Re: [PHP-DB] How to know the name of a function ?

2008-11-09 Thread Stut

On 9 Nov 2008, at 21:41, Jean-Philippe Battu wrote:

In a function, what is the best way to know the name
of this function ?
I read the documentation and found only func_num_args(),
func_get_arg() and func_get_args which are relative to the
arguments given to the function.
What is the equivalent to $0 (bash) in php ?

The constant __FUNCTION__ will give you this.



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Re: [PHP-DB] mysql_select_db

2008-10-20 Thread Stut

On 20 Oct 2008, at 13:03, Stan wrote:

UBUNTU Server v8.04
On a web page:

require_once 'frames_includes/';
$navigation_connection = mysql_connect($navigation_hostName,
die("Failed to connect to MySQL on the nasServer ... call Stan");
die("Selection of 'navigation' database failed ... call Stan");
$navigation_data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM " .
   $navigation_databaseName . ".navigate " .
   "ORDER BY navigateHandle",
die("SELECT * FROM navigate table failed ... call Stan");

works when the UBUNTU server is attached to the same subnet as the  


If I move the UBUNTU server to a different subnet (through an ipCop
machine), making appropriate adjustments to network configuration,  
punching a hole in the firewall for port 3306 from the UBUNTU server  
to the

MySQL server and authorizing the user at the new IP to MySQL, the
mysql_connect works but the mysql_select_db fails.

I need help debugging this, please?

MySQL permissions are tied to IP or hostname as well as username and  
password. Sounds like the user you're connecting as has different  
permissions when it comes from a different subnet. Check the MySQL  
manual for detailed info on permissions.



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Re: [PHP-DB] Timestamps

2008-04-30 Thread Stut

On 30 Apr 2008, at 16:29, Jason Pruim wrote:

Okay... So I know this should be simple...

Trying to store a timestamp in a MySQL database... The timestamp I  
am making like so: $modifiedTimestamp = time();

and then just $sql = "Update `mytable` set  
timestamp='$modifiedTimestamp' where Record='1'";

Simple right? Not my database it's storing a "0" in the  
timestamp field which is a int(10) field.

I have googled, and searched manuals, but have not been able to  
figure out what is going on

Any Ideas?

timestamp is a reserved word. Try putting it in backticks.



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Re: [PHP-DB] Resource id #5

2008-03-27 Thread Stut

On 27 Mar 2008, at 17:51, Richard Dunne wrote:
Can someone explain how I can translate Resource id #5 which is what  
I am getting from the code below?

$result = mysql_query("Select answer from answers") or  

$resultArray = explode(',',$result);
for ($i=0;$i

For the love of $DEITY, please read the frickin' manual: 
. You've been asking similar questions around this topic for the past  
few days and you clearly haven't moved forward in your understanding.

The mysql_query function returns a resource. If you print a resource  
you get the text "Resource id #n" where n is replaced with its ID. To  
make use of this resource you need to use functions like  
mysql_fetch_array, mysql_fetch_assoc or one of the many others  
detailed in, you guessed it, the manual. Try it, you might like it.



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Re: [PHP-DB] SELECT query with multiple "WHERE" Clause

2008-02-27 Thread Stut

On 27 Feb 2008, at 23:44, Nasreen Laghari wrote:

Thank you for increasing my knowledge about PHP/MYSQL.

The question you ask below is basic SQL syntax. Please read the MySQL  
manual before asking here - answers at this level are all in there.

Oh, and once you have it working try entering

';delete * from gig;select * from gig where Name='

(including quotes) into the gig_name form field. When you get over the  
loss of all your data go read about sanitising your input:



I am creating a SEARCH, by only using one table. The search form  is  
same as Inserting item (search has form of all fields in table ),  
difference is SEARCH page doesnt have validation . Therefore user  
can enter information in any of field. I would like to know how to  
write a SELECT query which has multiple where clause with OR operator.

shall we write:

$query = mysql_query("SELECT * from gig WHERE Name='$name' || WHERE  


$query = mysql_query("SELECT * from gig WHERE gigName='$gig_name' OR  
WHERE gig_fdate='$sdate'");


$query = mysql_query("SELECT * from gig WHERE gigName='$gig_name'  
||  gig_fdate='$sdate'");




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Re: [PHP-DB] How to recognize which 'case' is being echoed by switch statement

2008-02-22 Thread Stut

On 22 Feb 2008, at 11:01, Tim Daff wrote:

"; }

else  {
		echo "Contacta>"; }


$page = case; will be raising a notice which you're obviously not  
seeing. So, step 1 is to edit PHP.ini on your development machine so  
error_reporting is E_ALL, and display_errors is on. You'll need to  
restart your web server for this change to take effect.

The case keyword is not valid outside a switch block. What you want to  
be doing is comparing "contact" etc with $_GET['page'] which is the  
variable the switch statement is using.

Additionally you are using a single = which is the assignment  
operator, so each if statement is assigning the quoted string to $page  
not testing for it. You need to use == to do that.

I would suggest you buy a book on PHP for beginners, or Google for an  
introductory tutorial because these are pretty basic syntax mistakes.



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Re: [PHP-DB] About mysql_connect()

2008-02-06 Thread Stut

On 6 Feb 2008, at 14:45, js wrote:

Use PDO and try/catch.
I think it's much easier.

Easier than checking the return value for FALSE?

OP: The manual is your friend, it tells you exactly how to detect  
failures from any function.



On Feb 6, 2008 7:07 PM, Prabath Kumarasinghe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

Hi All

When I stop mysql database whole application will
break in mysql_connect() function even without giving
any error message.Is there are any way to put
exception handling with mysql_connect() function.




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Re: [PHP-DB] String comparision issue with change of databases

2007-11-23 Thread Stut

Tamkhane, Pravin wrote:

Hi All,
I am trying to write a simple user verification(not using MD5 hash) . I 
have users table in database which contains login_id and passwd for 
registered users. I am using PDO for this purpose. If i use MySQL 
database, following code for user verification works well without any 
problem. But if change $dsn to use PostgreSQL database, code fails at  
if( $passwd === $records[0]['passwd']). After some experiementation, I 
realized that $passwd holds password string ( assume '1234' for time 
being) In case of MySQL $records[0]['passwd'] holds password string 
'1234' as expected and code works. But in case of PostgreSQL,  
$records[0]['passwd'] holds 1234 rather than '1234' and hence comparison 
fails. Since I am using same code to register users in both cases, I 
doubt there would be any issue there.

You're using === which does a type *and* value comparison. I'm guessing 
that the MySQL driver does the conversion to an integer, whereas the 
PostgreSQL driver doesn't. Change it to == and it'll work just fine.



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Re: [PHP-DB] Phpmailer sending duplicate messages...

2007-11-01 Thread Stut

Stephen Sunderlin wrote:

It seems to be ccing each email to everyone and I'd like it to only include
one email address with each email.  I've tested in on three of my personal
emails and I see to get six messages in my inbox.

I'm also sending about 4000 emails and would like some pointers to avoid
time out errors.

Finally for the life of me can't figure out how to execute an insert
statement to record a history of each email sent.  When I include the insert
statement, no emails are send.

Following is the code.

Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated.



include ("cxnfile");  
	$cxn = mysqli_connect($host,$user,$password,$database)

 or die ("Couldn't connect to server");

$query =  "select *
From db
where groupid = groupid";

$result = mysqli_query($cxn,$query)
or die("Couldn't execute select query.");

while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result))

$mail->Host = ""; 
$mail->From = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]";

$mail->From = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]";
$mail->FromName = "Company";
$mail->AddAddress("$email", "$Contact");

$mail->Subject = "$Subject";

$mail->Body = "$PR";
$mail->WordWrap = 50;

   echo 'Message was not sent.';
   echo 'Mailer error: ' . $mail->ErrorInfo;
   echo 'Message has been sent.';


You're re-using the same message each time around the loop. Each time 
you call AddAddress you're, erm, adding another address. You either need 
to reset the recipients or reset the message each time round the loop 
(I'm not familiar with Phpmailer so I have no idea how to do this).



