[Pharo-users] Re: Call for project ideas: Google Summer of Code 2023

2023-02-03 Thread Pierre Misse Chanabier


What is the deadline please ?


On 2/1/2023 9:18 PM, Sebastian Jordan Montano wrote:

Hello all,

As Pharo community we are postulating to Google Summer of Code 2023. 
We would like to have new brand ideas for this new edition! We would 
like to know if there are people in the community that have some cool 
project ideas :)

If you have an idea.s, don’t hesitate to share it/them with us. If you 
have an idea but you don’t have the time to be a mentor for it, it is 
not a problem! We can find other mentors. And if you have an idea and 
you are willing to be a mentor that would be even better! Being a 
mentor only requires you to have a weekly 30 min meeting with your 
student to supervise that the work is going in the desired direction.

You will need to provide:

a) a project title b) detailed description of the project (2-5 
sentences) c) expected outcomes d) skills required/preferred 
(optional) f) expected size of project medium or large.

You can reply to this email or send me another email to my private 
email address sebastian.jor...@inria.fr 


Sebastian Jordan on behalf of the Pharo Consortium

[Pharo-users] Polyphemus VMIL talk

2022-12-27 Thread Pierre Misse-Chanabier

I'm quite proud to provide my presentation for the VMIL talk I did on 
Polyphemus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-phxX8ia630.

Hope this may be of interest to some of you !
Feel free to ping me for questions :)

Cheers !

On 16/08/2022 10:36, pmissech wrote:


Although i will not be able to attend ESUG'22, a friend agreed to 
present one of our projects to the innovation award.
**Polyphemus** is a  VM related, but public aims at any kind of 
Particularly, the video submission talks about how to look at an image 
and how to **recover** dead images.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions !
Enjoy (and vote for Polyphemus!).

5 minutes video, Innovation Technology Award submission: 

Repository: github.com/hogoww/Polyphemus/
Additionnal information on image recovery: 

Cheers !

[Pharo-users] Re: Pharo dark window buttons

2022-11-30 Thread Pierre Misse Chanabier


I think I saw a setting once for that, but it has been years.
However, you can edit the Theme directly.
The dark theme is defined in PharoDarkTheme.

Sebastian (in copy of this mail) has recently started to look at the 
themes and will probably change them slightly soon.

He might be able to be more precise than I am.
If you could tell him what has fit for you, or PR your changes so other 
visually impaired people could see them better, that'd be great (I'm one 
of them, and that back on dark grey is... complicated).

One last thing, if you're working on a PharoLightTheme release (like 
Pharo 11) it might be an update issue.

Most components update properly upon changing from light to dark theme.
However some don't.
For example for a while, class comment were black on grey, which was 
impossible for me to read.


On 11/30/2022 10:17 PM, pumps-moats.0i--- via Pharo-users wrote:

Pardon if this is a duplicate but, is there a way to change the 
theme’s color for the windows close/collapse buttons? They are too 
dark for me (black on dark grey background). I’m somewhat visually 
impaired so the extra contrast would help. I looked at the 
settings/preferences and couldn’t find anything there. Thank you.



[Pharo-users] Re: Recovering old images in mac

2022-10-30 Thread Pierre Misse Chanabier

Carolina use to be able to do this during her PhD.
Always assumed it was with Espell, but I have never tried.



On 10/30/2022 11:30 AM, Steffen Märcker wrote:

Is there a way to save / convert such an image to 64 Bit?

Best, Steffen

[Pharo-users] Looking for an engineer position to work on Virtual Machines

2022-10-25 Thread Pierre Misse-Chanabier


My name is Pierre Misse-Chanabier. 
I'm finishing my PhD in the RMOD team on testing Virtual Machines in about two 
I am therefore looking for a Job, hopefully in the Pharo community ! 
Ideally, I'm looking to work in the domains of Virtual Machines or Language 
Tooling, or Meta-programing, but I'm open to other opportunities. 
See my CV attached. 
I have to stay in Lille for at least the next year, therefore, I am looking to 
work remotely. 

Here are my most important projects and publications about them: 
Illicium : a framework to generate C code from Pharo code. 
Github repository: [ https://github.com/hogoww/Illicium | 
https://github.com/hogoww/Illicium ] 
IWST'19 Illicium: A modular transpilation toolchain from Pharo to C [ 
https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02297860/ | 
https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02297860/ ] 

version poster SAC'22 & full ICSR'22: 
Differential testing of simulation-based VM generators: automatic detection of 
VM generator semantic gaps between simulation and generated VMs 
[ https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-08129-3_7 | 
https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-08129-3_7 ] 
[ https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3477314.3507171 | 
https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3477314.3507171 ] 

Polyphemus: Retro engineering of the Pharo Image, and ease of VM tooling 
Github Repository: [ https://github.com/hogoww/Polyphemus/ | 
https://github.com/hogoww/Polyphemus/ ] Video Presentation for Esug Innovation 
award (I was unable to present it myself): [ 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zf3cCtNW830 | 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zf3cCtNW830 ] 
VMIL'22: Ease VM Level Tooling with Language Level Ordinary Object Pointers [ 
https://hal.inria.fr/hal-03827632 | https://hal.inria.fr/hal-03827632 ] 

I am particularly interested in my latest work: Polyphemus. 
I have also worked on many part of the Pharo ecosystem. 
The Pharo VM, The Pharo bootstrap, Calypso, Debugger, selector extraction, 
Iceberg scripting, SUnit ... 

