[PHP] Private Mail System?

2003-09-25 Thread Lee Herron QCS
Anyone know of a private mail system, like say vbb has built-in, but stand
alone? No, not interested in pop3 or smtp interfacing, simply a web based
private mail system with nothing else.

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[PHP] Basic Framework

2003-09-17 Thread Lee Herron QCS
I'm not fond of the phrase "framework," but for lack of any other term, this
is what I use ..

Without going to a bloated framework such as fusebox or MVP, have any of you
put together a simple structure to allow very basic template and module
inclusion with menuing?

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[PHP] Odd reactions to Globals On/Off

2003-06-20 Thread Lee Herron QCS
Anyone know why $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['var'] and
$HTTP_SESSION_VARS[vararray][var1] both contain values with register_globals
ON,  but only $HTTP_SESSION_VARS[vararray][var1] contains values if
register_globals is OFF?

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[PHP] Pre-4.1 / register_globals=off

2003-06-19 Thread Lee Herron QCS
If register_globals is turned off, and the php version being used is pre-4.1
(meaning no $_SESSION array) how do you access sessions values? How do you
"register" them?

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[PHP] Version Independent Sessions?

2003-06-19 Thread Lee Herron QCS
Does anyone know of a working snippet to manage sessions using any
combination of Register_Global and pre/post php v4.1?

Would love to look at some examples ..

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[PHP] fputs / fwrites

2003-02-04 Thread Lee Herron
Okay, so I want to open a file, get a small number from it (less than 3
digits) then overwrite a new number (incremented the original by 1) and
close the file.

The goal is to do this in the fastest way possible .. it seems that there
should be a way of doing this without having to open and close the file

I've tried:
$cfile = fopen("lcnt.txt", 'r+');
$lcnt = fgets($cfile,10);

This results in $lcnt having a value of 1 (loaded from value within text

Now, if I increment it:

$nc = $lcnt+1;

then write it back to the file:

$nul = fwrite($cfile, $nc);

It writes starting at where the last read left off -- I want to start at
zero offset so to overwrite the existing value. I can't find a method for
resetting the offset pointer without having to close the file and reopen it
with w+

There must be a simpler way to do this ...

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[PHP] fputs / fwrites ?

2003-01-31 Thread Lee Herron
Okay, so I want to open a file, get a small number from it (less than 3
digits) then overwrite a new number (incremented the original by 1) and
close the file.

The goal is to do this in the fastest way possible .. I don't like having to
open the file more than once to do this.

I've tried:
$cfile = fopen("lcnt.txt", 'r+');
$lcnt = fgets($cfile,10);

This results in $lcnt having a value of 1 (from value in text file)

Now, if I increment it:

$nc = $lcnt+1;

then write it back to the file:

$nul = fwrite($cfile, $nc);

It writes starting at where the last read left off -- I want to start at
zero offset so to overwrite the existing value. I can't find a method for
resetting the offset pointer without having to close the file and reopen it
with w+

There must be a simpler way to do this and I have a mental block.

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RE: [PHP] if (a == b) ...

2003-01-29 Thread Lee Herron
$a === $b

TRUE if $a is equal to $b, and they are of the same type. (PHP 4 only) 

> -Original Message-
> From: David Freeman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 7:39 PM
> Subject: RE: [PHP] if (a == b) ...
>  > I have a conditional:
>  > if (a == b)
>  >
>  > a is the number 0, but b is a string "Friday August 22".
>  >
>  > The condition is evaluating as true, which is not what I want.
>  > What am I misunderstanding?
> You're comparing a string to a number perhaps?
> I tried this:
> -8<-
> $a = 0;
> $b = "Friday August 22";
> if ($a == $b)
> {
>   echo "match";
> } else {
>   echo "no match";
> }
> -8<-
> and resulted in 'match', then I tried this:
> -8<-
> $a = "0";
> $b = "Friday August 22";
> if ($a == $b)
> {
>   echo "match";
> } else {
>   echo "no match";
> }
> -8<-
> and resulted in 'no match'.
> It's worth remembering that the number 0 has somewhat special meaning in
> php as a true/false indication.
> CYA, Dave
> -- 
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Re: [PHP] Transition Page?

2003-01-26 Thread Lee Herron
>> I'm interested in how most would create a transition page..
> One thing you might consider is using flush() to output
> what you have so far to the browser rather than sending

The problem I'm having is that the uploading of the file takes time, and the
screen simply sits there while this is being done .. I don't know if there
is a way around that. Flush would be fine if it could be done before the
upload started; problem is, hitting submit starts the upload process which
waits until it's done before receiving instructions included in the upload
processing script.

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[PHP] Transition Page?

2003-01-26 Thread Lee Herron
I'm interested in how most would create a transition page..

I have an upload process that takes a bit before it changes the page
displayed on the browser.  I would like to create a transition page
[Uploading Now .. please standby] that would refresh to a result page once
the upload is done.  Now I've seen this done on other sites (loading pages)
and I'm sure there are many ways to do this, just looking for methods and
pro/cons to the various approaches.


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