[PERFORM] Fwd: Stalled post to pgsql-performance

2017-06-27 Thread Chris Wilson
Hi Karl and Jeff,

On 26 June 2017 at 22:22, Jeff Janes  wrote:

> Be warned that "explain (analyze)" can substantially slow down and distort
> this type of query, especially when sorting.  You should run "explain
> (analyze, timing off)" first, and then only trust "explain (analyze)" if
> the overall execution times between them are similar.

Thanks, I didn't realise that. I will use TIMING OFF from now on.

On 26 June 2017 at 21:32, Karl Czajkowski  wrote:

> > I created the index starting with date and it did make a big
> > difference: down to 10.3 seconds using a bitmap index scan and bitmap
> > heap scan (and then two hash joins as before).
> By the way, what kind of machine are you using?  CPU, RAM, backing
> storage?
> I tried running your original test code and the query completed in
> about 8 seconds, and adding the index changes and analyze statement
> brought it down to around 2.3 seconds on my workstation with Postgres
> 9.5.7.  On an unrelated development VM with Postgres 9.6.3, the final
> form took around 4 seconds.

This is very interesting. I'm using a powerful box:

   - HP ProLiant DL580 G7, Xeon(R) CPU E7- 4850  @ 2.00GHz * 80 cores, 128
   GB RAM, hardware RAID, 3.6 TB SAS array.

  totalusedfree  shared  buff/cache
Mem:   125G2.2G834M 30G122G
Swap:  9.3G 98M9.2G

And disk I/O is fast:

$ dd if=/dev/zero of=/local/tmp/bigfile bs=1M count=100k
107374182400 bytes (107 GB) copied, 234.751 s, 457 MB/s

But your question let me to investigate and discover that we were compiling
Postgres with no optimisations! I've built a new one with -O2 and got the
time down to 3.6 seconds (EXPLAIN with either TIMING OFF or BUFFERS,
there's no material difference).

And again, vacuum your tables.  Heap fetches aren't cheap.

Sorry, I don't understand, why does VACUUM help on a table with no deleted
rows? Do you mean ANALYZE?

> > work_mem = 100MB
> Can you give it more than that?  How many simultaneous connections do you
> expect?

Yes, I can and it does help! By increasing work_mem to 200 MB, I managed to
convert the external merge sort (on disk) to a quicksort in memory, and
reached 3.3 seconds.

The cartestian join is slightly faster at 3.0 seconds, but not enough to be
worth the overhead of creating the join table. I still wish I understood
why it helps.

Jeff, thanks for the explanation about hash joins and sorting. I wish I
understood why a hash join wouldn't preserve order in the first table even
if it has to be done incrementally, since I expect that we'd still be
reading records from the first table in order, but just in batches.

Other possible rewrites to try instead of joins:
>   -- replace the case statement with a scalar subquery
>   -- replace the case statement with a stored procedure wrapping that
> scalar subquery
>  and declare the procedure as STABLE or even IMMUTABLE
> These are shots in the dark, but seem easy enough to experiment with and
> might
> behave differently if the query planner realizes it can cache results for
> repeated use of the same ~100 input values.

I hit a jackpot with jsonb_object_agg, getting down to 2.1 seconds (2.8
with BUFFERS and TIMING <https://explain.depesz.com/s/uWyM>):

explain (analyze, timing off)
with metric as (select jsonb_object_agg(id, pos) AS metric_lookup from
 asset  as (select jsonb_object_agg(id, pos) AS asset_lookup  from
SELECT metric_lookup->id_metric AS pos_metric, asset_lookup->id_asset AS
pos_asset, date, value
FROM metric_value, metric, asset
WHERE date >= '2016-01-01' and date < '2016-06-01'
AND timerange_transaction @> current_timestamp
ORDER BY metric_value.id_metric, metric_value.id_asset, date;

Which is awesome! Thank you so much for your help, both of you!

Now if only we could make hash joins as fast as JSONB hash lookups :)

Cheers, Chris.

Re: [PERFORM] Fwd: Slow query from ~7M rows, joined to two tables of ~100 rows each

2017-06-26 Thread Chris Wilson
> current_timestamp
ORDER BY metric_value.id_metric, metric_value.id_asset, date;

Thanks again for the suggestions :) I'm still very happy for any ideas on
how to get back the 2 seconds longer <https://explain.depesz.com/s/NgfZ>
than it takes without any joins to the dimension tables (3.7 seconds), or
explain why the cartesian join helps and/or how we can get the same speedup
without materialising it.

SELECT id_metric, id_asset, date, value
FROM metric_value
date >= '2016-01-01' and date < '2016-06-01'
AND timerange_transaction @> current_timestamp
ORDER BY date, metric_value.id_metric;

Cheers, Chris.

[PERFORM] Fwd: Slow query from ~7M rows, joined to two tables of ~100 rows each

2017-06-23 Thread Chris Wilson
he joins should be fairly trivial: easily held in memory and
indexed by relatively small integers. They would probably be temporary
tables in our real use case. But removing them (and just selecting the IDs
from metric_value) cuts 4 seconds off the query time (to 3.3 seconds). Why
are they slow?

If I remove one of the joins (asset_pos) then I get a merge join between
two indexes, as expected, but it has a materialize just before it which
makes no sense to me. Why do we need to materialize here? And why
materialise 100 rows into 1.5 million rows? (explain.depesz.com

SELECT metric_pos.pos AS pos_metric, id_asset AS pos_asset, date, value
FROM metric_value
INNER JOIN metric_pos ON metric_pos.id = metric_value.id_metric
date >= '2016-01-01' and date < '2016-06-01'
AND timerange_transaction @> current_timestamp
ORDER BY metric_value.id_metric, metric_value.id_asset, date

 Merge Join  (cost=0.70..209302.76 <070%202093%200276> rows=1520071
width=28) (actual time=0.097..4899.972 rows=152 loops=1)
   Merge Cond: (metric_value.id_metric = metric_pos.id)
   Buffers: shared hit=76403
   ->  Index Only Scan using idx_metric_value_id_metric_id_asset_date on
metric_value  (cost=0.56..182696.87 <056%201826%209687> rows=1520071
width=20) (actual time=0.074..3259.870 rows=152 lo
 Index Cond: ((date >= '2016-01-01'::date) AND (date <
 Filter: (timerange_transaction @> now())
 Heap Fetches: 152
 Buffers: shared hit=76401
   ->  Materialize  (cost=0.14..4.89 rows=100 width=8) (actual
time=0.018..228.265 rows=1504801 loops=1)
 Buffers: shared hit=2
 ->  Index Only Scan using idx_metric_pos_id_pos on metric_pos
 (cost=0.14..4.64 rows=100 width=8) (actual time=0.013..0.133 rows=100
   Heap Fetches: 100
   Buffers: shared hit=2
 Planning time: 0.761 ms
 Execution time: 5253.260 ms

The size of the result set is approximately 91 MB (measured with psql -c |
wc -c). Why does it take 4 seconds to transfer this much data over a UNIX
socket on the same box? Can it be made faster? The data is quite redundant
(it's sorted for a start) so compression makes a big difference, and simple
prefix elimination could probably reduce the volume of redundant data sent
back to the client.

Standard background info:

   - PostgreSQL 9.6.2 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 4.8.5
   20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-4), 64-bit, compiled from source.
   - shared_buffers = 15GB, work_mem = 100MB, seq_page_cost =
   0.5, random_page_cost = 1.0, cpu_tuple_cost = 0.01.
   - HP ProLiant DL580 G7, Xeon(R) CPU E7- 4850  @ 2.00GHz * 80 cores,
   hardware RAID, 3.6 TB SAS array.

Thanks again in advance for any suggestions, hints or questions.

Cheers, Chris.

Re: [PERFORM] Big number of connections

2016-03-31 Thread Chris Cogdon
Although somewhat academic, since pgboucer doesn’t support it (and might not 
ever), have a look at this ticket which, if it was ever supported, would give 
you what you needed:


> On Mar 31, 2016, at 15:47, Alvaro Herrera  wrote:
>> If they are going to keep the client connections open, they would need to
>> run pgbouncer in statement or transaction mode.
> As I understand, in pgbouncer you cannot have connections that serve
> different users.  If each individual requires its own database-level
> user, pgbouncer would not help at all.
> I would look seriously into getting rid of the always-open requirement
> for connections.

— Chris Cogdon

[PERFORM] Adding a ROLLUP switches to GroupAggregate unexpectedly

2016-03-31 Thread Chris Cogdon
Hi folks! I’ve a query where adding a rollup to the group by switches to 
GroupAggregate unexpectedly, where the standard GROUP BY uses HashAggregate. 
Since the rollup should only add one additional bucket, the switch to having to 
sort (and thus a to-disk temporary file) is very puzzling. This reads like a 
query optimiser bug to me. This is the first I’ve posted to the list, please 
forgive me if I’ve omitted any “before bugging the list” homework.

Description: Adding a summary row by changing “GROUP BY x” into “GROUP BY 
ROLLUP (x)” should not cause a switch from HashAggregate to GroupAggregate

Here’s the “explain” from the simple GROUP BY:

projectdb=> explain analyze verbose SELECT error_code, count ( * ) FROM 
api_activities GROUP BY error_code;
 HashAggregate  (cost=3456930.11..3456930.16 rows=5 width=2) (actual 
time=26016.222..26016.223 rows=5 loops=1)
   Output: error_code, count(*)
   Group Key: api_activities.error_code
   ->  Seq Scan on public.api_activities  (cost=0.00..3317425.74 rows=27900874 
width=2) (actual time=0.018..16232.608 rows=36224844 loops=1)
 Output: id, client_id, date_added, kind, activity, error_code
 Planning time: 0.098 ms
 Execution time: 26016.337 ms
(7 rows)

Changing this to a GROUP BY ROLLUP switches to GroupAggregate (with the 
corresponding to-disk temporary table being created):

projectdb=> explain analyze verbose SELECT error_code, count ( * ) FROM 
api_activities GROUP BY rollup (error_code);
 GroupAggregate  (cost=7149357.90..7358614.52 rows=6 width=2) (actual 
time=54271.725..82354.144 rows=6 loops=1)
   Output: error_code, count(*)
   Group Key: api_activities.error_code
   Group Key: ()
   ->  Sort  (cost=7149357.90..7219110.09 rows=27900874 width=2) (actual 
time=54270.636..76651.121 rows=36222428 loops=1)
 Output: error_code
 Sort Key: api_activities.error_code
 Sort Method: external merge  Disk: 424864kB
 ->  Seq Scan on public.api_activities  (cost=0.00..3317425.74 
rows=27900874 width=2) (actual time=0.053..34282.239 rows=36222428 loops=1)
   Output: error_code
 Planning time: 2.611 ms
 Execution time: 82437.416 ms
(12 rows)

I’ve given the output of “EXPLAIN ANAYLZE VERBOSE” rather than non-analyze, but 
there was no difference in the plan.

Running VACUUM FULL ANALYZE on this table makes no difference. Switching to 
Count(error_code) makes no difference. Using GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ((), 
error_code) makes no difference.

I understand that a HashAggregate is possible only if it can fit all the 
aggregates into work_mem. There are 5 different error codes, and the statistics 
(from pg_stats) are showing that PG knows this. Adding just one more bucket for 
the “()” case should not cause a fallback to GroupAggregate.

PostgreSQL version: 9.5.2 (just upgraded today, Thank you! <3 )

(Was exhibiting same problem under 9.5.0)

How installed: apt-get package from apt.postgresql.org 

Settings differences:

 application_name: psql
 client_encoding: UTF8
 DateStyle: ISO, MDY
 default_text_search_config: pg_catalog.english
 dynamic_shared_memory_type: posix
 lc_messages: en_US.UTF-8
 lc_monetary: en_US.UTF-8
 lc_numeric: en_US.UTF-8
 lc_time: en_US.UTF-8
 listen_addresses: *
 log_line_prefix: %t [%p-%c-%l][%a][%i][%e][%s][%x-%v] %q%u@%d 
 log_timezone: UTC
 logging_collector: on
 max_connections: 100
 max_stack_depth: 2MB
 port: 5432
 shared_buffers: 1GB
 ssl: on
 ssl_cert_file: /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem
 ssl_key_file: /etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key
 TimeZone: UTC
 work_mem: 128MB

OS and Version: Ubuntu Trusty: Linux 3.13.0-66-generic #108-Ubuntu SMP Wed Oct 
7 15:20:27 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Program used to connect: psql

Nothing unusual in the logs, apart from the query indicating that it took a 
while to run.

I know that there’s several workarounds I can use for this simple case, such as 
using a CTE, then doing a rollup on that, but I’m simply reporting what I think 
is a bug in the query optimizer.

Thank you for your attention! Please let me know if there’s any additional 
information you need, or additional tests you’d like to run.

— Chris Cogdon mailto:ch...@cogdon.org>>
— Using PostgreSQL since 6.2! 

[PERFORM] Building multiple indexes on one table.

2014-07-17 Thread Chris Ruprecht
Is there any way that I can build multiple indexes on one table without having 
to scan the table multiple times? For small tables, that's probably not an 
issue, but if I have a 500 GB table that I need to create 6 indexes on, I don't 
want to read that table 6 times.
Nothing I could find in the manual other than reindex, but that's not helping, 
since it only rebuilds indexes that are already there and I don't know if that 
reads the table once or multiple times. If I could create indexes inactive and 
then run reindex, which then reads the table once, I would have a solution. But 
that doesn't seem to exist either.

best regards,
chris ruprecht
database grunt and bit pusher extraordinaíre

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Re: [PERFORM] [GENERAL] Approach to Data Summary and Analysis

2014-04-15 Thread Chris Curvey
On Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 10:56 AM, Chris Curvey wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 12:27 PM, Robert DiFalco  > wrote:
>> I have several related tables that represent a call state. Let's think of
>> these as phone calls to simplify things. Sometimes I need to determine the
>> last time a user was called, the last time a user answered a call, or the
>> last time a user completed a call.
>> The basic schema is something like this:
>> CREATE TABLE calls (
>>   id  BIGINT NOT NULL, // sequence generator
>>   user_id BIGINT NOT NULL,
>>   PRIMARY KEY (id),
>> );
>> CREATE TABLE calls_answered (
>>   PRIMARY KEY (id),
>> );
>> And so on for calls_connected, calls_completed, call_errors, etc.
>> Occasionally I will want to know things like "When was the last time a
>> user answered a call" or "How many times has a user been called".
>> I can do these queries using a combination of MAX or COUNT. But I'm
>> concerned about the performance.
>> SELECT MAX(a.id)
>> FROM calls_answered a JOIN calls c ON c.id = a.id
>> WHERE c.user_id = ?;
>> Or the number of answered calls:
>> SELECT MAX(a.id)
>> FROM calls_answered a JOIN calls c ON c.id = a.id
>> WHERE c.user_id = ?;
>> Sometimes I might want to get this data for a whole bunch of users. For
>> example, "give me all users whose have not answered a call in the last 5
>> days." Or even "what percentage of users called actually answered a call."
>> This approach could become a performance issue. So the other option is to
>> create a call_summary table that is updated with triggers.
>> The summary table would need fields like "user_id", "last_call_id",
>> "call_count", "last_answered_id", "answered_count", "last_completed_id",
>> "last_completed_count", etc.
>> My only issue with a summary table is that I don't want a bunch of null
>> fields. For example, if the user was *called* but they have never
>> *answered* at call then the last_call_id and call_count fields on the
>> summary table would be non-NULL but the last_answer_id and answer_count
>> fields WOULD be NULL. But over time all fields would eventually become
>> non-NULL.
>> So that leads me to a summary table for EACH call state. Each summary
>> table would have a user id, a ref_id, and a count -- one summary table for
>> each state e.g. call_summary, call_answered_summary, etc.
>> This approach has the down side that it creates a lot of tables and
>> triggers. It has the upside of being pretty efficient without having to
>> deal with NULL values.  It's also pretty easy to reason about.
>> So for my question -- is the choice between these a personal preference
>> sort of thing or is there a right or wrong approach? Am I missing another
>> approach that would be better?  I'm okay with SQL but I'm not expert so I'm
>> not sure if there is an accepted DESIGN PATTERN for this that I am missing.
>> Thanks!
> (Sorry, fat-fingered and hit "send too early"...)

  id  BIGINT NOT NULL, // sequence generator
  user_id BIGINT NOT NULL,
  connected  TIMESTAMPTZ NULL,
  completed  TIMESTAMPTZ NULL,


Then  your queries end up looking like this:

--last time john answered
FROM calls
where answered is not null
and user_id = ?

