Re: [Pharo-users] Polygons in woden

2014-11-17 Thread Nicolas Lusa
sorry for the late response.
Thanks a lot for the hints. Though I didn't explain me well enough for what 
concern the shades. What I actually meant is how light gets reflected from the 
object. If I build a cube with: addCubeWithWidth I get a nicely dark effect on 
the walls of the object when the light is not pointing to it and a shiny effect 
when the light is pointing towards to it. While if I build a object on my own 
with addQl the walls are not considering the light at all and I don't get that 
effect anymore. Does anyone know how to solve this?

Moreover do you think it is possible to use some how GLPolygon to draw 
arbitrary polygons since woden is based on Open GL?


On Nov 9, 2014, at 11:12 PM, Ronie Salgado wrote:

Hi Nicola,

Sorry for not answering before. I have to improve my mail filters.

As for the shadows, currently only the spotlights can cast shadows. I have yet 
to implement shadow mapping for directional lights. As for point light, I won't 
be implementing them in the near future, because they are very expensive. 
Currently you can simulate a point light casting shadows by using 6 spotlights 
with different orientations but in the same point.

Also, you have to use deferred shading if you need shadows (WDFPSSimpleExample8 

As for the polygons, Woden cannot render arbitrary polygons. Only points, 
lines, triangles and quads because that is what the graphics cards support.

For an arbitrary polygon, you have to perform some kind of triangulation. If 
the polygon is convex, this is trivial, but if the polygon is concave this is 
hard (the algorithm missing is a Restricted Delaunay Triangulation).

For drawing a convex polygon, you have to do something like this:

positions := Some Collection ..

builder newTrianglesScope.

Add the positions.
positions do: [:i |
  builder addP: 

Add the indices
3 to: positions size do: [:i |
  builder addI1: 1 i2: i - 1 i3: i

What this code does is to generate a triangle fan (  ) which is a simple way to 
triangulate a convex polygon.

I think that I should add a method to the geometry builder.


2014-10-28 11:33 GMT-03:00 Nicolas Lusa
Hi everyone,

I am working on some 3d representation and I am trying to draw 3D polygons with 
woden. I actually manage to make the walls but I still have to implement top 
and bottom parts which are not so simple since the shape can be really 
different from case to case.
How I am actually doing it is with: WDGeometryBuilder adding vertices with 
addP:  N:  C:  TC: messages and with addQuadI1: i2: i3: i4:
Furthermore I have some issues with the shadows which actually don't appear.

You can see a current polygon created with the code that I made in the attached 
image. (also notice the shadows are missing as well as the bottom and top part 
of the polygon).
Now my question is: is there already something that makes those polygons or 
does anyone have any hint on how to make the top part with woden?

Thannks in advance.


Re: [Pharo-users] MultiByteFileStream problem

2014-11-17 Thread Sven Van Caekenberghe
Hi José,

 On 17 Nov 2014, at 02:06, José Comesaña wrote:
 There is an annoying error in MultiByteFileStream, reading back when you have 
 a unicode character. It is also the cause of some FileOut errors. Your can 
 reproduce it this way:
 testString := 'abcdé'.
 filename := 'test.txt'.
 filename asFileReference ensureDelete.
 filename asFileReference
   writeStreamDo: [ :stream | 
   nextPutAll: testString ].
 f := 'test.txt' asFileReference readStream.
 f setToEnd.
 f skip: -1.
 f peek.
 Any ideas how to solve it? Avoiding reading back is not an option ;). Maybe 
 making skip to go back one more byte to check if there is a unicode character 
 Thanks a lot.

This is a known problem/issue/limitation of MultiByteFileStream and the 

The more modern/logical ZnCharacterEncoders can do this reliably (provided the 
underlying stream can itself move backwards and the current position is between 
whole characters).

'test.txt' asFileReference readStreamDo: [ :in |
  in binary; setToEnd.
  ZnUTF8Encoder new backOnStream: in; nextFromStream: in ]

IMHO, the ability to move backwards and to play with positions without 
restrictions on streams only makes sense with in-memory streams, not with file 
or network streams. It plays badly with buffering too.

I know this doesn't solve your issue but I hope it gives you a better idea of 
the situation.

Where exactly do you have this issue ?


Re: [Pharo-users] MultiByteFileStream problem

2014-11-17 Thread José Comesaña
Thank you Sven.

