fall flat in that case.

Yeah, I forgot to consider that.

> You could work around that by having some array that points to the
> target partitioned table of each hierarchy, but I don't see why that's
> better than having the additional struct.

Or it could be a Bitmapset called root_indexes that stores the offset of
the first Index value in every partitioned_rels list contained in turn in
the list that's passed to make_partition_pruneinfo.

> There's also some code
> inside ExecFindInitialMatchingSubPlans() which does a backward scan
> over the partitions. This must process children before their parents.
> Unsure how well that's going to work if we start mixing the
> hierarchies. I'm sure it can be made to work providing each hierarchy
> is stored together consecutively in the array, but it just seems
> pretty fragile to me. That code is already pretty hard to follow.

I don't see how removing a nested loop changes things for worse.  AIUI,
the code replaces index values contained in the subplan_map arrays of
various PartitionedRelPruningData structs to account for any pruned
sub-plans.  Removing a nesting level because of having removed the nesting
struct doesn't seem to affect anything about that translation.  But your
point here seems to be about the relative ordering of
PartitionedRelPruningData structs among themselves being affected due to
their now being put into a flat array, although I don't see that as being
any more fragile.  We already are assuming a bunch about the relative
ordering of sub-plans or of PartitionedRelPruningData structs to have been
relying on storing their indexes in subplan_map and subpart_map.  Also, it
occurred to me that the new subplan indexes that
ExecFindInitialMatchingSubPlans computes are based on where subplans are
actually stored in the AppendState.appendplans array, which, in turn, is
based on the Bitmapset of "valid subplans" that
ExecFindInitialMatchingSubPlans passes back to ExecInitAppend.

> What's the reason you don't like the additional level to represent
> multiple hierarchies?

I started thinking about flattening PartitionedRelPruneInfo after looking
at flatten_partitioned_rels() in your patch.  If we're flattening
partitioned_rels (that is, not having it as a List of Lists in the
finished plan), why not flatten the pruning info node too?  As I said
earlier, I get it that we need List of Lists within the planner to get
make_partition_pruneinfo to work correctly in these types of queries, but
once we have figured out the correct details to pass to executor to
perform run-time pruning, I don't see why we need to pass that info again
as a List of Lists.

I have attached v2 of the delta patch which adds a root_indexes field to
PartitionPruneInfo to track topmost parents in every partition hierarchy
contained whose pruning info is contained in the Append.

Also, I noticed a bug with how ExecFindInitialMatchingSubPlans handles
other_subplans.  While the indexes in subplan_map arrays are updated to
contain revised values after pruning, those in the other_subplans
Bitmapset are not, leading to crashes or possibly wrong result.  For example:

create table p (a int, b int, c int) partition by list (a);
create table p1 partition of p for values in (1);
create table p2 partition of p for values in (2);
create table q (a int, b int, c int) partition by list (a);
create table q1 partition of q for values in (1) partition by list (b);
create table q11 partition of q1 for values in (1) partition by list (c);
create table q111 partition of q11 for values in (1);
create table q2 partition of q for values in (2) partition by list (b);
create table q21 partition of q2 for values in (1);
create table q22 partition of q2 for values in (2);

prepare q (int, int) as
select *
from (
  select * from p
  union all
  select * from q1
  union all
  select 1, 1, 1
 ) s(a, b, c)
where s.a = $1

Re: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11 beta1 on Debian

2018-08-01 Thread David Rowley
On 20 July 2018 at 01:03, David Rowley  wrote:
> I've attached a patch intended for master which is just v2 based on
> post 5220bb7533.

In [1] I mentioned that I think that bug should be fixed as part of
this bug fix too. It just seems a little strange to fix that one
separately when without the v3 patch for this fix the code still won't
work correctly when any subplans are present which don't belong in the
partition hierarchy.

I've attached a patch which can be applied on top of the v3 patch.


 David Rowley
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

Description: Binary data

Re: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11 beta1 on Debian

2018-08-01 Thread Tom Lane
[ getting back to this thread at last ]

Amit Langote  writes:
> On 2018/07/21 0:17, David Rowley wrote:
>> You could work around that by having some array that points to the
>> target partitioned table of each hierarchy, but I don't see why that's
>> better than having the additional struct.

> Or it could be a Bitmapset called root_indexes that stores the offset of
> the first Index value in every partitioned_rels list contained in turn in
> the list that's passed to make_partition_pruneinfo.

I'm unimpressed with this solution --- that's just another independent
data structure that we'd have to keep in sync with the main one.  (For
instance, if we ever added/removed PartitionedRelPruningData structs in
the list, we'd have to renumber that bitmapset's bits.)  If we wanted to
go that way, it would make much more sense to add an "is_root" boolean
field to the PartitionedRelPruningData structs.  However, I tend to agree
with David that flattening the partitioning struct tree isn't actually a
worthy goal to pursue.  First, I don't see that it buys us much, and
second, I'm afraid we'll just end up undoing it or else adding annotations
that are morally equivalent to having the nested structure.

> Also, I noticed a bug with how ExecFindInitialMatchingSubPlans handles
> other_subplans.  While the indexes in subplan_map arrays are updated to
> contain revised values after pruning, those in the other_subplans
> Bitmapset are not, leading to crashes or possibly wrong result.

This is actually a lovely example of why I dislike having a bunch of
auxiliary bitmapsets (or lists of ints) dangling off the plan tree.
They're maintenance headaches.  I would rather fix this problem by
not having other_subplans in the first place.  Or maybe we should get
rid of the subplan-renumbering business: that looks like bugs waiting to
happen, IMO, and I'm really unconvinced that it buys us anything that's
worth the overhead of doing it.

Off to study David's last patch in more detail.

regards, tom lane

Re: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11 beta1 on Debian

2018-08-01 Thread Tom Lane
David Rowley  writes:
> On 20 July 2018 at 01:03, David Rowley  wrote:
>> I've attached a patch intended for master which is just v2 based on
>> post 5220bb7533.

