Re: [PHP-DB] PHP2 Forum Crashed

2003-10-28 Thread Jim Hunter
Can't help you if you take the site down. It didn't do you any good to post
the link if your code is no longer there.

ps- I tried to reply directly to you but it seem that Earthlink does not
want to accept my e-mails because I am not an EarthLink user. How lame is

550-EarthLink does not recognize your computer ( as
connecting from an EarthLink connection. If this is in error, please contact
technical support. 
{I removed the real IP address}
---Original Message---
From: Joseph Allard
Date: Tuesday, October 28, 2003 03:26:45 PM
Subject: [PHP-DB] PHP2 Forum Crashed
Now, I two seperate problems with two different websites.
My PHP2 Forum crashed along with the rest of my
website I called GoDaddy.Com, my host provider
and they said that the problem was with us not with their server. However,
my web designer insist that it is a parse problem. What should I do and how
can I find out what the real problem is?
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Re: [PHP-DB] mysql field not resolving comaparison condition for zip code locator

2003-09-23 Thread Jim Hunter
 Jennifer is correct, the query that you have below will never return
anything. The last two AND statements exclude each other. You need to change
the greater than and less than signs on them and try it again. For now, don
t take what the developer is telling you as the gospel, go with what the
logic tells you. It is not possible to have a number that is both larger
then 37.6 AND smaller then 37.5, it just isn't going to happen.

Corrected SQL:

Latitude = 122.02671343318
AND Latitude = 121.96888656682
AND Longitude = 37.617091284671
AND Longitude = 37.508048715329;

---Original Message---
From: AdminHMO
Date: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 13:35:31
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] mysql field not resolving comaparison condition for
zip code locator
Thanks Jennifer,
I got the query and the zipcode longitude and latitude from the developer of
the zipcode locator. When I contacted them about this issue they had me run
this query in the phpMyAdmin against the zipcode date and I still got no
data returned.
Jennifer Goodie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  I am having trouble implementing a zip code locator program. All of the
  functions work correctly but the $sql variable.
  The problem occurs by using the latitude argument as a
  comparison. The first
  latitude argument works but when the second
  latitude argument is added the query returns no data. Here is an
  example of
  the $sql variable being used.
  Latitude = 122.02671343318
  AND Latitude = 121.96888656682
  AND Longitude = 37.617091284671
  AND Longitude = 37.508048715329;

 I think Latitude only goes to 90, so they are all under 122 and none are
 above 121. Also, you aren't going to get something that is greater than
 37.6 but less than 37.5
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RE: [PHP-DB] Browser-Trouble with Query

2003-09-03 Thread Jim Hunter
Sounds like you had a cache problem going on. I wanted to suggest that but
got tied up on something else. Whenever you see the same results, even
though you are changing the code, try and delete the cache files in the
browser, exit the browser, then come back in and try it again. Usually this
clears the problem. 

---Original Message---
Date: Wednesday, September 03, 2003 03:10:06 PM
Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] Browser-Trouble with Query

the problem is solved ... but the solution is searched.

I renamed the file to mypage2.php and the script works fine. Puzzles me
quite a bit. So, if anyone has an idea... I'm thankful for any comments.

Thanks to you guys who replied.

Sebastian Haag said:
 Hi guys,

 Hutchins, Richard said:
 Two things:

 First, a copy of your code would help, with line 156 clearly identified.


 [...more code goes here...]

 $query .= $and;

 $result = @mysql_query($query)
 or die(Game ID:  . mysql_error());
 $i = 0;
 while($row = @mysql_fetch_row($result))
 $game_id[$i] = $row[0];

 if($game_id  $def_id)
 #156-- {
 if($choice == 1)
 frontsDnDst($script, $game_id, $def_id); /*user defined functions
 are included in an include file at the beginning of the script*/
 elseif($choice == 2)
 coversDnDst($script, $game_id, $def_id);
 elseif($choice == 3)
 frontCoverDnDst($script, $game_id, $def_id);
 echo br/br/Sorry, no matching results;
 echo br/A HREF='erase.php'[Zuruuml;ck]/a;

 [more code goes here...]

