[PHP] Re: CGI Timeout

2003-07-29 Thread Pete Morganic
increase the time limit


Imran wrote:
i facing a error during uploading a big size file (abt 200 MB). i incred =
upload file size in php.ini and also incred connection time in IIS (web =
server), but i getting again this below written error msg.
any one known abt this...

CGI Timeout
The specified CGI application exceeded the allowed time for processing. The server has 
deleted the process.


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[PHP] Re: Mail Authentication or redirection of SMTP server

2003-07-28 Thread Pete Morganic
I used to have similar problem and that was when I was using the php 
mail() command..
Have a look at phpmailer
This deals witha lot of the peculiarities with mail servers..


Ron Allen wrote:
Here is my problem.  When I send emails locally theough the Exchange Server
I have no problems sending mail.  When I try to send emails to another site
through the MTA funtion_mail pops up.  One of two things came to mind.
First is that we have anonymous forwarding of emails turned off for
security, meaning that I need to login to the Exchange server in order to
send emails.  Or the second part as I have seen on so many PHP sites is that
I need a valid email address to send from.  My question on the valid email
address is if it has to be the primary or can it be the secondary address
for an Exchange account?  I created a secondary address and it still does
not work. Any clues on what to do? Do I need to login into the server for
Please Help me on this!

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Re: [PHP] IE Issues

2003-07-22 Thread Pete Morganic
so which tag should i use ..   ???
Nelson rodriguez-Pena wrote:
Hi Pete,

Why is the font tag evil and depreciated ???
confused pete

Because it is a presentational element and HTML is headed to structural
content instead of visual formating. Structure is for HTML, presentation is
for CSS.

Nelson Rodriguez-Pena A.
Diseno y Desarrollo Web y Multimedia

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Re: [PHP] IE Issues

2003-07-22 Thread Pete Morganic
Why is the font tag evil and depreciated ???

confused pete

Steve Magruder wrote:
Curt Zirzow wrote:

Dont use the font tag.. they are evil... and besides depricated.

And they're deprecated too.  :)


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[PHP] Re: Shell_exec() [ or what else? ] to kill root-started FTP daemon

2003-07-22 Thread Pete Morganic
check out the linux "sudo" command


R evėŹĘår{óv ņń wrote:

I am trying to restart my FTP daemon by killing it and then starting it using 
the shell_exec() function:

shell_exec('kill '.$pid );
Shell_exec does nothing by this - when i do ps -ef later, i see the daemon 
with the same pid still running.

But it did return the correct pid when i ran:

$pid = shell_exec('cat /var/myftpd.pid');

I think it cannot kill the process because it has no rights. What should be 
done to give php scripts rights to rule?

I run apache 1.3.27, php 4.3.2 on suse 8.1; Apache starts as root, switches to 

!!! The FTP daemon cannot be started by any other user but root so idea to 
start and kill the daemon by some special apache user does not work :(

Any ideas? Why can't my dear friend PHP rule???

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[PHP] Re: getallheaders() in PHP 4.2.3

2003-07-16 Thread Pete Morganic
Sorry not to answer your question below however I am intrested in Netware..

Just to satisfisy mu curiosity. What version are u running ? what Web 
server and what database ??

I love netware, however most customers dont !!


Ananth Kesari wrote:

For some reason, getallheaders() is not working with the NetWare port
of PHP 4.2.3 even while we have not modified the related code for
NetWare as such. So, I am just wondering if getallheaders() is
implemented for PHP 4.2.3? The document doesn't mention from which PHP
version this supported. But it does mention that in PHP 4.3.0 and above,
getallheaders() is aliased to apache_request_headers().

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[PHP] Re: Templates...

2003-07-15 Thread Pete Morganic
Have u looked at smarty.php.net ??

It sounds like your reinventing the wheel


Donatas wrote:
Does anyone know any other way used in template engines for loops but
creating array first and passing it to template class?
This is rather annoying and it makes work slower and code harder to read.


I've made my own template class with variable and loop support. Loop
handling is way different from what I've seen in other template engines.
I've made few screenshots of code examples (I was too lazy to add font
colors). Please let me know if you've seen this idea before, and what you
think of it. The class still needs some tweaking but I'll post it here some
other day if anyone is interested.



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[PHP] Re: reposting in textarea

2003-07-14 Thread Pete Morganic
You can use the $_POST variavle in the text area


Artoo wrote:
How do you repost data in a textarea field of a form?  I've set up a session
variable named old_data and want to repost the data into the textarea of a
form so it can be re-editied.