I an trying to read a vry long log file, and extract the last 5
messages for the user to see them. Reading the whole file from the
beginning is too expensive. So maybe I could try reading backwards from the
end using binary mode and look for a lf... I have to think about it a
little bit, and study your proposal, of course.

2014-11-17 9:26 GMT+01:00 Sven Van Caekenberghe

 Hi José,

  On 17 Nov 2014, at 02:06, José Comesaña wrote:
  There is an annoying error in MultiByteFileStream, reading back when you
 have a unicode character. It is also the cause of some FileOut errors. Your
 can reproduce it this way:
  testString := 'abcdé'.
  filename := 'test.txt'.
  filename asFileReference ensureDelete.
  filename asFileReference
writeStreamDo: [ :stream |
nextPutAll: testString ].
  f := 'test.txt' asFileReference readStream.
  f setToEnd.
  f skip: -1.
  f peek.
  Any ideas how to solve it? Avoiding reading back is not an option ;).
 Maybe making skip to go back one more byte to check if there is a unicode
 character around?.
  Thanks a lot.

 This is a known problem/issue/limitation of MultiByteFileStream and the

 The more modern/logical ZnCharacterEncoders can do this reliably (provided
 the underlying stream can itself move backwards and the current position is
 between whole characters).

 'test.txt' asFileReference readStreamDo: [ :in |
   in binary; setToEnd.
   ZnUTF8Encoder new backOnStream: in; nextFromStream: in ]

 IMHO, the ability to move backwards and to play with positions without
 restrictions on streams only makes sense with in-memory streams, not with
 file or network streams. It plays badly with buffering too.

 I know this doesn't solve your issue but I hope it gives you a better idea
 of the situation.

 Where exactly do you have this issue ?


Re: [Pharo-users] pharo consultants

2014-11-17 Thread Stephan Eggermont
Norbert wrote:
 I forgot how people can add themselves. I remember a smalltalk snippet that 
 one can send around to update the list.

That doesn't run automatically. There are already some updates waiting.


The script looks like:

PharoConsultant new
 name: ’Stephan Eggermont';
 location: 'Den Bosch, The Netherlands';
 email: '';
 website: '';
 languages: 'Dutch (native), English, German';
 industryExperienceSince: 1994;
 smalltalkExperienceSince: 2005;
 pharoExperienceSince: 2008;
 areasOfExpertise: 'Legacy Code Refactoring  Migrations,  Small Business 
Applications, Improving Software Development';

Re: [Pharo-users] pharo consultants

2014-11-17 Thread Sven Van Caekenberghe
OK, I will redo that page - please send updates.

 On 17 Nov 2014, at 10:24, Stephan Eggermont wrote:
 Norbert wrote:
 I forgot how people can add themselves. I remember a smalltalk snippet that 
 one can send around to update the list.
 That doesn't run automatically. There are already some updates waiting.
 The script looks like:
 PharoConsultant new
 name: ’Stephan Eggermont';
 location: 'Den Bosch, The Netherlands';
 email: '';
 website: '';
 languages: 'Dutch (native), English, German';
 industryExperienceSince: 1994;
 smalltalkExperienceSince: 2005;
 pharoExperienceSince: 2008;
 areasOfExpertise: 'Legacy Code Refactoring  Migrations,  Small Business 
 Applications, Improving Software Development';

Re: [Pharo-users] running out of memory while processing a 220MB csv file with NeoCSVReader - tips?

2014-11-17 Thread Stephan Eggermont
Open package contents on your vm, 
open Contents,
take a look at the info.plist


That value needs to be increased to be able to use more than ~512 MB.

Alain wrote:
Let say it's your current requirement, and you want to do it like that, 
a trick that may help you : during personal experiments about loading 
data in memory and statistics from databases, I found that most often 70 
to 80 % of real data is the same. 

It is easy to confirm if this is the case in your data: just zip the csv file.
Reasonably structured relational database output often reduces to 10% of size.
With explicitly denormalized data I've seen 99% reduction.

In addition, DateAndTime has a rather wasteful representation for your purpose.
Just reduce to one SmallInt, or with Pharo4, use slots to get a more compact
record representation.