 Second, usually there's more information with the parse error. Something
 like expected ',' or ';' that will give you more of a hint. Although,

 That's all there is. And I have had the ones you are talking about. But
 not this time.

 not sure if the PHP.INI file has a setting for displaying that

 At the very least, the code though.
 -Original Message-
 From: Sebastian Haag [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2003 4:12 PM
 Subject: [PHP-DB] Browser-Trouble with Query

 Hi everyone,

 I have trouble with a PHP-script querying a MySQL-database.
 Actually my
 Opera-Browser has trouble (version 7.11 on a Win2000
 machine). It outputs
 a parse error when i enter that page.

 Parse error: parse error in /var/www/mypage.php on line 156

 After checking all parenthesis over and over, I decided to
 enter that page
 with the InternetExplorer (version 5.50). And it worked.

 What gives me a headache is that I tried commenting out that
 specific part
 of the script. Still parse error on the same line. I inserted
 a bunch of
 empty lines around line # 156 and I still got the same error
 at the same

 I don't have any more ideas. I hope you may have a hint.

 Thank you very much. I appreciate your help!

 Greetings, Sebastian

 P.S. PHP version 4.1.2


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 Once a problem is defined - it is half way solved. (Henry Ford)

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Once a problem is defined - it is half way solved. (Henry Ford)

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Re: [PHP-DB] how to show online members.

2003-03-12 Thread Jim Hunter
There was a post yesterday on PHP Classes that is this very thing. Go to www and search for UsersOnline2.

This should help you out a bunch

Jim hunter
---Original Message---
From: Smita Manohar
Date: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 09:59:42 AM
Subject: [PHP-DB] how to show online members.
hello all,
im writting code for discussion forum. can any one give any idea about how 
to show online status of members on and off ?
- smita.

Get ball by ball action on your desktop. Get Hutch 
MSN Cricketer

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Re: [PHP-DB] Real Killer App!

2003-03-12 Thread Jim Hunter
Just a guess, but do you have an index on the table that you are using to
store the URLs that still need to be parsed? This table is going to get
huge! And if you do not delete the URL that you just parsed from the list it
will grow even faster. And if you do not have an index on that table and you
are doing a table scan to see if the new URL is in it or not, this is going
to take longer and longer to complete every time you process another URL.
This is because this temp table of URLs to process will always get larger,
and will rarely go down in size because you add about 5+ new URLs for every
one that you process. 
But then again, we don't know for sure on anything without seeing 'some'
code. So far we have not seen any so everything is total speculation and
guessing. I would be interested in seeing the code that handles the
processing of the URLs once you cull them from a web page. 

Jim Hunter

---Original Message---
From: Nicholas Fitzgerald
Date: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 10:15:52 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Real Killer App!

Rich Gray wrote:

I'm having a heck of a time trying to write a little web crawler for my
intranet. I've got everything functionally working it seems like, but
there is a very strange problem I can't nail down. If I put in an entry
and start the crawler it goes great through the first loop. It gets the
url, gets the page info, puts it in the database, and then parses all of
the links out and puts them raw into the database. On the second loop it
picks up all the new stuff and does the same thing. By the time the
second loop is completed I'll have just over 300 items in the database.
On the third loop is where the problem starts. Once it gets into the
third loop, it starts to slow down a lot. Then, after a while, if I'm
running from the command line, it'll just go to a command prompt. If I'm
running in a browser, it returns a document contains no data error.
This is with php 4.3.1 on a win2000 server. Haven't tried it on a linux
box yet, but I'd rather run it on the windows server since it's bigger
and has plenty of cpu, memory, and raid space. It's almost like the
thing is getting confused when it starts to get more than 300 entries in
the database. Any ideas out there as to what would cause this kind of


Can you post some code? Are your script timeouts set appropriately? Does
memory/CPU useage increase dramatically or are there any other symptoms of
where it is choking...? What DB is it updating? What does the database tell
you is happening when it starts choking? What do debug messages tell you
finding the bottleneck? Does it happen always no matter what start point is
used? Are you using recursive functions?