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[PHP] Re: Send mail using external server

2003-07-14 Thread Pete Morganic

This is what I use and makes life much much easier


Maria Garcia Suarez wrote:
Hi there!

I'm developing a program that has a kind of mail
client from where users can send mails and get a blind
copy in their e-mail boxes. The program uses mail() in
those servers having a SMTP installed in the very same
server. I would like to let people send mails even if
the server is not able to handle them.
To do that I've googled around and found the following
script (see below). The problem is that blind copies
don't reach destination, mails in the To: field arrive
well, mails in the BCC: desappear and never reach the
mailbox (nor get back :-?
Does anyone know what's going wrong? Thanks.

PHP-script to send mails via socket, e.g. using
an external smtp-server
(c) Robert Strouhal 2002
Feel free to use, copy and modify this script.
How to use:
Integrate the file to your own sripts by using
"require" or "inlude"
Modify the setting in line 30-32
Example: gostmtp("[EMAIL PROTECTED]",
"This is my subject", "","", "This is my message to
// settings, please modify for your own website
global $server, $port, $logsmtp;
$server = "$mailServer";   //domain of your
$port = 25;//SMTP-Port, usually 25
$logsmtp = 1;  //set 1 if the smtp
communication should be logged to the file smtp.log in
the same folder
// don't edit the code below as long as you don't know
what to do...
function listen2server() {

global $log;
  global $server;
  global $socket;
  global $logsmtp;
  $antwort = fgets($socket, 1500);

  if ($logsmtp=='1') {
  $log = "SERVER: ".$antwort;
$datei = fopen("smtp.log", "a");
fputs($datei, "$log");
  $code = substr($antwort, 0, 3);
  return $code;

function talk2server($commands) {
	global $log;
  global $server;
  global $socket;
  global $logsmtp;


  if ($logsmtp=='1') {
$log = "CLIENT: ".$commands;
$datei = fopen("smtp.log", "a");
fputs($datei, "$log");
function gosmtp($from,$to,$subject,$cc,$bcc,$message)
global $server;
global $socket;
global $port;
global $logsmtp;

if ($socket = fsockopen($server,$port))
//set_socket_timeout($socket, 30);
if (listen2server() == "220")
talk2server("HELO ".getenv('HTTP_HOST')."\n");
if (listen2server() == "250")
   talk2server("MAIL FROM: ".$from."\n");
   if (listen2server() == "250")
  talk2server("RCPT TO: ".$to."\n");
  if (listen2server() == "250")
 if (listen2server() == "354")
$content  = "Subject: $subject\r\n";
$content .= "From: $from\r\n";
$content .= "To: $to\r\n";
if ($cc!="") {
$content .= "Cc: $cc\r\n";
if ($bcc!="") {
$content .= "Bcc: $bcc\r\n";
$content .= "Reply-To: $from\r\n";
$content .= "Errors-To:
$content .= "Bounce-To:
$content .= "X-Mailer: sent via
PipeMail v0.1, check www.strouhal.de for the PHP
$content .= "X-Please_remind: I am
not responsible for the misuse (spam...) of this
$content .=
$content .= ".\r\n";
echo "$content";
if (listen2server() == "250")
 $mailsent = true;}
{$mailsent = false;

	  if ($mailsent) {
  echo "Mail sent";
	return true;
} else {
  echo "Couldn't deliver
mail to $to!\n";
  return false;

echo "Wasn't able to connect to
return false;

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[PHP] Re: php mysql array question

2003-07-11 Thread Pete Morganic
I use the PEAR db http://pear.php.net/manual/en/package.database.php

This returns arrays - examples here
look at the Quick data retreaval down the page


Larry Brown wrote:
Is there any php function to pull a query into an array?  I know there is a
way to get the first row of the results in an array, but I'm having to loop
through each row pushing the row onto an array to get the result I'm looking
for and it seems like a lot of code for something that I would think is used
a lot.
Larry S. Brown
Dimension Networks, Inc.
(727) 723-8388

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[PHP] Re: numbers to text

2003-07-11 Thread Pete Morganic
>?> just not even be bothered with Google
I did but didnt find any
Thanks ;-)


Brian McGarvie wrote:
Anyone know of a class or function that converts numbers to readable text

Oh how old... coud you just not even be bothered with Google or any other
search engine?
To save you the trouble:

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[PHP] numbers to text

2003-07-11 Thread Pete Morganic
Anyone know of a class or function that converts numbers to readable text

eg inputing the number would output text as in

120 = one hundred and twenty
3600 = three thousand six hundred


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[PHP] Re: imap_header timing out

