[PHP-DEV] PHP 4.0 Bug #9258: Mail function hangs SMTP server

2001-02-14 Thread patrick

Operating system: Windows 2000 SP1
PHP version:  4.0.4pl1
PHP Bug Type: IIS related
Bug description:  Mail function hangs SMTP server

I installed PHP 4.0.4pl1 as ISAPI filter on my system (Win2K SP1, IIS 5, and Exchange 
Server 2000). Everything seems to work fine except that if I try to send an e-mail 
with PHP, it will hang the IIS Virtual SMTP server. I am then unable to stop/restart 
the service and the only solution is to reboot.

The only scripts I am using are from a standard PHP-Nuke install. In my php.ini, I 
have set the SMTP server to localhost, my IP, and my DNS name, but still have the same 
results. So far I have not been able to test it with an external SMTP server, but I am 
building one today for this purpose.

Edit Bug report at: http://bugs.php.net/?id=9258&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] PHP 4.0 Bug #9258 Updated: Mail function hangs SMTP server

2001-02-14 Thread patrick

ID: 9258
User Update by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Status: Open
Bug Type: IIS related
Description: Mail function hangs SMTP server

By the way... I changed it so that PHP runs as CGI and not ISAPI and it works. I still 
have not tried ISAPI and an external mail server.

Previous Comments:

[2001-02-14 08:24:57] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I installed PHP 4.0.4pl1 as ISAPI filter on my system (Win2K SP1, IIS 5, and Exchange 
Server 2000). Everything seems to work fine except that if I try to send an e-mail 
with PHP, it will hang the IIS Virtual SMTP server. I am then unable to stop/restart 
the service and the only solution is to reboot.

The only scripts I am using are from a standard PHP-Nuke install. In my php.ini, I 
have set the SMTP server to localhost, my IP, and my DNS name, but still have the same 
results. So far I have not been able to test it with an external SMTP server, but I am 
building one today for this purpose.


Full Bug description available at: http://bugs.php.net/?id=9258

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #12032: PHP dumps core when using a 3x derived class from a series of included files

2001-07-10 Thread patrick

Operating system: Debian/GNULinux unstable
PHP version:  4.0.6
PHP Bug Type: Reproducible crash
Bug description:  PHP dumps core when using a 3x derived class from a series of 
included files

see http://patrick.jordan-smith.org/junk/example.tar.gz 
for scripts to reproduce this error. The file crashes.php 
when loaded from the browser will crash php, the file 
doesntcrash.php won't. It seems from looking at a 
backtrace that php gets itself into a infinite loop. I 
don't include a backtrace because it's 19421 entries long.

This is using the php4 package from debian

Edit bug report at: http://bugs.php.net/?id=12032&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #12040: PHP dumps core when using a 3x derived class from a series of included files

2001-07-11 Thread patrick

Operating system: Debian/GNULinux unstable
PHP version:  4.0.6
PHP Bug Type: Reproducible crash
Bug description:  PHP dumps core when using a 3x derived class from a series of 
included files

This is bug #12032 but I don't have a password to add more 
info to it (didn't enter one, was rushed)

Yes,it seems to have to do with the calling of parent
object fuctions in files incuded from files that have been
included. Following are 3 php files that reproduce it,you
run the D.PHP file. If the a.php file is included in d.php
instead of b.php, there is no problem.
// -- A.PHP --
  function _constructor()
// -- EOF --
// -- B.PHP --

// -- EOF --
// -- D.PHP --

// -- EOF --
// -- D.PHP --

// -- EOF --

Edit bug report at: http://bugs.php.net/?id=12040&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #12040 Updated: PHP dumps core when using a 3x derived class from a series of included files

2001-07-11 Thread patrick

ID: 12040
User updated by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Old Status: Open
Status: Closed
Bug Type: Reproducible crash
Operating System: Debian/GNULinux unstable
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

Okay, the cvs version fixes this crash, so I've closed the 
bug, thanks all for your suggestions and writing such a 
useful tool!

