RE: [PHP] Basic PHP knowledge test

2006-07-20 Thread Finner, Doug
My advice, give the candidates problems and see how they solve them.
Even if they don't finish, you get an idea of how they think.

I like this idea! 

Do you expect them to be able to work with code written by others?  If
so, hand them some of your existing code (good examples and not so good)
and ask them to figure out what it does and recommend changes.

I really really like the 'give them a problem and have them solve it'

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[PHP] Re: When is z != z ?

2006-06-06 Thread Finner, Doug
I love this thread.  Who'da thunk alphabets could be so much fun?

Different language, different rules - to do 'letter math', letters must
be converted to their ASCII number value, add one, convert back to a
letter.  The set of allowed ASCII numbers is limited to (I think) 256
and 'real' letters are a subset of that collection.
Going from a-z was easy.  Once you hit z, you reverted character 1 to a,
then looped a-z for character 2, repeat as required.

There were only a couple of ways to evaluate a string's 'size';
alphabetical and length.  Each comparison generated different results
and one had to choose the comparison method based on the particular
requirements.  In order to convert a string to some numeric value, I
believe I had to do it letter-by-letter and derive my own 'value' for
the string which would be mostly useless.  

While the specific language methods differ from PHP (the language did
not allow anything like 'a'++ so this particular discussion couldn't
happen), it doesn't seem to me that the philosophical underpinnings are
all that different - letters are special.  They look and behave
differently depending on the particular microscope you happen to be

Anybody want to talk about rounding?  ;-)


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[PHP] RE: Can php convert doc to HTML?

2006-05-24 Thread Finner, Doug
On 5/23/06, Martin Alterisio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If that's the case, why don't you just use the export as web page or

 save as web page tools of MS Word (if you don't have it anymore you 
 can as someone who still has it, or I think OpenOffice also has a
similar tool).

 Because there are 200 of them.

 Dotan Cohen

Unless you want to do them one at a time, you'll need to write code.
Unless this is something that you need to do a lot, why not write the
code using OOo's programming language?  Seems like all the appropriate
hooks should be there to pull in each Word doc, push it off as HTML, and
repeat for all the docs.  I haven't worked with OOo for programming, but
it might be worth a look.  Hit the OOo site and see what their forums
have to offer.

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RE: [PHP] PHP !== Hypertext Pre-Processor

2006-02-16 Thread Finner, Doug

 In the end it is not worth worrying about. If someone asks you what 
 PHP stands for tell them it stands for the best darned programming 
 language you ever saw.

Not disagreeing, just wondering if people here see PHP as a programming
language, or a scripting language? Just curious what the general
consensus is, as someone decided to challenge me over it recently and I
was left in two minds over it.



How 'bout this - 'PHP is an application development framework'.  I come
from a Lotus Notes background and get into the same kind of inane
religious discussions about 'you are/are not a programmer because fill
in deeply felt belief/reason here' in much of the same way I see for
other 'scripting/programming' languages.  I don't program, I create
applications and try and use the right tool for the right function.

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RE: [PHP] Reverse Engineering of Smarty

2006-02-06 Thread Finner, Doug
 -Original Message-
From: Robert Cummings [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, February 05, 2006 2:47 PM
Cc: PHP-General
Subject: Re: [PHP] Reverse Engineering of Smarty

On Sun, 2006-02-05 at 01:12, Sumeet wrote:
 Rory Browne wrote:
  If you don't have backups, then:
   1: Why do you not have backups?
   2: Are you insane?
 hmm. totally uncalled for 

I don't know that it's uncalled for. I think Rory was drawing to
attention that not having some kind of backup of important code is
tantamount to incompetence. I would have to agree with Rory that if the
code was important enough to seek a method of reverse engineering to
retrieve the original, then some kind of system should have been in
place long ago. Might I suggest CVS? I would have to say that are you
insane is a bit softer on the ego than are you a complete moron.

