Re: [PHP-DB] Auto increament

2004-06-27 Thread Daniel Clark
Yes there is an auto increment field in mySQL and most other databases.

Can any of you guide me how to do auto increament in a field?
I think there is one datatype for auto increament.
But I dont know how to do it ?

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Re: [PHP-DB] [PHP]: session problem

2004-06-24 Thread Daniel Clark
Are you getting any errors displayed?

The php.ini file has to have a directory specified for the session temp

 I want to use sessions to check wether a user is logged in or not.
 Therefore,I use session_start and session_register. When I registere the
 values on the same page, they all seem to work. But when I ask the value
 a registered session variable on another page, it is empty?!?! Does anyone
 know how this comes? i am using session_start() at every page..

 i believe it must be in my php.ini setting because on my hosting provider
 does work all correctly.. can anyone helpme?

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Re: [PHP-DB] [PHP]: session problem

2004-06-24 Thread Daniel Clark
What are you setting $_SESSION['sid'] to?

 i do ($_SESSION['sid']), but the variables remain empty...

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Re: [PHP-DB] Date help needed

2004-06-24 Thread Daniel Clark
A drop down with 365 days !?!?   Isn't that a little big?

 I have a problem, I currently have some code which populates a dropdown
 - this code gives me every day for the next x amount of days (EG: a years
 worth of days), however what I really need to be able to do, is to find a
 way to display this data in the dropdown box but ONLY show 3 days a week,
 IE: Mondays, Fridays and Sundays, so it would show the dates for each
 Monday, Friday and Sunday for X amount of days (IE: 365 days in the

 Does anyone have any idea how to do this?  I would really appreciate any
 help, I'd send my sample code only I'm not at my home/work computer ATM.

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Re: [PHP-DB] Multiple Inserts

2004-06-22 Thread Daniel Clark
Good point.  Since it's form data, what about $_POST['TimesheetID'] ?

 Don't see anything obviously wrong with your query string. Are the inserts
 happening in the same block of code, i.e., are you sure that
 _$TimesheetID_ has a value in it when you're performing the second insert?


 I am using a form to Insert data into 2 tables in the same database.

 $TimesheetID needs to be in each table. However, it is not being
 into the second table, tblTimesheetDetails . Any advise?

 $result_timesheet=mysql_query(INSERT INTO tblTimesheet (TimesheetID,
 WorkerID, ClientID, TimesheetDate, ProspectiveOrRetrospective) VALUES

 ospective'))or die(Insert Error: .mysql_error());

 $result_timesheetdetails=mysql_query(INSERT INTO tblTimesheetDetails
 (TimesheetID, ActivityTypeID, TimeSpentHours, TimeSpentMinutes) VALUES

 die(Insert Error: .mysql_error());

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Re: [PHP-DB] problem....

2004-06-22 Thread Daniel Clark
What error are you getting?

 why doesn't this work:
 $pic=mysql_query('SELECT Rune, username FROM RuneRunner
 RuneRunner_1 WHERE (User_ID = 3)',$connection);

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Re: [PHP-DB] anonymous select error

2004-06-15 Thread Daniel Clark
I'm not sure you need a semi-colon after the table name.

$result = mysql_query( 'Select * From newsletter_subscribers', $db );

MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

I'm trying this query:

$link = mysql_connect( $site, $id, $pass );
if (!$link) {
   die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
echo 'Connected successfullybr';

$db = mysql_select_db( $dbname, $link);
if( !$db ) {
   echo DB falsebr;

$result = mysql_query( 'Select * From
newsletter_subscribers;', $db );

if (!$result) {
   echo DB Error, could not list tablesbr;
   echo 'MySQL Error: ' . mysql_error();

with this output:

Connected successfully
DB Error, could not list tables
MySQL Error:

I dont understand why there is an error, but it prints
nothing for the error.  Any ideas?  Thanks, Josh

Re: [PHP-DB] About retrieving auto increment value

2004-06-07 Thread Daniel Clark
I think you want mysql_insert_id()

 I have the typical problem with retrieving auto increment value in
 php-mysql environment.

 I have search info in mysql page and I have found LAST_INSERT_ID()
 funtion but I don't know how to use correctly.

 I have one script that insert a row. And another script that must
 retrieve last auto_increment value for primary key on a table.

 I want something like this:

 SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() FROM foo_table; (like curval(foo_sequence) in

 This doesn't work.

 It's possible? Where I am wrong?

 Thanks in advance
 Marc Soler

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Re: [PHP-DB] strange results in mysql with readdir.php

2004-06-06 Thread Daniel Clark
I'd think there where multiple files with jpg and gif extensions.



Anybody has an idea about what happened to me ? 

The following script should just charge in a mysql db the images located in
a directory. Unfortunately everytime I call readdir.php (never mind if
there are or not new images) mysql is charging 2 or 6 copies of the same
last image uploaded into the directory. Anybody may explain to me where I'm
  Thanks for all the phpers!