Previous Comments:

[2001-07-11 04:40:39] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This is bug #12032 but I don't have a password to add more 
info to it (didn't enter one, was rushed)

Yes,it seems to have to do with the calling of parent
object fuctions in files incuded from files that have been
included. Following are 3 php files that reproduce it,you
run the D.PHP file. If the a.php file is included in d.php
instead of b.php, there is no problem.
// -- A.PHP --
  function _constructor()
// -- EOF --
// -- B.PHP --

// -- EOF --
// -- D.PHP --

// -- EOF --
// -- D.PHP --

// -- EOF --

ATTENTION! Do NOT reply to this email!
To reply, use the web interface found at http://bugs.php.net/?id=12040&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #15008: Apache Crash

2002-01-12 Thread patrick

Operating system: Linux 2.4.5
PHP version:  4.1.1
PHP Bug Type: Reproducible crash
Bug description:  Apache Crash

After compiling 4.1.1 whith Apache 1.3.22 and MySql 3.23.46

i get follwing erros in the weblog
[Sat Jan 12 21:50:10 2002] [notice] child pid 18992 exit signal
Segmentation fault (11)
[Sat Jan 12 21:50:43 2002] [notice] child pid 14447 exit signal
Segmentation fault (11)

when reverting to 4.0.6 these errors are gone.

config :
'./configure' '--with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs'
'--with-mysql=/usr/local' '--with-gd'

Edit bug report at: http://bugs.php.net/?id=15008&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Re: PHP 4.0 Bug #5181 Updated: 'No input file specified' error in CGI mode / location of bugs in code

2001-01-18 Thread Patrick Doyle

Yes, it appears to work now, thanks!

- Patrick Doyle

Bug Database wrote:
> ID: 5181
> Updated by: sniper
> Reported By: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Old-Status: Suspended
> Status: Closed
> Old-Bug Type: Installation problem
> Bug Type: *General Issues
> Assigned To:
> Comments:
> This should be fixed now. Please try PHP 4.0.4pl1.
> --Jani
> Previous Comments:
> ---
> [2000-08-02 12:13:24] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> please wait, none of the suggested changes
> seem to be applied ... lets just suspend it for now
> ---
> [2000-08-01 22:59:35] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> no feedback, closed
> ---
> [2000-06-28 05:06:55] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Please chekc the latest version - does it work now?
> ---
> [2000-06-21 23:09:29] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> As others have reported, setting --enable-discard-path does not allow PHP to run 
>properly in CGI mode.  This simple script will fail when hit through a Web server:
> #!/usr/local/bin/php
> producing a "No input file specified" error.
> There seem to be three bugs in the file sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c that cause this.  (At 
>least, when I fixed these things, it worked).  I'll now reveal what is probably my 
>ignorance of the code by pointing them out.
> The problems are all in the init_request_info() function.  Specifically,
> 1.  ~Line 252.  script_filename is set to getenv("SCRIPT_FILENAME") rather than 
>getenv("SCRIPT_NAME").  Maybe SCRIPT_FILENAME is a newer variant I haven't heard of, 
>but our servers have always used SCRIPT_NAME.
> 2.  ~Line 278.  If DISCARD_PATH is set and script_filename is available, 
>SG(request_info).path_translated should be set to the concatenation of 
>getenv("DOCUMENT_ROOT") and script_filename, not just script_filename.  Otherwise, 
>when php_fopen_primary_script() tries to open it it will bomb, because it doesn't 
>have the full path.
> 3.  ~Line 290.  For some reason, irrespective of the previous DISCARD_PATH section, 
>SG(request_info).path_translated is set to NULL.  This will clobber the script name 
>when discard path is enabled.  As far as I can tell this line should simply be 
> Hope that's useful to someone. :)
> ---
> Full Bug description available at: http://bugs.php.net/?id=5181

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[PHP-DEV] PHP 4.0 Bug #9508: Authentication does not work

2001-03-01 Thread patrick . bundi

Operating system: W2000 Server
PHP version:  4.0.4pl1
PHP Bug Type: IIS related
Bug description:  Authentication does not work

I made an authentification script. On apache it works fine, running it on iis5 
(including the isapi filter), it asks and asks ever again for the password. think the 
variables get lost?? 

Edit Bug report at: http://bugs.php.net/?id=9508&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] PHP 4.0 Bug #9535: Server Application Error

2001-03-03 Thread patrick . bundi

Operating system: Win 2000 Server
PHP version:  4.0.4pl1
PHP Bug Type: IIS related
Bug description:  Server Application Error

After running PHP a while i get this error Server Application Error
on the web:
The server has reached the maximum recovery limit for the application during the 
processing of your request. Please contact the server
administrator for assistance.

