Re: [PHP-DB] Re: php mail() question

2003-12-27 Thread JeRRy

Change this:

echo "",HtmlSpecialChars($headers[$line]),"'";


echo "".HtmlSpecialChars($headers[$line])."'";

Which should display.

I tried this a few days ago.  All it outputs is the
"PRE" HTML tags.  even replacing the ',' with '.' .

That's what I thought would need to be done to get it
to work.  But it won't display it however it displays
in in plain text out of the box.

Feel free to download and try the script yourself. 
You can find the address from my previous posts on
this message board.  Something is obviously blocking
it for going into a text box as someone mentioned once

The author is refusing to help maybe because the
author does not know a fix.  Which is odd, they wrote
the script and claim they use a similar method to
handle their mailing list bounces.  Doubtful.

Anyways, I have been redirected to try using "SMTP"
connection.  Does anyone know much about this usage?

J - Yahoo! Personals
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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: php mail() question

2003-12-23 Thread JeRRy

Change this:

echo "",HtmlSpecialChars($headers[$line]),"'";


echo "".HtmlSpecialChars($headers[$line])."'";

Which should display.

I tried this a few days ago.  All it outputs is the
"PRE" HTML tags.  even replacing the ',' with '.' .

That's what I thought would need to be done to get it
to work.  But it won't display it however it displays
in in plain text out of the box.

Feel free to download and try the script yourself. 
You can find the address from my previous posts on
this message board.  Something is obviously blocking
it for going into a text box as someone mentioned once

The author is refusing to help maybe because the
author does not know a fix.  Which is odd, they wrote
the script and claim they use a similar method to
handle their mailing list bounces.  Doubtful.

Anyways, I have been redirected to try using "SMTP"
connection.  Does anyone know much about this usage?

Cheers! - Yahoo! Personals
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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: php mail() question

2003-12-23 Thread mike karthauser
> What does this do?  Well I added  and  for
> a testing purpose.
> It returns in the textarea  ...
> So it's skipping the HtmlSpecialChars code.  Why?

Change this:

echo "",HtmlSpecialChars($headers[$line]),"'";


echo "".HtmlSpecialChars($headers[$line])."'";

Which should display.

Mike Karthauser 
Managing Director - Brightstorm Ltd

Web >>
Tel >> 0117 9426653 (office)
   07939 252144 (mobile)

Snailmail   >> Unit 8, 14 King Square,
   Bristol BS2 8JJ

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[PHP-DB] Re: php mail() question

2003-12-22 Thread JeRRy

Okay removed "value" and have this now:

---some code---

echo "";
echo "",HtmlSpecialChars($headers[$line]),"'";
echo "";

---some code---

What does this do?  Well I added  and  for
a testing purpose.

It returns in the textarea  ...

So it's skipping the HtmlSpecialChars code.  Why?

Okay if I have this:

---some more code---

echo "";
echo "$headers'";
echo "";

---some more code---

It returns in the textarea the following:


So it appears to display if I don't use ",,".  I
guess there is no easy way to define $headers to
diaply the entire headers when it's used?

I quote you:

Text areas do not take any value attributes.

Well they do... If I use value="whatever" it returns
that in the box.  (well did for me)

I posted on another board regarding the issue and they
told me to contact the author of the script.  (which
is you I believe)

They also seeked some sniplets which I sent onto them
and they said ti SHOULD work.  But I only gave them a
sniplet of it and gave them the url for the script. 
They believe something is blocking the break out from
the textarea so when you break out of it to use a
function it returns nothing.  But if you don't break
out and use $headers it returns a value.  Please check
the script and see if there is something blocking a
breakout.  I'll look into this though, it seems odd to
me but I suggest you contact the author as they would
know the problem. (hence they wrote it)

If the author fails to help let me know, I'll look
into it.  But 9 times out of 10 they will assist
unless they have copied it off somewhere or don't have
alot of time.

He than went on about some things than ended with... 
It only looks like a simple thing, you've probably
done some miss typing so should only take a few
minutes to find the error and might only be in your
form so ask the author.

I am continuely replying to their comments to resolve
this problem.  But they keep insisting me to contact
the author.

Anyways since they claim it's something easy or miss
typed I think $4 or $5 is applicable to fix this.  Not
a job many would expect payment from I am sure. 
Probably a 30 second job, that is why I posted here. 
Not as if I need something high techy.

When I first posted you directed me to the pop3.  Yes
I grabbed it.. Got some more help off you.  Did some
work to get a database setup and test against my live
database for a match.  Yep works fine.  However I made
it so you had to type in the email address to get the
account flagged.  So I got it all setup but now I want
the headers to be displayed in the text box.  Like
it's displayed on screen for message 1.  But I can't
get anything like that in the text box.  Since the
return is an array and seems to ignore the other code.

