Re: [PHP] Re: [PHP-DEV] PHP 5.5.0 final has been released!

2013-06-21 Thread Ravi Gehlot

On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 11:14 PM, Marco Pivetta wrote:

 Well done! Congratulations!
 On 20 Jun 2013 23:23, Julien Pauli wrote:

  The PHP Development Team would like to announce the immediate release of
  PHP 5.5.0. This release includes a large number of new features and bug
  A separate release announcement is also available. For changes in PHP
  5.5.0 since PHP 5.4, please consult the PHP 5 ChangeLog.
  Release Announcement:
  Thanks to all contributors that made this new version available.
  David Soria Parra  Julien Pauli

Re: [PHP] Accessing Files Outside the Web Root

2013-03-14 Thread Ravi Gehlot
Hello Dale,

The spiders are not the only problem. The issue here is that anyone can
download your files from your website and then make them available
elsewhere. In order to address the problem, you should create a Members
Restricted Area where members only could download your files. You can then
make your PDF directory only visible through your Members Restricted Area.
That directory would be invisible to the web. In some Linux distros, if the
file/directory is not a member of www-data, it is not visible online. But
you can still link the files to your PHP page.


On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 4:38 PM, Dale H. Cook

 Let me preface my question by noting that I am virtually a PHP novice.
 Although I am a long-time webmaster, and have used PHP for some years to
 give visitors access to information in my SQL database, this is my first
 attempt to use it for another purpose. I have browsed the mailing list
 archives and have searched online but have not yet succeeded in teaching
 myself how to do what I want to do. This need not provoke a lengthy
 discussion or involve extensive hand-holding - if someone can point to an
 appropriate code sample or online tutorial that might do the trick.

 I am the author of a number of PDF files that serve as genealogical
 reference works. My problem is that there are a number of sites which are
 posing as search engines and which display my PDF files in their entirety
 on their own sites. These pirate sites are not simply opening a window that
 displays my files as they appear on my site. They are using Google Docs to
 display copies of my files that are cached or stored elsewhere online. The
 proof of that is that I can modify one of my files and upload it to my
 site. The file, as seen on my site, immediately displays the modification.
 The same file, as displayed on the pirate sites, is unmodified and may
 remain unmodified for weeks.

 It is obvious that my files, which are stored under public_html, are being
 spidered and then stored or cached. This displeases me greatly. I want my
 files, some of which have cost an enormous amount of work over many years,
 to be available only on my site. Legitimate search engines, such as Google,
 may display a snippet, but they do not display the entire file - they link
 to my site so the visitor can get the file from me.

 A little study has indicated to me that if I store those files in a folder
 outside the web root and use PHP to provide access they will not be
 spidered. Writing a PHP script to provide access to the files in that
 folder is what I need help with. I have experimented with a number of code
 samples but have not been able to make things work. Could any of you point
 to code samples or tutorials that might help me? Remember that, aside from
 the code I have written to handle my SQL database I am a PHP novice.

 Dale H. Cook, Member, NEHGS and MA Society of Mayflower Descendants;
 Plymouth Co. MA Coordinator for the USGenWeb Project
 Administrator of

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Re: [PHP] [ad] [free+opensource] htmlMicroscope (nested array viewer/dumper) upgraded - now allows for even larger arrays

2013-03-04 Thread Ravi Gehlot
I like PHPUnit for that matter. It does a good job of debugging.


On Sat, Dec 22, 2012 at 8:41 AM, rene7705 wrote:

 Hi Folks.


 Just wanted to let you all know that I've completed a long overdue
 upgrade to my free htmlMicroscope web component.
 It is basically a fancy replacement for var_dump() which can show you
 the full depth of an array regardless of how large or deep your PHP
 array or javascript object is.

 I won't repeat the entire homepage content here, but I think this
 version could be useful for at least some of the programmers on this

 I'll only repeat this message for significant updates.

 This is a significant update because I've finally cracked the barrier
 of displaying an object with more than a few hundred key-value pairs
 on a single level. That used to crash all browsers, not anymore.

 i'll continue work on this, want to build in (in order of priority):
 - auto navigation options (auto smooth scroll to links within the data)
 - middle mouse button click - smooth offset scrolling
 - html source view
 - auto indented and colorcoded syntax-checked view for html + json

 Merry Christmas and a productive New Year to ya'll :D

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Re: [PHP] static Logging class?