-- users that have not answered a call in the last five days (I can think
of a few ways to interpret that phrase)
select myusers.*
from myusers
where not exists
(  select *
  from calls
  where calls.user_id = myusers.user_id
  and answered >= )

-- average ring time
select avg(extract ('seconds' from called - answered))
where answered is not null

I asked the Internet how to train my cat, and the Internet told me to get a

Re: [PERFORM] [GENERAL] Approach to Data Summary and Analysis

2014-04-15 Thread Chris Curvey
On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 12:27 PM, Robert DiFalco

> I have several related tables that represent a call state. Let's think of
> these as phone calls to simplify things. Sometimes I need to determine the
> last time a user was called, the last time a user answered a call, or the
> last time a user completed a call.
> The basic schema is something like this:
> CREATE TABLE calls (
>   id  BIGINT NOT NULL, // sequence generator
>   user_id BIGINT NOT NULL,
>   PRIMARY KEY (id),
> );
> CREATE TABLE calls_answered (
>   PRIMARY KEY (id),
> );
> And so on for calls_connected, calls_completed, call_errors, etc.
> Occasionally I will want to know things like "When was the last time a
> user answered a call" or "How many times has a user been called".
> I can do these queries using a combination of MAX or COUNT. But I'm
> concerned about the performance.
> SELECT MAX(a.id)
> FROM calls_answered a JOIN calls c ON c.id = a.id
> WHERE c.user_id = ?;
> Or the number of answered calls:
> SELECT MAX(a.id)
> FROM calls_answered a JOIN calls c ON c.id = a.id
> WHERE c.user_id = ?;
> Sometimes I might want to get this data for a whole bunch of users. For
> example, "give me all users whose have not answered a call in the last 5
> days." Or even "what percentage of users called actually answered a call."
> This approach could become a performance issue. So the other option is to
> create a call_summary table that is updated with triggers.
> The summary table would need fields like "user_id", "last_call_id",
> "call_count", "last_answered_id", "answered_count", "last_completed_id",
> "last_completed_count", etc.
> My only issue with a summary table is that I don't want a bunch of null
> fields. For example, if the user was *called* but they have never
> *answered* at call then the last_call_id and call_count fields on the
> summary table would be non-NULL but the last_answer_id and answer_count
> fields WOULD be NULL. But over time all fields would eventually become
> non-NULL.
> So that leads me to a summary table for EACH call state. Each summary
> table would have a user id, a ref_id, and a count -- one summary table for
> each state e.g. call_summary, call_answered_summary, etc.
> This approach has the down side that it creates a lot of tables and
> triggers. It has the upside of being pretty efficient without having to
> deal with NULL values.  It's also pretty easy to reason about.
> So for my question -- is the choice between these a personal preference
> sort of thing or is there a right or wrong approach? Am I missing another
> approach that would be better?  I'm okay with SQL but I'm not expert so I'm
> not sure if there is an accepted DESIGN PATTERN for this that I am missing.
> Thanks!
My initial thought is:  that design is over-normalized. The thing you are
trying to model is the call, and it has severl attributes, some of which
may be unknown or not applicable (which is what NULL is for).  So my
thought would be to do something like this:

  id  BIGINT NOT NULL, // sequence generator
  user_id BIGINT NOT NULL,


I asked the Internet how to train my cat, and the Internet told me to get a

[PERFORM] Using a window function in a view

2013-02-28 Thread Chris Hanks
I'm trying to create a view that uses a window function, but it seems that
Postgres is apparently unable to optimize it. Here's a reproduction of my
situation with 9.2.2:


drop table if exists values cascade; create table values ( fkey1 integer
not null, fkey2 integer not null, fkey3 integer not null, value float not
null, constraint values_pkey primary key (fkey1, fkey2, fkey3) ); -- Kind
of hacky, but it roughly resembles my dataset. insert into values select
distinct on (fkey1, fkey2, fkey3) i / 12 + 1 as fkey1, i % 4 + 1 as fkey2,
ceil(random() * 10) as fkey3, random() * 2 - 1 as value from
generate_series(0, 19) i; create or replace view values_view as select
fkey1, fkey3, (derived1 / max(derived1) over (partition by fkey1)) as
derived1, (derived2 / sum(derived1) over (partition by fkey1)) as derived2
from ( select fkey1, fkey3, cast(sum((case when (value > 0.0) then 4 else 1
end)) as double precision) as derived1, sum((case when (value > 0.0) then
(value * 4) else (value + 1) end)) as derived2 from values group by fkey1,
fkey3 ) as t1;
-- This query requires a sequential scan on values, though all the data it
needs could be found much more efficiently with an index scan. explain
analyze select * from values_view where fkey1 = 1263;


Can anyone suggest a way to rewrite this query, or maybe a workaround of
some kind?

Thanks, Chris

[PERFORM] have: seq scan - want: index scan

2012-10-17 Thread Chris Ruprecht
Hi guys,

PG = 9.1.5
OS = winDOS 2008R8

I have a table that currently has 207 million rows.
there is a timestamp field that contains data.
more data gets copied from another database into this database.
How do I make this do an index scan instead?
I did an "analyze audittrailclinical" to no avail.
I tested different indexes - no same behavior.

The query does this:

  audittrailclinical.encountersid = encounter.encountersid 
and   audittrailclinical.timestamp >= '2008-01-01'::timestamp without time zone 
and   audittrailclinical.timestamp <= '2012-10-05'::timestamp without time zone
AND  encounter.practiceid = patient.practiceid 
AND  encounter.patientid = patient.patientid 
AND  encounter.staffid = patient.staffid 
AND  entity.entitysid = audittrailclinical.entitysid 
AND  mmuser.mmusersid = audittrailclinical.mmusersid 
AND  patient.practiceid = patientaccount.practiceid 
AND  patient.patientid = patientaccount.patientid 
AND  patientaccount.accountsid = account.accountsid 
AND  patientaccount.defaultaccount = 'Y' 
AND  patient.dnsortpersonnumber = '347450' ;

The query plan says:

"  ->  Seq Scan on audittrailclinical  (cost=0.00..8637598.76 
rows=203856829 width=62)"
"Filter: (("timestamp" >= '2008-01-01 00:00:00'::timestamp 
without time zone) AND ("timestamp" <= '2012-10-05 00:00:00'::timestamp without 
time zone))"

which takes forever.

How do I make this do an index scan instead?
I did an "analyze audittrailclinical" to no avail.

the table definitions are (the createstamp field is empty - I know, bad data):

CREATE TABLE audittrailclinical
  audittrailid text,
  audittraileventcode text,
  clinicalactivity text,
  eventsuccessful text,
  externalunique text,
  recordstamp timestamp without time zone,
  recorddescription text,
  encountersid integer,
  eventuserlogon text,
  computername text,
  applicationcode text,
  practiceid integer,
  mmusersid integer,
  entitysid integer,
  entityname text,
  "timestamp" timestamp without time zone,
  lastuser integer,
  createstamp timestamp without time zone,
  pgid bigint DEFAULT nextval(('"bravepoint_seq"'::text)::regclass)
ALTER TABLE audittrailclinical
  OWNER TO intergy;
GRANT ALL ON TABLE audittrailclinical TO intergy;
GRANT SELECT ON TABLE audittrailclinical TO rb;

-- Index: atc_en_time

CREATE INDEX atc_en_time
  ON audittrailclinical
  USING btree
  (entitysid , "timestamp" );

-- Index: atc_id

-- DROP INDEX atc_id;

  ON audittrailclinical
  USING btree
  (audittrailid COLLATE pg_catalog."default" );

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Re: [PERFORM] Have: Seq Scan - Want: Index Scan - what am I doing wrong?

2012-10-16 Thread Chris Ruprecht
Thanks Bruce, 

I have, and I even thought, I understood it :). 

I just ran an explain analyze on another table - and ever since the query plan 
changed. It's now using the index as expected. I guess, I have some more 
reading to do.

On Oct 16, 2012, at 20:31 , Bruce Momjian  wrote:

> Have you read our FAQ on this matter?

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Re: [PERFORM] Have: Seq Scan - Want: Index Scan - what am I doing wrong?

2012-10-16 Thread Chris Ruprecht

On Oct 16, 2012, at 20:01 , Evgeny Shishkin  wrote:

> Selecting 5 yours of data is not selective at all, so postgres decides it is 
> cheaper to do seqscan. 
> Do you have an index on patient.dnsortpersonnumber? Can you post a result 
> from 
> select count(*) from patient where dnsortpersonnumber = '347450'; ?

Yes, there is an index:

"Aggregate  (cost=6427.06..6427.07 rows=1 width=0)"
"  ->  Index Scan using patient_pracsortpatientnumber on patient  
(cost=0.00..6427.06 rows=1 width=0)"
"Index Cond: (dnsortpersonnumber = '347450'::text)"

In fact, all the other criteria is picked using an index. I fear that the >= 
and <= on the timestamp is causing the issue. If I do a "=" of just one of 
them, I get an index scan. But I need to scan the entire range. I get queries 
like "give me everything that was entered into the system for this patient 
between these two dates". A single date wouldn't work.

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[PERFORM] Have: Seq Scan - Want: Index Scan - what am I doing wrong?

2012-10-16 Thread Chris Ruprecht
Hi guys,

PG = 9.1.5
OS = winDOS 2008R8

I have a table that currently has 207 million rows.
there is a timestamp field that contains data.
more data gets copied from another database into this database.
How do I make this do an index scan instead?
I did an "analyze audittrailclinical" to no avail.
I tested different indexes - no same behavior.

The query does this:

 audittrailclinical.encountersid = encounter.encountersid 
and   audittrailclinical.timestamp >= '2008-01-01'::timestamp without time zone 
and   audittrailclinical.timestamp <= '2012-10-05'::timestamp without time zone
AND  encounter.practiceid = patient.practiceid 
AND  encounter.patientid = patient.patientid 
AND  encounter.staffid = patient.staffid 
AND  entity.entitysid = audittrailclinical.entitysid 
AND  mmuser.mmusersid = audittrailclinical.mmusersid 
AND  patient.practiceid = patientaccount.practiceid 
AND  patient.patientid = patientaccount.patientid 
AND  patientaccount.accountsid = account.accountsid 
AND  patientaccount.defaultaccount = 'Y' 
AND  patient.dnsortpersonnumber = '347450' ;

The query plan says:

"  ->  Seq Scan on audittrailclinical  (cost=0.00..8637598.76 
rows=203856829 width=62)"
"Filter: (("timestamp" >= '2008-01-01 00:00:00'::timestamp 
without time zone) AND ("timestamp" <= '2012-10-05 00:00:00'::timestamp without 
time zone))"

which takes forever.

How do I make this do an index scan instead?
I did an "analyze audittrailclinical" to no avail.

the table definitions are (the createstamp field is empty - I know, bad data):

CREATE TABLE audittrailclinical
 audittrailid text,
 audittraileventcode text,
 clinicalactivity text,
 eventsuccessful text,
 externalunique text,
 recordstamp timestamp without time zone,
 recorddescription text,
 encountersid integer,
 eventuserlogon text,
 computername text,
 applicationcode text,
 practiceid integer,
 mmusersid integer,
 entitysid integer,
 entityname text,
 "timestamp" timestamp without time zone,
 lastuser integer,
 createstamp timestamp without time zone,
 pgid bigint DEFAULT nextval(('"bravepoint_seq"'::text)::regclass)
ALTER TABLE audittrailclinical
 OWNER TO intergy;
GRANT ALL ON TABLE audittrailclinical TO intergy;
GRANT SELECT ON TABLE audittrailclinical TO rb;

-- Index: atc_en_time

CREATE INDEX atc_en_time
 ON audittrailclinical
 USING btree
 (entitysid , "timestamp" );

-- Index: atc_id

-- DROP INDEX atc_id;

 ON audittrailclinical
 USING btree
 (audittrailid COLLATE pg_catalog."default" );

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[PERFORM] Re: PostgreSQL db, 30 tables with number of rows < 100 (not huge) - the fastest way to clean each non-empty table and reset unique identifier column of empty ones.

2012-07-06 Thread Chris Hanks

Daniel Farina-4 wrote
> On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 4:29 AM, Craig Ringer  wrote:
>> 1) Truncate each table. It is too slow, I think, especially for empty
>> tables.
>> Really?!? TRUNCATE should be extremely fast, especially on empty tables.
>> You're aware that you can TRUNCATE many tables in one run, right?
>> TRUNCATE TABLE a, b, c, d, e, f, g;
> I have seen in "trivial" cases -- in terms of data size -- where
> TRUNCATE is much slower than a full-table DELETE.  The most common use
> case for that is rapid setup/teardown of tests, where it can add up
> quite quickly and in a very big way. This is probably an artifact the
> speed of one's file system to truncate and/or unlink everything.
> I haven't tried a multi-truncate though.  Still, I don't know a
> mechanism besides slow file system truncation time that would explain
> why DELETE would be significantly faster.
> -- 
> fdr
> -- 
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That's my experience - I have a set of regression tests that clean the
database (deletes everything from a single parent table and lets the
referential integrity checks cascade to delete five other tables) at the end
of each test run, and it can complete 90 tests (including 90 mass deletes)
in a little over five seconds. If I replace that simple delete with a
truncation of all six tables at once, my test run balloons to 42 seconds.

I run my development database with synchronous_commit = off, though, so I
guess TRUNCATE has to hit the disk while the mass delete doesn't.

View this message in context: 
Sent from the PostgreSQL - performance mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Re: [PERFORM] Select from sequence in slow query log

2012-06-01 Thread Chris Rimmer
It looks like this effect only occurs in the middle of the night when there
is some kind of automated dump process going on and the system is under
higher than normal load. I haven't managed to reproduce them outside of
production, but since these oddities don't seem to show up during normal
operations, I'm not worrying too much about them now.



On 1 June 2012 14:47, Tom Lane  wrote:

> Chris Rimmer  writes:
> > While investigating some performance issues I have been looking at slow
> > queries logged to the postgresql.log file.  A strange thing that I have
> > seen is a series of apparently very slow queries that just select from a
> > sequence. It is as if access to a sequence is blocked for many sessions
> and
> > then released as I get log entries like this appearing:
> > LOG:  duration: 23702.553 ms  execute : /* dynamic native SQL
> > query */ select nextval ('my_sequence') as nextval
> > LOG:  duration: 23673.068 ms  execute : /* dynamic native SQL
> > query */ select nextval ('my_sequence') as nextval
> > LOG:  duration: 23632.729 ms  execute : /* dynamic native SQL
> > query */ select nextval ('my_sequence') as nextval
> > (Many similar lines)
> That's pretty weird.  What else is being done to that sequence?  Is it
> only the sequence ops that are slow, or does this happen at times when
> everything else is slow too?  Can you create a reproducible test case?
>regards, tom lane

[PERFORM] Select from sequence in slow query log

2012-06-01 Thread Chris Rimmer
While investigating some performance issues I have been looking at slow
queries logged to the postgresql.log file.  A strange thing that I have
seen is a series of apparently very slow queries that just select from a
sequence. It is as if access to a sequence is blocked for many sessions and
then released as I get log entries like this appearing:

LOG:  duration: 23702.553 ms  execute : /* dynamic native SQL
query */ select nextval ('my_sequence') as nextval
LOG:  duration: 23673.068 ms  execute : /* dynamic native SQL
query */ select nextval ('my_sequence') as nextval
LOG:  duration: 23632.729 ms  execute : /* dynamic native SQL
query */ select nextval ('my_sequence') as nextval
(Many similar lines)
LOG:  duration: 3055.057 ms  execute : /* dynamic native SQL query
*/ select nextval ('my_sequence') as nextval
LOG:  duration: 2377.621 ms  execute : /* dynamic native SQL query
*/ select nextval ('my_sequence') as nextval
LOG:  duration: 743.732 ms  execute : /* dynamic native SQL query
*/ select nextval ('my_sequence') as nextval

The code is being executed via Hibernate, but using
Session.createSQLQuery(), so the SQL above appears in the source as above
(minus the comment) and not as part of any ORM magic. We are using
Postgresql 9.0.

This seems very strange to me. What could cause a sequence to be locked for
such a long time?
The sequence in question has cache set at 1. Would setting this higher make
any difference?



Re: [PERFORM] Hardware advice for scalable warehouse db

2011-07-15 Thread chris r.
Hi list,

Thanks a lot for your very helpful feedback!

> I've tested MD1000, MD1200, and MD1220 arrays before, and always gotten
> seriously good performance relative to the dollars spent
Great hint, but I'm afraid that's too expensive for us. But it's a great
way to scale over the years, I'll keep that in mind.

I had a look at other server vendors who offer 4U servers with slots for
16 disks for 4k in total (w/o disks), maybe that's an even
cheaper/better solution for us. If you had the choice between 16 x 2TB
SATA vs. a server with some SSDs for WAL/indexes and a SAN (with SATA
disk) for data, what would you choose performance-wise?

Again, thanks so much for your help.


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[PERFORM] Hardware advice for scalable warehouse db

2011-07-14 Thread chris
Hi list,

My employer will be donated a NetApp FAS 3040 SAN [1] and we want to run
our warehouse DB on it. The pg9.0 DB currently comprises ~1.5TB of
tables, 200GB of indexes, and grows ~5%/month. The DB is not update
critical, but undergoes larger read and insert operations frequently.

My employer is a university with little funds and we have to find a
cheap way to scale for the next 3 years, so the SAN seems a good chance
to us. We are now looking for the remaining server parts to maximize DB
performance with costs <= $4000. I digged out the following
configuration with the discount we receive from Dell:

  1 x Intel Xeon X5670, 6C, 2.93GHz, 12M Cache
  16 GB (4x4GB) Low Volt DDR3 1066Mhz
  PERC H700 SAS RAID controller
  4 x 300 GB 10k SAS 6Gbps 2.5" in RAID 10

I was thinking to put the WAL and the indexes on the local disks, and
the rest on the SAN. If funds allow, we might downgrade the disks to
SATA and add a 50 GB SATA SSD for the WAL (SAS/SATA mixup not possible).

Any comments on the configuration? Any experiences with iSCSI vs. Fibre
Channel for SANs and PostgreSQL? If the SAN setup sucks, do you see a
cheap alternative how to connect as many as 16 x 2TB disks as DAS?

Thanks so much!


[1]: http://www.b2net.co.uk/netapp/fas3000.pdf

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[PERFORM] Benchmarking a large server

2011-05-09 Thread Chris Hoover
I've got a fun problem.

My employer just purchased some new db servers that are very large.  The
specs on them are:

4 Intel X7550 CPU's (32 physical cores, HT turned off)
1 TB Ram
1.3 TB Fusion IO (2 1.3 TB Fusion IO Duo cards in a raid 10)
3TB Sas Array (48 15K 146GB spindles)

The issue we are running into is how do we benchmark this server,
specifically, how do we get valid benchmarks for the Fusion IO card?
 Normally to eliminate the cache effect, you run iozone and other benchmark
suites at 2x the ram.  However, we can't do that due to 2TB > 1.3TB.

So, does anyone have any suggestions/experiences in benchmarking storage
when the storage is smaller then 2x memory?



Re: [PERFORM] Multiple index builds on same table - in one sweep?

2011-04-09 Thread Chris Ruprecht
I'm running 2 tests now, one, where I'm doing the traditional indexing, in 
sequence. The server isn't doing anything else, so I should get pretty accurate 
Test 2 will win all the create index sessions in separate sessions in parallel 
(echo "create index ..."|psql ... & ) once the 'serial build' test is done.

Maybe, in a future release, somebody will develop something that can create 
indexes as inactive and have a build tool build and activate them at the same 
time. Food for thought?
On Apr 9, 2011, at 13:10 , Tom Lane wrote:

> Chris Ruprecht  writes:
>> I have a table that I need to rebuild indexes on from time to time (records 
>> get loaded before indexes get build).
>> To build the indexes, I use 'create index ...', which reads the entire table 
>> and builds the index, one at a time.
>> I'm wondering if there is a way to build these indexes in parallel while 
>> reading the table only once for all indexes and building them all at the 
>> same time. Is there an index build tool that I missed somehow, that can do 
>> this?
> I don't know of any automated tool, but if you launch several CREATE
> INDEX operations on the same table at approximately the same time (in
> separate sessions), they should share the I/O required to read the
> table.  (The "synchronized scans" feature guarantees this in recent
> PG releases, even if you're not very careful about starting them at
> the same time.)
> The downside of that is that you need N times the working memory and
> you will have N times the subsidiary I/O for sort temp files and writes
> to the finished indexes.  Depending on the characteristics of your I/O
> system it's not hard to imagine this being a net loss ... but it'd be
> interesting to experiment.
>   regards, tom lane

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[PERFORM] Multiple index builds on same table - in one sweep?

2011-04-09 Thread Chris Ruprecht
I have a table that I need to rebuild indexes on from time to time (records get 
loaded before indexes get build).

