[PHP-DB] Trouble with "date" column

2002-01-08 Thread Nally, Tyler G.


My boss is going through the mysql.com tutorials starting at ...


... and currently stuck at ...


The boss is using phpMyAdmin to access the database, and everything
has been working just fine until it gets to a database query
where it's using a "date" column (JokeDate) in the where clause.

The query is shown below and the phpMyAdmin error is
also shown...

  WHERE JokeDate >= "2000-01-01"

  MySQL said: 

  Lost connection to MySQL server during query

The database table is defined thusly:

   ID int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment,
   JokeText text,
   JokeDate date DEFAULT '-00-00' NOT NULL,

With three rows of information in it.

Even if I change the query to :

   select * from Jokes where JokeDate >= "2001-01-01"
   select * from Jokes where JokeDate >= '2001-01-01'
   -or even-
   select ID, JokeText, JokeDate from Jokes where JokeDate >= '2001-01=01'

... it just doesn't work and it returns the "Lost Connection" error.
If I select on a different column (like ID or JokeText) it works just

The MySQL database is 3.22.26a running on a Solaris through iPlanet
webserver on a test machine/database and Apache on production

Any help.  Thanks in advance.
__   _Tyler Nally
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RE: [PHP-DB] How to insert to DB from txt??? Please help

2002-01-04 Thread Nally, Tyler G.

How about

LOAD DATA INFILE 'filename.txt'
FIELDS TERMINATED BY ','   < comma delimited for tabs use '\t'
LINES TERMINATED BY '\n'   < *nix line terminator, for Dos/Win use
IGNORE 1 LINES < use if the first line of the file has col.
  (column1name, column2name, column3name, column4name);

__   _Tyler Nally
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> -Original Message-
> From: Kelvin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 11:44 AM
> Subject: [PHP-DB] How to insert to DB from txt??? Please help
> Hi everyone,
> I have a txt file which is contained the following:
>   ,aaa,ccc,ddd
>   ,aaa,ccc,ddd
>   .etc.
>Now, I need to read the data from that file and than 
> insert it into the
> table.
>insert into Table ("name","pass","phone","somethingelse")
>Could someone help me out here, How to write the code?
>I know how to read from a txt file, but I don't know how 
> to separate the
> data determine by ","
>Please help, I'll be very appreciate.Thanks
> Kelvin.
> -- 
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RE: [PHP-DB] Re: parse error

2001-12-13 Thread Nally, Tyler G.

Not sure but if line 358 is...


.. as it says below, then the ">" before the "no" needs 
a beginnnig to it somehow.  It's like a html-tag that's
only half baked.

__   _Tyler Nally
   / /__   _(_)___       _ _  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  / / _ \/ __ `/ / __ \/ __ \ / __ \/ ___/ __ `/  317-860-3016
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> -Original Message-
> From: Rob Day [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 5:37 PM
> Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] Re: parse error
> Sorry for not giving enough info. This is right in the middle 
> of the script.
> I do have the opening and closing tags. It must ne something else.
> -Original Message-
> From: Matthew Crouch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 4:04 PM
> Subject: [PHP-DB] Re: parse error
> you haven't shut your script with the ?> before starting your 
> HTML, near as
> I
> can figure it
> Rob Day wrote:
> > I've written a small script that processes a form from a 
> webpage and sends
> > the submitted data as an HTML e-mail that has the form all 
> filled out
> > already. I've gotten smaller versions of this script to 
> work without any
> > problem just to test the idea.I can't figure out why I'm 
> now getting the
> > following error:
> > Parse error: parse error in 
> /home/httpd/cgi-bin/rday/lists/do_listapp.php3
> > on line 358
> >
> > Here is the offending code:
> > 353 if ($moderation == "no"){
> > 354 $message .= " checked";
> > 355 }
> > 356
> > 357$message .= '
> > 358>no
> > 359Answer "yes" if you want all postings to 
> the list to be
> > sent to
> > 360  a moderator for approval before distribution to the
> > list.
> >
> > Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
> > 
> > Rob Day
> > Web Team Leader
> > Texas State Library and Archives Commission
> > phone: 512.936.4463   fax: 512.463.5436
> -- 
> PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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RE: [PHP-DB] RE: Getting apache to recognize"index.php"....

2001-12-04 Thread Nally, Tyler G.