I've pushed the v3 patch with a lot of editorial work (e.g. cleaning
up comments you hadn't).  I still want to think about getting rid of
some of the "extraneous" bitmapsets and lists that are running around
here ... but time grows short before beta3, and it's not clear that
that would be appropriate material to push into v11 anyway.

> In [1] I mentioned that I think that bug should be fixed as part of
> this bug fix too.

I didn't include this change because (a) it's late, (b) no test
case was included, and (c) I don't entirely believe it anyway.
How would a rel be both leaf and nonleaf?  Isn't this indicative
of a problem somewhere upstream in the planner?

regards, tom lane

Re: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11 beta1 on Debian

2018-08-01 Thread David Rowley
On 2 August 2018 at 11:48, Tom Lane  wrote:
> I've pushed the v3 patch with a lot of editorial work (e.g. cleaning
> up comments you hadn't).

Thanks for doing that.

>> In [1] I mentioned that I think that bug should be fixed as part of
>> this bug fix too.
> I didn't include this change because (a) it's late, (b) no test
> case was included, and (c) I don't entirely believe it anyway.
> How would a rel be both leaf and nonleaf?  Isn't this indicative
> of a problem somewhere upstream in the planner?

It's probably best discussed on the other thread, but it seems to be
by design in accumulate_append_subpath(). Parallel Append nodes don't
get flattened if they contain a mix of parallel aware and non-parallel
aware subplans.

So you might be right, maybe a better option is to have that code
reorder the subplans so that the parallel aware ones stay at the end.
I'm just not convinced that fixing that code means it would mean it
would never happen again. It does not seem too outrageous to me to
support nested Appends, and with those, what else would the Path's
parent RelOptInfo be if it's not the partitioned table that the node's
subpaths belong to?  Or maybe, in that case, the partitioned_rels
belonging to the sub-Append should not have been included in the List
for the top-level Append.

 David Rowley
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

Re: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11 beta1 on Debian

2018-08-02 Thread Alvaro Herrera
On 2018-Aug-01, Tom Lane wrote:

> David Rowley  writes:
> > On 20 July 2018 at 01:03, David Rowley  wrote:
> >> I've attached a patch intended for master which is just v2 based on
> >> post 5220bb7533.
> I've pushed the v3 patch with a lot of editorial work (e.g. cleaning
> up comments you hadn't).

Thanks Tom, much appreciated.

Álvaro Herrera
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

Re: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11 beta1 on Debian

2018-08-07 Thread Rushabh Lathia

Consider the below case:

RANGE (b);
CREATE TABLE pt_p1_p1 PARTITION OF pt_p1 FOR VALUES FROM (11) to (44);
CREATE TABLE pt_p1_p2 PARTITION OF pt_p1 FOR VALUES FROM (44) to (66);

-- rule on root partition to first level child,
new.a WHERE a = old.a;

-- Below command end up with error
UPDATE pt SET a = 3 WHERE a = 2;
ERROR:  child rel 1 not found in append_rel_array

Here update on the partition table fail, if it has rule which is define on
partition table - to redirect record on the child table.

While looking further, I found the test started failing with below commit:

commit 1b54e91faabf3764b6786915881e514e42dccf89
Author: Tom Lane 
Date:   Wed Aug 1 19:42:46 2018 -0400

Fix run-time partition pruning for appends with multiple source rels.

Error coming from below code, where its try to adjust the appendrel
attribute and end up with error from find_appinfos_by_relids().

 * The prunequal is presented to us as a qual for 'parentrel'.
 * Frequently this rel is the same as targetpart, so we can skip
 * an adjust_appendrel_attrs step.  But it might not be, and
 * we have to translate.  We update the prunequal parameter
 * because in later iterations of the loop for child partitions,
 * we want to translate from parent to child variables.
if (parentrel != subpart)
AppendRelInfo **appinfos = find_appinfos_by_relids(root,



prunequal = (List *) adjust_appendrel_attrs(root, (Node *)



On Thu, Aug 2, 2018 at 8:36 PM, Alvaro Herrera 

> On 2018-Aug-01, Tom Lane wrote:
> > David Rowley  writes:
> > > On 20 July 2018 at 01:03, David Rowley 
> wrote:
> > >> I've attached a patch intended for master which is just v2 based on
> > >> post 5220bb7533.
> >
> > I've pushed the v3 patch with a lot of editorial work (e.g. cleaning
> > up comments you hadn't).
> Thanks Tom, much appreciated.
> --
> Álvaro Herrera
> PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

Rushabh Lathia

Re: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11 beta1 on Debian

2018-08-07 Thread Tom Lane
Rushabh Lathia  writes:
> Consider the below case:

I initially thought the rule might be messing stuff up, but you can get
the same result without the rule by writing out the transformed query
by hand:

regression=# explain UPDATE pt_p1 SET a = 3 from pt
  WHERE pt.a = 2 and pt.a = pt_p1.a;
ERROR:  child rel 2 not found in append_rel_array

With enable_partition_pruning=off this goes through without an error.

I suspect the join pruning stuff is getting confused by the overlap
between the two partitioning trees involved in the join; although the
fact that one of them is the target rel must be related too, because
if you just write a SELECT for this join it's fine.

I rather doubt that this case worked before 1b54e91fa ... no time
to look closer today, though.

regards, tom lane

Re: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11 beta1 on Debian

2018-08-07 Thread Amit Langote
On 2018/08/08 8:09, Tom Lane wrote:
> Rushabh Lathia  writes:
>> Consider the below case:
> I initially thought the rule might be messing stuff up, but you can get
> the same result without the rule by writing out the transformed query
> by hand:
> regression=# explain UPDATE pt_p1 SET a = 3 from pt
>   WHERE pt.a = 2 and pt.a = pt_p1.a;
> ERROR:  child rel 2 not found in append_rel_array
> With enable_partition_pruning=off this goes through without an error.
> I suspect the join pruning stuff is getting confused by the overlap
> between the two partitioning trees involved in the join; although the
> fact that one of them is the target rel must be related too, because
> if you just write a SELECT for this join it's fine.
> I rather doubt that this case worked before 1b54e91fa ... no time
> to look closer today, though.