Let me know if you have openings or questions ! 


Description: Adobe PDF document

[Pharo-users] Re: [Roassal - Spec ] How can I trigger the refresh of an inspector pane

2022-09-25 Thread Pierre Misse Chanabier

Milton will probably correct me tomorrow, but in the meantime.
You need to send the message #refresh to the RoassalPresenter.
This will trigger the "script" that should have been defined.
(At least that's how it has worked for me).

For example:

- my initialization:

memorySpace := self instantiate: SpRoassalPresenter.
memorySpace script: [ :canvas | "My creation/refresh code" ].

- my update:

memorySpace refresh


On 9/25/2022 4:01 PM, stephane ducasse wrote:


I have a roassal pane in my inspector to display quadtrees.
I added the possibility to add a point to the inspected quadtree.
But the pane does not refresh
I have to do it by hand
and I would like to know how I can force the inspector to refresh

[Pharo-users] Re: [ANN] Badges

2022-08-23 Thread Pierre Misse Chanabier

This is super cool, thanks a lot Hernán !

On 8/17/2022 8:55 AM, Hernán Morales Durand wrote:

Dear all,

I'd like to share a new Spec app for building badges made with Pharo 
10. It is based on the Shields.io badge service provider. Select the 
badges you want, complete the required variables, and get your 
badge(s). You can also save and load commonly used variables, so it 
may help a bit to automate presenting your project's README.

See the install instructions and usage video at:


Please note that this is a 0.1 release, so there is certainly a lot of 
room for improvement.



[Pharo-users] Re: Null Object Pattern

2022-03-16 Thread Pierre Misse Chanabier

On 3/16/2022 8:33 PM, s...@clipperadams.com wrote:
I care because it makes “everything is a message” a lie! And I suspect 
(no proof and could be wrong) it’s an optimization that only made 
sense with the hardware constraints of 40+ years ago. Arguing against 
premature optimization is hardly something I just made up ;-)
When I read that, I remember that programming languages are a category 
of software that cannot run fast enough.

So they still make sense more often than not.
Moreover the few messages that are inlined (or optimized in general) are 
heavily used in the core of Pharo.
Also, the quote that you're citing, from Donald Knuth, is often if not 
always used incompletely.
I could try to justify it, but I've learned that Scott Meyers is better 
at explaining things than i'll ever be [1] =)

Also, I have been overriding core messages that are optimized (#ifTrue 
and variant. ifNil and variant and many more) without any problem from 
the compiler, so I have had no need to disable this inlining.

Regardless, you should be able to remove all inlining, it's a matter of 
tweaking the compiler.
However the compiler is one thing that I have touched very little in the 


 [1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WBaY61c9sE

[Pharo-users] Re: An Emacs <-> Pharo bridge (unidirectional at first)

2021-12-08 Thread Pierre Misse


I am aware of a Visual studio implementation that does pretty much what 
you described.


I also kinda remember something pharo with emacs called: bubbles?
I can't remember sorry :/


On 12/8/2021 5:48 AM, Eduardo Ochs wrote:

Hi list,

I'm looking for help on doing something VERY un-smalltalkish with
Pharo... let me explain. I am working on several variants of this way
of controlling external programs with Emacs:


The slides - link above - are the best way to understand how it works,
but there's mode info here:


The method above only works with programs that have REPLs that can be
run in terminals, but I have some variants of it that let me send
commands - single-line or multi-line - to external programs that only
have GUIs. In one of these variant the external program listens to the
signals SIGUSR1s and SIGUSR2s, and initially what it does when it
receives these signals is:

   on SIGUSR1: print the contents of the file /tmp/bridge-data
   on SIGUSR2:  eval the contents of the file /tmp/bridge-data

The action of SIGUSR2 can be used to redefine the action fo SIGUSR1.
There is a demo for Tcl here:


How can I implement something similar in Pharo? I mean, how do I make
it react to SIGUSR1s by printing - in any sense - the contents of
/tmp/bridge-data, and react to SIGUSR2s by eval-ing the contents of

Thanks in advance! =)
   Eduardo Ochs

[Pharo-users] Re: How to indent block of text

2021-10-23 Thread Pierre Misse

Ctrl+maj+f applies the formatting, which is configurable IIRC.
Is it what you're looking for?

On 10/22/2021 10:35 PM, horrido.hobb...@gmail.com wrote:

Has indenting text changed in Pharo? Ctrl-Alt-R and Ctrl-Alt-L don’t 
work for me anymore.