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Re: [PHP-DB] Trouble with Text Area

2007-10-31 Thread Stut

Stephen Sunderlin wrote:

When I put his line outside of the php tags I get the correct size:

That's not how you specify the value of a textarea. It should be between 
the tags like so...


And I'm assuming that $String has already had htmlentities run on it.

When I put this line inside the php tags the size comes out about 2 rows by
10 columns regardless of the value of rows and cols.

Check the source of the page being created. I'm guessing $String 
contains a single quote and then a sequence of characters that is 
causing this behaviour.

Any ideas on how to format this would be greatly appreciated.  The mySQL db
column TYPE I am calling is Blob not null.  



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Re: [PHP-DB] How can i test it?

2007-08-16 Thread Stut

joefazee wrote:

Thanks for your replay.

Sorry, didn't mean to repeat myself.

Please if you have done anything on socket programming with php before
where did you save it before testing and how did you tested it?

I use Ubuntu on my development machine, so that's where I test stuff, 
but I don't think that's likely to help you.

It sounds to me like you want hand-holding through the development 
process. I can do that but I'd expect to be paid market rates!!

There are lots of resources around this area all over the Internet. I 
suggest you use Google to find some.

Stut wrote:

joefazee wrote:

i`m writing a socket application using the php socket() function, the
is, how can i run it, i read in some tutorial that i should copy it to
server root. which server root?,  Apache?. or did i need to install
server? but i did not have two system. my development system is what i`m
using with Apache to test the web applications. can somebody tell me how
setup this server and run a network application?

By "socket application" do you mean a client or a server?

If it's a client is it web-based, cli or gui? Actually it doesn't 
matter, running a client that uses sockets is no different to running a 
client that doesn't use sockets.

I'm assuming you mean a socket server, in which case you probably want 
to run it on the command line and shove it into the background. This is 
basic shell stuff and not really to do with PHP. I suggest you find a 
beginners guide to the OS you're using and do some research on how to 
run a daemon.



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Re: [PHP-DB] How can i setup a server to run a socket programme

2007-08-16 Thread Stut

joefazee wrote:

i`m writing a socket application using the php socket() function, the problem
is, how can i run it, i read in some tutorial that i should copy it to the
server root. which server root?,  Apache?. or did i need to install windows
server? but i did not have two system. my development system is what i`m
using with Apache to test the web applications. can somebody tell me how to
setup this server and run a network application?

By "socket application" do you mean a client or a server?

If it's a client is it web-based, cli or gui? Actually it doesn't 
matter, running a client that uses sockets is no different to running a 
client that doesn't use sockets.

I'm assuming you mean a socket server, in which case you probably want 
to run it on the command line and shove it into the background. This is 
basic shell stuff and not really to do with PHP. I suggest you find a 
beginners guide to the OS you're using and do some research on how to 
run a daemon.



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Re: [PHP-DB] use of str_split

2007-08-09 Thread Stut

Asim wrote:

  when i try to use this function
  it shows me as invalid function

Are you using PHP 5? That function does not exist in PHP 4.

  what is solution
  i want to split certain length of string into an array


$string = 'This is a string';
$certainlength = 5;
$pos = 0;
$stringlen = strlen($string);
$array = array();
while ($pos < $stringlen)
$array[] = substr($string, $pos, $certainlength);
$pos += $certainlength;

// $array now contains an element for every $certainlength characters
// in $string



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Re: [PHP-DB] connection id mystery

2007-07-26 Thread Stut

Charles Whitaker wrote:
Using persistant connections simply means that you will be given a 
connection from a pool of open connections rather than creating a new 
one each time. There is no guarantee you'll get the same connection 
from request to request.

Right. I had assumed that I would get a connection previously initiated 
by me, and that there would therefore be only one, so I would always get 
the same connection. So much for assumptions.

I would suggest you add another field to the table you are trying to 
lock. Put an ID in there that you can pass from request to request. 
Use the locking feature to lock the table, read that value for a 
record, if it's not set to something write your ID to it then unlock 
it. If it does already contain an ID you treat it as locked. you just 
need to make sure you unlock the row when you're done (probably by 
setting that value to NULL.

If you're already using sessions I would strongly recommend using the 
session ID as the lock ID. If not you can easily generate one but 
you'll need to pass it manually from request to request.

I did as you suggest, and it seems to work fine. I surrounded the lock 
code with get_lock() and release_lock(), to make it quasi-atomic.

Thanks for the suggestion, and thanks to Charles Morris as well for his 

No problem, but please include the list when replying in future.



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Re: [PHP-DB] connection id mystery

2007-07-25 Thread Stut

Charles Whitaker wrote:
Since I'm requesting persistent connections, why don't I get the same 
connection each time? Or, to ask it another way: I notice that the 
number of threads slowly increases as I continue to access records -- 
why would this happen if I'm using persistent connections? I assumed 
that the first time I did 'new PDO' I'd create a connection, and each 
time after that I'd get the same connection. At least that's how I read 
the documentation.

Using persistant connections simply means that you will be given a 
connection from a pool of open connections rather than creating a new 
one each time. There is no guarantee you'll get the same connection from 
request to request.

Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks.

I would suggest you add another field to the table you are trying to 
lock. Put an ID in there that you can pass from request to request. Use 
the locking feature to lock the table, read that value for a record, if 
it's not set to something write your ID to it then unlock it. If it does 
already contain an ID you treat it as locked. you just need to make sure 
you unlock the row when you're done (probably by setting that value to NULL.

If you're already using sessions I would strongly recommend using the 
session ID as the lock ID. If not you can easily generate one but you'll 
need to pass it manually from request to request.

That may not be as clean as a pure SQL solution, but it will work. You 
may also want to add a timestamp row to allow for a timeout on the lock.



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Re: [PHP-DB] Slooooow query in MySQL.

2007-07-23 Thread Stut

Stut wrote:

Chris wrote:

Stut wrote:

Chris wrote:

Rob Adams wrote:
I have a query that I run using mysql that returns about 60,000 
plus rows. It's been so large that I've just been testing it with a 
limit 0, 1 (ten thousand) on the query.  That used to take 
about 10 minutes to run, including processing time in PHP which 
spits out xml from the query.  I decided to chunk the query down 
into 1,000 row increments, and tried that. The script processed 
10,000 rows in 23 seconds!  I was amazed!  But unfortunately it 
takes quite a bit longer than 6*23 to process the 60,000 rows that 
way (1,000 at a time).  It takes almost 8 minutes.  I can't figure 
out why it takes so long, or how to make it faster.  The data for 
60,000 rows is about 120mb, so I would prefer not to use a 
temporary table.  Any other suggestions?  This is probably more a 
db issue than a php issue, but I thought I'd try here first.

Sounds like missing indexes or something.

Use explain:

If that were the case I wouldn't expect limiting the number of rows 
returned to make a difference since the actual query is the same.

Actually it can. I don't think mysql does this but postgresql does 
take the limit/offset clauses into account when generating a plan.

Not really relevant to the problem though :P

How many queries do you run with an order? But you're right, if there is 
no order by clause adding a limit probably will make a difference, but 
there must be an order by when you use limit to ensure the SQL engine 
doesn't give you the same rows in response to more than one of the queries.

Oops, that was meant to say "How many queries do you run *without* an 



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Re: [PHP-DB] Slooooow query in MySQL.

