RE: [PHP] Apache 2.0.52 / PHP 4.3.10 Integration Question...

2004-12-31 Thread Brian Duke
What exactly does your script end in?
I think you can make up your own extension and add it as well just tell
apache what to use when it sees it. I.E.
AddType application/x-httpd-php .fred 

I can't guarantee that's true but I think you can.

> -Original Message-
> From: Robin Getz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, December 31, 2004 12:55 PM
> Cc:
> Subject: RE: [PHP] Apache 2.0.52 / PHP 4.3.10 Integration Question...
> Andrew Kreps wrote:
> >I had to add this line to my httpd.conf:
> >
> >AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
> I have this and the DirectoryIndex - the problem is that my script does
> not
> end in a .php extention. (GForge )
> If I rename the file projects.php and point to that, it works, but that
> means an entire re-write of the existing GForge.
> I guess the question is - how to make a file that does not end in .php or
> have any extension, be understood as a php file?
> Thanks
> -Robin
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (
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RE: [PHP] Quick compile question --with-oci8

2004-12-31 Thread Brian Duke
That's a valid question. I am not a dba. In fact I'm not even a real
designer. I'm only a hack technician who got tired of arguing with the IT
department one day and decided to make my own tools to use. I chose php
based off the community of php. I tried a couple other languages and a few
scripting languages. Every attempt to ask for help came with the high price
of getting flamed. In Google groups you can see such an encounter by
searching on "grep once awk twice or more". 

I load about 3 tables from a database called the LERG. It's updated daily. I
currently manually load these tables into my scratch database. I don't have
to worry about cycles because my app runs on the server in our department
which IT does not have access to. So we can query that database all day.
Finally the DataWarehouse team gave us access to update our local database
via read-only. So I am not abandoning the mysql database just updating it
from live data. 

Would you have a link to the client downloads at OTN? I have been
downloading the wrong things apparently.


> -Original Message-
> From: Ashley M. Kirchner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2004 3:08 PM
> To: Brian Duke
> Subject: Re: [PHP] Quick compile question --with-oci8
> Brian Duke wrote:
> >Correct me if I'm wrong but we will have to install oracle8 || 9i before
> we
> >can compile php --with-oci8. I don't really want to run oracle. Our local
> >server only needs to use the oci8 functions to log into the datawarehouse
> >and update our local mysql database but after a week of frustration I
> think
> >that's what we have to do.
> >
> >
> Just out of curiosity, wy would you need Oracle if your database is
> MySQL?  PHP comes with MySQL libraries built-in, or you can choose to
> install MySQL libraries from and compile PHP with them.
> --
> W | I haven't lost my mind; it's backed up on tape somewhere.
>   +
>   Ashley M. Kirchner <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   .   303.442.6410 x130
>   IT Director / SysAdmin / Websmith . 800.441.3873 x130
>   Photo Craft Laboratories, Inc.. 3550 Arapahoe Ave. #6
> . .  ..   Boulder, CO 80303, U.S.A.

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RE: [PHP] Quick compile question --with-oci8

2004-12-30 Thread Brian Duke
Thanks John,
Can you (or someone on the list) direct me to the oracle site where I can
download the client files? The only client files I saw were for the 10g
instantclient. Our current build says the libraries need don't exist with
that one.  

> -Original Message-
> From: John Nichel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2004 6:19 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [PHP] Quick compile question --with-oci8
> Brian Duke wrote:
> > This has been going on for about a week now. I have an oracle client
> > installed. I have php4 source installed all on a stripped down fedora
> > server. We get various errors. Like the infamous ld can find XXX in
> > -lclntsh.
> >
> > Correct me if I'm wrong but we will have to install oracle8 || 9i before
> we
> > can compile php --with-oci8. I don't really want to run oracle. Our
> local
> > server only needs to use the oci8 functions to log into the
> datawarehouse
> > and update our local mysql database but after a week of frustration I
> think
> > that's what we have to do.
> >
> > Thanks all.
> You only need the client libraries, not the db itself.  If you have the
> Oracle CD's, the libraries will be on there (you can also download this
> from Oracle).
> --
>'s all about the Rush
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] Quick compile question --with-oci8

2004-12-30 Thread Brian Duke

This has been going on for about a week now. I have an oracle client
installed. I have php4 source installed all on a stripped down fedora
server. We get various errors. Like the infamous ld can find XXX in

Correct me if I'm wrong but we will have to install oracle8 || 9i before we
can compile php --with-oci8. I don't really want to run oracle. Our local
server only needs to use the oci8 functions to log into the datawarehouse
and update our local mysql database but after a week of frustration I think
that's what we have to do. 