The code pointed out by Rushabh indeed seems to be the culprit in this case.

 * The prunequal is presented to us as a qual for 'parentrel'.
 * Frequently this rel is the same as targetpart, so we can skip
 * an adjust_appendrel_attrs step.  But it might not be, and then
 * we have to translate.  We update the prunequal parameter here,
 * because in later iterations of the loop for child partitions,
 * we want to translate from parent to child variables.
if (parentrel != subpart)
AppendRelInfo **appinfos = find_appinfos_by_relids(root,
subpart->relids, &nappinfos);

prunequal = (List *) adjust_appendrel_attrs(root, (Node *)

This code is looking for the case where we have to translate prunequal's
Vars from UNION ALL parent varno to actual partitioned parent's varno, but
the detection test (if (parentrel != subpart)) turns out to be unreliable,
as shown by this report.  I think the test should be if (parent->relid !=
subpart->relid).  Comparing pointers as is done now is fine without
inheritance_planner being involved, but not when it *is* involved, because
of the following piece of code in it that overwrites RelOptInfos:

 * We need to collect all the RelOptInfos from all child plans into
 * the main PlannerInfo, since setrefs.c will need them.  We use the
 * last child's simple_rel_array (previous ones are too short), so we
 * have to propagate forward the RelOptInfos that were already built
 * in previous children.
Assert(subroot->simple_rel_array_size >= save_rel_array_size);
for (rti = 1; rti < save_rel_array_size; rti++)
RelOptInfo *brel = save_rel_array[rti];

if (brel)
subroot->simple_rel_array[rti] = brel;
save_rel_array_size = subroot->simple_rel_array_size;
save_rel_array = subroot->simple_rel_array;
save_append_rel_array = subroot->append_rel_array;

With this, the RelOptInfos that would've been used to create Paths that
are currently under the subroot's final rel's best path, would no longer
be accessible through that subroot, because they're overwritten by the
corresponding ones in save_rel_array.  Subsequently,
create_modifytable_plan() passes the 'subroot' to create_plan_recurse()
that will recurse down to make_parttionedrel_pruneinfo() via
create_append_plan().  The 'parentrel' RelOptInfo that's fetched off of
AppendPath is no longer reachable from 'subroot', because it's been
overwritten as mentioned above.  'subpart', the RelOptInfo (of the same RT
index) fetched from 'subroot' is thus not the same as 'parentrel'.  So,
the if (parentrel != subpart) test is mistakenly satisfied, leading to the
failure of finding the needed AppendRelInfo, which makes sense, because
'subpart' is not really a child of anything.

Attached is a patch which modifies the if test to compare relids instead
of RelOptInfo pointers.

diff --git a/src/backend/partitioning/partprune.c 
index 752810d0e4..67f0dc5e59 100644
--- a/src/backend/partitioning/partprune.c
+++ b/src/backend/partitioning/partprune.c
@@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ make_partitionedrel_pruneinfo(PlannerInfo *root, RelOptInfo 
 * because in later iterations of the loop for child 
 * we want to translate from parent to child variables.
-   if (parentrel != subpart)
+   if (parentrel->relid != subpart->relid)
int nappinfos;
AppendRelInfo **appinfos = 

Re: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11 beta1 on Debian

2018-08-08 Thread David Rowley
On 8 August 2018 at 17:28, Amit Langote  wrote:
> Attached is a patch which modifies the if test to compare relids instead
> of RelOptInfo pointers.

Thanks for investigating and writing a patch. I agree with the fix.

It's probably worth writing a test that performs run-time pruning from
an inheritance planner plan.  Do you want to include that in your
patch? If not, I can.

 David Rowley
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

Re: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11 beta1 on Debian

2018-08-08 Thread Tom Lane
David Rowley  writes:
> On 8 August 2018 at 17:28, Amit Langote  wrote:
>> Attached is a patch which modifies the if test to compare relids instead
>> of RelOptInfo pointers.

> Thanks for investigating and writing a patch. I agree with the fix.

I changed this to compare the relid sets not just rel->relid, since
rel->relid is only reliable for baserels.  The partitioned rel could
safely be assumed to be a baserel, but I'm less comfortable with
supposing that the parentrel always will be.  Otherwise, added a
test case based on Rushabh's example and pushed.  (I'm not quite
sure if the plan will be stable enough to satisfy the buildfarm,
but we'll soon find out ...)

regards, tom lane

Re: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11 beta1 on Debian

2018-08-08 Thread Amit Langote
On 2018/08/09 0:48, Tom Lane wrote:
> David Rowley  writes:
>> On 8 August 2018 at 17:28, Amit Langote  
>> wrote:
>>> Attached is a patch which modifies the if test to compare relids instead
>>> of RelOptInfo pointers.
>> Thanks for investigating and writing a patch. I agree with the fix.
> I changed this to compare the relid sets not just rel->relid, since
> rel->relid is only reliable for baserels.  The partitioned rel could
> safely be assumed to be a baserel, but I'm less comfortable with
> supposing that the parentrel always will be.  Otherwise, added a
> test case based on Rushabh's example and pushed.  (I'm not quite
> sure if the plan will be stable enough to satisfy the buildfarm,
> but we'll soon find out ...)

Thank you for committing, agreed that comparing relid sets for equality
might be more future-proof.

About the test case, wondering if we should, like David seemed to suggest,
add a test case that would actually use run-time pruning?   Maybe, even
better if the new test also had partitioned parent under UNION ALL parent
under ModifyTable.  Something like in the attached?