$dbcnx = mysql_connect(localhost, root, password); 

if (!$dbcnx) 
echo( pconnection to database server failed!/p);

if (! @mysql_select_db(news) )
echo( pImage Database Not Available!/p  ); 

$path = ./;
$dir_handle = @opendir($path) or die(Unable to open directory $path);

while ($file = readdir($dir_handle)) {
$filetyp = substr($file, -3);
if ($filetyp == 'gif' OR $filetyp == 'jpg') {
$handle = fopen($path . / . $file,'r');
$file_content = fread($handle,filesize($path . / . $file));

$encoded = chunk_split(base64_encode($file_content)); 
$sql = INSERT INTO images SET sixfourdata='$encoded'; 


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Re: [PHP-DB] Error loading module: Unable to load dynamic library 'c:\tools\php\extensions\php_oci8.dll' - The specified procedure could not be found

2004-06-04 Thread Daniel Clark
Is the file in c:\tools\php\extensions\php_oci8.dll ?

I am experiencing the message in the title of this message when starting 
or restarting Apache. I have the following configuration:

- Windows XP
- Apache 2.0.49
- PHP 4.3.6
- Oracle Client 8i

If anyone has any information as to why this is happening and how I can 
solve it, I would be very grateful. Thanks.

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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: big/small letters with oracle No2

2004-06-03 Thread Daniel Clark
I've used Oracle for years, and am not aware of Oracle having case sensitive column 

Torsten Lange [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 But when using queries on the USER_... data dictionary, Oracle
 delivers always big letters, which is for chemical elements (NA
 vs. Na) or location names (ALICE SPRINGS vs.  Alice Springs) and
 location codes often uncomfortable to read.

 Then I see only one way: create a mapping array to map your field names to
 what you want them to be *really* called.
 $mapping = array('FIELD1' = 'My real field name', 'FIELD2' = 'My second
 field name');
 Then you get the value this way:
 $realName = $mapping[$fieldNameFromDB];

A mapping is the best way.  It separates the internal schema structure
(i.e column names as created by Oracle) from the display values (i.e.
the column names you want to display).

But it is possible to get PHP to return case sensitive column names from
Oracle, see below.




 // Example using case sensitive column names in Oracle.
 // Table P1 was created in SQL*Plus using:
 //create table p1 (MyCol number);
 //insert into p1 values (1234);
 // The output of this PHP script is:
 //   array(1) {
 // [MyCol]=
 // string(4) 1234
 //   }

 $conn = OCILogon(scott, tiger, MYDB);

 $query = 'select * from p1';

 $stid = OCIParse($conn, $query);
 OCIFetchInto($stid, $row, OCI_ASSOC);
 echo pre; var_dump($row); echo /pre;



Christopher Jones, Oracle Corporation, Australia.

Re: [PHP-DB] Multiple SQL queries...?

2004-06-03 Thread Daniel Clark
Is this what you want ??

$sql = SELECT DISTINCT(email) FROM $table;
$result = mysql_query($sql,$connection) or die(Couldn't execute query 0.);

$row1 = 0;

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

echo $row[email] ;

$sql1 = SELECT * FROM $table WHERE viewed = '1' AND email = '$row[email]';
$result1 = mysql_query($sql1,$connection)   or die(Couldn't execute query 

if (mysql_num_rows($result1) = 1) {
echo 'Viewed' ;
} else {
echo '' ;

echo $row1 ;

Right, todays fun dilema... ;-)
I've a user capture system set up for downloads on our site.
Each time a user downloads a file, their info is captured (so we'll have 
multiple entries for each email address).
Also in the table, is a field to state if the result has been viewed by my 
boss. (Just a 1/0 value)

So, what my boss wants me to do now, is to show her, the total No of 
people captured, and how many she's viewed.
Using the 'email' field, from the table, I've done a distinct() sort in 
MySQL to ensure that I have a list of emails(users) and no duplicates.
My prob is this:
I want to take each email, and see if at any point, there's a '1' in the 
viewed field.
if there is, I want to add one to the total of $row1
So I can output the num_rows from the distinct request, and then show the 
total of $row1...
So I'll have total No of users, and total No of viewed... as I've 
mentioned above.
What am I doing wrong?

$sql = SELECT DISTINCT(email) FROM $table;
$result = mysql_query($sql,$connection)
or die(Couldn't execute query 0.);

$row1 = 0;

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

$sql1 = SELECT * FROM $table WHERE viewed = '1' AND email = 
$result1 = mysql_query($sql1,$connection)
or die(Couldn't execute query 1.);
if (mysql_num_rows($result1) = 1) {
?=$row1 ?

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Re: [PHP-DB] Multiple SQL queries...?

2004-06-03 Thread Daniel Clark
OK, how about this?

$sql = SELECT DISTINCT(email) FROM $table;
$result = mysql_query($sql,$connection) or die(Couldn't execute query

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

 echo $row[email] ;

 $sql1 = SELECT * FROM $table WHERE viewed = '1' AND email =
 $result1 = mysql_query($sql1,$connection)   or die(Couldn't execute
query 1.);

 echo ' ' . mysql_num_rows($result1) ;

echo $row1 ;

 Kinda, but I just wanna count how many views in total...
 Hence my $row1++; bit...
 I'll have a play with your code though...!