2013-03-03 Thread Ravi Gehlot
Hello Lars,

I would apply the Singleton Pattern where you would have 1 instance for you
entire application. As far as whether or not to use a static method, I
would weigh the options. If you just want to call a method that you know
will not have to be changed in the future and that method will not be using
any pre-defined properties, then it makes sense to call a static method.
Bear in mind that static methods can not be overridden.

Best of luck,

  [image: logo]
*Ravi Gehlot
Mobile: 407-283-5282
Orlando, FL 32765-8085

*First, solve the problem. Then, write the code.*
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Y! Messenger] ravigehlot

On Sun, Mar 3, 2013 at 8:26 AM, Lars Nielsen wrote:


 I work on a little hobby-project, and i want to make a oo logging
 facility. (php5.3 oop)

 Is it best to make a class with static functions that i can call from my
 other classes? Or is it more appropriate to make a real logging-class i
 should instantiate every time i need to log something? (I just want to
 log to a file)

 Best regards
 Lars Nielsen

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Re: [PHP] static Logging class?

2013-03-03 Thread Ravi Gehlot
Hello Larry,

Thanks for sharing!

  [image: logo]
*Ravi Gehlot
Mobile: 407-283-5282
Orlando, FL 32765-8085

*First, solve the problem. Then, write the code.*
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Contact me: [image: Google Talk] ravigehlot [image: Skype] ravigehlot [image:
Y! Messenger] ravigehlot

On Sun, Mar 3, 2013 at 1:48 PM, Larry Garfield la...@garfieldtech.comwrote:

 Make a real classed object that you pass to various objects that need it.
  Otherwise you make your life way harder for unit testing.  Don't have a
 class that self-enforces that it's a singleton.  That way lies pain.

 In particular, I recommend using or writing a class based on the PSR-3

 There's even stock code for the interface and some useful base classes

 And for added fun, there are already publicly available open source
 libraries that implement PSR-3 that you can just drop in and use, such as:**packages/monolog/monolog

 (If that's too heavy for you, writing your own PSR-3 compatible logger is

 I'm sure you're about to say zOMG this is just a hobby project, I don't
 need something that fancy and all injected and shit!  If it's a simple
 project, use a simple container to do all the hard work for you:**packages/pimple/pimple

 (That's  100 lines of executable code.  Quite powerful, dead simple to


 --Larry Garfield, FIG member

 On 03/03/2013 07:26 AM, Lars Nielsen wrote:


 I work on a little hobby-project, and i want to make a oo logging
 facility. (php5.3 oop)

 Is it best to make a class with static functions that i can call from my
 other classes? Or is it more appropriate to make a real logging-class i
 should instantiate every time i need to log something? (I just want to
 log to a file)

 Best regards
 Lars Nielsen

 PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Introduction ... !

2013-03-03 Thread Ravi Gehlot
Hello Nick,

Welcome to the list. I joined the list awhile back then unsubscribed for
no apparent reason. This list was very active years ago. I came back about
a few months ago just as a watcher. I didn't really post or participate at
all. I guess, there are a lot of watchers only people here. They receive
digest e-mails; they just don't participate in any way. Then, there are
those who lost their jobs due to the recession and so they dropped off the
list as well. There are a lot of developers unemployed. I would imagine
that other developers didn't keep up with the changes. PHP has come a long
way as far as Object Oriented Programming is concerned. There have been
many discussions about Design Patterns and extending existing classes. So a
lot has changed in the last 5 years.

I do believe that the list will pick up again.

Welcome back,

On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 10:57 AM, Nick Whiting wrote:

 Hello PHP'ers!

 Just thought I would introduce myself to the mailing list since I've worked
 with PHP for almost 10 years now and yet haven't really been community
 active ...

 I've developed quite a few open-source projects over the years that I hope
 someone here will find as useful as I have ... they are all hosted on
 Github @prggmr.

 XPSPL - Signal Processor in PHP
 docpx - PHP Documentation Generator for Sphinx

 Again Hello Everyone!

 Nickolas Whiting -
  - Remember to write less code that does more faster -

Re: [PHP] Re: Warning when calling session_start()

2010-12-22 Thread Ravi Gehlot
session_start (); should be before everything...first thing in the page.


On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 12:51 AM, wrote:

 Hi, folks,

 On Tue, 21 Dec 2010 21:35:17 -0800 [06:35:17 AM CET],
 Michael Shadle wrote:

  first - this is probably your culprit:
  don't output empty lines before you do
  anything (just a general good practice)

 Whow! This did the trick !

