Re: [PHP] placing values in html teaxtarea

2004-07-12 Thread Keith Greene
textareas do not use the value attribute. instead, the value is placed 
between the textarea/textarea tags:

textarea name=zoutput rows=20 cols=70 wrap /? echo $test; 

At 08:09 AM 7/12/2004, Hull, Douglas D wrote:
After doing calculations etc on my data I am wanting to place it in a 
textarea form in html.  I am having trouble getting my data to show up in 
my texarea.  For example, say after all my calculations I my field called 
$test ends up containing This is a test.  Here is what I tried:

textarea name=zoutput rows=20 cols=70 wrap value=? echo $test; 
? / /textarea

I can add the $test to input like this but not a textarea.
Name: input type=text name=zfname value=? echo $test; ?/ br
Is this possible?
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Re: [PHP] OO woes

2004-07-12 Thread Keith Greene
$query = 'INSERT into aeMail set test=\''.$_POST[test].'\'';
Your quotes look screwy to me. You seem to be missing both trailing single 
try this:

$query = 'INSERT into aeMail set test=\'''.$_POST[test].'\''';
At 01:07 PM 7/12/2004, Matthew Sims wrote:
PHP version 5.0.0RC3 (cgi) (built: Jul  9 2004 13:18:24)
I'm just getting my feet wet with OO and have run into a problem that I'm
not familiar with...yet.
I have a class that does a database connection and query all together. It
all works nicely untiluntil my query has a word with quotes around it.
I've tried addslashes and mysql_escape_string but when I do I get a Fatal
Error. It occurs in the execute($query) function down below.
I'm also using the recommended php.ini file...magic quotes off and all.
class DB_Mysql {
  protected $user;  // Database username
  protected $pass;  // Database password
  protected $dbhost;// Database host
  protected $dbname;// Database name
  protected $dbh;   // Database handle
  public function __construct($user, $pass, $dbhost, $dbname) {
$this-user = $user;
$this-pass = $pass;
$this-dbhost = $dbhost;
$this-dbname = $dbname;
  protected function connect() {
$this-dbh = mysql_connect($this-dbhost, $this-user, $this-pass);
if (!is_resource($this-dbh)) {
  throw new Exception;
if (!mysql_select_db($this-dbname, $this-dbh)) {
  throw new Exception;
  public function execute($query) {
if (!$this-dbh) {
// My $query has quotes in it
// I try to escape the quotes
$query = mysql_escape_string($query);
// It causes an error
$ret = mysql_query($query, $this-dbh);
if (!$ret) {
  // An Exception error is thrown
  throw new Exception;
} elseif (!is_resource($ret)) {
  return TRUE;
} else {
  $statment = new DB_MysqlStatement($this-dbh, $query);
  return $statement;
My query statement is:
$query = 'INSERT into aeMail set test=\''.$_POST[test].'\'';
I call the class as follows:
$dbh = new DB_Mysql(user,passwd,localhost,test);
$query = 'INSERT into aeMail set test=\''.$_POST[test].'\'';
If the $_POST variable does not contain any quotes, the class works
perfectly. But whenever quotes are passed through, I get the following
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' in
/www/htdocs/classes/db_class.php:53 Stack trace: #0
/www/htdocs/letter.php(51): DB_Mysql-execute('INSERT into aeM...') #1
{main} thrown in /www/htdocs/classes/db_class.php on line 53
--Matthew Sims

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Re: [PHP] Malicious SQL

2004-07-07 Thread Keith Greene
For example, if you are not quoting your criteria:
sql = mysql_query(select * from users where name=.$name);
if someone enters the following in the name field, you're toast:
Jim; delete from users;
on the contrary:
sql = mysql_query(select * from users where name='.$name.');
will simply look for a user with a name of Jim; delete from users; and 
return no results found.

This is just one example.
Your queries look fine.
At 08:58 AM 7/7/2004, Gabe wrote:
Can someone help me understand how people are able to use SQL maliciously 
if you don't protect against it in PHP?  For example, I've written a very 
simple search SQL statement that takes the value of a variable for the 
search criteria ( from a webpage form ).  I don't understand how someone 
could enter an SQL statement that could be malicious.  Here's the SQL 
statement that I run once I have the search criteria stored in $strCriteria:

SELECT autoQuesID, fldQuesTitle, fldBody FROM tblFAQ_Question WHERE 
(blnHidden = FALSE AND ((fldBody LIKE '%$strCriteria%') OR (fldQuesTitle 
LIKE '%$strCriteria%')));

I know in general that protecting against someone entering SQL is a must 
.  So I guess I'm just wondering if anyone has any real-world experience 
with how people can take advantage of SQL and forms.

