[PHP] Email problem

2003-12-15 Thread Naveen Glore

Hello all, 

I have freebsd server with apache, PHP and mysql. i wrote a simple PHP program using 
mail(). The mail() function returns true without any error. but the problem is the 
email is never delivered. I viewed the log file for mail(/var/log/maillog) and i saw 
the following error: 

Server sendmail[351]:NOQUEUE:SYSERR(www):can not chdir(/var/spool/clientmqueue/): 
Permission denied. 

I would be really thankful if someone could tell me where i am doing wrong. 

In PHP.INI , i have set sendmail_path = "/usr/sbin/sendmail". 

thanks in advance. 


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Re: [PHP] Email problem

2003-12-15 Thread Naveen Glore
Eugene Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Mon, Dec 15, 2003 at 12:05:54PM -0800, Naveen Glore wrote:
: I have freebsd server with apache, PHP and mysql. i wrote a simple PHP
: program using mail(). The mail() function returns true without any
: error. but the problem is the email is never delivered. I viewed the
: log file for mail(/var/log/maillog) and i saw the following error: 
: Server sendmail[351]:NOQUEUE:SYSERR(www):can not chdir(/var/spool/clientmqueue/): 
Permission denied. 

It's a Sendmail issue. Make sure that directory has the right
permission and ownership settings. Mine looks like this:

drwxrwx--- 2 smmsp smmsp 68 11 Dec 07:17 /var/spool/clientmqueue


thanks for the quick response. I have the same permissions as yours. My email server 
is working fine, i use sendmail MTA and outlook MUA. I am able to send emails and view 
my received emails in outlook through my server. But I am having problem when i use 
mail() function in php code. Email is never delievered.



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[PHP] php installation problem.

2004-03-18 Thread Naveen Glore
Hello all,
I have a FreeBSD4.5 server, Apache 1.3.26_3 and mod_php4-4.2 . I have uninstalled 
php4-4.2 and tried to install mod_php4-4.3.3,1 but  i get the following error
read_plist: bad command '@conflicts php4-4*'
I guess its some thing to do with version but not sure what exactly the problem is. I 
would appreciate if someone could help me out.

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[PHP] PHP installation problem in FreeBSD OS.

2004-03-22 Thread Naveen Glore
Hello All,
I am not sure if this is the right place to post this problem. I tried with FreeBSD 
mailing list but could not get much help. 
I am having hard time in installing php4  using portupgrade in FreeBSD.

First i have updated the port directory using cvsup. I am doing fresh installation of 
php so i gave the following command.
portupgrade -NPRri mod_php4.
I noticed mysql3.23.51 got updated to mysql3.23.58_2. All the other dependencies also 
had no problem in updating. However the php installation was not successful. At the 
end of installation i got the following errors.
Command failed [exit code 1] /usr/bin/script -qa /tmp/portupgrade23698.1 make
mysql-client-3.23.58 is already installed or may be older version blah blah blah... 
you can uninstall and reinstall mysql blah blah blah ...to install correctly. If you 
really want to override without deleting use FORCE_PICG_REGISTER blah blah
I also tried to install php after doing "make clean" in 
/usr/ports/databases/mysql323-client but it did not help me.
Any pointer would be very helpful. Thanks in advace.

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