Sorry lots of questions but no answers... :)


Recognizing that this script would take a long time to run I'm using 
set_time_limit(0) in it so a timeout doesn't become an issue. The server 
has 1.5 gig of memory and is a dual processor 1GHz PIII. I have never 
seen it get over 15% cpu usage, even while this is going on, and it 
never gets anywhere near full memory usage. The tax on the system itself 
is actually negligable. There are no symptoms that I can find to 
indicate where the chokepoint might be. It seems to be when the DB 
reaches a certain size, but 300 or so records should be a piece of cake 
for it. As far as the debug backtrace, there really isn't anything there 
that stands out. It's not an issue with a variable, something is going 
wrong in the execution either of php, or a sql query. I'm not finding 
any errors in the mysql error log, or anywhere else.

Basically the prog is in two parts. First, it goes and gets the current 
contents of the DB, one record at a time, and checks it. If it meets the 
criteria it is then indexed or reindexed. If it is indexed, then it goes 
to the second part. This is where it strips any links from the page and 
puts them in the DB for indexing, if thery're not already there. When it 
dies, this is where it dies. I'll get the UPDATING: titleurl 
message that comes up when it does an update, but at that point, where 
it is going into strip links, it dies right there.



Re: [PHP-DB] Define()

2003-03-12 Thread Jim Hunter
The reason it doesn't work may go beyond PHP. You are trying to make an HREF
point to an exact location on your hard drive. When the user of your web
page clicks the link, they do not have that location on their system so it
will fail. Always use relative locations for links. Then once you get that
ironed out, skip the defines, just use the variables. Change the code to be:
$doc_dir = /store/;
$image_dir = /images/;
$control_dir = /control/;

?php echo $control_dir ?verify_login.php
a href=?php echo $doc_dir ?click here/a
and don't forget the 'php' after the ?
Jim Hunter
---Original Message---
Date: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 10:51:04 AM
Subject: [PHP-DB] Define()
I am developing an app which needs 3 constants. The value of these
constants comes from a database result.

This works fine. My problem is that they do not work very well. I am
developing on both windows/Linux (depending what I boot into).

This is the effect I want

$doc_dir = the string of d:/is/clients/client/web/store/
$image_dir = the string of d:/is/clients/client/web/images/
$control_dir = the string of d:/is/clients/client/web/control/ 


The outcome is that 

1. I cannot submit pages using action=? echo CONTROL_DOC_ROOT
2. I cannot use links as a href=? echo $DOC_HOME_ROOT ?click

Has anyone had a lot of use with define and in my scenario. I don't the
problem is with the db results, I think it's more of the define().

Like I said above, I am using this on linux as well as windows.

Every chance I get, I try to incorporate 
Open Source resources into my everyday
work. Maybe instead of of paying Microsoft
for software, the money can added to my

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Re: [PHP-DB] some php and database questions!

2003-03-11 Thread Jim Hunter
You are putting too much thought into this. Don't get reporting mixed up
with computing. When your admin updates the games and designates who won the
game, put a 1 in a column next to the winning team and a 0 next to the
looser, if they tie, enter a 1 next to both teams. Then when you want to see
a list of who got the most right that week, make a query that matches the
choice the player made with the team they chose and count it if there is a 1
in this new column. Most of your work is going to be in writing queries that
bring back the right totals. If you try to write a routine to add values to
a 'total' column if a given team wins, it just might work. But what if you
accidently runit twice or forget to run it. Your results will not be
You also asked about locking people out after a given time. This is very
easy, when they fill out a form to pick winners, that form has to be
submitted to a PHP script for processing, this is where you check to see if
the cut-off time has passed. If so, then you display a message telling them
that they are too late and do not accept the entries. 

Bottom line is leave the calculations to the report (web page) and the data
to the database.

Jim Hunter
---Original Message---
From: JeRRy
Date: Tuesday, March 11, 2003 17:23:47
Subject: [PHP-DB] some php and database questions!

I am currently running a tipping competition where
people tip the team they think will win the given game
or pick the draw. Each correct entry gets +1 point,
each incorrect entry gets 0 points. There is 8 games
a round and people submit their entries via a PHP page
that updates a mysql database. Now for the admin side
of things, to make it easier for admins to update
records accordingly without needing to manually add
them up one by one.

I want a system I can go into where I select the
winners of each round. If a tipster has any matches
it will credit their accounts +1 for each correct
entry and 0 for each incorrect entry. There is 8
games a round (on a weekend) .. So how would I get
the entries to update to the correct amount when I
select the winners.

I'd need the admin page to be something like this.