2003-07-08 Thread Pete Morganic
see the set_time_limit(); function
increase to around a minute or make the mailbox read them back in pages 
with 10 at a time for example


Amer Neely wrote:
I've a script reading a mailbox using
$InBox = imap_open($Host,$User,$Pass);
for ($i=1; $i <= $NumMsgs; $i++)
$Header=imap_header($InBox,$i); # this is line 154
and so on.
With 12 messages in the mailbox this works fine, but with 15 it comes
back as timed out...
[08-Jul-2003 12:32:46] PHP Fatal error:  Maximum execution time of 30
seconds exceeded in g:\httpd\public\readmail\readmail.php on line 154
I'm running this at home (W2K/Apache/PHP 4.3.2) on a dialup account. Can
someone shed some light on why it may be timing out, and where do I
increase the timeout if needed? Or optimize the code if possible?

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[PHP] Re: Please Help.. cgi.force_redirect does not work

2003-07-04 Thread Pete Morganic
what is the cgi error message ?

Scott Fletcher wrote:

To make the long story short, we use IIS 5.0 with PHP 4.0.6 for a while.
Then we builted a new database server, SQL-2000 and point the website to the
new server.  Then we notice the problem with the CGI error.  So, we last
week downloaded the PHP 4.3.3 and update the IIS with the newer PHP version
and set the cgi.force_redirect to zero in php.ini.  See example below
; cgi.force_redirect is necessary to provide security running PHP as a CGI
; most web servers.  Left undefined, PHP turns this on by default.  You can
; turn it off here AT YOUR OWN RISK
; **You CAN safely turn this off for IIS, in fact, you MUST.**
cgi.force_redirect = 0
We still have problem with CGI error.  The use of php function, header() is
what cause the error.  Yes, the IIS and the website are reading the php.ini
correctly.  I checked that out and it is verified.
So, what is the workaround to the CGI error??


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[PHP] Re: Database question

2003-07-03 Thread Pete Morganic
definately do NOT recommend this path-
Just make an include file at the top of each page

Hardik Doshi wrote:
Hi Group,

Currently i am connecting the underlying database
server from every php page. To reduce the connection
overhead i am thinking to store the PEAR DB object
into the registry (session) at the time of user login.
Here i am connecting the Database only one time and
rest of the time i am using the object stored in the
memory. Even this is more helpful when the application
is connecting more than one database..My application
is getting feed from four different databases reside
on two different servers.
I don't know what ever i am thinking is correct or
not.. Please guide me if i am wrong anywhere and if
any one of you have better idea then please disucss.

Hardik Doshi

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[PHP] Re: web based mail client

2003-07-03 Thread Pete Morganic
There's loads of email clients here


Greg Brant wrote:
hi, im the lead developer for a small online magazine / community

we want to set up an e-mail service where our users can create their own
mail account similar to hotmail etc etc.
i plan on using the imap_ functions and i was just wondering about the
potential security issues related to theses functions.
any advice or tips would be appreciated.

many thanks

Greg Brant

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[PHP] Re: outputting xml declaration

2003-07-02 Thread Pete Morganic
 print '';

Steven Apostolou wrote:

The folowing code gives an error:

print "";

This is probably because I print a questionmark? How can I avoid that an
error is generated?
Besides it's not an error in the way that it gives an errorstring but it
writes the output in the error_log of apache...

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[PHP] Re: Quickie - manipulating strings

2003-07-02 Thread Pete Morganic
from the manual

Example 1. Basic substr() usage

// Accessing via curly braces is another option
$string = 'abcdef';
echo $string{0};// returns a
echo $string{3};// returns d
If start is negative, the returned string will start at the start'th 
character from the end of string.

Example 2. Using a negative start

have fun


Matt Macleod wrote:

I need to manipulate a string to insert a space 3 characters from the 
right end.

eg: turn 'ng23fgh' into 'ng23 fgh', or 'hfdgskfjgh23kj' into 
'hfdgskfjgh2 3kj'.

Any help gratefully received.


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[PHP] Re: dynamic classes or dynamic extends ?

