Re: [PHP-DEV] classes, instances & objects in ZE2

2002-04-08 Thread Kristian Köhntopp

Marcus Börger wrote:
> -> we have private, what about final, public, protected and
> abstract (can we remove/hide a method from an object)?

Do we in ZE2? What use it is?

In my book, private is only of very limited use, because there
always must be a way around it. 

Introducing private (in C++) immediately called for the
introduction of protected and friend, with protected being a
mechanism to break privacy along the lines of the inheritance
hierarchy and friend being a mechanism to break privacy across
inheritance hierarchies, at compile time.

Since PHP does many things at run time which C++ does at compile
time, there must be a mechanism to break privacy at run time,
which makes it pretty pointless to have private variables in the
first place.

I'd rather go for a warning that is being triggered whenever I
access $a->_slot, but not when I access $this->_slot ("Access to
private object member"). I could suppress this warning by writing
$a->_slot as @$a->_slot instead.

Providing stronger privacy would only force the addition of even
more syntactic candy (such as a get_private($o, $slot) and
set_private($o, $slot)). Functions to break privacy are needed 
in order to write Metafunctionality such as a serialization
agent, or a RPC proxy like the Soaping mixin class I introduced
in another mail to this list.

> -> do we allow to reduce visability (replace protected by
> private as long as we don't have it):
>   class A {
> public function f()..
>   }
>   class B extends A {
> protected function f()...
>   }

Same reasoning as above. Make it a warning, do not delve into B&D
language realms. PHP does things at run time, because we are in
the rapid prototyping area and flexibility comes before compile
type checking and static bindings. And anyway, class != type in


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: aggergate vs MI

2002-04-08 Thread Kristian Köhntopp

"Stig S. Bakken" wrote:
> Example set of classes using aggregate to customize at runtime:
> DB_Connection  generic connection object
> DB_Connection_odbc layer interfacing to PHP's odbc functions
> DB_Connection_oracle   ditto for Oracle
> DB_Connection_mysqlditto for MySQL
> DB_SQL_oracle  SQL portability layer for Oracle
> DB_SQL_mysql   ditto for MySQL
> If the user requests a connection to an Oracle database, 
> the connect function returns an instance of DB_Connection 
> that has aggregated DB_Connection_oracle and DB_SQL_oracle.
> But if the user requests a connection to Oracle through ODBC, the
> connect function returns an instance of DB_Connection that has
> aggregated DB_Connection_odbc.  After connecting to the database,
> DB_Connection_odbc detects that it is used against Oracle and 
> aggregates DB_SQL_oracle.

You can do all this almost the same way you have shown using MI
and a factory object. You would premix your classes to get a
static (determined at compile time) mix, and have the factory
return the appropriately mixed class.

That's why I was using a generic RPC proxy and a Soaping mixin in
my example. In my example the actual classes being mixed are not
fixed, and are in fact not known until include_once() time
(runtime). Aggegration allows you to mix functionality into
existing classes dynamically, include_once() allows you to load
code dynamically. Thus, any attempt to solve this at compiletime
is doomed.

Generally speaking it is about class and type. A type describes
what an object can do, it's signature. The signature is a canonic
serialization of all its instance variable names and function
signatures. A class is where the object got these instance
variables and functions from.

In languages where class == type, functionality is either
inherited or locally defined. But there are languages where
functionality is not restricted to these sources but may be
provided in other ways. Aggregation is one way to get
functionality besides inheriance, and makes PHP a language where
class != type, if desired.

Traditionally, PHP always was class != type when it came to
instance variables. $this->$b was a valid construct for any $b
containing a valid variable name (and many invalid ones as well).
Traditionally PHP also was limited in how it could aquire
functions in objects, so it was class == type for functions of an
object. Aggregate fixed that by providing the missing API.

Stig's first attempt at aggregate() broke serialization and thus
sessions, because serialze() assumes that is enough to note the
class of an object in order to describe its type. That assumption
had always been false, but there was no API to break it. For
instance variables, serialize() always recorded the type, but for
methods it recorded the class as a reasonable shortcut.