Game1 : team 1
team 2

Game2 : team 3
team 4

and so on, Probably a drop down menu to select the
winner or draw. So what query would I need or PHP
code to update the database with +1 for correct
matches and 0 for incorrect? Or would I be better to
have 1 page per game? I need a safe and reliable way
of doing it.

Also I am going to have a tipster tally. They will be
in order of total score. So order will change from
week to week, how can I auto-sort a list using PHP to
display on a page without it messing up the score with
someone else. So I need the top score to go to the
top but take the name also and not just the score, any

For instance:

Week 1

bob 7
judy 6 
Amanda 5

Week 2

Judy 10
Amanda 9
bob 8

From week 1 to 2 bob needs to drop down the bottom,
Judy needs to move up one and Amanda is to also move
up one. I need it to be automatic instead of me
having to do it manually. Any ideas? (I think this
was discussed about a month ago, if so I appologise
for the repeat but the help is very appreciated.)

Lastly the games in the week are different from
others. There is normally a Friday night games, a few
Saturday games and Saturday Night and a few Sunday
games. I really don't want to lock people out if they
don't submit a tip before the first game. But I do
want to lock out any tips made for a game that has
already started. 

For instance:

It's 8:05 PM and there was a game to start at 7PM I
want to lock out the tips for the first game but allow
tips for the remaining games. How can I lock people
out? Sure I could remove the option on the page but
that does not stop people from loading the page just
before the start of the game and sitting on it till
the game has finished and than submitting their tips. 
I need another way, dynamic pages? Or something else?
If the easiest option is to lock people right out
after the first game has started I will, but I'd
prefer to not do that.

Feel free to use any database structure you like, any
table names are ok. As long as you define what you
mean so I can understand what you mean and I can try
for myself.

Thanks so much in advance, credit will be given.

Jerry - Yahoo! Mobile
- Check  compose your email via SMS on your Telstra or Vodafone mobile.

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Re: [PHP-DB] retrieve last n records

2003-03-06 Thread Jim Hunter
 I guess I am confused, how does one query effect a query that you have in
an other part of the page? The two queries are not related. The second thing
I am confused on is: Do you want the last n records that were added to the
table or do you want the last n records in a given index?

---Original Message---
From: drparker
Date: Thursday, March 06, 2003 13:46:58
Subject: [PHP-DB] retrieve last n records
I need to retrieve the last n records of a table, n will probably be 2
or 3. I know that I can accomplish this by: select * from table order
by field DESC Limit n, but i would prefer not to do this way because it
interferes with my sorting mechanism on the main page. Is there any
other way to do it?
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Re: [PHP-DB] retrieve last n records

2003-03-06 Thread Jim Hunter
If it were me I would tackle this in two parts. First create a SQL statement
that returns the data you want, you say you can do this so the first part is
already finished. Then stuff the data into an array and when you go to
display the data to the user, that is when you sort it into the chosen sort
order. It is not that hard to sort an array and you might be able to find a
class already written to do this on the PHP classes web site.  You might
even go so far as to display the info in a table that allows the user to
click on a column heading and re-sort the data on-the-fly without a round
trip to the server. This might add a nice touch to your UI without too much

---Original Message---
From: drparker
Date: Thursday, March 06, 2003 14:23:29
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] retrieve last n records
I need the last n records when, say user_id = 3. So it returns all rows
user_id = 3, then, on top of that I need only the n most recently entered
records. The problem with the sorting mechanism I have existing is
that those last n rows need to be sorted ASC or DESC by every field. So
basically, I need to be able to retrieve those last n rows where user_id =
whatever, then be able to sort those last 3 rows ASC or DESC by any field.

Jim Hunter wrote:

 I guess I am confused, how does one query effect a query that you have in
 an other part of the page? The two queries are not related. The second
 I am confused on is: Do you want the last n records that were added to the
 table or do you want the last n records in a given index?


 ---Original Message---

 From: drparker

 Date: Thursday, March 06, 2003 13:46:58


 Subject: [PHP-DB] retrieve last n records

 I need to retrieve the last n records of a table, n will probably be 2

 or 3. I know that I can accomplish this by: select * from table order

 by field DESC Limit n, but i would prefer not to do this way because it

 interferes with my sorting mechanism on the main page. Is there any

 other way to do it?