To build the indexes, I use 'create index ...', which reads the entire table 
and builds the index, one at a time.
I'm wondering if there is a way to build these indexes in parallel while 
reading the table only once for all indexes and building them all at the same 
time. Is there an index build tool that I missed somehow, that can do this?


best regards,
chris ruprecht
database grunt and bit pusher extraordinaíre

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2011-03-22 Thread Chris

On 23/03/11 11:52, felix wrote:

I posted many weeks ago about a severe problem with a table that was
obviously bloated and was stunningly slow. Up to 70 seconds just to get
a row count on 300k rows.

I removed the text column, so it really was just a few columns of fixed
Still very bloated.  Table size was 450M

The advice I was given was to do CLUSTER, but this did not reduce the
table size in the least.
Nor performance.

Also to resize my free space map (which still does need to be done).
Since that involves tweaking the kernel settings, taking the site down
and rebooting postgres and exposing the system to all kinds of risks and
unknowns and expensive experimentations I was unable to do it and have
had to hobble along with a slow table in my backend holding up jobs.

Much swearing that nobody should ever do VACUUM FULL.  Manual advises
against it.  Only crazy people do that.

moral of the story:  if your table is really bloated, just do VACUUM FULL

You'll need to reindex that table now - vacuum full can bloat your 
indexes which will affect your other queries.

reindex table fastadder_fastadderstatus;

Postgresql & php tutorials

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[PERFORM] Estimating hot data size

2011-02-16 Thread Chris Hoover

I'm trying to estimate the size of my hot data set, and wanted to get some
validation that I'm doing this correctly.

Basically, I'm using the sum(heap_blks_read + idx_blks_read) from
pg_statio_all_tables, and diffing the numbers over a period of time (1 hour
at least).  Is this a fair estimate?  The reason for doing this is we are
looking at new server hardware, and I want to try and get enough ram on the
machine to keep the hot data in memory plus provide room for growth.





*Total Blocks*

2011-02-16 11:25:34.621874-05


2011-02-16 12:25:46.486719-05


To get the hot data for this hour (in KB), I'm taking:

 (123,325,880,943.00 - 123,260,464,427.00)* 8 = 523,332,128KB


Re: [PERFORM] Why we don't want hints

2011-02-10 Thread Chris Browne
robertmh...@gmail.com (Robert Haas) writes:
> On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 11:45 AM, Kevin Grittner
>  wrote:
>> Well, I'm comfortable digging in my heels against doing *lame* hints
>> just because "it's what all the other kids are doing," which I think
>> is the only thing which would have satisfied the OP on this thread.
>> From both on-list posts and ones exchanged off-list with me, it
>> seems he was stubbornly resistant to properly tuning the server to
>> see if any problems remained, or posting particular problems to see
>> how they would be most effectively handled in PostgreSQL.  We
>> obviously can't be drawn into dumb approaches because of
>> ill-informed demands like that.
> Nor was I proposing any such thing.  But that doesn't make "we don't
> want hints" an accurate statement.  Despite the impression that OP
> went away with, the real situation is a lot more nuanced than that,
> and the statement on the Todo list gives the wrong impression, IMHO.

I have added the following comment to the ToDo:

   We are not interested to implement hints in ways they are commonly
   implemented on other databases, and proposals based on "because
   they've got them" will not be welcomed.  If you have an idea that
   avoids the problems that have been observed with other hint systems,
   that could lead to valuable discussion.

That seems to me to characterize the nuance.
let name="cbbrowne" and tld="gmail.com" in String.concat "@" [name;tld];;
If only women came with pull-down menus and online help.

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Re: [PERFORM] getting the most of out multi-core systems for repeated complex SELECT statements

2011-02-04 Thread Chris Browne
gnuo...@rcn.com writes:
> Time for my pet meme to wiggle out of its hole (next to Phil's, and a
> day later).  For PG to prosper in the future, it has to embrace the
> multi-core/processor/SSD machine at the query level.  It has to.  And
> it has to because the Big Boys already do so, to some extent, and
> they've realized that the BCNF schema on such machines is supremely
> efficient.  PG/MySql/OSEngineOfChoice will get left behind simply
> because the efficiency offered will be worth the price.
> I know this is far from trivial, and my C skills are such that I can
> offer no help.  These machines have been the obvious "current" machine
> in waiting for at least 5 years, and those applications which benefit
> from parallelism (servers of all kinds, in particular) will filter out
> the winners and losers based on exploiting this parallelism.
> Much as it pains me to say it, but the MicroSoft approach to software:
> write to the next generation processor and force users to upgrade,
> will be the winning strategy for database engines.  There's just way
> too much to gain.

I'm not sure how true that is, really.  (e.g. - "too much to gain.")

I know that Jan Wieck and I have been bouncing thoughts on valid use of
threading off each other for *years*, now, and it tends to be
interesting but difficult to the point of impracticality.

But how things play out are quite fundamentally different for different
usage models.

It's useful to cross items off the list, so we're left with the tough
ones that are actually a problem.

1.  For instance, OLTP applications, that generate a lot of concurrent
connections, already do perfectly well in scaling on multi-core systems.
Each connection is a separate process, and that already harnesses
multi-core systems perfectly well.  Things have improved a lot over the
last 10 years, and there may yet be further improvements to be found,
but it seems pretty reasonable to me to say that the OLTP scenario can
be treated as "solved" in this context.

The scenario where I can squint and see value in trying to multithread
is the contrast to that, of OLAP.  The case where we only use a single
core, today, is where there's only a single connection, and a single
query, running.

But that can reasonably be further constrained; not every
single-connection query could be improved by trying to spread work
across cores.  We need to add some further assumptions:

2.  The query needs to NOT be I/O-bound.  If it's I/O bound, then your
system is waiting for the data to come off disk, rather than to do
processing of that data.

That condition can be somewhat further strengthened...  It further needs
to be a query where multi-processing would not increase the I/O burden.

Between those two assumptions, that cuts the scope of usefulness to a
very considerable degree.

And if we *are* multiprocessing, we introduce several new problems, each
of which is quite troublesome:

 - How do we decompose the query so that the pieces are processed in
   ways that improve processing time?

   In effect, how to generate a parallel query plan?

   It would be more than stupid to consider this to be "obvious."  We've
   got 15-ish years worth of query optimization efforts that have gone
   into Postgres, and many of those changes were not "obvious" until
   after they got thought through carefully.  This multiplies the
   complexity, and opportunity for error.

 - Coordinating processing

   Becomes quite a bit more complex.  Multiple threads/processes are
   accessing parts of the same data concurrently, so a "parallelized
   query" that harnesses 8 CPUs might generate 8x as many locks and
   analogous coordination points.

 - Platform specificity

   Threading is a problem in that each OS platform has its own
   implementation, and even when they claim to conform to common
   standards, they still have somewhat different interpretations.  This
   tends to go in one of the following directions:

a) You have to pick one platform to do threading on.

   Oops.  There's now PostgreSQL-Linux, that is the only platform
   where our multiprocessing thing works.  It could be worse than
   that; it might work on a particular version of a particular OS...

b) You follow some apparently portable threading standard

   And find that things are hugely buggy because the platforms
   follow the standard a bit differently.  And perhaps this means
   that, analogous to a), you've got a set of platforms where this
   "works" (for some value of "works"), and others where it can't.
   That's almost as evil as a).

c) You follow some apparently portable threading standard

   And need to wrap things in a pretty thick safety blanket to make
   sure it is compatible with all the bugs in interpretation and
   implementation.  Complexity++, and performance probably suffers.

   None of these are particularly palatable, which is why threading
   proposals get a lot of pushback.


Re: [HACKERS] [PERFORM] Slow count(*) again...

2011-02-03 Thread Chris Browne
mladen.gog...@vmsinfo.com (Mladen Gogala) writes:
> I must say that this purist attitude is extremely surprising to
> me. All the major DB vendors support optimizer hints, yet in the
> Postgres community, they are considered bad with almost religious
> fervor.
> Postgres community is quite unique with the fatwa against hints.

Well, the community declines to add hints until there is actual
consensus on a good way to add hints.

Nobody has ever proposed a way to add hints where consensus was arrived
at that the way was good, so...
Rules of the Evil Overlord #192.  "If I appoint someone as my consort,
I will  not subsequently inform  her that she  is being replaced  by a
younger, more attractive woman.  

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Re: [HACKERS] [PERFORM] Slow count(*) again...

2011-02-03 Thread Chris Browne
mladen.gog...@vmsinfo.com (Mladen Gogala) writes:
> Hints are not even that complicated to program. The SQL parser should
> compile the list of hints into a table and optimizer should check
> whether any of the applicable access methods exist in the table. If it
> does - use it. If not, ignore it. This looks to me like a
> philosophical issue, not a programming issue.

It's worth looking back to what has already been elaborated on in the

Optimizer hints (not wanted)

Optimizer hints are used to work around problems in the optimizer and
introduce upgrade and maintenance issues. We would rather have the
problems reported and fixed. We have discussed a more sophisticated
system of per-class cost adjustment instead, but a specification remains
to be developed.

The complaint is that kludging hints into a particular query attacks the
problem from the wrong direction.

The alternative recommended is to collect some declarative information,
that *won't* be part of the query, that *won't* be processed by the
parser, and that *won't* kludge up the query with information that is
liable to turn into crud over time.

Tom Lane was pretty specific about some kinds of declarative information
that seemed useful:

On Jeapordy, participants are expected to phrase one's answers in the
form of a question, and doing so is rewarded.

Based on the presence of "query hints" on the Not Wanted portion of the
ToDo list, it's pretty clear that participants here are expected to
propose optimizer hints in ways that do NOT involve decorating queries
with crud.  You'll get a vastly friendlier response if you at least make
an attempt to attack the problem in the "declarative information"

Perhaps we're all wrong in believing that pushing query optimization
information into application queries by decorating the application with
hints, is the right idea but it's a belief that certainly seems to be
regularly agreed upon by gentle readers.
The people's revolutionary committee has  decided that the name "e" is
retrogressive, unmulticious   and reactionary, and  has  been flushed.
Please update your abbrevs.

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Re: [PERFORM] the XID question

2011-01-19 Thread Chris Browne
kevin.gritt...@wicourts.gov ("Kevin Grittner") writes:
> Filip Rembia*kowski wrote: 
>> 2011/1/19 Charles.Hou :
>>> " select * from mybook" SQL command also increase the XID ?
>> Yes. Single SELECT is a transaction. Hence, it needs a transaction
>> ID.
> No, not in recent versions of PostgreSQL.  There's virtual
> transaction ID, too; which is all that's needed unless the
> transaction writes something.
> Also, as a fine point, if you use explicit database transactions
> (with BEGIN or START TRANSACTION) then you normally get one XID for
> the entire transaction, unless you use SAVEPOINTs.

Erm, "not *necessarily* in recent versions of PostgreSQL."

A read-only transaction won't consume XIDs, but if you don't expressly
declare it read-only, they're still liable to get eaten...
(format nil "~S@~S" "cbbrowne" "gmail.com")
Parenthesize to avoid ambiguity.

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Re: [PERFORM] "COPY TO stdout" statements occurrence in log files

2011-01-14 Thread Chris Browne
msakre...@truviso.com (Maciek Sakrejda) writes:
>> Is this normal? I'm afraid because my application doesn't run this kind of
>> statement, so how can I know what is doing these commands? Maybe pg_dump?
> I think pg_dump is likely, yes, if you have that scheduled. I don't
> think anything in the log file will identify it as pg_dump explicitly
> (I believe as far as the server is concerned, pg_dump is just another
> client), but if you're concerned about this, you can add the client
> pid (%p) to log_line_prefix in postgresql.conf, log the pg_dump pid
> through whatever mechanism manages that, and compare.

That's an option...  More are possible...

1.  Our DBAs have been known to create users specifically for doing
backups ("dumpy").  It doesn't seem like a *huge* proliferation of users
to have some 'utility' user names for common processes.

2.  In 9.1, there will be a new answer, as there's a GUC to indicate the
"Programming today  is a race  between software engineers  striving to
build bigger and better  idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying
to  produce  bigger  and  better  idiots.  So  far,  the  Universe  is
winning."  -- Rich Cook

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Re: [PERFORM] best db schema for time series data?

2010-11-19 Thread Chris Browne
vindex+lists-pgsql-performa...@apartia.org (Louis-David Mitterrand)
> On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 11:35:24AM -0500, Chris Browne wrote:
>> vindex+lists-pgsql-performa...@apartia.org (Louis-David Mitterrand)
>> writes:
>> > I have to collect lots of prices from web sites and keep track of their
>> > changes. What is the best option?
>> >
>> > 1) one 'price' row per price change:
>> >
>> >create table price (
>> >id_price primary key,
>> >id_product integer references product,
>> >price integer
>> >);
>> >
>> > 2) a single 'price' row containing all the changes:
>> >
>> >create table price (
>> >id_price primary key,
>> >id_product integer references product,
>> >price integer[] -- prices are 'pushed' on this array as they 
>> > change
>> >);
>> >
>> > Which is bound to give the best performance, knowing I will often need
>> > to access the latest and next-to-latest prices?
>> I'd definitely bias towards #1, but with a bit of a change...
>> create table product (
>>   id_product serial primary key
>> );
>> create table price (
>>id_product integer references product,
>>as_at timestamptz default now(),
>>primary key (id_product, as_at),
>>price integer
>> );
> Hi Chris,
> So an "id_price serial" on the price table is not necessary in your
> opinion? I am using "order by id_price limit X" or "max(id_price)" to
> get at the most recent prices.

It (id_price) is an extra piece of information that doesn't reveal an
important fact, namely when the price was added.

I'm uncomfortable with adding data that doesn't provide much more
information, and it troubles me when people put a lot of interpretation
into the meanings of SERIAL columns.

I'd like to set up some schemas (for experiment, if not necessarily to
get deployed to production) where I'd use DCE UUID values rather than
sequences, so that people wouldn't make the error of imagining meanings
in the values that aren't really there.  

And I suppose that there lies a way to think about it...  If you used
UUIDs rather than SERIAL, how would your application break?  

And of the ways in which it would break, which of those are errors that
fall from:

 a) Ignorant usage, assuming order that isn't really there?  (e.g. - a
SERIAL might capture some order information, but UUID won't!)

 b) Inadequate data capture, where you're using the implicit data
collection from SERIAL to capture, poorly, information that should
be expressly captured?

When I added the timestamp to the "price" table, that's intended to
address b), capturing the time that the price was added.

>> The query to get the last 5 prices for a product should be
>> splendidly efficient:
>>select price, as_at from price
>> where id_product = 17
>> order by as_at desc limit 5;
>> (That'll use the PK index perfectly nicely.)
>> If you needed higher performance, for "latest price," then I'd add a
>> secondary table, and use triggers to copy latest price into place:
>>   create table latest_prices (
>>  id_product integer primary key references product,
>>  price integer
>>   );
> I did the same thing with a 'price_dispatch' trigger and partitioned
> tables (inheritance). It's definitely needed when the price database
> grow into the millions.
> Thanks,

The conversations are always interesting!  Cheers!
output = ("cbbrowne" "@" "gmail.com")
FLORIDA: If you think we can't vote, wait till you see us drive.

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Re: [PERFORM] best db schema for time series data?

2010-11-16 Thread Chris Browne
vindex+lists-pgsql-performa...@apartia.org (Louis-David Mitterrand)
> I have to collect lots of prices from web sites and keep track of their
> changes. What is the best option?
> 1) one 'price' row per price change:
>   create table price (
>   id_price primary key,
>   id_product integer references product,
>   price integer
>   );
> 2) a single 'price' row containing all the changes:
>   create table price (
>   id_price primary key,
>   id_product integer references product,
>   price integer[] -- prices are 'pushed' on this array as they 
> change
>   );
> Which is bound to give the best performance, knowing I will often need
> to access the latest and next-to-latest prices?

I'd definitely bias towards #1, but with a bit of a change...

create table product (
  id_product serial primary key

create table price (
   id_product integer references product,
   as_at timestamptz default now(),
   primary key (id_product, as_at),
   price integer

The query to get the last 5 prices for a product should be
splendidly efficient:

   select price, as_at from price
where id_product = 17
order by as_at desc limit 5;

(That'll use the PK index perfectly nicely.)

If you needed higher performance, for "latest price," then I'd add a
secondary table, and use triggers to copy latest price into place:

  create table latest_prices (
 id_product integer primary key references product,
 price integer

create or replace function capture_latest_price () returns trigger as $$
delete from latest_prices where id_product = NEW.id_product;
insert into latest_prices (id_product,price) values
   (NEW.id_product, NEW.price);
return NEW;
$$ language plpgsql;

create trigger price_capture after insert on price execute procedure 

This captures *just* the latest price for each product.  (There's a bit
of race condition - if there are two concurrent price updates, one will
fail, which wouldn't happen without this trigger in place.)
"... Turns   out that JPG  was in  fact using his  brain... and   I am
inclined to encourage him  to continue the practice  even if  it isn't
exactly what I  would have done myself."   -- Alan Bawden  (way out of

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Re: [PERFORM] Running PostgreSQL as fast as possible no matter the consequences

2010-11-05 Thread Chris Browne
gentosa...@gmail.com (A B) writes:
> If you just wanted PostgreSQL to go as fast as possible WITHOUT any
> care for your data (you accept 100% dataloss and datacorruption if any
> error should occur), what settings should you use then?

Use /dev/null.  It is web scale, and there are good tutorials.

But seriously, there *are* cases where "blind speed" is of use.  When
loading data into a fresh database is a good time for this; if things
fall over, it may be pretty acceptable to start "from scratch" with

- turn off fsync
- turn off synchronous commit
- put as much as possible onto Ramdisk/tmpfs/similar as possible
output = reverse("moc.liamg" "@" "enworbbc")
43% of all statistics are worthless.

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Re: [PERFORM] read only transactions

2010-10-12 Thread Chris Browne
jnelson+pg...@jamponi.net (Jon Nelson) writes:
> Are there any performance implications (benefits) to executing queries
> in a transaction where
> has been executed?

Directly?  No.

Indirectly, well, a *leetle* bit...

Transactions done READ ONLY do not generate actual XIDs, which reduces
the amount of XID generation (pretty tautological!), which reduces the
need to do VACUUM to protect against XID wraparound.


If you process 50 million transactions, that chews thru 50 million XIDs.

If 45 million of those were processed via READ ONLY transactions, then
the same processing only chews thru 5 million XIDs, meaning that the
XID-relevant vacuums can be done rather less frequently.

This only terribly much matters if:
  a) your database is so large that there are tables on which VACUUM
 would run for a very long time, and

  b) you are chewing through XIDs mighty quickly.