I have continuely followed up because you said you use
this method to handle bounced emails for your mailing
list.  So obviously you use it somehow or another or a
different method but your sending data to a database
with the bounced email and handling it.  SO how are
you getting it here via a form? What info are you
using to get the form to understand it.

As I said before credit is given for all work with
author, web address for script etc.  That results in a
much better return than $4 or $5 will.



This does not make sense. You need to understand what
you are doing.

Text areas do not take any value attributes. The text
that will show 
must be entered between - Yahoo! Personals
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[PHP-DB] Re: php mail() question

2003-12-22 Thread Manuel Lemos

On 12/22/2003 12:13 PM, Jerry wrote:
You just need to call the RetrieveMessage function
that returns the 
headers of each message and then look for the To:

Ummm, why can't you give me a working code that grabs
the headers and put it into a textarea?  
Hey, I can tell you how to fish, but it needs to be the one that will 
fish for yourself. Meaning, I have given you enough information for you 
to take the class and do what you need it to do.

If you are having difficulties, maybe you just ask for help probably 
paying for the work. Sorry, I can't help you now, but here you may find 
solve your problem.

echo "";
echo "'";
echo "\n";
echo "";
Results in the form area being blank.

Replacing 'HtmlSpecialChars' with 'RetrieveMessage'
comes back with an error saying it's not deinfed on
line blah
This does not make sense. You need to understand what you are doing.

Text areas do not take any value attributes. The text that will show 
must be entered between 


Manuel Lemos
Free ready to use OOP components written in PHP
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[PHP-DB] Re: php mail() question

2003-12-22 Thread JeRRy

You just need to call the RetrieveMessage function
that returns the 
headers of each message and then look for the To:


Manuel Lemos

Free ready to use OOP components written in PHP

Ummm, why can't you give me a working code that grabs
the headers and put it into a textarea?  

echo "";
echo "'";
echo "\n";
echo "";

Results in the form area being blank.

Replacing 'HtmlSpecialChars' with 'RetrieveMessage'
comes back with an error saying it's not deinfed on
line blah

(which results back to the form line)

But having the first code results in no errors, but a
blank box.  But why does it work outside the box fine
as plain text?

All I need is the code that actually shows up into a
textarea or a simple input text box.  Code would be
ideal as I can't figure this out ... I can get it to
output fine in plain text but when I try a form it
does nothing.

Another way I tried which I can't remember what I did
now returned an array response.  

I'm not worried about sifting through and finding the
To: address.  I know how to do this.  I have the
database setup to handle that.  Just can't seem to get
the headers in a form box, that's all I require than
it's all done.

Just a small bit of code is stopping sucess. otherwise
I'll opt to another method of handling this, probably
end up more complicated but I was told that this way
would be pretty easy but can't seem to get you to show
a working text area displaying the text.

What I can't understand is why can't a simple bit of
code show the same results in a text box than in plain
text?  Something is stopping it, but does not seem to
be a error because no error is outputed.  Unless some
errors are not displayed?

Anyways... I'm at the stage at throwing all the code
in because of this problem.  I've spent a week or so
on it.  I could of got a Mailing List and do it all
that way and handle all bounces but thought I'd try a
way that at least I could run it the way I want it to
run that adapts to my database instead of using one
all setup to run on a certain database structure which
I'd have to work right through to edit to get to work
with mine.  

Thanks to those people that have assisted me, please
reply to this thread to this board though so everyone
is aware of what you suggest etc.  So than we don't
get multiple ideas floating my way.  All is
appreicated. :)  And thanks again, credit on the site
I am working this with will be given to all sucessful
help as I do on all my sites.

Cheers! - Yahoo! Personals
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[PHP-DB] Re: php mail() question

2003-12-21 Thread Manuel Lemos

On 12/18/2003 10:44 AM, Jerry wrote:
How do I list the headers that are ouputed in the page
into the text area also?
You just need to call the RetrieveMessage function that returns the 
headers of each message and then look for the To: header.


Manuel Lemos
Free ready to use OOP components written in PHP
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[PHP-DB] Re: php mail() question

2003-12-18 Thread JeRRy

Just to follow-up on this.  I knuckled down and did
some work regarding this thread.  What I achieved
makes things work a tad faster than previously however
it did not work out as I wanted entily but has
fastened the process somewhat but still have a
question regarding it.

I have managed to be able to flag accounts alot fast
now using test_pop3.php and including a text field to
enter a email address in and submit it to a tmp table
for later use.  That grab all emails out of the tmp
file and flag accounts.  Takes only about 5 seconds to
complete and flag.

However it's not what I had in mind.  I'd prefer it to
be automatic, without the need of me to input an
address to flag it.

I tried to inlcude a header in a textarea box but
can't seem to find the right bit of code to inlcude in
the value=' ' part of the form. :(  When I tried I
kept getting a 'Array' response in the box.

