RE: [PHP] help with query

2012-06-07 Thread Jack Sasportas
Thanks Jim, worked like a charm.

 -Original Message-
 From: Jim Lucas []
 Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2012 4:08 PM
 To: Jack
 Cc: PHP
 Subject: Re: [PHP] help with query
 On 06/07/2012 09:37 AM, Jack wrote:
  $query = select a.startdate, a.articleid,, a.title, a.intro,
  a.datecreated from articles as a, categories as c where (a.startdate =
  -1 or a.startdate= {$now}) and (a.enddate = -1 or a.enddate= {$now})
  and a.categoryid = c.categoryid order by a.startdate DESC;
 $query = 
   SELECT  a.startdate,
   FROMarticles as a,
   categories as c
   WHERE   (
   a.startdate = -1
   a.startdate = {$now}
   AND (
   a.enddate = -1
   a.enddate = {$now}
 -- This line must stay, it is limiting the combination of the data from
 -- both tables
   AND a.categoryid = c.categoryid
 -- You need to add this line to make it work, but keep the previous line
   AND a.categoryid = 1
   ORDER BY a.startdate DESC
 Jim Lucas

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RE: [PHP] Problem with date

2011-12-07 Thread Jack Sasportas
   How about a little debugging here (and possibly elsewhere):
   if (isset($pubdate)  ($pubdate 0)) {
   } else {
  die(Barf.  Can't run a string to time conversion on 0 or -1.);

Thanks Kevin,

This bombs and gives me the BARF!

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RE: [PHP] munge / obfuscate ?

2008-03-28 Thread Jack Sasportas
 -Original Message-
 From: Robert Cummings [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2008 10:02 PM
 To: Joey
 Cc: PHP
 Subject: RE: [PHP] munge / obfuscate ?
 Hi Joey,
 Please keep responses on the list so others can also benefit from the
 learning process.
 Comments below...
 On Thu, 2008-03-27 at 21:46 -0400, Joey wrote:
   -Original Message-
   From: Robert Cummings [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2008 9:28 PM
   To: Joey
   Cc: PHP
   Subject: Re: [PHP] munge / obfuscate ?
   On Thu, 2008-03-27 at 21:10 -0400, Joey wrote:
Hi All,
I have written an app to allow a person to go online and see a
take of them.  When we link to the picture I don't want it to be
that the URL is
Domain.Com/Pix/123.jpg because the next person we take a picture
of may
123.jpg, so I am trying to munge/obfuscate the URL to make it
   $sekret = 'the brown cow stomped on the wittle bug';
   $id  = isset( $_GET['id'] ) ? (int)$_GET['id'] : 0;
   $key = isset( $_GET['key'] ) ? (string)$_GET['key'] : '';
   if( $key == sha1( $key.':'.$sekret ) )
 That should have been:
 if( $key == sha1( $id.':'.$sekret ) )
   header( 'Content-Type: image/jpg' );
   readfile( /images/not/in/web/path/$id.jpg )
   // Failure... tell them to bugger off :)
   header( 'Content-Type: image/jpg' );
   readfile( '/images/wherever/you/please/buggerOff.jpg' );
  Sorry to be such a newbie...
  I basically would call this function lets say like:
  munge( $url );
  end in the end be returned the munged url, however, I don't
understand the
  values you have like the readfile with that url -vs- failure?
 I didn't munge... I provided code for a script that sends the
 image if it was requested with the appropriate key (presumably set
 wherever the image was linked). If the key doesn't validate then
 image is presented. It can say bugger off, it can say not found,
 can say whatever you please. By placing the images outside the web
 and using a script like this you are virtually guaranteed the visitor
 can't just request images by making a lucky guess.
 Let's say the above script was called: getUserImage.php
 Then you might have the following in your HTML:


I understand what is happening here, however I really want something
simple like:

$link =;;
$image = 123456;

new_image = munge($image);

new_link = $link . $new_image;

or maybe

new_link = munge($link . $image);

Which would encode the whole link.

Either way this is what would go into the email message we send out.


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[PHP] OT PHP Programmers

2004-03-18 Thread Jack Sasportas
Not sure where to post this, but my company is looking to hire an
inhouse PHP programmer.
This could be part or full time depending on details.
We are not looking to contract an outside company ( doesn't work for us)
to get headhunters etc to call us.  If you are a good PHP/MySQL/HTML
programmer then drop me an email.
You would HAVE to work in our Miami Office ( not to far from 826  Bird
Road ).

Re: [PHP] Need a function to calculate time difference.

2003-07-03 Thread Jack Sasportas


Jim Lucas wrote:

what type of format does your column take?


Jim Lucas
- Original Message - 
From: Jack Sasportas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 2:11 PM
Subject: [PHP] Need a function to calculate time difference.