In fact we could keep Stig's first version of aggregate(), if
serialize() recorded the type of an object for its methods, too.
It would have to write a log that describes how the object
aquired its functionality in order to recreate that upon
deserialization() (in PHPLIB terms, change

$o = new Class;
# aggregate($o, "anotherClass");

$o->slot = 17;

so that the aggregate statement is recorded and generated in the
session data)

It is only because of the uglyness of this approach that Stig
revised his implementation of aggregate() so that it does not
break the (actually false) assumption of serialize() that class
== type for methods.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: aggergate vs MI

2002-04-08 Thread Kristian Köhntopp

brad lafountain wrote:
> Unless someone could give me a real reason that 
> aggerate is better than MI.

Aggregation does at runtime what MI does at compile time.
Delaying the decision to "do" something is usually an enable for
specific applications. 

Examples are the signal/slot  mechanism based call-models  in
Gnome and Qt vs. virtual function tables in C++. The decision
which implementation for a method is being called is delayed to
the actual point in time when a call is being made, enabling a
much more flexible component model and much better reuse.

The cost for doing things late is worse typechecking, errors are
potentially caught only at call-time, not at compile-time (with
Qt, it probably is link-time, due to the way it is implemented).

The same goes with aggregation. Aggregation allows me to write a
class "Soaping", which implements a SOAP RPC Client and a
SOAPFactory class, which manufactures objects of any class and
aggregates Soaping into them:

I could include_once() any unknown class, create an instance
and use PHPs introspective functions to create a list of 
functions and instance variables in this class. By adding 
Soaping functionality to the class, and with the help of 
getters, setters and wrappers provided by overload(), I 
can intercept all accesses to this instance, turn them into
SOAP calls to some remote instance of that object, and
marshall the results back into my application.

The beauty of this is, that I can do this at run-time, and that I
can do this generically with any old class, using two miniscule
additions to the system, aggregate() and overload(). Yet for the
user this is probably transparent.

> Class definition is defined at design time not run time!

No, it isn't. Unless you are stuck with C++.

PHP is for rapid prototyping. That may turn into rabid
prototyping (SCNR the pun) if you do not know how to use it, but
it may also be an extremely powerful tool as I have shown. 

Generally speaking, it allows you to design metaclasses and
metasystems, which add some general function to the language


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[PHP-DEV] Re: aggregate() und overload()

2002-04-08 Thread Kristian Köhntopp

Andrei Zmievski wrote:
> Please expound on this. I would like to hear specific 
> problems you see existing with __get_x() callbacks.

As of now, this is just an unspecified bad feeling of mine.
I only can back up this with the two times we had special names
which were variable in PHP: Both attempts at them failed

- We had (have, until ZE 2, if I am not mistaken) variable
  named constructors (ctors named after the class). These 
had a number of design flaws in PHP 3, which were fixed in
PHP 4, at the cost of an overly complex ruleset for 
constructor names.

Had we chosen stable names for constructors, we'd gotten the
same effect with a single rule for ctor names.

- We had (until very recently) variable names for imported
  variables amidst our global namespace. We earned a number
of security problems due to admittedly stupid code, which
swayed the PTBs to finally disable registering globals by

I cannot come up with a bomb script right now, but I am
reasonably sure that __get_x() will backfire at some time
as well.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] aggregate() und overload()

2002-04-05 Thread Kristian Köhntopp

Kristian Köhntopp wrote:
> In fact, setters, getters and wrappers provide a great
> policy-agnostic mechanism to introduce policies of the
> implementors choosing.

A final note: Sebastian told me that in ZE 2, constructors and
destructors have a fixed name like __construct() and
__destruct(). If so, the following breakage cannot be reproduced
in PHP with ZE 2, which is good.


class __get {
  function __get() {
echo "I am the constructor for __get\n";

class Bomb extends __get {


$bang = new Bomb;

Because Bomb does not have a constructor, the inherited
constructor __get() is called. Because Bomb is overloaded, this
also is a getter. This is not sane, but hopefully will not be an
issue in ZE 2 based PHPs.

