[PHP-DB] Partial solution to: Installing IBM DB2 drivers onto an Apache Server under Fedora 16 x64 to access IBM POWER7 DB2 via PHP....

2012-06-04 Thread Charles W Buege
All - 

After working with this problem for a while, I am now making progress. 
I've seen this problem that people have been coming across throughout the 
Internet and since I now have a solution, I wanted to share it with 
everyone else out there.

I had a problem where I was unable to install the Zend PHP server under 
Fedora (16 or 17, 32-bit or 64-bit).  Each time, I would get a 'cyclic' 
error that kept coming back to 'zend-base' and couldn't move past that.

Well, after bouncing some e-mails with Zend Support, here's what I got.  I 
needed to manually install 'zend-base' with rpm and, after that, I was 
able to get the Zend PHP server to install.  Here's the sequence of steps 
I performed:

yum install httpd
rpm -Uvh 
yum install zend-server-php-5.3

The 'rpm' install required that httpd be in place already, so that's why I 
had to do that first.  Afterwards, the installation of the Zend PHP trial 
server (or the CE edition - I tried both) worked perfectly fine.  I now 
need to proceed on with the testing of the DB2 stuff (thanks again, 
Daniel, for the great step-by-step!!) and once I get it working, I'll 
share it.


Charles Buege | The Morey Corporation | Research and Development/IT 
Special Projects
100 Morey Drive | Woodridge, IL 60517
Phone: 630-754-2181 | Fax: 630-754-2581 | Cell: 630-605-2077
cbu...@moreycorp.com | www.moreycorp.com

Follow us on Twitter!  http://twitter.com/Moreycorp

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Re: [PHP-DB] Installing IBM DB2 drivers onto an Apache Server under Fedora 16 x64 to access IBM POWER7 DB2 via PHP....

2012-05-16 Thread Charles W Buege
Dan (and others) - 

I know this isn't a 'database' question, but I thought I'd start my 
replying to this message before I went elsewhere.  I've also posted this 
to the Zend Community Edition forums and am still waiting to hear back 
there too.

I've done most of this and I've added the Zend repository into my yum to 
install the Zend Server, but each time I try to install using 'yum install 
zend-server-php-5.3' (or 5.2) I get this at the end of the install 

 Finished Dependency Resolution
Error: Package: php-5.3-dev-zend-server-5.3.9-277.x86_64 (Zend)
   Requires: zend-base
Error: Package: jq-daemon-zend-server-5.6.0-287.x86_64 (Zend)
   Requires: zend-base
Error: Package: lighttpd-zend-server-1.4.26-13.x86_64 (Zend)
   Requires: zend-base
Error: Package: php-5.3-page-cache-zend-server-6:5.6.0-284.x86_64 (Zend)
   Requires: zend-base
Error: Package: php-5.3-code-tracing-zend-server-5.6.0-278.x86_64 (Zend)
   Requires: zend-base
Error: Package: zend-server-php-5.3-5.6.0-341.noarch (Zend_noarch)
   Requires: zend-base
Error: Package: php-5.3-jobqueue-zend-server-5.6.0-298.x86_64 (Zend)
   Requires: zend-base
Error: Package: deployment-daemon-zend-server-5.6.0-277.x86_64 (Zend)
   Requires: zend-base
Error: Package: php-5.3-data-cache-zend-server-5.6.0-273.x86_64 (Zend)
   Requires: zend-base
 You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
 You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest

I also get this if I download the Zend setup script and try to do it that 
way too.

Anyone have any suggestions as to how I can get the 'zend-base' package 
installed?  I've tried doing 'yum install zend-base' and just get this:

# yum install zend-base
Loaded plugins: langpacks, presto, refresh-packagekit
Resolving Dependencies
-- Running transaction check
--- Package zend-base.x86_64 0:5.6.0-276 will be installed
-- Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes.
-- Running transaction check
--- Package zend-base.x86_64 0:5.6.0-276 will be installed
-- Finished Dependency Resolution

Thanks, all!


Charles Buege | The Morey Corporation | Research and Development/IT 
Special Projects
100 Morey Drive | Woodridge, IL 60517
Phone: 630-754-2181 | Fax: 630-754-2581 | Cell: 630-605-2077
cbu...@moreycorp.com | www.moreycorp.com

Follow us on Twitter!  http://twitter.com/Moreycorp

From:   Daniel Krook kr...@us.ibm.com
To: php-db@lists.php.net, 
Cc: Charles W Buege cbu...@moreycorp.com
Date:   05/11/2012 09:35 AM
Subject:Re: [PHP-DB] Installing IBM DB2 drivers onto an Apache 
Server under Fedora 16 x64 to access IBM POWER7 DB2 via PHP

Hi Charles, 

So you just need to get the Apache on Fedora configured to connect to the 
DB2 servers on AIX?  This is a good a list to ask as any :) 

Here are the steps I would take (some of which you might have already 
done... so it's up to you whether you want to start fresh or tweak my 

This is based on RHEL / CentOS using DB2 v9.7, so it might be slightly 
different for you. 

(Sorry for the top post, it's easier to write this all up front.) 

1. Download the DB2 Runtime Client. Based on the specs you mention, it 
would be: 

   IBM Data Server Runtime Client (Linux AMD64 and Intel EM64T) 
   ibm_data_server_runtime_client_linuxx64_v10.1.tar.gz  (613 MB) 

2. Install and configure the DB2 RC (I use 9.7, so modify this for 10.1): 

   tar -xzvf ibm_data_server_runtime_client_linuxx64_v9.7.tar.gz 
   cd rtcl 
   echo no  rsp.txt 
   ./db2_install  rsp.txt 
   groupadd db2iadm1 
   useradd db2inst1 -g db2iadm1 
   /opt/ibm/db2/V9.7/instance/db2icrt -s client db2inst1 
   echo '. /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile'  /etc/sysconfig/httpd # 
Assuming yum install of httpd... otherwise put it in apachectl 

2. Then either download the PHP and IBM DB2 extension source (instructions 
here: http://us.php.net/manual/en/ibm-db2.installation.php), or use Zend 
Server (which I recommend if you want to manage everything with yum, 
including the DB2 drivers). 

   Install, then add the php-5.3-ibmdb2-zend-server extra package (you 
could also install the PDO one). 

3. Catalog the remote system (optional... you'd just use a lengthier 
connection string in step 4) 

   . /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile 
   db2 catalog tcpip node aixbox1 remote db2.example.com server 5 
remote_instance db2inst1 ostype aix 
   db2 catalog database sample as sample at node aixbox1  

4. Test your connection from /var/www/html/index.php. 

   $conn_resource = db2_connect($db2_name, $db2_user, $db2_pass); 
   if ($conn_resource) { 
   echo 'Connection to database succeeded.'; 
   } else { 
   echo 'Connection to database failed.br /'; 
   echo 'SQLSTATE: ' . db2_conn_error() . 'br

[PHP-DB] Installing IBM DB2 drivers onto an Apache Server under Fedora 16 x64 to access IBM POWER7 DB2 via PHP....

2012-05-11 Thread Charles W Buege
All - 

I know that this topic only vaguely relates to this mailing list, but I 
thought I'd start here.  If anyone has a better location for me to look at 
for this information, please feel free to tell me.

Okay, here's my scenario.  We are an IBM POWER7 shop and have several 
instances of Apache running on our POWER7 for customer information lookup, 
part ordering, etc.  What I am attempting to do is setup a web server as a 
virtual machine in Fedora 16 as a front-end to all of these servers to 
perform the following tasks:
- centralized access to all of the sites - a table of contents/central 
- a server that, when the POWER7 is down for backup and/or maintenance, it 
can provide a 'Temporarily Out Of Service' message to any users attempting 
to access these sites with a message of 'The system is down for (whatever 
the reason).  It will be back up by (time).'
- Another development/deployment platform other than our POWER7 for 
testing/learning/etc. since setting up a virtual host on Apache under 
Linux means that it is something that I can do instead of involving our 
POWER7 administrator since he is as busy as I am

Here is what I have done so far.  I've got the Apache running on the 
Fedora 16 box no problem.  I'm getting good phpinfo() results, so all good 
there.  I'm trying to follow IBM's instructions for getting DB2 drivers 
using the following sites:
Setting up the PHP environment on Linux or UNIX - 
which lead me to this page to get the IBM Data Server Driver Package 
mentioned in bullet point three
Download initial Version 10.1 clients and drivers - 
which I did download and that page sent me to here:
Installing IBM Data Server Driver Package (Linux and UNIX) - 
where, after reading this page, I attempted to run the installDSDriver 
which apparently requires ksh to be installed to run so I downloaded and 
installed the ksh package.
Now, at this point, I will freely admit that I am not 100% sure what is 
meant by step #3 on this page:  For the Java and ODBC/CLI drivers (which 
it says are needed for the PHP drivers), uncompress the driver file into 
your chosen install directory on the target machine.
It's the verbage of 'chosen install directory' that is throwing me.
So, in an effort to move ahead and get the ODBC/CLI drivers loaded, I went 
on to this page:
Installing the IBM Data Server Driver for ODBC and CLI - 
At this point, I read these instructions which seemed to confuse me even 
more since I wasn't working with a DB2 Version 9 cd at all and thought I'd 
post to this list to see if anyone has any suggestions/recommendations.

In an effort to answer some questions in advance, here's some things that 
I can offer:
Why am I using Fedora 16?
We are an electronics manufacturing company and that is what my 
Engineering department uses for their development purposes.  I am not 
married to using Fedora 16 - I have been working with Engineering a lot in 
the last several months performing virtualizations of several Linux boxes 
so in an effort to be of better assistance to them, I decided to start 
this project using Fedora and have learned a lot.
Am I open to other linux distros?
Sure.  You've got another suggestion, please throw it my way.  I'm MORE 
than willing to listen
What are the specs of the Fedora box I'm using?
It's a Dell desktop, x64 with 8 Gig of RAM and a 2.8 (I'm pretty sure) GHz 
processor.  It's got a 2TB hard drive, but I doubt that'll matter

If anyone would like any additional clarification/details or does have any 
recommendations, please feel free to e-mail me directly as I do only get 
this list in its digest form.

Thanks in advance,
Charles Buege

Charles Buege | The Morey Corporation | Research and Development/IT 
Special Projects
100 Morey Drive | Woodridge, IL 60517
Phone: 630-754-2181 | Fax: 630-754-2581 | Cell: 630-605-2077
cbu...@moreycorp.com | www.moreycorp.com

Follow us on Twitter!  http://twitter.com/Moreycorp

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2007-09-10 Thread Mike W.
Chris wrote (in news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]):

  It is an SQL query (probably MySQL, but perhaps SQLite or possibly even

 The line after $query should tell you what uses it ;)

Sorry, I meant the book may have been about any of those; I was skimming through
a bunch of SQL books at that time and don’t know which one I got it from.

  $query=SELECT TABLE $tablename;;
  if (mysql_query($query, $link)) {
   echo($indent.The table, '$tablename', was successfully opened.br
/\n); }
  To make things even stranger, it works fine in the original program that I
  put it in (although what, if anything, it does is beyond me), but fails
  when I try it in another program (yes, I took care of $tablename).

 What's the exact query that's run? Maybe $tablename contains more than just a
table name.

Nope, it’s just


 Different mysql version? Maybe it was in an older version of mysql but they
removed it.

 It doesn't work in mysql5 or mysql4.0, maybe it does in an older version

 Looks like you're trying to check that the mysql user you connected as has
access to that table.

It really feels like a command I may have used in the SQLite analyzer or
something.  However, I’m sure I copied it from an example script in a book.  I’
ve put holds on all the books on PHP and (My)SQL at the library and will check
them all.