Re: [Pharo-users] Opentalk or remoting libraries

2014-11-17 Thread Annick Fron
Thank you,
My need is on a local network from machine to machine, in real time is 
possible, so no security involved. 
I would have preferred something more performant than web services or XMLRPC, 
since both serialization and XML serialization are slow.
Le 13 nov. 2014 à 20:17, Sven Van Caekenberghe a écrit :

 It is of course also important to note the security risks involved: the 
 client can execute absolutely anything.
 One partial solution is to bind the server only to the localhost.
 On 13 Nov 2014, at 19:17, Alain Rastoul wrote:
 CORBA main focus is about interoperability between systems, languages (don't 
 know about opentalk).
 If you want smalltalk only remote execution, you can very easily do your own 
 on Pharo with Zinc http components and Fuel serializer: a small server that 
 reads smalltalk blocks, evaluates them and return the result (see below an 
 example of server and client).
 I don't know if Zinc and Fuel run on Squeak, but I guess if not, they are 
 equivalents ones or you could do the same.
 Beware that Fuel builds a graph of the objects touched by the object it 
 serializes (the block) and serialize them along the way, that may be a 
 problem if you have references to other big objects of your image.
  = RPC server
  start Zn server in background 
 ZnServer startDefaultOn: 1701.
 ZnServer default delegate: (ZnWebSocketDelegate handler:
  ([ :webSocket |
  [   [ | serializedRequest request 
 response serializedResponse  |
  serializedRequest := 
 webSocket readMessage.
  request := 
 FLMaterializer materializeFromByteArray: serializedRequest.
  execute block and it's 
 value to response byte array
  response := [ request 
 value ]
 on: Exception do: [ :ex | ex resume: 'Exception ',ex class name , ' - ', ex 
 messageText ].
  serializedResponse := 
 FLSerializer serializeToByteArray: response .
  webSocket sendMessage: 
 serializedResponse .
  ] repeat.
  on: ConnectionClosed, ConnectionTimedOut
  do: [ self crLog: 'Ignoring connection 
 or timeout' ]
  ]) ).
  to stop the server
 ZnServer stopDefault .
  Client call to server: calculate factorial 100 on the other side
 | webSocket |
 webSocket := ZnWebSocket to: 'ws://'.
 [ | request serializedRequest serializedResponse response |
  request := [  100 factorial ] . 
  the request is the block to evaluate
  serializedRequest := FLSerializer serializeToByteArray: request 
 . serialize the block
  webSocket sendMessage: serializedRequest .  
 send it
  serializedResponse := webSocket readMessage .   
  read response
  response := FLMaterializer materializeFromByteArray: 
 serializedResponse. deserialize to object
  Transcript show: response asString ; cr  ]
  on: ConnectionClosed
  do: [ self crLog: 'Ignoring connection close, done' ]
 Le 12/11/2014 18:17, Annick Fron a écrit :
 Are there some libraries in pharo to do remote calls like in Opentalk or 
 Corba ?

Re: [Pharo-users] Opentalk or remoting libraries

2014-11-17 Thread Norbert Hartl
Using fuel should be way faster than plain textual serialization. A direct copy 
of memory would be theoretically faster but you would need to manage references 
anyway so it is not clear what can be gained.