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Re: [PHP-DB] Multiple SQL queries...?

2004-06-03 Thread Daniel Clark
Not tested... how about something like this?

SELECT, t2.count(*)
FROM $table t1
LEFT JOIN $table t2 ON ( = and t2.viewed = '1')

 HHmmm, this is really getting to me...
 I can do distinct, I can count, but I can't combine the two?
 Can't be that hard ;-)

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Re: [PHP-DB] Question about undices for inversed LIKE statesments.

2004-05-31 Thread Daniel Clark
The index should still work normally.

I have a question about behaviour of indices in queries with inversed LIKE
in MySQL. I mean something like this:

select foo from bar where '$some_string' LIKE some_field

where in the `some_field` I have a strings like 'symbols%' :)

Do you have some ideas?

WBR, Wicked

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Re: [PHP-DB] Where Error

2004-05-29 Thread Daniel Clark
Can you post the code?

Something like:

WHERE status IN ('i', 'c', 'o') ;

This should be ultimately simple; it just doesn't work.  I want to limit 
display to rows from a single table in which the status column contains 
i.  Only options are i, c, o.  After the select line I have where status 
= i  (no quote marks).  I get an error message to the while line that 
calls the table.

When I limit by another column where netreceipts  500 I get the desired 
result.  When I change it to where netreceipts = 500 (and there is a 
500) I get the error message above.

What's the solution?


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Re: [PHP-DB] Where Error

2004-05-29 Thread Daniel Clark
WHERE status IN ('i', 'c', 'o') ;
ORDER BY $sort_field $sort_order;

$get_data_query = select state, cd, representative, status, party, 
individualcontributions, paccommcontributions, candidatesupport, 
 from fec33104

where status = i

order by $sort_field $sort_order;

On Sat, 29 May 2004 07:50:52 -0700, Daniel Clark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can you post the code?

 Something like:

 WHERE status IN ('i', 'c', 'o') ;

 This should be ultimately simple; it just doesn't work.  I want to 
 display to rows from a single table in which the status column contains
 i.  Only options are i, c, o.  After the select line I have where 
 = i  (no quote marks).  I get an error message to the while line 
 calls the table.

 When I limit by another column where netreceipts  500 I get the 
 result.  When I change it to where netreceipts = 500 (and there is a
 500) I get the error message above.

 What's the solution?


Re: [PHP-DB] Undefined variable

2004-05-26 Thread Daniel Clark
Are you using a FORM Post or Get ?

Perhaps $_POST['Name']  or $_GET['Name']

I have a very simple and smail script with just one input text box and a
submit button.
After that, I have an echo function in the same code page that just
displays the data entered in the text box.
But I'm receiving an undefinied variable error when I execute it!!
Echo ($Name);
I'm using Windows 2000 Server and PHP for Windows.
Miguel Guirao
Servicios Datacard

Re: [PHP-DB] Select news based on dates

2004-05-17 Thread Daniel Clark
ORDER BY date, text ?

 You can use order by date and such method:
 $result = mysql_query(blablabla);
 $date = foo;
 while($news = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
 if ($date==$news[date]){
 echo new date;
 echo $news[text];
 $date = $news[date];

 Monday, May 17, 2004, 3:50:04 PM, T. wrote:

 THG Hello,

 THG I would like to display my news like this:

 THG *10.04.2004.*
 THG - news 1
 THG - news 2
 THG - news 3
 THG *14.04.2004.*
 THG - news 4
 THG *15.04.2004.*
 THG - news 5
 THG ...

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Re: [PHP-DB] Newbie inserting into a database

2004-05-14 Thread Daniel Clark
Remove the single quotes or change to double quotes around the variables.

 Here is what I have so far?
 $DBname = testdatabase;
 $password = password;

 $dbconnect = @mysql_connect('$host','$user','$password','$DBname');

 I know this is wrong since I am not connecting.

 What I want to do is INSERT several values into a database.  What am I
 wrong and what do I need to do after I connect (The Code)?  7 day old
 problem here and pulling at my hair!  Appreciate it!

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Re: [PHP-DB] Newbie inserting into a database

2004-05-14 Thread Daniel Clark
Remove the single quotes or change to double quotes around the variables.
(in the mysql_connect() statement)

 Here is what I have so far?
 $DBname = testdatabase;
 $password = password;

 $dbconnect = @mysql_connect('$host','$user','$password','$DBname');

 I know this is wrong since I am not connecting.

 What I want to do is INSERT several values into a database.  What am I
 wrong and what do I need to do after I connect (The Code)?  7 day old
 problem here and pulling at my hair!  Appreciate it!

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Re: [PHP-DB] inserting data into database!