If either condition isn't true, then the indirect effect isn't important
let name="cbbrowne" and tld="gmail.com" in name ^ "@" ^ tld;;
"I'm not switching from slrn.   I'm quite confident that anything that
*needs* to be posted in HTML is fatuous garbage not worth my time."
-- David M. Cook 

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Re: [PERFORM] large dataset with write vs read clients

2010-10-12 Thread Chris Browne
mladen.gog...@vmsinfo.com (Mladen Gogala) writes:
> I have a logical problem with asynchronous commit. The "commit"
> command should instruct the database to make the outcome of the
> transaction permanent. The application should wait to see whether the
> commit was successful or not. Asynchronous behavior in the commit
> statement breaks the ACID rules and should not be used in a RDBMS
> system. If you don't need ACID, you may not need RDBMS at all. You may
> try with MongoDB. MongoDB is web scale:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2F-DItXtZs

The "client" always has the option of connecting to a set of databases,
and stowing parts of the data hither and thither.  That often leads to
the relaxation called "BASE."  (And IBM has been selling that relaxation
as MQ-Series since the early '90s!)

There often *ARE* cases where it is acceptable for some of the data to
not be as durable, because that data is readily reconstructed.  This is
particularly common for calculated/cached/aggregated data.

Many things can get relaxed for a "data warehouse" data store, where the
database is not authoritative, but rather aggregates data drawn from
other authoritative sources.  In such applications, neither the A, C, I,
nor the D are pointedly crucial, in the DW data store.

- We don't put the original foreign key constraints into the DW
  database; they don't need to be enforced a second time.  Ditto for
  constraints of all sorts.

- Batching of the loading of updates is likely to break several of the
  letters.  And I find it *quite* acceptable to lose "D" if the data may
  be safely reloaded into the DW database.

I don't think this is either cavalier nor that it points to "MongoDB is
web scale."
Rules  of the  Evil Overlord  #181.  "I  will decree  that all  hay be
shipped in tightly-packed bales. Any wagonload of loose hay attempting
to pass through a checkpoint will be set on fire."

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Re: [PERFORM] large dataset with write vs read clients

2010-10-12 Thread Chris Browne
cr...@postnewspapers.com.au (Craig Ringer) writes:
> Hey, maybe I should try posting YouTube video answers to a few
> questions for kicks, see how people react ;-)

And make sure it uses the same voice as is used in the "MongoDB is web
scale" video, to ensure that people interpret it correctly :-).
output = ("cbbrowne" "@" "gmail.com")
The *Worst* Things  to Say to a  Police Officer: Hey, is that  a 9 mm?
That's nothing compared to this .44 magnum.

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Re: [PERFORM] Slow count(*) again...

2010-10-12 Thread Chris Browne
sgend...@ideasculptor.com (Samuel Gendler) writes:
> Geez.  I wish someone would have written something quite so bold as
> 'xfs is always faster than ext3' in the standard tuning docs.  I
> couldn't find anything that made a strong filesystem
> recommendation.  How does xfs compare to ext4?  I wound up on ext4 on
> a dell perc6 raid card when an unexpected hardware failure on a
> production system caused my test system to get thrown into production
> before I could do any serious testing of xfs.  If there is a strong
> consensus that xfs is simply better, I could afford the downtime to
> switch.

It's news to me (in this thread!) that XFS is actually "getting some
developer love," which is a pretty crucial factor to considering it

XFS was an SGI creation, and, with:

 a) the not-scintillating performance of the company,

 b) the lack of a lot of visible work going into the filesystem,

 c) the paucity of support by Linux vendors (for a long time, if you 
told RHAT you were having problems, and were using XFS, the next
step would be to park the ticket awaiting your installing a
"supported filesystem")

it didn't look like XFS was a terribly good bet.  Those issues were
certainly causing concern a couple of years ago.

Faster "raw performance" isn't much good if it comes with a risk of:
 - Losing data
 - Losing support from vendors

If XFS now *is* getting support from both the development and support
perspectives, then the above concerns may have been invalidated.  It
would be very encouraging, if so.
output = ("cbbrowne" "@" "gmail.com")
Rules of  the Evil Overlord  #228.  "If the  hero claims he  wishes to
confess  in public  or to  me  personally, I  will remind  him that  a
notarized deposition will serve just as well."

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Re: [PERFORM] GPU Accelerated Sorting

2010-08-30 Thread Chris Browne
david_l...@boreham.org (David Boreham) writes:
>  Feels like I fell through a worm hole in space/time, back to inmos in
> 1987, and a guy from marketing has just
> walked in the office going on about there's a customer who wants to
> use our massively parallel hardware to speed up databases...

... As long as you're willing to rewrite PostgreSQL in Occam 2...
The statistics on  sanity are that one out of  every four Americans is
suffering from some  form of mental illness. Think  of your three best
friends. If they're okay, then it's you. -- Rita Mae Brown

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Re: [PERFORM] Testing Sandforce SSD

2010-08-04 Thread Chris Browne
j...@commandprompt.com ("Joshua D. Drake") writes:
> On Sat, 2010-07-24 at 16:21 -0400, Greg Smith wrote:
>> Greg Smith wrote:
>> > Note that not all of the Sandforce drives include a capacitor; I hope 
>> > you got one that does!  I wasn't aware any of the SF drives with a 
>> > capacitor on them were even shipping yet, all of the ones I'd seen 
>> > were the chipset that doesn't include one still.  Haven't checked in a 
>> > few weeks though.
>> Answer my own question here:  the drive Yeb got was the brand spanking 
>> new OCZ Vertex 2 Pro, selling for $649 at Newegg for example:  
>> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820227535 and with 
>> the supercacitor listed right in the main production specifications 
>> there.  This is officially the first inexpensive (relatively) SSD with a 
>> battery-backed write cache built into it.  If Yeb's test results prove 
>> it works as it's supposed to under PostgreSQL, I'll be happy to finally 
>> have a moderately priced SSD I can recommend to people for database 
>> use.  And I fear I'll be out of excuses to avoid buying one as a toy for 
>> my home system.
> That is quite the toy. I can get 4 SATA-II with RAID Controller, with
> battery backed cache, for the same price or less :P

Sure, but it:
- Fits into a single slot
- Is quiet
- Consumes little power
- Generates little heat
- Is likely to be about as quick as the 4-drive array

It doesn't have the extra 4TB of storage, but if you're building big-ish
databases, metrics have to change anyways.

This is a pretty slick answer for the small OLTP server.
output = reverse("moc.liamg" "@" "enworbbc")
Chaotic Evil means never having to say you're sorry.

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Re: [PERFORM] Testing Sandforce SSD

2010-08-04 Thread Chris Browne
g...@2ndquadrant.com (Greg Smith) writes:
> Yeb Havinga wrote:
>> * What filesystem to use on the SSD? To minimize writes and maximize
>> chance for seeing errors I'd choose ext2 here. 
> I don't consider there to be any reason to deploy any part of a
> PostgreSQL database on ext2.  The potential for downtime if the fsck
> doesn't happen automatically far outweighs the minimal performance
> advantage you'll actually see in real applications.  

Ah, but if the goal is to try to torture the SSD as cruelly as possible,
these aren't necessarily downsides (important or otherwise).

I don't think ext2 helps much in "maximizing chances of seeing errors"
in notably useful ways, as the extra "torture" that takes place as part
of the post-remount fsck isn't notably PG-relevant.  (It's not obvious
that errors encountered would be readily mapped to issues relating to

I think the WAL-oriented test would be *way* more useful; inducing work
whose "brokenness" can be measured in one series of files in one
directory should be way easier than trying to find changes across a
whole PG cluster.  I don't expect the filesystem choice to be terribly
significant to that.
"Heuristics (from the  French heure, "hour") limit the  amount of time
spent executing something.  [When using heuristics] it shouldn't take
longer than an hour to do something."

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Re: [PERFORM] planner index choice

2010-07-29 Thread Chris


Hrm ... are you *certain* that's an 8.4 server?


# psql -U postgres -d db
psql (8.4.4)

db=# select version();

 PostgreSQL 8.4.4 on x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 
4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-48), 64-bit

(1 row)

The actual problem seems to be that choose_bitmap_and() is choosing to
add an indexscan on sq_ast_attr_val_contextid, even though this index
is a lot less selective than the sq_ast_attr_val_attrid scan it had
already picked.  I've seen that behavior before, and there were a series
of patches back in 2006-2007 that seem to have pretty much fixed it.
So that's another reason for suspecting you've got an old server version

I just recreated the index and re-ran the explain analyze and it doesn't 
give the "outer" bit any more - not sure how I got that before.

db=# begin;
db=# create index attr_val_contextid on sq_ast_attr_val(contextid);
db=# analyze sq_ast_attr_val;
db=# explain analyze SELECT
db-# assetid, custom_val
db-# FROM
db-# sq_ast_attr_val
db-# WHERE
db-# attrid IN (SELECT attrid FROM sq_ast_attr WHERE name =
db(# 'is_contextable' AND (type_code = 'metadata_field_select' OR
db(# owning_type_code = 'metadata_field'))
db-#AND contextid = 0
db-#assetid, custom_val
db-# FROM
db-# WHERE
db-#assetid = '62321'
db-#AND contextid = 0;


Without that index (again with an analyze after doing a rollback):


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[PERFORM] planner index choice

2010-07-28 Thread Chris

Hi there,

I have a simple query where I don't understand the planner's choice to 
use a particular index.

The main table looks like this:

# \d sq_ast_attr_val
   Table "public.sq_ast_attr_val"
   Column| Type  |  Modifiers
 assetid | character varying(15) | not null
 attrid  | integer   | not null
 contextid   | integer   | not null default 0
 custom_val  | text  |
 use_default | character(1)  | not null default '1'::bpchar
"ast_attr_val_pk" PRIMARY KEY, btree (assetid, attrid, contextid)
"sq_ast_attr_val_assetid" btree (assetid)
"sq_ast_attr_val_attrid" btree (attrid)
"sq_ast_attr_val_concat" btree (((assetid::text || '~'::text) || 

"sq_ast_attr_val_contextid" btree (contextid)

The query:

  assetid, custom_val
  attrid IN (SELECT attrid FROM sq_ast_attr WHERE name = 
'is_contextable' AND (type_code = 'metadata_field_select' OR 
owning_type_code = 'metadata_field'))

  AND contextid = 0
  assetid, custom_val
  assetid = '62321'
  AND contextid = 0;

The explain analyze plan:


I'm not sure why it's picking the sq_ast_attr_val_contextid index to do 
the contextid = 0 check, the other parts (attrid/assetid) are much more 

If I drop that particular index:


All (I hope) relevant postgres info:

Centos 5.5 x86_64 running pg8.4.4.

Server has 8gig memory.

# select name, setting, source from pg_settings where name in 
('shared_buffers', 'effective_cache_size', 'work_mem');

 name | setting
shared_buffers| 262144
effective_cache_size  | 655360
work_mem  | 32768

All planner options are enabled:

# select name, setting, source from pg_settings where name like 'enable_%';
   name| setting | source
 enable_bitmapscan | on  | default
 enable_hashagg| on  | default
 enable_hashjoin   | on  | default
 enable_indexscan  | on  | default
 enable_mergejoin  | on  | default
 enable_nestloop   | on  | default
 enable_seqscan| on  | default
 enable_sort   | on  | default
 enable_tidscan| on  | default

Any insights welcome - thanks!

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Re: [PERFORM] PostgreSQL as a local in-memory cache

2010-06-15 Thread Chris Browne
swamp...@noao.edu (Steve Wampler) writes:
> Or does losing WAL files mandate a new initdb?

Losing WAL would mandate initdb, so I'd think this all fits into the
set of stuff worth putting onto ramfs/tmpfs.  Certainly it'll all be
significant to the performance focus.
select 'cbbrowne' || '@' || 'cbbrowne.com';
"MS  apparently now  has a  team dedicated  to tracking  problems with
Linux  and publicizing them.   I guess  eventually they'll  figure out
this back fires... ;)" -- William Burrow 

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Re: [PERFORM] PostgreSQL as a local in-memory cache

2010-06-15 Thread Chris Browne
"jgard...@jonathangardner.net"  writes:
> My question is how can I configure the database to run as quickly as
> possible if I don't care about data consistency or durability? That
> is, the data is updated so often and it can be reproduced fairly
> rapidly so that if there is a server crash or random particles from
> space mess up memory we'd just restart the machine and move on.

For such a scenario, I'd suggest you:

- Set up a filesystem that is memory-backed.  On Linux, RamFS or TmpFS
  are reasonable options for this.

- The complication would be that your "restart the machine and move
  on" needs to consist of quite a few steps:

  - recreating the filesystem
  - fixing permissions as needed
  - running initdb to set up new PG instance
  - automating any needful fiddling with postgresql.conf, pg_hba.conf
  - starting up that PG instance
  - creating users, databases, schemas, ...

When my desktop machine's not dead [as it is now :-(], I frequently
use this very kind of configuration to host databases where I'm doing
functionality testing on continually-freshly-created DBs and therefore
don't actually care if they get thrown away.

I have set up an "init.d"-style script which has an extra target to do
the database "init" in order to make the last few steps mentioned as
quick as possible.

  ~/dbs/pgsql-head.sh init

goes an extra mile, using sed to rewrite postgresql.conf to change

I expect that, if running on a ramdisk, you'd want to fiddle some of
the disk performance parameters in postgresql.conf.

It's certainly worth trying out the ramdisk to see if it helps with
this case.  Note that all you'll lose is durability under conditions
of hardware outage - PostgreSQL will still care as much as always
about data consistency.

[Thinking about wilder possibilities...]

I wonder if this kind of installation "comes into its own" for more
realistic scenarios in the presence of streaming replication.  If you
know the WAL files have gotten to disk on another server, that's a
pretty good guarantee :-).
select 'cbbrowne' || '@' || 'cbbrowne.com';
"MS  apparently now  has a  team dedicated  to tracking  problems with
Linux  and publicizing them.   I guess  eventually they'll  figure out
this back fires... ;)" -- William Burrow 

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[PERFORM] stats collector suddenly causing lots of IO

2010-04-20 Thread Chris
I have a lot of centos servers which are running postgres.  Postgres isn't used
that heavily on any of them, but lately, the stats collector process keeps
causing tons of IO load.  It seems to happen only on servers with centos 5.
The versions of postgres that are running are:


I've tried turning off everything under RUNTIME STATISTICS in postgresql.conf
except track_counts (since auto vacuum says it needs it), but it seems to have
little affect on the IO caused by the stats collector.

Has anyone else noticed this?  Have there been recent kernel changes
that could cause this that anyone knows about?  Since we haven't touched
postgres on these boxes since they were setup initially, I'm a bit baffled as
to what might be causing the problem, and why I can't make it go away short of
kill -STOP.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated!

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Re: [PERFORM] significant slow down with various LIMIT

2010-04-13 Thread Chris Bowlby
I'm also wondering if a re-clustering of the table would work based on
the index that's used.

such that:

CLUSTER core_object USING plugins_plugin_addr_oid_id;

and see if that makes any change in the differences that your seeing.

On 04/13/2010 02:24 PM, Kevin Grittner wrote:
> norn  wrote:
>> I am wondering why there are so big gap between two limits and how
>> to avoid this...
> I think we've already established that it is because of the
> percentage of the table which must be scanned to get to the desired
> number of rows.  The problem is exacerbated by the fact that it's a
> "backward" scan on the index, which is slower than a forward scan --
> mainly because disks spin in one direction, and the spacing of the
> sectors is optimized for forward scans.
> There are a couple things to try which will give a more complete
> picture of what might work to make the run time more predictable. 
> Please try these, and run EXPLAIN ANALYZE of your problem query each
> way.
> (1) Try it without the ORDER BY clause and the LIMIT.
> (2) Temporarily take that top index out of consideration.  (Don't
> worry, it'll come back when you issue the ROLLBACK -- just don't
> forget the BEGIN statement.)
> DROP INDEX plugins_plugin_addr_oid_id;
> explain analyze 
> (3) Try it like this (untested, so you may need to fix it up):
> explain analyze
> SELECT core_object.id
>   from (SELECT id, city_id FROM "plugins_guide_address")
>   JOIN "plugins_plugin_addr"
> ON ("plugins_plugin_addr"."address_id"
>= "plugins_guide_address"."id")
>   JOIN "core_object"
> ON ("core_object"."id" = "plugins_plugin_addr"."oid_id")
>   WHERE "plugins_guide_address"."city_id" = 4535
>   ORDER BY "core_object"."id" DESC
>   LIMIT 4 -- or whatever it normally takes to cause the problem
> ;
> -Kevin

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[PERFORM] stats collector suddenly causing lots of IO

2010-04-13 Thread Chris
I have a lot of centos servers which are running postgres.  Postgres isn't used
that heavily on any of them, but lately, the stats collector process keeps
causing tons of IO load.  It seems to happen only on servers with centos 5.
The versions of postgres that are running are:


I've tried turning off everything under RUNTIME STATISTICS in postgresql.conf
except track_counts (since auto vacuum says it needs it), but it seems to have
little affect on the IO caused by the stats collector.

Has anyone else noticed this?  Have there been recent kernel changes
that could cause this that anyone knows about?  Since we haven't touched
postgres on these boxes since they were setup initially, I'm a bit baffled as
to what might be causing the problem, and why I can't make it go away short of
kill -STOP.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated!

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Re: [PERFORM] mysql to postgresql, performance questions

2010-03-24 Thread Chris Browne
t...@sss.pgh.pa.us (Tom Lane) writes:
> "Ross J. Reedstrom"  writes:
>> On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 10:47:30PM -0500, Andy Colson wrote:
>>> (I added the "and trust" as an after thought, because I do have one very 
>>> important 100% uptime required mysql database that is running.  Its my 
>>> MythTV box at home, and I have to ask permission from my GF before I take 
>>> the box down to upgrade anything.  And heaven forbid if it crashes or 
>>> anything.  So I do have experience with care and feeding of mysql.  And no, 
>>> I'm not kidding.)
>> Andy, you are so me! I have the exact same one-and-only-one mission
>> critical mysql DB, but the gatekeeper is my wife. And experience with
>> that instance has made me love and trust PostgreSQL even more.
> So has anyone looked at porting MythTV to PG?

It has come up several times on the MythTV list.


Probably worth asking David Härdeman and Danny Brow who have proposed
such to the MythTV community what happened.  (It's possible that they
will get cc'ed on this.)

If there's a meaningful way to help, that would be cool.  If not, then
we might as well not run slipshot across the same landmines that blew
the idea up before.
"Transported  to a surreal  landscape,  a young  girl kills the  first
woman she  meets and  then teams  up with  three complete strangers to
kill again."  -- Unknown, Marin County newspaper's TV listing for _The
Wizard of Oz_

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Re: [PERFORM] mysql to postgresql, performance questions

2010-03-24 Thread Chris Browne
reeds...@rice.edu ("Ross J. Reedstrom") writes:
>  http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/PostgreSQL_Support 

That's a pretty hostile presentation...