 Am 17.11.2014 um 11:05 schrieb Annick Fron
 Thank you,
 My need is on a local network from machine to machine, in real time is 
 possible, so no security involved. 
 I would have preferred something more performant than web services or XMLRPC, 
 since both serialization and XML serialization are slow.
 Le 13 nov. 2014 à 20:17, Sven Van Caekenberghe a écrit :
 It is of course also important to note the security risks involved: the 
 client can execute absolutely anything.
 One partial solution is to bind the server only to the localhost.
 On 13 Nov 2014, at 19:17, Alain Rastoul wrote:
 CORBA main focus is about interoperability between systems, languages 
 (don't know about opentalk).
 If you want smalltalk only remote execution, you can very easily do your 
 own on Pharo with Zinc http components and Fuel serializer: a small server 
 that reads smalltalk blocks, evaluates them and return the result (see 
 below an example of server and client).
 I don't know if Zinc and Fuel run on Squeak, but I guess if not, they are 
 equivalents ones or you could do the same.
 Beware that Fuel builds a graph of the objects touched by the object it 
 serializes (the block) and serialize them along the way, that may be a 
 problem if you have references to other big objects of your image.
  = RPC server
  start Zn server in background 
 ZnServer startDefaultOn: 1701.
 ZnServer default delegate: (ZnWebSocketDelegate handler:
 ([ :webSocket |
 [   [ | serializedRequest request 
 response serializedResponse  |
 serializedRequest := 
 webSocket readMessage.
 request := 
 FLMaterializer materializeFromByteArray: serializedRequest.
 execute block and it's 
 value to response byte array
 response := [ request 
 value ]
 on: Exception do: [ :ex | ex resume: 'Exception ',ex class name , ' - ', ex 
 messageText ].
 serializedResponse := 
 FLSerializer serializeToByteArray: response .
 webSocket sendMessage: 
 serializedResponse .
 ] repeat.
 on: ConnectionClosed, ConnectionTimedOut
 do: [ self crLog: 'Ignoring connection 
 or timeout' ]
 ]) ).
  to stop the server
 ZnServer stopDefault .
  Client call to server: calculate factorial 100 on the other side
 | webSocket |
 webSocket := ZnWebSocket to: 'ws://'.
 [ | request serializedRequest serializedResponse response |
 request := [  100 factorial ] . 
  the request is the block to evaluate
 serializedRequest := FLSerializer serializeToByteArray: request 
 . serialize the block
 webSocket sendMessage: serializedRequest .  
 send it
 serializedResponse := webSocket readMessage .   
  read response
 response := FLMaterializer materializeFromByteArray: 
 serializedResponse. deserialize to object
 Transcript show: response asString ; cr  ]
 on: ConnectionClosed
 do: [ self crLog: 'Ignoring connection close, done' ]
 Le 12/11/2014 18:17, Annick Fron a écrit :
 Are there some libraries in pharo to do remote calls like in Opentalk or 
 Corba ?

Re: [Pharo-users] 'function unavailable' when calling OpenDBXDriver for MySQL

2014-11-17 Thread
It looks like eveything is there. This configuration looks almost identical
to my 32os machine.  

root@brads-linux-laptop:/usr/lib# ldd =  (0xf76df000) = /lib/i386-linux-gnu/ (0xf76b8000) = /lib/i386-linux-gnu/ (0xf7508000)
/lib/ (0xf76e)

Brad Selfridge
View this message in context:
Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at

Re: [Pharo-users] 'function unavailable' when calling OpenDBXDriver for MySQL

2014-11-17 Thread Stephan Eggermont
Hi Brad, 

You don't tell us if your MySQL is 32 bit?


Re: [Pharo-users] 'function unavailable' when calling OpenDBXDriver for MySQL

2014-11-17 Thread
Ill have to check

Brad Selfridge

 On Nov 17, 2014, at 9:41 AM, Stephan Eggermont [via Smalltalk] wrote:
 Hi Brad, 
 You don't tell us if your MySQL is 32 bit? 
 If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion 
 To unsubscribe from 'function unavailable' when calling OpenDBXDriver for 
 MySQL, click here.

Brad Selfridge
View this message in context:
Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at

Re: [Pharo-users] 'function unavailable' when calling OpenDBXDriver for MySQL

2014-11-17 Thread
My database is 64 bit on my 64bit Ubuntu machine.

However, on my 32bit Ubuntu 14.04 machine, I have a 64 debian VM running
that has a 64bit MySQL running which I can access just fine from 32bit host
machine running Pharo. 

Brad Selfridge
View this message in context:
Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at

Re: [Pharo-users] 'function unavailable' when calling OpenDBXDriver for MySQL

2014-11-17 Thread Markus Fritsche

Hello Brad,

On 2014-11-17 17:34, wrote:

My database is 64 bit on my 64bit Ubuntu machine.

However, on my 32bit Ubuntu 14.04 machine, I have a 64 debian VM 
that has a 64bit MySQL running which I can access just fine from 32bit 

machine running Pharo.

I would guess that the 32 Bit MySQL client libraries are not installed. 
Please check if you have libmysqlclient:i386 and libopendbx:i386 (or 
what the proper name is, I'm not on an ubuntu machine right now) 

dpkg -l | grep mysql | awk ' { print $2 } '
dpkg -l | grep dbx | awk ' { print $2 } '

Re: [Pharo-users] 'function unavailable' when calling OpenDBXDriver for MySQL

2014-11-17 Thread
The libmysqlclient18:amd64 looks suspicious. 

brad@brads-linux-laptop:~$ sudo dpkg -l | grep mysql | awk ' { print $2 } ' 

brad@brads-linux-laptop:~$ sudo dpkg -l | grep dbx | awk ' { print $2 } ' 

Brad Selfridge
View this message in context:
Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at

Re: [Pharo-users] 'function unavailable' when calling OpenDBXDriver for MySQL

2014-11-17 Thread Markus Fritsche

Hello Brad,

as far as I can tell, you have the 32 bit mysql client libraries 
installed (don't worry, the 64 and 32 bit version can coexist) - but I 
am not sure about opendbx.