I am trying to find a function or information on how to properly take a 
start time and an end time from mysql timestamps in order to calculate 
time taken.
So in theory $endtime-$starttime = timespent.

It would be great if this understood that 11:55 pm til 12:10am one day 
apart only equals 15 minutes.

Links, example code etc would be great!


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[PHP] Need a function to calculate time difference.

2003-07-02 Thread Jack Sasportas
I am trying to find a function or information on how to properly take a 
start time and an end time from mysql timestamps in order to calculate 
time taken.
So in theory $endtime-$starttime = timespent.

It would be great if this understood that 11:55 pm til 12:10am one day 
apart only equals 15 minutes.

Links, example code etc would be great!


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[PHP] Help w/ 4.2.3 Problem

2002-11-08 Thread Jack Sasportas
I have been running 4.1.2 fine, but decided to compile in the latest 
version 4.2.3.
When I run some existing code that works perfect under 4.1.2, not only 
does the code not run properly, but there are no error messages in the 
error_log ( apache file ).
also in php.ini I  added log_errors = On, and error_log = php_log, but I 
never see any error messages.

Running on RedHat 7.2 with apache_1.3.27, mod_ssl-2.8.12-1.3.27, 
openssl-0.9.6g, php-4.2.3.
( Again this all ran fine with php-4.1.2 ).

Any ideas on where to start ?


Jack Sasportas
Innovative Internet Solutions 
Phone 305.665.2500	
Fax 305.665.2551

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[PHP] Cookie error after 4.2.3 upgrade

2002-11-08 Thread Jack Sasportas
I get the following error when using a previously working cookie function:
expects parameter 3 to be long

Code is below... I just don't see the difference then the way the doc uses:
time() - 3600

-vs- the way I did it below...

Thanks !

function f_put_cookie($user_name,$user_email,$account_type,$company_name) {

   global $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS;
   global $s_c_url;

   $l_url = ..$s_c_url;
   $l_cookie_expireN = date('r', time() - 4000 );
   $l_cookie_expire = date('r', time() + 400 );
   $l_cookie_expire2 = date('r', time() + 400*30*12 );


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[PHP] Help w/passing a search parameter that includes space and ,

2002-03-15 Thread Jack Sasportas

I have never passed a search value with a space or a comma , in it,
but here is the first time.
What happens is that IE puts in the space and takes the whole value as
the parameter and correctly finds the result we are looking for from the
search request, but in Netscape it only sees up to where there is a
space or where there is a comma.
Here is how the search value looks from the command line in the browser

display_products.php?search_value=Toilet Tissue,  2-Ply

Within the application it returns there is no match for Toilet which
basically tells me that php thinks that's the end of the string being
passed to it. 
Any ideas on how I should get around this ?

This is what the db search string looks like:

$db_result = mysql_query(select * from $db_tablename where

Thanks !
Jack Sasportas

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Re: [PHP] Newbie Question: Converting PHP3 files to PHP4?

2001-09-03 Thread Jack Sasportas

One thing I noticed when I did some updates to a few of our programs, is that
certain comment lines caused strange errors, and really nothing else.
I basically made a backup copy removed comments, and then added them back in which
made everything work...not sure if somehow the older box ( using pico ) caused some
strange errors that the new version of php spotted, but just in case you are getting
things you are not expecting.

Good Luck!

Michelle Marcicki wrote:

 Hi there,

 I have recently taken over the webmaster responsibility for an educational
 website.  It is using PHP3 and MySQL.  We had to move it to a new server, that
 as it turns out only supports PHP4.  I have been looking through all the FAQs,
 resource sites, manuals and documentation, but all I can find as a solution is
 to change all my current file extensions .php3 to just .php !  Can anyone tell
 me if this will work before I start converting probably close to several hundred
 files??  I am going to change and test some files, but would like some advice on

 The type of errors that I get with the current file setup are when clicking on
 any of the links that lead to files in PHP3 are:  You have started to download a
 file of type application/x-httpd-php3, etc.

 Any other tips or info would be appreciated.  This is a bit urgent, as I have
 just found out that the site director/owner wants it as functional as possible
 for the start of school this week... so no pressure really... lol.

 Thanks in advance.


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Jack Sasportas
Innovative Internet Solutions
Phone 305.665.2500
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[PHP] HELP! Frustrating Cookie Problem....

2001-08-31 Thread Jack Sasportas

OK I have been using the *same* cookie function to place cookies on the
surfers pc and it works for a few hundred people just fine.  Now I have
a few people that it just won't work for.