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Re: [PHP] binary data over UDP with PHP?

2004-07-07 Thread Keith Greene
I use the following without problem:
$fp = fsockopen(udp://, 24250, $errno, $errstr, .2);
if (!$fp) {
 $status = Server not available;
} else {
$trigger = 
fwrite($fp,$trigger);   # Send trigger to the 
status server
$junk = fread($fp, 4);  # discard echoed command 
from status server

At 04:23 PM 7/7/2004, coder_1024 wrote:
I'm trying to send some binary data to a UDP server using PHP.  The examples
I've been able to find show sending binary data over TCP, or they show
sending text over UDP.
I'm constructing the messages using the below:
  $text_msg = Hello, World\r\n;
  $binary_msg = chr(0x01).chr(0x02).chr(0x00).chr(0xAD);
  $binary_msg_size = 4;
I've tried a couple methods of sending the data:
  $fp = fsockopen(udp:// . $host,$port,);
  $sock = socket_create(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,SOL_UDP);
In either case, a UDP packet is sent, but with a zero data size.  If I
instead send the $text_msg, it works as expected.  For some reason sending
the binary data doesn't work.
Does anyone have insight into how to send binary data over UDP using PHP?
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Re: [PHP] images outside of document root

2004-07-06 Thread Keith Greene
I use a system like that described below, however I added some checks to 
thwart attack.
first, the image serving script checks to make sure the user has a session 
id. This prevents people just loading the script to get the images, and 
also deters hot linking.
second, I have a script that runs once an hour and generates a random word 
and saves it to a text file. That file is read by the page that calls the 
image serving script, and the word contained within is md5 hashed, then 
passed to the image serving script like this:
img src='imgserv.php?i=joe.jpgh=fc5e038d38a57032085441e7fe7010b0' border=0

the image serving script then loads the same text file, hashes the word 
within and compares the hashes. If they don't match, the link is over an 
hour old and the image isn't served.

I know there are circumstances where an image can be hotlinked and 
viewable, but the hotlink only works for an hour, and only for people who 
have actually visited my site during their current browser session, and 
this I can live with.

At 01:20 PM 7/6/2004, Dennis Gearon wrote:
I may do that, but the 'showimage.php' file then has to be in the document 
root, and can be attacked a LOT.

I have found ways to do inline images, without javascript, I believe.
Curt Zirzow [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
* Thus wrote Dennis Gearon:
I want to keep an entire library OUTSIDE of the document root. The 
library includes some imgages. How can I have the browser include the imageges?
I've hard of BASE64'ing the images into the header and decoding them 
using javascript. Is this the best way? Where is code to do that?

no, its probably the worst way.
To have the browser reference images outside the document root
you'll have to create a php wrapper function that decides on what
to do:
img src=/showimage.php?file=foobar.jpg
$file = $_GET['file'];
// authentication if needed...
// check for valid file, etc..
header('Content-Type: image/jpeg'); // send right content type
readfile($path_outside_docroot . $file);
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Re: [PHP] include question

2004-06-21 Thread Keith Greene
I copied your code to a test file called test.php and created the following 
pages as dummy includes:
verify_faculty_info.php, functions.php and accesscontrol.php
in functions.php, I created a dummy search function:
function search(){
return Found!BR;

in verify_faculty_info.php, I made a call to the search function thusly:
echo search();
the test page, when called with the action=verify outputs the following:
verifying nowFound!
If you are not getting the output you are expecting, it probably isn't 
because of a function not being available, but more like variables are not 
available to the function.
Are you getting any error messages at all?

At 08:31 AM 6/21/2004, Aaron Axelsen wrote:
Below is the chunk of code i am using.  In the verify_faculty_info.php
file i call the search function.  The search function is coded in the
function.php file which is included in the accesscontrol.php.
I thought that it would carry over to the verify_Faculty_info.php file.
Was I mistaken?
if (isset($_GET['action'])){
  if ($_GET['action'] == add  $_SESSION['role'] == 1) {
  } elseif ($_GET['action'] == verify) {
echo verifying now;
  } else {
echo action asked for is not specified;
} else {
   echo action is not specified;
Aaron Axelsen
aim: aaak2
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Re: [PHP] Re: What's this

2004-06-17 Thread Keith Greene
This stuff is common in PHPbb. Usually you will find the constants like 
that located in the template files. The definitions for those constants are 
usually found in the php file associated with that template file. For example,
if you found form method=post action={S_MODE} in 
/templates/subsilver/memberlist_body.tpl, the definition for that constant 
would probably be found in /memberlist.php, like this:
'S_MODE' = append_sid(memberlist.$phpEx))

Hope this helps.
At 05:30 AM 6/17/2004, Pieter from SA wrote:
This type of action is used in a lot of files in PHPbb.
I need to change someting in the Jump to at the bottom of Search and
memberlist pages.
Pieter From Sa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 This has me confused, is this Java or a php class, a constant or what?, i
 have never seen this kind of action.

 form method=post action={S_MODE}

 In what type of file will i find the S_MODE.