Shouldn't overload() be enabled on all clases, just as
constructors are? This will pretty much avoid the issue, I think.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] aggregate() und overload()

2002-04-05 Thread Kristian Köhntopp

"Stig S. Bakken" wrote:
> Well, aggregate and MI are for solving different 
> problems, basically aggregate is for customizing 
> objects at runtime, while MI is done at compile time.

You are right, these are different. I had a longer mail on
types and classes, and how type == class is not true in PHP,
but for example in C++ and how aggregate() made this obvious
for methods (it has always been for instance variables). But
yours is the much shorter and for the purpose of this 
discussion relevant summary.

> Suggestion for new implementation:
> * Don't create temporary class entries, proxy all calls through
>   PHP's object overloading.
> * aggregate() will create an instance of the aggregated class
>   and store it in the aggregating object (member 
>   __aggregated_objects or something like that), and 
>   overload the aggregating object.
>   The __aggregated_objects array is a hash of 
>   "method" => &$object.
>   If a method name exists in the hash, issue a warning 
>   and keep the old version.
> * The overloaded function handler looks up undefined methods in
>   __aggregated_objects at runtime.
> * Properties will not be aggregated
> * Constructors, destructors and other special methods 
>   (__*) will not be aggregated.
> It should be possible for deserialize() to recreate 
> objects aggregated this way.  Do you see any problems 
> with this implementation?

Does serialize() and unserialize() handle references properly? I
am out of PHP and have been for quite some time now, and last
time I looked, it didn't. If it does, your approach should work,
and looks sane (aggregation by delegation, instead of aggregation
by composition, I think).

Allows us to delay or even avoid MI, which I am slightly in favor
of (but this is an aquired taste, due to education).

> I don't particularly mind removing __(set|get)_* and only have
> __(set|get).  +0 on this one too.

setters, getters and wrappers are in fact fascinating, because
they allow you to

- create composite aggregates (instance variables and methods)
  in userland, if you like to implement them yourself.

  __call can be used to implement __delegate, which I asked
  for a long time ago.

- enforce $this->_* to be private, if you like to enforce 
  private variables.

- enforce class == type for instance variables or methods, if
  you choose it to be this way. No more spontaneous instance
  variable creation, if your __put implementation forbids it.

In fact, setters, getters and wrappers provide a great
policy-agnostic mechanism to introduce policies of the
implementors choosing.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] DB Abstraction

2002-04-03 Thread Kristian Köhntopp

Lukas Smith wrote:
> With overhead I mean you have a another object that first 
> builds the query that in turn creates a DB abstraction 
> layer object ...

There is more to layer 3 than you imply here, especially if you
venture on into the land of user interfaces represented by
objects and coupling these with your query generation layer.
Representations of Transactions, Query and Attribute Caches,
eager and lazy retrieval strategies (Strategy Objects), and a
modelling application come to mind immediately.

Again, see Apple WebObjects and .NET for ideas. 

Ideally, for standard applications such as table browsing and
editing, master-detail relationships and simply "update form and
commit" interfaces, the same code should be able to connect to a
weblike GUI and PHP GTK as well as to PHP with a Qt Interface by
simply switching or reconfiguring some factory classes. That
would cover about 80% of all database applications with a GUI by
simply connecting a few classes and setting delegates to your
application class for the basic logic.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] DB Abstraction

2002-04-03 Thread Kristian Köhntopp

Lukas Smith wrote:
> I would disagree there. A query builder could do a lot 
> of stuff much nicer than a DB abstraction layer could 
> do. A query builder could make much better use of 
> RDBMS specific features than a DB abstraction layer
> could. A query builder can build the query from 
> "scratch" with all given information whereas a DB 
> abstraction layer (unless it parses the actual
> query) is fairly limited. For example think queries 
> that should work for relational and non relational 
> databases for example.