After extensive testing the only thing I can see is that it is not
writing the cookies, we do see it writing the c_user_email cookie, but
not others, we even added code to erase the cookie first, and still no

Any ideas would be appreciated...

f_put_cookie($user_name,$user_email,$account_type,$company_name) {

global $s_c_url;

$l_url = ..$s_c_url;





Jack Sasportas
Innovative Internet Solutions
Phone 305.665.2500
Fax 305.665.2551

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2001-08-03 Thread Jack Sasportas

First you should manage your code nicer so that it is easier to read
and troubleshoot.  Go through this to find my notes...

if (!$HTTP_POST_VARS) { exit();}
elseif ($HTTP_POST_VARS) {
if (!$Age) { echo Please enter your\n;
} if

Why would you use elseif above ? you are asking the full question in
the first line
if (!$HTTP_POST_VARS) { exit();}

if it's NOT then why say elseif, it's else, it's either one or the
other...that's one thing.

so lets change it to this:
} else {
if (!$Age) {
echo Please enter your\n;

if (!$Email) {
echo Please enter your\n;

if (!$State) {
echo Please enter your\n;

echo Thanks for your submission.;


so the last lines replacing after (MARK) should look like this

} else {
echo Thanks for your submission.;

As you can see keeping the code in this format makes it a lot easier to
see what is being exectued within the condition, allows you to see the
open  closes of the brackets, and should have easily let you see you
were missing something.

Hope that explains it


2001-08-03 Thread Jack Sasportas

Yes, I see what you mean...
In showing why the last section didn't work, I messed up the actual
logic of the code.
I should have noticed that...nice catch

so for clarification where it says (MARK) should be
echo Thanks for your submission.;


Jack Sasportas wrote:

 Yes, I see what you mean...
 In showing why the last section didn't work, I messed up the actual overall
 logic of the code.
 I should have noticed that...nice catch

 so for clarification where it says (MARK) should be
 echo Thanks for your submission.;


 Richard Baskett wrote:

  Just curious but that last else you told him to put in... what is that
  referring to?  There is already an else statement, you can't have another.
  Unless you're putting the else statement after the if (!$State) which you
  would need to subtract the } before the else, but this would give you
  undesired results since this is just an else for the !$State statement.
  I could be missing what you were getting at.. it's definitely possible :)
   First you should manage your code nicer so that it is easier to read
   and troubleshoot.  Go through this to find my notes...
   if (!$HTTP_POST_VARS) { exit();}
   elseif ($HTTP_POST_VARS) {
   if (!$Age) { echo Please enter your\n;
   } if
   Why would you use elseif above ? you are asking the full question in
   the first line
   if (!$HTTP_POST_VARS) { exit();}
   if it's NOT then why say elseif, it's else, it's either one or the
   other...that's one thing.
   so lets change it to this:
   if (!$HTTP_POST_VARS) {
   } else {
   if (!$Age) {
   echo Please enter your\n;
   if (!$Email) {
   echo Please enter your\n;
   if (!$State) {
   echo Please enter your\n;
   echo Thanks for your submission.;
   so the last lines replacing after (MARK) should look like this
   } else {
   echo Thanks for your submission.;
   As you can see keeping the code in this format makes it a lot easier to
   see what is being exectued within the condition, allows you to see the
   open  closes of the brackets, and should have easily let you see you
   were missing something.
   Hope that explains it
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 Jack Sasportas
 Innovative Internet Solutions
 Phone 305.665.2500
 Fax 305.665.2551

Jack Sasportas
Innovative Internet Solutions
Phone 305.665.2500
Fax 305.665.2551

Re: [PHP] templates

2001-07-23 Thread Jack Sasportas

Your web browser should have a history option, and you can sift through the
list of domains you surfed that approximate time frame ago...Also you can
search in some applications like  netscape the history file, and look for key
things like templates...

Good Luck

Kurth Bemis wrote:

 i've been looking for a template site that i used and never bookmarked.

 I'll tell you what i remember about the site and hopefully someone will
 know what site i'm talking about.  I've spend the last 5 hours looking for
 this siteso this is my final stab in the dark.

 The site had 4 categories of templates.  one was business templates and the
 other was user templates.

 most of the designs were linkware.

 and most of the templates were in plain html.

 the site had a lot of templates...150+?

 does anybody remember a free template site like that?  I'm pulling my hair
 out because ti was a good template site...not one of those cheezy one
 design 50 different color template sites.