2004-05-14 Thread Daniel Clark
$tmp isn't defined yet, so can't append to it's self.
(no .= )

$tmp = ID   : $row-ID   br\n;

 Two questions?
 First why am I getting  undefined variable tmp , yet it works
 Second how would I insert data into this table?
 $db_table = 'log';
 $conn = mysql_connect($db_host,$db_user,$db_pass);

 if ($conn == true) {
   $result = mysql_query(SELECT * from $db_table,$conn);
 while($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)) {
 $tmp .= ID   : $row-ID   br\n;
 $tmp .= Base : $row-Base br\n;
 $tmp .= Date_and_Time  : $row-Date_and_Time   br\n;
 $tmp .= Event_Type : $row-Event_Type br\n;
 $tmp .= Description : $row-Description br\n;
 $tmp .= Initials : $row-Initials brhr\n;
 } else {
 echo 'could not connect to database : '. mysql_error();
 print $tmp;

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Re: [PHP-DB] Need some HELP

2004-05-10 Thread Daniel Clark
unless you have Globals turned on, I think you and
$_POST['variable_name_here'] in the second page.

print INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='UserName' VALUE='$_POST['username']\n;


 I am  a new to php. I am using php ver 4.0.3 and MySQL.

 I have wrote two files and I'd like to pass some varaibles from first file
 to use them in the second file.
 but  the values did not displayed in the second file(nothing print out).
 also I want to pass them to anothr file ...  here is what I've wrote :

 $user_addres=User Address;

 print FORM action='file2.php' method=post;
   print input type=submit value='send';
 print INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='UserName'
 print input type=hidden name=UserNum'
 print input type=hidden name='Addrress'
   print /td;
 print /FORM/tr;

 ** second file file2.php 

 FORM action='anothrfile.php' method=post

  print INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='User_name' VALUE='$UserName';
  print input type=hidden name=User_Num' value='$UserNum';
  print input type=hidden name='User_Addres' value='$Address';

 trth align=left Name:/thtd ? print $User_name; ?/td/tr
 trth align=left User Number:/thtd  ? print $User_Num;
 trth align=left Address:/th td ? print$User_Addres;
 input type=submit value='submit'

 Kind Regrads
 I hope someone  can help me. Thanks

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Re: [PHP-DB] Need some HELP (not works)

2004-05-10 Thread Daniel Clark
Is it User_name or UserName?

Also try this string with 'UserName' in single quotes.

print INPUT TYPE=\hidden\ NAME=\User_name\

 I've tried but still does not work.
 when I put the varaibles name between ' '

 I found this error:
 Parse error: parse error, expecting `T_STRING' or `T_VARIABLE' or

 I typed in this way

  print INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='User_name'

 but nothing  a new.

 I have checked  register_globals is on.
 in my first page I used session_start(); and   global $HTTP_SESSION_VARS;
 I dont know if this cause the problem that I had.

 Thanks again and more help please.

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Re: [PHP-DB] Serious Problem: Eval'ing conditioned blocks!

2004-05-10 Thread Daniel Clark
I had something like this too.
I used something other for the start and ending blocks.
#  #
Then had a replace() section.

 Hi there,
 I (still :-) ) have the code of my php pages stored in a database. A main
 page parses this code using the eval_html function postet at
 used to work fine, but then I tried to employ conditioned blocks, e.g.
 ? while (foo) { ?
   pHello World/p
 ? }?

 The function I use seperates this code in three parts (1st: ? while (foo)
 { ?) and tries to eval every single one. This of course causes an error
 because neither while (foo) { nor } is valid statement.
 Anybody knows a workaround (that doesn't mean putting all HTML output in
 echo commands) ??

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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: how to parse php code stored in databases?

2004-05-08 Thread Daniel Clark
Torsten is right.  eval() works great ... and so does having your php code in the 
database :-)

Florian Wagner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Hi there,
 I thought it would be a great idea to store the code of nearly all my web
 pages in text fields of a mysql database.
 Now I've got the problem that I want to use php in those pages.
 Let's say $row[content] contains the string ? echo 'Hello World!' ?.
 Then echo $row[content] only produces the unparsed ? echo 'Hello
 ? which effectivly displays nothing, because the browser doesn't know the
 ? tag. How can I tell PHP to parse this string before displaying it???

 Thanks for any suggestions...

This can be done with eval():

Take a look at the user comments there, especially regarding the inclusion
of ? and ?.

Regards, Torsten

Re: [PHP-DB] mysql - SELECT DISTINCT problem

2004-05-08 Thread Daniel Clark
Very odd.  I would think it would return every record seeing as the auto_increment ID 
field is different for every record.

I use SELECT DISTINCT tip, marca, model FROM modele to select
records without duplicates on the field tip. This works ok, BUT if I
use SELECT DISTINCT tip, marca, model, id FROM... (id is
auto_increment and is the table's primary key) my query won't produce
any result. ANyone has a clue? Thank you!

