[Pharo-project] Understanding NBOpenGL

2013-05-13 Thread kilon
Ok so I tried to learn Opengl ES 2 (and opengl 4) during my eastern vacations
because I realised

that I dont really need Athens or vector graphics for my GUI , since I will
be dealing mostly with 3d
graphics anyway. (My project ephestos will be an effort of creating a 3d
app for pharo, see also blender)

So when I tried to run the demos i get an error with

obviously, for Mac intel-32 only :)
^ NativeBoost platformId = NativeBoostConstants mac32PlaformId

My mac is obviously not 32-bit but 64 bit, but I dont know if that matters
since pharo is only 32 bit anyway.
The bug is also obvious it should be mac32PlatformId and not mac32PlaformId.

I correct and proceed and gives me a new error this time in

NBMacGlApiglApiCall: fnSpec index: fnIndex attributes: attributes context:

(NBCallFailureHandler for: contextToRetry) retryWith: [ :targetClass
:targetMethod |
targetClass: targetClass targetMethod: targetMethod fnSpec:
generate: [ :gen | self emitCall: fnIndex generator: gen ]
] on: NBNativeCodeError do: [:err :handler |
err errorCode = ErrorFnNotAvailable ifTrue: [
Native code is installed, but function pointer not loaded yet.
Try to load function and retry the call   
(self tryGetFunctionPointer: (self class glFunctions at:
fnIndex)) ifFalse: [ ^ err pass ].
^ handler retrySend
err pass   

The problem here that NBCallFailureHandler is nowhere to be found. At first
I though my
NB was lagging behind in version so I download from smalltalk Hub and did

ConfigurationOfNativeboost loadStable.

it updated without errors but still that class is nowhere to be found.

So my question is this, does it really worth it to struggle with NBOpengl or
will it better to learn how Nativeboost works and use Opengl myself ?

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Re: [Pharo-project] Understanding Athens

2013-04-18 Thread kilon
Ok resumed  learning of Athens, did look through and experimented with the
steps of the tutorial , I think I understand the basics now. 

Started from a fresh image reinstalled everything and no longer save my
image with Athens Tutorial open so there is no segfault.But the error


glyphRendererOn: anAthensBalloonSurface
^ self realFont glyphRendererOn: anAthensBalloonSurface

full stack can be found here -  http:// http://pastebin.com/C8itjM2a
http:// http://pastebin.com/C8itjM2a  

freetype is enabled in settings , my ears are open for suggestions :)

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Re: [Pharo-project] do you know what is this?

2013-04-17 Thread kilon
Estaban correct me if I am wrong but AFAIK MACOS GUI is based on opengl and
it is hardware accelerated. I hear the same applied for Linux GUIs too in

Anyway, my only objection is the fact that we will have twice the code to
maintain and more to worry about. As I said I am on macos , I am a mac
developer (not pro) still ObjC never made sense for me since it locks me
down to a specific platform. It does however make sense to have platform
specific code for providing better and smoother support for that platform.
So its definetly good to have and thank you for your efforts.

Speedwise , I know the subject on optimisation is a huge one and there
thousands of ways to speed up specific code. Its a more a practical one,
since not to many people work on athens we need to choose one way that makes
life easier for everyone and especially people who develop Athens. 

Part of the sucess of Cairo is that is an easy to understand little library
that is very well documented. I would like to see Athens maintain that. 

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Re: [Pharo-project] How to browse a selected method in code viewer

2013-04-17 Thread kilon
Is it a bug ? If I select a class and do alt+b it works , if I select the
entire message it does not . For example 

In Athens-Cairo-Paints packages AthensCairoPatternPaintintialize

in line

NBExternalResourceManager addResource: self data: handle.

if I select NBExternalResourceManager alt+b works and browses the relevant

If I select NBExternalResourceManager addResource: self data: handle. and
hit alt+b it does nothing 

Is that a bug and can you reproduce that bug ? if yes in both accounts then
I am more than happy to create the bug report. 

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Re: [Pharo-project] do you know what is this?

2013-04-17 Thread kilon
Can NB also disassamble code called ? I know that gdb can do this, and since
NB generates assembly code for 
the FFI calls I was wondering if it can disassemble them too. 

Assembly is definetly not as pretty as smalltalk but can be useful none the
less to look at internals. 

Porting everything to smalltalk is not a realistic or a very useful
scenario. Whos is going to port Cocoa to Morphic
come on lets see some hands raising :D

I see coding more as Aikido , use the force of your enemy ( in this case a
big clumsy GUI API like Cocoa , yes I dont like Big GUI apis ) against him.
An ObjC bridge and NB seem to fit that role fine to me.  