One reason why we should adapt such a test case is that, in the future, we
may arrange for make_partitionedrel_pruneinfo(), whose code we just fixed,
to not be called if we know that run-time pruning is not needed.  It seems
that that's true for the test added by the commit, that is, it doesn't
need run-time pruning.

diff --git a/src/test/regress/expected/partition_prune.out 
index 693c348185..61457862a9 100644
--- a/src/test/regress/expected/partition_prune.out
+++ b/src/test/regress/expected/partition_prune.out
@@ -2478,6 +2478,8 @@ deallocate ab_q3;
 deallocate ab_q4;
 deallocate ab_q5;
 -- UPDATE on a partition subtree has been seen to have problems.
+set enable_hashjoin to off;
+set enable_mergejoin to off;
 insert into ab values (1,2);
 explain (analyze, costs off, summary off, timing off)
 update ab_a1 set b = 3 from ab where ab.a = 1 and ab.a = ab_a1.a;
@@ -2556,6 +2558,69 @@ table ab;
  1 | 3
 (1 row)
+truncate ab;
+insert into ab values (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3);
+explain (analyze, costs off, summary off, timing off)
+update ab_a1 set b = 3 from (select * from (select * from ab_a2 union all 
select 1, 2) s where s.b = (select 2)) ss where ss.a = ab_a1.a;
+ Update on ab_a1 (actual rows=0 loops=1)
+   Update on ab_a1_b1
+   Update on ab_a1_b2
+   Update on ab_a1_b3
+   InitPlan 1 (returns $0)
+ ->  Result (actual rows=1 loops=1)
+   ->  Nested Loop (actual rows=1 loops=1)
+ ->  Append (actual rows=1 loops=1)
+   ->  Seq Scan on ab_a2_b1 (never executed)
+ Filter: (b = $0)
+   ->  Seq Scan on ab_a2_b2 (actual rows=0 loops=1)
+ Filter: (b = $0)
+   ->  Seq Scan on ab_a2_b3 (never executed)
+ Filter: (b = $0)
+   ->  Subquery Scan on "*SELECT* 2" (actual rows=1 loops=1)
+ ->  Result (actual rows=1 loops=1)
+   One-Time Filter: (2 = $0)
+ ->  Index Scan using ab_a1_b1_a_idx on ab_a1_b1 (actual rows=1 
+   Index Cond: (a = ab_a2_b1.a)
+   ->  Nested Loop (actual rows=1 loops=1)
+ ->  Append (actual rows=1 loops=1)
+   ->  Seq Scan on ab_a2_b1 (never executed)
+ Filter: (b = $0)
+   ->  Seq Scan on ab_a2_b2 (actual rows=0 loops=1)
+ Filter: (b = $0)
+   ->  Seq Scan on ab_a2_b3 (never executed)
+ Filter: (b = $0)
+   ->  Subquery Scan on "*SELECT* 2_1" (actual rows=1 loops=1)
+ ->  Result (actual rows=1 loops=1)
+   One-Time Filter: (2 = $0)
+ ->  Index Scan using ab_a1_b2_a_idx on ab_a1_b2 (actual rows=1 
+   Index Cond: (a = ab_a2_b1.a)
+   ->  Nested Loop (actual rows=1 loops=1)
+ ->  Append (actual rows=1 loops=1)
+   ->  Seq Scan on ab_a2_b1 (never executed)
+ Filter: (b = $0)
+   ->  Seq Scan on ab_a2_b2 (actual rows=0 loops=1)
+ Filter: (b = $0)
+   ->  Seq Scan on ab_a2_b3 (never executed)
+ Filter: (b = $0)
+   ->  Subquery Scan on "*SELECT* 2_2" (actual rows=1 loops=1)
+ ->  Result (actual rows=1 loops=1)
+   One-Time Filter: (2 = $0)
+ ->  Index Scan using ab_a1_b3_a_idx on ab_a1_b3 (actual rows=1 
+   Index Cond: (a = ab_a2_b1.a)
+(45 rows)
+table ab;
+ a | b 
+ 1 | 3
+ 1 | 3
+ 1 | 3
+(3 rows)
+reset enable_hashjoin;
+reset enable_mergejoin;
 drop table ab, lprt_a;
 -- Join
 create table tbl1(col1 int);

Re: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11 beta1 on Debian

2018-08-08 Thread Tom Lane
Amit Langote  writes:
> One reason why we should adapt such a test case is that, in the future, we
> may arrange for make_partitionedrel_pruneinfo(), whose code we just fixed,
> to not be called if we know that run-time pruning is not needed.  It seems
> that that's true for the test added by the commit, that is, it doesn't
> need run-time pruning.

Not following your argument here.  Isn't make_partition_pruneinfo
precisely what is in charge of figuring out whether run-time pruning
is possible?

(See my point in the other thread about Jaime's assertion crash,
that no run-time pruning actually would be possible for that query.
But we got to the assertion failure anyway.)

regards, tom lane

Re: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11 beta1 on Debian

2018-08-08 Thread Amit Langote
On 2018/08/09 13:00, Tom Lane wrote:
> Amit Langote  writes:
>> One reason why we should adapt such a test case is that, in the future, we
>> may arrange for make_partitionedrel_pruneinfo(), whose code we just fixed,
>> to not be called if we know that run-time pruning is not needed.  It seems
>> that that's true for the test added by the commit, that is, it doesn't
>> need run-time pruning.
> Not following your argument here.  Isn't make_partition_pruneinfo
> precisely what is in charge of figuring out whether run-time pruning
> is possible?

With the current coding, yes, it is...

> (See my point in the other thread about Jaime's assertion crash,
> that no run-time pruning actually would be possible for that query.
> But we got to the assertion failure anyway.)

The first time I'd seen that make_partition_pruneinfo *always* gets called
from create_append_plan if rel->baserestrictinfo is non-NIL, I had
wondered whether we couldn't avoid doing it for the cases for which we'll
end up throwing away all that work anyway.  But looking at the code now,
it may be a bit hard -- analyze_partkey_exprs(), which determines whether
we'll need any execution-time pruning, could not be called any sooner.

So, okay, I have to admit that my quoted argument isn't that strong.


Re: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11 beta1 on Debian

2018-06-08 Thread Tom Lane
Phil Florent  writes:
> explain analyze select * from v where v.k1 > date '2017-01-01';
> ERREUR:  XX000: did not find all requested child rels in append_rel_list
> EMPLACEMENT : find_appinfos_by_relids, prepunion.c : 2643

Reproduced here, thanks for the report!  This is very timely since
we were just in process of rewriting that code anyway ...

regards, tom lane

Re: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11 beta1 on Debian

2018-06-08 Thread David Rowley
On 9 June 2018 at 04:57, Tom Lane  wrote:
> Phil Florent  writes:
>> explain analyze select * from v where v.k1 > date '2017-01-01';
>> ERREUR:  XX000: did not find all requested child rels in append_rel_list
>> EMPLACEMENT : find_appinfos_by_relids, prepunion.c : 2643
> Reproduced here, thanks for the report!  This is very timely since
> we were just in process of rewriting that code anyway ...