 Warning vanished when I changed beginning of
 script to:

 1 ?php session_start ();

 I wasn't aware that the HTML comment and the
 following empty line are in fact written to
 output.  But that's clear now  :-)

 So I suppose my local PHP setup supressed this
 warning or is more compliant ...

  also i'd turn on output buffering.

 Since it worked without warning at 1st try,
 I haven't changed output buffering (yet).

 Mike, many thanks for Your PROMPT and HELPFUL
 answer! Have a nice day!

 Dipl.phys. Rudolf Otto Blättner,
 D 91074 Herzogenaurach, Germany.

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Re: [PHP] empty() in email message

2010-12-22 Thread Ravi Gehlot
Hello Gary,

Please research the difference between a single quote and a double quote.
Also, you can use the operator .=(dot + equal) in this manner:

if(!empty($_POST['fname'])) {
$msg .= $lname\n;
} else if(!empty($_POST['lname'])) {
$msg .= $lname\n;

On Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 12:04 AM, Gary wrote:

 Daevid Vincent wrote in message
  - Original message -
  From: Gary
  Date: Monday, December 13, 2010, 7:47:49 PM
  Subject: [PHP] empty() in email message
  I have an email message
  $msg =  'Name: $fname ' . ' $lname\n'
  . Phone: $phone\n
  . Email: $email\n
  and it works fine, however in this message there are about 30
  variables that
  are being such
  . Order: beefschnitzel $beefschnitzel\n
  . Order: beefstrips $beefstrips\n
  . Order: cheesesausage $cheesesausage\n
  . Order: crumbedsausage $crumbedsausage\n
  . Order: chucksteak $chucksteak\n
  . Order: cornedbeef $cornedbeef\n
  . Order: dicedsteak $dicedsteak\n
  . Order: filletmignon $filletmignon\n
  I want to only send the message if the submitter enters an
  amount in the
  form for the corresponding variable, instead of having a
  bunch of empty
  messages.  So I have been trying to use the empty() function as such:
  . if empty($beefolives){''} elseif (isset($beefolives)) {
  'Order: beefolives
  You are setting this up fundamentally wrong.
  You should be using an array and looping through it.
  Something like:
  $myorder['cowface'] = 1;
  $myorder['beefenweiner'] = 2;
  $myorder['chucksteak']   = 1;
  foreach ($myorder as $item = $quantity)
  echo Order: $item x $quantity\n;
  Then your array only contains the items someone actually puchased and how


 I knew someone was going to point out this was a convoluted method, and I
 agree.  This was sent to me by someone that needed to make the mail form
 work.  My suggestion was to look into a pre-made shopping cart, however
 was not going to work for them, so I made the mail() work for them.

 I had thought about putting it into an array, but had not gotten that far
 into it.  I will look over the code to see how it works.

 Thank you for your help.


 __ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature
 database 5700 (20101213) __

 The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.

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Re: [PHP] accessing magic parent set

2010-12-22 Thread Ravi Gehlot

$this only calls variables inside of a method. In your function, you are
calling a variable that was defined inside of your function called
$columnName. You should past the whole class. Not just the methods.

The pseudo-variable $this is available when a method is called from within
an object context. $this is a reference to the calling object (usually the
object to which the method belongs, but possibly another object, if the
method is called statically from the context of a secondary object).  taken

The parent keyword indicates that this is an extended class. You are
referring back to the master class.


On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 9:35 AM, Alexandru Patranescu dreal...@gmail.comwrote:

 Is this the only way to access the magic __set from the parent class:

public function __set($columnName, $value)
if ($value !== $this-$columnName) {
parent::__set($columnName, $value);

 I would have liked to work this way:

public function __set($columnName, $value)
if ($value !== $this-$columnName) {
parent::$columnName = $value;

 And another question.
 There is a self, a static and a parent
 Why is it only $this and not a $parent too?

Re: [PHP] Stripslashes

2010-12-22 Thread Ravi Gehlot
What are these magic quotes anyways?. What are they used for? escaping?


On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 11:44 PM, Adam Richardson simples...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 10:10 PM, Gary wrote:

  I was doing a test of stripslashes on a $_POST, when I recieved the
  all of the slashes were still in the data posted.
  I used :
  $fname = stripslashes($_POST['fname']);
  I input G\\a//r\y\\, and was expecting, according to the manuel
  but got the original spelling.

 In this case, you should get the original, if I'm understanding correctly.
  Think of it like a basic math problem:

 Step 1: Happens automatically when you submit the form and PHP receives the
 form variables
 input + slashes = slashed_input

 Step 2: This happens when you call stripslashes.
 slashed_input - slashes = input

 The goal of stripslashes is that it will undo what happened automatically
 using magic_quotes_gpc (which essentially calls addslashes on the GPC vars
 behind the scenes) so you'll end up with the original input.

