Re: [Pharo-project] Pharo Refactoring Tool

2011-01-19 Thread TimM wrote:

should consider.  My starting point is to bring Pharo up to the level of
) but I would love to hear from experienced Smalltalkers about
refactorings that are important to them.

A reasonable equivalence with eclipse would be awesome (Ideally, if you 
can find some time to observe java developers using Intelli-J - you 
really say how they play the IDE like a piano). We are often too mouse-y 
in Smalltalk, but we don't have to be (its been great seeing some of the 
keyboard shortcuts introduced in Pharo).

Some really useful refactorings are:

- extract setUp method (this one is missing in all IDE's). Write a test 
with no setup, and then you want to take the initialisation of a 
variable at the top of a method and move it to a test setup method 
(possibly extracting an instance variable as well).

- extract sub-component (or delegate or policy) - eg. extract out a 
method into another class and call it via an instance variable (eg. 
delegate behavior)

- extract to local variable, and inline local variable are also very 
common eclipsy things that we seem to miss at a local method level in 
smalltalk as well


[Pharo-project] Should refactoring cope with symbols in Pharo or should we avoid symbols?

2010-09-30 Thread TimM
I logged issue 
where I noted that code using a symbol like the following example 
doesn't get refactored in pharo (e.g. changing the modelChanged method 
doesn't change this code):

model announcer subscribe: ElephantModelChanged send: #modelChanged to: self

I was surprised by this as in Dolphin it works - and I never thought 
twice about it - to me, symbol = selector. Renaming a method, or adding 
a parameter to a method would also affect matching symbols.

So I guess my wider question is, should I simply never use symbols in 


Pharo-project mailing list

Re: [Pharo-project] [Moose-dev] Re: Redirect compiler warnings to file

2010-09-07 Thread TimM

Philippe Marschall wrote:

And an easy way to redirect to sdtout or stderr would help for things
like Hudson.

I found that in Dolphin when I was running with Cruise Control, that I 
installed a subclassed Transcript that logged both to the screen and to 
a file.

I wonder if that might be an easy fix for Pharo?


Pharo-project mailing list

Re: [Pharo-project] TestSprinter

2010-09-03 Thread TimM

On 02/09/2010 23:54, Alexandre Bergel wrote:

A keyboard shortcut to run the tests directly without a mouse (ideally a way to 
run the single test my cursor is on, its suite of tests, and all tests like you 
imply above).

Are you aware of Cmd-t in OB(2) ?

I have to confess that is an area I don't understand in Pharo - which 
Browser system am I using? OB, OB2, isn't there another one as well?

I don't understand why there seems to be different types of browsers - 
and it seems that different versions of pharo have shipped with 
different ones making it even more confusing?

So in 1.1 am I just using OB? And should I be using OB2? (Or why 
wouldn't I use OB2?)

I'll move this to the user list if thats more appropriate.


Pharo-project mailing list

Re: [Pharo-project] TestSprinter

2010-09-03 Thread TimM

On 02/09/2010 23:54, Alexandre Bergel wrote:

A keyboard shortcut to run the tests directly without a mouse (ideally a way to 
run the single test my cursor is on, its suite of tests, and all tests like you 
imply above).

Are you aware of Cmd-t in OB(2) ?

I have to confess that is an area I don't understand in Pharo - which 
Browser system am I using? OB, OB2, isn't there another one as well?

I don't understand why there seems to be different types of browsers - 
and it seems that different versions of pharo have shipped with 
different ones making it even more confusing?

So in 1.1 am I just using OB? And should I be using OB2? (Or why 
wouldn't I use OB2?)

I'll move this to the user list if thats more appropriate.


Pharo-project mailing list

Re: [Pharo-project] TestSprinter

2010-09-03 Thread TimM

On 02/09/2010 23:54, Alexandre Bergel wrote:

A keyboard shortcut to run the tests directly without a mouse (ideally a way to 
run the single test my cursor is on, its suite of tests, and all tests like you 
imply above).

Are you aware of Cmd-t in OB(2) ?

I have to confess that is an area I don't understand in Pharo - which 
Browser system am I using? OB, OB2, isn't there another one as well?

I don't understand why there seems to be different types of browsers - 
and it seems that different versions of pharo have shipped with 
different ones making it even more confusing?

So in 1.1 am I just using OB? And should I be using OB2? (Or why 
wouldn't I use OB2?)

I'll move this to the user list if thats more appropriate.


Pharo-project mailing list

Re: [Pharo-project] TestSprinter

2010-09-03 Thread TimM

On 02/09/2010 23:54, Alexandre Bergel wrote:

A keyboard shortcut to run the tests directly without a mouse (ideally a way to 
run the single test my cursor is on, its suite of tests, and all tests like you 
imply above).

Are you aware of Cmd-t in OB(2) ?

I have to confess that is an area I don't understand in Pharo - which 
Browser system am I using? OB, OB2, isn't there another one as well?