Yeah. Thanks for the report Phil.

It looks like this was 499be013de6, which was one of mine.

A more simple case to reproduce is:

drop table listp;
create table listp (a int, b int) partition by list(a);
create table listp1 partition of listp for values in (1);
select * from (select * from listp union all select * from listp) t where a = 1;

I'll look in more detail after sleeping.

 David Rowley
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

Re: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11 beta1 on Debian

2018-06-08 Thread David Rowley
On 9 June 2018 at 06:50, David Rowley  wrote:
> It looks like this was 499be013de6, which was one of mine.
> A more simple case to reproduce is:
> drop table listp;
> create table listp (a int, b int) partition by list(a);
> create table listp1 partition of listp for values in (1);
> select * from (select * from listp union all select * from listp) t where a = 
> 1;
> I'll look in more detail after sleeping.

So it looks like I've assumed that the Append path's partitioned_rels
will only ever be set for partitioned tables, but it can, in fact, be
set for UNION ALL parents too when the union children are partitioned

As a discussion topic, I've attached a patch which does resolve the
error, but it also disables run-time pruning in this case.

There might be some way we can treat UNION ALL parents differently
when building the PartitionPruneInfos. I've just not thought of what
this would be just yet. If I can't think of that, I wonder if this is
a rare enough case not to bother with run-time partition pruning.

 David Rowley
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

Description: Binary data

Re: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11 beta1 on Debian

2018-06-09 Thread Tom Lane
David Rowley  writes:
> So it looks like I've assumed that the Append path's partitioned_rels
> will only ever be set for partitioned tables, but it can, in fact, be
> set for UNION ALL parents too when the union children are partitioned
> tables.

> As a discussion topic, I've attached a patch which does resolve the
> error, but it also disables run-time pruning in this case.

> There might be some way we can treat UNION ALL parents differently
> when building the PartitionPruneInfos. I've just not thought of what
> this would be just yet. If I can't think of that, I wonder if this is
> a rare enough case not to bother with run-time partition pruning.

So, IIUC, the issue is that for partitioning cases Append expects *all*
its children to be partitions of the *same* partitioned table?  That
is, you could also break it with

select * from partitioned_table_a
union all
select * from partitioned_table_b


If so, maybe the best solution is to not allow a partitioning appendrel
to be flattened into an appendrel generated in other ways (particularly,
via UNION ALL).  I also wonder whether it was a bad idea to treat these
as the same kind of path/plan in the first place.

regards, tom lane

Re: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11 beta1 on Debian

2018-06-10 Thread David Rowley
On 10 June 2018 at 04:48, Tom Lane  wrote:
> So, IIUC, the issue is that for partitioning cases Append expects *all*
> its children to be partitions of the *same* partitioned table?  That
> is, you could also break it with
> select * from partitioned_table_a
> union all
> select * from partitioned_table_b
> ?

Not quite. I think what I sent above is the most simple way to break
it. Your case won't because there are no quals to prune with, so
run-time pruning is never attempted.

> If so, maybe the best solution is to not allow a partitioning appendrel
> to be flattened into an appendrel generated in other ways (particularly,
> via UNION ALL).  I also wonder whether it was a bad idea to treat these
> as the same kind of path/plan in the first place.

That might be the best idea. I'll look into that now. The only
drawback I see is that we'll end up pulling tuples through more Append
nodes in cases like you mentioned above.

 David Rowley
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

Re: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11 beta1 on Debian

2018-06-10 Thread Tom Lane
David Rowley  writes:
> On 10 June 2018 at 04:48, Tom Lane  wrote:
>> So, IIUC, the issue is that for partitioning cases Append expects *all*
>> its children to be partitions of the *same* partitioned table?  That
>> is, you could also break it with
>> select * from partitioned_table_a
>> union all
>> select * from partitioned_table_b
>> ?

> Not quite. I think what I sent above is the most simple way to break
> it. Your case won't because there are no quals to prune with, so
> run-time pruning is never attempted.

Well, I hadn't bothered to put in the extra code needed to have a qual
to prune with, but my point remains that it doesn't seem like the current
Append code is prepared to cope with an Append that contains partitions
of more than one top-level partitioned table.

I just had a thought that might lead to a nice solution to that, or
might be totally crazy.  What if we inverted the sense of the bitmaps
that track partition pruning state, so that instead of a bitmap of
valid partitions that need to be scanned, we had a bitmap of pruned
partitions that we know we don't need to scan?  (The indexes of this
bitmap would be subplan indexes not partition indexes.)  With this
representation, it doesn't matter if some of the Append's children
are not supposed to participate in pruning; they just don't ever get
added to the bitmap of what to skip.  It's also fairly clear, I think,
how to handle independent pruning rules for different top-level tables
that are being unioned together: just OR the what-to-skip bitmaps.
But there may be some reason why this isn't workable.

regards, tom lane

Re: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11 beta1 on Debian

2018-06-11 Thread David Rowley
On 11 June 2018 at 12:19, Tom Lane  wrote:
> David Rowley  writes:
>> On 10 June 2018 at 04:48, Tom Lane  wrote:
>>> So, IIUC, the issue is that for partitioning cases Append expects *all*
>>> its children to be partitions of the *same* partitioned table?  That
>>> is, you could also break it with
>>> select * from partitioned_table_a
>>> union all
>>> select * from partitioned_table_b
>>> ?
>> Not quite. I think what I sent above is the most simple way to break
>> it. Your case won't because there are no quals to prune with, so
>> run-time pruning is never attempted.
> Well, I hadn't bothered to put in the extra code needed to have a qual
> to prune with, but my point remains that it doesn't seem like the current
> Append code is prepared to cope with an Append that contains partitions
> of more than one top-level partitioned table.