Mike W.

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP-DB] Sorting Multidimensional Array

2006-10-31 Thread Dave W

You should be able to use usort()

On 10/31/06, Keith Spiller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


RE:  Sorting Multidimensional Array

I'm trying to sort a multidimensional array.  The data was taken from
a mysql query:

$myrow = mysql_fetch_row($result) {
  query[] = $myrow;

The purpose is to retrieve the table data and manually add a record,
then sort ASC by the startdate which is the forth field...

Something like:

$test = array_multisort($query, $key = '$query[4]');

Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks,


Dave W

Re: [PHP-DB] mysql databases

2006-10-13 Thread Dave W

He means that he wants to use REPLACE and take out the old entry and update
it with a new one. Although, you would probably use UPDATE instead.

Dave W

Re: [PHP-DB] Php 5 and Mysql on Windows

2006-10-03 Thread Dave W

You might want to try php.ini-recommended instead of php.ini-dist.



I did that already. Step (8) of setting up php.

Do I need to move any files around or add anything else to the path?

-Original Message-
Sent: Tue, October 3, 2006 14:12
Cc: php-db@lists.php.net
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Php 5 and Mysql on Windows

 I setup Mysql as follows:

 1. Download the 5.x installer
 2. Run the installer
 3. Run the configuration tool ater the installer

 When I run the following script, the error Fatal error: Call to
 undefined function mysql_connect() in Test.php on line 3  is returned.

 $conn = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', 'password')

Installing MySQL is not enough - you need to enable the mysql extension
in your php.ini.


PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Dave W

[PHP-DB] Re: Turning result into array from columns

2006-09-23 Thread Dave W

Yea, thanks. I forgot to hit reply to all. I usually use sprintf for mysql
injection stuff. I use that function from php.net for

On 9/23/06, Matthias Willerich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  $q = sprintf(SELECT id FROM content);
This has nothing to do with your problem, but why don't you just do the
$q = 'SELECT id FROM content';

But here's your problem. Change
  $realones = $row['id'];
$realones[] = $row['id'];
And you get your desired result.


Dave W

[PHP-DB] Turning result into array from columns

2006-09-22 Thread Dave W

So I'm trying to pull id's and put them into an array. I know I need to
iterate through them, but it doesn't seem to turn into an array. Here's the
function that I'm trying:

function checkID($id) {
$q = sprintf(SELECT id FROM content);
$result = $this-query($q);

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
$realones = $row['id'];

if(in_array($id,array($realones))) { return true; } else { return false; }

It's only grabbing the first row id and putting it into the array. It won't
put any of the other ones in. If I just echo $row['id'], it will show both
of them, just not put both of them into an array.

Dave W

Re: [PHP-DB] Forms with letter verification

2006-07-29 Thread Dave W

You mean a CAPTCHA script?

On 7/29/06, Ron Piggott (PHP) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You know forms which have a security field where the user reads back the
letters that are displayed?  I am wondering if someone has the time to
coach me in writing this --- or if you know of a web page that shows how
to create this feature.  I have already created a set of graphical
letters.  Ron

Dave W

[PHP-DB] pulling numbers from a column and getting a total

2006-07-26 Thread Dave W

Hi, I was just wondering on how I could get a whole column full of integers
and added them up and display that total? I currently use a for loop to
display the whole column in a table, but I wanted to add all those numbers


Dave W

Re: [PHP-DB] pulling numbers from a column and getting a total

2006-07-26 Thread Dave W

Thanks Natalie and Miles! The loop thing worked. What I had tried before was
put the echo inside the loop and it wasn't working, but now it does, w00t!

On 7/26/06, Miles Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

At 10:27 AM 7/26/2006, Dave W wrote:

Hi, I was just wondering on how I could get a whole column full of
and added them up and display that total? I currently use a for loop to
display the whole column in a table, but I wanted to add all those


Dave W


You're v. close to an answer. Think about it a bit.

Initialize a variable before your loop, setting it to zero.
 $tot = 0;
In the loop, add the amount to that variable,
 $tot += $num_to_add;
 $tot = $tot + $num_to_add;

After the loop, echo $tot.

HTH - Miles

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PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Dave W

[PHP-DB] Re: Subject: making an array from data in textfile

2006-07-24 Thread Dave W

Thanks for all the suggestions.

On 7/24/06, Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2006 21:31:35 -0400
To: Php-Db php-db@lists.php.net
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
Subject: making an array from data in textfile

OK, so I have this text file that holds a list of ip addresses like this:,,,,

Which are strings... You with me OK so far ?
Numeric [float] values only have 1 period.
There's no numeric datatype which has 3.

Currently, here is my code:

$file = 'ip.txt';
$fh = fopen($file, 'r');
$theData = fread($fh, filesize($file));
$ips = array($theData);

Since it's a numeric array,

No, it isn't. It's an array of strings which has numeric indices
(or keys depends what you call em)

I shouldn't need quotes around the ip octets.

Yes, you should : They're strings unless you use inet_pton to convert
them to numeric values.

When I try to echo certain parts of the array like:

echo $ips[0];

It's returning the whole array.

If you print_r($ips) you'll see the array structure (View - Source
if you're looking at it in a browser).
My guess is your lines aren't terminated in \r\n, which PHP uses to
split the lines to array values.

You'll probably have to use some other method such as explode(',',
$ips) to break the individual comma separated entries into a set of
values. Other methods such as file_get_csv are generally more
efficient than reading line by line :

  The text file is exactly like an array so it
shouldn't be a problem.

It's exactly like a CSV, from the example data you provided.
PS, please don't feel the need to prove it by posting the entire log file

Cheers - Neil

Dave W

Re: [PHP-DB] Re: making an array from data in textfile

2006-07-23 Thread Dave W

I figured it out before, but I didn't hit reply all. I used files() and
newlines to create it. Would using explode be a more reliable way?

On 7/23/06, Stut [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Dave W wrote:
 Currently, here is my code:

$file = 'ip.txt';
$fh = fopen($file, 'r');
 $theData = fread($fh, filesize($file));
 $ips = array($theData);


 Since it's a numeric array, I shouldn't need quotes around the ip
 OK, well I did a debug and this is whats coming out:

[0] =,,

PHP doesn't know what separates each element of the array, so you need
to tell it...

$ips = explode(',', $theData);

- -Stut
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2.2 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


Dave W

Re: [PHP-DB] Re: making an array from data in textfile

2006-07-23 Thread Dave W

Well, its what I want so I could do a foreach array like this and print out
the ips in a table:
   foreach($ips as $value) {
   $value = trim($value);
   $domain = gethostbyaddr($value);
   echo  tr class=\alternate\

   th scope=\row\3/th
   td$domain/td/tr ;}
echo '

It works!

On 7/23/06, Stut [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Dave W wrote:
 I figured it out before, but I didn't hit reply all. I used files() and
 newlines to create it. Would using explode be a more reliable way?

I assume you mean the file() function, not files(). The only problem
with doing it that way is that each element of the array will have a
newline on the end. Maybe this is what you want, but I doubt it.

- -Stut
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2.2 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


Dave W

Re: [PHP-DB] Using MAX with COUNT?

2006-07-22 Thread Dave W

Why don't you use a where instead of a group function?

On 7/22/06, Skip Evans [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hey all,

I have a table like this:

boroughID   Area
1   Chelsea
1   East Village
1   West Village
1   So Ho
2   Prospect Park
2   Brooklyn Heights
3   Prospect Heights

What I want to know is which boroughID has the
most area's assocated with it, and how many.

So I tried this:

SELECT max(count(*)) FROM  `bsp_area` GROUP  BY

...and got an Invalid use of group function error.

Anyone think of another way to do this in a single
SQL statement, or some other simple method?
Skip Evans
Big Sky Penguin, LLC
61 W Broadway
Butte, Montana 59701

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Dave W

[PHP-DB] making an array from data in textfile

2006-07-22 Thread Dave W

OK, so I have this text file that holds a list of ip addresses like this:,,,,

Currently, here is my code:

   $file = 'ip.txt';
   $fh = fopen($file, 'r');
$theData = fread($fh, filesize($file));
$ips = array($theData);

Since it's a numeric array, I shouldn't need quotes around the ip octets.
When I try to echo certain parts of the array like:

echo $ips[0];

It's returning the whole array. The text file is exactly like an array so it
shouldn't be a problem.

Dave W

[PHP-DB] Re: making an array from data in textfile

2006-07-22 Thread Dave W

OK, well I did a debug and this is whats coming out:

   [0] =,,

Should I use fgets?

On 7/22/06, Dave W [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

OK, so I have this text file that holds a list of ip addresses like this:,,,,

Currently, here is my code:

$file = 'ip.txt';
$fh = fopen($file, 'r');
$theData = fread($fh, filesize($file));
$ips = array($theData);

Since it's a numeric array, I shouldn't need quotes around the ip octets.
When I try to echo certain parts of the array like:

echo $ips[0];

It's returning the whole array. The text file is exactly like an array so
it shouldn't be a problem.

Dave W

Dave W

Re: [PHP-DB] Discussion board integration

2006-07-19 Thread Dave W

Yea, phpBB2 is tough to integrate. I've been working with MyBB and I think
it's great! The templating is very simple (By bb standards). It's less
mature than phpBB, but they fix bugs faster and is quickly becoming very
stable. It works a lot like vBulletin except it's free and open source. I
know there is SMF too, but I don't use it, so I really can't tell you
anything about it.

On 7/19/06, Skip Evans [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hey all,

I've got a requirement for a discussion board on a
new site we are building for a client.

I've integrated phpBB2 for discussion onto
existing sites before, but was wondering if anyone
had any experience with other PHP discussion
boards they favored over phpBB2.

I found the login integration of BB2 especially
troublesome, though I did get it to work in the end.

Skip Evans
Big Sky Penguin, LLC
61 W Broadway
Butte, Montana 59701

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Dave W

Re: [PHP-DB] Submitting form from a href

2006-07-17 Thread Dave W

The problem with GET is that a user that looks at the source code of the
html can easily just input what they want for the argument. Can you say SQL

On 7/17/06, Sean Mumford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Couldn't you achieve the same effect without javascript by simply using
values instead of post? As in each hyperlink would say something like a
href=search.php?letter=aA/a a href=search.php?letter=bB/a,
although perhaps you're trying to intentionally avoid using GET as to not
clutter up their browser history.
-Original Message-
From: Andrew Kreps [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 14, 2006 7:15 PM
To: Skip Evans
Cc: Php-Db
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Submitting form from a href


Just so you know, there is a general PHP user's list available for just
a request.  It's rather high-traffic, so be warned.

Now then, on to the problem.  I believe I've figured out a way to make
happen.  I've only tested it on IE 6 and Firefox, so your browser
compatibility may vary.  I'll just post the scripts I used to test it here
and you can take what you need and run with it.

Here is the script that my form is built in:


script language=Javascript
function submitForm (letter)
document.search.letter.value =
Here's where we're
setting the form value 'letter' to the letter the user clicked on.
document.search.submit();   // Then,
the form.
form name=search method=POST
input type=hidden name=letter value=  !--
If this isn't here, the Javascript letter.value code won't work, since
form.letter doesn't exist.  --
input type=checkbox name=checky/ Search all

for ($i = 65;  $i = 90;  $i++)
$letter = chr($i);
print a
href=\javascript:submitForm('$letter')\$letter/a ;


The receiving end of the form looks much as you might expect, it just
the form values:


if (isset($_POST[checky]))
print Checkbox value is: Truebr\n;
print Checkbox value is: Falsebr\n; }

print Letter:  . $_POST[letter];

And there you go!  Let me know if you have any problems.

