Re: [PHP-DB] MySQL Conditional Trigger

2008-12-19 Thread Aleksandar Vojnovic

You could try with the  operator.
!=, Not equal operator

Or you could try it this way - ISNULL(col_or_data_to_check).
mysql SELECT ISNULL(1+1);
| ISNULL(1+1) |
|   0 |
1 row in set (0.02 sec)


Chris wrote:

Chris wrote:

unknown compared to anything is unknown.

he was talking about plsql and condition evaluation (ends with true 
or false), your point is absolutely useless.

The context is in the database - my example is in the database. How 
is that useless?

In case you missed it, this is the context:

 Which only works when ShipDate was not NULL to begin with.
 I suppose it evaluates the following to FALSE
 IF NULL != '2008-10-31' AND '2008-10-31' IS NOT NULL THEN
 (not liking the NULL != '2008-10-31' part)

 Please give me the correct syntax.

anything compared to NULL is always false

ie - you are wrong.

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Re: [PHP-DB] Copying an image from one server to another

2008-02-04 Thread Aleksandar Vojnovic
How about sending the file via SCP? (it would be a much more safer to 
transfer files)


Chris wrote:

ioannes wrote:

I am trying to:

- check whether an image file exists on a server,
- check whether it does not exist on another server, and if not exists
- to copy from the first location to the second.

I am using cURL.  First step to capture the image from the first 
server.  When I return this image to the browser I get a lot of 
strange characters.  So has this captured the image and what do I use 
next to upload to the second server?

I was trying to use file_exists and had problems referencing the file 
location as;.  But I know I can also 
look at using readfile() and file_put_contents(), $fp = fopen(), 
fputs(), fpassthru() etc.  What is best way?


There's no way fopen is going to be able to write to a remote url, 
that'd just be such a huge security issue it's not funny.

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[PHP-DB] Re: [PHP] Re: the opposite of a join?

2007-10-03 Thread Aleksandar Vojnovic
I would also suggest to limit yourself to things you actually need not 
to select the whole table.


Jim Lucas wrote:

Colin Guthrie wrote:

Martin Marques wrote:

SELECT * FROM company WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT companyID FROM contacts);

Not ideal as has been mentioned else where in this thread.


I think one would have to take into account the DB type being used here.

I can have MySQL and PostgreSQL setup and running with the same table 
structure (well, as close as you can get) configured with two 
different databases in them.


SQL #2 SELECTcompany.*
LEFT JOIN contacts
company.companyID = contacts.companyID
WHEREcontacts.companyID IS NULL

Now, both SQL statements will perform relatively the same on either 
DB's with a small data set.

but, if you have a large data set, MySQL will benefit from having the 
Sub-Query style statement

Where-as PostgreSQL will shine with the JOIN command.

This is only from my own personal testing.  Mind you that I have only 
been using PostgreSQL for a year or so.  But one problem that I have 
always ran into with MySQL is that when JOIN'ing tables that have 
large data sets is a PITA.

So, if I was running MySQL, I would use SQL #1, but if I were using 
PostgreSQL, I would use SQL #2

If anybody else has suggestions or comments about performance between 
MySQL vs. PostgreSQL with regards to similarly formed SQL calls, I 
would like to hear their experiences.

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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: [PHP] Re: the opposite of a join?

2007-10-03 Thread Aleksandar Vojnovic
It seems you missed my point :) if you would need all the data then 
select them all, but if you need only partial data from the table then 
you could limit yourself to that specific columns. I doubt everybody 
need everything all the time. True?


Chris wrote:

Aleksandar Vojnovic wrote:
I would also suggest to limit yourself to things you actually need 
not to select the whole table.

In this case you can't because you're looking for records that exist 
in one table that don't exist in another.

Apart from looking at the whole table in each case how else would you 
do that?

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Re: [PHP-DB] Problem with reading out value from urlline

2007-08-06 Thread Aleksandar Vojnovic


you should do it like this
$id = $_GET['id']; // -- getting var from the url line
echo $id;
- Aleksandar

Ruprecht Helms wrote:


I have the problem that a phpscript is not able to read out a value from
the browserline.  In the browserline I have the URL
domain/page?id=value. The id-Value I want to process within the
script but a   echo $id shows me no value.

The Php-Surrounding is very secured. Formfields and variables that
schould be part of a mysqldatabase must be escaped by the
mysql_real_escape_string-command. What is the right command to get the
value from the browserline.


Ruprecht Helms IT-Service  Softwaredevelopment

Web: a href=http://www.rheyn.deRuprecht Helms IT-Service 
Softwareentwicklung, Loerrach/a


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Re: [PHP-DB] Slooooow query in MySQL.

2007-07-24 Thread Aleksandar Vojnovic
In addition to Chris's suggestions you should also alter the homeid 
column (set default to NULL and update the whole database which 
shouldn't be a problem) so you don't have to do a double check on the 
same column. I would also suggest that the TSCN_MEDIAid column should be 
an int not a varchar.