Besides the partition pruning code, was there other aspects of Append
that you saw to be incompatible with mixed hierarchies?

> I just had a thought that might lead to a nice solution to that, or
> might be totally crazy.  What if we inverted the sense of the bitmaps
> that track partition pruning state, so that instead of a bitmap of
> valid partitions that need to be scanned, we had a bitmap of pruned
> partitions that we know we don't need to scan?  (The indexes of this
> bitmap would be subplan indexes not partition indexes.)  With this
> representation, it doesn't matter if some of the Append's children
> are not supposed to participate in pruning; they just don't ever get
> added to the bitmap of what to skip.  It's also fairly clear, I think,
> how to handle independent pruning rules for different top-level tables
> that are being unioned together: just OR the what-to-skip bitmaps.
> But there may be some reason why this isn't workable.

I think it would be less efficient. A common case and one that I very
much would like to make as fast as possible is when all but a single
partition is pruned. Doing the opposite sounds like more effort would
need to be expended to get the subplans that we do need to scan.

I don't really see the way it works now as a huge problem to overcome
in pruning. We'd just a list of subplans that don't belong to the
hierarchy and tag them on to the matches found in
ExecFindInitialMatchingSubPlans and ExecFindMatchingSubPlans. The
bigger issue to overcome is the mixed flattened list of partition RT
indexes in partitioned_rels.  Perhaps having a list of Lists for
partitioned_rels could be used to resolve that. The question is more,
how to solve for PG11. Do we need that?

I think we'll very soon be wanting to have ordered partition scans
where something like:

create table listp(a int) partition by list(a);
create index on listp(a);
create table listp1 partition of listp for values in (1);
create table listp2 partition of listp for values in (2);


select * from listp order by a;

would be possible with an Append and Index Scan, rather than having a
MergeAppend or Sort. In which case we'll not want mixed partition
hierarchies in the Append subplans. Although, perhaps that would mean
we just wouldn't pullup AppendPaths which have PathKeys.

I have written and attached the patch to stop flattening of
partitioned tables into UNION ALL parent's paths, meaning we can now
get nested Append and MergeAppend paths.

I've added Robert too as I know he was the committer of partitioning
and parallel Append. Maybe he has a view on what should be done about
this? Is not flattening the paths a problem?

 David Rowley
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

Description: Binary data

Re: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11 beta1 on Debian

2018-06-15 Thread Amit Langote
On 2018/06/11 16:49, David Rowley wrote:
> On 11 June 2018 at 12:19, Tom Lane  wrote:
>> David Rowley  writes:
>>> On 10 June 2018 at 04:48, Tom Lane  wrote:
 So, IIUC, the issue is that for partitioning cases Append expects *all*
 its children to be partitions of the *same* partitioned table?  That
 is, you could also break it with

 select * from partitioned_table_a
 union all
 select * from partitioned_table_b

>>> Not quite.

That would be correct I think.  An Append may contain multiple partitioned
tables that all appear under an UNION ALL parent, as in the OP's case and
the example above.  In this case, the partitioned_rels list of Append
consist of non-leaf tables from *all* of the partitioned tables.  Before
run-time pruning arrived, the only purpose of partitioned_rels list was to
make sure that the executor goes through it and locks all of those
non-leaf tables (ExecLockNonLeafAppendTables).  Run-time pruning expanded
its usage by depending it to generate run-time pruning info.

>> I just had a thought that might lead to a nice solution to that, or
>> might be totally crazy.  What if we inverted the sense of the bitmaps
>> that track partition pruning state, so that instead of a bitmap of
>> valid partitions that need to be scanned, we had a bitmap of pruned
>> partitions that we know we don't need to scan?  (The indexes of this
>> bitmap would be subplan indexes not partition indexes.)  With this
>> representation, it doesn't matter if some of the Append's children
>> are not supposed to participate in pruning; they just don't ever get
>> added to the bitmap of what to skip.  It's also fairly clear, I think,
>> how to handle independent pruning rules for different top-level tables
>> that are being unioned together: just OR the what-to-skip bitmaps.
>> But there may be some reason why this isn't workable.
> I think it would be less efficient. A common case and one that I very
> much would like to make as fast as possible is when all but a single
> partition is pruned. Doing the opposite sounds like more effort would
> need to be expended to get the subplans that we do need to scan.
> I don't really see the way it works now as a huge problem to overcome
> in pruning. We'd just a list of subplans that don't belong to the
> hierarchy and tag them on to the matches found in
> ExecFindInitialMatchingSubPlans and ExecFindMatchingSubPlans. The
> bigger issue to overcome is the mixed flattened list of partition RT
> indexes in partitioned_rels.  Perhaps having a list of Lists for
> partitioned_rels could be used to resolve that. The question is more,
> how to solve for PG11. Do we need that?
> I think we'll very soon be wanting to have ordered partition scans
> where something like:
> create table listp(a int) partition by list(a);
> create index on listp(a);
> create table listp1 partition of listp for values in (1);
> create table listp2 partition of listp for values in (2);
> and
> select * from listp order by a;
> would be possible with an Append and Index Scan, rather than having a
> MergeAppend or Sort. In which case we'll not want mixed partition
> hierarchies in the Append subplans. Although, perhaps that would mean
> we just wouldn't pullup AppendPaths which have PathKeys.
> I have written and attached the patch to stop flattening of
> partitioned tables into UNION ALL parent's paths, meaning we can now
> get nested Append and MergeAppend paths.
> I've added Robert too as I know he was the committer of partitioning
> and parallel Append. Maybe he has a view on what should be done about
> this? Is not flattening the paths a problem?

Not speaking for Robert here, just saying from what I know.

I don't think your patch breaks anything, even if does change the shape of
the plan.  So, for:

select * from partitioned_table_a
union all
select * from partitioned_table_b

The only thing that changes with the patch is that
ExecLockNonLeafAppendTables is called *twice* for the two nested Appends
corresponding to partitioned_table_a and partitioned_table_b, resp.,
instead of just once for the top level Append corresponding to the UNION
ALL parent.  In fact, when called for the top level Append,
ExecLockNonLeafAppendTables is now a no-op.