On 7/14/06, Skip Evans [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey all,

 This is not database related, but I get the impression this list
 entertains general PHP questions? If I'm mistaken, flame away.

 I need submit a form when a hyper link is pressed, and have been
 trying all manner of onlicks, etc, but have been unable to hit the
 right combination.

 Here's the scenario:

 I have the alphabet in hyper links with a check box below:

 A B C D E F G H I J K.

 [] check for all campuses

 What needs to happen is that when they click a
 letter, which is a a href=... now, it submits
 the check box value as well, to be read through
 $_POST on the receiving end.

 And of course I need to know what letter was
 click, this I was trying to get through a
 $_REQUEST var, but was not able to do so.

 Any tips would be monstrously appreciated.
 Skip Evans
 Big Sky Penguin, LLC
 61 W Broadway
 Butte, Montana 59701

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Dave W

[PHP-DB] detecting negative numbers

2006-07-16 Thread Dave W

Currently I have this:

if($quant  $amount) {echo You don't have that many!; }

$quant is the user inputted amount and $amount is the amount that they
actually have. Is there any way of checking if the result is negative rather
than doing what I have above?

Dave W

Re: [PHP-DB] detecting negative numbers

2006-07-16 Thread Dave W

They are both positive numbers. I want to see if, when subtract, do they
equal a negative number?

On 7/16/06, Peter Beckman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Sun, 16 Jul 2006, Dave W wrote:

 Currently I have this:

 if($quant  $amount) {echo You don't have that many!; }

 $quant is the user inputted amount and $amount is the amount that they
 actually have. Is there any way of checking if the result is negative
 than doing what I have above?

  I'm not sure which result you are refering to, but this echo's if:
 $quant is greater than $amount
 $amount is less than 0
 $quant is less than 0

  if ($quant  $amount or $amount  0 or $quant  0) {
 echo You don't have that many!;

Peter Beckman  Internet


Dave W

Re: [PHP-DB] detecting negative numbers

2006-07-16 Thread Dave W

No, I get it. I just thought that there might have been some built in
function like if(neg_num($quant - $amount))
or something like that. I know how to do it, but I thought that there might
have been an alternate method. Just because I asked a simple question
doesn't mean I'm stupid, I'm just curious if there is a simpler way to do an
already simple task.

On 7/16/06, Stut [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Dave W wrote:
 Currently I have this:

 if($quant  $amount) {echo You don't have that many!; }

 $quant is the user inputted amount and $amount is the amount that they
 actually have. Is there any way of checking if the result is negative
 than doing what I have above?

Not sure which way around you want it, but I think this is what you are

if (($quant - $amount)  0)
echo You don't have that many!;

I don't mean any offense, but the possibility that someone who couldn't
figure that out is writing PHP code scares me. You might want to think
about Googling for an absolute beginners guide to programming before

- -Stut
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2.2 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


Dave W

Re: [PHP-DB] Re: posting information from a textarea

2006-07-07 Thread Dave W

Ha! I figured the damn thing out! Using the full text type created a bunch
of overhead and it wasn't storing it into the table. I realized that I was
unsetting the post array before I was doing the print_r so that is why the
variables weren't showing up. Then, I finally realized that for some reason,
I had to convert the textarea to a utf encoding before I entered it into the
database! That was annoying.

On 7/6/06, Dave W [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I think I might have found the problem, but I'm not sure how to fix it.
I'm just going to rebuild the form and it make it seperate (with all the
database calls in one page). For some reason, if I add another field before
the motto and i change it, it changes motto too...w/e I'll just make a new

On 7/6/06, Dave W [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 hmm..interesting. Neither the motto or desc is showing up in the array.
 I made a simple form and the

 echo 'post vars: ' . print_r($_POST, true) . 'br/';

 works fine. I'm just perplexed on why the motto is still working and not
 the desc. Maybe it's because I'm using a fieldset, but then why wouldn't
 just one not work?

 On 7/6/06, Chris  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Dave W wrote:
   I'll show you all the steps it passes through.
   Here's the form:
form action=proc.php method=post
   label for=MottoMotto:/label
   input class=text type=text size=25
   value=?php if($form-value(motto) == ){
  echo $session-nationinfo['motto'];
  echo $form-value(motto);
   } ? /
   label for=descNation Description:/label
   textarea name=desc cols=50 rows=5?php
   if($form-value(desc) == ){
  echo $session-nationinfo['desc'];
  echo $form-value(desc);
   input type=submit value= Edit Nation  /
   It's echoing the nationinfo right, but its not posting it. The motto
   also works too. When it's submitted, it goes through the function
   $session-editNation($_POST['motto'], $_POST['desc']);
   The editNation function:
  function editNation($motto, $desc){
 global $database, $form;
$field = motto;
$motto = htmlspecialchars($motto);
$field = desc;
$desc = htmlspecialchars($desc);
 return true;
   Then finally the updateNationField function:
  function updateNationField($username, $field, $value){
 $q = UPDATE nations SET .$field. = '$value' WHERE username
 return mysql_query($q, $this-connection);
   I just don't know what's wrong since it's posting the motto (which
   just a text-type input) and not the description (which is a
  textarea). I
   echo'd out the mysql queries and excuted them myself from what
   out and it's selecting the desc column just fine.
  That definitely all looks fine.
  If you do:
  echo 'post vars: ' . print_r($_POST, true) . 'br/';
  does it show up in post at all?
  Postgresql  php tutorials

 Dave W

Dave W

Dave W

[PHP-DB] Re: posting information from a textarea

2006-07-06 Thread Dave W

O, I also tried to change it to a $_FILES array, but that didn't work
On 7/6/06, Dave W [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I seem to be having a problem posting text from a text area. I have a form
that posts data into a database and there are input fields which seem to
post the data fine. I know this because the entry is changing in the
database, but the text area text doesn't seem to be posting. I double
checked to make sure i got the names right, but it still doesn't seem to be
working. Before I put it into the database I'm using stripslashes. I thought
that might of been the problem and I changed it to trim, but that didn't
work. In the database, the field that I'm putting it into is a longtext type
with fulltext.

Dave W

[PHP-DB] posting information from a textarea

2006-07-06 Thread Dave W

I seem to be having a problem posting text from a text area. I have a form
that posts data into a database and there are input fields which seem to
post the data fine. I know this because the entry is changing in the
database, but the text area text doesn't seem to be posting. I double
checked to make sure i got the names right, but it still doesn't seem to be
working. Before I put it into the database I'm using stripslashes. I thought
that might of been the problem and I changed it to trim, but that didn't
work. In the database, the field that I'm putting it into is a longtext type
with fulltext.

Dave W

Re: [PHP-DB] posting information from a textarea

2006-07-06 Thread Dave W

The inputs are posting, but the textarea still isn't. Argh!

On 7/6/06, Brad Bonkoski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

stripslashes should not be needed...

if anything addslashes() may be needed if you have single quotes in the
text area.
I would say step 1 is to echo out your insert query to the page before
you even excute the insert, to verify the query, and that you are
getting the proper information from the form.

Dave W wrote:

 I seem to be having a problem posting text from a text area. I have a
 that posts data into a database and there are input fields which seem to

 post the data fine. I know this because the entry is changing in the
 database, but the text area text doesn't seem to be posting. I double
 checked to make sure i got the names right, but it still doesn't seem
 to be
 working. Before I put it into the database I'm using stripslashes. I
 that might of been the problem and I changed it to trim, but that didn't
 work. In the database, the field that I'm putting it into is a
 longtext type
 with fulltext.

Dave W

Re: [PHP-DB] Re: posting information from a textarea

2006-07-06 Thread Dave W

I'll show you all the steps it passes through.
Here's the form:

form action=proc.php method=post
   label for=MottoMotto:/label
   input class=text type=text size=25 name=motto
value=?php if($form-value(motto) == ){
  echo $session-nationinfo['motto'];
  echo $form-value(motto);
} ? /
   label for=descNation Description:/label
   textarea name=desc cols=50 rows=5?php
if($form-value(desc) == ){
  echo $session-nationinfo['desc'];
  echo $form-value(desc);
input type=submit value= Edit Nation  /

It's echoing the nationinfo right, but its not posting it. The motto also
works too. When it's submitted, it goes through the function

$session-editNation($_POST['motto'], $_POST['desc']);

The editNation function:

  function editNation($motto, $desc){
 global $database, $form;

$field = motto;
$motto = htmlspecialchars($motto);


$field = desc;
$desc = htmlspecialchars($desc);


 return true;

Then finally the updateNationField function:

  function updateNationField($username, $field, $value){
 $q = UPDATE nations SET .$field. = '$value' WHERE username =
 return mysql_query($q, $this-connection);

I just don't know what's wrong since it's posting the motto (which is just a
text-type input) and not the description (which is a textarea). I echo'd out
the mysql queries and excuted them myself from what echo'd out and it's
selecting the desc column just fine.

On 7/6/06, Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dave W wrote:
 I saw this bug: http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=22427. Could this be
 to problem I'm having?

Actually, show us the form you're trying to submit before doing anything
else. Since we haven't seen any html or php code, guessing it's a bug is
a bit of a stretch.

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Dave W

Re: [PHP-DB] Re: posting information from a textarea

2006-07-06 Thread Dave W

hmm..interesting. Neither the motto or desc is showing up in the array. I
made a simple form and the
echo 'post vars: ' . print_r($_POST, true) . 'br/';

works fine. I'm just perplexed on why the motto is still working and not the
desc. Maybe it's because I'm using a fieldset, but then why wouldn't just
one not work?

On 7/6/06, Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dave W wrote:
 I'll show you all the steps it passes through.
 Here's the form:

  form action=proc.php method=post
 label for=MottoMotto:/label
 input class=text type=text size=25 name=motto
 value=?php if($form-value(motto) == ){
echo $session-nationinfo['motto'];
echo $form-value(motto);
 } ? /
 label for=descNation Description:/label
 textarea name=desc cols=50 rows=5?php
 if($form-value(desc) == ){
echo $session-nationinfo['desc'];
echo $form-value(desc);
 input type=submit value= Edit Nation  /

 It's echoing the nationinfo right, but its not posting it. The motto
 also works too. When it's submitted, it goes through the function

 $session-editNation($_POST['motto'], $_POST['desc']);

 The editNation function:

function editNation($motto, $desc){
   global $database, $form;

  $field = motto;
  $motto = htmlspecialchars($motto);


  $field = desc;
  $desc = htmlspecialchars($desc);


   return true;

 Then finally the updateNationField function:

function updateNationField($username, $field, $value){
   $q = UPDATE nations SET .$field. = '$value' WHERE username =
   return mysql_query($q, $this-connection);

 I just don't know what's wrong since it's posting the motto (which is
 just a text-type input) and not the description (which is a textarea). I
 echo'd out the mysql queries and excuted them myself from what echo'd
 out and it's selecting the desc column just fine.

That definitely all looks fine.

If you do:

echo 'post vars: ' . print_r($_POST, true) . 'br/';

does it show up in post at all?

Postgresql  php tutorials

Dave W

Re: [PHP-DB] Re: posting information from a textarea

2006-07-06 Thread Dave W

I think I might have found the problem, but I'm not sure how to fix it. I'm
just going to rebuild the form and it make it seperate (with all the
database calls in one page). For some reason, if I add another field before
the motto and i change it, it changes motto too...w/e I'll just make a new

On 7/6/06, Dave W [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

hmm..interesting. Neither the motto or desc is showing up in the array. I
made a simple form and the

echo 'post vars: ' . print_r($_POST, true) . 'br/';

works fine. I'm just perplexed on why the motto is still working and not
the desc. Maybe it's because I'm using a fieldset, but then why wouldn't
just one not work?