2007-07-23 Thread Stut

Chris wrote:

Stut wrote:

Chris wrote:

Rob Adams wrote:
I have a query that I run using mysql that returns about 60,000 plus 
rows. It's been so large that I've just been testing it with a limit 
0, 1 (ten thousand) on the query.  That used to take about 10 
minutes to run, including processing time in PHP which spits out xml 
from the query.  I decided to chunk the query down into 1,000 row 
increments, and tried that. The script processed 10,000 rows in 23 
seconds!  I was amazed!  But unfortunately it takes quite a bit 
longer than 6*23 to process the 60,000 rows that way (1,000 at a 
time).  It takes almost 8 minutes.  I can't figure out why it takes 
so long, or how to make it faster.  The data for 60,000 rows is 
about 120mb, so I would prefer not to use a temporary table.  Any 
other suggestions?  This is probably more a db issue than a php 
issue, but I thought I'd try here first.

Sounds like missing indexes or something.

Use explain:

If that were the case I wouldn't expect limiting the number of rows 
returned to make a difference since the actual query is the same.

Actually it can. I don't think mysql does this but postgresql does take 
the limit/offset clauses into account when generating a plan.

Not really relevant to the problem though :P

How many queries do you run with an order? But you're right, if there is 
no order by clause adding a limit probably will make a difference, but 
there must be an order by when you use limit to ensure the SQL engine 
doesn't give you the same rows in response to more than one of the queries.



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Re: [PHP-DB] Slooooow query in MySQL.

2007-07-20 Thread Stut

Chris wrote:

Rob Adams wrote:
I have a query that I run using mysql that returns about 60,000 plus 
rows. It's been so large that I've just been testing it with a limit 
0, 1 (ten thousand) on the query.  That used to take about 10 
minutes to run, including processing time in PHP which spits out xml 
from the query.  I decided to chunk the query down into 1,000 row 
increments, and tried that. The script processed 10,000 rows in 23 
seconds!  I was amazed!  But unfortunately it takes quite a bit longer 
than 6*23 to process the 60,000 rows that way (1,000 at a time).  It 
takes almost 8 minutes.  I can't figure out why it takes so long, or 
how to make it faster.  The data for 60,000 rows is about 120mb, so I 
would prefer not to use a temporary table.  Any other suggestions?  
This is probably more a db issue than a php issue, but I thought I'd 
try here first.

Sounds like missing indexes or something.

Use explain:

If that were the case I wouldn't expect limiting the number of rows 
returned to make a difference since the actual query is the same.

Chances are it's purely a data transfer delay. Do a test with the same 
query but only grab one of the fields - something relative small like a 
integer field - and see if that's significantly quicker. I'm betting it 
will be.

If that is the problem you need to be looking at making sure you're only 
getting the fields you need. You may also want to look into changing the 
cursor type you're using although I'm not sure if that's possible with 
MySQL nevermind how to do it.



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Re: [PHP-DB] sql statement - complex order by

2007-07-02 Thread Stut

Bryan wrote:

SELECT * FROM productgroup WHERE groupid = $productid
AND label =  'Cats' ORDER BY title

SELECT * FROM productgroup WHERE groupid = $productid
AND label != 'Cats' ORDER BY label,title

I'd like to find a way to combine these 2 statements. I want to list out 
all the products, ordered by title but listing out all the Cats products 
first. Any way to do that without having separate statements?


select * from productgroup where groupid = $productid order by (label = 
'Cats') desc, title

And I do hope you're properly validating and escaping $productid.



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Re: [PHP-DB] Problem with passing variable to mssql

2007-06-28 Thread Stut

Please include the list when replying.

William Curry wrote:
Thanx for the quick reply, I left out the concats in my sample here is 
the exact statement:
$qry1 = "SELECT *,CONVERT(Char(24),CALL_ENTRY_DATE,101) as MYDATE from 

where Location_address = " .$Location2. " order by CALL_NO";
and as echoed with the $Location2 value inserted:
PcarsCallComplete where Location_address = '1121 800N,TOT,TOT' order by 
$Location2 is passed in the URL when the user clicks a hyperlink for a 
certain address record from a list of possible matches.
$qry1 returns 0 records in the page, but 10 records in SQL QA.  I run 
the URL var through a stripslashes and add the '%' before inserting it 
into the string.
I've, never used the str_replace function, and generally get the same 
results with similar statements. baffled

1) The str_replace is necessary to protect against SQL injection 
attacks. If you don't know what that means, Google it.

2) Are you checking return values for errors? If not, try that.

Aside from that I have no idea. If there are no errors and you are still 
getting different results from the script and from QA with the same SQL 
statement then by definition something *is* different.



 >>> Stut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 6/28/2007 8:30 AM >>>
William Curry wrote:
 > I have issues I cant understand passing a sql statement to mssql, most
 > of which work fine, however in some cases, a statement like
 > "SELECT * FROM tblX where value like 'variable%' "  will return 0
 > records when I know they are there. No errors, just 0 records.
 > When I echo the sql string to the page, cut and paste it into SQL query

 > analyzer, the exact same statement returns the expected records.
 > Anyome point me to the answer??

It's over there ->

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Anyhoo, are you expecting variable to be replaced with the contents of
$variable? If so that's never going to work. Try this instead...

"SELECT * FROM tblX where value like '".str_replace("'", "''",
$variable)."%' "



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Re: [PHP-DB] Problem with passing variable to mssql

2007-06-28 Thread Stut

William Curry wrote:

I have issues I cant understand passing a sql statement to mssql, most
of which work fine, however in some cases, a statement like
"SELECT * FROM tblX where value like 'variable%' "  will return 0
records when I know they are there. No errors, just 0 records.
When I echo the sql string to the page, cut and paste it into SQL query

analyzer, the exact same statement returns the expected records.
Anyome point me to the answer??

It's over there ->

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Anyhoo, are you expecting variable to be replaced with the contents of 
$variable? If so that's never going to work. Try this instead...

"SELECT * FROM tblX where value like '".str_replace("'", "''", 
$variable)."%' "



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Re: [PHP-DB] Creating all key combinations passwords

2007-05-20 Thread Stut

Lasitha Alawatta wrote:
I’m going to create all key combinations; simple-letter passwords and 
store those in to MySql DB.

Using = a-z (simple letters)

Password length = 6

Number of possibilities = 26 x 26 x 26 x 26 x 26 x 26 = 308,915,776

This is my code:

// Inserting to DB

  function createPwd() {
$lower = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
$seed_length += 26;
$seed .= $lower;

  $ strPwd.= $seed{rand(0,$seed_length-1)};

What is the easiest way to get my output?

   1. Because above code will stuck the PC (for($i=0;$i< 5;$i++){).
   2. I use 5 instead of 308915776, because createPwd() function
  will duplicating the password.

Suggesting, comments, code samples are highly appreciate.

The only reason I can see to do such a thing is to build a brute-force 
password cracker, and seeing as you're not smart enough to realise that 
you can do so incrementally instead of randomly, I don't see much reason 
to help you.



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Re: [PHP-DB] Extracting data from Arrays in ISAM table

2007-05-20 Thread Stut

I have a table with between 100k and 200k rows.  One field, `names`, is 
populated, in each row, with an imploded array of up to 4 names.

I require to create a list of names, without repeats, of all the names 
in `names` field to use in an html form.

Any advise would be appreciated.  I have no ideas on how to start.

The best option would be to normalise the data by breaking the names out 
to a separate table. However, if that's not feasible my suggestion is 
similar to that itoctopus sent, but a bit more memory efficient.

Inside the loop getting the records, do the following...

foreach (explode(',', $single_result['name']) as $name)
$arr_all_names[$name] = 1;

Then after the loop, to get an array of the names...

$arr_all_names = array_keys($arr_all_names);


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[PHP-DB] Re: [PHP-WIN] automatic-click flash?

2007-05-06 Thread Stut

bedul wrote:

nope.. that's can be dangerous
since some activeX today are a food for a worm..

be safe on NET

It has absolutely nothing to do with security. It's all about patents...

Fight the FUD.


- Original Message -
From: "Gustav Wiberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2007 4:06 PM
Subject: [PHP-WIN] automatic-click flash?

Hi there!

I searched the Internet about "Click to activate this control"... Why it is
viewd in IE...