Thanks all.

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RE: [PHP] I think this is a bug...cant use exec commands.

2004-04-02 Thread Brian Duke
Thank you all for your collective help. I was very frustrated. This list
helped me find the answer quickly and once again PHP is slowly all beginning
to make sense. The default values enable safe-mode and that is what Jason
was trying to get me to check. Thus when the php.ini wasn't where php
thought it was then the engine just used the default values.


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RE: [PHP] I think this is a bug...cant use exec commands.

2004-04-02 Thread Brian Duke

> They're different, see manual for details.

The Manual is brilliant. 

>   exec("free -b", $data ,$result_code);
>   print_r($data);
> Array
> (
> [0] =>  total   used   free sharedbuffers
> cached
> [1] => Mem: 256917504  2494013447516160  0   29487104
> 80941056
> [2] => -/+ buffers/cache:  138973184  117944320
> [3] => Swap:271392768  150523904  120868864
> )

But an example is worth 5000 pages of a manual. That's 2 I owe you Jason.
Thank you Sir.

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RE: [PHP] I think this is a bug...cant use exec commands.

2004-04-02 Thread Brian Duke
Forgive the top-post.

I tried the php -I found php was looking for the php.ini in /var/www/conf.
I copied php.ini from /etc/ to /var/www/conf. Now the shell_exec works fine.

Thanks Jason. 

If I wanted to use exec() for this project in the future, is:

(shell_exec ("free -b")) = (exec("free -b", $data ,$result_code)) 

I tried using exec as 
exec("free -b", $data ,$result_code)); 
but I didn't get the $data I was expecting. Are my variables mixed up?

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RE: [PHP] I think this is a bug...cant use exec commands.

2004-04-02 Thread Brian Duke
Yes, in fact to be sure I copied free into my /var/www/html/swap directory
and used that path. It still says.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] swap]# php swap.php
sh: line 1: /usr/local/php/bin/free: No such file or directory

even though I explicitly said 

exec ("/var/www/html/swap/free -b", $data, $result);

-Original Message-
From: Daevid Vincent [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, April 02, 2004 12:51 AM
To: 'Brian Duke'; 'Jay Blanchard'; 'William Lovaton';
Subject: RE: [PHP] I think this is a bug...cant use exec commands.

This may seem obvious, but did you try the FULL path to 'free'?
As in  exec("/usr/local/bin/free -b", $data, $result);

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RE: [PHP] I think this is a bug...cant use exec commands.

2004-04-01 Thread Brian Duke
Oops I catted the wrong file. But the file is exactly the same as mem.php.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] swap]# cat mem.php

-Original Message-
From: Brian Duke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, April 02, 2004 12:21 AM
To: 'Jason Wong'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [PHP] I think this is a bug...cant use exec commands.

Ok here is my php.ini. directly from /etc/php.ini

; Safe Mode
safe_mode = Off

; By default, Safe Mode does a UID compare check when
; opening files. If you want to relax this to a GID compare,
; then turn on safe_mode_gid.
safe_mode_gid = Off

; When safe_mode is on, UID/GID checks are bypassed when
; including files from this directory and its subdirectories.
; (directory must also be in include_path or full path must
; be used when including)
safe_mode_include_dir =

; When safe_mode is on, only executables located in the safe_mode_exec_dir
; will be allowed to be executed via the exec family of functions.
safe_mode_exec_dir = /var/www/html/swap/