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Re: [PHP-DB] Members area

2003-01-22 Thread Jim Hunter

Download PHP-Nuke and look to see how they handle Non-Users/users/Admins
and go from there. It's actually quite easy. They have a table structure
that you could utilize and some generic routines for determining if a user
is logged in or if they are an Admin.

---Original Message---
From: Gavin Amm
Date: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 05:05:32 PM
Subject: [PHP-DB] Members area
Hi All,

I'm about to start development on a members area for a site.
The members area will have 2 levels - Paid  Free, with the Paid members
having access to more pages.

I have not created a members area before  am after any advice or links
I can get... I think a lot of reading is in order...

- DB structure  fields (I'll be using MySQL if that's relevant)
- Sessions (I've seen quite a few threads covering sessions over the
last couple of months, so should have some links in my 'inbox'
somewhere... But the more the merrier...)
- Any PHP suggestions/advice/links
- Anything else you can think is relevant...

Thanks, this will be a big help.


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Re: [PHP-DB] multiple pages

2003-01-08 Thread Jim Hunter
The simplest way is to use the LIMIT keyword in your SQL statement. Set, or
allow the user to set, the number of items to show at one time, then keep
this number as a hidden field and use it to determine what record to go to
when they click the page number or the next button. So a sample would look

$NumOfRecs = 30; // or any value that the user might choose or whatever you
$start = ($PageToDisplay * $NumOfRecs) - $NumOfRecs;
SQLtext = select blah blah blah from mytable limit $start, $NumOfRecs;
{ get the data and display the page}

with this method there is no management except to keep track of the current
page and the number of records to display. This can be done with hidden form
fields or any other way you choose (cookies, global vars, etc).

Hope this helps.

---Original Message---
From: Serguei FRAMPOL
Date: Wednesday, January 08, 2003 11:51:31 AM
Subject: [PHP-DB] multiple pages
Hello everybody,

I am PHP-beginner, and I have to code the multiple result pages
management - just like search engines display something like that:

First Previous 1 2 3 4  Next Last

io each page allowing users to link to a dozen neighboring pages directly.
Could you give me some tips of how to code this kind of management?

Thank you in advance.

Best regards,
Serguei mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [PHP-DB] mysql wildcard

2003-01-08 Thread Jim Hunter
If you want all records, remove the where clause.

select * from mytable

---Original Message---
From: Edward Peloke
Date: Wednesday, January 08, 2003 02:03:04 PM
Subject: [PHP-DB] mysql wildcard
I have an query:

select * from offtime where type='$type'

then I just pass the type variable to the page. Is there a wildcard in
mysql like there is in sqlserver that I can use to grab all the records?
such as select * from offtime where type='%' would grab all.


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Re: [PHP-DB] More Apache Installation problems

2002-12-09 Thread Jim Hunter
  Your setup will not work like you think. To do what you want you are going
to need 2 hubs unless you are doing some sort of NAT on the server. I have
this exact same setup and have set up many like it. If you write me directly
I can help you out on this, there are  a few questions I have to ask that
you don't want the answers broadcast over a newsgroup.

---Original Message---
From: Alex Francis
Date: Monday, December 09, 2002 12:46:03 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] More Apache Installation problems
Adam, You are correct.
I had two NICs, set up exactly as you describe, but kept getting problems (I
would lose my internet connection and have to reboot to get it back. I think
I will try againand if that fails, buy a cable modem router.
Adam Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 No I think he has his WS with a real IP from his ISP and then his web
 server plugged into the same hub as his WS but with He'll
 either need to get a 2nd NIC and give it an ip like or get a
 cable modem router. Or change his WS to linux and add eth0:0 with :)


 On Mon, 9 Dec 2002, Gene Dymarskiy wrote:

  I am a bit confused.
  Your WS is connected to cable modem and gets public IP assigned by your
ISP. Your WS is also connected to a hub shared with your web server.
  does it mean you have two network cards, one connected to cable modem,
and the other to the hub?
  -Original Message-
  From: Alex Francis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Monday, December 09, 2002 2:20 PM
  To: Gene Dymarskiy
  Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] More Apache Installation problems
  I need to have a server assigned IP address on my workstation for my
  -Original Message-
  From: Gene Dymarskiy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Monday, December 09, 2002 8:06 PM
  To: Alex Francis; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] More Apache Installation problems
  I'd check IP address of your workstation. make sure both the WS and the
  server are on the same subnet. Your WS should have 192.168 address,
  good luck
  -Original Message-
  From: Alex Francis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Monday, December 09, 2002 2:00 PM
  Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] More Apache Installation problems
  It seems like a network problem. I can access the network through
  network neighborhood but can't ping it, any suggestions?
  Gene Dymarskiy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  make sure both your server and workstation can see each other.
  try pinging the server:
  -Original Message-
  From: Alex Francis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Monday, December 09, 2002 1:39 PM
  Subject: [PHP-DB] More Apache Installation problems
  At last I have Apache and PHP running on my server.
  My server IP is and I have set ServerName in my
  httpd.conf file.
  I can access my test files from the server using either http://localhost
or, however if I try the same on my main workstation I
  find the server. Is there something else I need to do.
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Re: [PHP-DB] Parse Error...

2002-12-02 Thread Jim Hunter
In that case, your logic is not going to work. You have live PHP code inside
a string. You are going to need to build the $message in pieces. Start with
the HTML, then add the result from each itteration of your PHP loop to
$message then add the trailing HTML to form the complete $message. 

Your close, but it's just not going to work like you think it will.


---Original Message---
From: Chase
Date: Monday, December 02, 2002 04:34:18 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Parse Error...
There is a single quote and semicolon on the line under /html that I
thought would be defining the end of the assignment.
Should I have used double quotes instead of single?


Micah Stevens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 There aren't any closing quotes on your $message variable or semicolon
 to tell the parser that you're done with the assignment statement.


 On Mon, 2002-12-02 at 15:05, Chase wrote:
  When trying to execute the following script to send the contents of a
  via mail() I am getting this error...
  Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_STRING in FILENAME.PHP on line 36
  The portion of this code inside the HTML tags works great for displaying
  table on the screen, but when I include it in the larger script for
  a mail message, I get this error.
  I am sure that it is something simple that I have been too stupid to
  but any help would be great!
  Code Follows ---
  $server = ;
  $user = ;
  $pass = ;
  $db = ;
  $table = ;
  $to = CKnott [EMAIL PROTECTED] . ,  ;
  $to .= Chase [EMAIL PROTECTED];
  $subject = Price File Access History;
  $message = '
  headtitlePrice File Access/title/head
  table border=1 align=center
  div align=centerbiDate / Time/i/b/div
  div align=centeribLogged IP Address/b/i/div
  div align=centeribLogged Username/b/i/div
  $link = mysql_connect($server, $user, $pass);
  mysql_select_db($db, $link);
  $result = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM $table ORDER BY 'view_date'
  $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);
  if($num_rows) {
  // print(ptable border=1 align=center);
  while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result))
  } else {
  print(No Files To Show!!);
  $headers = MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n;
  $headers .= Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n;
  $headers .= From: MIC Price File Monitor [EMAIL PROTECTED]\r\n;
  mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
 Raincross Technologies
 Development and Consulting Services

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Re: [PHP-DB] Credit Card Info Cryptography

2002-10-23 Thread Jim Hunter
There is a simple alternative that you might not be aware of, and that is
use Advantage Database (I am assuming that you are using MySQL right now).
You can get a free version to try and it provides encryption at the table
level. There is a PHP interface for it and everything can be found at www and go the the developers download area. I have been
using it in my everyday development for about 4 years and I love it. I just
recently saw that they offer a PHP interface to it as well as an ODBC, VB,
Delphi, C++ Builder, JBuilder etc.
Store the credit card info in Advantage and leave the rest of your data
where you have it.

Just a thought...

---Original Message---
From: Doaldo Navai Junior
Date: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 12:52:23 PM
Subject: [PHP-DB] Credit Card Info  Cryptography
Suppose I sell some products online and get user's credit card info via SSL
connection. Isn't there any method (free, preferably) of ASSYMETRIC (Public
key) cryptography I can use with PHP to store this data in a db?? Or is
there any other good option instead of this?


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Re: [PHP-DB] Flush database

2002-09-27 Thread Jim Hunter

First make sure that you are storing the IP and the time it was saved in the
Then I would have 3 queries:
1) a query to see if the IP address is in the database and less then an hour
2) a query to save the IP and time into the database
3) a query to delete all entries over 1 hour old.