This is what Apple Webobjects use:

This is how it looks like:

This is what Sun puts against Apple Webobjects:,2348,all-873-99,00.html

They even offer a transitional tool that converts Apple EOF
into Sun ROF models.

I once hacked together a quick study of a ER model representation
and SQL generator in the days of PHP3. It was very slow due to
object creation overhead: The ER model and access layer
abstration use a great number of objects, most of which are only
fired once or twice on a page. 

Using this to model abstract access to a database was not paying
off within the deployment model of PHP. I stayed with DB_MySQL in
PHPLIB and later ranted about the necessity of an Application
server and truly persistent objects on this list. :-)


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Re: Session patch

2002-04-02 Thread Kristian Köhntopp

Marcus Börger wrote:
> I do not think having your cookie beeing part of dns is 
> a fast solution or did you your self register many of 
> these entrie before you brought
> your page up because than i get me a dns server download your
> possible cookielist (then it is a download :-) ) and and do a
> little easy
> hacking.

i think you are missing here the possibility of wildcard A
records such as

*   IN  A   86400   w.x.y.z

Such a record in your zone will match each and any host. See for an application that
utilizes this. Wildcard-A's are especially useful in conjunction
with mod_vhost, if your are not using them for session ids.

Also, there is no such list to download. There is just the
above line in your zone.

> And of cause you do not use IP adresses if so you could not
> distinguish
> between usesers sitting behind a firewall in an intranet.
> Cookie - yes you need not with that solution.

If I am informed correctly, one of the claim in the SevenVal 
Patent essentially covers Wildcard-A's. Technically, this
cannot be granted, as Google easily finds prior application
of Wildcard-A's that dates back to the late 80ies. Yet, it is
still an unchallenged claim and therefore a reaily before the
law. The essential "new" idea that SevenVal wants to protect
is the combination of two standard ideas of Wildcard-A's and
secure md5 session ids, thus the patent - reality of patent
law today.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] CLI & max_execution_time

2002-03-25 Thread Kristian Köhntopp

> ANother possibility is to take the CLI out of 4.2.0, 

+1 from me.

We have lived without the CLI for some time now. If we introduce
it, it should be done right (correct defaults, reading
preferences the right way).


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Re: [PHP-DEV] CLI & max_execution_time

2002-03-25 Thread Kristian Köhntopp

Edin Kadribasic wrote:
> That's ok.  Calling function to set it should still work though.
> We should really get started on the  
> thing for php.ini.

Actually, no.

A SAPI version of PHP should get configuration values the way a
webserver does. It is running in the context of a webserver and
should be handling things as webbish as they come.

A CLI version of PHP is a kind of scripting shell at the same
level as awk, perl and other scripting languages are. It should
not behave webbish at all, but shelly instead. It should not
output a content type by default (automatic -q option), it should
read /etc/php.ini and $HOME/.php.ini.

Please get this right the first time you do it.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Overloading Tags with PHP functions

2002-01-16 Thread Kristian Köhntopp

Sebastian Bergmann wrote:
>   TINX (This Is Not XSP), which I put into PEAR, currently allows for
>   tag-triggered function and method calls.

Finde ich wo? In meinem PEAR scheint es nicht zu sein? Pfadname,


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[PHP-DEV] Overloading Tags with PHP functions

2002-01-15 Thread Kristian Köhntopp

After quite some experimentation with XSLT as well as several
template packages, I have come to the conclusion that XSLT has
several drawbacks. For one, it makes simple things like variable
replacement in HTML more complicated, but makes complex things
like conversion of a HTML table into a pie chart close to

Also, XSLTs Xpath is a kind of database language for hierarchical
data stores (DOM trees), with all the drawbacks of a
nonrelational and incomplete (no join, no aggregation) query
language. And as a functional language it sucks, too

Finally, I always liked the ability of the Roxen webserver to
bind code to tags.