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RE: [PHP] src=test.php

2004-06-16 Thread Keith Greene
I don't think there is a standard for the extensions of these files. In 
fact, this page:
uses a url of; as an example of an external style sheet.

Also, I use a .php file as a javascript include on my site. The script is 
included on other websites as a js include as well so others can see what's 
new on my site.
I haven't had any problems or complaints so far.

At 10:58 AM 6/16/2004, Chris W. Parker wrote:
Gerben mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
on Wednesday, June 16, 2004 10:38 AM said:
 I wondering how browsers handle the following html-codes:

 link rel=stylesheet src=style.php /
 script type=text/javascript src=code.php/script

 are there any browser that will choke in it because the files don't
 have the appropriate (.css and .js) extension?
although i don't have an answer specifically, you might try having your
webserver process .js and .css files just like it would .php files. that
way you can use the correct extensions in your html and *still* have the
web server do what you want it to do.

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Re: [PHP] What is white space

2003-11-15 Thread Keith Greene
It's not a bug. Anything (including spaces, newlines etc) that is not 
inside ? and ? is output directly to the browser.

At 03:49 PM 11/15/2003, you wrote:
Robert Cummings wrote:

FYI, if you're woprried about the header cannot be sent due to
output... error, then if your file only has code and no HTML, then you
can omit the ? tag at the end of your script. This solves countless
issues with there being a space, a tab, a newline, or any whitespace
after the closing tag.
And when that bug is fixed?

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Re: [PHP] Re: Alternet row colors

2003-11-15 Thread Keith Greene
It's so much easier to use the mod (%) operator:

using the mod operator, you can check if a variable is divisible by some 
other number without leaving a remainder.
For this example, we want to change every other row, so we would compare 
our $count against 2 to see if it leaves a remainder:
$bg = ($count%2==0) ? #00 : FF;

What this line does is FIRST, it checks to see if $count/2 leaves no 
remainder. If this is true, it sets the $bg var to #00
If it is false, it sets $bg to #FF

It only requires the addition of one line of code, and to replace your row 
background color with a php variable.
Also, you don't need to use printf(), since you aren't specifying any 

See code below:

$result = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM albums where id 15);
$Count = @mysql_num_rows($result);

 echo table border=1 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0 bordercolor='#00'\n;
   echo trtd bgcolor='#66'ID/tdtd 
bgcolor='#66'ARTIST/tdtd bgcolor='#66'TITLE/tdtd 
bgcolor='#66'LABEL/tdtd bgcolor='#66'PRICE/td/tr\n;

 for ($count = 0; $count  $Count; $count++) {
   // Extract post details from database
$myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result);
   $id = $myrow ['id'];
   $artist = $myrow ['artist'];
 $title = $myrow ['title'];
 $label = $myrow ['label'];
 $price = $myrow ['price'];
$bg = ($count%2==0) ? #00 : FF;
   echo tr 
 echo /table\n;

At 01:08 PM 11/15/2003, you wrote:
Well, first of all Ill just scrap you script since this one is so easy
its better to do it from scratch.
OK, somewhere in your script you have the code that accually
aoutputs the tables you are working with. Im refferring to lines
here, and Im meaning the bottom of this document which is
the scipt you posted, and I have numbered the lines.
Overview of your script.
Line 5 - we print out the table header
Line 11 - 23 is the loop which prints out all the lines, or rows.
Line 24 closes the table.
So what we have to do?

First we need to declare the values we want to use as backround
colours, lets use logical names :
(fig a)
$backcolor=$backcolor1;// we assign color 1
This code has to be written before the loop starts, so somewhere
before line 11.
In the loop (11-23) we need to switch between the colours where
we write the colour of the tr. So we write something like :
(fig b)
echo 'tr style=background-color:' . $backcolor . ';';
// continue with the rest of td... /td/tr here
// which is - your code.
This will print out the first background color, nice. Now we need it
to switch color, so we need to add a little logic. This will be inserted
right before the loop ends (infact, you can put it where ever you like
aslong as its in the loop).
(fig c)
As you see above the logic is quite simple, if the color is 1 - we set it
to 2,
else we set it to 1. If you think of it, if you process this logic over and
over again
you will infact get 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2 all the time, :) Nice!
There you have it, and I hope you got the hang of it.