Then when you get a new visitor see if the IP address is in the database and
is not less then 1 hour old. Once it clears that test, save the IP and time,
then always run the delete query to clear out entries. If you have a lot of
traffic to your site you are going to generate a lot of database hits. 

Good luck.
---Original Message---
From: wade
Date: Friday, September 27, 2002 02:02:50 PM
Subject: [PHP-DB] Flush database
I am storing IP addresses in a database, but after an hour has passed I
want to delete all the IP addresses from that database. I want to do
this based on the server time. Example.. Someone comes to my web page, I
store their IP address in my database. So now I write a PHP script that
says if that IP returns to my page within an hour, they can't view my
page. If they come back after an hour has passed they can view the
contents of that page. but only after an hour has passed.

Can anyone help me with the syntax or functions that will clear the
database after an hour of waiting has passed?
Is this possible? Any suggestions, logic or any help on this matter will
be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

Should you have any questions, comments or concerns, feel free to call
me at 318-338-2033.

Thank you for your time,

Wade Kelley, Design Engineer

Bayou Internet...(888) 30-BAYOU...
Mississippi Internet...(800) MISSISSIPPI...
Vicksburg Online...(800) MISSISSIPPI...

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RE: [PHP-DB] not a valid MySQL result

2002-09-06 Thread Jim Hunter

Change your query to be:

$query_cat = select concat(author_names, ' ', author_surnames) as 
somenewcolname from author, author-cat
where author_cat.cat_code = $code
and author.author_code = author-cat.author_code;

Change somenewcolname to whatever you want the column to be called or leave
the as somenewcolname part off if you don't care what the column name is.
This should help.


---Original Message---

From: Wilmar Perez
Date: Friday, September 06, 2002 12:16:28
Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] not a valid MySQL result

Hi guys

Thanks for your help. Peter was right I had an error in the sentence, I 
worked it out but still the same error came up. The mysql_error() function 
doesn't return any thing.

Any idea?

Thanks a lot.


Couple of points, you probably have an SQL error,

I use

echo $query;
echo 'br'.mysql_error();

which shows the query and the error

you use 'author-cat' in the table name
and 'author_cat' and 'author-cat' in the where clause which will throw an

Wilmar Pérez
Network Administrator
Library System
Tel: ++57(4)2105145
University of Antioquia
Medellín - Colombia

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Re: [PHP-DB] not a valid MySQL result

2002-09-06 Thread Jim Hunter

Oops, you have one more error that I see, one one line you reference
author-cat as a table name and on another you refer to it as author_cat.
Make the appropriate change and try it again. One of the table references is
wrong and will generate a missing table error.


---Original Message---

From: Wilmar Perez
Date: Friday, September 06, 2002 09:57:48
To: php-db mailing list
Subject: [PHP-DB] not a valid MySQL result

Hello guys

This is my first posting to the list, even though I've had some experience 
with C++, these are my first steps with php and mysql.

Well, the thing is that I'm getting the following message:

Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource 
in /var/www/bva/new/main/colecciones.php on line 35

The code is shown below:

$query_cat = select author_names || ' ' || author_surnames 
from author, author-cat
where author_cat.cat_code = $code
and author.author_code = author-cat.author_code;

$result_cat = mysql_query($query_cat);

$num_results_cat = mysql_num_rows($result_cat); //This is line 35

I did the same with a simpler select sentence and it worked alright, so I 
guess there's a problem with the select sentence but haven't been able to 
find it.

Does anyone have an idea?

Thanks a lot for your help.

Wilmar Pérez
Network Administrator
Library System
Tel: ++57(4)2105145
University of Antioquia
Medellín - Colombia

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Re: [PHP-DB] Can't see the results

2002-09-06 Thread Jim Hunter

Your problem seems to stem from the $content .= $row; $row is an Array and
you must use an index to get at any given value it holds. If you need all of
the values in $row, use the count() function to get the number of elements
(columns in this case), then loop through them adding them to $content along
with any separators (IE: commas or semi colons or spaces) etc. the code
might look like this:

$content = ; // I like to make sure that the variable is always
initialized to something before I use it.