The page has had two states:

 a) In 2008, someone wrote up...

After some bad experiences with MySQL (data loss by commercial power
failure, very bad performance deleting old records and more) I would
prefer to have a MythTV Application option to use PostgreSQL. I
never saw such bad database behaviour at any other RDBMS than MySQL.

I'm ready to contribute at any activity going that direction (I'm
developer for commercial database applications).

 b) Deleted by GBee in 2009, indicating "(Outdated, messy and
let name="cbbrowne" and tld="gmail.com" in String.concat "@" [name;tld];;
"A language that doesn't affect the way you think about programming,
is not worth knowing."  -- Alan J. Perlis

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Re: [PERFORM] Is DBLINK transactional

2010-03-16 Thread Chris Browne
cr...@postnewspapers.com.au (Craig Ringer) writes:

> On 13/03/2010 5:54 AM, Jeff Davis wrote:
>> On Fri, 2010-03-12 at 12:07 -0500, Merlin Moncure wrote:
>>> of course.  You can always explicitly open a transaction on the remote
>>> side over dblink, do work, and commit it at the last possible moment.
>>> Your transactions aren't perfectly synchronized...if you crash in the
>>> precise moment between committing the remote and the local you can get
>>> in trouble.  The chances of this are extremely remote though.
>> If you want a better guarantee than that, consider using 2PC.
> Translation in case you don't know: 2PC = two phase commit.
> Note that you have to monitor "lost" transactions that were prepared
> for commit then abandoned by the controlling app and periodically get
> rid of them or you'll start having issues.

There can be issues even if they're not abandoned...

Note that prepared transactions establish, and maintain, until removed,
all the appropriate locks on the underlying tables and tuples.

As a consequence, maintenance-related activities may be somewhat
surprisingly affected.

foo=# begin; set transaction isolation level serializable;
foo=# insert into my_table (date_time, hostname, duration, diag) values (now(), 
'foo', 1, 2);
foo=# prepare transaction 'foo';

[then, I quit the psql session...]

foo=# select * from pg_locks where relation = (select oid from pg_class where 
relname = 'my_table');
-[ RECORD 1 ]--+-
locktype   | relation
database   | 308021
relation   | 308380
page   |
tuple  |
virtualxid |
transactionid  |
objid  |
objsubid   |
virtualtransaction | -1/433653
mode   | RowExclusiveLock
granted| t

If I try to truncate the table...

foo=# truncate my_table;
[hangs, waiting on the lock...]

[looking at another session...]

foo=#  select * from pg_locks where relation = (select oid from pg_class where 
relname = 'my_table');
-[ RECORD 1 ]--+
locktype   | relation
database   | 308021
relation   | 308380
page   |
tuple  |
virtualxid |
transactionid  |
objid  |
objsubid   |
virtualtransaction | -1/433653
mode   | RowExclusiveLock
granted| t
-[ RECORD 2 ]--+
locktype   | relation
database   | 308021
relation   | 308380
page   |
tuple  |
virtualxid |
transactionid  |
objid  |
objsubid   |
virtualtransaction | 2/13
pid| 3749
mode   | AccessExclusiveLock
granted| f

Immediately upon submitting "commit prepared 'foo';", both locks are
resolved quite quickly.

>> The problem with things that are "extremely remote" possibilities are
>> that they tend to be less remote than we expect ;)
> ... and they know just when they can happen despite all the odds to
> maximise the pain and chaos caused.

A lot of these kinds of things only come up as race conditions.  The
trouble is that a lot of races do wind up synchronizing themselves.

In sporting events, this is intended and desired; an official fires the
starter pistol or activates the horn, or what have you, with the
intended result that athletes begin very nearly simultaneously.  And at
the end of Olympic races, their times frequently differ only by
miniscule intervals.

In my example up above, there's a possibly unexpected synchronization
point; the interweaving of the PREPARE TRANSACTION and TRUNCATE requests
lead to a complete lock against the table.  Supposing 15 processes then
try accessing that table, they'll be blocked until the existing locks
get closed out.  Which takes place the very instant after the COMMIT
PREPARED request comes in.  At that moment, 15 "racers" are released
very nearly simultaneously.

If there is any further mischief to be had in the race, well, they're
set up to tickle it...
let name="cbbrowne" and tld="gmail.com" in name ^ "@" ^ tld;;
"Barf, what is all   this  prissy pedantry?  Groups,  modules,  rings,
ufds, patent-office algebra.  Barf!"  -- R. William Gosper

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Re: [PERFORM] [HACKERS] full text search index scan query plan changed in 8.4.2?

2010-02-28 Thread Chris

Josh Berkus wrote:


List changed to psql-performance, which is where this discussion belongs.

I am testing the index used by full text search recently.

I have install 8.3.9 and 8.4.2 separately. 

In 8.3.9, the query plan is like:

postgres=# explain SELECT s.name as source , t.name as target FROM element as s, element as t WHERE to_tsvector('testcfg',s.name)  @@ to_tsquery('testcfg',replace(t.name,':','|')); QUERY PLAN  
Nested Loop  (cost=0.01..259.92 rows=491 width=18)   
 ->  Seq Scan on element t  (cost=0.00..13.01 rows=701 width=9)   
 ->  Index Scan using element_ftsidx_test on element s  (cost=0.01..0.33 rows=1 width=9) 
 Index Cond: (to_tsvector('testcfg'::regconfig, (s.name)::text) @@ to_tsquery('testcfg'::regconfig, replace((t.name)::text, ':'::text, '|'::text)))

(4 rows)

I have index: "element_ftsidx_test" gin (to_tsvector('testcfg'::regconfig, 

The same index and query in 8.4.2: 

postgres=# explain SELECT s.name as source , t.name as target FROM element as s, element as t WHERE to_tsvector('testcfg',s.name)  @@ to_tsquery('testcfg',replace(t.name,':','|')) ;QUERY PLAN   -- 
Nested Loop  (cost=0.32..3123.51 rows=2457 width=18)   
 ->  Seq Scan on element t  (cost=0.00..13.01 rows=701 width=9)   
 ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on element s  (cost=0.32..4.36 rows=4 width=9)  Recheck Cond: (to_tsvector('testcfg'::regconfig, (s.name)::text) @@ to_tsquery('testcfg'::regconfig, replace((t.name)::text, ':'::text, '|'::text))) 
->  Bitmap Index Scan on element_ftsidx_test  (cost=0.00..0.32 rows=4 width=0)

 Index Cond: (to_tsvector('testcfg'::regconfig, (s.name)::text) @@ 
to_tsquery('testcfg'::regconfig, replace((t.name)::text, ':'::text, '|'::text)))
(6 rows)

Why the query plans are different and why? Thanks!

Because the row estimates changed, since 8.4 improved row estimation for
TSearch.  The 2nd query is probably actually faster, no?  If not, you
may need to increase your stats collection.  Or at least show us a

I'm sure you mean explain analyze :)

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Re: [PERFORM] How to troubleshoot high mem usage by postgres?

2010-02-27 Thread Chris
On Sat, Feb 27, 2010 at 3:38 PM, Craig Ringer
> Can you boil this down to a simple PHP test-case that connects to a dummy
> database and repeats something that causes the backend to grow in memory
> usage? Trying to do this - by progressively cutting things out of your test
> until it stops growing - will help you track down what, exactly, is causing
> the growth.

Thank you for your suggestion. I have done this, and in doing so I
have also discovered why this problem is occurring.

My application uses a class that abstracts away the db interaction, so
I do not normally use the pg_* functions directly. Any time any
statement was executed, it created a new "named" prepared statement. I
wrongly assumed that calling pg_free_result() on the statement
resource would free this prepared statement inside of postgres.

I will simply modify the class to use an empty statement name if there
is no need for it to be named (which I actually need very infrequently

I have attached the script I created to test with, for those who are
interested. The first line of the script has the connection string. I
used a db called testdb. run from the command line with:
php -f test3.php

Note my comment in the php file

Thanks for the help everyone.

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Re: [PERFORM] How to troubleshoot high mem usage by postgres?

2010-02-27 Thread Chris
On Sat, Feb 27, 2010 at 3:38 PM, Ben Chobot  wrote:
> In your postgresql.conf file, what are the settings for work_mem and
> shared_buffers?

I have not done any tuning on this db yet (it is a dev box). It is
using defaults.
shared_buffers = 32MB
#work_mem = 1MB

I do appreciate the several quick responses and I will work on
responding to the them.

@Craig Ringer:
select version() reports:
PostgreSQL 8.4.2 on x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC)
4.1.2 20071124 (Red Hat 4.1.2-42), 64-bit
The system has 4GB of RAM.
The postgres log currently does not show any useful information. Only
thing in there for today is an "Unexpected EOF on client connection"
because I killed the process after it started swapping.

The test input for my PHP script is a csv file with about 450,000
records in it. The php script processes the each csv record in a
transaction, and on average it executes 2 insert or update statements
per record. I don't think the specific statements executed are
relevant (they are just basic INSERT and UPDATE statements).

I will try to come up with a short script that reproduces the problem.

@Tom Lane:
As I mentioned above I am not doing everything in a single
transaction. However I do want to try your suggestion regarding
getting a "memory context map". But I'm afraid I don't know how to do
what you are describing. How can I set the ulimit of postmaster? And
does the postmaster stderr output go to the postgres log file? If not,
where can I find it?

Thanks again,

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[PERFORM] How to troubleshoot high mem usage by postgres?

2010-02-27 Thread Chris
Hi, I'm having an issue where a postgres process is taking too much
memory when performing many consecutive inserts and updates from a PHP
script (running on the command line). I would like to know what sort
of logging I can turn on to help me determine what is causing memory
to be consumed and not released.

Most PHP scripts are not long-running and properly releasing the
resources using the provided functions in the pgsql PHP extension is
not necessary. However since I do have a long-running script, I have
taken steps to ensure everything is being properly released when it is
no longer needed (I am calling the functions provided, but I don't
know if the pgsql extension is doing the right thing). In spite of
this, the longer the script runs and processes records, the more
memory increases. It increases to the point that system memory is
exhausted and it starts swapping. I killed the process at this point.

I monitored the memory with top. here are the results.. the first is
10 seconds after my script started running. The second is about 26

17461 postgres  16   0  572m 405m  14m S 20.0 10.7   0:10.65 422m postmaster
17460 root  15   0  136m  14m 4632 S 10.6  0.4   0:06.16  10m php
17462 postgres  15   0  193m  46m 3936 D  3.3  1.2   0:01.77  43m postmaster

17461 postgres  16   0 1196m 980m  17m S 19.0 26.0   0:25.72 1.0g postmaster
17460 root  15   0  136m  14m 4632 R 10.3  0.4   0:14.31  10m php
17462 postgres  16   0  255m 107m 3984 R  3.0  2.9   0:04.19 105m postmaster

If I am indeed doing everything I can to release the resources (and
I'm 95% sure I am) then it looks like the pgsql extension is at fault
Regardless of who/what is at fault, I need to fix it. And to do that I
need to find out what isn't getting released properly. How would I go
about that?


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Re: [PERFORM] Optimizer + bind variables

2009-11-03 Thread Chris

David Kerr wrote:

On Wed, Nov 04, 2009 at 07:43:16AM +0800, Craig Ringer wrote:
- David Kerr wrote:
- > Does/is it possible for the PG optimizer come up with differnet plans when 
- > you're using bind variables vs when you send static values?
- Yes, if the bind variable form causes your DB access driver to use a

- server-side prepared statement. Pg can't use its statistics to improve
- its query planning if it doesn't have a value for a parameter when it's
- building the query plan.

hmm, that's a little unclear to me.

let's assume that the application is using prepare:

Assuming the database hasn't changed, would:
PREPARE bla1 as SELECT * from users where username = '$1';
explain execute bla1

give the same output as
explain select * from users where username = 'dave';



This is explained in the notes here:


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Re: [PERFORM] database size growing continously

2009-10-29 Thread Chris Ernst
Hi Peter,

Sounds like you're experiencing index bloat and vacuums do nothing to
help that.  You can do one of 2 thing to remedy this:

1) The fastest and simplest (but most disruptive) way is to use REINDEX.
 But this will exclusively lock the table while rebuilding the indexes:

  REINDEX TABLE phaseangle;

2) The slower but less disruptive way is to do a concurrent build of
each index and then drop the old ones. For example, to rebuild the "i"

  CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY i_new ON phaseangle ();
  ANALYZE phaseangle ();

Do this regularly to keep the index sizes in check.

- Chris

Peter Meszaros wrote:
> Hi All,
> I use postgresql 8.3.7 as a huge queue. There is a very simple table
> with six columns and two indices, and about 6 million records are
> written into it in every day continously commited every 10 seconds from
> 8 clients. The table stores approximately 120 million records, because a
> cron job daily deletes those ones are older than 20 day. Autovacuum is
> on and every settings is the factory default except some unrelated ones
> (listen address, authorization). But my database is growing,
> characteristically ~600MByte/day, but sometimes much slower (eg. 10MB,
> or even 0!!!).
> I've also tried a test on another server running the same postgresql,
> where 300 million record was loaded into a freshly created database,
> and 25 million was deleted with single DELETE command.  The 'vacuum
> verbose phaseangle;' command seems to be running forever for hours:
> phasor=# vacuum VERBOSE phaseangle;
> INFO:  vacuuming "public.phaseangle"
> INFO:  scanned index "i" to remove 2796006 row versions
> DETAIL:  CPU 9.49s/120.30u sec elapsed 224.20 sec.
> INFO:  scanned index "t" to remove 2796006 row versions
> DETAIL:  CPU 13.57s/105.70u sec elapsed 192.71 sec.
> INFO:  "phaseangle": removed 2796006 row versions in 24748 pages
> DETAIL:  CPU 0.65s/0.30u sec elapsed 39.97 sec.
> INFO:  scanned index "i" to remove 2795924 row versions
> DETAIL:  CPU 9.58s/121.63u sec elapsed 239.06 sec.
> INFO:  scanned index "t" to remove 2795924 row versions
> DETAIL:  CPU 13.10s/103.59u sec elapsed 190.84 sec.
> INFO:  "phaseangle": removed 2795924 row versions in 24743 pages
> DETAIL:  CPU 0.68s/0.28u sec elapsed 40.21 sec.
> INFO:  scanned index "i" to remove 2796014 row versions
> DETAIL:  CPU 9.65s/117.28u sec elapsed 231.92 sec.
> INFO:  scanned index "t" to remove 2796014 row versions
> DETAIL:  CPU 13.48s/103.59u sec elapsed 194.49 sec.
> INFO:  "phaseangle": removed 2796014 row versions in 24774 pages
> DETAIL:  CPU 0.69s/0.28u sec elapsed 40.26 sec.
> INFO:  scanned index "i" to remove 2795935 row versions
> DETAIL:  CPU 9.55s/119.02u sec elapsed 226.85 sec.
> INFO:  scanned index "t" to remove 2795935 row versions
> DETAIL:  CPU 13.09s/102.84u sec elapsed 194.74 sec.
> INFO:  "phaseangle": removed 2795935 row versions in 25097 pages
> DETAIL:  CPU 0.67s/0.28u sec elapsed 41.21 sec.
> still running...
> These are the very same problems?
> Should I delete mor frequently in smaller chunks? It seems to have a
> limit...
> Thanks 
> Peter

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Re: [PERFORM] Databases vs Schemas

2009-10-10 Thread Chris Kratz
On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 11:11 PM, Tom Lane  wrote:

> Scott Carey  writes:
> > I've got 200,000 tables in one db (8.4), and some tools barely work.  The
> > system catalogs get inefficient when large and psql especially has
> trouble.
> > Tab completion takes forever, even if I make a schema "s" with one table
> in
> > it and type "s." and try and tab complete -- its as if its scanning all
> > without a schema qualifier or using an index.
> The tab-completion queries have never been vetted for performance
> particularly :-(
> Just out of curiosity, how much does this help?
> alter function pg_table_is_visible(oid) cost 10;
> (You'll need to do it as superuser --- if it makes things worse, just
> set the cost back to 1.)
> > Sometimes it does not match
> > valid tables at all, and sometimes regex matching fails too ('\dt
> > schema.*_*_*' intermittently flakes out if it returns a lot of matches).
> There are some arbitrary "LIMIT 1000" clauses in those queries, which
> probably explains this ... but taking them out would likely cause
> libreadline to get indigestion ...
>regards, tom lane

We ran into this exact situation with a pg 8.3 database and a very large
number of tables.  psql would wait for 20 to 30 seconds if the user was
unlucky enough to hit the tab key.  After doing some research with query
logging, explain analyze and some trial and error, we came to the same
conclusion.  Altering the cost for the pg_table_is_visible function to 10
fixed our performance problem immediately.  It appears that when the cost
was set to 1, that the query optimizer first ran the function over the
entire pg_class table.  By increasing the cost, it now only runs the
function over the rows returned by the other items in the where clause.


Re: [PERFORM] improving my query plan

2009-08-20 Thread Chris

Kevin Kempter wrote:

Hi all;

I have a simple query against two very large tables ( > 800million rows 
in theurl_hits_category_jt table and 9.2 million in the url_hits_klk1 
table )

I have indexes on the join columns and I've run an explain.
also I've set the default statistics to 250 for both join columns. I get 
a very high overall query cost:

If you had an extra where condition it might be different, but you're 
just returning results from both tables that match up so doing a 
sequential scan is going to be the fastest way anyway.

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Re: [PERFORM] Greenplum MapReduce

2009-08-02 Thread Chris

Suvankar Roy wrote:

Hi all,

Has anybody worked on Greenplum MapReduce programming ?

It's a commercial product, you need to contact greenplum.

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FW: [PERFORM] Performance 8.4.0

2009-08-02 Thread Chris Dunn
The database is 8gb currently. Use to be a lot bigger but we removed all large 
objects out and developed a file server storage for it, and using default page 
costs for 8.4, I did have it changed in 8.1.4

-Original Message-
From: Robert Haas [mailto:robertmh...@gmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, 2 August 2009 11:26 PM
To: Chris Dunn
Cc: pgsql-performance@postgresql.org
Subject: Re: [PERFORM] Performance 8.4.0

On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 12:22 AM, Chris Dunn wrote:
> constraint_exclusion = on

This is critical if you need it, but a waste of CPU time if you don't.
 Other than that your paramaters look good.  Are you using the default
page cost settings?  I see you have 12 GB RAM; how big is your


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[PERFORM] load / stress testing

2009-07-30 Thread Chris


Everyone says "load test using your app" - out of interest how does 
everyone do that at the database level?