2003-07-02 Thread Pete Morganic
off tangent slightly -
Have u looked at smarty templates
Must admit I played with ITX and a few others but smarty wins for me

Torsten Rosenberger wrote:

i plan to reorganize my CMS code.
The idee is to only use classes for the hole system.
There should be a Core class to handle the whole functionality
(Login, Backend, Permission, Modules)
Every Module as a class (News, Pictures ...)

the construct should be like this

class Core extends Backend {
class Backend extends News {
class News {
if i have more modules as only one  class Backend must extends News,
i could make a temp class to extend the Module only if the module is
class Backend extends Temp {
rquire_once 'class to inlude in case of Module'

--- file for class News 
class Temp extends News {
class News {
--- file for class Picture ---
class Temp extends Picture {
class Picture {
in this case I must always write the Temp class in every Module Class

maybe there is a ohter solution for this ?

I'm working with ITX_Templates, DB from PEAR and wenn i split the
classes i must always assign the objects to the other classes.
BR Torsten 

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Re: [PHP] Re: Help needed

2003-06-30 Thread Pete Morganic
Where does thejavascript fit ?

Nirmala P wrote:
Hi Pete Morganic ,
Thanks for reply. But the code is not solving my problem. May be I did 
not epress my problem clearly.
Actually I wanted to store the returned value so that I can write it on 
page like
{ test = ');
and moreover the value I am passing is  "material"  and "E" is not 
getting parsed to PHP function. PHP function input for $field and $lang  
will be FieldName and LangName only.

looking for help
Nirmala P.
On Mon, 30 Jun 2003 Pete Morganic wrote :

Nirmala P wrote:

Hi list,
This time i am pasting my code could any body tell where wrong I am ?

   if(!$db) echo("Connect to localhost mysql database failed");

   if(!mysql_select_db("eshop",$db)) echo ("Selection of eshop failed 
on MySQL database");

   $Sql = "SELECT " . $field ." FROM language where LangCode = 

   $result = mysql_query($Sql,$db);

 $myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result);
 $value = $myrow[$field];
// return valus
   else echo (" No Record Found");

  FieldName = "Material";
  LangName = "E";
</pre></blockquote><tt><br>// included in quotes and php tag</tt><br>
<blockquote style="border-left: #FF solid 0.1em; margin: 0em; padding-left: 1.0em"><tt>  alert('<?php LangItem(FieldName,LangName)?>');
<blockquote style="border-left: #FF solid 0.1em; margin: 0em; padding-left: 1.0em"><tt>

Loking for help..
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[PHP] Re: Help needed

2003-06-30 Thread Pete Morganic
Nirmala P wrote:
Hi list,
This time i am pasting my code could any body tell where wrong I am ?

   if(!$db) echo("Connect to localhost mysql database failed");

   if(!mysql_select_db("eshop",$db)) echo ("Selection of eshop failed on 
MySQL database");

   $Sql = "SELECT " . $field ." FROM language where LangCode = 

   $result = mysql_query($Sql,$db);

 $myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result);
 $value = $myrow[$field];
// return valus
   else echo (" No Record Found");

  FieldName = "Material";
  LangName = "E";
// included in quotes and php tag


Loking for help.. Nirmala ___ Click below to experience Sooraj Barjatya's latest offering 'Main Prem Ki Diwani Hoon' starring Hrithik Roshan, Abhishek Bachchan & Kareena Kapoor http://www.mpkdh.com -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP] Re: mime type

chech here
and in php add the folowing header

 header ("Content-type: model/vrml");

Brian V Bonini wrote:
I want to get php to output text/css for one .php file. I tried using
header() and ini_set () but seems no matter what I do the Content-type
remains text/html

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[PHP] Re: Install PHP on windows using PHP installler

What I tend to do is to download the installer and run it as this sets 
up all the configuration (eg IIS)

I then download the zip file (Which contains  a load of extra files eg 
PEAR) and copy the whole unzipped directory to overwite the c:\php dir 
contents created by the installer.

This might be a bit "cock handed" way of doing it but it works for me.

If its IIS server then I suggest (personal view) that you use CGI - I 
recently had a couple of applications crash my ISP host and changing to 
CGI solved the problem.

Hope it helps
Mark McCulligh wrote:
I am building a Windows 2000/PHP production server. I have only ever used
LINUX for production and windows for developer machines.
Is it better to install PHP using the PHP installer or using the Zip file
Should you install PHP as CGI or ISAPI?
I am looking for the pros and cons, someone told me not to use the PHP
installer because it is not secure.