Chris wrote:

Rob Adams wrote:

select h.addr,, h.county, h.state,, 'yes' as show_prop,
   h.askingprice, '' as year_built, h.rooms, h.baths,
   '' as apt, '' as lot, h.sqft, h.listdate, '' as date_sold, 
h.comments, h.mlsnum,, concat(r.fname, ' ', r.lname) as rname, as rphone, '' as remail, '' as status, '' as prop_type,
   ts.TSCNfile as picture,
   h.homeid as homeid, 'yes' as has_virt
   from ProductStatus ps, home h, realtor r, ProductBin pb
   left join TourScene ts on ts.TSCNtourId = pb.PBINid and 
ts.TSCN_MEDIAid = '3'
   where ps.PSTSstatus = 'posted' and pb.PBINid = PSTS_POid and 
= pb.PBINid

   and h.listdate  DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 2 YEAR)
   and (h.homeid is not null and h.homeid  '')
   and r.realtorid = pb.PBIN_HALOid limit {l1}, {l2}

Here is the query.  I didn't know that it needed to have an ORDER 
clause in it for the limit to work properly.  I'll probably order by 

If you don't have an ORDER BY clause then you're going to get 
inconsistent results. The database will never guarantee returning 
results in a set order unless you tell it to by specifying an order by 

To speed up your query, make sure you have indexes on:

TourScene(TSCNtourId, TSCN_MEDIAid)
ProductBin(PBINid, PBIN_HALOid)
home(id, listdate)

If you can't get it fast, then post the EXPLAIN output.

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Re: [PHP-DB] Slooooow query in MySQL.

2007-07-20 Thread Aleksandar Vojnovic
60k records shouldn't be a problem. Show us the query you're making and 
the table structure.

 OKi98 wrote:

Rob Adams napsal(a):
I have a query that I run using mysql that returns about 60,000 plus 
rows. It's been so large that I've just been testing it with a limit 
0, 1 (ten thousand) on the query.  That used to take about 10 
minutes to run, including processing time in PHP which spits out xml 
from the query.  I decided to chunk the query down into 1,000 row 
increments, and tried that. The script processed 10,000 rows in 23 
seconds!  I was amazed!  But unfortunately it takes quite a bit 
longer than 6*23 to process the 60,000 rows that way (1,000 at a 
time).  It takes almost 8 minutes.  I can't figure out why it takes 
so long, or how to make it faster.  The data for 60,000 rows is about 
120mb, so I would prefer not to use a temporary table.  Any other 
suggestions?  This is probably more a db issue than a php issue, but 
I thought I'd try here first.
60k rows is not that much, I have tables with 500k rows and queries 
are running smoothly.

Anyway we cannot help you if you do not post:
1. show create table
2. result of explain query
3. the query itself


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Re: [PHP-DB] weird comparsion

2007-05-03 Thread Aleksandar Vojnovic

try comparing the type:

if(0 === 0)echo 'Its not equal';
if(0 === 0)echo 'Its equal';

OKi98 wrote:


Why does anything compared to 0 return true?

I know it might seem to be a bit off-topic, but for me it is important 
for detecting if NULL value in table has been changed (for example 
NULL is changed to 0).

if (foo==0) echo(foo equals to 0);


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[PHP-DB] VERY NEWBIE php_* mod_* --with-* question

2002-10-02 Thread Aleksandar

Hello List for the first time,
I am very new to php but impressed from what i've seen so far. I managed to 
configure php w/ mysql and db2 do some selects, inserts ... 
What I am inerested in is what are all those mod_php* and php_* on the 
distribution's CDs e.g. if they are installed how do i get support for 
which i thought i have installed the module( like rpm -i  
php-oracle-4.2.2-1j1.i686.rpm means that i can somehow get oracle support 
without recompiling php ??? or no). 
Another thing that bothers me is should I (can I) use for example Oracle's 
apache or install regular apache and work with it.
Is Apache-PHP-Linux on one machine and OracleDB-Win/Lin on another machine 
big trouble or peace of cake (It asks me for oci8 lib which I don't know 
where to get if I don't want to install any oracle products on the web 
server (can i get them from php-oci8...rpm for example)
DSO e.g. is a shared object but where to include it for the 
support and is it enough)
Thank you all and looking forward to hearing from you 

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[PHP-DB] VERY NEWBIE php_* mod_* --with- question

2002-10-02 Thread Aleksandar

Hello List for the first time,
I am very new to php but impressed from what i've seen so far. I managed to 
configure php w/ mysql and db2 do some selects, inserts ... 
What I am inerested in is what are all those mod_php* and php_* on the 
distribution's CDs e.g. if they are installed how do i get support for 
which i thought i have installed the module( like rpm -i  
php-oracle-4.2.2-1j1.i686.rpm means that i can somehow get oracle support 
without recompiling php ??? or no). 
Another thing that bothers me is should I (can I) use for example Oracle's 
apache or install regular apache and work with it.
Is Apache-PHP-Linux on one machine and OracleDB-Win/Lin on another machine 
big trouble or peace of cake (It asks me for oci8 lib which I don't know 
where to get if I don't want to install any oracle products on the web 
server (can i get them from php-oci8...rpm for example)
DSO e.g. is a shared object but where to include it for the 
support and is it enough)
Thank you all and looking forward to hearing from you

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