I am on a redhat 9.0 machine so I use the locate command after a fresh
updatedb andf this is all the ini files I was talking about.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] swap]# updatedb
[EMAIL PROTECTED] swap]# locate php.ini

The php-4.3.5 in not installed yet. I just downloaded it and untarred the
contents in my download directory. We run the program via the web it's for
MRTG graphs. I was using an example I found on the web. Here is the result
when I change line 1 using exec() 

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] swap]# cat swap.php

[EMAIL PROTECTED] swap]# php mem.php
sh: line 1: /usr/local/php/bin/free: No such file or directory

[EMAIL PROTECTED] swap]# pwd
[EMAIL PROTECTED] swap]# ls ./free

The MRTG will call the program via a cgi script. It calls this program only
when the data is requested that way we save on cycle time.

-Original Message-
From: Jason Wong 

What are these other ini files you've looked at?

How are you executing this script? Via a webserver or directly using the php

executable? If the former use phpinfo() to find out where php thinks it's 
php.ini should be found, if the latter use "php -i". Once you've determined 
where your php.ini should be examine its safe_mode settings.

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RE: [PHP] I think this is a bug...cant use exec commands.

2004-04-01 Thread Brian Duke
Ok here is my php.ini. directly from /etc/php.ini

; Safe Mode
safe_mode = Off

; By default, Safe Mode does a UID compare check when
; opening files. If you want to relax this to a GID compare,
; then turn on safe_mode_gid.
safe_mode_gid = Off

; When safe_mode is on, UID/GID checks are bypassed when
; including files from this directory and its subdirectories.
; (directory must also be in include_path or full path must
; be used when including)
safe_mode_include_dir =

; When safe_mode is on, only executables located in the safe_mode_exec_dir
; will be allowed to be executed via the exec family of functions.
safe_mode_exec_dir = /var/www/html/swap/

I am on a redhat 9.0 machine so I use the locate command after a fresh
updatedb andf this is all the ini files I was talking about.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] swap]# updatedb
[EMAIL PROTECTED] swap]# locate php.ini

The php-4.3.5 in not installed yet. I just downloaded it and untarred the
contents in my download directory. We run the program via the web it's for
MRTG graphs. I was using an example I found on the web. Here is the result
when I change line 1 using exec() 

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] swap]# cat swap.php

[EMAIL PROTECTED] swap]# php mem.php
sh: line 1: /usr/local/php/bin/free: No such file or directory

[EMAIL PROTECTED] swap]# pwd
[EMAIL PROTECTED] swap]# ls ./free

The MRTG will call the program via a cgi script. It calls this program only
when the data is requested that way we save on cycle time.

-Original Message-
From: Jason Wong 

What are these other ini files you've looked at?

How are you executing this script? Via a webserver or directly using the php

executable? If the former use phpinfo() to find out where php thinks it's 
php.ini should be found, if the latter use "php -i". Once you've determined 
where your php.ini should be examine its safe_mode settings.

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RE: [PHP] I think this is a bug...cant use exec commands.

2004-04-01 Thread Brian Duke
I tell you the truth. I have only 1 php.ini. There are other ini files I
have looked at but I have not found anything in them about safe mode.
Everything has been double or triple checked. Still not able run any
shell_exec commands from the command line. 

I need the output from free so if I use exec()

Exec complains that "free" is not in /usr/local/php/bin/ directory. ( I
think that's the directory but whatever it was, it wasn't pointing at the
web directory where my script is.) Really someone should try this script.
It's harmless. 'Free' is a nix command.

And BTW  

[snip from original]
> Warning: shell_exec(): Cannot execute using backquotes in Safe Mode in
> /var/www/html/swap/mem.php on line 3

Is how that line should read. The complaint is about the script I an\m
running called mem.php. Originally named swap.php.  I wasn't paying close
enough attention when I cut from the page and pasted. :)

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[PHP] I think this is a bug...cant use exec commands.

2004-03-31 Thread Brian Duke
I can't seem to use the shell_exec() command.

Here is the program:



 I can make this script executable via chmod 700 mem.php and run it directly
via the command line. Only then I can get it to work on my redhat 9 machine.