On 7/6/06, Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dave W wrote:
  I'll show you all the steps it passes through.
  Here's the form:
   form action=proc.php method=post
  label for=MottoMotto:/label
  input class=text type=text size=25 name=motto
  value=?php if($form-value(motto) == ){
 echo $session-nationinfo['motto'];
 echo $form-value(motto);
  } ? /
  label for=descNation Description:/label
  textarea name=desc cols=50 rows=5?php
  if($form-value(desc) == ){
 echo $session-nationinfo['desc'];
 echo $form-value(desc);
  input type=submit value= Edit Nation  /
  It's echoing the nationinfo right, but its not posting it. The motto
  also works too. When it's submitted, it goes through the function
  $session-editNation($_POST['motto'], $_POST['desc']);
  The editNation function:
 function editNation($motto, $desc){
global $database, $form;
   $field = motto;
   $motto = htmlspecialchars($motto);

   $field = desc;
   $desc = htmlspecialchars($desc);
return true;
  Then finally the updateNationField function:
 function updateNationField($username, $field, $value){
$q = UPDATE nations SET .$field. = '$value' WHERE username =
return mysql_query($q, $this-connection);
  I just don't know what's wrong since it's posting the motto (which is
  just a text-type input) and not the description (which is a textarea).
  echo'd out the mysql queries and excuted them myself from what echo'd
  out and it's selecting the desc column just fine.

 That definitely all looks fine.

 If you do:

 echo 'post vars: ' . print_r($_POST, true) . 'br/';

 does it show up in post at all?

 Postgresql  php tutorials

Dave W

Dave W

[PHP-DB] splitting string from database

2006-07-03 Thread Dave W

I am trying to take a number from a MySQL database and then split it into
different strings using a comma. It's for display a cash amount into a
table. It's stored in the database as something like 100 and I want for
it to display as 1,000,000 on the table. This is what I got so far:

  echo table align=\left\ border=\1\ cellspacing=\0\
  echo trtdbCash/b/td/tr\n;
  for($i=0; $i$num_rows; $i++){
 $cash  = mysql_result($result,$i,cash);
 echo trtd$cash/td/tr\n;
  echo /tablebr\n;

All this does is return the number. I tried using explode and split, but I
couldn't get either to work...It just kept saying Array in the cell. I also
tried strtok.

Dave W

Re: [PHP-DB] Cron unlink

2006-07-02 Thread Dave W

You have to use the absolute (or server, whatever you want to call it) path.
So like/home/www/sessions/files/ or whatever it is.

On 7/2/06, Ron Piggott (PHP) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Does anyone have experience in getting unlink to work within the context
of a cron?

I created my own garbage collection function and I am trying to delete
some session files through a cron that runs every 10 minutes.

The session files are owned by 'www'
The cron is ran by 'actsmin'

The 'unlink' command works within the context of a php script when
activated by a user on the web site.

Is there another file deletion command within PHP other than unlink?

Here is the error message I am e-mailed by the cron when it doesn't
successfully delete a session file:

 Warning: unlink(/path/to/sessions/files/):
 Is a directory in /path/to/php/script/cron/calls/script.php on line 47

Any suggestions?


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Dave W

Re: [PHP-DB] Cron unlink

2006-07-02 Thread Dave W

oops. yea, chris is right. I thought you were trying to delete files.

On 7/2/06, Dave W [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You have to use the absolute (or server, whatever you want to call it)
path. So like/home/www/sessions/files/ or whatever it is.

On 7/2/06, Ron Piggott (PHP) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Does anyone have experience in getting unlink to work within the context
 of a cron?

 I created my own garbage collection function and I am trying to delete
 some session files through a cron that runs every 10 minutes.

 The session files are owned by 'www'
 The cron is ran by 'actsmin'

 The 'unlink' command works within the context of a php script when
 activated by a user on the web site.

 Is there another file deletion command within PHP other than unlink?

 Here is the error message I am e-mailed by the cron when it doesn't
 successfully delete a session file:

  Warning: unlink(/path/to/sessions/files/):
  Is a directory in /path/to/php/script/cron/calls/script.php on line 47

 Any suggestions?


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Dave W

Dave W

Re: [PHP-DB] ftp_connect($ftp_server);

2006-07-01 Thread Dave W

Use the unlink function:

$myFile = testFile.txt;

On 7/1/06, Ron Piggott (PHP) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Every now and then the following command fails --- the FTP connection is
refused by the server:

$conn_id = ftp_connect($ftp_server);

Is there a way to delete a file within PHP without having to FTP to the


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Dave W

[PHP-DB] mysql ORDER BY problems

2006-06-18 Thread Rob W.
Ok, here's what i got in my mysql db. I got a table listed with numbers as 


These numbers I can display fine. I'm using ..

$query=SELECT * FROM db ORDER BY numbers ASC;

Right now it displays it as



Is there a way with my mysql query so that I can list the numbers in correct 

Any help is appricated.

- Rob

Re: [PHP-DB] 時間の価値

2006-06-12 Thread Dave W

argh! Whatever jap is being stupid and spamming the list, please stop!

On 6/12/06, sakie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

卒業試験に落ちた学生に 聞いてみなさい

未熟児を産んだお母さんに 聞いてみなさい

週刊誌の編集者に 聞いてみなさい

会うのが待ちきれない恋人達に 聞いてみなさい

電車やバス、飛行機に乗り遅れた人に 聞いてみなさい

事故で生き残った人に 聞いてみなさい

オリンピックで銀メダルを獲った人に 聞いてみなさい





Dave W

[PHP-DB] Finding a process in *nix

2006-03-20 Thread Rob W.
Heres what i'm trying to do.

$proc=exec('ps aux | grep proc');

if ($proc != ) {
  echo True;
if ($proc == ) {
  echo False;

but some time's it show's the ps aux so I dont get a true reading. Anybody have 
a way that I might be able to extract this out of there to get a true reading 
to find out if the process is running?

Re: [PHP-DB] Text file (rw) question...

2006-03-14 Thread Rob W.

Nevermind. I figured it out.

- Original Message - 

To: php-db@lists.php.net
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 1:45 AM
Subject: [PHP-DB] Text file (rw) question...

I'm trying to figure out how to read specific data from a text file that
is already written. Example


I want to be able to have php read them specific pieces of info so I can
put them in to forms and update them via php.
Any help would be appreciated.

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP-DB] Text file (rw) question...

2006-03-14 Thread Rob W.

Ok, The fix is just doing something like this...

list($variable, $data) = explode(=, $x);

But now my problem is trying to figure out how to update that data with 
form post ect...

So the main page would get


It would read that info and put it in to a form field, which I have.

Now I gotta get it to take and make it so that a new value can be put in 
that field and updated back in to the text file. I have searched all over 
google for about 4 hrs looking for something like this but no go, any help 
would be appricated.

- Original Message - 
From: Dwight Altman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: 'Rob W.' [EMAIL PROTECTED]; php-db@lists.php.net
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 9:13 AM
Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] Text file (rw) question...

How about posting your solution as well?  Maybe someone will find it 

-Original Message-
From: Rob W. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 2:07 AM
To: php-db@lists.php.net
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Text file (rw) question...

Nevermind. I figured it out.

- Original Message - 

To: php-db@lists.php.net
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 1:45 AM
Subject: [PHP-DB] Text file (rw) question...

I'm trying to figure out how to read specific data from a text file that
is already written. Example


I want to be able to have php read them specific pieces of info so I can
put them in to forms and update them via php.
Any help would be appreciated.


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PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP-DB] Text file (rw) question...

2006-03-14 Thread Rob W.
That works, but it just throws it in to a big loop and fills up the file, 
any suggestions?

- Original Message - 

Cc: php-db@lists.php.net
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 5:54 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Text file (rw) question...

Rob W. wrote:

Ok, The fix is just doing something like this...

list($variable, $data) = explode(=, $x);

But now my problem is trying to figure out how to update that data with 
form post ect...

So the main page would get


It would read that info and put it in to a form field, which I have.

Now I gotta get it to take and make it so that a new value can be put in 
that field and updated back in to the text file. I have searched all over 
google for about 4 hrs looking for something like this but no go, any 
help would be appricated.

This is a simple example but it should work for you:

$new_textcontent = ;

foreach($_POST as $area = $value) {
  $new_textcontent .= $area . = . $value . \n;

$fp = fopen($filename, 'w');
fputs($fp, $new_textcontent);

- Original Message - From: Dwight Altman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Rob W.' [EMAIL PROTECTED]; php-db@lists.php.net
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 9:13 AM
Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] Text file (rw) question...

How about posting your solution as well?  Maybe someone will find it 

-Original Message-
From: Rob W. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 2:07 AM
To: php-db@lists.php.net
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Text file (rw) question...

Nevermind. I figured it out.

- Original Message - From: Rob W. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: php-db@lists.php.net
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 1:45 AM
Subject: [PHP-DB] Text file (rw) question...

I'm trying to figure out how to read specific data from a text file that
is already written. Example


I want to be able to have php read them specific pieces of info so I can
put them in to forms and update them via php.
Any help would be appreciated.


PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

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PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP-DB] Text file (rw) question...

2006-03-14 Thread Rob W.
Yeah, It's exactally what I needed, but I just want it to replace that one 
value that is sent via $_POST.

What i'm trying to do is just make a web intigration to edit shoutcast .conf 
files. I have everything else execpt for now like I was saying, that code 
worked, I just want it to halt after it updates that line of code.

- Original Message - 

Cc: php-db@lists.php.net
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 6:23 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Text file (rw) question...

Rob W. wrote:
That works, but it just throws it in to a big loop and fills up the file, 
any suggestions?

What do you want it to do?

We have absolutely no idea exactly what you're trying to achieve - that 
was just a guess because you're posting a form and want the new values 
written to a file.

- Original Message - From: Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: php-db@lists.php.net
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 5:54 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Text file (rw) question...

Rob W. wrote:

Ok, The fix is just doing something like this...

list($variable, $data) = explode(=, $x);

But now my problem is trying to figure out how to update that data with 
form post ect...

So the main page would get


It would read that info and put it in to a form field, which I have.

Now I gotta get it to take and make it so that a new value can be put 
in that field and updated back in to the text file. I have searched all 
over google for about 4 hrs looking for something like this but no go, 
any help would be appricated.

This is a simple example but it should work for you:

$new_textcontent = ;

foreach($_POST as $area = $value) {
  $new_textcontent .= $area . = . $value . \n;

$fp = fopen($filename, 'w');
fputs($fp, $new_textcontent);

- Original Message - From: Dwight Altman 

To: 'Rob W.' [EMAIL PROTECTED]; php-db@lists.php.net
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 9:13 AM
Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] Text file (rw) question...

How about posting your solution as well?  Maybe someone will find it 

-Original Message-
From: Rob W. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 2:07 AM
To: php-db@lists.php.net
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Text file (rw) question...

Nevermind. I figured it out.

- Original Message - From: Rob W. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: php-db@lists.php.net
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 1:45 AM
Subject: [PHP-DB] Text file (rw) question...

I'm trying to figure out how to read specific data from a text file 

is already written. Example


I want to be able to have php read them specific pieces of info so I 

put them in to forms and update them via php.
Any help would be appreciated.

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Re: [PHP-DB] Text file (rw) question...

2006-03-14 Thread Rob W.
Yeah, but will that just replace the data that is present already there? I 
dont wanna have duplicate entries in there or i'm affraid it wont read it. 
The origional code you gave worked but it just ran in a big loop.