I don't understand why there seems to be different types of browsers - 
and it seems that different versions of pharo have shipped with 
different ones making it even more confusing?

So in 1.1 am I just using OB? And should I be using OB2? (Or why 
wouldn't I use OB2?)

I'll move this to the user list if thats more appropriate.


Pharo-project mailing list

Re: [Pharo-project] TestSprinter

2010-09-03 Thread TimM

On 02/09/2010 23:54, Alexandre Bergel wrote:

A keyboard shortcut to run the tests directly without a mouse (ideally a way to 
run the single test my cursor is on, its suite of tests, and all tests like you 
imply above).

Are you aware of Cmd-t in OB(2) ?

I have to confess that is an area I don't understand in Pharo - which 
Browser system am I using? OB, OB2, isn't there another one as well?

I don't understand why there seems to be different types of browsers - 
and it seems that different versions of pharo have shipped with 
different ones making it even more confusing?

So in 1.1 am I just using OB? And should I be using OB2? (Or why 
wouldn't I use OB2?)

I'll move this to the user list if thats more appropriate.


Pharo-project mailing list

Re: [Pharo-project] TestSprinter

2010-09-03 Thread TimM

On 02/09/2010 23:54, Alexandre Bergel wrote:

A keyboard shortcut to run the tests directly without a mouse (ideally a way to 
run the single test my cursor is on, its suite of tests, and all tests like you 
imply above).

Are you aware of Cmd-t in OB(2) ?

I have to confess that is an area I don't understand in Pharo - which 
Browser system am I using? OB, OB2, isn't there another one as well?

I don't understand why there seems to be different types of browsers - 
and it seems that different versions of pharo have shipped with 
different ones making it even more confusing?

So in 1.1 am I just using OB? And should I be using OB2? (Or why 
wouldn't I use OB2?)

I'll move this to the user list if thats more appropriate.


Pharo-project mailing list

Re: [Pharo-project] TestSprinter

2010-09-03 Thread TimM

On 02/09/2010 23:54, Alexandre Bergel wrote:

A keyboard shortcut to run the tests directly without a mouse (ideally a way to 
run the single test my cursor is on, its suite of tests, and all tests like you 
imply above).

Are you aware of Cmd-t in OB(2) ?

I have to confess that is an area I don't understand in Pharo - which 
Browser system am I using? OB, OB2, isn't there another one as well?

I don't understand why there seems to be different types of browsers - 
and it seems that different versions of pharo have shipped with 
different ones making it even more confusing?

So in 1.1 am I just using OB? And should I be using OB2? (Or why 
wouldn't I use OB2?)

I'll move this to the user list if thats more appropriate.


Pharo-project mailing list

Re: [Pharo-project] Wiki spam experience

2010-08-19 Thread TimM

Schwab,Wilhelm K wrote:

Any wiki.  If you want something more specific, does our Pharo site wiki remain 
unscarred because we control who can edit it, or is there something to stop me 
from doing bad things to it if I were so inclined?  I am asking on behalf of 
somone who has had problems with a wider audience.

You could refer to James Robertson's blog posts on how he handles 
comments for his blog (I recall he has lots of different strategies that 
he's incorporated)


Pharo-project mailing list

Re: [Pharo-project] Fwd: break point

2010-08-18 Thread TimM
 I was guilty of harvesting that for 3.7 or 3.6... (Squeak that is).

Thanks for trying to get it in, it would be so nice if we could have
easy ui breakpoints like other smalltalks and languages.

I remain hopeful from your other comments though.


Pharo-project mailing list

[Pharo-project] Should I be able to hang my pharo 1.1 image so easily?

2010-08-17 Thread TimM
Hi guys - it seems really easy to hang my seaside image and then have to 
force quit and restart. I thought that cmd-. was supposed to recover, 
but it never seems to work for me.

Am I doing something wrong? (I am using a pharo 1.1 seaside3.0rc3 image 
with the mac 4.2.5 vm).

I had the following code:

self pusher javascript: [ :jsScript |
jsScript  (self generateUpdateScriptWith: jsScript) ]

generateUpdateScriptWith: jsScript

^aJScript goto: anActionUrl withoutQuery

I think that the  operator is adding something that has already been 
added via aJScript goto: - and so its recursive.

Anyway - when I hit this with my browser - the cpu of my Pharo image 
goes to 99% and I can hit Cmd-. all I want, but eventually it just dies 
- or I have to do a force quit.

Should it be so easy to kill an image like this?


Pharo-project mailing list

Re: [Pharo-project] Should I be able to hang my pharo 1.1 image so easily?

2010-08-17 Thread TimM

Henrik Johansen wrote:

Is this code run in a separate process?
UserInterruptHandlerhandleUserInterrupt specifically interrupts the 
UI-process, rather than f.ex. the last process consuming cycles.
Whether that is desired behaviour or not, is up for discussion :)

I'm not sure - as its seaside is that a UI-process (I don't think it 
is). By browser - I mean web browser. And then I notice my cpu spike and 
if I switch back to squeak, its hosed.


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