Re: [HACKERS] New packages built ...

2005-12-11 Thread F Harvell
  On 8.1.1 compiled and installed on Mac OS X 10.4.3 using only the  
provided libraries, I'm receiving the following error when exiting psql:

could not save history to file "/{homedir}/.psql_history":  
Invalid argument

  I see that Tom Lane tracked down the problem back on August 28th:

  Because the error still exists, I'm assuming that no fix was put  
into place at that time.

  I don't believe that the error would be considered critical but if  
it's something that needs to be fixed, I wanted to get the report out  

Mr. F Harvell
First Time Software
407 467-1919

On 10 Dec 2005, at 23:59, Marc G. Fournier wrote:

7.3.12, 7.4.10, 8.0.5 and 8.1.1 ... all should be available on the  
ftp mirrors by now ... please take a quick peak at them, and let us  
know if there appear to be any problems with them ...

General announce of availability going out on monday ...

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Re: [HACKERS] Postgres Crashes

2004-05-05 Thread F Harvell
  This sounds very much like a memory problem.  I would replace all of 
the memory with another set of (preferably known good) memory and see 
if the problems persist.  Also look for other cores that may be 
dropped.  If there are several, memory is the likely cause.  Be aware 
that it will likely be active, large memory applications (of which 
PostgreSQL may be the only one on the server) that will materialize the 

  Memory testing application may also show the problem, however, they 
do not test like production use.  I have had test apps run for weeks 
where production use can cause failures in mere minutes.  Also, note 
that I have seen issues with bad CPU's (bad cache?) that have caused 
similar problems.

On 30 Apr 2004, at 15:24, Prem Gopalan wrote:
We run a multithreaded application that uses postgres 7.4 on Linux
2.4.18, dual cpu Xeon processor machine. We have occassional weird
crashes and have tried a lot of things to reproduce them in house, but
in vain. We do have coredumps and I have listed the backtraces and
their common characteristics here.

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Re: [HACKERS] non-standard escapes in string literals

2002-04-25 Thread F Harvell

On Thu, 25 Apr 2002 15:07:44 EDT, Tom Lane wrote:
> F Harvell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > This also poses the biggest problem in terms of legacy compatibility.
> > Perhaps the answer is to add a runtime config option (and default it
> > to ANSI) and possibly deprecate the C escaping.
> While I wouldn't necessarily object to a runtime option, I do object
> to both the other parts of your proposal ;-).  Backslash escaping is
> not broken; we aren't going to remove it or deprecate it, and I would
> vote against making it non-default.

Sorry, didn't mean to imply that backslash escaping was broken, just
non-compliant.  Beyond that, your recommendations are also probably
the best course of action.

I do desire that the "default" operation of the database be as ANSI
standard compliant as possible, however, I certainly understand the
need to be as backwards compliant as possible.  The only issue that I
can see with keeping the backslash escaping default is that new,
non-PostgreSQL programmers will not be expecting the escaping and will
be potentially blindsided by it.  (A bigger deal since backslashes are
unusual and are not often tested for/with.)  Perhaps prominent notice
in the documentation will be adequate/appropriate.  Maybe a section on
differences with the ANSI standard should be created.  (Is there
currently a compilation of differences anywhere or are they all
dispersed within the documentation?).


Mr. F Harvell  Phone: +1.407.673.2529
FTS International Data Systems, Inc.Cell: +1.407.467.1919
7457 Aloma Ave, Suite 302Fax: +1.407.673.4472
Winter Park, FL 32792 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [HACKERS] non-standard escapes in string literals

2002-04-25 Thread F Harvell

On Thu, 25 Apr 2002 10:41:56 EDT, Bruce Momjian wrote:
> Andrew Pimlott wrote:
> > I posted this some time ago to pgsql-bugs[1], to no response.  So
> > I'll venture to try here.
> > 
> > Postgres breaks the standard for string literals by supporting
> > C-like escape sequences.  This causes pain for people trying to
> > write portable applications.  Is there any hope for an option to
> > follow the standard strictly?
> This is actually the first time this has come up (that I remember).  We
> do support C escaping, but you are the first to mention that it can
> cause problems for portable applications.
> Anyone else want to comment?  I don't know how to address this.

IMHO, I agree that I would like to see the ANSI standard implemented.

While I really like PostgreSQL, it currently does not scale as large
as other DBMS systems.  Due to this, we try to code as database
agnostic as possible so that a port requires a minimum of effort.
Currently there are only a few areas remaining that are at issue.
(Intervals and implicit type conversion have/are being addressed).

I believe that the reason that it hasn't come up as an issue, per se,
is that it would only affect strings with a backslash in them.
Backslash is not a commonly used character.  In addition, MySQL, also
broken, uses backslashes in the same/similar way.  Lots of people
using PostgreSQL are stepping up from MySQL.

This also poses the biggest problem in terms of legacy compatibility.
Perhaps the answer is to add a runtime config option (and default it
to ANSI) and possibly deprecate the C escaping.

F Harvell

Mr. F Harvell  Phone: +1.407.673.2529
FTS International Data Systems, Inc.Cell: +1.407.467.1919
7457 Aloma Ave, Suite 302Fax: +1.407.673.4472
Winter Park, FL 32792 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [HACKERS] Again, sorry, caching.