- Original Message - 

Cc: php-db@lists.php.net
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 6:42 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Text file (rw) question...

Rob W. wrote:
Yeah, It's exactally what I needed, but I just want it to replace that 
one value that is sent via $_POST.

What i'm trying to do is just make a web intigration to edit shoutcast 
.conf files. I have everything else execpt for now like I was saying, 
that code worked, I just want it to halt after it updates that line of 

In the simplest form:

$new_textcontent = 'post_field=' . $_POST['post_field'] . \n;

$fp = fopen($filename, 'w');
fputs($fp, $new_textcontent);

I'd suggest cleaning up $_POST['post_field'] before just writing it (eg 
making sure it is only numbers, whatever data you actually want to keep in 

- Original Message - From: Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: php-db@lists.php.net
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 6:23 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Text file (rw) question...

Rob W. wrote:

That works, but it just throws it in to a big loop and fills up the 
file, any suggestions?

What do you want it to do?

We have absolutely no idea exactly what you're trying to achieve - that 
was just a guess because you're posting a form and want the new values 
written to a file.

- Original Message - From: Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: php-db@lists.php.net
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 5:54 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Text file (rw) question...

Rob W. wrote:

Ok, The fix is just doing something like this...

list($variable, $data) = explode(=, $x);

But now my problem is trying to figure out how to update that data 
with form post ect...

So the main page would get


It would read that info and put it in to a form field, which I have.

Now I gotta get it to take and make it so that a new value can be put 
in that field and updated back in to the text file. I have searched 
all over google for about 4 hrs looking for something like this but 
no go, any help would be appricated.

This is a simple example but it should work for you:

$new_textcontent = ;

foreach($_POST as $area = $value) {
  $new_textcontent .= $area . = . $value . \n;

$fp = fopen($filename, 'w');
fputs($fp, $new_textcontent);

- Original Message - From: Dwight Altman 

To: 'Rob W.' [EMAIL PROTECTED]; php-db@lists.php.net
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 9:13 AM
Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] Text file (rw) question...

How about posting your solution as well?  Maybe someone will find it 

-Original Message-
From: Rob W. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 2:07 AM
To: php-db@lists.php.net
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Text file (rw) question...

Nevermind. I figured it out.

- Original Message - From: Rob W. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: php-db@lists.php.net
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 1:45 AM
Subject: [PHP-DB] Text file (rw) question...

I'm trying to figure out how to read specific data from a text file 

is already written. Example


I want to be able to have php read them specific pieces of info so I 

put them in to forms and update them via php.
Any help would be appreciated.

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Re: [PHP-DB] Text file (rw) question...

2006-03-14 Thread Rob W.
So how do I make it so it just set's the variable's that are sent in the 
$_POST because i wanna write it so that if the value isnt changed, it wont 
send the $_POST and wont update the config file..

- Original Message - 

Cc: php-db@lists.php.net
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 7:02 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Text file (rw) question...

Rob W. wrote:
Yeah, but will that just replace the data that is present already there? 
I dont wanna have duplicate entries in there or i'm affraid it wont read 
it. The origional code you gave worked but it just ran in a big loop.

That particular example will replace the whole file.

If you only want to replace a particular option then that's different - 
but we don't know what you are trying to do.

- Original Message - From: Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: php-db@lists.php.net
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 6:42 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Text file (rw) question...

Rob W. wrote:

Yeah, It's exactally what I needed, but I just want it to replace that 
one value that is sent via $_POST.

What i'm trying to do is just make a web intigration to edit shoutcast 
.conf files. I have everything else execpt for now like I was saying, 
that code worked, I just want it to halt after it updates that line of 

In the simplest form:

$new_textcontent = 'post_field=' . $_POST['post_field'] . \n;

$fp = fopen($filename, 'w');
fputs($fp, $new_textcontent);

I'd suggest cleaning up $_POST['post_field'] before just writing it (eg 
making sure it is only numbers, whatever data you actually want to keep 
in it).

- Original Message - From: Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: php-db@lists.php.net
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 6:23 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Text file (rw) question...

Rob W. wrote:

That works, but it just throws it in to a big loop and fills up the 
file, any suggestions?

What do you want it to do?

We have absolutely no idea exactly what you're trying to achieve - 
that was just a guess because you're posting a form and want the new 
values written to a file.

- Original Message - From: Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: php-db@lists.php.net
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 5:54 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Text file (rw) question...

Rob W. wrote:

Ok, The fix is just doing something like this...

list($variable, $data) = explode(=, $x);

But now my problem is trying to figure out how to update that data 
with form post ect...

So the main page would get


It would read that info and put it in to a form field, which I 

Now I gotta get it to take and make it so that a new value can be 
put in that field and updated back in to the text file. I have 
searched all over google for about 4 hrs looking for something like 
this but no go, any help would be appricated.

This is a simple example but it should work for you:

$new_textcontent = ;

foreach($_POST as $area = $value) {
  $new_textcontent .= $area . = . $value . \n;

$fp = fopen($filename, 'w');
fputs($fp, $new_textcontent);

- Original Message - From: Dwight Altman 

To: 'Rob W.' [EMAIL PROTECTED]; php-db@lists.php.net
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 9:13 AM
Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] Text file (rw) question...

How about posting your solution as well?  Maybe someone will find 
it useful.

-Original Message-
From: Rob W. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 2:07 AM
To: php-db@lists.php.net
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Text file (rw) question...

Nevermind. I figured it out.

- Original Message - From: Rob W. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: php-db@lists.php.net
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 1:45 AM
Subject: [PHP-DB] Text file (rw) question...

I'm trying to figure out how to read specific data from a text 
file that

is already written. Example


I want to be able to have php read them specific pieces of info so 
I can

put them in to forms and update them via php.
Any help would be appreciated.

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PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP-DB] Text file (rw) question...

2006-03-14 Thread Rob W.
It's all fixed and works. If anybody is wondering how this turned out, here's 
the begining of the results.



if (!($f=fopen(sc_serv.conf,r)))
  exit(Unable to open file.);
  while (!feof($f))
$x=fgets($f, 100);
list($variable, $data) = explode(=, $x);
echo form method=\POST\ action=\update.php\;
if ($variable == MaxUser) {
 echo Max Users: input type=\text\ value=\$data\ name=\MaxUser\ 
size=\3\br /;
if ($variable == Password) {
 echo Password: input type=\text\ value=\$data\ name=\Password\ 
size=\15\br /;
// echo $variable $databr /;

echo p /input type=\SUBMIT\ value=\Submit\ //form;




$newconfig = ;


foreach($_POST as $area = $value) {
   $newconfig .= $area . = . $value . \n;

$fp = fopen('sc_serv.conf', 'w');
fputs($fp, $newconfig);



Thankyou to everyone who helped. Special thanks to Chris.

Re: [PHP-DB] Text file (rw) question...

2006-03-14 Thread Rob W.

Ah yes, that's true. I didnt realize that. Thanks for pointing that out.

- Original Message - 

Cc: php-db@lists.php.net
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 9:02 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Text file (rw) question...

Rob W. wrote:
It's all fixed and works. If anybody is wondering how this turned out, 
here's the begining of the results.



if (!($f=fopen(sc_serv.conf,r)))
  exit(Unable to open file.);
  while (!feof($f))
$x=fgets($f, 100);
list($variable, $data) = explode(=, $x);
echo form method=\POST\ action=\update.php\;
if ($variable == MaxUser) {
 echo Max Users: input type=\text\ value=\$data\ 
name=\MaxUser\ size=\3\br /;

if ($variable == Password) {
 echo Password: input type=\text\ value=\$data\ 
name=\Password\ size=\15\br /;

// echo $variable $databr /;

echo p /input type=\SUBMIT\ value=\Submit\ //form;




$newconfig = ;


You're not using these variables anywhere so it'd be best to remove them 
(might be confusing later on if you need to come back to it).

or you can leave them there and do:

$newconfig = '';
$newconfig .= MaxUser= . $maxuser . \n;
$newconfig .= Password= . $password . \n;

instead of the foreach($_POST... loop.

Postgresql  php tutorials

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP-DB] Text file (rw) question...

2006-03-13 Thread Rob W.
I'm trying to figure out how to read specific data from a text file that
is already written. Example


I want to be able to have php read them specific pieces of info so I can
put them in to forms and update them via php.
Any help would be appreciated.

[PHP-DB] retreiving encrypted password

2005-11-15 Thread W Roothman
Dear all,

When adding a new record to my db using '...password('password')...', it ads a 
' * ' with the encrypted number when I work on Apache / MySQL, but not on IS. 
When trying to validate if the user has been registered, it does not validate 
and request the user to register even though already registered.

Also tried 'encode(password, salt)' with the same result.



[PHP-DB] Remove MySQL Server

2005-10-20 Thread W Roothman
Dear All,

Anyone knows how to remove the MySQL server from XP under 'Services'? No option 
to delete or uninstall.



[PHP-DB] MySQL Connect using Dreamweaver

2005-10-12 Thread W Roothman
Dear All,

I have installed MySQL 5 with PHP 4.3.3.

When trying to connect to a database form the 'Database' tab in Dreamweaver, I 
now get the following error when trying to select a DB:

'1251 Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; 
consider upgrading MySQL client'



[PHP-DB] NOT NULL - newbie

2005-10-05 Thread W Roothman
Dear All,

When declaring values for an identifier with unsigned auto_increment, is it 
necessary to include NOT NULL?






Re: [PHP-DB] regex question

2005-03-07 Thread W. D.
At 11:04 3/7/2005, Chip Wiegand wrote:
I am writing some regex on a php form to validate input and have come up 
with this, for example -

if (empty($first) || !eregi(^[A-Za-z]+[- ]?[A-Za-z]+$, $first))

for checking a persons name. This allows a single name, or a hyphenated 
double name, or a non-hyphenated double name, and it works. My question is 
this - why is the third set followed by a '+' optional? I thought the + 
meant the preceding group is present 1 or more times. The ? means the 
preceding group is present 0 or more times. Why is it that when I put a ? 
in the place of the + after the last ] 

if (empty($first) || !eregi(^[A-Za-z]+[- ]?[A-Za-z]?$, $first))

the regex is broken?


If you want to add the capability for those weird, foreign
names [ ;^) ], take a look at the RegEx on this page:

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[PHP-DB] Re: password in md5 to connect to mysql instead of clear password

2005-02-25 Thread Unknown W. Brackets
Gael Lams,
The problem is, MD5 is non-reversible.  Any encryption you use that is 
non reversible... obviously cannot be reversed, right?  If it can't be 
reversed, that's what you have to send for the connection - and anyone 
sending that will get through just fine.

Here, let me explain.  If you were to store the password MD5'd, say in 
$password, you would have to pass that (the md5'd version) to 
mysql_connect().  If you can pass it to that function, anyone can... and 
so the encryption doesn't help anyone (except that the password is longer.)

Generally, the solution would be a challenge login, but even then the 
client needs to know the clear text password, and so it needs to be 
saved somewhere.