Luke M. said:

> Find the DIRECTORYINDEX attribute in httpd.conf and add 'index.php' to
> the list:
> DIRECTORYINDEX index.html index.php index.wml homepage.html 
> index.shtml
> homepage.shtml index.cgi homepage.cgi index.htm \ Index.html
> Homepage.html Index.shtml Homepage.shtml Index.cgi Homepage.cgi
> Index.htm

Another thing to note... the closer to the beginning of the "DirectoryIndex"
directive, the higher the precedence it takes.

What that means is, a single directory can have any one of the 
above files in it... the one that Apache will use *first* when accessing
the directory name is the one that it *matches* in the directoryindex
list *first*.

So, if for example, you have four files from the above mentioned list
(homepage.shtml, index.shtml, index.cgi, and index.php).. the one it'll
use first when deciding which one to run when just the "directory" is
accessed would be "index.php" because it's the second entry of the 
list (above) and the first entry (index.html) doesn't exist in the

__   _Tyler Nally
   / /__   _(_)___       _ _  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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RE: [PHP-DB] Re: Alternating rows pulled from database

2001-11-29 Thread Nally, Tyler G.

Not knowing what else is going on here... at the
very least your row counting variable is inconsistent.

You mention row_count (in the modulus test) and rowcount
(in the initialization and incrementation).

> -Original Message-
> From: MrBaseball34 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 3:34 PM
> Subject: [PHP-DB] Re: Alternating rows pulled from database
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
> says...
> > Here's what I did to get alternating row colors on a 
> results page... I'm not
> > sure that I follow what you are asking, but I hope this 
> will help you:
> > 
> > 
> >   $color_one = "dd";
> >   $color_two = "cc";
> >   $row_count = 0;
> > while (row = fetch array(result))
> > {
> >  $row_color = ($row_count % 2) ? $color_one : $color_two;
> > other fields from DB
> > echo ";
> > echo "";
> > echo data out
> > echo "";
> > echo "";
> > $row_count++;
> > }
> > 
> > 
> > This is a really simple system. It uses the modulus (%) 
> operator. If the
> > result of the math is even it uses color_one otherwise it 
> uses color_two..
> > 
> > I found it somewhere, can't remember where right now.. But 
> at least it works
> > and it's only a few lines of code!!
> > 
> Think this would work?
>$rowcount = 0
>while($forum = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
>  $forumlist .= ($row_count % 2) ? 
>forum($forum, "index_forum") : 
>forum($forum, "index_forum2");
>  $rowcount++;
> -- 
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RE: [PHP-DB] Why use MySQL with PHP

2001-11-16 Thread Nally, Tyler G.

Hmm it's not PHP functionality that makes
html ugly as shown at validator.w3.org.  It's the person's
html/php coding ability to avoid coding mistakes.

Basically, PHP gives functionality.  A part of that functionality
is for the php programmer to make correct HTML as output so
the browser will render a page as output correctly.  If the
php programmer is a real bonehead and he/she can't instruct
php to return good HTML that doesn't make a HTML validator 
from coughing up errors, it's not PHP's fault, it's the coders.

I've been programming PHP for quite a while now and I can't
think of a single regular thing in PHP that'd cause any 
browser (Netscape or IE) to hang.  Any time that I've had
problems, it's because I didn't know the limits of what I
was coding to try and do something that is outside the 

Whether it's storing information in a database, retrieving
information from a database, sending PHP headers to redirect
to another page or sending PHP headers to set a cookie, etc.
You have to know when you can do things in PHP and when you
can't.  If web pages hang in a browser, it's the buggy PHP 
code that is interpreted that's causing the problems.  Not 
PHP itself.

It's like putting gasoline w/ water in a gas tank.  It's not
the engine's fault it's spitting and sputtering.  It's the
fuel supply.

Tyler Nally
American Legion Website

> -Original Message-
> From: Sheridan Saint-Michel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 6:02 PM
> To: B. van Ouwerkerk; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Why use MySQL with PHP
> Tell me about it.  You ever try running php.net through
> http://validator.w3.org ?
> It's not pretty.
> Sheridan Saint-Michel
> Website Administrator
> FoxJet, an ITW Company
> www.foxjet.com
> - Original Message -
> From: "B. van Ouwerkerk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 12:28 PM
> Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Why use MySQL with PHP
> >
> > >I just remembered, the only bad thing I can think of about MySQL...
> their
> > >website locks up Netscape =)
> >
> > PHP qualifies for this too. www.php.net looks pretty messy in NS.
> >
> > By the way, both doesn't break NS..
> >
> > Bye,
> >
> >
> >
> > B.
> >
> >
> > --
> > PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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> > To contact the list administrators, e-mail: 
> -- 
> PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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RE: [PHP-DB] Re: UPDATE table Problem

2001-10-18 Thread Nally, Tyler G.