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Re: [PHP-DB] Image / file uploader

2004-05-06 Thread Daniel Clark
I think you need the quotes: $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']

 Try using the following:


 Mainly, get rid of the quotes inside the brackets. Usually this error
 'T_String' generally occurs when you have quotes ( or ') where they
 shouldn`t be.

 Give it a try if that thing still troubles you...
 Good luck

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Re: [PHP-DB] headers and if statements

2004-04-30 Thread Daniel Clark
Hum.  Is $logIn null at times?!?!

 ?if($logIn != 1) {header(Location: loginError.php);}?

 Why does this direct me to loginError.php even when $logIn = 1?

 - Matt

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RE: [PHP-DB] headers and if statements

2004-04-30 Thread Daniel Clark
I think that would try to set $login=1.

Need two ==

 Have you tried:
 ?php if (!$login=1) {header(Location: loginerror.php);)?

 -Original Message-
 From: Daniel Clark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, April 30, 2004 4:19 PM
 To: matthew perry
 Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] headers and if statements

 Hum.  Is $logIn null at times?!?!

 ?if($logIn != 1) {header(Location: loginError.php);}?

 Why does this direct me to loginError.php even when $logIn = 1?

 - Matt

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RE: [PHP-DB] headers and if statements

2004-04-30 Thread Daniel Clark
We've ALL done it before :-)

 I am testing now testing it with the ==, silly mistake

 -Original Message-
 From: John W. Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, April 30, 2004 4:38 PM
 To: Erik Meyer; PHP-DB
 Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] headers and if statements

 From: Erik Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Have you tried:
 ?php if (!$login=1) {header(Location: loginerror.php);)?

 Uhmm... Have _YOU_ tried that???

 = vs == ?


 ---John Holmes...

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Re: [PHP-DB] Image / file uploader

2004-04-29 Thread Daniel Clark
I think you want single quotes around PHP_SELF.


 I have a script where it uploads a image to directory.   I have used
 the script several times and it works when I send the form to another
 page.  The problem is I have changed the form to submit to itself and I
 can't seem to get it to work.

 echo ( form method='post' action='$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]'

 The thing is all my other fields update except for the image.  Further,
 the image does not even show up if I echo the query out.

 UPDATE users SET bio = 'Bio - Test', goals = 'Goals - Test', fav_race =
 'Fav Races - test', fav_train = 'Traing -test', photo_name = '' WHERE
 user_id = '1'
 Here is the code of the image uploader and my query, perhaps someone
 could take a look let me know what I'm missing.
 Thanks - CH

 input type='file' name='photo'


   include include/dbadmin.php;

   //image uploader
   $uploadpath = '/images/clients/';

   $source = $HTTP_POST_FILES['photo']['tmp_name'];
   $photo_name = $HTTP_POST_FILES['photo']['name'];
   $dest = '';
   if (($source != '')  ($source != '')) {
   $dest = $uploadpath.$photo_name;
   if ($dest = '') {
   if (move_uploaded_file($source, $dest)) {
   echo (p id='message'Image and Bio has been 
 stored./p );
   } else {
   echo (p id='message'Image could not be 
   } else {
   echo (p id='message'No new image supplied./p);
   $photo_name = $oldimage;

   //declare varibles
   $user_id = $_POST[user_id];
   $name = $_POST[name];
   $bio = $_POST[bio];
   $goals = $_POST[goals];
   $fav_race = $_POST[fav_race];
   $fav_train = $_POST[fav_train];
   $photo = $_POST[photo_name];

   $query = UPDATE users SET bio = '$bio', goals = '$goals', fav_race =
 '$fav_race', fav_train = '$fav_train', photo_name = '$photo_name'
 WHERE user_id = '$user_id';
   echo $query;
   $msg = span style='color:red' id='message'Could not update
   $result = mysql_query($query, $db);


 Craig Hoffman - eClimb Media

 v: (847) 644 - 8914
 f: (847) 866 - 1946

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Re: [PHP-DB] Image / file uploader

2004-04-29 Thread Daniel Clark
Change to double quotes for the HTML portion.


 When I put single quotes in the PHP_SELF and I get this error:
 Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE,

 and I can't use double quotes because its in an echo statement.  What
 am I missing?
 echo (form method='post' action='$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']'

 Any more thoughts?
 Craig Hoffman - eClimb Media

 v: (847) 644 - 8914
 f: (847) 866 - 1946
 On Apr 29, 2004, at 6:49 PM, Daniel Clark wrote:

 I think you want single quotes around PHP_SELF.


 I have a script where it uploads a image to directory.   I have used
 the script several times and it works when I send the form to another
 page.  The problem is I have changed the form to submit to itself and
 can't seem to get it to work.

 echo ( form method='post' action='$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]'

 The thing is all my other fields update except for the image.
 the image does not even show up if I echo the query out.