I've tried playr (https://area51.myyearbook.com/trac.cgi/wiki/Playr) but 
haven't been able to get it working properly. I'm not sure what other 
tools are available.

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[PERFORM] Performance 8.4.0

2009-07-30 Thread Chris Dunn

I would like to know if my configuration is ok, We run a web application with 
high transaction rate and the database machine on Mondays / Tuesdays is always 
at 100% CPU with no IO/Wait . the machine is a Dual Xeon Quad core, 12gb RAM, 
4gb/s Fibre Channel on Netapp SAN, with pg_xlog on separate Lun,
Could you please provide some feedback on the configuration

maintenance_work_mem = 704MB
constraint_exclusion = on
checkpoint_completion_target = 0.9
effective_cache_size = 8GB
work_mem = 72MB
wal_buffers = 8MB
checkpoint_segments = 16
shared_buffers = 2816MB
max_connections = 32

I have limited connections down to 32 as if I put up higher the machine load 
average goes through the roof and will decrease performance even more.
In the process of looking at a 4 x AMD 6 core Opteron  machine with 32GB Ram to 
replace if I cannot get any more performance out of this machine

Kind Regards
Christopher Dunn

Re: [PERFORM] Will Postgres ever lock with read only queries?

2009-07-28 Thread Chris

Robert James wrote:
Thanks for the replies.  I'm running Postgres 8.2 on Windows XP, Intel 
Core Duo (though Postgres seems to use only one 1 core).

A single query can only use one core, but it will use both if multiple 
queries come in.

The queries are self joins on very large tables, with lots of nested loops.

If you want help optimizing them, you'll need to send through
- explain analyze
- table definitions
and of course
- the query itself

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Re: [PERFORM] Will Postgres ever lock with read only queries?

2009-07-27 Thread Chris

Robert James wrote:
Hi.  I'm seeing some weird behavior in Postgres.  I'm running read only 
queries (SELECT that is - no UPDATE or DELETE or INSERT is happening at 
all).  I can run one rather complicated query and the results come 
back... eventually.  Likewise with another.  But, when I run both 
queries at the same time, Postgres seems to ground to a halt.  Neither 
one completes.  In fact, pgAdmin locks up - I need to cancel them using 
I'd expect this from MySQL but not Postgres.  Am I doing something 
wrong? Or missing something?

They're probably not blocking each other but more likely you're 
exhausting your servers resources. If they return "eventually" 
individually, then running both at the same time will take at least 
"eventually x2".

As Mark said, what are the queries? What postgres version? What o/s? 
What are your hardware specs (how much memory, disk speeds/types etc)?

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Re: [PERFORM] More speed counting rows

2009-07-27 Thread Chris Ernst

Developer wrote:


I am trying to optimize the count of files when I am using filters
(select by some row/s parameter/s)

In this case I think that postgresql really count all files.
Resulting in unacceptable times of 4 seconds in http server response.
Triggers+store in this case do not see very acceptable, because I need
store 1.5 millions of counting possibilities.

My question is:
Any method for indirect count like ordered indexes + quadratic count?
Any module?
Any suggestion?

I had a similar problem where HTTP requests triggered a count(*) over a 
table that was growing rapidly.  The bigger the table got, the longer 
the count took.  In my case, however, the counts only have to be a 
reasonable estimate of the current state, so I solved this problem with 
a count_sums table that gets updated every 30 minutes using a simple 
perl script in a cron job.  The HTTP requests now trigger a very fast 
select from a tiny, 9 row, 2 column table.

How "up to date" do the counts need to be?  If the count takes 4 
seconds, can you run it every minute and store the counts in a table for 
retrieval by the HTTP requests?  Or does it absolutely have to be the 
exact count at the moment of the request?

If it needs to be more real-time, you could expand on this by adding 
post insert/delete triggers that automatically update the counts table 
to keep it current.  In my case it just wasn't necessary.

- Chris

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Re: [PERFORM] Master/Slave, DB separation or just spend $$$?

2009-07-22 Thread Chris Browne
kelv...@gmail.com (Kelvin Quee) writes:
> I will go look at Slony now.

It's worth looking at, but it is not always to be assumed that
replication will necessarily improve scalability of applications; it's
not a "magic wand" to wave such that "presto, it's all faster!"

Replication is helpful from a performance standpoint if there is a lot
of query load where it is permissible to look at *somewhat* out of
date information.

For instance, replication can be quite helpful for pushing load off
for processing accounting data where you tend to be doing analysis on
data from {yesterday, last week, last month, last year}, and where the
data tends to be inherently temporal (e.g. - you're looking at
transactions with dates on them).

On the other hand, any process that anticipates *writing* to the
master database will be more or less risky to try to shift over to a
possibly-somewhat-behind 'slave' system, as will be anything that
needs to be consistent with the "master state."
(reverse (concatenate 'string "ofni.secnanifxunil" "@" "enworbbc"))
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Re: [PERFORM] Can Postgres use an INDEX over an OR?

2009-07-20 Thread Chris

Віталій Тимчишин wrote:

2009/7/20 Robert James >

Hi. I notice that when I do a WHERE x, Postgres uses an index, and
when I do WHERE y, it does so as well, but when I do WHERE x OR y,
it doesn't. Why is this so? 

It's not clever enough.

Of course it is.

I'm running 8.3.7.

create table t1(id int primary key);
insert into t1(id) select a from generate_series(1, 50) as s(a);
analyze t1;

explain analyze select * from t1 where id=5000 or id=25937;

 Bitmap Heap Scan on t1  (cost=8.60..16.44 rows=2 width=4) (actual 
time=0.077..0.083 rows=2 loops=1)

   Recheck Cond: ((id = 5000) OR (id = 25937))
   ->  BitmapOr  (cost=8.60..8.60 rows=2 width=0) (actual 
time=0.063..0.063 rows=0 loops=1)
 ->  Bitmap Index Scan on t1_pkey  (cost=0.00..4.30 rows=1 
width=0) (actual time=0.034..0.034 rows=1 loops=1)

   Index Cond: (id = 5000)
 ->  Bitmap Index Scan on t1_pkey  (cost=0.00..4.30 rows=1 
width=0) (actual time=0.021..0.021 rows=1 loops=1)

   Index Cond: (id = 25937)
 Total runtime: 0.153 ms
(8 rows)

What Robert didn't post was his query, see


which makes it a lot harder to 'optimize' since they aren't straight 
forward conditions.

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Re: [PERFORM] tsvector_update_trigger performance?

2009-06-24 Thread Chris St Denis

Dimitri Fontaine wrote:


Le 24 juin 09 à 18:29, Alvaro Herrera a écrit :

Oleg Bartunov wrote:

On Wed, 24 Jun 2009, Chris St Denis wrote:

Is tsvector_update_trigger() smart enough to not bother updating a
tsvector if the text in that column has not changed?

no, you should do check yourself. There are several examples in 
mailing lists.

Or you could try using the supress_redundant_updates_trigger() function
that has been included in 8.4 (should be easy to backport)


But it won't handle the case where some other random column has 
changed, but the UPDATE is not affecting the text indexed...
Tho this looks useful for some things, it doesn't solve my specific 
problem any. But thanks for the suggestion anyway.

This sounds like something that should just be on by default, not a 
trigger. Is there some reason it would waste the io of writing a new row 
to disk if nothing has changed? or is it just considered too much 
unnecessary overhead to compare them?

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[PERFORM] tsvector_update_trigger performance?

2009-06-24 Thread Chris St Denis
Is tsvector_update_trigger() smart enough to not bother updating a 
tsvector if the text in that column has not changed?

If not, can I make my own update trigger with something like

   if new.description != old.description
   return tsvector_update_trigger('fti_all', 'pg_catalog.english',
   'title', 'keywords', 'description');
   return new;

or do I need to do it from scratch?

I'm seeing very high cpu load on my database server and my current 
theory is that some of the triggers may be causing it.

Re: [PERFORM] How would you store read/unread topic status?

2009-06-24 Thread Chris St Denis

Mathieu Nebra wrote:

Alexander Staubo a écrit :

On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 1:12 PM, Mathieu Nebra wrote:

This "flags" table has more or less the following fields:

UserID - TopicID - LastReadAnswerID

We are doing pretty much same thing.

My problem is that everytime a user READS a topic, it UPDATES this flags
table to remember he has read it. This leads to multiple updates at the
same time on the same table, and an update can take a few seconds. This
is not acceptable for my users.

First of all, and I'm sure you thought of this, an update isn't needed
every time a user reads a topic; only when there are new answers that
need to be marked as read. So an "update ... where last_read_answer_id
< ?" should avoid the need for an update.

We don't work that way. We just "remember" he has read these answers and
then we can tell him "there are no new messages for you to read".
So we just need to write what he has read when he reads it.


(That said, I believe PostgreSQL diffs tuple updates, so in practice
PostgreSQL might not be writing anything if you run an "update" with
the same value. I will let someone more intimate with the internal
details of updates to comment on this.)

Secondly, an update should not take "a few seconds". You might want to
investigate this part before you turn to further optimizations.

Yes, I know there is a problem but I don't know if I am competent enough
to tune PostgreSQL for that. It can take a while to understand the
problem, and I'm not sure I'll have the time for that.

I am, however, opened to suggestions. Maybe I'm doing something wrong


In our application we defer the updates to a separate asynchronous
process using a simple queue mechanism, but in our case, we found that
the updates are fast enough (in the order of a few milliseconds) not
to warrant batching them into single transactions.

A few milliseconds would be cool.
In fact, defering to another process is a good idea, but I'm not sure if
it is easy to implement. It would be great to have some sort of UPDATE
... LOW PRIORITY to make the request non blocking.


I use pg_send_query() 
 in php to 
achieve this for a views counter. "Script execution is not blocked while 
the queries are executing."

It looks like this may just be a direct translation of PQsendQuery() 
from libpq. Your preferred language may have a function like this.

Re: [PERFORM] superlative missuse

2009-05-13 Thread Chris Browne
cl...@uah.es (Angel Alvarez) writes:
> more optimal plan... 
> morreoptimal configuration...
> we suffer a 'more optimal' superlative missuse
> there is  not so 'more optimal' thing but a simple 'better' thing.
> im not native english speaker but i think it still applies.

If I wanted to be pedantic about it, I'd say that the word "nearly" is

That is, it would be "strictly correct" if one instead said "more
nearly optimal."

I don't imagine people get too terribly confused by the lack of the
word "nearly," so I nearly don't care :-).
select 'cbbrowne' || '@' || 'acm.org';
"Bureaucracies interpret communication as damage and route around it"
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Re: [PERFORM] Any better plan for this query?..

2009-05-06 Thread Chris

Dimitri wrote:

Hi Craig,

yes, you detailed very well the problem! :-)
all those CHAR columns are so just due historical issues :-) as well
they may contains anything else and not only numbers, that's why..
Also, all data inside are fixed, so VARCHAR will not save place, or
what kind of performance issue may we expect with CHAR vs VARCHAR if
all data have a fixed length?..

None in postgres, but the char/varchar thing may or may not bite you at 
some point later - sounds like you have it covered though.

It's 2 times faster on InnoDB, and as it's just a SELECT query no need
to go in transaction details :-)

 Total runtime: 1.442 ms
(10 rows)

You posted a query that's taking 2/1000's of a second. I don't really 
see a performance problem here :)

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Re: [PERFORM] I have a fusion IO drive available for testing

2009-03-31 Thread Chris Browne
craig_ja...@emolecules.com (Craig James) writes:
> Dave Cramer wrote:
>> So I tried writing directly to the device, gets around 250MB/s,
>> reads at around 500MB/s
>> The client is using redhat so xfs is not an option.
> I'm using Red Hat and XFS, and have been for years. Why is XFS not an option 
> with Red Hat?

If you report practically any kind of problem, and you're using XFS,
or JFS, or such, their "support offering" is to tell you to use a
supported filesystem.
let name="cbbrowne" and tld="cbbrowne.com" in name ^ "@" ^ tld;;
"The only thing  better than TV with the  sound off is  Radio with the
sound off." -- Dave Moon

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Re: [PERFORM] scheduling autovacuum at lean hours only.

2009-02-14 Thread Chris Browne
mallah.raj...@gmail.com (Rajesh Kumar Mallah) writes:
> why is it not a good idea to give end users control over when they
> want to run it ?

It's not a particularly good idea to give end users things that they
are likely then to *immediately* use to shoot themselves in the foot.

Turning off vacuuming "all day" is the sort of thing that is indeed
pretty certain to hurt you when you imagined it was going to help you.

In particular, if you shut off autovac all day, heavily updated tables
with certain sorts of (pretty common!) update patterns are certain to
"bloat up," to the point that you'll need to do CLUSTER/VACUUM FULL on

In effect, the practical effect of "autovacuum at lean hours only" is
more reasonably described as "cancel autovacuum and revert to the
elder policy of requiring users to do manual vacuuming."

It's worth looking at how autovacuum has been evolving over time...

- When it was introduced, 8.0-ish (maybe it was 8.1 when it became
  "official"), it was pretty primitive.

  Autovac was a single process, where you had three controls over

   - You could run autovac, or not; 

   - You could exclude specific tables from being processed by autovac

   - There is a capability to vacuum less aggressively by using
 delays to reduce autovac I/O usage

- In 8.3, it was enhanced to add the notion of having multiple vacuum

  There was discussion about having one of those workers restrict
  itself to small tables, so that you'd never have the scenario where
  the workers were all busy and a small table that needed vacuuming
  was left unvacuumed for a long time.  It appears that didn't happen,
  which seems unfortunate, but that's life...

You should look at all the "knobs" that *are* offered before deciding
a policy that may be harmful to performance.  As things stand now,
there are a couple of ways I could see tuning this:

 - You might check on the GUC variables autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay
   and autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit, which would allow you to restrict
   the I/O cost.

   This might allow you to run autovacuum all the time without
   adversely affecting performance.

 - You might come up with a list of the *LARGE* tables that you don't
   want vacuumed during the day, and set up a cron job that adds/drops
   them from the pg_autovacuum table at the appropriate times.

   This is definitely going to be more finicky, and requires a great
   deal more awareness of the tables being updated by your
   applications.  It makes "autovacuum" a whole lot less "automatic."

There are known enhancements coming up:

 - In 8.4, there is a capability for VACUUM to only process the
   portions of the table known to have been altered.

   That ought to be a better answer than *any* of the fiddling
   suggested, to date.  Right now, a VACUUM on "public.my_huge_table",
   a table 18GB in size, will walk through the entire table, even
   though there were only a handful of pages where tuples were

   This is almost certainly the single best improvement possible to
   resolve your issue; it seems likely to *directly* address the
   problem, and has the considerable merit of not requiring much if
   any configuration/reconfiguration/scheduling.
(reverse (concatenate 'string "gro.mca" "@" "enworbbc"))
"what would  we do without C?  we   would have PASAL,  BASI, OBOL, and
Ommon Lisp." -- #Erik

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Re: [PERFORM] PG performance in high volume environment (many INSERTs and lots of aggregation reporting)

2009-01-29 Thread Chris Browne
phoenix.ki...@gmail.com (Phoenix Kiula) writes:
> [Ppsted similar note to PG General but I suppose it's more appropriate
> in this list. Apologies for cross-posting.]
> Hi. Further to my bafflement with the "count(*)" queries as described
> in this thread:
> http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-general/2009-01/msg00804.php
> It seems that whenever this question has come up, Postgresql comes up
> very short in terms of "count(*)" functions.
> The performance is always slow, because of the planner's need to guess
> and such. I don't fully understand how the statistics work (and the
> explanation on the PG website is way too geeky) but he columns I work
> with already have a stat level of 100. Not helping at all.

That's definitely *NOT* due to "planner's need to guess"; it's due to
there being some *specific* work that PostgreSQL needs to do that some
other databases can avoid due to different storage strategies.

The matter is quite succinctly described here:

I'll just take one excerpt:
It is worth observing that it is only this precise form of aggregate
that must be so pessimistic; if augmented with a "WHERE" clause like

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table WHERE status = 'something'

PostgreSQL, MySQL, and most other database implementations will take
advantage of available indexes against the restricted field(s) to
limit how many records must be counted, which can greatly accelerate
such queries.

It is common for systems where it is necessary for aggregation
reporting to be fast to do pre-computation of the aggregates, and that
is in no way specific to PostgreSQL.

If you need *really* fast aggregates, then it will be worthwhile to
put together triggers or procedures or something of the sort to help
pre-compute the aggregates.
(reverse (concatenate 'string "ofni.sesabatadxunil" "@" "enworbbc"))
"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however
improbable, must be the truth." -- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930),
English author. Sherlock Holmes, in The Sign of Four, ch. 6 (1889).
[...but see the Holmesian Fallacy, due to Bob Frankston...

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Re: [PERFORM] left join + case - how is it processed?

2009-01-19 Thread Chris

Tom Lane wrote:

Chris  writes:
I can see it's doing the extra filter step at the start (4th line) which 
is not present without the coalesce/case statement. I just don't 
understand why it's being done at that stage.

It's not that hard to understand.  With the original view formulation
(or the COALESCE version), the fully expanded form of the query looks

select ... from p left join r ...
  where expression_involving_both_p_and_r = constant

If you make the view output be just p.assetid then you have

select ... from p left join r ...
  where p.assetid = constant

In the first case the planner cannot apply the WHERE restriction until
it's formed the p+r join; so you see the condition applied as a filter
on the join node's output.  In the second case, the planner can push the
WHERE restriction down into the scan of p, since the left join doesn't
affect it.  (If a p row doesn't pass the restriction, then no join row
formed from it can either; ergo there is no need to form those join rows
at all.)

So because the CASE is on (some of) the fields I'm joining on, in effect 
it's made part of the join condition. If the fields are outside that 
(r.userid/p.userid), then it's evaluated after.


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Re: [PERFORM] left join + case - how is it processed?

2009-01-18 Thread Chris

I thought the where condition would cut down on the rows returned, then the
case statement would take effect to do the null check. It seems to be doing
it in reverse ??

# explain analyze SELECT * from sq_vw_ast_perm where assetid='30748';

It aperas to me that both of your statements have where clauses, but I
believe where isn't that explicit.  I'm not sure the nature of your
problem permits the query optimizer to eliminate rows at all, even
with the where statement. "assetid" is probably not known when the
query optimizer hits, because it is computed based on the nullness of
the columns.  I'd assume that the optimizer *could* more easily
optimize this if you had used coalesce rather than an ad-hoc method
with CASE. My guess is you can exclude rows with WHERE if the the
column used is an run-time computation involving an ad-hoc CASE.

No difference.