$num_results_cat = mysql_num_rows($result_cat);

for ($i=0; $i  $num_results_cat; $i++)
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
  $num_of_cols = count($row);
  for ($x=0; $x$num_of_cols; $x++)
  $content .= , .$row[$x];

This will allow you to loop through every row in the query and add every
column to the $content variable.


---Original Message---

From: Wilmar Perez
Date: Friday, September 06, 2002 14:50:44
To: php-db mailing list
Subject: [PHP-DB] Can't see the results

Hello guys

Thanks to all those you helped me with y the question I made before (not a 
valid MySQL result) it's working now. 

Now, I want to display the result of my search with the following code:


$query_cat = select author.author_names || ' '|| author.author_surnames 
as full_name from author, authorxcat
where authorxcat.cat_code = $code
and author.author_code = authorxcat.author_code
or die($mysql_error());

$result_cat = mysql_query($query_cat);

$num_results_cat = mysql_num_rows($result_cat);

for ($i=0; $i  $num_results_cat; $i++)
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$content .= $row;
$content .= htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($row[author_names]))
. .htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($row [author_surnames])).br;*/


But I just get the following:


I also tried to do it commenting the $content .= $row; and uncommenting 
the lines that are commented in the code but I just get a blank page. 

What am I doing wrong? 

Thanks a lot for your help.
Wilmar Pérez
Network Administrator
Library System
Tel: ++57(4)2105145
University of Antioquia
Medellín - Colombia

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Re: [PHP-DB] best way to stare true, false

2002-08-11 Thread Jim Hunter

The smallest amount of database storage is going to be with a TinyInt and if
you set up two constants to represent TRUE and FALSE then all your code will
read correctly and will store correctly. EG:

define(TRUE, 1);
define(FALSE, 0);

now you can use TRUE and FALSE in your program where you would use any
variable (just don't use a dollar sign in front of them). This will make
your code much easier to read in the long run. Plus, if you create a 'master
global' file with all of your custom routines that you use in all programs,
you could have these globals there as well avaialable to all your programs
without thinking about it again.

Remember, keep your code readable, runable and reusable!

Jim Hunter
Diamond Computing

---Original Message---

From: andy
Date: Saturday, August 10, 2002 07:40:19 AM
Subject: [PHP-DB] best way to stare true, false

Hi there,

I am searching for the best way to store true or false inside a MySQL DB.
With best I mean the most data efficient way and in the same time the best
for fast searching later on the table to find all which are false, or true.
I think I did read something about a way to do this with ENUM, but cant
remember where and how, all tryes did not succeeed so far.

Thanx for any help on that.


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RE: [PHP-DB] adding a space in mysql

2002-07-31 Thread Jim Hunter


   You are correct. For Ron to achieve his goal, the SQL needs to be changed

WHERE name = '$var'

If you use the LIKE operator and have a trailing %, that is telling mySQL to
match the first characters exactly and then match ANY trailing characters.
If you use the equals operator, then you are guaranteed an exact match. If
you are concerned about matching any case, then set both strings to UPPER
case then do the compare.

Jim Hunter

---Original Message---

From: Hutchins, Richard
Date: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 13:48:17
To: 'ron wallace'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] adding a space in mysql

I haven't set up any text-based searches before, but when you say:
If the user types 'Wash' I don't want any matches for
'Washington', 'Washing', etc.
Aren't you, in essence, saying that you want to search for Wash? Meaning
that your query could just say WHERE name = '$var' (where $var is set to

According to the MySql manual, the equal comparison operator works on
strings and numbers. But maybe text searches work differently than I thought
and it will return strings wherever the letter combination wash appears.
If that's the case I'm sure somebody will correct me and I'll learn
something in the process.

-Original Message-
From: ron wallace [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 4:32 PM
Subject: [PHP-DB] adding a space in mysql

How can I add a space to the end of a varchar string
in mysql? I can't seem to do it directly, and I tried
str_pad and other things, but no luck so far. The db
doesnt hold the value of the space...its getting
trimmed somewhere(?)

The reason I want to do this is so I can search for
exact matches on one word strings without stemming:
WHERE name LIKE '$var %'.

If the user types 'Wash' I don't want any matches for
'Washington', 'Washing', etc.

Thank You All

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