Please try

sudo apt-get install libopendbx1:i386 libopendbx1-mysql:i386

Best regards,

Re: [Pharo-users] 'function unavailable' when calling OpenDBXDriver for MySQL

2014-11-17 Thread Brad Selfridge

On 11/17/2014 11:37 AM, Markus Fritsche wrote:
sudo apt-get install libopendbx1:i386 libopendbx1-mysql:i386 

brad@brads-linux-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get install libopendbx1:i386 
libopendbx1-mysql:i386 [sudo] password for brad:

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
libopendbx1:i386 is already the newest version.
libopendbx1:i386 set to manually installed.
libopendbx1-mysql:i386 is already the newest version.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not upgraded.

Re: [Pharo-users] Opentalk or remoting libraries

2014-11-17 Thread Alain Rastoul
For a machine to machine connection, there will be no direct memory 
reference but under the hood some socket connection with a tcp server 
and client, and some marshalling of arguments that is to say some 
I'm not sure it would be really faster than websocket and Fuel, because 
it will be a generic api that have to be able to deal with complex cases.

I don't see xml and webservice here ?

Le 17/11/2014 11:05, Annick Fron a écrit :

Thank you,
My need is on a local network from machine to machine, in real time is 
possible, so no security involved.
I would have preferred something more performant than web services or XMLRPC, 
since both serialization and XML serialization are slow.
Le 13 nov. 2014 à 20:17, Sven Van Caekenberghe a écrit :


It is of course also important to note the security risks involved: the client 
can execute absolutely anything.

One partial solution is to bind the server only to the localhost.

On 13 Nov 2014, at 19:17, Alain Rastoul wrote:

CORBA main focus is about interoperability between systems, languages (don't 
know about opentalk).
If you want smalltalk only remote execution, you can very easily do your own on 
Pharo with Zinc http components and Fuel serializer: a small server that reads 
smalltalk blocks, evaluates them and return the result (see below an example of 
server and client).
I don't know if Zinc and Fuel run on Squeak, but I guess if not, they are 
equivalents ones or you could do the same.
Beware that Fuel builds a graph of the objects touched by the object it 
serializes (the block) and serialize them along the way, that may be a problem 
if you have references to other big objects of your image.

 = RPC server
 start Zn server in background
ZnServer startDefaultOn: 1701.
ZnServer default delegate: (ZnWebSocketDelegate handler:
([ :webSocket |
[   [ | serializedRequest request 
response serializedResponse  |
serializedRequest := 
webSocket readMessage.
request := 
FLMaterializer materializeFromByteArray: serializedRequest.
execute block and it's 
value to response byte array
response := [ request 
value ]

on: Exception do: [ :ex | ex resume: 'Exception ',ex class name , ' - ', ex 
messageText ].
serializedResponse := 
FLSerializer serializeToByteArray: response .
webSocket sendMessage: 
serializedResponse .
] repeat.
on: ConnectionClosed, ConnectionTimedOut
do: [ self crLog: 'Ignoring connection 
or timeout' ]
]) ).

 to stop the server
ZnServer stopDefault .


 Client call to server: calculate factorial 100 on the other side
| webSocket |
webSocket := ZnWebSocket to: 'ws://'.
[ | request serializedRequest serializedResponse response |
request := [  100 factorial ] .   
   the request is the block to evaluate
serializedRequest := FLSerializer serializeToByteArray: request . 
serialize the block
webSocket sendMessage: serializedRequest .
  send it
serializedResponse := webSocket readMessage . 
   read response
response := FLMaterializer materializeFromByteArray: serializedResponse. 
deserialize to object
Transcript show: response asString ; cr  ]
on: ConnectionClosed
do: [ self crLog: 'Ignoring connection close, done' ]



Le 12/11/2014 18:17, Annick Fron a écrit :


Are there some libraries in pharo to do remote calls like in Opentalk or Corba ?


Re: [Pharo-users] running out of memory while processing a 220MB csv file with NeoCSVReader - tips?