So I wrote a proof of concept class Transform in PHP, with does
just that: It binds opening and closing functions to XML tags.
With a version of TIDY linked into PHP as a library, one could
even do this stunt with improperly nested HTML.

What is this? Attached you find a class Transform, which contains
some very rough proof-of-concept code. This code defines an
output buffer to capture the XML generated by the page. That XML
must be nested properly, as no attempt on capturing any errors is
being made. 

I then use expat to parse that XML and look for function
callbacks named just like the tags that are being processed: If a
function called tag_open_h1 exists, then it is being called
whenever a H1 tag is being seen. Same goes for closing tags. The
opening tags are fed the Transform object and the attribuites of
the tag. Closing tags are fed the content of the tag. Also,
closing tags have access to a variable level, the nesting level,
and to an element and attribute stack, as well as the output of
their opening tag.

Closing tags may even generate tags which need further
processing, that is, you may define  to be replaced with
 and  to be replaced with  and the result of 
will be an .

How can this be used for templates?

One could use this to define cold fusion and Roxen like tags such
as bla, which will replace itself with an 
tag to an image containing the word "bla". A menu will be
inserted where a  tag is shown and so on. Overloading
 or  will define the template for a page.

The following code is slow and very ad-hoc. Still, I'd like you
to have a look at it and think about it - I'll gather reviews and
opinions and probably turn it into C at some later time.


style = $style;
  function set_style($tag, $open, $close) {
$this->style[$this->canon($tag)]["open"]  = $open;
$this->style[$this->canon($tag)]["close"] = $close;

  # expat callbacks
  function startElement($x, $n, &$a) {
$this->level += 1;

$this->elstack[$this->level] = $n;
$this->atstack[$this->level] = $a;

if (isset($this->style[$this->canon($n)]["open"])) {
  $fn = $this->style[$this->canon($n)]["open"];
  $this->cdata[$this->level] = $fn($this, $a);
} else {
  $this->cdata[$this->level] = "<$n" . $this->attr2str($a) . ">";

  function endElement($x, $n) {
$c = $this->cdata[$this->level];

if (isset($this->style[$this->canon($n)]["close"])) {
  $fn = $this->style[$this->canon($n)]["close"];
  $c = $fn($this, $c);
  # Rekursion:
  # Wende die xml_transformation noch einmal auf
  # das Resultat an, um generierte Spezialtags
  # ebenfalls zu ersetzen.
  $t = new Transform($this->style);
  $c = $t->handle_output($c);
} else {
  $c .= "";

$this->level -= 1;

# bubble transformation result upwards on stack
$this->cdata[$this->level] .= $c;

  function characterData($x, $data) {
$this->cdata[$this->level] .= $data;
  # output buffering handlers
  function handle_output($str) {
if (strpos($str, "<") === false)
  return $str;

$this->x = xml_parser_create();
xml_parser_set_option($this->x, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, $this->case_folding);
xml_set_object($this->x, $this);
xml_set_element_handler($this->x, "startElement", "endElement");
xml_set_character_data_handler($this->x, "characterData");
if (!xml_parse($this->x, $str, true)) {
  die(sprintf("XML error: %s at line %d",

return $this->cdata[0];

  # helper functions
  function canon($tag) {
if ($this->case_folding)
  return strtoupper($tag);
  return $tag;

  function attr2str($a) {
$r = "";

while(list($k, $v) = each($a)) {
  $r .= " $k=\"$v\"";

return $r;

function tag_open_h1(&$t, $attrs) {
  return "attr2str($attrs) . ">";

function tag_close_h1(&$t, $content) {
  return "$content";
function tag_open_b(&$t, $attrs) {
  return "";
function tag_close_b(&$t, $content) {
  return "$content";

function tag_open_font(&$t, $attrs) {

Re: [PHP-DEV] [NEW EXTENSTION]: templates

2001-12-06 Thread Kristian Köhntopp

Daniel Lorch wrote:
> or the more XML-style
> what follows here is solely my own opinion

Will you please pack your private markup into a (DTD-documented!)
namespace and properly declare your namespace at the top of your

That would then be

  what follows are my follies

Thank you,
  Kris :-)

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [NEW EXTENSTION]: templates

2001-12-06 Thread Kristian Köhntopp

Björn Schotte wrote:
> [1]: anyone has a nice English expression for the german
> "Schlipsträger"?