Here's some code:

 echo "Message
1\n---Message headers starts below---\n";


echo "";
echo "";
echo "";
 echo "---Message
headers ends above---\n---Message body starts


I have tried
value='HtmlSpecialChars($headers[$line])'> and
value='$headers'> But Array is the response in the

How do I list the headers that are ouputed in the page
into the text area also?

If I could achieve this I could than make things run
virtually automatic.  That's all I need to do now, the
rest I have managed to accomplish very nicely thanks
to some people.

J - Yahoo! Personals
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[PHP-DB] Re: php mail() question

2003-12-17 Thread JeRRy
Actually I start a PHP script from the cron task that
runs every 5 
minutes using PHP CGI executable version. I just
process upto 100 
bounced messages per run avoid hogging the database
server and blocking 
the POP3 mailbox for a long time, as this is not a
prioritary task.

Right, how do you get the address from the bounced
email into the query?

I know how to run a cronjob to update the database, I
use 1 cronjob for the site currently that does all the
tasks regarding accounts.  Ran every 5 minutes to do
updates, send emails etc.

I guess I could run a cronjob to go into a temp table
to log all the email contents than fetch the address
back and flag the account.  But thought I'd ask you
how you get the bounced email to be ran in the query
with the script?  I am guessing some modifications
need to be doen.

This will be the last time I email regarding this
matter to this list.  So no answer is fine, I'll just
run the long way about it.  But thought you could, or
someone, of pointed me in the right direction.  But
obviously your skipping my main question for some

Anways thanks for the help to date.  Thanks in advance
for any replies you give me also if you wish to reply.

Jerry - Yahoo! Personals
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[PHP-DB] Re: php mail() question

2003-12-16 Thread Manuel Lemos

On 12/16/2003 10:04 PM, Jerry wrote:
Actually I just relised what you meant. :P  And that
would work great by having it like that.. Something
like this would work fine.
If the email bounces return it to
So I would set the sender as whatever I want and the
return_path as a way to identify the user?  Is that
what you meant?
That would mean I'd need a way to fetch the to:
address from the pop3.php, how is this possible?
At the pressent time I am doing everything manually. 
So I am going into the email and grabbing the address,
doing a search on the database and when found flagging
the account with abad email address.  Quite time
consuming when alot of bounces occours.

So an automatic way to fasten up the process would be
great.  I don't mind if I have to activate the script
manually.  Just be great to have things moving along a
bit faster than the pressent speed.
Actually I start a PHP script from the cron task that runs every 5 
minutes using PHP CGI executable version. I just process upto 100 
bounced messages per run avoid hogging the database server and blocking 
the POP3 mailbox for a long time, as this is not a prioritary task.


Manuel Lemos
Free ready to use OOP components written in PHP
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[PHP-DB] Re: php mail() question

2003-12-16 Thread JeRRy


Actually I just relised what you meant. :P  And that
would work great by having it like that.. Something
like this would work fine.

If the email bounces return it to

So I would set the sender as whatever I want and the
return_path as a way to identify the user?  Is that
what you meant?

That would mean I'd need a way to fetch the to:
address from the pop3.php, how is this possible?

At the pressent time I am doing everything manually. 
So I am going into the email and grabbing the address,
doing a search on the database and when found flagging
the account with abad email address.  Quite time
consuming when alot of bounces occours.

So an automatic way to fasten up the process would be
great.  I don't mind if I have to activate the script
manually.  Just be great to have things moving along a
bit faster than the pressent speed.



That's tricky. What I do is to have a catch-all
mailbox for my site 
domain. So, every message sent to a mailbox that does
not really exist 
will be dropped in that catch-all mailbox.

When I send messages to each user, I make the return
path address be 
to something like [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

For instance, messages sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] by
the PHP Classes 
site, will have the return path set to 

Since these address really do not exist, they will be
dropped in the 
catch-all mailbox for that domain. So, all I need to
do is to run a 
script that polls the POP3 mailbox of my catch-all
account and parse 
To: address of the bounced messages to figure the
subscriber address 
that is bouncing. Not all bounce message will have the
To: address set 
correctly. The remaining message should be ignored. - Yahoo! Personals
New people, new possibilities. FREE for a limited time.

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[PHP-DB] Re: php mail() question

2003-12-16 Thread JeRRy

Are you using the test_pop3.php file that you showed
me with the script that handles the bounced emails?

If so, could you please show me a basic example of it
working with it?

My return_path is set as an email alias.  (not a real
address at the domain)  

So that bounces to the 'root' email account.  But if
you could show me a basic example I could work with

Coz I'll run a script to talk to the database and flag
the account in question.