 UPDATE users SET bio = 'Bio - Test', goals = 'Goals - Test', fav_race
 'Fav Races - test', fav_train = 'Traing -test', photo_name = '' WHERE
 user_id = '1'
 Here is the code of the image uploader and my query, perhaps someone
 could take a look let me know what I'm missing.
 Thanks - CH

 input type='file' name='photo'


 include include/dbadmin.php;

 //image uploader
 $uploadpath = '/images/clients/';

 $source = $HTTP_POST_FILES['photo']['tmp_name'];
 $photo_name = $HTTP_POST_FILES['photo']['name'];
 $dest = '';
 if (($source != '')  ($source != '')) {
 $dest = $uploadpath.$photo_name;
 if ($dest = '') {
 if (move_uploaded_file($source, $dest)) {
 echo (p id='message'Image and Bio has been 
 stored./p );
 } else {
 echo (p id='message'Image could not be 
 } else {
 echo (p id='message'No new image supplied./p);
 $photo_name = $oldimage;

 //declare varibles
 $user_id = $_POST[user_id];
 $name = $_POST[name];
 $bio = $_POST[bio];
 $goals = $_POST[goals];
 $fav_race = $_POST[fav_race];
 $fav_train = $_POST[fav_train];
 $photo = $_POST[photo_name];

 $query = UPDATE users SET bio = '$bio', goals = '$goals', fav_race =
 '$fav_race', fav_train = '$fav_train', photo_name = '$photo_name'
 WHERE user_id = '$user_id';
 echo $query;
 $msg = span style='color:red' id='message'Could not update
 $result = mysql_query($query, $db);


 Craig Hoffman - eClimb Media

 v: (847) 644 - 8914
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Re: [PHP-DB] First letter

2004-04-27 Thread Daniel Clark
$rest = substr(abcdef, 1, 3); // returns bcd

 What PHP function returns just the first letter of a string?
 - Matt

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Re: [PHP-DB] Session

2004-04-27 Thread Daniel Clark
Depends on the browser.   IE and Netscsape handle opening another window

 Hi, I have a problem in handling session... so I just reply in this topic.

 I have created a site... when user login from one browser ..i set a

 the problem is that when user open another browser ...he is not login
 have to login again...

 So that 1 pc may login as 2 or more different user from different

 Nicholas Sk2

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[PHP-DB] Re: [PHP] What's wrong with this IF statement?

2004-04-22 Thread Daniel Clark
What about removing the quotes around the numbers.

 if ($cat_id != 53 || $cat_id != 54 || $cat_id != 55 etc...

 My IF statement should be picking up on the numbers, and if the number
 matches not be displaying out the information, however I look at the
 outputted page and the information is still there, what have I got wrong
 on the code?

 //Show categories first
 $get_cats = select id_num, id_name, description, cat_code from
 categories order by id_name;
 $get_cats_res = mysql_query($get_cats) or die(mysql_error());

 if (mysql_num_rows($get_cats_res)  1)
  $display_block = PemSorry, no categories to browse./em/P;
  while ($cats = mysql_fetch_array($get_cats_res))
   $cat_id = $cats[id_num];
   if ($cat_id != 53 || $cat_id != 54 || $cat_id != 55 || $cat_id
 != 117 || $cat_id != 118 || $cat_id != 74)
   $cat_title = strtoupper(stripslashes($cats[id_name]));
   $cat_desc = stripslashes($cats[description]);
   $display_block .= stronga
   while ($items = mysql_fetch_array($get_items_res))
 $item_id = $items[id];
 $item_num = $items[item_num];
 $item_desc = stripslashes($items[description]);
 if ($item_num != ABC-R37 || $item_num !=  ABC-R42 || $item_num
 != HB-99100 || $item_num != RO-PUMPS || $item_num != ML-HDGALJUG
 || $item_num != PFS-CAC21 || $item_num != PFS-CO2)
 $item_num = ltrim($item_num);
 $item_num = rtrim($item_num);
 $display_block .= emstronga
 href=\catalog/$item_id.html\$item_num/a/strong -

 My assumption is that BOTH IF statements are not working correctly since
 the logic is that if they are built the same they would react the same.


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Re: [PHP-DB] logic problem

2004-04-21 Thread Daniel Clark
How about:

SELECT convert( varchar,eventime,110) as date from events, badge,
   count(convert( varchar,eventime, 110)) as count
WHERE events.cardnum = and devid = '1' and
   convert( varchar, events.eventime, 110) BETWEEN '$startdate' and 'enddate'
AND type = '1'
GROUP BY convert( varchar,events.eventime, 110), badge

 I'm using some proprietary software/hardware where when a visitor swipes
 their entry card, it is recorded in a mssql 2000 server.  My boss wants a
 count of unique vistors for a range of dates.  So, I need to have it give
 a count of unique vistors, meaning that I need to count all vists for a
 day as one visit (because if they go outside to smoke and come back and
 swipe their card again to get in, each one is a separate visit, but i need
 to count all visits by each person as one visit since i just want to know
 if they came at all each day, not how many times they came in).