The problem is I call this script from another script to plot out the data
on MRTG graphs.   


I expect to see something like :


[EMAIL PROTECTED] php-4.3.2]# php /var/www/html/swap/mem.php





[EMAIL PROTECTED] php-4.3.2]#


But in fact I get the warning :

[EMAIL PROTECTED] php-4.3.2]# php /var/www/html/swap/mem.php
Warning: shell_exec(): Cannot execute using backquotes in Safe Mode in
/var/www/html/swap/swap.php on line 3
[EMAIL PROTECTED] php-4.3.2]# 
The warning would be applicable if any php.ini file on my system had Safe
Mode enabled. As the bug people said shell_exec() == ``.  But that applies
if anywhere on my box safemode was enabled. I have spent 4 solid days
looking and verifying there is no safe mode enabled on my box. It's an
internal monitoring server there is absolutely no need for safe mode. This
is what is in my PHP.ini   


; Safe Mode


safe_mode = Off

safe_mode_gid = Off


Can someone tell me if they can run that script on their *nix machine? I'm
running php 4.32 apache 2.0 server on a up-to-date redhat 9 server. I don't
think this script can be run from another program.  



[PHP] POST data

2002-12-03 Thread Brian Duke
Can someone tell me how I can access data from a POST? I don't mean
the variables because the data I'm getting doesn't have any. I have a
client that is doing a simple HTTP Post to a server and appending xml
data right after the header. I need access to the xml blob.

- Brian

(Be sure to remove the # symbol before replying to my email address)

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[PHP] RE: [PHP-INST] "VERY NEWBIE" php_* mod_* --with- question

2002-10-02 Thread Brian . Duke

Well, I'm not the best qualified to answer this question but here goes my
best shot (Guru's watch me here make sure I don't screw this up). 

Starting with Apache. Apache does not actually process your *.php files.
There is another engine that takes care of that called Zend. There are a
couple lines you need to add to httpd.conf in order to tell apache what to
do with these files but if you installed apache via RPM it should be
pre-built with  tags that has something like 
   AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
   LoadModule php4_modulelibexec/
in there.

now the AddType line may also have .php4 and .php3 as well as .php

Make sure that the modules for your oracle-php are of the same release as
your php.

I.E. php-oracle-4.2.2-1j1.i686.rpm
should have php-4.2.2-1j1.i686.rpm installed prior to the oracle-php.

Not sure about the actual syntax of the LoadModule (modulename)
libexec/ but I would include that 
in your load modules section in the httpd.conf. Check the site
and click on PHP. The has an introductory tutorial link on the
left of the page. Next click on "Installation" and that will give you a list
of different types of servers you can configure for including Apache.

I had a lot of trouble getting mine to work until I did a rpm -e php and saw
about 10-15 versions of php in the system. php-oracle, php-postgres,
php-mysql, php-devel ...etc. some of them (including the main php*.rpm) were
of different revisions. I yanked all of them out and only installed what I
needed and all of the same revision. Now my system is running much faster
and cleaner and php is finally working too.   

-Original Message-
From: Aleksandar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, October 02, 2002 2:06 AM
Subject: [PHP-INST] "VERY NEWBIE" php_* mod_* --with- question

Hello List for the first time,
I am very new to php but impressed from what i've seen so far. I managed to 
configure php w/ mysql and db2 do some selects, inserts ... 
What I am inerested in is what are all those mod_php* and php_* on the 
distribution's CDs e.g. if they are installed how do i get support for 
which i thought i have installed the module( like rpm -i  
php-oracle-4.2.2-1j1.i686.rpm means that i can somehow get oracle support 
without recompiling php ??? or no). 
Another thing that bothers me is should I (can I) use for example Oracle's 
apache or install "regular" apache and work with it.
Is Apache-PHP-Linux on one machine and OracleDB-Win/Lin on another machine 
big trouble or peace of cake (It asks me for oci8 lib which I don't know 
where to get if I don't want to install any oracle products on the web 
server (can i get them from php-oci8...rpm for example)
DSO e.g. is a shared object but where to include it for the 
support and is it enough)
Thank you all and looking forward to hearing from you

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[PHP] Re: How can I uncompress zlib data in the browser?