The common english expression for "Schlipsträger" is


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Re: [PHP-DEV] [NEW EXTENSTION]: templates

2001-12-05 Thread Kristian Köhntopp

Daniel Lorch wrote:
> when I look at /ext/ (PHP source) just to pick a random example:
> what's 'vpopmail' doing there (no personal offense to the author,
> really randomly picked)? I mean, vpopmail has it's own deamon and an
> interface written in PHP (ok, that one is ugly, it depends on global
> variables and has to be rewritten), but why create a /compiled/ module
> for this?

Because that is the way PHP works. PHP is like the borg: If there
is a C call somewhere out there in the kernel or some obscure
somebody will wrap it in PHP and provide an interface to it. This
makes for an extremely rich, some would say bloated language, and
it gets a lot of things done. It is also unpretty to look at, but
I don't care at all, as long as it earns my money.

> anyone interested in /ext/daniel/ printing out some greetings to my
> friends? how about daniel_greet_his_friends(); and
> daniel_send_email_to_his_friends(), etc?

This is exactly what the PHP core was created for: Customize
the hell out of it.


Kristian Köhntopp, NetUSE AG, Dr.-Hell-Straße, D-24107 Kiel
Tel: +49 431 386 435 00, Fax: +49 431 386 435 99

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [NEW EXTENSTION]: templates

2001-12-05 Thread Kristian Köhntopp

Maxx wrote:
> However, the comment about keeping template's info in the same template
> (i.e. delimiters, context tag names and probably something else) is a good
> idea.
> I think this should be done in the next version.

Fear the installed base. Delete NOW all features you do not
want to support until the end of your life.

As soon as there is code using these parameters to your open
call, you'll have to support them for compatibility reasons.
You'll almost never get rid of them.


Kristian Köhntopp, NetUSE AG, Dr.-Hell-Straße, D-24107 Kiel
Tel: +49 431 386 435 00, Fax: +49 431 386 435 99

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [NEW EXTENSTION]: templates

2001-12-05 Thread Kristian Köhntopp

Maxx wrote:
> > You may be tempted to provide a PHP function
> > template_set_braces()
> > or something like that to implement this. Don't.
> This is already done in tmpl_open() function. You may pass an array with
> template tag delimiters and context name.

I suggest you remove this. The template itself shall contain
the information which characters are being used as delimters.
Proper processing of a template shall not be dependent on
information outside of the template.


Kristian Köhntopp, NetUSE AG, Dr.-Hell-Straße, D-24107 Kiel
Tel: +49 431 386 435 00, Fax: +49 431 386 435 99

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [NEW EXTENSTION]: templates

2001-12-05 Thread Kristian Köhntopp

Maxx wrote:
> - unlimited number of template tags (sure, i even shouldn't be saying
> that)

I am fairly sure that someone will come up with the wish to make
the {}'s surrounding the name of the template tag configureable.
You may be tempted to provide a PHP function
or something like that to implement this. Don't.

A template shall contain all information necessary to parse it.
the contents for the template tags there shall be no external
So if you must make the {}'s configureable, do so by providing
within the actual template as a property of the template. I
some special configuration tag which must be part of the first
of the template if it shall be present.

This way it is possible to execute other peoples templates
having to change ones own code.

Also, you'd most likely want to have an escape mechanism which
you with an easy way to generate {} in your output even if the
tages are currently being frames by {}'s.