"Q. Why do I see "Click to activate this control."?
Microsoft® changed the way ActiveX controls behave so Dynamic HTML (DHTML)
events related to user interaction, such as onblur and onclick, are
automatically blocked. To activate an interactive control, either click it
or use the TAB key to set focus on it and then press the SPACEBAR or the
ENTER key. Interactive controls loaded from external script files
immediately respond to user interaction and do not need to be activated.

Basically, you now need to click the control to "approve" it before the
Flash and navigation buttons will work."

and after this reading,... I've been thinking.

Is it possible to make an automatic click in Javascript to an embedded


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Re: [PHP-DB] querying results from postgresql

2007-04-27 Thread Stut

Kirk Wythers wrote:
I am having trouble with a db query that was working not too long ago. I 
did upgrade from php4 to php5 and wonder if there are some differences 
that could explain my issue. Below is the code where I suspect things 
are breaking down.

// build sql query from form values
$select_query = "select * from grid_cell where township = $township
and range = $range and rdir_shortname = '$rdir_shortname'
and section = $section and forty_name = '$forty_name'";
//echo $select_query; // use for debugging sql query

// retrieve the query info from postgresql
//this returns a resource, so put the resource into a variable
$result = pg_query($select_query);
//echo $result; // use for debugging sql query

// process results. First argument pg_result is the returned result set 
// second argument is the row offset, and the third argument is the 
column offset.

$forty_grid = pg_result($result, 0, 0);
//echo $forty_grid; // use for debugging sql query

If I uncomment echo $select_query, the scrip prints the proper query 
like this:

select * from grid_cell where township = 67 and range = 1 and 
rdir_shortname = 'W' and section = 1 and forty_name = 'NWNW'

However, if I uncomment echo $result, the script prints:

Resource id #2

and also the error:

Unable to jump to row 0 on PostgreSQL result index 2

I think that the variable $result is getting the result from pg_query 
and subsequently $forty_grid is not receiving what it expects either.

Does anyone see what I'm not doing right here?

Just because the query returned a resource ID does not mean it contains 
any results. An empty result set is what you're getting, and you need to 
check for that before trying to use the results.


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[PHP-DB] Re: [PHP] slow performance

2007-04-25 Thread Stut

Henning Eiben wrote:

I wrote a small sample-application once using PHP (with propel and
smarty) and once using Java (JBoss, EJB3, JSP & Servlets). Both apps are
being served from a windows server (2x Xeon 1,3GHz, 2 GB RAM), but the
performance of the PHP version is much slower than the Java version.

I already installed an php-accelerator (eAccelator) which increased the
overall performance, but still the performance is quite poor.

Are there any "tweaks" to tune PHP performance?

Don't use Windows.

If you *must* use windows, use FastCGI.


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Re: [PHP-DB] database password

2007-04-03 Thread Stut

Roberto Mansfield wrote:

Bastien Koert wrote:

store your password/access credentials outside the web root and use php
to read the data in.

This is good for web attacks, but I'm thinking of an account break in
where someone is accessing files directly on the server.

I suggest you think about this for a second before you start designing 
with a really pointless obfuscation system. Say someone is accessing 
files directly on the server... if they can get at the file that 
contains the password then they can also get at the PHP code that will 
de-obfuscate it. Spend your time locking the doors rather than putting 
5-minute obstacles in the path.


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Re: [PHP-DB] Accessing Oracle

2007-03-21 Thread Stut

Robert Hicks wrote:
I have been away from PHP for a while and was wondering what is the 
preferred method of accessing Oracle?

With modesty and respect, walk slowly towards it bowing your head at all 
times and being careful not to relieve yourself all over the floor.

Alternatively Zend have an offering in this area:


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Re: [PHP-DB] help with mysql connect error

2007-02-08 Thread Stut

Tim McGeary wrote:
Thank you for the link.  I think that's probably the best way to go in 
this case, since it's only on a dev/test server.  When I build the 
production server, I should probably upgrade to PHP5 anyhow.  I assume 
that should not have this problem, right?

It might. PHP5 can be built against libs for MySQL 4 or 5, so just make 
sure that you match the version used for PHP to the server version and 
you'll be fine.

Thanks for your help, Stut!!!

No probs.


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Re: [PHP-DB] help with mysql connect error

2007-02-08 Thread Stut

Tim McGeary wrote:

But I do have a MySQL 5 client:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] html]# rpm -qa MySQL*

or are you saying that the PHP libs have a MySQL 4 client in there?  If 
that is the case, how should I rebuild PHP?

Yes, and it depends on what OS, where it originally came from, etc. The 
alternative is to change the password of the MySQL user you're using - 
the link in my last post explains how to do this.


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Re: [PHP-DB] help with mysql connect error

2007-02-08 Thread Stut

Tim McGeary wrote:

Oh, duh!  Ok.  I wrote this:

mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password) or 

mysql_select_db($dbname) or die(mysql_error());

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Requestor_type") or 

while($row = mysql_fetch_array( $result )) {
echo 'value="'.$row['description'].'">'.$row['description']." ";


And got this as output:

Warning:  mysql_connect(): Client does not support 
authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL 
client in /var/www/html/mysql_test.php on line 7
Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; 
consider upgrading MySQL client

I'm not sure I understand it.  Maybe my CLI PHP script is not correct? 
I'm returning to PHP after 5 years of not writing in it.

This basically means that you're trying to access a MySQL 5 server with 
MySQL 4 client. You have two choices...

1) Rebuild PHP with the MySQL 5 client libs
2) Use the old password mechanism in MySQL

See here for more info...


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Re: [PHP-DB] help with mysql connect error

2007-02-08 Thread Stut

Tim McGeary wrote:

Please include the list in replies.

Sorry, I meant to, but hit the wrong button.

Tim McGeary wrote:

Stut wrote:

Tim McGeary wrote:

I am new to this list today, so if I should be sending this to another
specific PHP list, please let me know.

I am getting the following error via the PHP web page I am building:

Warning: mysql_connect(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through
socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (13) in
/var/www/html/software/index.php on line 18 Can't connect to local
MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (13)

Given that you can connect through the socket on the CLI, I'm gonna 
guess that it's a permissions issue. Does the user that Apache (or 
whatever web server you're using) runs as have access to mysql.sock?

Currently mysql.sock is owned by mysql.mysql with S777 permissions. 
Should the ownership be different?  Despite the ownership, wouldn't 
S777 allow any user to access it?

Indeed it should. Have you tried writing a CLI script and seeing if 
that works?

I confess I don't know what at CLI script is.  What would I write?

To be run on the command line. Same as a web-based PHP script, but no 
need to output any HTML. Just write a script that tries to connect to 
the database and spits out success or failure. Then run php script.php 
on the command line (CLI === Command Line Interface) and see what happens.


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Re: [PHP-DB] help with mysql connect error

2007-02-08 Thread Stut

Tim McGeary wrote:

I am new to this list today, so if I should be sending this to another
specific PHP list, please let me know.

I am getting the following error via the PHP web page I am building:

Warning: mysql_connect(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through
socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (13) in
/var/www/html/software/index.php on line 18 Can't connect to local
MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (13)

Given that you can connect through the socket on the CLI, I'm gonna 
guess that it's a permissions issue. Does the user that Apache (or 
whatever web server you're using) runs as have access to mysql.sock?


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Re: [PHP-DB] Am I missing something?

2007-01-28 Thread Stut

Alexander wrote:

They should have data. here's the form code:

function write_form() {
echo "";

echo "Enter url of large picture: name='picture' />";

echo "Enter url of thumbnail: name='thumbnail' />";

echo "";

echo "";

I've done everything excatly how my PHP book says to /* i now officially 
hate all code examples in books, they never work */

The book is probably expecting you to have register_globals enabled. DO 
NOT ENABLE IT! Instead, read the following and adapt what the book is 
giving you to work without it. Reasons for not enabling register_globals 
are also given on this page...