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Jack Sasportas
Innovative Internet Solutions
Phone 305.665.2500
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Re: [PHP] templates

2001-07-23 Thread Jack Sasportas

For future purposes you should set your history to expire some ridiculous time in
the future.  I still reference sites from as far back as 2 years ago...
It's really nice to be able to do that.  I use netscape and my setting is 999


Kurth Bemis wrote:

 At 11:29 AM 7/23/2001, Jack Sasportas wrote:

 I last visited this site about 2 months ago...too long for any history :-(

 Your web browser should have a history option, and you can sift through the
 list of domains you surfed that approximate time frame ago...Also you can
 search in some applications like  netscape the history file, and look for key
 things like templates...
 Good Luck
 Kurth Bemis wrote:
   i've been looking for a template site that i used and never bookmarked.
   I'll tell you what i remember about the site and hopefully someone will
   know what site i'm talking about.  I've spend the last 5 hours looking for
   this siteso this is my final stab in the dark.
   The site had 4 categories of templates.  one was business templates and the
   other was user templates.
   most of the designs were linkware.
   and most of the templates were in plain html.
   the site had a lot of templates...150+?
   does anybody remember a free template site like that?  I'm pulling my hair
   out because ti was a good template site...not one of those cheezy one
   design 50 different color template sites.
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 Jack Sasportas
 Innovative Internet Solutions
 Phone 305.665.2500
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Jack Sasportas
Innovative Internet Solutions
Phone 305.665.2500
Fax 305.665.2551

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Re: [PHP] PHP SSI in armony?

2001-07-21 Thread Jack Sasportas

The answer is up to you.
You make the shtml generate the php, OR the php generate the shtml...
My guess is probably php generates the shtml, and the reference to
I think that should work...

Seb Frost wrote:

 I want to use both PHP and SSI on the same page.  My server requires that
 SSI files are .shtml.  If I set it to also treat .shtml files as php files
 (like I have done with .htm) then what will happen?  Will it get parsed
 first for php and then for ssi, or the other way round?  Or puke completely?

 Or is there a way of doing this that I've overlooked.

 - seb

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Jack Sasportas
Innovative Internet Solutions
Phone 305.665.2500
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Re: [PHP] Help..Parse error

2001-07-20 Thread Jack Sasportas

Actually that is the default setting under 4, and the rest of the code works
with the short tags, it's definately something code related... I don;t think
it likes that code, but can't find anything to help me resolve the problem.
I was hoping not to re-write the code just yet...


Steve Edberg wrote:

 My guess is that you have the short_open_tags option on in your PHP3
 config, but off in your PHP4 config. If it's off, PHP will only
 recognize the ?php...? tags, not ?...?. PHP config params can be
 set in php.ini, .htaccess, and/or Apache httpd.conf files. Scroll
 down to short_open_tag in

 for more info. You can also check your config via the phpinfo() function.

 - steve

 At 1:45 AM -0400 7/20/01, Jack Sasportas wrote:
 I have some code that runs under php3, but under 4 I get a parse error
 on this specific line, can't figure out how to resolve it.
 the code looks like this
 html stuff
 ? } ?
 more html stuff
 the error is in the middle line  which is the end of a condition...
 Thanks in advance...
 Jack Sasportas
 Innovative Internet Solutions
 Phone 305.665.2500
 Fax 305.665.2551
 +-- Factoid: Of the 100 largest economies in the world, 51 are --+
 | Steve Edberg   University of California, Davis |
 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Computer Consultant |
 | |
 +--- corporations -- ---+

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Jack Sasportas
Innovative Internet Solutions
Phone 305.665.2500
Fax 305.665.2551

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[PHP] Help! Parse error.....

2001-07-20 Thread Jack Sasportas

I have some code that runs under php3 perfectly, but now under 4 I get a
parse error
on this specific line, can't figure out how to resolve it.

the code looks like this

html stuff
? } ?
more html stuff

the error is in the middle line  which is the end of a condition...

Thanks in advance...

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Re: [PHP] Help! Parse error.....

2001-07-20 Thread Jack Sasportas

Tried the alternative stuff with no luck...
Looking for any crazy ideas that might work...

Thanks !

Paul Strange wrote:

 On Friday 20 July 2001 06:16, Jack Sasportas wrote:
  I have some code that runs under php3 perfectly, but now under 4 I get a
  parse error
  on this specific line, can't figure out how to resolve it.
  the code looks like this
  html stuff
  ? } ?
  more html stuff
  the error is in the middle line  which is the end of a condition...
  Thanks in advance...

 Have you tried using the alternative syntax capabilities?  More here:


 Paul Strange
 Lead Programmer
 Level 67 LC
 eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Office: 801.486.4686  Fax: 801.994.0467

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Jack Sasportas
Innovative Internet Solutions
Phone 305.665.2500
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[PHP] Help..Parse error

2001-07-19 Thread Jack Sasportas

I have some code that runs under php3, but under 4 I get a parse error
on this specific line, can't figure out how to resolve it.

the code looks like this
html stuff
? } ?
more html stuff

the error is in the middle line  which is the end of a condition...

Thanks in advance...