 So, working through your example:

   1. You inputted into a form G\\a//r\y\\ and submitted the form.
   2. PHP received G\\a//r\y\\ and added slashes (Ga//r\\y).
   3. You called stripslashes (G\\a//r\y\\).

  I added:
  echo stripslashes($fname); and did get the expected result on the page,
  not in the email from the $_POST.

 Here, you called stripslashes on something already stripped once, so you
 have a new value (G\a//ry\).

  I also tried
  $fname = (stripslashes($_POST['fname']));

 This would be no different than your attempt without enclosing parentheses.

 Now, let me just say that I detest magic_quotes, and it's best to run with
 them disabled so you  don't even have to worry about this kind of issue
 (they've been deprecated.)  But, perhaps you were just trying to learn
 some piece of legacy code.

 Hope the explanation helps, Gary.


 Nephtali:  PHP web framework that functions beautifully

Re: [PHP] [SOLVED] Re: Upgraded system and now $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] is not more working

2010-12-22 Thread Ravi Gehlot
You probably have error_reporting turned on and that caught on errors. There
are new tougher rules/requirements with newer PHP versions.


Re: [PHP] Stripslashes

2010-12-22 Thread Ravi Gehlot
On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 3:34 PM, Bob McConnell wrote:

 From: Ravi Gehlot

  What are these magic quotes anyways?. What are they used for?

 I wasn't there at the time, but I gather that the general idea was to
 automagically insert escape characters into data submitted from a form.
 However, they used a backslash as the escape character, which is not
 universally recognized across database engines. Even the SQL standard
 defines an escape as a single quote character.

 We used to have magic quotes enabled, and came up with the following
 code to clean up the mess it caused.

// If magic quotes is on, we want to remove slashes
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
  // Magic quotes is on
  $response = stripslashes($_POST[$key]);
} else {
  $response = $_POST[$key];

 For future releases of PHP, this will also need a check to see if
 get_magic_quotes_gpc() exists first.

 Bob McConnell

 PHP General Mailing List (
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Thank you very much. This is good information. What I found out from was the following:
An example use of *stripslashes()* is when the PHP directive
*on* (it's on by default), and you aren't inserting this data into a place
(such as a database) that requires escaping. For example, if you're simply
outputting data straight from an HTML form. 

So that means that stripslashes() isn't intended for DB insertions but only
straight output. So I will remove it from my code.


Re: [PHP] Stripslashes

2010-12-22 Thread Ravi Gehlot
On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 4:21 PM, Russell Dias wrote:

 stripslashes() is rife with gaping security holes.  For mysql
 insertion rely on mysql_real_escape_string() or alternatively, you can
 use prepared statements.

 For outputting data on the page you should ideally be using
 htmlspecialchars($var, ENT_QUOTES);


 On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 6:48 AM, Ravi Gehlot wrote:
  On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 3:34 PM, Bob McConnell wrote:
  From: Ravi Gehlot
   What are these magic quotes anyways?. What are they used for?
  I wasn't there at the time, but I gather that the general idea was to
  automagically insert escape characters into data submitted from a form.
  However, they used a backslash as the escape character, which is not
  universally recognized across database engines. Even the SQL standard
  defines an escape as a single quote character.
  We used to have magic quotes enabled, and came up with the following
  code to clean up the mess it caused.
 // If magic quotes is on, we want to remove slashes
 if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
   // Magic quotes is on
   $response = stripslashes($_POST[$key]);
 } else {
   $response = $_POST[$key];
  For future releases of PHP, this will also need a check to see if
  get_magic_quotes_gpc() exists first.
  Bob McConnell
  PHP General Mailing List (
  To unsubscribe, visit:
  Thank you very much. This is good information. What I found out from was the

 An example use of *stripslashes()* is when the PHP directive
  *on* (it's on by default), and you aren't inserting this data into a
  (such as a database) that requires escaping. For example, if you're
  outputting data straight from an HTML form. 
  So that means that stripslashes() isn't intended for DB insertions but
  straight output. So I will remove it from my code.

Hello Russell,

When you use htmlspecialchars() it tries to escape single/double quotes with
a bunch of backslashes. I had stripslashes() in an attempt to try to get the
backslashes away but it didn't. So the solution was to disable magic quotes
in php.ini. With GoDaddy shared hosting, I had to rename php.ini over to
php5.ini in order to have this to work. Also had to include the command like
responsible for disabling magic quotes. Everything is good and clean now.