2002-03-19 Thread F Harvell

On Tue, 19 Mar 2002 12:12:52 CST, "Ross J. Reedstrom" wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 18, 2002 at 09:35:51PM -0500, Neil Conway wrote:
> > > 
> > > "It is an application issue"
> > > This is completely wrong. Caching can not be done against a database without
> > > knowledge of the database, i.e. when the data changes.
> > ...
> > 
> > If we're looking to provide a "quick and easy" caching scheme for users
> > attracted to MySQL's query cache, why not provide this functionality
> > through another application?
> > ...
> > 
> > What does everyone think?
> Neil, this sounds like exactly the approach to follow up on: 
> ...
> Seems like a win all around. Anyone else have comments?
> ...

  I'm not certain the full direction of the thinking here, however, it
seems to me that there are a few considerations that I would like to
see/keep in mind:

I feel that the caching should be SQL transparent.  If it is
implemented reasonably well, the performance gain should be pretty
much universal.  Yes, a large number of queries would never be called
again, however, the results still need to be fetched into memory and
"caching" them for later reuse should involve little more than a
skipped free (think filesystem cache).  It makes more sense to specify
"non-cachable" in a query for tuning than "cacheable".  This also
means that just switching databases to PostgreSQL improves my

Also, it is very important that the caching should be transparent to
the application.  This means that the application should be able to
connect to the database using the "standard" application interface
(i.e., ODBC, PHP, Perl/DBI, etc.)  This allows me to port my existing
Oracle/DB2/MySQL/etc. application to pgsql through normal porting.  If
I have to implement a non-standard interface, I can likely gain even
more performance through custom code and maintain reasonable database

While I am a strong believer in PostgreSQL, many of my customers have
other demands/requirements.  I still want to be able to use my
existing code and libraries when using their database.  Sticking with
the "standards" allows me to develop best of class applications and
interface to best of class databases.  It also allows others to easily
realize the value of PostgreSQL.

F Harvell

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Re: [HACKERS] Unhappiness with forced precision conversion

2001-10-10 Thread F Harvell

On Fri, 05 Oct 2001 19:35:48 -, Thomas Lockhart wrote:
> ...
> Have you actually used ANSI SQL9x time zones? istm that "one offset fits
> all" is really ineffective in supporting real applications, but I'd like
> to hear about how other folks use it.

  Fortunately, most of our date/time information is self-referential.
I.e., we are usually looking at intervals between an initial date/
timestamp and the current date/timestamp.  This has effectively
eliminated the need to deal with time zones.

> > In this case, I believe that it would be preferable to stick with the
> > TIME(0) and TIMESTAMP(6) default precision.  In our applications, we
> > always specify the precision, so, the default precision is not a real
> > concern for us, however, for portability, I still suggest sticking
> > with the standard.
> We are likely to use the 0/6 convention for the next release (though why
> TIME should default to zero decimal places and TIMESTAMP default to
> something else makes no sense).

  The only thing that I can think of is that originally, the DATE and
TIME types were integer values and that when the "new" TIMESTAMP data
type was "created" the interest was to increase the precision.  I
would guess, as you have also suggested, that the standards were based
upon existing implementations (along with an interest in backwards

F Harvell

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Re: [HACKERS] Unhappiness with forced precision conversion

2001-10-10 Thread F Harvell

We use timestamps and intervals quite a bit in our applications.  We
also use several different databases.  Unfortunately, the time/date/
interval area is one that is not at all consistent between databases.
It makes life particularly difficult when trying to re-use application

So far, as compared to many other databases, PostgreSQL, remains
pretty close to the standard (at least for our projects).  The only
areas that we have had issues with is the default inclusion of the
timezone information when retriving the timestamp information and the
slightly non-standard interval literal notation (i.e., including the
year-month or day-time interval information inside the single quotes
with the literal string).

My vote on all datetime questions is to stick strictly to the

Of course sticking to the standard is not always easy as the standard
is not always clear or even consistent.  (I'm only familiar with ANSI
92 not ANSI 99.) Time zones in particular seem to be problematic.

In this case, I believe that it would be preferable to stick with the
TIME(0) and TIMESTAMP(6) default precision.  In our applications, we
always specify the precision, so, the default precision is not a real
concern for us, however, for portability, I still suggest sticking
with the standard.

F Harvell

On Thu, 04 Oct 2001 20:30:24 -, Thomas Lockhart wrote:
> > The code asserts that SQL99 requires the default precision to be zero,
> > but I do not agree with that reading.  What I find is in 6.1:
> > 30) If  is not specified, then 0 (zero) is implicit.
> > If  is not specified, then 6 is implicit.
> > so at the very least you'd need two different settings for TIME and
> > TIMESTAMP.  But we don't enforce the spec's idea of default precision
> > for char, varchar, or numeric, so why start doing so with timestamp?
> Sure, I'd forgotten about the 6 vs 0 differences. Easy to put back in.
> One of course might wonder why the spec *makes* them different.
> "Why start doing so with timestamp?". SQL99 compliance for one thing ;)
> I'm not sure I'm comfortable with the spec behavior, but without a
> discussion I wasn't comfortable implementing it another way.
> > Essentially, what I want is for gram.y to set typmod to -1 when it
> > doesn't see a "(N)" decoration on TIME/TIMESTAMP.  I think everything
> > works correctly after that.
> "... works correctly..." == "... works the way we'd like...". Right?
> This is the start of the discussion I suppose. And I *expected* a
> discussion like this, since SQL99 seems a bit ill-tempered on this
> precision business. We shouldn't settle on a solution with just two of
> us, and I guess I'd like to hear from folks who have applications (the
> larger the better) who would care about this. Even better if their app
> had been running on some *other* DBMS. Anyone?
>  - Thomas

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