The Event Log has these entries:
The HTTP server encountered an unhandled exception while processing the ISAPI 
Application '
php4ts!zend_strndup + 0x2B
 + 0xA05C8578

and then each time i call the page:

The HTTP server encountered an unhandled exception while processing the ISAPI 
Application '
php4ts!zend_strndup + 0x2B
 + 0xA05C8578

Edit Bug report at: http://bugs.php.net/?id=9535&edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] === Question

2001-07-19 Thread Patrick Pease

What does the === operator do

and whats the difference between == and ===?

any help?

Patrick PEase

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[PHP-DEV] Application Function

2001-07-19 Thread Patrick Pease

Could you guys implement a function from asp?

the Application() function (i dont realy know what it
does) but i need it for a chat app.


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[PHP-DEV] gmmktime fails because of bug! any solutions?

2002-04-08 Thread Patrick Sibenaler

After some sleepless nights and a DB with messed-up GMT-Epoch-timestamps,
I tried to figure out the problem with gmmktime and only then found that 
the bug persists since quite a while:


At this point you CANNOT RELY ON GMT-TIMESTAMPS created by gmmktime(). They 
fail on w2k with the switch from/to DST and are the respective hour off... 
See problem description and examples in the link above.

Does anyone know workarounds for this?

I can help by providing testcases or testing grounds if that is nessesary,
but I propose that this should be fixed asap. The clock is ticking and the 
next moment where the php-epoch-stamps will go crazy again is Oct 26th, 2002 


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[PHP-DEV] Development of php Code that emulates asp

2001-08-15 Thread Patrick Pease

Ok, There is a peice of asp code that does sopm realy
It creates a mini Session,
the function is called Application
If you dont want to make a Full copy of Application
do sopm like this
newfunction = Application(Session){
$Session = $Session . ".txt";
touch ($Session);
That is all i need, but you could go ahead and add all the
functionality you need to this code, it is after all your language.

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2002-07-07 Thread Patrick O'Lone

Hey PHP developers!

I wrote function to disable STDOUT from the PHP binary. It just sets the
php_output_set_status() flag option to disable output. However, I don't know
if PHP continues to buffer the output somewhere. Does anyone know? BTW -
I've written this function because I want to write a daemon using PHP, but
initiating a fork'd process from a TTY still causes PHP to deliver output to
the STDOUT. It's true, I could be more "unix-y" about the situation and do:
"php script.php &>/dev/null", but I'd rather be lazy and just type "php
script.php" and let it daemonize properly. In addition, I know think this
disassociates the TTY from STDERR - so runtime errors may still be

   zval **zv_flag;
   int flag;

   switch(ZEND_NUM_ARGS()) {

   case 0:
flag = 0;

   case 1:
if (zend_get_parameters_ex(1, &zv_flag) == FAILURE) {
flag = Z_LVAL_PP(zv_flag);




/* }}} */

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[PHP-DEV] Re: Disable STDOUT

2002-07-07 Thread Patrick O'Lone

Maybe I should write a function disable all open file descriptors instead,
since traditionally that's how it is done. However, I thought PHP closes
STDIN after it's initial read - but I might be wrong.

"Patrick O'Lone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hey PHP developers!
> I wrote function to disable STDOUT from the PHP binary. It just sets the
> php_output_set_status() flag option to disable output. However, I don't
> if PHP continues to buffer the output somewhere. Does anyone know? BTW -
> I've written this function because I want to write a daemon using PHP, but
> initiating a fork'd process from a TTY still causes PHP to deliver output
> the STDOUT. It's true, I could be more "unix-y" about the situation and
> "php script.php &>/dev/null", but I'd rather be lazy and just type "php
> script.php" and let it daemonize properly. In addition, I know think this
> disassociates the TTY from STDERR - so runtime errors may still be
> generated.
> PHP_FUNCTION(ob_disable_stdout)
> {
>zval **zv_flag;
>int flag;
>switch(ZEND_NUM_ARGS()) {
>case 0:
> flag = 0;
> break;
>case 1:
> if (zend_get_parameters_ex(1, &zv_flag) == FAILURE) {
> }
> convert_to_long_ex(zv_flag);
> flag = Z_LVAL_PP(zv_flag);
> break;
> break;
> }
> php_output_set_status(flag);
> }
> /* }}} */

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