2014-11-17 Thread Alain Rastoul
you are saying that zip ratio is somewhat related to normalized data, 
interesting view, and certainly true :)
And right, this somewhat normalize all fields, a technique used in 
specialized columnstore databases (monetdb and others), often BI 
databases with id representing values (that were my experiments).
About DateTimes, I think this is not different than with other values, 
using a pointer to an interned value should be equivalent to using an 
int, as it would be a 32 bits pointer, and with this approach, using 
compact records should not make a big difference too if there is not a 
lot of different values.
The key I mentioned here is that in real life, this normalizing ratio 
is very high for almost every kind of data and that's what puzzles me 
(not the technique).


Le 17/11/2014 10:47, Stephan Eggermont a écrit :

Open package contents on your vm,
open Contents,
take a look at the info.plist


That value needs to be increased to be able to use more than ~512 MB.

Alain wrote:

Let say it's your current requirement, and you want to do it like that,
a trick that may help you : during personal experiments about loading
data in memory and statistics from databases, I found that most often 70
to 80 % of real data is the same.

It is easy to confirm if this is the case in your data: just zip the csv file.
Reasonably structured relational database output often reduces to 10% of size.
With explicitly denormalized data I've seen 99% reduction.

In addition, DateAndTime has a rather wasteful representation for your purpose.
Just reduce to one SmallInt, or with Pharo4, use slots to get a more compact
record representation.


Re: [Pharo-users] running out of memory while processing a 220MB csv file with NeoCSVReader - tips?

2014-11-17 Thread Alain Rastoul
our referential world is very restricted, whatever area  we are talking 

Le 17/11/2014 21:04, Alain Rastoul a écrit :

you are saying that zip ratio is somewhat related to normalized data,
interesting view, and certainly true :)
And right, this somewhat normalize all fields, a technique used in
specialized columnstore databases (monetdb and others), often BI
databases with id representing values (that were my experiments).
About DateTimes, I think this is not different than with other values,
using a pointer to an interned value should be equivalent to using an
int, as it would be a 32 bits pointer, and with this approach, using
compact records should not make a big difference too if there is not a
lot of different values.
The key I mentioned here is that in real life, this normalizing ratio
is very high for almost every kind of data and that's what puzzles me
(not the technique).


Le 17/11/2014 10:47, Stephan Eggermont a écrit :

Open package contents on your vm,
open Contents,
take a look at the info.plist


That value needs to be increased to be able to use more than ~512 MB.

Alain wrote:

Let say it's your current requirement, and you want to do it like that,
a trick that may help you : during personal experiments about loading
data in memory and statistics from databases, I found that most often 70
to 80 % of real data is the same.

It is easy to confirm if this is the case in your data: just zip the
csv file.
Reasonably structured relational database output often reduces to 10%
of size.
With explicitly denormalized data I've seen 99% reduction.

In addition, DateAndTime has a rather wasteful representation for your
Just reduce to one SmallInt, or with Pharo4, use slots to get a more
record representation.


Re: [Pharo-users] 'function unavailable' when calling OpenDBXDriver for MySQL

2014-11-17 Thread Markus Fritsche


So as far as I can see, you have all dependencies...

I remember that I had to reinitialize the OpenDBX libraries to change 
the adaptor to the native library calls (from FFI to NBPharoOpenDBX or 
similar). Unfortuanetly, I don't have the image at hand.

Re: [Pharo-users] 'function unavailable' when calling OpenDBXDriver for MySQL

2014-11-17 Thread Brad
How would one re-initialize OpenDBX libraries? 

Brad Selfridge

 On Nov 17, 2014, at 3:35 PM, Markus Fritsche wrote:
 So as far as I can see, you have all dependencies...
 I remember that I had to reinitialize the OpenDBX libraries to change the 
 adaptor to the native library calls (from FFI to NBPharoOpenDBX or similar). 
 Unfortuanetly, I don't have the image at hand.

Re: [Pharo-users] 'function unavailable' when calling OpenDBXDriver for MySQL

2014-11-17 Thread Brad
I think it's (Smalltalk at: #NBPharoOpenDBX) installAsCurrent.

Brad Selfridge

 On Nov 17, 2014, at 3:35 PM, Markus Fritsche wrote:
 So as far as I can see, you have all dependencies...
 I remember that I had to reinitialize the OpenDBX libraries to change the 
 adaptor to the native library calls (from FFI to NBPharoOpenDBX or similar). 
 Unfortuanetly, I don't have the image at hand.