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Re: [PHP-DB] textarea value assignment

2006-10-04 Thread Stut

Brad Bonkoski wrote:


how I could assign a textarea with a variable value?
Although I tried to achieve an allocation like a normal it does not work so I have no success with textarea.
The code looks like following fragment.

$problem_val = mysqlclean($_SESSION, "problem_eb", 500, $connection);

cols="1" rows="1" name="problem_eb" value="$problem_val?>">

Best regards, Joerg Kuehne

There is no value attribute of put text in there, you 
place it between the  tags.


cols="1" rows="1" name="problem_eb" >?>

Also worth mentioning that you may run into problems if you don't use 
htmlentities on $problem_val, like so...

cols="1" rows="1" name="problem_eb" >htmlentities($problem_val); ?>


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Re: [PHP-DB] Php 5 and Mysql on Windows

2006-10-03 Thread Stut
> I did that already. Step (8) of setting up php.

Oops, sorry, missed that.

> Do I need to move any files around or add anything else to the path?

Long time since I've actually set up a Windows server but I seem to
remember there are some DLLs in the distribution that need to be on the
path for MySQL to function.

You may also want to check that where you've put php.ini is where PHP is
expecting it to be. A phpinfo() page will tell you that.


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Re: [PHP-DB] Php 5 and Mysql on Windows

2006-10-03 Thread Stut
> I setup Mysql as follows:
> 1. Download the 5.x installer
> 2. Run the installer
> 3. Run the configuration tool ater the installer
> When I run the following script, the error "Fatal error: Call to
> undefined function mysql_connect() in Test.php on line 3"  is returned.
> $conn = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', 'password')

Installing MySQL is not enough - you need to enable the mysql extension
in your php.ini.


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Re: [PHP-DB] user directory from a form

2006-10-01 Thread Stut
Neil Jackson wrote:
> I would like to extract the path from the users machine.

Assuming I'm understanding you correctly, you can't do that. The
location of a file uploaded via HTTP is not available - you cannot get
it since it doesn't get sent with the file, only the filename itself is


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Re: [PHP-DB] ViewSonic VX724

2006-09-19 Thread Stut
On Tue, 19 Sep 2006 03:30:24 +0100, Ron Piggott (PHP)  

I realized this is off topic; I am not sure where I would look online.

Off topic? It's not even in the same continent!! Try a Linux mailing list  
- that's what they're there for!!


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Re: [PHP-DB] Direct Access to an Array Item?

2006-08-09 Thread Stut
Peter Beckman wrote:
> if (($row = mysql_fetch_row($result))[3] == 'foo') {
> $user = $row;
> }
> or
> $bar = explode('#', $str)[2];

PHP does not currently support this type of syntax in any form. You must
assign the return value of a function to a variable if you want to
access it as an array.


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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: making an array from data in textfile

2006-07-23 Thread Stut
Hash: SHA1

Dave W wrote:
> I figured it out before, but I didn't hit reply all. I used files() and
> newlines to create it. Would using explode be a more reliable way?

I assume you mean the file() function, not files(). The only problem
with doing it that way is that each element of the array will have a
newline on the end. Maybe this is what you want, but I doubt it.

- -Stut
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2.2 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: making an array from data in textfile

2006-07-23 Thread Stut
Hash: SHA1

Dave W wrote:
> Currently, here is my code:
>$file = 'ip.txt';
>$fh = fopen($file, 'r');
> $theData = fread($fh, filesize($file));
> fclose($fh);
> $ips = array($theData);
> Since it's a numeric array, I shouldn't need quotes around the ip octets.
> OK, well I did a debug and this is whats coming out:
> Array
> (
>[0] =>,,
> )

PHP doesn't know what separates each element of the array, so you need
to tell it...

$ips = explode(',', $theData);

- -Stut
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2.2 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: [PHP-DB] Using MAX with COUNT?

2006-07-23 Thread Stut
Hash: SHA1

Skip Evans wrote:
> I have a table like this:
> boroughIDArea
> =
> 1Chelsea
> 1East Village
> 1West Village
> 1So Ho
> 2Prospect Park
> 2Brooklyn Heights
> 3Prospect Heights
> What I want to know is which boroughID has the most area's assocated
> with it, and how many.
> So I tried this:
> SELECT max(count(*)) FROM  `bsp_area` GROUP  BY boroughID
> ...and got an "Invalid use of group function" error.
> Anyone think of another way to do this in a single SQL statement, or
> some other simple method?

select boroughID, count(*) as thecount from bsp_area group by boroughID
order by thecount desc limit 1

- -Stut
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2.2 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: [PHP-DB] Submitting form from

2006-07-17 Thread Stut

Dave W wrote:

The problem with GET is that a user that looks at the source code of the
html can easily just input what they want for the argument. Can you 
say SQL


Can you say input validation? Regardless of where user input comes from, 
whether it's in the URL, in POST vars or in cookies they should all be 
subjected to the same validation. Trust nothing.


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Re: [PHP-DB] detecting negative numbers

2006-07-16 Thread Stut
Hash: SHA1

Dave W wrote:
> Currently I have this:
> if($quant > $amount) {echo "You don't have that many!"; }
> $quant is the user inputted amount and $amount is the amount that they
> actually have. Is there any way of checking if the result is negative
> rather
> than doing what I have above?

Not sure which way around you want it, but I think this is what you are

if (($quant - $amount) < 0)
echo "You don't have that many!";

I don't mean any offense, but the possibility that someone who couldn't
figure that out is writing PHP code scares me. You might want to think
about Googling for an absolute beginners guide to programming before

- -Stut
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2.2 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: [PHP-DB] need help on setting up tables for db (NFL Football)

2006-07-05 Thread Stut

Karl James wrote:



I was wondering if anybody can help me or guide me
On what tables to make. I want to do all the data entry
I just do not know what to do. It's for a fantasy football
Here is my project! 
Let me know if anyone can help me directly, through

Email, AIM, or MSN.
Your help would be greatly appreciated.

I would be using phpmyadim for this.

Sure. How much do you pay?


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Re: [PHP-DB] Generating forms and form elements

2006-06-20 Thread Stut

Micah Stevens wrote:

Stut wrote:

Bastien Koert wrote:
Not commenting on the appropriateness or security of the eval 
function. Merely offering a possible path. It is up to the OP to 
decide if that solution is the correct one.

I would accept that if you'd mentioned, or at least hinted at the 
issues that need to be addressed when using eval. You didn't so I 
thought it needed to be pointed out. I think we, as a community, have 
a responsibility to point out the potential security and stability 
pitfalls of the possible solutions we provide. But that's just me.

Last time I handed someone a rope, I didn't tell them to not hang 
themselves. :)

Then you assumed they knew what a rope was and that it's generally a bad 
idea to use it to suspend themselves in the air by their neck. Likewise 
you assumed the OP knew that eval was dangerous.


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Re: [PHP-DB] Generating forms and form elements

2006-06-20 Thread Stut

Bastien Koert wrote:
Not commenting on the appropriateness or security of the eval function. 
Merely offering a possible path. It is up to the OP to decide if that 
solution is the correct one.

I would accept that if you'd mentioned, or at least hinted at the issues 
that need to be addressed when using eval. You didn't so I thought it 
needed to be pointed out. I think we, as a community, have a 
responsibility to point out the potential security and stability 
pitfalls of the possible solutions we provide. But that's just me.


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Re: [PHP-DB] Generating forms and form elements

2006-06-20 Thread Stut

Bastien Koert wrote:


eval ($code);

Someone relatively famous[1] once said "If eval is the answer then 
you're asking the wrong question."

The eval function is dangerous. Extremely dangerous. From every point of 
view there is. If there's another way to do what you're doing (and there 
almost always is), do that instead. In this case a description of the 
form would be a better thing to store in the DB rather than the code to 
generate it.


