[PHP] ereg_replace all items in a array

2001-01-29 Thread Joseph H Blythe

G'day PHP'ers

I am trying highlight the results from a search, so far I have this working but only 
if the string is an exact match ie: case sensitive, for example:

" . $val . "";
$replaced = ereg_replace($val, $hilite, $data);

echo $replaced;

Now as metioned this seems to work only for "foo" does anyone have any idea why? 

Also I need to be able to support mutiple keywords ie: foo Foo FOO, so basically I 
know I could split(" ", $keywords) then some how traverse the array making a new array 
of all possible case combinations then in my while loop replace each occurance found 
in $data with the highlighted replacment, sounds easy hmm

If anyone has any ideas or can see what I am doing wrong so far, it would be mutch 



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[PHP] APC install problems

2001-02-07 Thread Joseph H Blythe


Does anyone know what is going wrong here:

autoconf: Undefined macros:
/usr/local/bin/phpize: libtoolize: command not found

There does not seem to be a libtoolize on my system? I also followed the INSTALL docs, 
and read the online FAQ, unfortunatly I know very little about php-modules and 
autoconf etc..

Any help mutch appreciated,



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Re: [PHP] APC install problems

2001-02-07 Thread Joseph H Blythe

On Thu, 8 Feb 2001 01:39:24 +0100
Christian wrote:
CR> You'll have to install some packages: libtool, autoconf and automake I'd 
CR> say.

Hmm, libtool wasn't installed strange, thanks!

Also I got a few warnings during the compile is this normal?

In file included from /usr/local/include/php/php_compat.h:7,
 from /usr/local/include/php/php.h:35,
 from php_apc.h:19,
 from apc_cache.c:24:
/usr/local/include/php/php_config.h:1669: warning: `PHP_BUILD_DATE' redefined



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[PHP] help with classes

2001-02-12 Thread Joseph H Blythe

hey all,

Was just wondering how to do the following:

So how does one correctly assign a variable to a variable inside a class withot doing 
something like:

var $bar = '';
$this->bar = $foo;

Any insight would be much appreciated.



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Re: [PHP] help with classes

2001-02-12 Thread Joseph H Blythe

On Mon, 12 Feb 2001 20:11:14 -0800
Joe wrote:

JC> I was curious too, so I looked it up. Seems you can't. From
JC> http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.oop.php
JC> "Note: In PHP 4, only constant initializers for var variables are
JC> allowed. Use constructors for non-constant initializers."
JC> Hope this helps,
JC> Joe

I missed that one little cryptic note :-) 

I basically just made a function that sets the var variable to what I wanted. Unless 
*anyone* knows a better way?

class Foo {
var $bar;

function setBar($bar) {
  this->bar = $bar;


Thanks for your help!



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Re: [PHP] help with classes

2001-02-12 Thread Joseph H Blythe

On Mon, 12 Feb 2001 23:44:08 -0500 (EST)
Sean wrote:

SC> That's how you have to do it.
SC> class MyClass {
SC> var $bar;
SC> // This is the class's constructor
SC> sub MyClass () {
SC> $this->bar = $foo;
SC> }
SC> }

I didn't think php had sub routines like perl? shouldn't that be:

function MyClass(){
  $this->bar = $foo;

I tried this and it does not evaluate the variable. The only way I could get this to 
work was to create a function that I can pass the variable to as one of it paramaters 
(see previous post)

I could be wrong?



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Re: [PHP] help with classes

2001-02-12 Thread Joseph H Blythe

On Mon, 12 Feb 2001 21:04:30 -0800
Joe wrote:

JC> Is this closer to what you were looking for?
JC> - Joe
JC>  class Foo {
JC>  var $bar;
JC>  function mymethod(){
JC>   global $foo;
JC>   $this->bar = $foo;
JC>  }
JC> }
JC> $foo = "hello world";
JC> echo "";
JC> $cls = new foo();
JC> $cls->mymethod();
JC> echo $cls->bar;
JC> echo "";
JC> ?>

hmm sort of is, basically this works:

// Foo.class.php
class Foo {

var $bar;

setBar($bar) {
$this->bar = $bar;


// foo.php
$foo = new Foo;
$bar = "1234567789";



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[PHP] Fast Template woes

2001-02-13 Thread Joseph H Blythe

Hey all,

I got a rather strange probelm with fast template, I won't go into great detail unless 
someone has had a simular experience while using define_dynamic. Basically I have 
written a site which totally uses Fast Templates and some sections use define_dynamic 
which work perfectly, my problem is I have just added a new section which refuses to 
acknowledge the:

tags (they appear in the final output) I have read all the documentation and am really 
sure that I have done this correctly, even checked the other pages which *are* 
working, no matter what I do this refuses to work, has anyone else run into a simular 

Any help would be mutch appreciated, I am really stuck on this.