There is one solution to this: certificates, but that's still by 
machine.  See the documentatation for more information:

 Original Message 
Hi all
I use the classic following rows to connect to a mysql
database. I always put $passsword in clear in the php
connection file and I wonder whether there is a way to
have it in md5 so that someone reading the file could
not use it to connect to the db. I googled a bit but
find only threads explaining how to have password
saved in md5 inside a mysql table which is not I would
like to do
function SQLConnect()
$server_name = 'localhost';
$db_name = 'cmsdb';
$user_name = 'user';
$password = 'clearpassword';
if (!$dbconnect =
mysql_connect($server_name, $user_name, $password))
echo Connection failed to the
host 'localhost'.;
if (!mysql_select_db($db_name))
echo Cannot connect to
database '.$db_name.';
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[PHP-DB] Sending mail through localhost

2004-09-17 Thread W Roothman
Dear All,

Do I need to install a mail server, such as ArGoSoft Mail Server, on my computer (MS 
XP) in order to prevent this error when sending mail through a form (ref: N: Mail 
functions, PHP manual):

Warning: mail() [function.mail]: SMTP server response: 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\..sendfeeback.php on line 22

php.ini is set to:

[mail function]
; For Win32 only.
SMTP = localhost ; for Win32 only

; For Win32 only.
sendmail_from = [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; for Win32 only

Thanks  regards,


[PHP-DB] Newby variable error

2004-09-15 Thread W Roothman

I am VERY new to PHP, paging through Meloni's 'PHP Essentials' I get the following 
error which I assume is very simple to solve, but for me. I have tried different 
approaches in identifying the 'price' variable with no luck:


Notice: Undefined variable: price in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\php exercises\do_calculate.php 
on line 20

Notice: Undefined variable: price in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\php exercises\do_calculate.php 
on line 24

You ordered 1 bags of Ethopian Harrar.

Bags of Ethopian Harrar are R0.00 each.

Your subtotal is R0.00.

Sales tax is 14% in this location.

R0.00 has been added to your order.

You owe R0.00 for your coffee.



!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN
TITLEBean Counter Form/TITLE
FORM method=POST action=do_calculate.php
PSelect a bean type:/P
SELECT name=beans size=1
 OPTION value=Ethiopian HarrarEthiopian Harrar - $14.25/OPTION
 OPTION value=KonaKona - $16.25/OPTION
 OPTION value=SumatraSumatra - $13.00/OPTION
PHow many bags would you like?/P
SELECT name=quantity size=1
INPUT type=submit value=Submit


!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN
TITLEBean Counter Results/TITLE
// set up the pricing assignments
if ($_POST[beans] == Ethiopian Harrar) {
 $price = 14.25;
} else if ($_POST[beans] == Kona) {
 $price = 16.25;
} else if ($_POST[beans] == Sumatra) {
 $price = 13.00;
$sales_tax = .0825;
$sub_total = $price * $_POST[quantity];
$sales_tax_amount = $sub_total * $sales_tax;
$sales_tax_pct = $sales_tax * 100;
$grand_total = $sub_total + $sales_tax_amount;
$fmt_price = sprintf(%0.2f,$price);
$fmt_sub_total = sprintf(%0.2f,$sub_total);
$fmt_sales_tax_amount = sprintf(%0.2f,$sales_tax_amount);
$fmt_grand_total = sprintf(%0.2f,$grand_total);
echo PYou ordered $_POST[quantity] bags of $_POST[beans]./p;
echo PBags of $_POST[beans]  are \$$fmt_price each./p;
echo PYour subtotal is \$$fmt_sub_total./p;
echo PSales tax is $sales_tax_pct% in this location./p;
echo P\$$fmt_sales_tax_amount has been added to your order./p;
echo PYou owe \$$fmt_grand_total for your coffee./p;

Regards and many thanks,


Re: [PHP-DB] SQL Insert problem

2004-08-05 Thread John W. Holmes
From: Vincent Jordan [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   $sql = INSERT INTO rmarequest (firstname, lastname, address,
   city, state, zip, phone, email, serial, product, reason,
   ('$firstname', '$lastname', '$address', '$city', '$state',
   '$zip', '$phone',
   '$email', '$serial', '$product', '$reason', '$rmanumber') or die

Uhhh. where's mysql_query()???

$sql = INSERT ...;

$result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());

---John Holmes...

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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2004-08-03 Thread John W. Holmes
From: Lester Caine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I'd really like to find a Linux distro that is a LAMP system right out
  of the box.
  (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP)
  Are there any out there?

 Thankfully not ;)
 I want LAFP but LAPP seems still to be more popular on Linux.

 WHY does everybody run lemming like after MySQL. It STILL has to catch
 up with the better FREE database engines ;)

Right... I find a great need for triggers and stored procedures in my
guestbooks and shoutboxes.

Come on people, the right tool for the right job. MySQL is supported on more
hosts and fills the needs of most web developers. This is like arguing over
which editor to use!

---John Holmes...

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Re: [PHP-DB] Wait Statement... ?

2004-07-20 Thread John W. Holmes
..: GamCo :.. wrote:
ok, i added the sleep() function in my page. what i'm basically doing is :-
i have a .php page where people log-in from. from there i send the form to
another .php page that actually checks the login and registers a session
with the username and password as session variables. then on the page that
actually does the validation, i have something that says : validating
login... sleep 1 funtion. then, i have another line that says validation
successfull... sleep 1 function and then i have another line that says
redirecting... with sleep 1 function and then header redirects to the actual
logged-in.php file. the redirect and validation works perfectly as well as
the sleep functions, but it now doesn't display the validating login... blah
blah blah stuff which is done in normal html code...
You are very confused. Read the manual page on header(). You can't have 
any output before you try to redirect with a header().

If you're trying to implement some sort of brute force protection by 
using sleep(), you're using it in the wrong method, anyhow. Your login 
processing script should sleep for a second or two whether the login is 
correct or not and it should be the first thing that it does (i.e. 
before any output or redirection). If you only sleep() on failures and 
redirect on good logins, brute force methods can pick up on that and 
adjust their methods to get around the wait time.

---John Holmes...
Amazon Wishlist: www.amazon.com/o/registry/3BEXC84AB3A5E/
php|architect: The Magazine for PHP Professionals  www.phparch.com
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Re: [PHP-DB] howto get PK id after INSERT??

2004-07-20 Thread John W. Holmes
Vincent Jordan wrote:
I think I got it correct got the most part. I am having a problem with
the urlencode function I believe.
On page CustomerAddNew1.php ( page than handles form data ) im using:
$last_id = mysql_query(SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() from customerinfo);
$last_id is now a Result Resource, not the value you're after. You must 
use mysql_result() or any of the mysql_fetch_*() functions to retrieve 
the value...

$lastid = mysql_result($last_id,0);
$last_id = urlencode ($last_id);
No need to urlencode an integer.
header(Location: UserMain.php?custid='$last_id');
You don't put quotes around values in the URL.
and on the UserMain.php page I am using this to return the data:
$cid = $last_id;
You called it custid in the URL, not last_id. All you need here is 
$cid = $cust_id although that's a waste of code. What you really want is

$cid = (int)$_GET['cust_id'];
so that now you know $cid is an integer and you're not opening yourself 
wide open to SQL injection attacks later.

ini_set('display_errors', 1);
error_reporting(E_ALL ~ E_NOTICE);
$connect = mysql_connect() or die (unable to connect to database .
mysql_error() . ); $select = mysql_select_db() or die (unable to
connect to database . mysql_error() . SPDATA); $result =
mysql_query(select * from customerinfo where custid='$cid') or die
The custid column is an integer, right? Why are you passing it a 
string by putting quotes around $cid?

(mysql_error(Unable to query database)); while ($row =
mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $firstname = $row['firstname']; $lastname
= $row['lastname']; snip
This whole process of $var = $row['var'], $var2 = $row['var2'] is a 
waste of resources. Why do you need to rename the variable? You already 
have $row['firstname'] as a variable, just use it. If you don't 
understand how to use an array when printing a string, then check the 

---John Holmes...
Amazon Wishlist: www.amazon.com/o/registry/3BEXC84AB3A5E/
php|architect: The Magazine for PHP Professionals  www.phparch.com
PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Re: [PHP-DB] Wait Statement... ?

2004-07-20 Thread John W. Holmes
Daevid Vincent wrote:
Similarly, I could adjust my brute force attack to sleep() a pre-determined
amount of time too ;-)
Uhmmm.. how effective is a brute force attack where you can only try one 
combination per second? It's going to take you a while to get through 
that dictionary.

The whole 'sleep()' idea just seems silly. I agree with Jason. Just validate
and be done. A better way to stop attacks is to have a tally of failed
logins if you really are that worried someone is going to brute-force you.
Then after 3 fails, just don't let that IP connect or add other intelligent
handling. Maybe add them to a 'ban list' after x amount of failed tries. You
can get the $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] or use the session id or whatever.
You can still do this on top of the sleep() method. A one second wait is 
n't going to affect you when you log in to an application.

The problem with reacting after three failed logins is that it can then 
be easy to lock other people out of their account. You just have to 
figure out their username, which usually isn't that hard. Since IP 
addresses can be spoofed or shared among users of certain ISPs, relying 
on them isn't adequate, either.

I'm not saying using sleep is the solution to security problems, but 
it can be one layer of your defense.

---John Holmes...
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Re: [PHP-DB] Wait Statement... ?

2004-07-20 Thread John W. Holmes
Tim Van Wassenhove wrote:
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], John W. Holmes wrote:
Daevid Vincent wrote:
Similarly, I could adjust my brute force attack to sleep() a pre-determined
amount of time too ;-)
Uhmmm.. how effective is a brute force attack where you can only try one 
combination per second? It's going to take you a while to get through 
that dictionary.

You're mistaken here. Every kiddie knows he has to fork 50 concurrent
threads that try to authenticate... 
That's still only 50 guesses a second compared to thousands when your 
server gives an immediate good or bad response. Like I said, this is 
just another layer you can add in addition to what you have below. It 
doesn't hurt anything if implemented correctly and it only serves to 
hassle those abusing the system. Defense in depth. :)

I'd suggest to have 2 queues for failed authentication attempts.
One containing (ip - timestamp) pairs,
the other containing (username - timestamp) pairs.
Every time someone tries to authenticate, you count the number of
failures in both queues. The larger the number, the longer the sleep
will take. (removing old entries once in a while might speed up things)

---John Holmes...
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Re: [PHP-DB] mysqli/Statement isn't valid anymore in x.php line #

2004-07-19 Thread John W. Holmes
Gilmore, Corey (DPC) wrote:
Is anyone familiar with what would cause an error like this:
Warning: Statement isn't valid anymore in includes\import.inc.php on
line 810
1. Which line is 810? That's going to really help someone determine why 
you may be getting this warning.

2. This is a warning, not an error. While annoying, it really can be 
ignored if the program actually works correctly. The warning can be 
hidden by using an appropriate error_reporing() level.

---John Holmes...
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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: Case sensitive search

2004-07-18 Thread John W. Holmes
Rui Cunha wrote:
i suggest you to use the LIKE operator instead of the relational operator.
You should try your suggestions before you.. er, suggest them:
mysql select 'a' like 'a';
| 'a' like 'a' |
|1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql select 'a' like 'A';
| 'a' like 'A' |
|1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
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Re: [PHP-DB] Not Like

2004-07-18 Thread John W. Holmes
Cole S. Ashcraft wrote:
I am trying to figure out how to display something where the condition 
is not like im a MySQL query. The query is

select * from class where classID like '_00'order by classID;

How would I make the like into a not like (aka negating it. The ! does 
not work)? I couldn't find anything in the MySQL manual.
Do I get a doh! that was obvious prize?? ;)
---John Holmes...
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Re: [PHP-DB] PHP use in Federal Govt

2004-07-16 Thread John W. Holmes
Galbreath, Mark A wrote:
My division at State is trying to get PHP 5.0 approved for use by developers
in the Department, and the Powers That Be are requesting evidence that other
Federal agencies/military are using PHP, and the extent of it's use.
Anybody have a clue about this?  I sure would appreciate some help!
I use it extensively in my unit and know of others that are using it, 
too. I've made several PHP based programs (see 
http://www.bigredspark.com/survey) that are being used by the powers 
that be here. If you have any military that can get me on AKO, I can 
give more details.