[1] Rasmus, a while back, can't recall when, but it stuck in my mind


From: "Bastien Koert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] Generating forms and form elements
Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2006 16:44:22 -0400



From: Mark Fellowes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Mark Fellowes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [PHP-DB] Generating forms and form elements
Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2006 15:37:10 GMT

Hi, Hitting up the list for maybe a decent link(s) or pointers.
I need to figure out how to generate forms and form elements from php 
code inside database tables. Hope this makes sense.  It's not a 
complete picture of what I need to do but the first step I'll need to 


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Re: [PHP-DB] How can I get in PHP the number of files in a directory

2006-05-31 Thread Stut

suad wrote:

This is for reading a file:

How can I get in PHP the number of files in the directory (rasmus)
and the files names in a loop? or


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Re: [PHP-DB] Processing a web form / loop etc.

2006-05-30 Thread Stut

Ron Piggott (PHP) wrote:

I have a web form that accepts up to 3 suggested categories.  In the
form they are part of I have named these variables 


I have come up with this simple code to store the suggestion in a table:

if ( $suggested_category_1 <> "" ) {
#the user could leave the suggestion blank because what is already
provided is sufficient

@mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database");
$query = "INSERT INTO table_name VALUES ( '$variable' ,
'$reference_number', '$suggested_category_1')";


Is there any way to create a loop to check all three instead of me
repeating this code twice more changing $suggested_category_1 to _2 and
_3 ?

for ($num = 1; $num <= 3; $num++)
   $varname = 'suggested_category_'.$num;
   $val = $$varname;
   // Stick your code here replacing references to the 
$suggested_category_1 var with $val


Incidentally, I do hope that code was simplified for brevity. There 
should be extensive use of mysql_real_escape_string in there.


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Re: [PHP-DB] mysql searching with fulltext indexing

2006-05-24 Thread Stut

Bevan Christians wrote:

Is there any to query a mysql table to get it to return the field
names that it currently
has marked as Fulltext Indexes?



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Re: [PHP-DB] Date Conversion in RFC822 format

2006-05-18 Thread Stut

Manoj Singh wrote:

I am developing a site in php implementing the concept of rss feeds. For
that i want to convert the standard date into RFC822 format.

If any one have idea about it, please help me.

Go to and search the page for RFC822. If you need 
further help read the rest of that page.


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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: Sending filing attachments using PHP

2006-05-12 Thread Stut
#x27;m not understanding what Perl gives you that 
makes it easier to manage than PHP. Please explain it to me so I can 

As I stated I'm not doing a Perl vs PHP rant I'm doing an "anything but 
PHP" rant :)

And that justifies it how? All I'm getting is an "I hate PHP and nothing 
you say will sway me from that opinion". Is that accurate? Because if it 
is I have better things to do with my time.

learn something from this exchange. You clearly feel quite passionate 
about it, so please share.

Actually since most everyone has expressed an interest in stopping this 
thread, I think I will. Teh facts are there do as you wish :)

Agreed, we should probably both give up. The "facts" are still in 
dispute, but each to his or her own.

A solution is a solution, PHP is just one tiny option, I was offering 
an easier to work with alternative.

Without adequately explaining why it's easier. And more to the point you

Sure I did, no one wants to hear it though :)

are still on a PHP list, and as I've stated before, the question was 
clearly asking for a PHP solution.

True enough, but if you want to be strict then why not send them to a 
none DB list?

Fair point, but it was still a *PHP* list not a generic DB list.

Feel free to ignore the rest of this post, which I hope you'll take 
in the spirit it is meant, but please answer me this. What has PHP 
done to you? Why are you so anti-PHP? And specifically why are you 
on a PHP list suggesting people use a different technology?

PHP has all the problems I've been specifying, that costs time and 
money, and I'm sick of it :)

Yeah, I got that already :). What I haven't grok'd is what 
specifically makes Perl easier and therefore cheaper to manage.

As I stated I'm not doing a Perl vs PHP rant I'm doing an "anything but 
PHP" rant :)

Which in fact PHP4/5 + --with-mysql[i] *is* a huge example of what 
makes PHP the last choice for any project.

Again, this is a statement that makes no sense to me. You've made a 
statement saying you hate something without explaining why. Do you see 

Because its got *s* many problems, security, development, admin wise 
- details throughout this thread :)

Yeah, about those security problems. You mentioned phpBB as an example. 
You must be aware that nearly every problem related to security that has 
ever been found in relation to PHP has been down to poor implementation 
on the part of the script developer and not PHP itself. All other 
languages and tools are open to the same type of problems, but 
popularity and user-base of PHP cause bad press.

why it's very hard to learn from you when you don't justify your 
hatred? What's the problem with the MySQL modules available for PHP? I 

Those configure flags have so many combinations to get unpredicatabel 
behavior this is the pseudo thought process while doing it:

--with-mysql (make sense so far)

but lest add the super duper mysqli stuff:

Oi crap what arg do you give it depending on what  --with-mysql 's value 

--with-mysql=/usr --with-mysqli=path_to_mysql_config
--with-mysql  --with-mysqli=/usr

Please enlighten me as to how other tools find the MySQL libs. As far as 
I'm aware they do it in exactly the same way, namely an automatic search 
which will occasionally fail which requires the ability to specify it in 
the configure command.

Is all of that mess the same on PHP 4 and 5 ?

Pretty much.

What if you have mysql 4.0, 4.1, or 5 ?

Doesn't matter.

and once you get your head wrapped around it are all the badly named 
funitons gogin to behave the same?

Badly named functions? There are some dodgy ones still in there for BC 
reasons, but this has improved a lot since PHP 4 & 5 arrived.

personally have never had a problem with them, but if there is a better
way I'm all ears.

yep, use Perl's DBI modules or some other API (C, Python, Ruby, 
*anything*) to MySQL that is consistently easier to setup and use

Again, we'll have to agree to disagree. For me PHP makes setting up and 
using MySQL a breeze.

Anyway, I think we should end this here since we're clearly not making a 
dent in each others opinion of PHP. Feel free to reply to me offlist if 
you really want to continue, but I don't think there would be much point.


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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: Sending filing attachments using PHP

2006-05-12 Thread Stut

JupiterHost.Net wrote:

Stut wrote:

What planet are you on? Seriously? Because PEAR does not need to be 
compiled into PHP. Zend Optimizer is no different to the optimizers 

I was referring to --with-pear, sorry "compiled" was not the right 
word *

I'm not familiar with the switch you are referring to. If you look into

in PHP source:
./configure --help

I've had a look and it would appear that all that switch does is install 
PEAR for you during the build process. That doesn't change the fact that 
it's still just a collection of PHP classes and does not require 
rebuilding of PHP to benefit from it.

PEAR a bit closer you will find that it is simply a package of 
classes. It does not need any changes to your PHP binary for it to 
work correctly.

available for other scripting languages. Version mismatches are a fact 

I was referring to how Zend Opt is "required" for some stuff mainly 
because its necessary to offset the bloat. *

I'm not sure what gives you the impression that Zend Optimizer is 
"required" for anything. ZO is a system for pre-compiling PHP code to 

If a PHP system has been "Optimized" then it requires ZO. Most admins 
need to have ZO since at least one of theri users will want to use sucha 
PHP system.

I think you're grossly over-estimating the number of PHP systems that 
use Zend Optimizer, not so much as an actual number but more as a 
percentage of all software written in PHP.

You're also making it sound like adding ZO to a PHP installation is a 
mammoth task... it's not. It's just as simple as building PHP itself.

bytecodes such that the PHP source files do not need to be interpreted 
each time they are run. While it is true that some commercial software 
written in PHP is encoded and requires ZO, but this is a choice of 
that particular developer and is not attributable to PHP as a language 
or as a technology.

But it does epitomize PHP's overall paradigm of "you want to add 
funtionality for XYZ? ok lets drunkenly add support for it without 
tryign to be consistent or plan for anything in the future.