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[PHP] Re: What's best, using a temp-file or a temp-table

you could use a $_SESSION variable instead of file
> $filename = "addusers.txt";
> if (isset($users)) {
> $temp = $_POST['users'];
> $handle = fopen("$filename", "w+");
> fwrite($handle, $temp);
> $users = file("$filename");
> if (ereg("\t", $users[0]) == true) $separator = "\t"; // om texten är
	$_SESSION['temp_users'] = $_POST['users'];
if (ereg("\t", $_SESSION['temp_users'][0]) == true) $separator = "\t"; 

hope it helps
ØYstein HåLand wrote:
I want to give the visitor a possibility to create plenty of new user
accounts by letting the him paste the userinfo from a tab-, comma- or
semicolonseparated file to a textarea (form.php). Then some checking needs
to be done (check_users.php) before the final result is written to the db
Right now I'm trying to achieve this by putting the user input into a
(temporary) file and populate the fields in check_users.php from this file.
This works. But now I will do some changes before I write to the db, and
here I know nada. Is there some useful functions here that is useful? (How
can I edit this temp-file?)
I have (as mentioned above) another idea: use a temporay table and populate
this from the user input. Do the changes here, using the queries needed,
write from this table to the real place and then drop this table. What is
the best approach?
Here is form.php:

Klistra in från din textfil
Kom ihåg att texten måste vara tabb-, komma- eller semikolonavgränsad

and here check.users.php (right now)

if ($users == "" || $users == "\r\n") {
 echo "
$filename = "addusers.txt";
if (isset($users)) {
$temp = $_POST['users'];
$handle = fopen("$filename", "w+");
fwrite($handle, $temp);
$users = file("$filename");
if (ereg("\t", $users[0]) == true) $separator = "\t"; // om texten är
else if (ereg(",", $users[0]) == true) $separator = ","; // om texten är
else $separator = ";"; // om texten är semikolonavgränsad
$count = 0;
foreach ($users as $v) {
  list($firstname, $lastname, $mygroup, $username, $password) =
explode($separator, trim($v));
  $firstname = ucfirst(trim($firstname));
  $lastname = ucfirst(trim($lastname));
  $mygroup = strtoupper(trim($mygroup));
  $username = trim($username);
  $password = trim($password);
  echo "";
  echo "$count";
  echo "";
  echo "";
  echo "";
  echo "";
  echo "";
  echo "";//I'm not sure what
to do here
  echo "";
echo "";
echo "


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[PHP] Re: Ticketing System?

The one we use is oneorzero helpdesk which is a project at sourceforge.net

Andreas Cahen wrote:
Hello List :)

Is there any usefull ticketing system (Hotline/Support/etc.) written in
I have found some on hotscripts.com, but I don't know which one is
really got or not.. 

Any suggestions?


Andreas Cahen

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[PHP] Re: return all non-tag characters


Matt Palermo wrote:
I want to be able to retrieve and return all character that are not
located in html tags.  For example:
I would just like it to be equal to 1234567, but I would need it to work
with any tags and attributes.  Is there a way to just throw out
everything from the < to the > and just keep everything that is NOT
located inside any <> characters?  Anyone have any ideas on how this can
be done?  Please let me know.

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[PHP] Re: correct session format?

Have a look half way down this page

Jay Fitzgerald wrote:
is this the correct way to register variables via a session?

session_start ();
$_SESSION['eventid'] = 'arma2';
print_r ($_SESSION);
echo " $_SESSION";
Array ( [eventid] => arma2 )
I apologize for the numerous questions, but I am trying to learn...If 
anyone would like to help off-list, my ICQ is 38823829


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Re: [PHP] ie issue: when I do a forced redirect with the header()

Slkigh Ammendment to below
https://www.google.com";) ;
Jake Johnson wrote:
Have you tried...
https://www.google.com";) ;
Jake Johnson
Plutoid - http://www.plutoid.com
Shop Plutoid for the best prices on Rims and Car Audio Products
On Tue, 17 Jun 2003, Jeff Means wrote:

How do I force IE to update the location bar when I do a forced redirect??

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[PHP] Re: form name and submit test

Put a hidden field in the form and give it the same name as the forms


I'm pretty sure the form name is not sent to the server - but i may be wrong


Amanda McComb wrote:
If I have multiple forms on a page, and each form has it's own name, how
can I tell which form has submitted?

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[PHP] Re: shorthand "if" notation

Its a ternary operator

look at


Adrian Greeman wrote:
I am confused by the shorthand "if" notation.
For example I just saw this PHP snippet on another forum

I think it is an if but cannot find it in the manual. How
is that written in the more normal notation -   if(){}   etc??
[And please excuse a slightly off-thread but related extension to
the question but I have seen similar in Javascript  - namely --- 
var evt = (evt ? evt : ((window.event) ? window.event : null);
is this the same notation or something else?]

RegardsAdrian Greeman

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