Full explain plan here:


I can see it's doing the extra filter step at the start (4th line) which 
is not present without the coalesce/case statement. I just don't 
understand why it's being done at that stage.

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Re: [PERFORM] left join + case - how is it processed?

2009-01-18 Thread Chris

The reason why the CASE is affecting your query planning is because
you are using a query that compares assetid to a constant:

SELECT * from sq_vw_ast_perm where assetid='30748';

When PostgreSQL evaluates this statement, assetid gets expanded either
into a case statement (with your first view definition) or into
sq_ast_perm.assetid (with your second view definition).  The latter
definition allows PostgreSQL to make use of the column statistics
(which are pretty accurate) whereas the former is probably leading to
a SWAG, because PostgreSQL isn't very good at estimating the
selectivity of CASE.  The bad selectivity estimate, in turn, is
leading to a poor plan choice...

If I take it out of the view, it's fine:

# WHEN r.assetid IS NULL THEN p.assetid
# ELSE r.assetid
# END AS assetid,
# WHEN r.userid IS NULL THEN p.userid
# ELSE r.userid
# END AS userid, p.permission, p."granted", p.cascades
#FROM sq_ast_perm p
#LEFT JOIN sq_vw_ast_role r ON r.roleid::text = p.userid::text AND 
r.assetid::text = p.assetid::text

# where p.assetid='30748';


 Merge Left Join  (cost=9459.89..9463.13 rows=3 width=102) (actual 
time=0.096..0.098 rows=1 loops=1)

In this case I assume the planner is doing the 'WHERE' first to cut down 
the rows, then applying the CASE at the end.

The view it seems to be the opposite - I still don't understand why 
that's the case.

Though I do get the same behaviour as the view when I do it as a subselect.

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[PERFORM] left join + case - how is it processed?

2009-01-18 Thread Chris

Hi all,

I have a view that looks like this:

WHEN r.assetid IS NULL THEN p.assetid
ELSE r.assetid
END AS assetid,
WHEN r.userid IS NULL THEN p.userid
ELSE r.userid
END AS userid, p.permission, p."granted", p.cascades
   FROM sq_ast_perm p
   LEFT JOIN sq_vw_ast_role r ON r.roleid::text = p.userid::text AND 
r.assetid::text = p.assetid::text;

It was pointed out to me that the first CASE is useless (since r.assetid 
will always be the same as p.assetid because of the left join condition) 
so I'm looking at that to see if it'll make much of a difference and it 

I won't post the whole lot but the first line is the most interesting.

# explain analyze SELECT * from sq_vw_ast_perm where assetid='30748';

 Merge Left Join  (cost=9529.34..13823.76 rows=75721 width=102) (actual 
time=284.371..341.536 rows=1 loops=1)

(The row count is right - it's the total # of rows from sq_ast_perm).

When I change the view to be:

 SELECT p.assetid,
WHEN r.userid IS NULL THEN p.userid
ELSE r.userid
END AS userid, p.permission, p."granted", p.cascades
   FROM sq_ast_perm p
   LEFT JOIN sq_vw_ast_role r ON r.roleid::text = p.userid::text AND 
r.assetid::text = p.assetid::text;

The Merge left join only returns 3 rows:

# explain analyze SELECT * from sq_vw_ast_perm where assetid='30748';

   Merge Left Join  (cost=9507.18..9508.23 rows=3 width=70) 
(actual time=11.544..11.549 rows=1 loops=1)

I thought the where condition would cut down on the rows returned, then 
the case statement would take effect to do the null check. It seems to 
be doing it in reverse ??

Recently analyzed, only just imported so free of bloat. Running 8.1.11.

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Re: [PERFORM] limit clause produces wrong query plan

2008-11-24 Thread Chris

Andrus wrote:


And how exactly should it be optimized?  If a query is even moderately
interesting, with a few joins and a where clause, postgresql HAS to
create the rows that come before your offset in order to assure that
it's giving you the right rows.

SELECT ... FROM bigtable ORDER BY intprimarykey OFFSET 100 LIMIT 100

It should scan primary key in index order for 200 first keys and 
skipping first 100 keys.

... which if you have a lot of table joins, unions/intersects/whatever 
else, should be done on which field and how?

For a query like:

select * t1 join t2 using (id) where t1.id='x' order by t1.id limit 100;

it has to join the tables first (may involve a seq scan) to make sure 
the id's match up, reduce the number of rows to match the where clause 
(may/may not be done first, I don't know) - the limit is applied last.

it can't grab the first 100 entries from t1 - because they might not 
have a matching id in t2, let alone match the where clause.

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Re: [PERFORM] Intel's X25-M SSD

2008-09-10 Thread Chris Browne
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Merlin Moncure") writes:
> I think the SSD manufacturers made a tactical error chasing the
> notebook market when they should have been chasing the server
> market...

That's a very good point; I agree totally!
output = reverse("moc.enworbbc" "@" "enworbbc")
"We are all somehow dreadfully cracked about the head, and sadly need
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Re: [PERFORM] Incorrect estimates on correlated filters

2008-08-13 Thread Chris Kratz
On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 10:59 AM, Decibel! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Aug 12, 2008, at 4:59 PM, Chris Kratz wrote:
>> Ran into a re-occuring performance problem with some report queries again
>> today.  In a nutshell, we have filters on either multiple joined tables, or
>> multiple columns on a single table that are highly correlated.  So, the
>> estimates come out grossly incorrect (the planner has no way to know they
>> are correlated).  2000:1 for one I'm looking at right now.  Generally this
>> doesn't matter, except in complex reporting queries like these when this is
>> the first join of 40 other joins.  Because the estimate is wrong at the
>> lowest level, it snowballs up through the rest of the joins causing the
>> query to run very, very slowly.   In many of these cases, forcing nested
>> loops off for the duration of the query fixes the problem.  But I have a
>> couple that still are painfully slow and shouldn't be.
>> I've been reading through the archives with others having similar problems
>> (including myself a year ago).  Am I right in assuming that at this point
>> there is still little we can do in postgres to speed up this kind of query?
>>  Right now the planner has no way to know the correlation between different
>> columns in the same table, let alone columns in different tables.  So, it
>> just assumes no correlation and returns incorrectly low estimates in cases
>> like these.
>> The only solution I've come up with so far is to materialize portions of
>> the larger query into subqueries with these correlated filters which are
>> indexed and analyzed before joining into the larger query.  This would keep
>> the incorrect estimates from snowballing up through the chain of joins.
>> Are there any other solutions to this problem?
> Well... you could try and convince certain members of the community that we
> actually do need some kind of a query hint mechanism... ;)
> I did make a suggestion a few months ago that involved sorting a table on
> different columns and recording the correlation of other columns. The scheme
> isn't perfect, but it would help detect cases like a field populated by a
> sequence and another field that's insert timestamp; those two fields would
> correlate highly, and you should even be able to correlate the two
> histograms; that would allow you to infer that most of the insert times for
> _id's between 100 and 200 will be between 2008-01-01 00:10 and 2008-01-01
> 00:20, for example.
> --
> Decibel!, aka Jim C. Nasby, Database Architect  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Give your computer some brain candy! www.distributed.net Team #1828
> Thanks for the reply,

Yes, I know hints are frowned upon around here.  Though, I'd love to have
them or something equivalent on this particular query just so the customer
can run their important reports.  As it is, it's unrunnable.

Unfortunately, if I don't think the sorting idea would help in the one case
I'm looking at which involves filters on two tables that are joined
together.  The filters happen to be correlated such that about 95% of the
rows from each filtered table are actually returned after the join.
Unfortunately, the planner thinks we will get 1 row back.

I do have to find a way to make these queries runnable.  I'll keep looking.



[PERFORM] Incorrect estimates on correlated filters

2008-08-12 Thread Chris Kratz
Hello All,

Ran into a re-occuring performance problem with some report queries again
today.  In a nutshell, we have filters on either multiple joined tables, or
multiple columns on a single table that are highly correlated.  So, the
estimates come out grossly incorrect (the planner has no way to know they
are correlated).  2000:1 for one I'm looking at right now.  Generally this
doesn't matter, except in complex reporting queries like these when this is
the first join of 40 other joins.  Because the estimate is wrong at the
lowest level, it snowballs up through the rest of the joins causing the
query to run very, very slowly.   In many of these cases, forcing nested
loops off for the duration of the query fixes the problem.  But I have a
couple that still are painfully slow and shouldn't be.

I've been reading through the archives with others having similar problems
(including myself a year ago).  Am I right in assuming that at this point
there is still little we can do in postgres to speed up this kind of query?
Right now the planner has no way to know the correlation between different
columns in the same table, let alone columns in different tables.  So, it
just assumes no correlation and returns incorrectly low estimates in cases
like these.

The only solution I've come up with so far is to materialize portions of the
larger query into subqueries with these correlated filters which are indexed
and analyzed before joining into the larger query.  This would keep the
incorrect estimates from snowballing up through the chain of joins.

Are there any other solutions to this problem?



Re: [PERFORM] Trigger is not firing immediately

2008-07-13 Thread Chris
Praveen wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am having a trigger in table, If I update the the table manually
> trigger is firing immediately(say 200ms per row), But if I update the
> table through procedure the trigger is taking time to fire(say 7 to 10
> seconds per row).
> Please tell me what kind of changes can I make so that  trigger  fire
> immediately while updating the table through procedure ?

Sending the same email over and over again isn't going to get you a
response any quicker.

If you send the details of the trigger and the tables/fields it affects
then you might get a more helpful response.

Postgresql & php tutorials

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Re: [PERFORM] [QUESTION]Concurrent Access

2008-07-05 Thread Chris Browne
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Leví Teodoro da Silva") writes:
> Hi guys, How are you ?
> I am from Brazil and i work for a little company and it company is working is 
> medium-big project and we want to use PostGree like the DataBase
> system, but i got some questions.
> I want to know if the PostGree has limitations about the concurrent access, 
> because a lot of people will access this database at the same time.
> I want to know about the limitations, like how much memory do i have to use 
> !? How big could be my database and how simultaneously access this
> database support ?

PostGree is a system I am not familiar with; this list is for
discussion of PostgreSQL, sometimes aliased as "Postgres," so I will
assume you are referring instead to PostgreSQL.

PostgreSQL does have limitations; each connection spawns a process,
and makes use of its own "work_mem", which has the result that the
more connections you configure a particular backend to support, the
more memory that will consume, and eventually your system will
presumably run out of memory.

The size of the database doesn't have as much to do with how many
users you can support as does the configuration that you set up.
select 'cbbrowne' || '@' || 'linuxfinances.info';
Rules  of the  Evil Overlord  #145. "My  dungeon cell  decor  will not
feature exposed pipes.  While they add to the  gloomy atmosphere, they
are good  conductors of vibrations and  a lot of  prisoners know Morse

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Re: [PERFORM] Federated Postgresql architecture ?

2008-06-27 Thread Chris Browne
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Josh Berkus) writes:
> Jonah,
>> Hmm, I didn't think the Skype tools could really provide federated
>> database functionality without a good amount of custom work.  Or, am I
>> mistaken?
> Sure, what do you think pl/proxy is for?

Ah, but the thing is, it changes the model from a relational one,
where you can have fairly arbitrary "where clauses," to one where
parameterization of queries must be predetermined.

The "hard part" of federated database functionality at this point is
the [parenthesized portion] of...

  select * from [EMAIL PROTECTED] [where criterion = x];

What we'd like to be able to do is to ascertain that [where criterion
= x] portion, and run it on the remote DBMS, so that only the relevant
tuples would come back.


What if [EMAIL PROTECTED] is a remote table with 200 million tuples, and
[where criterion = x] restricts the result set to 200 of those.

If you *cannot* push the "where clause" down to the remote node, then
you're stuck with pulling all 200 million tuples, and filtering out,
on the "local" node, the 200 tuples that need to be kept.

To do better, with pl/proxy, requires having a predetermined function
that would do that filtering, and if it's missing, you're stuck
pulling 200M tuples, and throwing out nearly all of them.

In contrast, with the work David Fetter's looking at, the [where
criterion = x] clause would get pushed to the node which the data is
being drawn from, and so the query, when running on "[EMAIL PROTECTED],"
could use indices, and return only the 200 tuples that are of

It's a really big win, if it works.
select 'cbbrowne' || '@' || 'cbbrowne.com';
"The avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" 
-- Kosh, Vorlon Ambassador to Babylon 5

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Re: [PERFORM] [pgsql-performance] function difference(geometry,geometry) is SLOW!

2008-06-16 Thread Chris Mair

> Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2008 11:06:44 +0200 (CEST)
> To: pgsql-performance@postgresql.org
> Subject: function difference(geometry,geometry) is SLOW!
> Message-ID:
> Hi,
> In my pgsql procedure, i use the function
> geometryDiff := difference
> (geometry1,geometry2);
> but this function is very slow!!!
> What can I do to
> speed this function?
> Exists a special index for it?
> Thanks in advance!
> Luke


this is a postgis function. Postgis is an independent project
and you might want to ask there:




Anyway, as long as you just compute the difference between
2 given shapes, no index can help you. Indices speed up


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Re: [PERFORM] Adding "LIMIT 1" kills performance.

2008-05-29 Thread Chris Shoemaker
On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 02:23:46AM +0930, Shane Ambler wrote:
> Chris Shoemaker wrote:
>> [Attn list-queue maintainers: Please drop the earlier version
>> of this email that I accidentally sent from an unsubscribed address. ]
>> Hi, 
>> I'm having a strange problem with a slow-running select query.  The
>> query I use in production ends in "LIMIT 1", and it runs very slowly.
>> But when I remove the "LIMIT 1", the query runs quite quickly.  This
>> behavior has stumped a couple smart DBAs.
>> Can anyone explain why such a slow plan is chosen when the "LIMIT 1"
>> is present?  Is there anything I can do to speed this query up?
>> Thanks.
> From what I know using an ORDER BY and a LIMIT can often prevent 
> *shortening* the query as it still needs to find all rows to perform the 
> order by before it limits.

That makes complete sense, of course.

> The difference in plans eludes me.
>> production=> EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT event_updates.*
>>  FROM event_updates
>>  INNER JOIN calendars ON event_updates.feed_id = calendars.id
>>  INNER JOIN calendar_links ON calendars.id = 
>> calendar_links.source_tracker_id
>>  WHERE (calendar_links.calendar_group_id = 3640)
>>  ORDER BY event_updates.id DESC
>>  LIMIT 1;
> Does removing the DESC from the order by give the same variation in plans? 
> Or is this only when using ORDER BY ... DESC LIMIT 1?

Except for using Index Scan instead of Index Scan Backward, the plan
is the same with ORDER BY ... or ORDER BY ... ASC as with ORDER BY
... DESC.  In case you're wondering what would happen without the
ORDER BY at all:

production=> EXPLAIN SELECT event_updates.*
FROM event_updates
INNER JOIN calendars ON event_updates.feed_id = calendars.id
INNER JOIN calendar_links ON calendars.id = calendar_links.source_tracker_id
WHERE (calendar_links.calendar_group_id = 3640)

 Limit  (cost=0.00..3.95 rows=1 width=2752)
   ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..36992.38 rows=9362 width=2752)
 ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..16.55 rows=1 width=8)
   ->  Index Scan using 
index_calendar_links_on_calendar_group_id_and_source_tracker_id on 
calendar_links  (cost=0.00..8.27 rows=1 width=4)
 Index Cond: (calendar_group_id = 3640)
   ->  Index Scan using harvest_trackers_pkey on calendars  
(cost=0.00..8.27 rows=1 width=4)
 Index Cond: (calendars.id = 
 ->  Index Scan using index_event_updates_on_feed_id_and_feed_type on 
event_updates  (cost=0.00..36858.50 rows=9386 width=2752)
   Index Cond: (event_updates.feed_id = calendars.id)
(9 rows)

> One thing that interests me is try -
> SELECT event_updates.*
> FROM event_updates
> INNER JOIN calendars ON event_updates.feed_id = calendars.id
> INNER JOIN calendar_links ON calendars.id = calendar_links.source_tracker_id
> WHERE (calendar_links.calendar_group_id = 3640)
> ORDER BY event_updates.id DESC
> ) AS foo
> LIMIT 1;

That's an interesting experiment.  Here are the results:


 Limit  (cost=16.55..91.74 rows=1 width=6027) (actual 
time=490709.355..490709.357 rows=1 loops=1)
   ->  Nested Loop  (cost=16.55..703794.95 rows=9361 width=2752) (actual 
time=490709.352..490709.352 rows=1 loops=1)
 Join Filter: (event_updates.feed_id = calendars.id)
 ->  Index Scan Backward using event_updates_pkey on event_updates  
(cost=0.00..500211.53 rows=9047416 width=2752) (actual time=0.222..469082.071 
rows=5251179 loops=1)
 ->  Materialize  (cost=16.55..16.56 rows=1 width=8) (actual 
time=0.001..0.002 rows=1 loops=5251179)
   ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..16.55 rows=1 width=8) (actual 
time=0.240..0.246 rows=1 loops=1)
 ->  Index Scan using 
index_calendar_links_on_calendar_group_id_and_source_tracker_id on 
calendar_links  (cost=0.00..8.27 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=0.108..0.109 
rows=1 loops=1)
   Index Cond: 


2008-05-29 Thread Chris Browne
I'm doing some analysis on temporal usages, and was hoping to make use
of OVERLAPS, but it does not appear that it makes use of indices.

Couching this in an example...  I created a table, t1, thus:

metadata=# \d t1
 Table "public.t1"
 Column |   Type   |   Modifiers
 id | integer  | not null default 
 t1 | timestamp with time zone | not null default now()
 t2 | timestamp with time zone | not null default 'infinity'::timestamp 
with time zone
 data   | text | not null
"t1_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
"f2" btree (id) WHERE t2 = 'infinity'::timestamp with time zone
"t1t1" btree (t1)
"t1t2" btree (t2)

When entries go in, they default to having an effective date range
from now() until 'infinity'.

I then went off and seeded a bunch of data into the table, inserting

for i in `cat /etc/dictionaries-common/words | head 2000`; do
  psql -d metadata -c "insert into t1 (data) values ('$i');"

Then, I started doing temporal updates, thus:

for i in `cat /etc/dictionaries-common/words`; do
psql -d metadata -c "insert into t1 (data) values ('$i');update t1 set t2 = 
now() where t2 = 'infinity' and id in (select id from t1 where t2 = 'infinity' 
order by random() limit 1);"

This terminates many of those entries, and creates a new one that is
effective "to infinity."