 This is my SQL statement:

 select distinct count(convert( varchar,eventime, 110)) as count,
 convert( varchar,eventime,110) as date from events, badge wher
 events.cardnum = and devid = '1' and
 convert( varchar, events.eventime, 110) BETWEEN '$startdate' and 'enddate'
 and type = '1' group by convert( varchar,events.eventime, 110)

 for reference, devid = '1' is the hardware device, where everytime it
 triggers, it means someone swiped their card to get in, and type = '1'
 means patron (because we have a type = 2 that is for staff and we jsut
 want to know how many patrons visited)

 When I execute this statement, its returning the result for each date of
 the total number of card swipes (so if a person comes in twice on a date,
 its recording it as 2 swipes, but I just need to know that they came to
 the building at all on this date, so I just need it to register that there
 was a count of atleast one for this card that was swiped)

 any suggestions?  thanks

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Re: [PHP-DB] logic problem

2004-04-21 Thread Daniel Clark
AND: any count =1 shows they came in that day.

How about:

SELECT convert( varchar,eventime,110) as date from events, badge,
   count(convert( varchar,eventime, 110)) as count
WHERE events.cardnum = and devid = '1' and
   convert( varchar, events.eventime, 110) BETWEEN '$startdate' and 'enddate'
AND type = '1'
GROUP BY convert( varchar,events.eventime, 110), badge

 I'm using some proprietary software/hardware where when a visitor swipes
 their entry card, it is recorded in a mssql 2000 server.  My boss wants a
 count of unique vistors for a range of dates.  So, I need to have it give
 a count of unique vistors, meaning that I need to count all vists for a
 day as one visit (because if they go outside to smoke and come back and
 swipe their card again to get in, each one is a separate visit, but i need
 to count all visits by each person as one visit since i just want to know
 if they came at all each day, not how many times they came in).

 This is my SQL statement:

 select distinct count(convert( varchar,eventime, 110)) as count,
 convert( varchar,eventime,110) as date from events, badge wher
 events.cardnum = and devid = '1' and
 convert( varchar, events.eventime, 110) BETWEEN '$startdate' and 'enddate'
 and type = '1' group by convert( varchar,events.eventime, 110)

 for reference, devid = '1' is the hardware device, where everytime it
 triggers, it means someone swiped their card to get in, and type = '1'
 means patron (because we have a type = 2 that is for staff and we jsut
 want to know how many patrons visited)

 When I execute this statement, its returning the result for each date of
 the total number of card swipes (so if a person comes in twice on a date,
 its recording it as 2 swipes, but I just need to know that they came to
 the building at all on this date, so I just need it to register that there
 was a count of atleast one for this card that was swiped)

 any suggestions?  thanks

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Re: [PHP-DB] logic problem

2004-04-21 Thread Daniel Clark
How about

SELECT distinct, convert( varchar,eventime,110) as date

Shows all the badge numbers IN on that date.   If the badge number is not
there, they didn't check in at ALL that day.

 This seems too easy to not be able to do it with SQL. There must be
 something we're missing in the query.
 Try this:

 select distinct,convert( varchar,eventime,110) as date,count(*)
 from events, badge where
 events.cardnum = and devid = '1' and
 convert( varchar, events.eventime, 110) BETWEEN '$startdate' and
 and type = '1'
 group by date

 In MySQL you don't need to specify a field for count(). And you should
 have to convert the eventime field twice, you should be able to
 reference the calc field in the group by.

 On Apr 21, 2004, at 2:19 PM, Adam Williams wrote:

 Yeah I basically had that with my previous SQL statement, I was
 by event.cardnum instead of counting the cardnums by date.  I think
 I'm trying to do is beyond the scope of SQL and I'll have to write some
 PHP to take the SQL statement results and feed them into an array and
 count the distinct cardnums for each date and then spit it all into an
 html table.  thanks

 On Wed, 21 Apr 2004, Daniel
 Clark wrote:

 AND: any count =1 shows they came in that day.

 How about:

 SELECT convert( varchar,eventime,110) as date from events, badge,
count(convert( varchar,eventime, 110)) as count
 WHERE events.cardnum = and devid = '1' and
convert( varchar, events.eventime, 110) BETWEEN '$startdate' and
 AND type = '1'
 GROUP BY convert( varchar,events.eventime, 110), badge

 I'm using some proprietary software/hardware where when a visitor
 their entry card, it is recorded in a mssql 2000 server.  My boss
 wants a
 count of unique vistors for a range of dates.  So, I need to have it
 a count of unique vistors, meaning that I need to count all vists
 for a
 day as one visit (because if they go outside to smoke and come back
 swipe their card again to get in, each one is a separate visit, but
 i need
 to count all visits by each person as one visit since i just want to
 if they came at all each day, not how many times they came in).

 This is my SQL statement:

 select distinct count(convert( varchar,eventime, 110)) as count,
 convert( varchar,eventime,110) as date from events, badge wher
 events.cardnum = and devid = '1' and
 convert( varchar, events.eventime, 110) BETWEEN '$startdate' and
 and type = '1' group by convert( varchar,events.eventime, 110)

 for reference, devid = '1' is the hardware device, where everytime it
 triggers, it means someone swiped their card to get in, and type =
 means patron (because we have a type = 2 that is for staff and we
 want to know how many patrons visited)

 When I execute this statement, its returning the result for each
 date of
 the total number of card swipes (so if a person comes in twice on a
 its recording it as 2 swipes, but I just need to know that they came
 the building at all on this date, so I just need it to register that
 was a count of atleast one for this card that was swiped)

 any suggestions?  thanks

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Re: [PHP-DB] How to Erase MySQL table.