I looked at the code but there is nothing in there
that defines from: or anything.  Another way I was
thinking if there was a way to look in the $body of
the email for an email address

I thought perg_match would do something like that but
maybe not?

Is there a PHP matching function/command?  So it
coulds search for '@' in the email $body and skip the



That's tricky. What I do is to have a catch-all
mailbox for my site 
domain. So, every message sent to a mailbox that does
not really exist 
will be dropped in that catch-all mailbox.

When I send messages to each user, I make the return
path address be 
to something like [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

For instance, messages sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] by
the PHP Classes 
site, will have the return path set to 

Since these address really do not exist, they will be
dropped in the 
catch-all mailbox for that domain. So, all I need to
do is to run a 
script that polls the POP3 mailbox of my catch-all
account and parse 
To: address of the bounced messages to figure the
subscriber address 
that is bouncing. Not all bounce message will have the
To: address set 
correctly. The remaining message should be ignored. - Yahoo! Personals
New people, new possibilities. FREE for a limited time.

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[PHP-DB] Re: php mail() question

2003-12-15 Thread Manuel Lemos

On 12/15/2003 10:23 PM, Jerry wrote:
Thanks for that.  That's hitting the nail right on the
But I need a bit of PHP code to talk to mysql and only
read the "from" part of the email and use a query to
check the database if the entry is there.  If it is
than flag it, if not skip it and delete the email.
So would I need to edit the code to make the from
section a input form or can I somehow get a query to
get the from data from plain text?
All I want is the from address, the rest I don't
really need.

UPDATE users SET flag='y' WHERE email='$from_address';

Might even output something to make sure it was
sucessful or not.
What I need to know is how I get the from address?
That's tricky. What I do is to have a catch-all mailbox for my site 
domain. So, every message sent to a mailbox that does not really exist 
will be dropped in that catch-all mailbox.

When I send messages to each user, I make the return path address be set 
to something like [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

For instance, messages sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] by the PHP Classes 
site, will have the return path set to 

Since these address really do not exist, they will be dropped in the 
catch-all mailbox for that domain. So, all I need to do is to run a 
script that polls the POP3 mailbox of my catch-all account and parse the 
To: address of the bounced messages to figure the subscriber address 
that is bouncing. Not all bounce message will have the To: address set 
correctly. The remaining message should be ignored.


Manuel Lemos
Free ready to use OOP components written in PHP
PHP Database Mailing List (
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[PHP-DB] Re: php mail() question

2003-12-15 Thread JeRRy

Thanks for that.  That's hitting the nail right on the

But I need a bit of PHP code to talk to mysql and only
read the "from" part of the email and use a query to
check the database if the entry is there.  If it is
than flag it, if not skip it and delete the email.

So would I need to edit the code to make the from
section a input form or can I somehow get a query to
get the from data from plain text?

All I want is the from address, the rest I don't
really need.


UPDATE users SET flag='y' WHERE email='$from_address';

Might even output something to make sure it was
sucessful or not.

What I need to know is how I get the from address?


 --- Manuel Lemos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hello,
> On 12/14/2003 11:51 PM, Jerry wrote:
> > Php mail() question.
> > 
> > I use php mail() frequently, dragging data from a
> > mysql database.  I am not sure if this is possible
> but
> > thought I'd throw it on this board.
> > 
> > in php mail() function you can set a
> return_address
> > etc.  Is it possible to change this and run a
> query? 
> > I mean if the email bounces can it somehow talk
> back
> > to php mail() and do a query rather than send it
> to
> > the return_address?
> If you make the bounce address point to a POP3
> mailbox, you have a 
> platform independent solution to handle bounces.
> Then you just need to 
> use some POP3 component like this to fetch and
> process the bounced 
> messages once in a while, for instance starting a
> PHP script from a cron 
> task. I do this all the time to handle bounces from
> newsletters that I 
> send from my site.
> -- 
> Regards,
> Manuel Lemos
> Free ready to use OOP components written in PHP
> - Yahoo! Personals
New people, new possibilities. FREE for a limited time.

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[PHP-DB] Re: php mail() question

2003-12-15 Thread Manuel Lemos

On 12/14/2003 11:51 PM, Jerry wrote:
Php mail() question.

I use php mail() frequently, dragging data from a
mysql database.  I am not sure if this is possible but
thought I'd throw it on this board.
in php mail() function you can set a return_address
etc.  Is it possible to change this and run a query? 
I mean if the email bounces can it somehow talk back
to php mail() and do a query rather than send it to
the return_address?
If you make the bounce address point to a POP3 mailbox, you have a 
platform independent solution to handle bounces. Then you just need to 
use some POP3 component like this to fetch and process the bounced 
messages once in a while, for instance starting a PHP script from a cron 
task. I do this all the time to handle bounces from newsletters that I 
send from my site.


Manuel Lemos
Free ready to use OOP components written in PHP
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