Re: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11 beta1 on Debian

2018-06-15 Thread David Rowley
On 15 June 2018 at 20:37, Amit Langote  wrote:
> select * from partitioned_table_a
> union all
> select * from partitioned_table_b
> The only thing that changes with the patch is that
> ExecLockNonLeafAppendTables is called *twice* for the two nested Appends
> corresponding to partitioned_table_a and partitioned_table_b, resp.,
> instead of just once for the top level Append corresponding to the UNION
> ALL parent.  In fact, when called for the top level Append,
> ExecLockNonLeafAppendTables is now a no-op.

If the top level Append is the UNION ALL one, then there won't be any
partitioned_rels. If that's what you mean by no-op then, yeah. There
are no duplicate locks already obtained in the parent with the child
Append node.

 David Rowley
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

Re: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11 beta1 on Debian

2018-06-17 Thread Amit Langote
On 2018/06/15 20:41, David Rowley wrote:
> On 15 June 2018 at 20:37, Amit Langote  wrote:
>> select * from partitioned_table_a
>> union all
>> select * from partitioned_table_b
>> The only thing that changes with the patch is that
>> ExecLockNonLeafAppendTables is called *twice* for the two nested Appends
>> corresponding to partitioned_table_a and partitioned_table_b, resp.,
>> instead of just once for the top level Append corresponding to the UNION
>> ALL parent.  In fact, when called for the top level Append,
>> ExecLockNonLeafAppendTables is now a no-op.
> If the top level Append is the UNION ALL one, then there won't be any
> partitioned_rels. If that's what you mean by no-op then, yeah. There
> are no duplicate locks already obtained in the parent with the child
> Append node.

Yeah, that's what I meant to say.  I looked for whether the locks end up
being taken twice, once in the UNION ALL parent's ExecInitAppend and then
again in the individual child Appends' ExecInitAppend, but that they
don't, so the patch is right.


Re: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11 beta1 on Debian

2018-06-17 Thread David Rowley
On 18 June 2018 at 14:36, Amit Langote  wrote:
> On 2018/06/15 20:41, David Rowley wrote:
>> If the top level Append is the UNION ALL one, then there won't be any
>> partitioned_rels. If that's what you mean by no-op then, yeah. There
>> are no duplicate locks already obtained in the parent with the child
>> Append node.
> Yeah, that's what I meant to say.  I looked for whether the locks end up
> being taken twice, once in the UNION ALL parent's ExecInitAppend and then
> again in the individual child Appends' ExecInitAppend, but that they
> don't, so the patch is right.

Thanks for looking.

Robert, do you have any objections to the proposed patch?

 David Rowley
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

Re: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11 beta1 on Debian

2018-06-19 Thread Robert Haas
On Sun, Jun 17, 2018 at 10:59 PM, David Rowley
> Thanks for looking.
> Robert, do you have any objections to the proposed patch?

I don't have time to study this right now, but I think the main
possible objection is around performance.  If not flattening the
Append is the best way to make queries run fast, then we should do it
that way.  If making pruning capable of coping with mixed hierarchies
is going to be faster, then we should do that.  If I were to speculate
in the absence of data, my guess would be that failing to flatten the
hierarchy is going to lead to a significant per-tuple cost, while the
cost of making run-time pruning smarter is likely to be incurred once
per rescan (i.e. a lot less).  But that might be wrong, and it might
be impractical to get this working perfectly in v11 given the time we
have.  But I would suggest that you performance test a query that ends
up feeding lots of tuples through two Append nodes rather than one and
see how much it hurts.

Robert Haas
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

Re: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11 beta1 on Debian

2018-06-19 Thread David Rowley
On 20 June 2018 at 02:28, Robert Haas  wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 17, 2018 at 10:59 PM, David Rowley
>> Robert, do you have any objections to the proposed patch?
> I don't have time to study this right now, but I think the main
> possible objection is around performance.  If not flattening the
> Append is the best way to make queries run fast, then we should do it
> that way.  If making pruning capable of coping with mixed hierarchies
> is going to be faster, then we should do that.  If I were to speculate
> in the absence of data, my guess would be that failing to flatten the
> hierarchy is going to lead to a significant per-tuple cost, while the
> cost of making run-time pruning smarter is likely to be incurred once
> per rescan (i.e. a lot less).  But that might be wrong, and it might
> be impractical to get this working perfectly in v11 given the time we
> have.  But I would suggest that you performance test a query that ends
> up feeding lots of tuples through two Append nodes rather than one and
> see how much it hurts.

I've performed two tests. One to see what the overhead of the
additional append is, and one to see what the saving from pruning away
unneeded partitions is. I tried to make the 2nd test use a realistic
number of partitions. Partition pruning will become more useful with
higher numbers of partitions.

Test 1: Test overhead of pulling tuples through an additional append

create table p (a int) partition by list (a);
create table p1 partition of p for values in(1);
insert into p select 1 from generate_series(1,100);
vacuum p1;
set max_parallel_workers_per_gather=0;

select count(*) from (select * from p union all select * from p) p;

tps = 8.530355 (excluding connections establishing)

tps = 7.853939 (excluding connections establishing)

Patched version takes 108.61% of the unpatched time.

Test 2: Tests time saved from run-time partition pruning and not
scanning the index on 23 of the partitions.

create table rp (d date) partition by range (d);
select 'CREATE TABLE rp' || x::text || ' PARTITION OF rp FOR VALUES
FROM (''' || '2017-01-01'::date + (x::text || ' month')::interval ||
''') TO (''' || '2017-01-01'::date + ((x+1)::text || '
month')::interval || ''');'
from generate_Series(0,23) x;
insert into rp select d::date from
generate_series('2017-01-01','2018-12-31', interval '10 sec') d;
create index on rp (d);

select count(*) from (select * from rp union all select * from rp) rp
where d = current_date;

Unpatched: (set enable_partition_pruning = 0; to make it work)
tps = 260.969953 (excluding connections establishing)

tps = 301.319038 (excluding connections establishing)

Patched version takes 86.61% of the unpatched time.