Re: [Pharo-users] 'function unavailable' when calling OpenDBXDriver for MySQL

2014-11-17 Thread Markus Fritsche

On 2014-11-17 23:14, Brad wrote:

I think it's (Smalltalk at: #NBPharoOpenDBX) installAsCurrent.

That sounds familiar. But since I didn't read a hooray, I guess that 
didn't do the trick either?

Off for some sleep

Re: [Pharo-users] Citizen example for manipulating a bibtex file

2014-11-17 Thread Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas

Hi Sven,

Sorry for my late response. The constructive comments on the list and 
yours in particular are very valuable to my. I was finishing some 
details, so only until now I have the time to implement your 
suggestions. The new code for custom keys on bibtex files from pharo is 
published at [1] (by the grace of Doru's easy publishing of playgrounds 
on your stfx server)


By the way the article I'm writing is about a tool for open, citizen, 
garage research and science developed in Pharo. It is published at [2] 
and was stored nicely using STON[3] and is superb. To test the tool, the 
article was wrote on it.




The only thing I would add to STON would be an option to support line 
breaks so long character sequences can be broken to make the format DVCS 
friendly (git, fossil, etc) and support collaboration and changes 
tracking. At this moment, because of the long lines in STON, the files 
are treated as binaries by fossil :-/.

Thanks for STON and your lessons,


El 22/10/14 a las #4, Sven Van Caekenberghe escribió:

On 22 Oct 2014, at 18:42, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas 


Thanks again. I have a small script, using Citezen which does the trick. I can 
explore and modify the BibTeX File from the playground with this:

| bibFile bibliography bibStream bibOutputer |
bibFile := ((FileLocator documents / 'U/Libertadores/Grafoscopio') children
detect: [:each | each basename endsWith: 'bib' ]).
bibliography := CZBibParser parse: bibFile contents.
bibStream := '' writeStream.
1 to: (bibliography size) do: [:index |
   (((bibliography entries at: index) fields at: 2) key = 'shorttitle')
   ifTrue: [
 (bibliography entries at: index)
key: ((bibliography entries at: index) fields at: 2) value].
   bibOutputer := CZBibtexOutputer new.
   bibStream nextPutAll:
  (bibOutputer entryToBibtexString:
(bibliography entries at: index)); cr.].
bibFile writeStreamDo: [:stream |
   stream nextPutAll: bibStream contents withUnixLineEndings ].
bibStream contents.

Some constructive comments about your code (smaller is always better, 
especially for interactive snippets):

- you can change the #detect: to [ :each | each extension = #bib ]
- you can iterate directly over the entries with #do: as in bibliography 
entries do: [ :each | .. ] which saves you the #at: index
- there are handy unary shortcuts for accessing elements, like #first, #second 
and so on (up to #ninth) which also save you parenthesis
- you can also construct strings using the idiom String streamContents: [ 
:bibStream | .. ]

Sorry, these jumped to me when I saw your code, I hope you don't mind ;-)

I will put some functionality inspired by this on my prototype this weekend.



On 10/21/2014 01:20 AM, stepharo wrote:

Check in the tools there is a bib writer.


On 21/10/14 03:33, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:

Thanks Stef and Damien,

I have this small script as a proof of concept:

| bibFile bibliography |
bibFile := ((FileLocator documents / 'U/Libertadores/Grafoscopio')
detect: [:each | each basename endsWith: 'bib' ]) contents.
bibliography := CZBibParser parse: bibFile.
1 to: (bibliography size) do: [:index |
(((bibliography entries at: index) fields at: 2) key = 'shorttitle')
ifTrue: [
(bibliography entries at: index)
key: ((bibliography entries at: index) fields at: 2) value

Now I want to write back the corrected file to the .bib ... just
having problems finding which message does the job. I'll keep searching.



On 10/16/2014 06:40 AM, Damien Cassou wrote:

from Damien Pollet:

You will need to load the .bib file from zotero (read the file however
you like, then pass the stream to the CZ parser). You'll get a
CZBibSet (I don't recall the name exactly) which represents the
contents of the file. A Set is composed of entries, each of which has
a key and a set of fields. Finally, fields accept a few different
kinds of values.

Your processing is just iterating a set then setting the key of each
entry (or possibly removing and re-adding the entry, I don't recall if
it's implemented like a dictionary or more like a list).

On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 2:57 AM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas