Re: [SQL] Functions return a select in a table, which data type I

2004-10-29 Thread Markus Bertheau
Ð ÐÑÐ, 22.10.2004, Ð 15:38, Markus Bertheau ÐÐÑÐÑ:

> CREATE TYPE foo_type AS (cod_aluno TEXT, nome TEXT, cpf TEXT);
>   RETURNS SETOF foo_type
That should be LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
>   AS '
>   var_rec foo_type;
>   FOR var_rec IN SELECT cod_aluno, nome, cpf FROM table WHERE ... LOOP
>   RETURN NEXT var_rec;
> END;
> ';

And if you want that function in SQL, there are two kinds of situations,
for which the solutions differ: If the record structure that the
function should return is the same as the structure of a table, you can
use the table name as the type. If this is not the case, you have to
create a custom type:

RETURNS table_name or custom_type_name
AS '
SELECT whatever FROM table WHERE field = $1 AND foo;

$1 is the value of the first argument.

Markus Bertheau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: [SQL] How do you compare (NULL) and (non-NULL)?

2004-10-29 Thread Wei Weng
Bruno Wolff III wrote:
On Tue, Oct 26, 2004 at 16:23:20 -0400,
  Wei Weng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
In the following query
SELECT Parent FROM Channels ORDER BY Parent ASC;
If I have a couple of (NULL)s in the field [Parent], they will be listed at 
the bottom of the query result.

Is it because PostgreSQL considers (NULL) as the biggest value? If I run 
the same query under MSSQL Server 2000, I get the exact opposite result 
regarding the order of (NULL)s and (non-NULL) values. They are listed at 
the very beginning of the query result.

If the order matters, you can order by IS NULL or IS NOT NULL.
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
  joining column's datatypes do not match

How do I write that?

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [SQL] extra info - curious delay on view/where

2004-10-29 Thread Markus Schaber
Hi, Andre,

On Thu, 28 Oct 2004 11:53:25 -0300
"andre.toscano" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Could an INDEX speed up that SELECT?

> > > CREATE VIEW "stock_available" as
> > >   SELECT * FROM stock_details
> > >   WHERE available = true AND visible = true AND
> > >   location not in (SELECT descr FROM ignored);

Yes, I'm shure. 

I would try to create (on the underlying table) a conditional index on
the column "location" with the condition "available = true AND visible =

As often, the acutal effect depends on the count of rows the query
returns compared to the total rows in the table. And it would be helpful
to know the typical queries (especially the rows in the WHERE clauses)
to give additional hints on creating indices. A matching index also
potentially speeds up ORDER BY queries.


markus schaber | dipl. informatiker
logi-track ag | rennweg 14-16 | ch 8001 zürich
phone +41-43-888 62 52 | fax +41-43-888 62 53

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Re: [SQL] How do you compare (NULL) and (non-NULL)?

2004-10-29 Thread Bruno Wolff III
On Fri, Oct 29, 2004 at 11:59:15 -0400,
  Wei Weng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How do I write that?

SELECT Parent FROM Channels ORDER BY Parent IS NULL, Parent ASC;

---(end of broadcast)---
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