Jack Sasportas
Innovative Internet Solutions
Phone 305.665.2500
Fax 305.665.2551

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[PHP] Troubleshooting syntax ?

2001-07-03 Thread Jack Sasportas

OK I'm sure we've all run into this fun problem.
Sometimes we forget a /table etc, from our html, and our friend
Netscape doesn't display anything if the syntax is wrong or missing.  IE
on the other hand assumes what you are doing and displays it fine.

Can anyone suggest a tool / web site etc, that helps you check the html
code for the missing / wrong syntax so that it is spotted quickly like
making it red or something, instead of reading through hundreds of lines
of code, hopefully catching the problem?


Jack Sasportas
Innovative Internet Solutions
Phone 305.665.2500
Fax 305.665.2551

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Re: [PHP] reading records alphebetically

2001-06-30 Thread Jack Sasportas

Since you only have a few records, creating a second index with the first
letter doesn't apply to you, but is a good idea in a huge db scheme.

The simplest  fastest way is to take the suggestions a few people made which
table WHERE name LIKE '$letter%'

I would not suggest this
$result = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM table order by name);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))  {
   $first_letter = strtolower($name[0]);

NOT that it won't work, but you should consider CPU in your design, and you
don't want to make the computer go through all the records sequentially to
display the valid records.  This would take a lot longer to deliver the results
in a large file, and would consume more resources...


Ethan Schroeder wrote:

 You can either select the letter you want through mysql with SELECT * FROM
 table WHERE name LIKE '$letter%'

 Or you can select everything:
 $result = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM table order by name);
 while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))  {
$first_letter = strtolower($name[0]);

 lets say
 $name = Fred;
 $name[0]  is set to F;
 $name[1] is set to r;
 $name[2]  is set toe;
 and so on...
 - Original Message -
 From: Jamie Saunders [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2001 9:29 AM
 Subject: [PHP] reading records alphebetically

  I have a MySQL database set-up containing a few hundred records.  I'm
  to make a script that reads the 'name' field of the records and displays
  only the records of which the name field begins with a specific letter:
  if ($letter = A) {
  display all records of which field 'name' beings with A
  } else if ($letter = B) {
  I'm just starting out on this, so please excuse my ignorance :)
  Jamie Saunders
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[PHP] Cookie ?

2001-06-30 Thread Jack Sasportas

I wanted to do something like set the cookie for 5 minutes, then as the
user uses the system each page would refresh so to speak the timeout
always setting it back to 5 minutes as long as he was using it.
I beleive this is not really working.
Any Ideas on how I can accomplish this ??

Here is the function I was using to set the cookies...

function f_put_cookie($user_name,$user_email,$account_type) {


if(isset($c_user_name)) {

} else {




Jack Sasportas
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Re: [PHP] security

2001-05-21 Thread Jack Sasportas

I realize this is old, but I was just reading through it and noticed there were
not many suggestions.
My idea would be to have a directory which is in a non-publically viewable
place that you can refer to in an include, like
include /home/nobodyseesthisfolder/secret file
It should bomb when it can't find the file.
Now that's not the only thing you can do, because anybody with total server
access to their own box can put that file in place, and possibly work around
the issue.
So I suggest putting some of your core functions in a file in the same folder,
that way the program really can't run without that file.

Good Luck

Randy Johnson wrote:

 In PHP how do I make it so a script cannot be called from somewhere else
 other than from my server.

 Example   is my mail script that is called by

 How do I make it so cannot call the mail.php script.



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[PHP] Help..Date Format

2001-05-17 Thread Jack Sasportas

OK I have asked the question before and not really gotten the answer, so
I will re-word what I am trying to do.
First I figured out that part of my problem may be how I am storing the
date into mysql from php.
Currently we are using the now() function to store the date in one field
and the time in another.  I know understand what is physically being
stored in the db.

I am trying to retreive the date value from the mysql db, and display it
on the screen in a standard format like 05/08/01.
What I get right now is 2001-05-09.
Also the time comes out like so: 227:08:22

I have tried this:

and the result is: 12/31/69 formatted nicely but that date is 5/9/2001
not 1969.

I have tried several suggestions and other things, but I am not being

Here is what I am trying to do:
I would like the result of the date to be formatted as 05/01/01
and the time as 18:51

Please give me some very specific instructions, this is a silly thing to
be stuck on...


Jack Sasportas
Innovative Internet Solutions
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Re: [PHP] MYSQL Password

2001-05-17 Thread Jack Sasportas

pass the parameter -p and it will ask you for the password

Andreas Pucko wrote:


 I am trying to get mysql running and connect via php to it.

 how can I set the password in a unixshell to get access to it?