Interesting thread.  I'd suggest that what this thread really gets to an
important issue - how to _ask_ a question.  The orignal poster asked a
question but didn't provide enough information for the list to really
respond properly.  If you have backups and know you can restore from
backup and want to learn if you can reverse engineer something for
grins, well then say so and help the group provide you useful
information rather than whack you about the head and shoulders for
failing to properly backup your system.

Great resource here --

OK, I'm off to tilt at other windmills.

Doug Quixote...

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[PHP] Re: No forums?

2005-11-07 Thread Finner, Doug
Wow, go away for a few days and holy war breaks!

Why not one system that supports both without extra work?  The model I'm
thinking of is Google or Yahoo groups(*).  You can access any 'forum'
via a web browser, search, post, reply, etc AND/OR you can subscribe to
any forum and get messages sent to you via email (individual or digest

At work, I sit behind a firewall and web access involves a multi-stop
PITA process so listerservers work well for me there.  At home, forum
access is easier since I can go to the forum site, decide what I want to
read and/or respond to without cluttering up my email client.


(*) - I am NOT suggesting this forum be configured like Yahoo, the
search function absolutely sucks and I'm not a real fan of the layout,
but the concept of a forum that's a list that's a what I
like.  For what it's worth, Yahoo has not PHP groups I can find but
there are 33 over at Google with 100 - 1000 members.
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RE: [PHP] PDF printing under windows.

2005-10-25 Thread Finner, Doug
Not sure how this might work in PHP, but there is something called WSH
(go to MS and poke around) that gives you access to a ton of really
interesting Windows bits and pieces.  The following is a script I run in
Lotus Notes (LotusScript is rather like VBA) and it allows you to set
the default printer to something which you then just print to and reset
the default to whatever it was.  PDFCreator is a 'printer' that
generates PDF files (you probably don't want this since use of
PDFCreator includes it's own set of user interactions but the WSH
concept may still work).

Warning - I'm not a WSH expert and I never figured out how to properly
reset the printer to the user's default so I don't actually use this
script.  Still, someone smarter than me may have the magic touch - give
it a whirl.

Sub Initialize
 Dim net
 pName$ = PDFCreator
 Set net = CreateObject(WScript.Network)
 net.SetDefaultPrinter pName$
End Sub 


-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2005 10:50 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP] PDF printing under windows.

Two (and a half) things:

1. Even though DOS/Windows machines don't have, specifically,
/dev/printer or /dev/lpr or whatever the *nix specific is, it does have
a LPTx: device

According to the page listed below, it may be possible to do:
copy /b filename LPTx

The /b indicates it's a binary file.  How it'd handle PDF fonts and
such, I'm not sure, but I know that some printers can decode PDF's
internally so that'd work out great.

2. Second point... If all you need is a simple print function and you
have exec() privs, why not try to find a DOS based printing solution.
The copy command above was mentioned on this page:

It says it works with Windows 3.1 to XP.  And it even works with command
line options:

PrintFile also works well with command line (DOS) programs. It has
several command line options and can read data from command line
standard input, e.g. a command line pipe. A command like:
dir | prfile32

So I guess it sets up it's own print device that you can pipe to.

And finally... the half a point.  All of this may not be necessary
because you can configure Windows printers to support DOS (although I
havn't done this in ages, I assume you still can in XP) so in theory the
normal DOS print command would pipe through Windows drivers and print
handling to the printer of choice.

So in general, there's probably zero need to use COM to print.  One of
these options should pipe the file through Windows which in turn, could
possibly send it through the proper printing method.   If not, you might
be able to look in your registry and find the right-click Print...
option and see if it's something you can execute from command line.

