[PHP-DEV] [Sorta OT] Mystery zcontext?

2002-11-05 Thread John Coggeshall

I was digging around the ext/standard today and I wanted to do something
with the file access stuff, however I'm a bit lost on something... I'd
appreciate it if someone could explain this (as it's basically

What is the fourth parameter for the fopen() function? It's listed as a
resource, and there is some mention of using callbacks, etc But I
can't pin it down looking at the code... Anyone care to comment what the
zcontext parameter does? 


|-Original Message-
|From: Melvyn Sopacua [mailto:msopacua@;idg.nl] 
|Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 12:38 PM
|To: Adam Voigt
|Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] Core Component
|At 12:29 11/5/2002 -0500, Adam Voigt wrote:
|>Just curious, someone asked me why isn't PEAR (specifically the DB
|>abstraction) directly written into the PHP engine (in C or 
|whatever PHP 
|>itself is written in) and I couldn't come up with an answer so I 
|>thought I'd ask here.
|For the exact same reasons people use PHP instead of C.
|Met vriendelijke groeten / With kind regards,
|Webmaster IDG.nl
|Melvyn Sopacua
|<@Logan> I spent a minute looking at my own code by accident. 
|<@Logan> I was thinking "What the hell is this guy doing?"
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RE: [PHP-DEV] Re: [PATCH] run-tests.php

2002-11-01 Thread John Coggeshall

|What made you decide to go for the OO model of the run-tests 
|script, there 
|does not seem to be any advantage in adding this overhead (imho)?

There is most definitely an advantage. Using the OO model, we
essentially created
A "test engine" which had some default output code (direct to stdout)
and ran all of
The desired tests... It basically runs just like the current
run-tests.php script (maybe
Not as many pretty colors, etc). 

The reason the OO is cool though, is when we want to port that test
script into another
Medium or output it in a different format such as HTML. I just created a
new object which
Extended the base class and overload some of the functions (such as
showstatus() which is 
Called every time a test passes/fails) to generate HTML output instead
of text.. 

It's not done yet, but the plan I have here is to actually abstract
run_tests() a step
Further into run_test() and execute_test(), where execute_test() can be
overloaded by
Another class as well (to change the way a particlar test is executed
seamlessly -- i.e.
Via a HTTP request instead of a CLI command)...

Making sense?


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RE: [PHP-DEV] Re: [PATCH] run-tests.php

2002-11-01 Thread John Coggeshall

|Ok - so unless Shane disagrees and gets physical, 
|run-tests.php should be in 4.3 and will have a totally 
|different code-base than the version for php 4.4/5.0.


|The features addressed in the patch, are IMO important though.

I haven't looked at the patch in great detail, can someone forward me
The commitlog?

|So the real question is: how can people who commit on 
|run-tests.php make life easier for you, so that you can keep 
|up with feature changes?

Well, I think perhaps the best bet is to make sure we keep good
Open on any work done in run-tests, so that run-tests2 keeps up with the


|With kind regards,
|Melvyn Sopacua
|PHP Development Mailing List 
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RE: [PHP-DEV] Re: [PATCH] run-tests.php

2002-11-01 Thread John Coggeshall

Wait wait wait..

I think I've been misunderstood... I'm not talking about the version 4.3
release, and yes we are working on the web edition of the test script..
However, Shane (rightly so, IMHO) re-wrote run-tests (now run-tests2)
and made it a class (testHarness) from which to base the web-based
testing from... I've made a few changes to it (to make life easier for
everyone involved) and extended that class to make the web-based
version. The idea here is (at least my understanding of the idea) that
run-tests2 would get production-ready (NOT for 4.3) and then replace
run-tests.php (Shane, please slap me upside the head if I'm wrong
here in what I thought the idea was)... 

As far as I'm concerned, run-tests2.php doesn't need to be in any 4.3
release (since I know the web based stuff isn't stable yet)... 