 When I try to access the db I get:

 Warning: MySQL Connection Failed: Access denied for user: 'root@localhost'
 (Using password: NO) in /psr/mysqladmin/ on line 255

 Andy suggestions?



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[PHP] Date Time Formatting ??

2001-05-08 Thread Jack Sasportas

OK I have read many examples, old posts etc, but I am looking for a
detailed explanation as to how to do this.

First is when I write to a mysql database using the now() function, the
time stamp looks like so when I display the time back to the browser.

204:24:06  ( This should have been 12:24pm )

Also the Date Display like so:


The Goal is to have the Time stamp looking like 12:24 (military time OK)

and the date 05-08-2001 or even 05-08-01.

The MySQL db looks like so:
 date   -00-00
 time  00:00:00

I don't seem to really be able to vary the DB format.

Any examples or links to good docs appreciated

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Re: [PHP] Date Time Formatting ??

2001-05-08 Thread Jack Sasportas

Here is what I am trying to do, but I get the wrong date:

Then I simply print the value in the arraythis date instead of 05/08/01 comes
out 12/31/69


Jon Haworth wrote:

 I think the best way to handle this is not to care what it looks like in the
 database. Store your dates as UNIX timestamps, and then they are easy to do
 calculations on and/or convert to any date format you like for displaying in
 your pages.

 Read up on date() and mktime() for more info (there are loads of examples in
 the user notes).


 -Original Message-
 From: Jack Sasportas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 08 May 2001 17:28
 To: php
 Subject: [PHP] Date  Time Formatting ??

 OK I have read many examples, old posts etc, but I am looking for a
 detailed explanation as to how to do this.

 First is when I write to a mysql database using the now() function, the
 time stamp looks like so when I display the time back to the browser.

 204:24:06  ( This should have been 12:24pm )

 Also the Date Display like so:


 The Goal is to have the Time stamp looking like 12:24 (military time OK)

 and the date 05-08-2001 or even 05-08-01.

 The MySQL db looks like so:
  date   -00-00
  time  00:00:00

 I don't seem to really be able to vary the DB format.

 Any examples or links to good docs appreciated

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[PHP] PHP Java ?

2001-05-04 Thread Jack Sasportas

While working on some web sites which contain mouse over java, and then
adding in some db stuff via php/mysql, the java seems to break.
Is there something special I need to do to prevent that break?
Is this a common problem?
Does using templates get around that problem ?

Thanks !
Jack Sasportas
Innovative Internet Solutions
Phone 305.665.2500
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Re: [PHP] PHP Java ?

2001-05-04 Thread Jack Sasportas

I am echoing the javascript and other html, and at this point *not* putting
values into the javascript.
I take a string like so:


I make sure that *everything* in the quotes has only sinlge quotes no double
quotes so that PHP doesn't think its the end of the string, then I echo

Somehow the java mouseover breaks, then I tried taking the java mouseover
single quotes and putting them back to double quotes preceeded by a \ to tell
php to ignore that quote, but that didn't work either.
Is it the way I am echoing or something ?

Thanks !

Peter Dudley wrote:

 If it's javascript, then be careful about echoing PHP variables into
 Javascript strings.  If you have something like (in Javascript)

 var myString = '?php echo $phpString; ?';

 and $phpString contains any apostrophes, then the javascript will break
 because Javascript thinks the string has ended prematurely.  E.g, if
 $phpString is My cat's pajamas then the javascript would be sent to the
 browser thus:

 var myString = 'My cat's pajamas';

 and you can see that there are too many single quotes, which will, of
 course, cause Javascript's high-powered debugging utilities to kick in and
 give you a highly useful error report.


  While working on some web sites which contain mouse over java, and then
  adding in some db stuff via php/mysql, the java seems to break.
  Is there something special I need to do to prevent that break?
  Is this a common problem?
  Does using templates get around that problem ?

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[PHP] Javascript issue

2001-04-11 Thread Jack Sasportas

I am doing a basic mouseiver on a page where some php code also resides.

I basically dump the top of the web page through a function page_top()
which is just passing all the html  java through a string, then pull
some db stuff out, and finally call the page_bottom() which pulls in the
rest of the html.

The problem is that the mouseover doesn't work within the php page which
puts the whole thing together.

Any ideas on how to work around this ?


Jack Sasportas
Innovative Internet Solutions
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[PHP] Passing Parameter

2001-04-11 Thread Jack Sasportas

I have called from html a php form and passwd a value, but how can I
from PHP pass the value to an html for, without using php ?

After searching a db, a list of valid part numbers gets displayd from
the Mysql db, the client picks part#2 and then that click would call the
html form which needs the value being passed to it, in this case part_no
then I would take other input information and pass all if it along with
part_no to a cgi script.

Can someone give me a good sample ?