So, I don't think that really concludes much.  I'd say the overhead
shown in test 1 is going to be a bit more predictable as it will
depend on how many tuples are being pulled through the additional
Append, but the savings shown in test 2 will vary.  Having run-time
pruning not magically fail to work when the partitioned table is part
of a UNION ALL certainly seems less surprising.

If I drop the index from the "d" column in test 2, the performance gap
increases significantly and is roughly proportional to the number of

tps = 0.523691 (excluding connections establishing)

tps = 13.453964 (excluding connections establishing)

 David Rowley
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

Re: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11 beta1 on Debian

2018-06-26 Thread David Rowley
On 20 June 2018 at 13:20, David Rowley  wrote:
> select count(*) from (select * from p union all select * from p) p;
> Unpatched:
> tps = 8.530355 (excluding connections establishing)
> Patched:
> tps = 7.853939 (excluding connections establishing)

I've been thinking about this and I'm not so happy about my earlier
proposed fix about not flattening the Appends for UNION ALL parents
with partitioned relation children.  Apart from the additional
overhead of pulling all tuples through an additional Append node, I
also don't like it because we one day might decide to fix it and make
it flatten these again.  It would be much nicer not to fool around
with the plan shapes like that from one release to the next.

So, today I decided to write some code to just make the UNION ALL
parents work with partitioned tables while maintaining the Append
hierarchy flattening.

I've only just completed reading back through all the code and I think
it's correct.  I ended up changing add_paths_to_append_rel() so that
instead of performing concatenation on partitioned_rels from two UNION
ALL children, it creates a List of lists.  I believe this list can
only end up with a 2-level hierarchy of partitioned rels.  I tested
this and it seems to work as I expect, although I think I need to
study the code a bit more to ensure it can't happen. I need to check
if there's some cases where nested UNION ALLs cannot be flattened to
have a single UNION ALL parent.  Supporting this did cause me to have
to check the List->type in a few places. I only saw one other place in
the code where this is done, so I figured that meant it was okay.

In the executor side, I didn't add any pre-calculation code for each
partition hierarchy. I did this previously to save having to re-prune
on individual partitions, but I figured that was at a good enough
level not to have to add it for each partition hierarchy.  I imagine
most partition hierarchies will just contain a single partitioned
table anyway, so an additional level of caching might not buy very
much, but I might just be trying to convince myself of that because
it's late here now.

Anyway... Patch attached.  This is method 3 of the 3 methods I thought
to fix this, so if this is not suitable then I'm out of ideas.

It would be great to get some feedback on this as I'd really like to
be done with it before July.

 David Rowley
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

Description: Binary data

Re: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11 beta1 on Debian

2018-06-29 Thread Alvaro Herrera
On 2018-Jun-27, David Rowley wrote:

> I've only just completed reading back through all the code and I think
> it's correct.  I ended up changing add_paths_to_append_rel() so that
> instead of performing concatenation on partitioned_rels from two UNION
> ALL children, it creates a List of lists.  I believe this list can
> only end up with a 2-level hierarchy of partitioned rels.  I tested
> this and it seems to work as I expect, although I think I need to
> study the code a bit more to ensure it can't happen. I need to check
> if there's some cases where nested UNION ALLs cannot be flattened to
> have a single UNION ALL parent.  Supporting this did cause me to have
> to check the List->type in a few places. I only saw one other place in
> the code where this is done, so I figured that meant it was okay.

Checking a node's ->type member is not idiomatic -- use IsA() for that.
(Strangely, we have IsIntegerList() but only for use within list.c.) But
do we rely on the ordering of these lists anywhere?  I'm wondering why
it's not more sensible to use a bitmapset there (I guess for your
list-of-lists business you'd have a list of bms's).

I didn't look your patch much further.

Since Tom has been revamping this code lately, I think it's a good
idea to wait for his input.

Álvaro Herrera
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

Re: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11 beta1 on Debian

2018-06-29 Thread Tom Lane
Alvaro Herrera  writes:
> Since Tom has been revamping this code lately, I think it's a good
> idea to wait for his input.

I'm on vacation and won't have time to look at this until week after
next.  If you don't mind putting the topic on hold that long, I'll
be happy to take responsibility for it.

regards, tom lane

RE: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11 beta1 on Debian

2018-11-03 Thread Phil Florent
Thanks for your work, our prototype runs OK. PostgreSQL 11 and its now fully 
functional partitioning feature is our validated choice to replace a well-known 
proprietary RDBMS in 100+ public hospitals for our dss application.
Best regards

De : Amit Langote 
Envoyé : jeudi 9 août 2018 06:35
À : Tom Lane
Cc : David Rowley; Rushabh Lathia; Alvaro Herrera; Robert Haas; Phil Florent; 
PostgreSQL Hackers
Objet : Re: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11 beta1 
on Debian

On 2018/08/09 13:00, Tom Lane wrote:
> Amit Langote  writes:
>> One reason why we should adapt such a test case is that, in the future, we
>> may arrange for make_partitionedrel_pruneinfo(), whose code we just fixed,
>> to not be called if we know that run-time pruning is not needed.  It seems
>> that that's true for the test added by the commit, that is, it doesn't
>> need run-time pruning.
> Not following your argument here.  Isn't make_partition_pruneinfo
> precisely what is in charge of figuring out whether run-time pruning
> is possible?

With the current coding, yes, it is...

> (See my point in the other thread about Jaime's assertion crash,
> that no run-time pruning actually would be possible for that query.
> But we got to the assertion failure anyway.)

The first time I'd seen that make_partition_pruneinfo *always* gets called
from create_append_plan if rel->baserestrictinfo is non-NIL, I had
wondered whether we couldn't avoid doing it for the cases for which we'll
end up throwing away all that work anyway.  But looking at the code now,
it may be a bit hard -- analyze_partkey_exprs(), which determines whether
we'll need any execution-time pruning, could not be called any sooner.

So, okay, I have to admit that my quoted argument isn't that strong.