After running this for a while, I have a reasonably meaningful amount
of data in the table:

metadata=# select count(*) from t1; select count(*) from t1 where t2 = 

(1 row)

(1 row)

Searching for the "active" items in the table, via a constructed 'overlap':

metadata=# explain analyze  select count(*)  from t1 where t1 <= now() and t2 
>= now();
 Aggregate  (cost=98.13..98.14 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=8.104..8.105 rows=1 
   ->  Index Scan using t1t2 on t1  (cost=0.00..93.95 rows=1671 width=0) 
(actual time=0.116..6.374 rows=2177 loops=1)
 Index Cond: (t2 >= now())
 Filter: (t1 <= now())
 Total runtime: 8.193 ms
(5 rows)

Note, that makes use of the index on column t2, and runs nice and
quick.  (And notice that the rows found, 2177, agrees with the earlier

Unfortunately, when I try using OVERLAPS, it reverts to a Seq Scan.

metadata=# explain analyze  select *  from t1 where (t1,t2) overlaps (now(), 
 Seq Scan on t1  (cost=0.00..3156.59 rows=43135 width=24) (actual 
time=171.248..205.941 rows=2177 loops=1)
   Filter: "overlaps"(t1, t2, now(), now())
 Total runtime: 207.508 ms
(3 rows)

I would surely think that I have enough data in the table for the
stats to be good, and the first query certainly does harness the index
on t2 to determine if records are overlapping (now(),now()).

Is it possible that we need to have some improvement to the optimizer
so that OVERLAPS could make use of the indices?
select 'cbbrowne' || '@' || 'cbbrowne.com';
"Very little is known about the War of 1812 because the Americans lost
it."  -- Eric Nicol

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[PERFORM] Adding "LIMIT 1" kills performance.

2008-05-29 Thread Chris Shoemaker
[Attn list-queue maintainers: Please drop the earlier version
of this email that I accidentally sent from an unsubscribed address. ]


I'm having a strange problem with a slow-running select query.  The
query I use in production ends in "LIMIT 1", and it runs very slowly.
But when I remove the "LIMIT 1", the query runs quite quickly.  This
behavior has stumped a couple smart DBAs.

The full queries and EXPLAIN ANALYZE plans are included below, but by
way of explanation/observation:

1) The "LIMIT 1" case will sometimes be quicker (but still much slower
than the non-"LIMIT 1" case) for different values of

2) The query below is a slightly simplified version of the one I
actually use.  The real one includes more conditions which explain why
each table is joined.  For reference, the original query is quoted at
the end [1].  The original query exhibits the same behavior as the
simplified versions w.r.t. the "LIMIT 1" case taking _much_ longer
(even longer than the simplified version) than the non-"LIMIT 1" case,
and uses the same plans.

Can anyone explain why such a slow plan is chosen when the "LIMIT 1"
is present?  Is there anything I can do to speed this query up?


production=> select version();

 PostgreSQL 8.2.6 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC 
x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc (GCC) 4.1.2 (Gentoo 4.1.2 p1.0.2)
(1 row)

production=> analyze calendar_groups;
production=> analyze calendar_links;
production=> analyze calendars;
production=> analyze event_updates;
production=> EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT event_updates.*
 FROM event_updates
 INNER JOIN calendars ON event_updates.feed_id = calendars.id
 INNER JOIN calendar_links ON calendars.id = 
 WHERE (calendar_links.calendar_group_id = 3640)
 ORDER BY event_updates.id DESC


 Limit  (cost=16.55..91.73 rows=1 width=2752) (actual time=27810.058..27810.059 
rows=1 loops=1)
   ->  Nested Loop  (cost=16.55..695694.18 rows=9254 width=2752) (actual 
time=27810.054..27810.054 rows=1 loops=1)
 Join Filter: (event_updates.feed_id = calendars.id)
 ->  Index Scan Backward using event_updates_pkey on event_updates  
(cost=0.00..494429.30 rows=8944370 width=2752) (actual time=0.030..7452.142 
rows=5135706 loops=1)
 ->  Materialize  (cost=16.55..16.56 rows=1 width=8) (actual 
time=0.001..0.002 rows=1 loops=5135706)
   ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..16.55 rows=1 width=8) (actual 
time=0.029..0.034 rows=1 loops=1)
 ->  Index Scan using 
index_calendar_links_on_calendar_group_id_and_source_tracker_id on 
calendar_links  (cost=0.00..8.27 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=0.012..0.013 
rows=1 loops=1)
   Index Cond: (calendar_group_id = 3640)
 ->  Index Scan using harvest_trackers_pkey on calendars  
(cost=0.00..8.27 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=0.012..0.013 rows=1 loops=1)
   Index Cond: (calendars.id = 
 Total runtime: 27810.161 ms
(11 rows)

production=> EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT event_updates.* FROM event_updates
 INNER JOIN calendars ON event_updates.feed_id = calendars.id
 INNER JOIN calendar_links ON calendars.id = 
 WHERE (calendar_links.calendar_group_id = 3640)
 ORDER BY event_updates.id DESC;

 Sort  (cost=43376.36..43399.50 rows=9256 width=2752) (actual 
time=10.178..10.205 rows=36 loops=1)
   Sort Key: event_updates.id
   ->  Nested Loop  (cost=249.86..31755.56 rows=9256 width=2752) (actual 
time=9.957..10.098 rows=36 loops=1)
 ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..16.55 rows=1 width=8) (actual 
time=9.868..9.873 rows=1 loops=1)
   ->  Index Scan using 
index_calendar_links_on_calendar_group_id_and_source_tracker_id on 
calendar_links  (cost=0.00..8.27 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=9.824..9.825 
rows=1 loops=

Re: [PERFORM] RAID controllers for Postgresql on large setups

2008-05-12 Thread Chris Ruprecht


did you try to run the 345 on an IBM ServeRAID 6i?
I have one in mine, but I never actually ran any speed test.
Do you have any benchmarks that I could run and compare?

best regards,
chris ruprecht

database grunt and bit pusher extraordinaíre

On May 12, 2008, at 22:11, Joshua D. Drake wrote:

On Mon, 12 May 2008 22:04:03 -0400
Francisco Reyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Inheritted a number of servers and I am starting to look into the


Comparing software raid on an LSI onboard for an IBM 345 versus a  

using hardware raid 10, the software raid completely blew the adaptec

[more snip]
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Re: [PERFORM] Replication Syatem

2008-04-29 Thread Chris Browne
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Gauri Kanekar") writes:
> Basically we have some background process which updates "table1" and
> we don't want the application to make any changes to "table1" while
> vacuum.  Vacuum requires exclusive lock on "table1" and if any of
> the background or application is ON vacuum don't kick off. Thats the
> reason we need to get the site down.

VACUUM has not required an exclusive lock on tables since version 7.1.

What version of PostgreSQL are you running?
output = ("cbbrowne" "@" "acm.org")
Rules of the Evil Overlord #192.  "If I appoint someone as my consort,
I will  not subsequently inform  her that she  is being replaced  by a
younger, more attractive woman.  

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Re: [PERFORM] Replication Syatem

2008-04-28 Thread Chris Browne
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Gauri Kanekar") writes:
> We have a table "table1" which get insert and updates daily in high
> numbers, bcoz of which its size is increasing and we have to vacuum
> it every alternate day. Vacuuming "table1" take almost 30min and
> during that time the site is down.  We need to cut down on this
> downtime.So thought of having a replication system, for which the
> replicated DB will be up during the master is getting vacuumed.  Can
> anybody guide which will be the best suited replication solution for
> this.

The only reason that it would be necessary for VACUUM to "take the
site down" would be if you are running version 7.1, which was
obsoleted in 2002, which, it should be noted, was SIX YEARS AGO.

As has been noted, you seem to be presupposing a remarkably complex
solution to resolve a problem which is likely to be better handled via
running VACUUM rather more frequently.
output = reverse("ofni.sesabatadxunil" "@" "enworbbc")
Rules  of the  Evil Overlord  #181.  "I  will decree  that all  hay be
shipped in tightly-packed bales. Any wagonload of loose hay attempting
to pass through a checkpoint will be set on fire."

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Re: [PERFORM] Where do a novice do to make it run faster?

2008-04-28 Thread Chris Browne
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("A B") writes:
> So, it is time to improve performance, it is running to slow.
> AFAIK (as a novice) there are a few general areas:
> 1) hardware
> 2) rewriting my queries and table structures
> 3) using more predefined queries
> 4) tweek parameters in the db conf files
> Of these points:
> 1) is nothing I can do about right now, but in the future perhaps.
> 2) will be quite hard right now since there is more code than time.
> 3) almost like 2 but perhaps more do-able with the current constraints.
> 4) This seems to be the easiest one to start with...
> So what should I do/read concerning point 4?
> If you have other good suggestions  I'd be very interested in that.
> Thank you :-)

In the order of ease of implementation, it tends to be...

1.  Tweak postgresql.conf
2.  Make sure you ran VACUUM + ANALYZE
3.  Find some expensive queries and try to improve them, which might
involve changing the queries and/or adding relevant indices
4.  Add RAM to your server
5.  Add disk to your server
6.  Redesign your application's DB schema so that it is more performant
by design

URL below may have some material of value...
select 'cbbrowne' || '@' || 'cbbrowne.com';
It is usually a   good idea to  put  a capacitor of a  few microfarads
across the output, as shown.

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Re: [PERFORM] Message queue table..

2008-04-18 Thread Chris Browne
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jesper Krogh) writes:
> I have this "message queue" table.. currently with 8m+
> records. Picking the top priority messages seem to take quite
> long.. it is just a matter of searching the index.. (just as explain
> analyze tells me it does).
> Can anyone digest further optimizations out of this output? (All
> records have funcid=4)
> # explain analyze SELECT job.jobid, job.funcid, job.arg, job.uniqkey,
> job.insert_time, job.run_after, job.grabbed_until, job.priority,
> job.coalesce FROM workqueue.job  WHERE (job.funcid = 4) AND
> (job.run_after <= 1208442668) AND (job.grabbed_until <= 1208442668)
> AND (job.coalesce = 'Efam') ORDER BY funcid, priority ASC LIMIT 1
> ;

There might be value in having one or more extra indices...

Here are *plausible* candidates:

1.  If "funcid = 4" is highly significant (e.g. - you are always
running this query, and funcid often <> 4), then you might add a
functional index such as:

  create index job_funcid_run_after on workqueue.job (run_after) where funcid = 
  create index job_funcid_grabbeduntil on workqueue.job (grabbed_until) where 
funcid = 4;

2.  Straight indices like the following:

   create index job_run_after on workqueue.job(run_after);
   create index job_grabbed_until on workqueue.job(grabbed_until);
   create index job_funcid on workqueue.job(funcid);
   create index job_coalesce on workqueue.job(coalesce);

Note that it is _possible_ (though by no means guaranteed) that all
three might prove useful, if you're running 8.1+ where PostgreSQL
supports bitmap index scans.

Another possibility...

3.  You might change your process to process multiple records in a
"run" so that you might instead run the query (perhaps via a cursor?)

with LIMIT [Something Bigger than 1].

It does seem mighty expensive to run a 245ms query to find just one
record.  It seems quite likely that you could return the top 100 rows
(LIMIT 100) without necessarily finding it runs in any more time.

Returning 100 tuples in 245ms seems rather more acceptable, no?  :-)
(format nil "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" "cbbrowne" "linuxfinances.info")
Rules of the Evil Overlord #32. "I will not fly into a rage and kill a
messenger who brings me bad news  just to illustrate how evil I really
am. Good messengers are hard to come by."

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Re: [PERFORM] Background writer underemphasized ...

2008-04-16 Thread Chris Browne
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marinos Yannikos) writes:
> This helped with our configuration:
> bgwriter_delay = 1ms # 10-1ms between rounds
> bgwriter_lru_maxpages = 1000 # 0-1000 max buffers written/round

FYI, I'd be inclined to reduce both of those numbers, as it should
reduce the variability of behaviour.

Rather than cleaning 1K pages every 10s, I would rather clean 100
pages every 1s, as that will have much the same effect, but spread the
work more evenly.  Or perhaps 10 pages every 100ms...

Cut the delay *too* low and this might make the background writer, in
effect, poll *too* often, and start chewing resources, but there's
doubtless some "sweet spot" in between...
"For systems, the analogue of a face-lift is to add to the control
graph an edge that creates a cycle, not just an additional node."
-- Alan J. Perlis

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Re: [PERFORM] Oddly slow queries

2008-04-16 Thread Chris Browne
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thomas Spreng) writes:
> On 16.04.2008, at 01:24, PFC wrote:
>>> The queries in question (select's) occasionally take up to 5 mins
>>> even if they take ~2-3 sec under "normal" conditions, there are no
>>> sequencial scans done in those queries. There are not many users
>>> connected (around 3, maybe) to this database usually since it's
>>> still in a testing phase. I tried to hunt down the problem by
>>> playing around with resource usage cfg options but it didn't really
>>> made a difference.
>>  Could that be caused by a CHECKPOINT ?
> actually there are a few log (around 12 per day) entries concerning
> checkpoints:
> LOG:  checkpoints are occurring too frequently (10 seconds apart)
> HINT:  Consider increasing the configuration parameter
> "checkpoint_segments".
> But wouldn't that only affect write performance? The main problems I'm
> concerned about affect SELECT queries.

No, that will certainly NOT just affect write performance; if the
postmaster is busy writing out checkpoints, that will block SELECT
queries that are accessing whatever is being checkpointed.

When we were on 7.4, we would *frequently* see SELECT queries that
should be running Very Quick that would get blocked by the checkpoint

We'd periodically see hordes of queries of the form:

  select id from some_table where unique_field = 'somevalue.something';

which would normally run in less than 1ms running for (say) 2s.

And the logs would show something looking rather like the following:

2008-04-03 09:01:52 LOG select id from some_table where unique_field = 
'somevalue.something'; - 952ms
2008-04-03 09:01:52 LOG select id from some_table where unique_field = 
'somevalue.something'; - 742ms
2008-04-03 09:01:52 LOG select id from some_table where unique_field = 
'another.something'; - 1341ms
2008-04-03 09:01:52 LOG select id from some_table where unique_field = 
'somevalue.something'; - 911ms
2008-04-03 09:01:52 LOG select id from some_table where unique_field = 
'another.something'; - 1244ms
2008-04-03 09:01:52 LOG select id from some_table where unique_field = 
'another.something'; - 2311ms
2008-04-03 09:01:52 LOG select id from some_table where unique_field = 
'another.something'; - 1799ms
2008-04-03 09:01:52 LOG select id from some_table where unique_field = 
'somevalue.something'; - 1992ms

This was happening because the checkpoint was flushing those two
tuples, and hence blocking 8 SELECTs that came in during the flush.

There are two things worth considering:

1.  If the checkpoints are taking place "too frequently," then that is
clear evidence that something is taking place that is injecting REALLY
heavy update load on your database at those times.

If the postmaster is checkpointing every 10s, that implies Rather
Heavy Load, so it is pretty well guaranteed that performance of other
activity will suck at least somewhat because this load is sucking up
all the I/O bandwidth that it can.

So, to a degree, there may be little to be done to improve on this.

2.  On the other hand, if you're on 8.1 or so, you may be able to
configure the Background Writer to incrementally flush checkpoint data
earlier, and avoid the condition of 1.

Mind you, you'd have to set BgWr to be pretty aggressive, based on the
"10s periodicity" that you describe; that may not be a nice
configuration to have all the time :-(.
output = reverse("ofni.sesabatadxunil" "@" "enworbbc")
Nagging  is the  repetition  of unpalatable  truths. --Baroness  Edith

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Re: [PERFORM] Creating large database of MD5 hash values

2008-04-11 Thread Chris

1. Which datatype should I use to represent the hash value? UUIDs are
also 16 bytes...

md5's are always 32 characters long so probably varchar(32).

2. Does it make sense to denormalize the hash set relationships?

The general rule is normalize as much as possible then only denormalize 
when absolutely necessary.

3. Should I index?

What sort of queries are you going to be running?

4. What other data structure options would it make sense for me to choose?

What sort of other data will you be needing to store?

Postgresql & php tutorials

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Re: [PERFORM] bulk insert performance problem

2008-04-07 Thread Chris

Craig Ringer wrote:

Christian Bourque wrote:


I have a performance problem with a script that does massive bulk
insert in 6 tables. When the script starts the performance is really
good but will degrade minute after minute and take almost a day to
Would I be correct in guessing that there are foreign key relationships 
between those tables, and that there are significant numbers of indexes 
in use?

The foreign key checking costs will go up as the tables grow, and AFAIK 
the indexes get a bit more expensive to maintain too.

If possible you should probably drop your foreign key relationships and 
drop your indexes, insert your data, then re-create the indexes and 
foreign keys. The foreign keys will be rechecked when you recreate them, 
and it's *vastly* faster to do it that way. Similarly, building an index 
from scratch is quite a bit faster than progressively adding to it. Of 
course, dropping the indices is only useful if you aren't querying the 
tables as you build them.

If you are, add "analyze" commands through the import, eg every 10,000 
rows. Then your checks should be a bit faster.

The other suggestion would be to do block commits:

do stuff for 5000 rows;

repeat until finished.

Postgresql & php tutorials

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Re: [PERFORM] postgresql is slow with larger table even it is in RAM

2008-03-25 Thread Chris Browne
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("sathiya psql") writes:
> On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 2:09 PM, jose 
> javier parra sanchez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It's been said zillions of 
> times on the maillist. Using a select
>count(*) in postgres is slow, 
> and probably will be slow for a long
>  time. So that function is 
> not a good way to measure perfomance.
> Yes, but if the data 
> is in HDD then we can say this...
>   but now 
> the data is in RAM

Even if the data all is in RAM, it will still take some definitely
non-zero time to examine all of the pages, looking for tuples, and
then to determine which of those tuples are visible from the
perspective of your DB connection.

If 500MB of relevant data is sitting on disk, then it will take
whatever time it takes to pull it from disk; if it is in memory, there
is still work to be done...
select 'cbbrowne' || '@' || 'cbbrowne.com';
Rules of  the Evil Overlord #76.  "If the hero  runs up to my  roof, I
will not run up after him and  struggle with him in an attempt to push
him  over the  edge. I  will also  not  engage him  at the  edge of  a
cliff. (In the middle of a  rope-bridge over a river of molten lava is
not even worth considering.)" 

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Re: [PERFORM] slow pg_connect()

2008-03-24 Thread Chris

* Read about configuring and using persistent database connections
  (http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.pg-pconnect.php) with PHP

Though make sure you understand the ramifications of using persistent 
connections. You can quickly exhaust your connections by using this and 
also cause other issues for your server.

If you do this you'll probably have to adjust postgres to allow more 
connections, which usually means lowering the amount of shared memory 
each connection can use which can also cause performance issues.

I'd probably use pgpool-II and have it handle the connection stuff for 
you rather than doing it through php.

Postgresql & php tutorials

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