Thanks !

Jack Sasportas
Innovative Internet Solutions
Phone 305.665.2500
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Re: [PHP] setcookie().. how to retrieve data afterward?

2001-04-01 Thread Jack Sasportas

If you just echo $userid you will get the results.

do this
setcookie ("cookie_variable", "chocalate chip", 1, "", "", 1);

echo $cookie_variable

You can name the cookie_variable whatever you want and that will be referenced
as the variable to store "chocalate chip".
Now if you want to see the value from within a function you will need to also do


this will enable you to see the values stored in the cookies.

Andrew Rose wrote:

 Ive been playing with setcookie() and am stuck with trying to re-pull the
 infomation I set,  I use:

  setcookie ("user_id", $userid, 1, "", "", 1);

  to set the cookie and:

 if(isset( $user_id )){
  echo " cookie 'user_id': $user_id\n";
 } else

  echo" no cookie set ...\n";

 to see if its there.. now this is the closest Ive seen anyone else do it and
 to me it dosnt make much sense at all the code for retrieving.. also it
 dosnt work.. suprise suprise.. so anyone know how to do this?

 thanks in advance

 -Andrew Rose

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Re: [PHP] Only 5 lines (now with the right script :/ )

2001-03-22 Thread Jack Sasportas

I'm guessing you are getting an extra blank

If you get a result back in $headlines = sizeof($content) of 5, then you have 5
lines, but in your script you have the value of $i as ZERO ($i = 0; $i 
$headlines; $i++)
meaning 0,1,2,3,4,5 which is 6 lines, simply set your $i=1 and it should be

Let me know.
I did execute your script off of my server and resulted in only 1 line printing
the value of "1" nothing else


Dennis Haller wrote:

 The question I asked before was for this script:

 $open = fopen("", "r");

 $read = fread($open, 1000);


 $search =
 /BULLI", $read, $printing);

 $printing[1] = str_replace("LI", "", $printing[1]);
 $printing[1] = str_replace("/LI", "br", $printing[1]);
 $printing[1] = str_replace("A HREF=", "A target=quot;_blankquot; HREF=",

 $content = $printing[1];
 $content = explode("#183;", $content);

 $headlines = sizeof($content);

 for ($i = 0; $i  $headlines; $i++) {

 print "$content[$i] $headlines[$i]";


 So is it posible to get only 5 lines out of this script?

 Thx again

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Re: [PHP] need help with cookies

2001-03-22 Thread Jack Sasportas

I would suggest for you to take all the complicated stuff out of a simple text
script and try something like this:

Make sure that nothing is being sent prior to setting the cookie, and see if IE
prompts you...

Good Luck!


 Hi, I am trying to set a cookie and it doesn't work.  I am running IE 5.
 I have IE set to prompt before setting cookies but I never get a prompt.

 Here is my code - basically, if someone logs in, it is to set a cookie.
 What am I missing?   Kris

 $page_title="LTT: $loginid Index";

 function NewSessionID($id){
 $SessPool .= "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
 $SessPool .= "0123456789";

 for($tempslime=0; $tempslime  $length; $tempslime++) {
 $sid .= substr($SessPool, (rand()%(strlen($SessPool))), 1);
 setcookie("LoginAuth", $sid,time()+3600);

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[PHP] Optional Parameter ?

2001-03-21 Thread Jack Sasportas

Is it possible to have a function that looks something like

function print_this( $value1, $value2, $maybe3) {

do whatever;


that would expect $value1, $value2 BUT would not care if $maybe3 came in
or not ? and not give an error message that there is a missing paramter

I know I can do a condition within the function, but just want to see if
there is a more technical approach as in from php to ignore that
optional per say variable.

I did look in my PHP book by wrox, but no luck.

Thanks !!!

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[PHP] Post -vs- Get

2001-03-21 Thread Jack Sasportas

I have written a system with authentication to gain access to individual
Since I am using the post method the command line has something like

Now even though if that person emails you that url, you won't gain
access to it bascause of authentication that is needed, what can happen
is an authorized user could change the 5 in the url to 8, and then see
the information that is there which belongs to client 8.

Because of this I am thinking in this case I should be using the post
method instead of the get method.

Does anyone have a link to a doc that has a good example in both methods
along with a good explanation so that I can make sure I understand what
it's doing?

Thanks for your help!


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Re: [PHP] can you have two sql statements on the same page.

2001-03-21 Thread Jack Sasportas

The simple answer would be 2 while statements, but are you trying to mix the results
or are you keeping them seperate?
By mix there are 2 options

value_db1 Value_db2 Value_db1



by the simple answer above it would result in something like
Category #1
Category  #2

or a side by side thing

Also how many records (approx) are you dealing with ?
you could bring the value from each table into an array and then dump the values
stored in the array.