2004-04-19 Thread Daniel Clark
TRUNCATE table xxx  will delete all the rows of data.
DROP table xxx will delete the table.

 Hi everyone,

   I can not find in my manual a MySQL command which erase permanently a
 and it?s content from a MySQL database.

 Thanks in advance


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Re: [PHP-DB] get rid of the HTML tags

2004-04-12 Thread Daniel Clark
Try strip_tags()

 I have this string:

 $my_string = bhello world/ba href='teste.php'this is a test for a
 link with a image img src='test.jpg'/a

 Is there any function that retrieves only the string without the html

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Re: [PHP-DB] [PMX:55%] Re: [PHP-DB] get rid of the HTML tags

2004-04-12 Thread Daniel Clark
I've been getting the same errors, sometimes days latter.

 Why are my posts not getting through?  I got 3 Delivery Report Failures on
 Thursday all due to

 Diagnostic was Unable to transfer, Message timed out
 Information Message timed out

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Re: [PHP-DB] Session_Start won't work Help?

2004-04-09 Thread Daniel Clark
In PHP.INI there is a variable session.save_path.
Make sure it's uncommented and has a directory to store the temp session
files on the web server.

 I'm running Apache/2.0.49 and PHP/4.3.5 on windows XP. I get warnings:

 WARNING: session_start(): open/tmp\sess_242f6f668d85d512f9f4379ffa1e1,
 O_DWR failed: No such file or directory (2) in c:\program files\apache
 group\apache2\htdocs\register_new.php on line 10

 I also get another similar warning for seesion start that says cannot send
 seesion cookie and another that says cannot send session cache.

 Is this some sort of configuratrion problem in my  httpd.cong file or my
 php.ini file? HELP?

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Re: [PHP-DB] password input type

2004-04-05 Thread Daniel Clark
I'm pretty sure it just shields the on looker from viewing.

View source in the browser still shows what the VALUE is, if any.

 Does using a pasword input type input name=password type=password
 make the transfer more secure from someone sniffing my connection or
 does it only shield an onlooker from seeing what the user enters?
 - Matt

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Re: [PHP-DB] Php datetime

2004-03-04 Thread Daniel Clark
I've heard you want to use a TIMESTAMP field for that.

 i have created a mysql table where i would like to store the date and time
 whenever a user logs into a web site. the login is done through php/mysql
 well but i'm not sure what the php code is to add the current date/time
 a mysql database. the field in the db is created as a 'datetime' field.

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Re: [PHP-DB] mysql_num_rows

2004-03-03 Thread Daniel Clark
  $query =SELECT username FROM users WHERE username=('$username');
 // $result = mysql_query($query, $db);

Above line should be uncommented.

  if (!$query)

And the if checking the number of rows returned from the $result set.

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Re: [PHP-DB] INSERT dynamic values problem - Need help urgently!

2004-02-27 Thread Daniel Clark
OPTION VALUE=\$row['class_code']\ .$row[class_code]. /option;

 while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql))
  print OPTION VALUE=\$class_code\  .$row[class_code]. /option;
 $result = $db-query($sql);

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RE: [PHP-DB] What's wrong with this query?

2004-02-26 Thread Daniel Clark
What about the single quotes?   Might try this.

$sql = INSERT INTO log SET term=\'$search\', returns=\'$arrayword\',
time=CURTIME(), date=CURDATE(), ip=\'$ip\';

 $sql = INSERT INTO log SET term='$search', returns='$arrayword',
 time=CURTIME(), date=CURDATE(), ip='$ip';

 echo $sql;

 $logit = mysql_query($sql) or

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Re: [PHP-DB] Oracle and upper case field name

2004-01-27 Thread Daniel Clark
I might try having a common PHP function that converts all field names to
lower case, and call that function with every field name.

Or call each field by column number, $row[1]  .

 When Oracle returns the result set, the field names are all in upper
 case. However, I have an application that needs to work on both MSSQL
 and Oracle. I don?t want to keep 2 copies. One has upper case field
 names and the other lower case. How could I make PHP or ADODB to work
 with lower case field names even the result set is upper case?

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Re: [PHP-DB] Oracle and upper case field name

2004-01-27 Thread Daniel Clark
Yeah, Looks good to me :-)

 Like ??

  When Oracle returns the result set, the field names are all in upper
 case. However, I have an application that needs to work on both
 MSSQL and Oracle. I don?t want to keep 2 copies. One has upper case
 field names and the other lower case. How could I make PHP or ADODB
 to work with lower case field names even the result set is upper

 ---John Holmes...

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