Am I making sense here? 


|-Original Message-
|From: Melvyn Sopacua [mailto:msopacua@;php.net] 
|Sent: Friday, November 01, 2002 12:14 PM
|Cc: 'Php Dev List'
|Subject: RE: [PHP-DEV] Re: [PATCH] run-tests.php
|I really thought you we're working on 'run-tests2.php - the 
|web edition'.
|Currently there's still a number of issues being worked on, 
|with the current CLI interface, so your fork of that version, 
|may be premature, or you should consider working on 
|run-tests.php for the web, without breaking it.
|Unless all the authors and QA team agree that the current CLI 
|version, is 'production-ready', but given recent discussions 
|on php-qa, I doubt that :).
|Another option would be, to keep run-tests2.php in there and 
|after 4.3.0-release merge the changes?
|At 17:39 1-11-2002, John Coggeshall wrote:
|>The only thing I see wrong, is perhaps that Shane and I are 
|working on 
|>a new run-tests script (see run-tests2.php)
|>Since the script (at least the CLI class) basically works 
|just as well 
|>as the current run-tests.php (as far as I've seen thus far)... Well, 
|>I'm just worried your patch will end up disappearing :(
|>All IMHO of course.
|>|-Original Message-
|>|From: Melvyn Sopacua [mailto:msopacua@;php.net]
|>|Sent: Friday, November 01, 2002 10:05 AM
|>|To: Derick Rethans
|>|Cc: Php Dev List; Ilia Alshanetsky; Preston L.Bannister; Marcus 
|>|Boerger; Sander Roobol
|>|Subject: [PHP-DEV] Re: [PATCH] run-tests.php
|>|At 15:37 1-11-2002, Derick Rethans wrote:
|>|> > Any objections?
|>|>We can't object if there is no attachment :)
|>|With kind regards,
|>|Melvyn Sopacua
|>PHP Development Mailing List <http://www.php.net/>
|>To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php
|With kind regards,
|Melvyn Sopacua
|PHP Development Mailing List <http://www.php.net/>
|To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

PHP Development Mailing List <http://www.php.net/>
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RE: [PHP-DEV] Re: [PATCH] run-tests.php

2002-11-01 Thread John Coggeshall

The only thing I see wrong, is perhaps that Shane and I are working on a
new run-tests script (see run-tests2.php)

Since the script (at least the CLI class) basically works just as well
as the current run-tests.php (as far as I've seen thus far)... Well, I'm
just worried your patch will end up disappearing :(

All IMHO of course.


|-Original Message-
|From: Melvyn Sopacua [mailto:msopacua@;php.net] 
|Sent: Friday, November 01, 2002 10:05 AM
|To: Derick Rethans
|Cc: Php Dev List; Ilia Alshanetsky; Preston L.Bannister; 
|Marcus Boerger; Sander Roobol
|Subject: [PHP-DEV] Re: [PATCH] run-tests.php
|At 15:37 1-11-2002, Derick Rethans wrote:
|> > Any objections?
|>We can't object if there is no attachment :)
|#*!$%', mt_rand(1,6), 1); 
|$i++; } ?>
|With kind regards,
|Melvyn Sopacua

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RE: [PHP-DEV] Re: [PHP-DOC] Apache 2 installation instructions

2002-10-28 Thread John Coggeshall

|> We receive many complaints at [EMAIL PROTECTED] about failures in 
|> setting up PHP with Apache 2. Can somebody please update the 
|> documentation with details on Apache 2 on Linux and Windows, or 
|> provide information for the documentation team to add to the 
|> documentation. It would definitely help users.

There are some issues I believe with Apache 2.0 in general and PHP... I
can't tell you exactly where the problems are because I haven't setup
the testing yet, but from what I gathered at PHPCon there is an issue
with Thread Saftey and some of the PHP extensions. 

Since I have no idea the nature of these "failures" I can't give much
more info... As for the documentation, When I do my install of Apache
2.0 / PHP, I'll be sure to make sure the docs reflect the necessary
steps and correct / add anything I found necessary.


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[PHP-DEV] CVS Account Request: john

2002-10-28 Thread John Coggeshall
I'm going to be working with Shane Caraveo on Thread Saftey and trying to get 
Threading (from a script) support implemented. I also am going to be working with the 
PHP manual a little bit cleaning things up (as I'm going to be using it really 
frequently in the next few months

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