Now you type for example Hunter's Reserve Circle and it keeps it as it is.
Before it would print something like Hunter'///s Reserve Circle.
With double quote, the situation would be even worse.

mysql_real_escape_string() is a must in order to avoid SQL injections.


Re: [PHP] Problem with Include

2010-12-21 Thread Ravi Gehlot
If something is working and you don't know exactly whats under the hood then
you are wasting your time in trying to re-invent your own wheel and waste
your time and resources to modify something that isn't needed to be touched.
Good programmers make good use of their time as well. We need to keep in
check with new technology, learn new trends and also master our weakness. If
we keep changing this or that or moving that or this then oh well...there
goes 1 day worth of work to figure stuff out.

Just my take on this. If you think different, then no problems.


On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 10:23 AM, Paul M Foster pa...@quillandmouse.comwrote:

 On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 02:35:33AM -0500, David Hutto wrote:

  On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 2:29 AM, Ravi Gehlot
   Why mess with something that is already working? If you are trying to
   it pretty then you are not solving a problem. You are creating one.
  Define working. I've had programs 'work', but more experienced would
  say it's flawed in some respect. Does it perform the immediate task?
  Now define pretty. Is it aesthetically pleasing to you, or to someone
  else with less, or maybe more experience.
  By defining the two above, you then define whether it's a problem. To
  you, or to them, or to the original designer?

 Beware of more experienced programmers. I recently talked to an
 ex-boss of mine who had a programmer flake out on him. One of his
 customers threatened to take this flaky code to another company and get
 their opinion about whether it was good code or not. My ex-boss
 explained that, of course, they'd shoot it down. Because that's what
 programmers do-- they complain about other programmers' code. I'd never
 heard that idea expressed aloud. But when I thought about it, I realized
 it was true. Hell, look at the content of this list. ;-}


 Paul M. Foster

 PHP General Mailing List (
 To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP] Common session for all subdomains?

2010-12-21 Thread Ravi Gehlot

Good info.


On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 10:23 AM, Daniel Brown wrote:

 On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 02:27, Ravi Gehlot wrote:
  That's a good question.
  There should be a setting on php.ini to allow cross session.

 Right.  Because who needs to teach folks about computer security
 when we can just disable it for them anyway?

Like Jonathan pointed out, it's a matter of adjusting the cookie
 parameters to match wildcard subdomains by preceding the part of the
 domain (usually the SLD, but some ccTLD or FQDN situations can be
 different) with a dot, like

 /Daniel P. Brown
 Network Infrastructure Manager
 Documentation, Webmaster Teams

Re: [PHP] Re: Session problem

2010-12-21 Thread Ravi Gehlot

Session variables may be using cookies which in turn create temp files for
storing such cookies.


On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 11:32 AM, Walter Caielli

 I've fixed the problem.
 I don't know why, but suddenly windows prevents PHP from writing into
 C:\windows\temp directory.
 Moving the session and log files to another directory solved the problem.
 Until few days ago it worked. I've now to discovered what was changed in
 windows configuration.

 Walter Caielli ha scritto nel messaggio
  I'm facing the following basic problem:
  I have made two simple sample files to explain it:
  1st file:
 $_SESSION['SS_user'] = user000;
echo $_SESSION['SS_user'];
echo SID;
echo br.session_id();
echo 'br /a href=home.phppage 1/a';
  2nd file
echo file Homebr;
echo session_name().'+'.session_id();
echo $_SESSION['SS_user'];
  $_SESSION seems to be empty. Nothing is print. Session Name and session
  are the same but it seems that $_SESSION is not shared across the two
  files. No HTML is made before sessioni_start().
  I'm using PHP 5.3.4 on IIS, windows XP SP3. Tested as localhost or from
  another PC inside a LAN.
  Many thanks

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Re: [PHP] Problem with Include

2010-12-21 Thread Ravi Gehlot

Good points. If you are getting paid to do that then fine. There is a
difference between enhancing code and wasting time. I do my best to come up
with the best I can. I always take notes to perform better in upcoming
projects. It is imperative to make good use of time. Unless it is a security
issue, no need to waste time. Again, if you are getting paid for it then
fine. People tune cars for a reason, they want the attention or the thrill.
If you want to tune your code for fun then nobody is against that either :)


On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 1:28 PM, wrote:

 (Apologies for top posting; on my mobile just now.)