[*NOTE* - I sent this yesterday.  Since I didn't receive a copy
 back from the listprocessor, I assumed that it was lost somewhere
 along the way. --TGN ] 

Hmm I'd first put a "or die" clause onto
the clause...

   $updated = mysql_query($update_query);

..like this because I suspect that it's dying before it can
execute ...

   $updated = mysql_query($update_query) or die ("Invalid SQL

... what I would currently suspect to find would be the 
'times_visited' column is numeric instead of alphanumeric.
When the update happens, it chokes at having the value your
setting for 'times_visited' quoted with apostrophes

Originally, it looks like this...

   $update_query = "update guestbook set last_access=now(),
times_visited='$times' where guest_id='$g_id'";

.. if "times_visited" is numeric, I'd change it to ...

   $update_query  = " update guestbook ";
   $update_query .= "set last_access=now(), ";
   $update_query .= "times_visited = $times ";
   $update query .= "  where guest_id='$g_id'";

As another note, if the column "last_accessed" is of a "timestamp"
data type, then you can do the following update to cause it to
automagically update with a "now()" value being put into it as well.

   $update_query  = " update guestbook ";
   $update_query .= "set times_visited = $times ";
   $update query .= "  where guest_id='$g_id'";

This works because "timestamp" column types that aren't mentioned
directly in the update/insert query types are automatically set to
the current system time (which would be a now()).

__   _Tyler Nally
   / /__   _(_)___       _ _  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  / / _ \/ __ `/ / __ \/ __ \ / __ \/ ___/ __ `/  317-860-3016
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> -Original Message-
> From: Thomas "omega" Henning [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 12:13 PM
> Subject: [PHP-DB] Re: UPDATE table Problem
> Dear Sir George Liomis,
> But there is still the update command issue why didn't my 
> update command
> work when i tryed it in my php source it didn;t work but in 
> the mysql shell
> it updated it for me. Is it a bug in php 4.0.5? that it 
> doesn;t send it 2
> the server?
> Sir Thomas "omega" Henning
> "George Lioumis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> news:003f01c156d7$f218e640$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Dear Sirs!!
> I've ended up with a conclusion after MANY hours in front of my PC.
> The problem was not the query but the $guest_id.
> In a first query, I was getting the guest_id from the DB with 
> the following
> statement:
> $get_guest_id_query = "select guest_id from guestbook where
> username='$username' and password='$password'";
> $result = mysql_query($get_guest_id_query) or die (mysql_error());
> The problem was that $result was not in fact what I wanted 
> (ie: guest_id).
> So the following query refused to do its job!
> $update_query = "update guestbook set last_access = now() where
> guest_id='$result'";
> $udated = mysql_query($update_query) or die (mysql_error());
> Below, you can see the correct code:
> if ( ($submit== "Login") and ($username != "") and ($password != "") )
>  {
>  $guest_id = mysql_query("select guest_id from guestbook where
> username='$username' and password='$password'") or die(mysql_error());
>  while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($guest_id))
>  {
>  $g_id = $row["guest_id"];
>  ///set $g_id as global (inter-page!!) variable.
>  session_register('g_id');
>  }
>  mysql_free_result($guest_id);
> if ($g_id >= "1") ///user authenticated...
>  {
>  ///Find user's last access time...
>  $prev_access_query = "select name, mail, times_visited, 
> last_access from
> guestbook where guest_id='$g_id'";
>  $result=mysql_query($prev_access_query);
>  while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result))   <-The 
> correct way to get
> geust_id from the $results!!!
>  {
>  echo "Guest: ";
>  echo $row["name"];
>  echo " with mail: ";
>  echo $row["mail"];
>  echo "entered this site in: ";
>  echo $row["last_access"];
>  echo ".This Guest has visited ";
>  $times = $row["times_visited"] + 1;
>  echo $times;
>  echo " times this site.";
>  } ///while
>  $update_query = "update guestbook set last_access=now(),
> times_visited='$times' where guest_id='$g_id'";
>  $updated = mysql_query($update_query);
>  if ($updated)
>   {
> ?>
> ENTER} ///if($updated)
>  } ///if($g_id)
>  } ///if ($submit)
> Hope this helps a bit!!

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RE: [PHP-DB] Sessions and Frames

2001-10-18 Thread Nally, Tyler G.

The manual says...