How so? Take any other interpreted language, and you don't usually get 
pre-compilation for free. Correct me if I'm wrong but this goes for Perl 
as much as it does for PHP. You have to 'jump through hoops' to get it.

I'll freely agree that there are a number of things that exist in PHP 
that are not ideal, and could appear to have been implemented by a 
drunken developer trying to meet a deadline. However, having been a 
lurker on the PHP-Dev list for a long time now I can say with absolute 
confidence that most of the decisions made regarding what gets into PHP 
and what doesn't are well-justified.

PHP is not a small system, and it takes a huge effort to manage the 
ongoing development. Mistakes have been made and undoubtedly will 
continue to be made, but I'm sure the same can be said for any 
similarly-sized open-source project.

of life with all tools, deal with it. And last but not least, you do 

And PHP tends to have a greater majority of them, have you ever 
managed PHP on multiple servers? If you have you kwo exactly what I'm 
referring to.
I maintain 13 servers in total, each of them have PHP installed, and 

try 13000 :) 13 is child's play and can be easily managed.

IMHO, 13,000 servers should be just as easy to manage as 13 - it all 
depends on the infrastructure (in terms of tools) you have in place to 
assist you in the task.

Out of curiosity, why do you find it easier to manage Perl on 13,000 
servers? What specific advantages does it have over PHP when it comes to 

have to be root to do anything with PHP, or indeed Apache except to 

I was referring to building PHP/Apache in general *

You do not need to be root to build PHP or Apache, or in fact anything 
else, so I'm not sure where you're getting that requirement from.

So any user on your systems can recompile apache or PHP at will?

Yeah, I don't stop them - more hassle than it's worth. But they'll be 
compiling it in their own directories, they'll be running their own 
copies. They can't interfere with the systems installation of either 
because file permissions don't let them, but that doesn't stop them 
working on their own copies of it.

Any user with shell access with the required build tools available to 
them will be able to do the same. If you think otherwise I encourage you 
to try it.

listen on a port lower than 1024, which is true for all tools since 
it's a platform limitation.

* I'm speaking in generalitites of working with PHP not specifics 
components of the technology.
In that case I would point out that your personal experiences with PHP 
are not necessarily a reflection on PHP. I hope you don't take offense 

My personal experiences 

Re: [PHP-DB] Re: Sending filing attachments using PHP

2006-05-12 Thread Stut
Let me start by apologising if my posts came across as personal. Check 
the archives for my posts, primarily on php-general and you will see 
that I have a very sarcastic personality. No offence was meant or is 
meant by what follows.

JupiterHost.Net wrote:
What planet are you on? Seriously? Because PEAR does not need to be 
compiled into PHP. Zend Optimizer is no different to the optimizers 

I was referring to --with-pear, sorry "compiled" was not the right word *

I'm not familiar with the switch you are referring to. If you look into 
PEAR a bit closer you will find that it is simply a package of classes. 
It does not need any changes to your PHP binary for it to work correctly.

available for other scripting languages. Version mismatches are a fact 

I was referring to how Zend Opt is "required" for some stuff mainly 
because its necessary to offset the bloat. *

I'm not sure what gives you the impression that Zend Optimizer is 
"required" for anything. ZO is a system for pre-compiling PHP code to 
bytecodes such that the PHP source files do not need to be interpreted 
each time they are run. While it is true that some commercial software 
written in PHP is encoded and requires ZO, but this is a choice of that 
particular developer and is not attributable to PHP as a language or as 
a technology.

of life with all tools, deal with it. And last but not least, you do not 

And PHP tends to have a greater majority of them, have you ever managed 
PHP on multiple servers? If you have you kwo exactly what I'm referring to.

I maintain 13 servers in total, each of them have PHP installed, and 
I've never had a problem with version issues. And I have to say that in 
my experience other tools have more problems with this. Perl used to be 
a nightmare for us until we rewrote the scripts we had in PHP. I'm not 
blaming PHP for this, I'm just trying to point out that problems related 
to version mismatches are usually related to the administrators 
understanding of that particular package. For me that means Perl caused 
me more issues than PHP because I know PHP better.

have to be root to do anything with PHP, or indeed Apache except to 

I was referring to building PHP/Apache in general *

You do not need to be root to build PHP or Apache, or in fact anything 
else, so I'm not sure where you're getting that requirement from.

listen on a port lower than 1024, which is true for all tools since 
it's a platform limitation.

* I'm speaking in generalitites of working with PHP not specifics 
components of the technology.

In that case I would point out that your personal experiences with PHP 
are not necessarily a reflection on PHP. I hope you don't take offense 
at that but I know a huge number of developers and sysadmins who are 
more than happy with working with PHP, and nearly all of them have been 
through the process of trying the alternatives before landing on PHP as 
the right solution for them.

And that module is not a MIME tool in itself, it uses perl's MIME 
tools and SMTP tools but it abstracts all of that for you so all you 
have to do is make a hash that represents your mail. No knowlege of 
SMTP or MIME necessary.

And you can install it as a regular user and use it yourself if need 
be, what could be easier :)

Yeah, you're definitely smoking somethin'. The PEAR package Mail_Mime 
is another example of a pure-php class. It certainly does not use 
anything perl related at all. I'd really like to know what makes you 
think it does.

I never said PEAR or any specific package used Perl, I'd simply offered 
a better solution that happend to be done in Perl.

Quoting your original post... "it uses perl's MIME tools and SMTP 
tools". How is that not saying "PEAR or any specific package used Perl"?

Your solution was not "better" given the context of the question. 
Specifically that the question was asking about doing something in PHP 
and was asked on the PHP list meaning it's not a great leap to assume 
the guy need a solution in PHP.

Oh, and there's nothing stopping you installing any of the PEAR 
classes as a regular user and using it yourself. What could be easier? 
Not having to read your ignorant emails.

I was outlining some of PHP faults, not getting personal which truly 
*is* ignorant.

I hope you understand that I wasn't getting personal, but you must 
accept that your answers so far have suggested that you don't actually 
know much about what you are talking about.

Good day to all, sorry if I was to ambiguouse or I've offended.

Feel free to ignore the rest of this post, which I hope you'll take in 
the spirit it is meant, but please answer me this. What has PHP done to 
you? Why are you so anti-PHP? And specifically why are you on a PHP list 
suggesting people use a different technology?


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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: Sending filing attachments using PHP

2006-05-12 Thread Stut

JupiterHost.Net wrote:

Alister Bulman wrote:

On 12/05/06, JupiterHost.Net <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You're piping a hand crafted mime message to sendmial via mail()?

You are a glutton for pain :) (and oh yeah theres about a zillion MIME
issues you've overlooked that will come back and bite you later, 

use a tool thats made for it:

I agree - don't get bitten on the ass, but OTOH, there's already a PHP
Mime encoder - no need to point him to a Perl library

Yes there's a huge need, PHP is way to problematic and many folks 
don't even realize thats its one of a hundred possible tools. Most of 
which are better suited for most things.

Plus, what if you don't have Pear compiled into PHP? Now theres more 
hoops, oops need zend optimizer, more hoops, oops that version doesn;t 
work on that verison, more hoops. Oh yeah and you have to be root to 
do all this, nice.

What planet are you on? Seriously? Because PEAR does not need to be 
compiled into PHP. Zend Optimizer is no different to the optimizers 
available for other scripting languages. Version mismatches are a fact 
of life with all tools, deal with it. And last but not least, you do not 
have to be root to do anything with PHP, or indeed Apache except to 
listen on a port lower than 1024, which is true for all tools since it's 
a platform limitation.

And that module is not a MIME tool in itself, it uses perl's MIME 
tools and SMTP tools but it abstracts all of that for you so all you 
have to do is make a hash that represents your mail. No knowlege of 
SMTP or MIME necessary.

And you can install it as a regular user and use it yourself if need 
be, what could be easier :)

Yeah, you're definitely smoking somethin'. The PEAR package Mail_Mime is 
another example of a pure-php class. It certainly does not use anything 
perl related at all. I'd really like to know what makes you think it does.