2001-12-05 Thread Brian Duke

Thanks! It seems to work when I put this at the very top of my php


When I do a tcpdump on port 80, I see a small amount of garbage with
that statement and huge amount of text without it. The text displays
correctly in my browser either way, so it looks like it works.

- Brian

>Read the manual about "output buffering".
>Also read up on Apache's site about mod_gzip.
>Now, the 64 dollar question:
>Will the browser *CORRECTLY* identify and decompress the gzipped data?

- Brian

(Be sure to remove the # symbol before replying to my email address)

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[PHP] How can I uncompress zlib data in the browser?

2001-12-04 Thread Brian Duke

Is it possible to use the zlib functions in php to compress data, send
that data to the browser, then uncompress it? My clients will only be
using IE so is there something in IE that will do it? Javascript?

- Brian

(Be sure to remove the # symbol before replying to my email address)

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[PHP] best way to include html?

2001-04-18 Thread Duke

I'm setting up an html "shell" for my webpage that I include with my php
code so I don't have to see html crap and whatnot.
I'm wondering what the best way is to insert the html "shell" into my code?
Should I just echo the file, should I include(), require(), include_once(),
or require_once()??
One section of the shell, which is in a separate file, is an html form -
would that change the way I include that particular section of html?

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[PHP] array() stuff

2001-04-11 Thread Duke

I'm trying to create the following array:

$host_info = array(
"hostname" => "localhost"
"log" => "rocketbox_db.log"
"username" => $username
"password" => $password
"database" => "rocketbox"
"table" => $table

however when I try and access the document, I get the following error:

Parse error: parse error, expecting `')'' in
/usr/home/kidlinux/htdocs/rocketbox/admin/index.php on line 26

line 26 is \*   "log" => "rocketbox_db.log" *\  in the array code I
pasted above.  This isn't very far into my script, and I'm sure I havn't
missed anything like a ) in my code anywhere before that array()
declaration.  I've gone over my code several times. According to the
documentation (or my interpretation of it) that array should be correct.
One other thing I'm unsure of that doesn't seem to be covered in the
documentation is referring to variables in an array, like \*   "username" =>
$username   *\  where $username is a variable submitted by an html form via
the post method.  Should that work??  And what about referring to a function
in an array such as the following:

$value = array(
"date" => $date = strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
"title" => $info_title
"dept" => $info_dept
"info" => $info

Is that valid?  Can i just do \*   "date" => strftime('%Y-%m-%d')   *\ ??

Thanks for your help.

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Re: [PHP] date/time in wrong zone

2001-04-08 Thread Duke

It may also be relevant that the "T" format string for the date() function
also reports GMT, even though I've set my system timezone to EDT.  The
command "date" in FreeBSD also reports the time in EDT.

-Original Message-
Date: April 9, 2001 12:00 AM
Subject: [PHP] date/time in wrong zone

>I'm using php 4.0.4pl1on a FreeBSD system.
>When I use a php date/time function, it reports the time in GMT, however, I
>have the date on my FreeBSD system set to EDT.
>I can't figure out what the problem is here.  The only thing I can think of
>is that when I compiled php, my system timezone was set to GMT and perhaps
>the local timezone is hardcoded into php.  That doesn't make much sense
>though.  I have changed my timezone to EDT since I compiled php.
>Any suggestions?
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[PHP] date/time in wrong zone

2001-04-08 Thread Duke

I'm using php 4.0.4pl1on a FreeBSD system.
When I use a php date/time function, it reports the time in GMT, however, I
have the date on my FreeBSD system set to EDT.
I can't figure out what the problem is here.  The only thing I can think of
is that when I compiled php, my system timezone was set to GMT and perhaps
the local timezone is hardcoded into php.  That doesn't make much sense
though.  I have changed my timezone to EDT since I compiled php.
Any suggestions?

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