   Remember that the header() function must be called before any actual
   is sent, either by normal HTML tags blank lines in a file, or from PHP.
It is a
   very common error to read code with include(), or require(), functions,
or another
   file access function, and have spaces or empty lines that will output
   header() is called. The same problem exists when using a single PHP/HTML

So, an example of what it's complaining about below leads me to
believe that you've already written some ouput to the browser which
effectively ends any possibility to do any HTTP HEADERS.

My guess is that something like this is happening

title of page

More HTML stuff here

... Whereas the following would be what  is acceptable ...

title of page

More HTML stuff here

__   _Tyler Nally
   / /__   _(_)___       _ _  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  / / _ \/ __ `/ / __ \/ __ \ / __ \/ ___/ __ `/  317-860-3016
 / /  __/ /_/ / / /_/ / / / // /_/ / /  / /_/ /   American Legion Website
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> -Original Message-
> From: Dobromir Velev [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 3:50 AM
> Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Sessions and Frames
> Hi,
> Every different page in a framset is loaded separatly so the
> only thing you
> should be aware of is not to output anything before the session stuff.
> Also you can use the output control functions lie ob_start -
> check the PHP
> manual for more info.
> Dobromir Velev
> -Original Message-
> From: TJayBelt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thursday, October 18, 2001 8:28 AM
> Subject: [PHP-DB] Sessions and Frames
> >I have a site that is successfully using sessions and authentication.
> >However, I am working on another site, and it uses Frames. 
> The first site
> >does not use frames, so including the unit that has the
> session stuff first
> >works.  But on the frames site, it gives the following error  :
> >
> >  'Cannot add header information - headers already sent by '
> >
> >I know that this is when something is trying to print before
> the session is
> >started.
> >
> >I just don't know how to accomplish this if the page I am
> loading is inside
> >a frame... so by the time the session stuff starts, html is
> already output
> >to the browser.
> >
> >thanks for any help you can give.
> >
> >
> >
> >--
> >PHP Database Mailing List ( http://www.php.net/  )
> >To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >To contact the list administrators, e-mail:
> >
> >
> --
> PHP Database Mailing List ( http://www.php.net/  )
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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RE: [PHP-DB] wildcard in mysql search with php

2001-10-18 Thread Nally, Tyler G.

> From: Thomas "omega" Henning [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Subject: [PHP-DB] wildcard in mysql search with php
> Is there a way to use wildcards in search in a mySQL db?
> e.g. I have a dbase of over 24000 records and i can only search exact
> matches is there a way to search something like this : 
> *admin* in mySQL? Or
> i have to do it by hand in PHP?

Sure... you do it like this...

  search column_name
from table_name
   where column_name like '%admin%'

__   _Tyler Nally
   / /__   _(_)___       _ _  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  / / _ \/ __ `/ / __ \/ __ \ / __ \/ ___/ __ `/  317-860-3016
 / /  __/ /_/ / / /_/ / / / // /_/ / /  / /_/ /   American Legion Website
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[PHP-DB] Storing HTML in database

2001-10-02 Thread Nally, Tyler G.


I'm trying to store HTML (that is cut-n-paste from source)
into a textarea field on a web page.  As it's submitted to
the php page that processes it, the database column that
it ends up with strips the "<" and ">" out of the html
so that it doesn't end up in the source.  

Example I can cut-n-paste... the following into a textarea...

--original test html code
this is supposed to be in italics
this is supposed to be bold

   Column 1, Row 1
   Column 2, Row 1
   Column 1, Row 2
   Column 2, Row 2


... and process it with htmlentities() by the receiving php page 
as it will show...

original code as received and displayed in php processing page--
this is supposed to be in italics
this is supposed to be bold

   Column 1, Row 1
   Column 2, Row 1
   Column 1, Row 2
   Column 2, Row 2


Which I can deal with easily enough... but when the same 
is posted, processed (w/ htmlentities), and retrieved from the
MySQL database, I receive the following 

--original code as retrieved from database--
 i this is supposed to be in italics /i 
 b this is supposed to be bold /b
   td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" Column 1, Row 1 /td
   td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" Column 2, Row 1 /td
   td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" Column 1, Row 2 /td
   td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" Column 2, Row 2 /td

What am I doing wrong?  This just can't be rocket science.
There's probably something essential that I'm missing.

Thanks much
__   _Tyler Nally
   / /__   _(_)___       _ _  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  / / _ \/ __ `/ / __ \/ __ \ / __ \/ ___/ __ `/  317-860-3009
 / /  __/ /_/ / / /_/ / / / // /_/ / /  / /_/ /   American Legion Website
/_/\___/\__, /_/\/_/ /_(_)/_/   \__, /http://www.legion.org
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