Finally, do NOT implement conditionals or loops. If you give in
anything that resembles control structures, you'll end up
a turing complete language. This will sooner or later become a
within-PHP and you'll want to avoid this at all cost. Conditions
loops must always be part of the controlling PHP code, never be
of the template. If a particular application does lend itself
to this kind of structure, then this particular applicastion
isn't properly structured for templates to be useful. Use pure


Kristian Köhntopp, NetUSE AG, Dr.-Hell-Straße, D-24107 Kiel
Tel: +49 431 386 435 00, Fax: +49 431 386 435 99

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Constructor Inheritance

2001-05-22 Thread Kristian Köhntopp

Neil Kimber wrote:
> Haven't tried it but try:
> class B extends A {
>   function B(){
> A::A();
> // do your extra stuff here.
>   }
> }

I have recently updated the PHP manual to reflect the behaviour
of PHP 4. Please read
for all of the details.


Kristian Köhntopp, NetUSE AG Dr.-Hell-Straße, D-24107 Kiel
Tel: +49 431 386 435 00, Fax: +49 431 386 435 99

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Re: [PHP-DEV] bug or feature?

2001-05-21 Thread Kristian Köhntopp

Zeev Suraski wrote:
> It's good that this question was asked, but really, be prepared to the fact
> that 'no' can also be an answer.

Then let me rephrase the question: What is the recommended
way to signal error conditions from the inside of an object


Kristian Köhntopp, NetUSE AG Dr.-Hell-Straße, D-24107 Kiel
Tel: +49 431 386 435 00, Fax: +49 431 386 435 99

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Re: [PHP-DEV] bug or feature?

2001-05-21 Thread Kristian Köhntopp

Stig Sæther Bakken wrote:
> I disagree with your conclusion here.  If a side-effect is useful
> enough and people want to use it, why not document it de-bastardize
> it?  The fact that other OO languages implement this should be a hint
> that it shouldn't be impossible to do in a different OO model.

Also, this is not performance critical. It is usually done
in errors handlers in constructors, so PHP engine implementors
should be able to emulate it, even if assignments to $this are
not a natural side effect in their implementation of a PHP


Kristian Köhntopp, NetUSE AG Dr.-Hell-Straße, D-24107 Kiel
Tel: +49 431 386 435 00, Fax: +49 431 386 435 99

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Latest commit -- depreciation of call_user_method()

2001-05-18 Thread Kristian Köhntopp

Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
> There will be more and more extensions that are not bundled with PHP, and
> having a standard way to check the version of an extension is going to be
> required.  This should also apply to the bundled extensions.

Currently there is a number of self-description functions
in PHP, such as the name of the current SAPI, tests for existing
(loaded) extensions and similar.

I'd second your request for a function or a number of functions
that report properties of a loaded extension, and I'd like to
see section in a manual that deals with "analyzing your PHP
environment from a program".


1. how would I get a list of all currently loaded modules
   and their version number?
2. how would I get a list of functions names, constants 
   and magic variables and internal objects created by 
   this module?
3. what information can I get about the PHP core (version,
   SAPI, other information).

Question is, would it be possible write phpinfo() as a user
function? If yes, the set of self description of PHP would
be fairly complete - the list of function names etc actually
transcends phpino(). This could be interpreted as a shortcoming
of phpinfo(): module names should be clickable in phpinfo()
and lead to a page describing that module in detail.


Kristian Köhntopp, NetUSE AG Dr.-Hell-Straße, D-24107 Kiel
Tel: +49 431 386 435 00, Fax: +49 431 386 435 99

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Re: [PHP-DEV] bug or feature?

2001-05-18 Thread Kristian Köhntopp

Oyvind Moll wrote:
> Could the current behaviour be hard to keep in the future, with the
> "$this assignment in constructor" syntax?

Assignments to self (to $this) are a very useful features and
common in other OO languages as well. I'd vote for keeping the
feature, document it as such and making it legal.


Kristian Köhntopp, NetUSE AG Dr.-Hell-Straße, D-24107 Kiel
Tel: +49 431 386 435 00, Fax: +49 431 386 435 99

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