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[PHP] deleting cart items on session expire

2001-02-14 Thread Joseph H Blythe

hey all,

I was wondering how one would suggest removing items from a cart system once the 
session lifetime has expired. I have it set to the default 0, which expires the 
session on browser close, what I want to be able to do is "delete * from Cart where 
session='$PHPSESSID'" when the user closes thier browser window is this even possible? 
maybe using register_shutdown_function or something?

Any ideas would be great!



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Re: [PHP] deleting cart items on session expire

2001-02-15 Thread Joseph H Blythe

Thanks all,

This gives me a good start, I think I will just get cron to do it at a certain time of 
day, the only problem is trying to tell which sessions have expired as the database is 
not going to know this.



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[PHP] checking to see if value is a integer from a form text field

2001-02-15 Thread Joseph H Blythe


I have a strange problem, when a user inputs the quantity into a text input field in a 
cart, I want to be able to test to see if the value is a integer if it isn't then 
default it to 1

if ( !is_int($Qty) ) {
$Qty = 1;

Looks ok, should work in theory, but it doesn't if I use this test, the update on the 
database fails, take it out and it works, so if a user was to type "f" in the quantity 
field in the cart and hit update because the quantity field is int(2) in the database 
it will default to 0 which I do not want. I have also tried to set the type before the 
update like so:

$Qty = settype($Qty, "integer");

This also will make the update fail, how would I make sure a user does not type 
characters in the quantity field without using  javascript or ereg stuff to check the 
values? I just want to default the quantity to 1 if a invailid quantity is inputted.

If there is no obvious soulution then I will use a piece of javascript to check the 
field onSubmit for illegal characters and alert the user I guess.



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[PHP] About to update

2001-02-15 Thread Joseph H Blythe

Hey all,

I am about to update one of our servers (i386) running RedHat-6.0 smp to:


Does anyone know of any problems/incompatabilities between the above packages on the 
above platform.

I am mainly doing this because of a bug in one of the mysql utils (mysqlimport) it 
dumps a core on exit in mysql-3.23.22, and thought I may as well update the whole lot 
and be done with it.



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Re: [PHP] About to update

2001-02-18 Thread Joseph H Blythe

On Fri, 16 Feb 2001 10:59:52 -0500
Michael wrote:

MK> 2 things...
MK> 1.  I've had nothing but problems with mysql3.23.  :(  I had 3.22 up for months at 
a stretch - I'm lucky to go more than a few weeks without a lockup on 3.23.  BUT... 
I've committed projects to
MK> the fulltext search feature.  :(  Just be careful and keep an eye on it.  Not 
really related to your question, but I had to bitch.  :)
MK> 2.  Instead of the zend optimizer, think of trying the apc cache.  It'll give you 
much better performance results than the optimizer, and is cheaper than zend cache.  

Thanks for your feedback, mysql3.23 is now a stable release that seems strange, I 
tried to install apc but I keep getting unresolved symbol errors, so apache fails to 
start. What version of php are you using?



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[PHP] re:mod_dav and dreamweaver 4.0

2001-02-27 Thread Joseph H Blythe


Sorry if this is a little off topic but has anyone successfully used mod_dav with 
dreamweaver 4.0, I have mod_dav setup but am having trouble connecting to it via 

If anyone has successfully used this could they email me privately, as I don't want to 
waste any more bandwidth on this list.



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[PHP] Template recommendations

2001-02-28 Thread Joseph H Blythe

Hey all,

I am developming a site using FastTemplates, but I have run into a problem which it 
looks like I will not be able to resolve, I have posted to this list and the makers of 
FastTemplate but have recieved no clues on what is going on.

I have decided to try and find another template system and rewrite the entire site. 
Can people who use such systems let me know thier findings, the template system must:

Be a php class
Totally separate html from php code
Be able to handle *dynamic* blocks of code (ala FastTemplate)
Not be phplib (sorry I have tried and dont like the autoprepend)
Be easy to use
Be Fast

Any comments will be appreciated,



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Re: [PHP] Template recommendations

2001-03-01 Thread Joseph H Blythe

On Thu, 1 Mar 2001 07:58:23 +0100
Alexander wrote:

AW> If you want something faster, try Smarty.

Thanks, Smarty looks like it will do the trick and has some really neat features, like 
being able to nest dynamic blocks, I think this was my problem with FastTemplate.



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