Hope this helps...


Matt Davis wrote:

 I want to extract 2 sets of data each from different tables in the same db
 but display the results on the same page at the same time. Can I just have
 two sql statements like this or do I need to do something else.

//sql statement 1
 $sql1 = "select club_full_name from clubs where club_name = '$id' ";

//sql statement 2
 $sql2 = "select message,message_title from noticeboard where club_name =
 '$id' ";

//execute sql1 query and get results
   $sql_result1 = mysql_query($sql1);

//execute sql2 query and get results
   $sql_result2 = mysql_query($sql2);

   variables for data to be displayed*/

   while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql_result1)) {
  $name = $row["club_full_name"];


 How can I put both sets of results in the while statement.

 Any help would be kindly appreciated


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[PHP] Pre-Written Script ?

2001-03-21 Thread Jack Sasportas

Has anyone found a good prewritten (gpl) script that helps you to create
the php code to add/edit/modify based on selecting a table that you want
to put data into ?

I want to use this both to get some data in the computer as well as to
learn other coding techniques.

Thanks !

Jack Sasportas

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[PHP] include php3 -vs- 4

2001-03-16 Thread Jack Sasportas

Is there a workaround under php3 for include_once ?


Jack Sasportas

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Re: [PHP] managing image files with PHP/Mysql

2001-03-16 Thread Jack Sasportas

Don't know how to do this, but basically I beleive Java will be the only way to 
execute on the fly and load the image in question so it can be approved so to speak 
which is what I beleive you are trying to do

Good Luck...

Mig wrote:

 Hello, I want to thank Kathleen and other people for ideas about uploading / 
displaying images using PHP and Mysql.
 I checked these ideas and they work very well, so I will use them into my program. 
For storing and retrieving image streams, I used addslashes and stripslashes PHP 

 The only problem still remaining is on client-side point of view. When somebody 
going to upload file, browsers open little box to let user choose file (input 
 I wish user to know somewhat is the image he/she is going to upload, so I want to 
display this image before user uploading. For this action, I would be able to control 
the 'BROWSE'  button that appears on form.
 Since this button doesn't apply to POST method, nor it will execute function on Form 
command, how can I control this action?
 Is there some doc explaining features of these objects?



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Re: [PHP] RE: [PHP-DB] Login System with access levels

2001-03-16 Thread Jack Sasportas

Just a can hash the password in the database.

Rick Emery wrote:

 First, I would NOT store passwords in a database.  Rather, I'd store a hash
 based upon the password and username.  Storing a password is dangerous as
 regards security.

 Second, if you're asking for syntax on how to add the security level column:
   ALTER TABLE mytable ADD access tinyint unsigned not null default "0";

 This will allow you to assigned security levels from 0 to 255.  You would
 set 0 as the lowest level and 255 (admin) as the highest.

 While you're at it, add the has security hash entry (discussed above):
   ALTER TABLE mytable ADD md5hash char(32) not null default "";

 Hashes are always 32 characters.

 Finally, as far as a query:
   SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE access = $level;

 This will permit the searcher to locate anything whereby the level is at
 $level or lower.
 -Original Message-
 From: Jordan Elver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 1:28 PM
 To: PHP General Mailing List; PHP DB Mailing List
 Subject: [PHP-DB] Login System with access levels

 I've got a db with a username and password in it. I can let people log in,
 like SELECT * FROM table WHERE username = username AND password = password.

 But how can I add an access level column so that I can have different levels

 of security. So admin's can read everything, but users can only read certain


 How could I add to my db and structure a query?

 Any ideas would be good,



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[PHP] Help! Can't redeclare already declared function in

2001-03-15 Thread Jack Sasportas

I just finished coding everything on a project it was working (all
nighter), and now something I just changed is causing this error

"Can't redeclare already declared function in "

There is no duplication of functions declarations.

The thing is it is basically saying that no matter what functions are in
the file, you will get the error on whatever function is 1st function in
the file of functions, and the line it always points to is the closing
"}" of the function itself...

Tried to get help on, but didn't find anything.
Any Ideas ?

Jack Sasportas
Innovative Internet Solutions
Phone 305.665.2500
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[PHP] multiple query in 1 select ?

2001-02-28 Thread Jack Sasportas

lets say we have a database with the State Names and cities, and I
wanted to select all the cities in FL I would execute something like
mysql_query("SELECT * FROM cities WHERE state='FL'");
and lets say there are 50 records returned

I want to be able to get all the cities in FL  GA instead of just FL
and display the results together as if it was 1 restult.  Then the resul
would be 100 records ( 50 FL  50 GA ).


I did look on and in a php book I have, but could not find

Jack Sasportas

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