Re: [PHP-DB] PHP/Apache not totally closing MySQL connections

2001-11-17 Thread Bob Maple

> >Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address
> >tcp1  0
> [munge-alert!]

Hmm, looks like my pastes got whacked.  Oops.

> nope, if you leave it going for awhile nothing out of the ordinary
> the socket will be reused (when it's time is up).
> the reason it doesn't "go away" until Apache is closed is that this is
> socket, and not MySQL's, as the forreign address is the :mysql.

OK, thanks -- I did some rapid refreshes of a page and indeed, the 'CLOSED'
state sockets ultimately are being recycled.  I guess I just wasn't getting
the same httpd process that had them open before, because at one point I had
about 5 of these sockets hanging around while new connections continued to

 :  Bob Maple  (Brazilian)  : When love is gone, there's always justice.  :
 :  bobm at burner dot com  : And when justice is gone, there's always:
 :  : force.  And when force is gone, there's :
 : http: : always Mom.  Hi, Mom! - Laurie Anderson :

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[PHP-DB] PHP/Apache not totally closing MySQL connections

2001-11-17 Thread Bob Maple

I've been through the bug database a couple of times, and scanned through
the list archives before joining, but haven't exactly found anything that
matches what is happening in my case.

First, dirty details: I am running MySQL 3.23.33, Apache 1.3.19, and PHP
4.0.6 under an RH system on kernel 2.2.19.  PHP running as a module in

I am having a little quirk with persistant connections with MySQL.  The
connections themselves work;  However, after a while when the connections
time out, they don't seem to be closing all the way.  For instance, right
now if I do a netstat, among some other connections I get:

Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address
tcp1  0

This has been there and been in "CLOSE" state all day.  It was there
yesterday. It will be there tomorrow.  MySQL has terminated the connection
as far as it cares (if I "mysqladmin processlist", no connections show up.)
Indeed, if I shut down the MySQL server, the socket remains.  Only if I shut
down Apache will it ever go away.

So, if left going for awhile, tons of these dead sockets will pile up.

Before I post a bug report, anyone have any ideas?

 :  Bob Maple  (Brazilian)  : When love is gone, there's always justice.  :
 :  bobm at burner dot com  : And when justice is gone, there's always:
 :  : force.  And when force is gone, there's :
 : http: : always Mom.  Hi, Mom! - Laurie Anderson :

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