[PHP] Session over SSL

2001-06-27 Thread Bass¨Ð¦õªv

Will Session have problem when people browse from a http page to a https
page and go out again?

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Re: [PHP] PHP authenticating and session management

2001-06-24 Thread Bass¨Ð¦õªv

 o ic
check the IP to prevent .

But I have another Q .
I see from www.php.net , people said they will generate a Session ID by
$unique_str = md5(rand(0,999));
why not to generate by ourself ?
PHP will create itself .

Will Session have problem when people browse from a http page to a https
page and go out again?


Christopher Ostmo [EMAIL PROTECTED] ¼¶¼g©ó¶l¥ó
 Bass??? pressed the little lettered thingies in this order...

  I have a Q.
  will the Session ID be stolen by hacker when the ID tranfer bewteen
  and server ? Then can the hacker send the ID to server and veiw the
  page ?

 Yes.  That *can* happen to any non-encrypted transmission that
 passes over an untrusted network.  It would be difficult to do, so it's
 unlikely, but it *can* happen. It would require a packet sniffer on your
 network, on the target network or somewhere between.

 If you want to prevent this, you should match session ID with requesting
 IP addresss, log both into a database and check both for each page

 If the data being accessed is *that* important that a hacker would go
 through that much trouble to hijack a session, you probably should
 consider using SSL.

 Christopher Ostmo
 Meeting cutting edge dynamic
 web site needs

 For a good time,

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[PHP] How to manage login ???

2001-05-24 Thread Bass¨Ð¦õªv


I have a question . At some website which have webmail serivce , they won't
use SSL for login .
Then how can they protect clinet's information and email ??

they use sessions when login in ??
use sessions is secure ??

Is there another security method in PHP ?

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[PHP] How to select rows from Mysql with case senstive ??

2001-05-23 Thread Bass¨Ð¦õªv

Hi ,
By defualt , select rows from Mysql is case insenstive .
For exmaple ,
select * from foo where name = 'PHP'
select * from foo where name = 'php'
is the same

how can i do a queny which
select * from foo where name = 'PHP'
is success
select * from foo where name = 'php'
fail ??

given that name = 'PHP' in the database


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[PHP] How to check aBc different from abc ?

2001-05-15 Thread Bass¨Ð¦õªv

thx ^_^

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[PHP] How to send e-mail using PHP with the sender's address is my company's e-mail ??

2001-03-30 Thread Bass¨Ð¦õªv

Hi ,

My copmany have a website and is hosted on a web server of some web hosting
company .
I want to use PHP to send e-mail on that server .
I use

$result = mail("[EMAIL PROTECTED]" , "E-mail Test" , "this e-mail is sent by php")

to do it .

But when I receive the e-mail , the SENDER 's address is the server's domain
name !

It's a large problem if I send a e-mail to my clients with this cos they
won't know
who send the e-mail !!

how can I send a e-mail with the sender's address is my company's e-mail ???
for exmaple ' [EMAIL PROTECTED] '??


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