Oh, and there's nothing stopping you installing any of the PEAR classes 
as a regular user and using it yourself. What could be easier? Not 
having to read your ignorant emails.


If ignorance is bliss, you must be in heaven!

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Re: [PHP-DB] Sending filing attachments using PHP

2006-05-12 Thread Stut

JupiterHost.Net wrote:

Chris wrote:

JupiterHost.Net wrote:

Ing. Edwin Cruz wrote:

Have a look on this:

It seems to be easy with zend framework

How about a way to do it without having to install a huge system 
wide binary and configruation that might potentially break apache 
and all PHP sites?

The OP is asking for a PHP solution and you point to cpan.. Hmm.

Yep, because PHP is not usually (some say *never*) the best solution 
*and* this *is* a PHP + DB list so the OP actually has nothing to do 
with thei slist anyway.

Agreed, but the subject does say "using PHP".

phpmailer ( handles everything for you.. 
even if you want to roll your own, that code will give you a good 
starting point.

Right after rebuilding php and apache and breaking PHP funtionality 
for everyone, just so you can send a semi complex MIME message? That 
is the epitome of PHP's lameness and why I can't sit quietly by and 
not recommend an easy to install and use and maintain solution.

Why are you rebuilding PHP and Apache? In what way does phpmailer (a 
completely PHP-based solution with no external dependancies) force you 
to do this and "break[ing] PHP functionality for everyone"?

And besides its in a non strutcutered way to maek it even more 
impossible to maintain.

I assume that's a generic dig at PHP. For me, the lack of an enforced 
structure makes it easier to maintain since it gives you the freedom to 
put in your own structure.

I don't know you from Adam, but for whatever reason you seem to hate 
PHP. I'm sure whatever it did it wasn't personal. Please do us all a 
favour and unsubscribe from this list, or at the very least please stop 
posting pointless and time-wasting answers.


If ignorance is bliss, you must be in heaven!

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Re: [PHP-DB] access db

2006-05-07 Thread Stut

tuna3000 wrote:
im new to php, i would like to see a simple php script for manipulating an 
access database (or mysql)  for me to learn on. thanks. 

Have you tried the manual? Lots of useful and interesting stuff in 
there. Especially for people new to PHP.

Try and Google tends to be 
very good too:


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Re: [PHP-DB] Newly inserted record ID

2006-04-30 Thread Stut

Skip Evans wrote:
I am very new to the list, but I get the impression that Jonathan below 
is rather new to programming in PHP/MySQL and lists like these are great 
resources for people without the many years of experience some of us have.

And while mysql_insert_id() is old hat to most of us, to people with 
less experience it is not so obvious.

While I agree that we should be here to help people who are new to this 
topic I find people who ask very basic questions (which this was, a 
quick look at the mysql docs on would have answered this) 
without making any effort at all to find the right answer really annoy me.

In my experience putting in that bit of effort pays greater dividends 
than having all the answers served up piecemeal on a silver platter by 
people on mailing lists. That way you'll never learn.

So I'm always dissapointed to see more experienced programmers say 
things like Stut has said below because they tend to intimiate 
inexperienced coders, make them shy away from asking questions out of 
fear that gurus like Stut will say the kinds of things he has said below.

For this reason I'm going to unsubscribe from the list, lest I ask a 
question and get similar treatment.

I find that to be a very strange way of looking at the situation. If you 
don't agree with me and feel that people that don't make any kind of 
effort should get the answers handed to them, the logical thing to do is 
to stay on the list and do the handing out. These resources are what the 
participants make of them - nobody is paid to help out here.

Jonathan, if you have any other questions you feel might get you jumped 
on again for asking please feel free to email me directly.

Which defeats the object of these lists since the answers will not be 
available to others who search the archives. And before you say an RTFM 
answer is no better, at least if someone looking lands on a pointer to 
the manual they will know where to look next, and by searching for the 
answer they have put some effort into finding the answer.

And Stut, please please please please please consider other peoples' 
feelings before you go shooting off your "freaking" mouth.

If what I said hurt someones feelings then I apologise, but I hope my 
above explanation gives acceptable reasons for my attitude to questions 
like this.

Jonathan probably is reading the manual, but may missed the small 
section on mysql_insert_id(). And for that he doesn't deserve your scron.

I saw no mention of this manual reading in the original post, which does 
not necessarily mean it's not happening, but this particular problem 
would easily be found by also searching the archives of this list.

Flame away.


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Re: [PHP-DB] Newly inserted record ID

2006-04-30 Thread Stut


Thanks to the help of this list, I am making great progress. Now this --

I have a multi-part submission form for a support application for us, the
manufacturer - the reseller's information is submitted, the customer's
information is submitted, then the warranty support information needs to be

How can I retrieve the CustomerID after I insert a record into the customer
table in mySQL and pass it to the CSQdetails.php page?

And please please please please please read the freaking manual before 
asking questions here!


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Re: [PHP-DB] Session Variable from Recordset

2006-04-30 Thread Stut


What is the syntax for pulling a field out of a query and setting it
as a session variable?

RTFM: (assuming you mean a MySQL query) and

Quote: "Failure is not the only punishment for laziness; there is
also the success of others." -- Jules Renard

Say no more!


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Re: [PHP-DB] Single quotes in INSERT statements?

2006-04-25 Thread Stut

Skip Evans wrote:

I was under the impression that addslashes() would
handle single quote marks in INSERT statements,
but when I execute the following:

$sql="UPDATE images SET orderno=$orderno,
WHERE imageID=$imageID";

...and $caption contains something like:

"Don't look"

...the data is chopped off at the single quote mark.

How, if not addslashes(), does one handle this?

Change the contents of $sql to use double quotes around the strings 
instead of single - that's what real_escape_string was designed to 
escape. Alternatively use str_replace to escape single quotes.


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Re: [PHP-DB] apostrophes everywhere

2006-02-20 Thread Stut


I looked at serveral of the function suggestions and indeed stumbled accross
htmlspecialchars when doing research on another suggestion:
mysqli_real_escape_string which I couldn't use since I'm not on PHP5. While
htmlspecialchars may not offer as much security as the later it should would
for my purposes.

Just to clarify, my suggestion was mysql_real_escape_string, not 
mysqli_real_escape_string. The former is available on PHP4 >= 4.3.0 and 
PHP5. That's the function the link I posted goes to 


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Re: [PHP-DB] apostrophes everywhere

2006-02-18 Thread Stut

Andrew Darrow wrote:

Everything get's run except for the INSERT INTO if there is an apostrophe in
the value $blog. If I replace the apostrophe with ' it works fine.

On my server I'm running PHP 4.4 and mySQL 4.1.16. I design there and
publish elsewere. On my server everything works fine all the time, but on
the production server I'm running PHP 4.3.11  and MySQL 4.1.12 that's where
i'm having problems with the apostrophe.

RTFM: and


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Re: [PHP-DB] PHP working but now Disobedient

2004-09-01 Thread Stut
On Wed, 1 Sep 2004 10:24:07 -0700 (PDT), Judy Picard
> > Prob 1: I am getting the following error: "Parse
> > error: parse error, unexpected ';' in
> > c:\inetpub\wwwroot\PTMemorandum6.php on line 89"

> > 
> > 1 Trying 

Should be...

1 Trying 

> > Prob 2: Before the above error started, The
> > following
> > section was not creating 10 rows.
> >
> > 
> >  >   for ($i=0; $i <$count; $i++): ?>

The  should be inside the for loop.


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Re: [PHP-DB] Read a PDF file via PHP

2004-06-25 Thread Stut
On Fri, 25 Jun 2004 19:36:11 +, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Is there any way to get PHP to simply read the PDF file for text only--just the 
> surface of it, just the words, as if it were a human reading the PDF itself--and not 
> for the internal code of the file?

I do this on one of my sites using a utility called pstotext. Find it


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