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Re: [Pharo-project] How to browse a selected method in code viewer

2013-04-17 Thread kilon
Thank you Marcus, good to know its not only me. 

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Re: [Pharo-project] do you know what is this?

2013-04-17 Thread kilon
Esteban I was replying to PhillipeBeck post, I think that is what he meant,
to move things to smalltalk side instead of relying to external libraries. 

Unless I misunderstood his post . 

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Re: [Pharo-project] Tiger athens with objc bridge demo

2013-04-17 Thread kilon
I would prefer it long and with you speaking, but I guess you cant please

Great job and thanks for making this bridge.

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Re: [Pharo-project] SPy VM

2013-04-17 Thread kilon
I did know that, cause I try to follow PyPy development . I did not know it
was still actively developed. I thought it was abandoned, glad I am proven

Pitty It cant use cpython libraries. But who knows, maybe one day. 

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Re: [Pharo-project] Understanding Athens

2013-04-16 Thread kilon
Doru , I am using Pharo 2.0 from the main website , also it does not matter
because cairo libraries are looked outside the pharo folder. 

If you open system browser and go to the CairoLibraryLoadergetLibraryPath
(class side) you will see it tries to find cairo libs in
'/usr/lib/libcairo.so' . On the other hand there are cairo libs included for
the windows version inside the pharo folder. Its kinda wierd that they are
not included for macos and linux. 

Pavel , you mid sharing how you installed 32 bit cairo, because I googled it
and I could not find anything on the subject. Thanks. 

Oh and if anyone can answer my stackoverflow questions i will be more than
grateful. I am prepared to contribute to
Athens as much as I can and even port mophic to it BUT i need first to
understrand what is going on. I have read
Cairo documentation and now all i need is to decypher athens so be prepared
for a bombarment of questions. 

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Re: [Pharo-project] Understanding Athens

2013-04-16 Thread kilon
Thank you Igor for the clarification. Suffice to say I was never a fan of
relying to third parties for dependancies
because it ends up in scenarios like this one. Similar reason why I am not a
big fan of installing libraries to common paths,
though I also understand the need for it. 

My vote goes into including all the dependant libraries in pharo folder for
linux and macos as well. 

Pavel thanks for the install instructions but I am afraid they dont work for
my Ubuntu 12.10 amd64 

apt-get install yum was sucessful but as soon as i do sudo yum install
cairo.i686 the system replies

Setting up Install Process
No package cairo.i686 available.
Nothing to do

Should I assume it works for Fedora but its not available for Ubuntu ?

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Re: [Pharo-project] How to browse a selected method in code viewer

2013-04-16 Thread kilon
Ah ok its in there, i did not see it. Why is it not in top ? its seems very
important tool to be in a sub menu.

Also I have another issue it does not work always, if I select method and
choose browser it does nothing but reopens the right menu, the weird thing
is that senders and implementors work fine but also reopen the right click
menu. In 90% of the cases does not work. Anyone else having the same issues
on Ubuntu 12.10 mad64 ?

I dont know if this is a AthensTutorial bug , seems some people have it with
even do it. 

I tried Altbrowser from the configurations tool , changed to it and still
get same behavior. 

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Re: [Pharo-project] How to browse a selected method in code viewer

2013-04-16 Thread kilon
Dammien Alt+m is the implementors, and as i said implementors works for me,
however alt+b which is for browsing does nothing. 

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Re: [Pharo-project] Understanding Athens

2013-04-16 Thread kilon
with the help of Damien via irc I have solved the problem with AthenTutorial,
the lib is installed in /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libcairo.so.2

I changed the getLibraryPath to point to the right directory and the
tutorial now works fine,

Damien also answered my canvas question a huge thank you to Damien :)
Thanks all of you for the help too

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Re: [Pharo-project] How to browse a selected method in code viewer

2013-04-16 Thread kilon
Gisela how exactly does it work ? because I hover my mouse and nothing
happens ? Are there instructions anywhere I can read ? Alt + t does nothing
for me .

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Re: [Pharo-project] Understanding Athens

2013-04-16 Thread kilon
As I said the library is located at '/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libcairo.so.2'

I changed it in getLibraryPath in CairoLibraryLoader and it seems to work
fine now
at least AthensTutorial works fine. 