---John Holmes...
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Re: [PHP-DB] Temporary table name

2004-07-16 Thread John W. Holmes
Rosen wrote:
I need to create temporary table in mysql. And I generate random name - i.e.
TMP21567. How can I check is this name already exist in database ?
If you're creating a true temporary table, then you don't need to worry 
about the name being unique.

Even if two PHP scripts run at the same time and issue this query, the 
temporary table is created on a per-connection basis and will not 
conflict with each other.

---John Holmes...
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Re: [PHP-DB] Temporary table name

2004-07-16 Thread John W. Holmes
Rosen wrote:
Yes, I'm creating temporary table to store temporary data and after thath I
delete this temporary table.
What is the longest table name (in chars) fo MySQL table name ?
How long does it exist for? If it's only used during the life of the 
script, then use TEMPORARY when you create it and you can use anything 
for the name. You don't have to worry about it being unique.

---John Holmes...
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Re: [PHP-DB] Temporary table name

2004-07-16 Thread John W. Holmes
Rosen wrote:
No, I don't use it only in range of one script - it must be as normal
table - several scripts to work with this table and after the last script
finish - it delete the table. This may take a time about 20-30 minutes (
until user enter data )
Okay. Use uniqid() to create a string for the table name. The only way 
you're going to know if it's duplicate is to either catch the error when 
you create the table or attempt to select something from it or show 
columns from it...

If you're using uniqid(), though, you shouldn't run into duplicates very 

---John Holmes...
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Re: [PHP-DB] session_start

2004-07-15 Thread John W. Holmes
Jason Wong wrote:
On Friday 16 July 2004 08:15, Steve Butzel wrote:
It appears that Apache/PHP still thinks the session.save_path is /tmp, even
though I changed this in php.ini-recommended and php.ini-dist. **What am I
doing wrong?**
Firstly, to see what your settings really are, use phpinfo(). Secondly, when 
you use phpinfo() you will see that the ini file you need to edit is called 
php.ini. Note the path and edit that file, if it's not there then copy one of 
php.ini-* there.
and actually rename it to php.ini, please. :)
---John Holmes...
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Re: [PHP-DB] Getting a result from MAX() query

2004-07-13 Thread John W. Holmes
Would somebody be kind enough to explain why this query produces a false result
$latest=mysql_query(SELECT MAX(fee_recd) FROM members,$connectup)or die
(Query failed:br$latestbrError:  . mysql_error());
Would you be kind enough to tell us what text mysql_error() shows?
You probably just need to use an alias in your query:
SELECT MAX(fee_recd) AS max_fee_recd FROM members
and then you'll have $row['max_fee_recd'] when you fetch the value from 
your result set. Other wise you need to use $row['MAX(fee_recd)']...

---John Holmes...
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Re: [PHP-DB] Mysql and rollbacks

2004-07-13 Thread John W. Holmes
Peter Westergaard wrote:
I'm developing a site where I anticipate the need to make several updates to
several forms, and I'll want to commit them all at once (i.e. if there's a
failure with any of the transactions, I'd like to be able to back out to
before I started).
Is there a decent way to do this with PHP and Mysql?  
Use InnoDB tables which have transaction support.
Or use a database abstraction layer that simulates transactions such as 
ADOdb: http://phplens.com/adodb/tutorial.smart.transactions.html

---John Holmes...
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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: Mysql and rollbacks

2004-07-13 Thread John W. Holmes
Peter Westergaard wrote:
... or, am I barking up the wrong tree with Mysql, and should I change
database platforms?  (You'll never convince me to give up PHP though.
muahaha. Except for sql-level stored procedures where necessary, that is).
Maybe? :)
PostgreSQL and Firebird are two other open source free databases that 
have transaction support and stored procedures, IIRC. Check them out. If 
you run your own server, it's easy to get these. You may have trouble 
finding a hosting company consistently offering them, though.

---John Holmes...
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Re: [PHP-DB] Security Issues

2004-07-13 Thread John W. Holmes
Jonathan Haddad wrote:
so I've been doing a little thinking about web server security..
#1. Since all files on the web are 644, what is to stop someone on the 
same server from copying your files to their own directory?  
(specifically your database connection info)
#2. if a folder if 777, what's to stop someone from writing to that folder?
Answer to both questions is a combination of SAFE_MODE and open_basedir 
restrictions among other things discussed on the manual pages for those 
functions / features.

If those restrictions are not in place, then nothing is stopping someone 
 on the same server to read/write in your filespace with PHP.

---John Holmes...
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[PHP-DB] Re: [PHP] Grab a range of rows from a mysql result

2004-07-13 Thread John W. Holmes
The resource is made up of 1000+ records from a mysql table that I am
breaking up to make my PHP application run faster.  I have figured out how
to compute the range but I dont know how to pull out a group of rows within
a range from a mysql result resource.
$query = SELECT * FROM yourtable WHERE range BETWEEN 400 AND 500;
---John Holmes...
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Re: [PHP-DB] mysql auto increment

2004-07-12 Thread John W. Holmes
Michael Gale wrote:
I know this is more of a mysql question then php with 
 mysql but I can not find the answer. I have a primary
 key in a table the is setup and working with auto increment.
Now I want to change it so it will start auto incrementing 
 from 1000. So each entry will be:
First of all, why? There's no reason to do this.
Second, this link was just posted an hour ago or so. Check it out.
---John Holmes...
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Re: [PHP-DB] Table locking

2004-07-08 Thread John W. Holmes
Rosen wrote:
I have the following situation: I have to prevent users to write at the same
time in one table in PHP script.
Is there a way the PHP to understand, thath another user is filling table,
and to wait before begin to fill data?
Most databases have a LOCK command that you can issue. The other scripts 
that end up running at the same time will wait until the lock is released.

---John Holmes...
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Re: [PHP-DB] DB connections ?

2004-07-05 Thread John W. Holmes
Michael Gale wrote:
I am designing a web that will require access 
 to a specific database. I am also using sessions and
 am storing the session data in the database.
So on every page that loads there will be a connection 
 to the mysql server (local) to access the session db and
 tables and the web app database and tables.
My question is this would make two db connections per page 
 right ? one after another ? -- which would not be optimized
Would it be better to but the session tables in with the web app tables under a 
common database ?? At first I thought
that it would be more secure if the two where separate.
So long as you don't close the connection after you get your session 
data, the next call to mysql_connect() with the same parameters will 
realize there's already a connection open and use that.

Why not have a single include file that connects to your database, 
though? Then include your custom session hanlder which selects its 
database and retrieves the data. Then your main script selects it's 
database and does what it needs to do. Still one connection with less 

---John Holmes...
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Re: [PHP-DB] MySQL variable question

2004-07-03 Thread John W. Holmes
Chris Payne wrote:
I'm using MySQL 4's built-in Boolean handling abilities with PHP 4 which
works wonderfully, but I need to change:
See here: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/Option_files.html
---John Holmes...
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Re: [PHP-DB] SELECT problem between MySQL 3.23 and MySQL 4

2004-07-02 Thread John W. Holmes
Chris Payne wrote:
  I'm using Booleans in my searches (New to it) but it works perfectly 
on my
local 3.23 version of MySQL, but on the main server which uses version 4 of
MySQL I get an error so there's an error in my Syntax.  Here's what I
currently use:
And here's the error I receive on the remote MySQL 4 server:

Warning: Bad arguments to implode() in
/var/www/html/www.planetoxygene.com/htdocs/funcs_mysql_boolean.php on line
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to
your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') -
This is not a MySQL 3 vs. MySQL4 issue. If it was, this is the wrong 
list, anyhow.

Take a look at the line of the query you _say_ you're running that I've 
included above and take a look at the last line of the error that you're 
getting from MySQL.

See the difference? Good... now troubleshoot.
---John Holmes...
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Re: [PHP-DB] new row object

2004-07-02 Thread John W. Holmes
Bob Lockie wrote:
I use $row = fetch_row_object, array_push($row) and I want to manually 
insert a row at the end of my array to indicate if there are more rows.

Is there a way to create a row object?
class row
  var $morerows = 'Yes';
$more = new row;
about all there is too it, although I'm sure there is a better way to do 
whatever you're doing if you explained it more.

---John Holmes...
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Re: [PHP-DB] Query for Most Recent Entry

2004-07-02 Thread John W. Holmes
Thompson, Jimi wrote:
I'm trying to figure out how to write a MySQL query that will return the
highest primary key a table.  
1) Why?
2) SELECT MAX(id) FROM table
3) If you're trying to find the key of the last row inserted to an 
auto_increment column, use mysql_insert_id() or LAST_INSERT_ID() in PHP 
and MySQL, respectively.

---John Holmes...
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Re: [PHP-DB] mysql limit

2004-06-30 Thread John W. Holmes
Bob Lockie wrote:
If I select rows with a limit clause I need to know if there are more 
rows than the limit.
Either do a SELECT COUNT(*) prior to your LIMIT query to see how many 
total rows there are, or use SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS and FOUND_ROWS() (more 
info here: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/Information_functions.html)

oh, and
echo something about php;
---John Holmes...
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Re: [PHP-DB] $cookie error

2004-06-30 Thread John W. Holmes
Sukanto Kho wrote:
I'm using $_session to store user name and status
and the session is used as key to access some pages
and I set the cookie variables like this :
   setcookie (name,$user_name, $time+3600);
   setcookie (status,$status, $time+3600);
and the authentication of the session variable like this :
  if(!isset($_COOKIE['name']) or !isset($_COOKIE['status']) or 
But the problem is that sometimes when I link to (eg : product_add.php require 
$_session) it success but in the other time it's fail ..(although I do it continuous 
...I mean after the 1st time success and 2nd times fail)...
it couldn't be the problem of $_session lifetime ... I think.
I can't find why such problem occurs
$_SESSION and $_COOKIE are not the same thing. You seem to have them 
confused or are not explaining things very well.

on product_add.php print out the contents of $_COOKIE and $_SESSION 
using print_r() so you can track what's in them and how they are changing.

Cookies are tied to a domain, too. If you set a cookie on 
domain.com/product.php and then link to www.domain.com/product.php 
the cookie will not exist (unless you use the right parameters in 

---John Holmes...
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Re: [PHP-DB] Multiple word queries

2004-06-30 Thread John W. Holmes
Shiloh Madsen wrote:
say someone enters a search string of  cat dog mouse rabbit (without the
qoutes) into my search box. What I need for the results page to do is to
construct a query that will search through my keywords table for every
instance of ANY of those words. How would you suggest I handle this?
For that simple example, you can just explode the string on the space and
create a WHERE clause entry for each word.
For example:
$words = explode(' ',$_GET['search_text']);
foreach($words as $word)
{ $query .=  AND column LIKE '%$word%' ; }
Gets more complicated the more you want to parse the search text and is 
dependant upon what database you're using.

---John Holmes...
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Re: [PHP-DB] $cookie error

2004-06-30 Thread John W. Holmes
Sukanto Kho wrote:
sorry, I was wrong ...
all the $session in my previous post should be $cookie... (I typed the wrong
I think the domain is not the one that cause the problem...
remember that I refer to the same page (but sometimes success and the other
time it's fail)
What did u mean by unless you use the right parameters in setcookie()
Please more detail (I want to know if I miss something in setcookie
You can set the domain in setcookie() so that www.domain.com and 
domain.com will have the same cookies.

Note that if you use setcookie(), the cookie value isn't actually 
available until the next request. You should be using setcookie() before 
any output, also, but you'll get an error (or should) if you're not 
doing that right.