To take your code and implement my colorswither all you need to do is,

1. On line 21 replace #00 width $backcolor
2. Insert the logic (figc), all lines, into line 19
3. Place fig a in line 4.
Kim Steinhaug
There are 10 types of people when it comes to binary numbers:
those who understand them, and those who don't.
The code for return the top ten result is :
1 $result = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM albums where id 15);
3 $Count = @mysql_num_rows($result);
5  echo table border=1 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0
6 bordercolor='#00'\n;
7echo trtd bgcolor='#66'ID/tdtd
8 bgcolor='#66'ARTIST/tdtd bgcolor='#66'TITLE/tdtd
9 bgcolor='#66'LABEL/tdtd bgcolor='#66'PRICE/td/tr\n;
11 for ($count = 0; $count  $Count; $count++) {
12   // Extract post details from database
13$myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result);
14   $id = $myrow ['id'];
15   $artist = $myrow ['artist'];
16 $title = $myrow ['title'];
17 $label = $myrow ['label'];
18 $price = $myrow ['price'];
20   printf(tr
24 echo /table\n;
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Re: [PHP] What is white space

2003-11-15 Thread Keith Greene
Yep. It allows you to only use php where needed, and use HTML for the rest.

At 04:02 PM 11/15/2003, you wrote:
On Sat, 2003-11-15 at 18:49, Leif K-Brooks wrote:
 Robert Cummings wrote:

 FYI, if you're woprried about the header cannot be sent due to
 output... error, then if your file only has code and no HTML, then you
 can omit the ? tag at the end of your script. This solves countless
 issues with there being a space, a tab, a newline, or any whitespace
 after the closing tag.
 And when that bug is fixed?
Isn't that a feature?

| InterJinn Application Framework - |
| An application and templating framework for PHP. Boasting  |
| a powerful, scalable system for accessing system services  |
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Re: [PHP] What is white space

2003-11-15 Thread Keith Greene
Ok, you're getting into semantics now. doesn't say whether 
it is acceptable or not, but as Robert pointed out, if your script is 
purely php, omitting it is a good way of eliminating the headache of 
trailing white spaces that may interfere with headers.


At 04:41 PM 11/15/2003, Leif K-Brooks wrote:
Keith Greene wrote:

That's not a bug either. Leaving out the ? is simply telling the php 
parser that it has to parse the rest of the script.
Where's the manual page saying that's allowed?

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[PHP] php Losing apache environment vars

2003-11-10 Thread Keith Greene
Greetings list,
I have run into a problem that has me at my wits end. We run an affiliate 
program, and have forum software (phpBB) wrapped in our menu system.
There are 2 sides to the site, Affiliates and Admin, and I have 2 installs 
of the board using the same database. This all works fine.

The mind-boggling problem is that while the board works perfectly from the 
Affiliate side of the site, it exhibits some strange behavior from the Admin
side of the site. In particular, we are using an apache environment 
variable to point to our includes directory, and any time an http post is 
made from
the admin side of the board, php loses the environment vars and throws 
all kinds of errors about not being able to find the includes.
The only difference between the Affiliate and Admin sides is the include 
used for the actual menu, though the only difference in those files is
the actual links that make up the menu.

I have never seen this behavior, and was wondering if anyone has seen 
anything like it before, and possibly found a solution.
We are running php 4.3.2, Apache 1.3.26 on FreeBSD 4.5.

Any help would be very appreciated.


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Re: [PHP] php Losing apache environment vars

2003-11-10 Thread Keith Greene
After restarting apache, the error is gone. Still not sure what was causing 
it. The site was running fine to begin with, and the environment vars
have been in use for over a year throughout the site.


At 12:56 PM 11/10/2003, Keith Greene wrote:
Greetings list,
I have run into a problem that has me at my wits end. We run an affiliate 
program, and have forum software (phpBB) wrapped in our menu system.
There are 2 sides to the site, Affiliates and Admin, and I have 2 installs 
of the board using the same database. This all works fine.

The mind-boggling problem is that while the board works perfectly from the 
Affiliate side of the site, it exhibits some strange behavior from the Admin
side of the site. In particular, we are using an apache environment 
variable to point to our includes directory, and any time an http post is 
made from
the admin side of the board, php loses the environment vars and throws 
all kinds of errors about not being able to find the includes.
The only difference between the Affiliate and Admin sides is the include 
used for the actual menu, though the only difference in those files is
the actual links that make up the menu.

I have never seen this behavior, and was wondering if anyone has seen 
anything like it before, and possibly found a solution.
We are running php 4.3.2, Apache 1.3.26 on FreeBSD 4.5.

Any help would be very appreciated.


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