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Re: [Pharo-project] Understanding Athens

2013-04-16 Thread kilon
Ok new problem for the AthenTutorial 

Everything seems to work fine till Step 29 

in step 30 it throws a messageNotUnderstood for


glyphRendererOn: anAthensBalloonSurface 
^ self realFont glyphRendererOn: anAthensBalloonSurface

full stack can be found here -  http://pastebin.com/C8itjM2a

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Re: [Pharo-project] How to browse a selected method in code viewer

2013-04-16 Thread kilon
ah thank you it works now. 

Well I am developing a project which I call Ephestos 
its an ide for visual , live coding for 3d graphics , sound and music for
I started it for blender and python but I really enjoy pharo so I decided to
port it.

I had several ideas , nothing super original , live documentation, live
display of
implementors and senders with no need of right clicks , menus and such. 

If you take a look at LightTable it already implements several of my ideas. 


if you implement those features then certainly I will be reusing your code.
It seems to me that you are very close to those ideas.

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Re: [Pharo-project] Understanding Athens

2013-04-16 Thread kilon
Oh Oh
not only enabling Freetype does not solve the problem but even saving and
quiting and restarting the image 
the problem remains.

So I disabled and renabled Freetype again and save and quit and opened pharo
again and this time pharo closes, everytime i try to reopen pharo it closes
immediately  how I disable freetype without being able to open my image

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Re: [Pharo-project] Understanding Athens

2013-04-16 Thread kilon
here is the segmentation fault for anyone who cares reading long reports

http://pastebin.com/UG6HgHDD http://pastebin.com/UG6HgHDD  

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Re: [Pharo-project] Understanding Athens

2013-04-16 Thread kilon
Thats awesome but I cant open my pharo image anymore , I dont mind starting
from a new image and reinstalling everything
but I was wondering if there is a way to recover all that or am I screwed ?

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Re: [Pharo-project] do you know what is this?

2013-04-16 Thread kilon
And you guys then say that pharo is not macos first citizen 




I am a macos user , I love my imac and macos, but my vote goes to cross

Still another great library that is more than welcomed, definitely cant do
any harm ;) 

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Re: [Pharo-project] do you know what is this?

2013-04-16 Thread kilon
Well to be fair any language that respects itself has an ObjC bridge , and
its definetly a big deal if you want to embrace iOS too. So definetly the
thumbs up from me. I am no way against this. 

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Re: [Pharo-project] we spent couple of hours: checking comments and cleaning Athens

2013-04-15 Thread kilon
I am glad I hear that, I am also learning Athens and hopefully I will be able
to give you a helping hand. 

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Re: [Pharo-project] [ANN] Pharo VM packages and PPA for Ubuntu (v2)

2013-04-12 Thread kilon
Well done Damien, it seems to work fine now. Great work and thank you for
your efforts.

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Re: [Pharo-project] Toothpick

2013-04-09 Thread kilon
I would not mind if someone added a short description of what toothpick is
about .  

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Re: [Pharo-project] FAST presentation video on youtube

2013-04-09 Thread kilon
very well done presentation, congratulations and a very interesting project.

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Re: [Pharo-project] First 13 minutes of PharoConf

2013-04-08 Thread kilon
Thank you very much for the videos. I love the lighthouses in the storm
videos and I agree with much of ideas expressed in the roadmap. 

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Re: [Pharo-project] [ANN] Pharo VM packages and PPA for Ubuntu

2013-04-08 Thread kilon
I get this error

exloupis@ephestos:~$ sudo apt-get install pharo-vm 
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree   
Reading state information... Done
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 pharo-vm:i386 : Depends: openssl:i386 but it is not going to be installed
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

I assume because i am on amd64 ubuntu 12.10 release, i would need some sort
of 32bit compatability packages ? 

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Re: [Pharo-project] Global Apology

2013-04-08 Thread kilon
Who know maybe you and Igor turn out to be best friends. I had a physical
fight with my best friend and we have been unseparable ever since for 19
years now and till this day he has the art of annoying me deeply :D But
there is more to people that meets the eye, a lot more. 

Afterall we are humans not robots , flawed yet perfect :D

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Re: [Pharo-project] Display Issue on Ubuntu and how to submit and edit a bug report

2013-04-04 Thread kilon
thank you both, I am a registered user now and I have edited my bug report
with more info and a link to my pharo image. Yes I have read the relevant

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Re: [Pharo-project] Athens, Nativeboost and Igor's gray hair

2012-11-23 Thread kilon
that what happens when i get tons of emails, i missed yours. But thanks to
world of smalltalk i found it. Thanks for sharing that great stuff I am
actually considering giving a helping hand to Athens , I really like it. 

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