With some browsers, setting a cookie and then redirecting with header() 
will not make the cookies available on the next page. Maybe that's your 

---John Holmes...
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Re: [PHP-DB] perfornance with POST or db check ??

2004-06-30 Thread John W. Holmes
Michael Gale wrote:
The question I have it .. on three of the select boxes .. if the data is
changed I require a extra function to get run. 

So for example if the owner value is changed I want to send a e-mail
to the new owner.
For performance should I just pass a hidden value with the original
owner and compare that with the owner value of the select box OR should
I do another db select to see if the field changed ???
I was thinking that passing a string would have less of a performance
impact ? then db activity. ?
It would, but the solution depends upon your users. Remember that a 
hidden field's value can be modified. So, if a user wanted to be 
malicious, they could set the hidden field to the new value matching 
what they select and your program would think that no change took effect.

Now, you could outsmart them and not actually update that column if the 
two values match. Then it wouldn't really do them any good to change the 
values because the database won't be updated anyhow.

The safest way is to just select the data before you make any changes 
and then compare it to what was submitted. The best way to do this, 
though, is to store the original values in the session when you first 
populate the form and then compare the submitted values to the session 
values. This way you're not actually adding a query (so long as you're 
using sessions already or aren't against adding them). The user can't 
modify the session values, so this method is safe.

---John Holmes...
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Re: [PHP-DB] Outlook Express

2004-06-26 Thread Clifford W. Hansen

 I know this is not PHP DB question, But if you answer
 for this then I wd be thankful to you.
You shoud add OT to your subject line.
 The question is How to configure Outlook Express for
 yahoo ID ?
This is not a direct answer to your question but try this application: 

I used to use it (v 0.4) and it worked well...

Hope this helps...
Thank You,

Clifford W. Hansen
Operations Support Developer
Aspivia (Pty) Ltd.

+27 (0) 11 259-1150 (Switchboard)
+27 (0) 11 259-1019 (Fax)
+27 (0) 83 761-0240 (Mobile)
http://chansen.aspivia.com (Web)

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Re: [PHP-DB] strange query

2004-06-01 Thread John W. Holmes

 I'm running this query agains a mysql database, its a list of statuses 
 with a joined table that shows the number of job in that status with 
 more than 2. However I get the error
 Unknown column 'c' in 'where clause'
 select  job_stats.job_stat_id, job_stat, job_stat_code,
 count(works.job_stat_id) as c
 from job_stats
 inner join works on job_stats.job_stat_id = works.job_stat_id
 where c  2
 group by job_stats.job_stat_id, job_stat, job_stat_code
 order by job_stats.job_stat_order asc
 Any idead anyone please

Try having c  2 instead of where c  2

---John Holmes...

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP-DB] undefined function

2004-05-24 Thread John W. Holmes
From: Miguel Guirao [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 BTW, I have four different PHP.ini files in my system, where I can see
 which one is using it? I added it to all of them!!

phpinfo() will product a page that shows you what php.ini file PHP is using.
It's in the first block.

---John Holmes...

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP-DB] how to reuse DB results

2004-05-20 Thread John W. Holmes
Aaron Wolski wrote:
Is there any way I can make a call to the DB for some records.
 Display some info from a column or two say at the top of the page and
then display the full result set in a while() loop?
Look for the seek() function of whatever database you're using, i.e. 
mysql_data_seek() to reset the results set.

---John Holmes...
Amazon Wishlist: www.amazon.com/o/registry/3BEXC84AB3A5E/
php|architect: The Magazine for PHP Professionals  www.phparch.com
PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP-DB] SQL Statement

2004-05-18 Thread John W. Holmes
Thompson, Jimi wrote:
So then I try do this  

if ($fk_phone != NULL) {
$sqlwrk = SELECT `pk_phone_reports`, SUM(`calls`) AS `total_calls`,
 `date`, `calls` , `fk_ph_num` FROM `phone_reports`;
$sqlwrk .=  WHERE `pk_phone_number` =  . $fk_phone;
$rswrk = mysql_query($sqlwrk);
if ($rswrk  $rowwrk = mysql_fetch_array($rswrk)) {
echo $rowwrk[number];
Note that this shouldnt work since it isnt a valid SQL statement.  
 I'm not sure why PHP doesn't return some kind of an error message.
PHP does return an error message, you're just not displaying it.
$rswrk = mysql_query($sqlwrk) or die(mysql_error());
$sqlwrk .=  WHERE (`pk_phone_number` =  . $fk_phone) AND 
 (`date` BETWEEN '$my_startdate' AND '$my_enddate');
Which brings me to my lovely parse error Parse error: 
You're not concatinating your string correctly.
$sqlwrk .=  WHERE (`pk_phone_number` =  . $fk_phone . ) AND
(`date` BETWEEN ' . $my_startdate . ' AND ' . $my_enddate . ');
$sqlwrk .=  WHERE (`pk_phone_number` = $fk_phone) AND
(`date` BETWEEN '$my_startdate' AND '$my_enddate');
---John Holmes...
Amazon Wishlist: www.amazon.com/o/registry/3BEXC84AB3A5E/
php|architect: The Magazine for PHP Professionals  www.phparch.com
PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP-DB] Select news based on dates

2004-05-17 Thread John W. Holmes

 I would like to display my news like this:
 - news 1
 - news 2
 - news 3
 - news 4
 - news 5
 I'm thinking of some while loop but I'm not sure that it will work nor I 
 know how to create that query.

SELECT your data with the date and only display the date if it changes.

$query = SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY datecolumn ASC;
$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
$prevdate = '';
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
  if($row['datecolumn'] != $prevdate)
echo '*' . $row['datecolumn'] . '*br /';
$prevdate = $row['datecolumn']; 
  echo '- ' . $row['news'] . 'br /';

---John Holmes...

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP-DB] upload files into MySQL database

2004-05-11 Thread John W. Holmes
From: PHPDiscuss - PHP Newsgroups and mailing lists

 I have problem for downloading files from MySQL database.
 Although I store and I see the filename and the extension in the database,
 when I try to download it, if there are blank spaces inside the filename,
 like my book store.doc
 I cannot open it and see it.

You shouldn't use spaces in file names.

Use urlencode() on the filename before you create a link to it.

---John Holmes...

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP-DB] no temp var for mysql_fetch_array results

2004-05-11 Thread John W. Holmes

 $r = mysql_query($q,$dbro) ;
 $row = mysql_fetch_array($r) ;
 $i = $row[0] ;

$r = mysql_query($q,$dbro) ;
$i = mysql_result($r,0);

---John Holmes...

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP-DB] Security Issues

2004-05-10 Thread John W. Holmes
From: Galbreath, Mark A [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Does anybody know if the security issues outlined in


 are still salient or not?  My boss wants a technical document outlining
 security risks of using PHP in an attempt to get it approved for general
 by Security.  I just bought Mohammed Kabir's Secure PHP Development
 2003) but would like some background white papers before delving into it.
 To that end, I'm using Google, but would appreciate references to any
 documents covering the subject.

Yes, they are still relevant for the most part. There have been actions
taken to reduce some of them, though, like having register_globals OFF by
default, the move_uploaded_file() function, etc.

I would contend that these security issues are the fault of bad
programming, though, not the language. Some could argue that the langauge
should do more to get rid of these issues by default, though. I can't say
that I'd disagree with that, but I'd still hold the programmers responsible
instead of the language.

Bottom line, if you've actually read that page and implement what it says,
then you'll be fine. You can write completely safe programs without taking
any of the protective measures outlined on the site, though. You just have
to know what you're doing.

---John Holmes...

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP-DB] Dynamic Email Address in an HTML table

2004-05-09 Thread John W. Holmes
PHPDiscuss - PHP Newsgroups and mailing lists wrote:

How can I create the email address in the field as a hyperlink to the
email address? 
How would you create the link normally?


right? Now if $row['email'] is equal to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or whatever 
you pull from the database, how would you do it? The same way...

echo a href=\mailto:{$row['email']}\{$row['email']}/a;
a href=mailto?=$row['email']??=$row['email']?/a
echo 'a href=mailto:'.$row['email'].''.$row['email'].'/a';
---John Holmes...
Amazon Wishlist: www.amazon.com/o/registry/3BEXC84AB3A5E/

php|architect: The Magazine for PHP Professionals - www.phparch.com

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP-DB] another strange MYSQL problem

2004-05-08 Thread John W. Holmes

First, I use this, and all is ok:

SELECT * FROM modele WHERE marca='Aprilia' ORDER BY tip ASC.

Then, I use this:

SELECT  * FROM modele WHERE marca='Cagiva' ORDER BY tip ASC

and the records are not ordered ascending by the field tip. In the
first case, the records were ordered. Anyone knows what is wrong?
Thank you!
 The first query works perfectly. The second returns no results. The
 data type for 'tip' is text.
Then you have no rows where marca is equal to 'Cagiva'...

---John Holmes...
Amazon Wishlist: www.amazon.com/o/registry/3BEXC84AB3A5E/

php|architect: The Magazine for PHP Professionals  www.phparch.com

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP-DB] Insterting date in an MySQL table

2004-05-06 Thread John W. Holmes
From: charalambos nicolaou [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I want to created a MYSQL table which will get the date in the form
 (-MM-DD) automatically. I have created the table below but it doesn't
 get the form of date that I want. It has the form (MMDDHHMMSS)

 TIMESTAMP,question TEXT,email VARCHAR(30),answer TEXT, PRIMARY KEY(ID));

 Is there any other date field that gets the date form as I want?

and TIME columns are HHMMSS.

Now, if you're looking for the features of a TIMESTAMP column (auto set to
current date/time upon insert/update), then you have two options. You can
make the column a TIMESTAMP(8) which will only store MMDD.  You can also
use DATE_FORMAT() when selecting your data to select the date formatted
however you want or use date() and strtotime() in PHP to format the date
from MMDDHHMMSS to whatever you want.

---John Holmes...

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP-DB] looking for a variable

2004-05-06 Thread John W. Holmes
From: Robbie Staufer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 $result = mysql_query (SELECT * FROM testdb WHERE Code_Name IN ('CLM',
 'CAM', 'CSIM', 'cpl5', 'POP'),$connection)
 is there a php variable that holds the number of elements in the ()
 after IN?

 I'm formatting the display in a browser window.  I need the second and
 consecutive elements to be indented below the first one.
 Something like this:
 echo element 0
 foreach additional element
 echo tab,element

Where are CLM, CAM, etc coming from? You're not going to get it from the
query, plain and simple. You're writing the query, though, so those values
have to come from somewhere.

---John Holmes...

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP-DB] looking for a variable

2004-05-06 Thread John W. Holmes
From: Robbie Staufer 

 I supply those values.  Data associated with them 
 gets pulled out of the database and I need to format 
 them so that the first one is displayed differently than the 
 following ones.


echo strongCLM/strong, CAM, CSIM, cpl5, POP;

---John Holmes...

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP-DB] MySQL Password() PHP encryption?

2004-05-06 Thread John W. Holmes
Theisen, Gary wrote:
I've recently upgraded my mysql to v 4.1.1 (on win nt 4.0) and set the
Passwords in the user table to the mysql Password() function. 

Now, this doesn't work anymore when call from a php web script (which is a
good thing, cause it's plain text): 

mysql_connect (localhost, theID, thePassord);
gives me this error: 

Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server ... 

Since my mysql.mysql user table now has the 41 bit encrypted passwords
stored...how to I connect with my php scripts? 

I've tried md5(), sha1()...but they don't generate the same 41 bit encrypted

Anyone have a suggestion? 
You need to use the mysqli extension with MySQL 4.1+
---John Holmes...
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php|architect: The Magazine for PHP Professionals  www.phparch.com
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