Ok, I know this email's too long already, but I know someone's going to
say How do you do that?  So here's the 50 cent tour:

1. Pull up regedit
2. Search for the file extension .pdf
3. Make note of the (Default) value, in this case AcroExch.Document
(I think this is specific to having the full Acrobat installed) 3. Below
the area where all the file extensions are in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT there
are the actual named app section (that way, .gif and .jpg can both
point to Photoshop.document or something.. get it?)  So search for
AcroExch.Document in this case 4. Expand that tree and look for
shell. These are all the things that show up on your right-click menu.
In this case, we have a print section. Under each of these entries,
there should be (but sometimes not) a command branch.  This is what's
run when you select that option from the right-click menu.  And voila!
We find that the command to use Acrobat to print (which can be executed
from command line on a Windows machine) is:
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 5.0\Acrobat\Acrobat.exe /p /h %1

Substituting the %1 for the filename.

Using that command line in a php exec() call should exactly simulate
selecting right-click PRINT on a PDF file.

Crossposting this to PHP-Win for their benefit too since this is more
Windows related than PHP General.

I see lots of ways to potentially solve this problem without using COM.

I loved messing with COM (with or without PHP) for a while, but it's not
a great general solution to things unless you absolutely HAVE to control
the app (which is very cool and slick sometimes, but not for something
as simple as printing).

Hope this gives you some new avenues to persue.  Best of luck!


= = = Original message = = =

Richard Lynch wrote:

On Mon, October 24, 2005 1:48 pm, Dave Lists wrote:

I'm generating PDFs under windows using PDFlib and all is easy. What I

am wondering though, and google reveals nothing usefull, can I print 
the PDF to a network printer from windows? I'm presuming to print the 
file I would ahve to use COM and open it under Acrobat? Anyone done 
this before and have 

[PHP] RE: PHP wiki recommendations

2005-09-08 Thread Finner, Doug
 I'm not a Wiki expert, but have been using TikiWiki for a while and
very much like it.  It does everything you say with the possible
exception of CSS.  It may very well support CSS, I just don't need it so
haven't investigated.  It also allows for the use of templates that can
be applied globally or by each user (these may be the CSS bit, again, I
just haven't played).

User logins can be pre-assigned or user driven so you can control who
does what.

I think you can turn on/off the CamelCase feature.


-Original Message-
From: Murray @ PlanetThoughtful [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2005 2:03 AM
Subject: PHP wiki recommendations

Hi All,

I want to add a wiki to my blog site to help create a knowledgebase of
the characters, localities, stories I write to make it easier for new
visitors to delve into the areas that interest them.

I've been experimenting with a couple of different wiki packages, but am
always interested in others' thoughts and recommendations.

In particular, I've looked at MediaWiki and PmWiki. Of the two, I like
MediaWiki's 'completeness', but it's also quite slow and doesn't strike
me as being particularly (or easily?) customizable. PmWiki is probably
my current candidate, but again I'd like to make sure I'm not missing a
more obvious choice.

My shopping list for the ideal wiki application is:

- wiki entries preferably stored in MySQL tables. I'm not adamant about
this (eg PmWiki uses files rather than a db backend), but it would suit
my purposes better to be able to draw from the wiki tables from the
front page of my blog to show lists of recently added and recently
updated wiki entries

- non-reliance on CamelCase wiki links. Many of my characters etc use
joined CamelCase names (eg KillFork and DangerSpoon), and to avoid
confusion I'd rather explicitly define links to wiki content

- ability to categorize wiki entries

- ability to compare history of wiki edits and easily reinstate older
edits if wiki pages get 'graffiti'd' 

- ability to allow others to edit / create wiki entries, thru a user id
/ password system, so that regulars who would like to participate can do

- ability to customize presentation of wiki pages, presumably through
CSS etc, so that I can maintain the 'look and feel' of my blog thru the
wiki content

- PHP based, though my host does run Perl, so if the killer wiki app is
a Perl-based one, I'm sure I can muddle thru implementing it

If anyone has any recommendations for other wiki applications I should
look at before making a decision, I'd love to hear from you!

Much warmth,

Lost in thought...
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