[PHP] passing variable to anti spam mailto script

2002-05-26 Thread Greg Wright

Hello All,

What is the best way (or opinions rather) to pass variables to a anti spam

This is used in place of mailto links in webpages, but am looking for any
simple way to pass information so more than one address can easily be used
in the script, I could use mysql or other, however want to have something
easier than this.

Suggestions ?  (please CC me if mailing to the list) , any examples ?

header("Location: $mailto");


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Re: [PHP] PhP, mysql and pictures

2002-05-27 Thread Greg Wright


On 27/05/2002 at 9:00 PM Ragnar [EMAIL PROTECTED] [gregausit/phplist] wrote:

>Is it possible to display images in a browser that are stored as a blob
>column in a mysql table? Or is it better to store images in a direcotory
>display them "from" there?

I am no expert, but why load the SQL server up if not required ? i.e serve
from a directory :)


Greg Wright

IT Consultant Sydney Australia PH 0418 292020 -- Int. +61 418 292020
Available for Global Contracts  US Fax -- 801 740 2874
Web  http://www.ausit.comE-mail Greg  AT  AusIT.com
Trading As -   AAA Computers -- providers of IT services.

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Re: [PHP] .php3 extension?

2002-05-30 Thread Greg Wright


On 30/05/2002 at 9:45 AM The Gabster [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[gregausit/phplist] wrote:

>Hello all...
>I have Apache 2.0.35 and PHP 4.2.0 on a win2k machine... Everything works
>fine, etc. The question I have, how can I configure PHP (or Apache?) to
>support (and run) .php3 extension files?

look for

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

then change it to look like

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3


Greg Wright

IT Consultant Sydney Australia PH 0418 292020 -- Int. +61 418 292020
Available for Global Contracts  US Fax -- 801 740 2874
Web  http://www.ausit.comE-mail Greg  AT  AusIT.com
Trading As -   AAA Computers -- providers of IT services.

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[PHP] include + path

2001-05-17 Thread Greg Wright

Hello All,

I have a app that is used to track stats, it was designed to be used on the
smae server that the website being tracked is, it uses an include and a
path statement to register a hit in the page being displayed.

Does anyone know of a method where I could get the remote website to invoke
the stat counter? ie is there something that can be used on the remote site
to call a php file on another server, this other file would be on the same
server as the stats php app and therefore include the "include" function
and the path, the main problem or hold up as I see it is the need for a
path and not being able to use a http:// path, if the above is not clear I
will e-mail off list if reqd.

an example is..

each page being tracked needs something like this locally

$file_include_dir = "/stats/include/';

how could this be invoked remotely, or how else does anyone see this as
being able to be done, in the remote page I want the effect to be


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[PHP] Limit & hyperlinking

2001-05-17 Thread Greg Wright

Hello al, 

Another question, if retrieving records from a database, I can use LIMIT
tolimit the records, however does someone have some examples on sites or
otherwise that would show clearly how I could limit the records per page
and dynamically produce a hyperling in the HTML result that would allow
retrieval of the next (limit amount) of records ?

I am also interested in functions to sort by date, record ID etc.

Again, thanks for any pointers.


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[PHP] Limit & hyperlinking

2001-05-17 Thread Greg Wright

Hello all, 

Another question, if retrieving records from a database, I can use LIMIT
tolimit the records, however does someone have some examples on sites or
otherwise that would show clearly how I could limit the records per page
and dynamically produce a hyperling in the HTML result that would allow
retrieval of the next (limit amount) of records ?

I am also interested in functions to sort by date, record ID etc.

Again, thanks for any pointers.


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[PHP] include + path

2001-05-17 Thread Greg Wright

Hello All,

I have a app that is used to track stats, it was designed to be used on the
smae server that the website being tracked is, it uses an include and a
path statement to register a hit in the page being displayed.

Does anyone know of a method where I could get the remote website to invoke
the stat counter? ie is there something that can be used on the remote site
to call a php file on another server, this other file would be on the same
server as the stats php app and therefore include the "include" function
and the path, the main problem or hold up as I see it is the need for a
path and not being able to use a http:// path, if the above is not clear I
will e-mail off list if reqd.

an example is..

each page being tracked needs something like this locally

$file_include_dir = "/stats/include/';

how could this be invoked remotely, or how else does anyone see this as
being able to be done, in the remote page I want the effect to be


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[PHP] include + path & how to invoke a remote PHP script

2001-05-17 Thread Greg Wright

Hello All,

I have a app that is used to track stats, it was designed to be used on the
smae server that the website being tracked is, it uses an include and a
path statement to register a hit in the page being displayed.

Does anyone know of a method where I could get the remote website to invoke
the stat counter? ie is there something that can be used on the remote site
to call a php file on another server, this other file would be on the same
server as the stats php app and therefore include the "include" function
and the path, the main problem or hold up as I see it is the need for a
path and not being able to use a http:// path, if the above is not clear I
will e-mail off list if reqd.

an example is..

each page being tracked needs something like this locally

$file_include_dir = "/stats/include/';

how could this be invoked remotely, or how else does anyone see this as
being able to be done, in the remote page I want the effect to be


PS apologies if this is a double message.

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Re: [PHP] Re: [PHP-DEV] Fork() in php?

2001-05-20 Thread Greg Wright


On 20/05/2001 at 5:34 PM Zak Greant [EMAIL PROTECTED] [gregausit/phplist]

>Manuel wrote:
>> Since Zeev and Andi seem to be currently the most capable developers to
>> multi-threading capability to PHP because they developed PHP current
>> - Zend, my question still goes for them.  After all they always seemed
>> reasonable and opened to my suggestions than you.
>Manuel, irritating Rasmus is not likely to make Andi, Zeev or any of
>other developers more interested in helping you.

IIRC Rasmus was one of the main people involved in bringing PHP to life, it
also resembles BASH because of involvement there, if this is wrong maybe
Rasmus can tell me off list or anyone may be able to point me to some info
that I can read.

Anyway as a general rule, there is no point in antagonising any coder that
produces code that's Open Source and under the GPL lic, now if you had a
200k contract to produce code that was specified, it would be entirely
appropriate. I read what was said as its not a focus point, but was not
ruled out.

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