 Not true. Refactoring code is one of the main tasks of a developer. None of
 us produce perfect code, and some code is less perfect than other code. It's
 instinct to want to fix bad code when we're maintaining it or having to add
 new features to it.

 For the same reason car enthusiasts tinker with and tune their cars, good
 developers will do the same with code, be it in the form of consolidating
 common code to include files or other ways. To not do so seems to me to
 avoid ones nature really!


 - Reply message -
 From: Ravi Gehlot
 Date: Tue, Dec 21, 2010 18:12
 Subject: [PHP] Problem with Include
 To: Paul M Foster

 If something is working and you don't know exactly whats under the hood
 you are wasting your time in trying to re-invent your own wheel and waste
 your time and resources to modify something that isn't needed to be
 Good programmers make good use of their time as well. We need to keep in
 check with new technology, learn new trends and also master our weakness.
 we keep changing this or that or moving that or this then oh well...there
 goes 1 day worth of work to figure stuff out.

 Just my take on this. If you think different, then no problems.


 On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 10:23 AM, Paul M Foster

  On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 02:35:33AM -0500, David Hutto wrote:
   On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 2:29 AM, Ravi Gehlot
Why mess with something that is already working? If you are trying to
it pretty then you are not solving a problem. You are creating one.
   Define working. I've had programs 'work', but more experienced would
   say it's flawed in some respect. Does it perform the immediate task?
   Now define pretty. Is it aesthetically pleasing to you, or to someone
   else with less, or maybe more experience.
   By defining the two above, you then define whether it's a problem. To
   you, or to them, or to the original designer?
  Beware of more experienced programmers. I recently talked to an
  ex-boss of mine who had a programmer flake out on him. One of his
  customers threatened to take this flaky code to another company and get
  their opinion about whether it was good code or not. My ex-boss
  explained that, of course, they'd shoot it down. Because that's what
  programmers do-- they complain about other programmers' code. I'd never
  heard that idea expressed aloud. But when I thought about it, I realized
  it was true. Hell, look at the content of this list. ;-}
  Paul M. Foster
  PHP General Mailing List (
  To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP] PDO Prepared Statements and stripslashes

2010-12-20 Thread Ravi Gehlot

The plug-in PDO has nothing to do with the backslashes being inserted into
the database. The backslashes are used to escape characters like in D'
would show D's. That's the safe behavior of it. You can change
your programming code to fix that.


On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 12:59 AM, Rico Secada wrote:

 On Tue, 21 Dec 2010 00:32:19 -0500
 Paul M Foster wrote:

  On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 05:31:15AM +0100, Rico Secada wrote:
   In an article about SQL Injection by Chris Shiflett he mentions the
   following in a comment: The process of escaping should preserve
   data, so it should never be necessary to reverse it. When I'm
   auditing an application, things like stripslashes() alert me to
   design problems.
   Now, I'm always using PHP PDO with prepared statements and as such
   data with quotes gets slashed automatically by PDO when inserted
   into the database.
  Just out of idle curiosity, are you using MySQL? PDO shouldn't be
  backslashing quotes for PostgreSQL, as the PostgreSQL convention for
  values containing single quotes is to double the quotes, as: ''.

 Currently I'm working with MySQL, but I have just tested PDO with
 PostgreSQL 8.3 and in this case PDO backslashes PostgreSQL as well.

   When I need to pull out the data something might be slashed and I
   need to use stripslashes() or some str_replace() to make sure that
   the slashes are removed.
   So what's the mistake here and what's the correct way to do it?
  I don't see a mistake. If the values come out of the database
  backslashed, then you need to remove them to work with the data. My
  only question would be whether you're sure the data is backslashed
  before PDO ever sees it. In which case, yes, you have a problem.

 No, the data is not slashed before PDO sees them.

 I didn't see a mistake either, but then what does Chris mean? Stripping
 slashes from output from the DB alerts him to a design problem, and
 I'm just wondering if there another way of doing things I just haven't
 heard of then.

  Paul M. Foster
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Re: [PHP] Common session for all subdomains?

2010-12-20 Thread Ravi Gehlot
That's a good question.

There should be a setting on php.ini to allow cross session.


On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 7:05 PM, Jonathan Tapicer wrote:


 You should use the function session_set_cookie_params to set the
 session cookie domain to like this comment explains:


 On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 7:18 PM, Andre Polykanine wrote:
  Hello php-general,
  I've got a question: I have a site Then we started
  developing some applications at
  How can I manage it in the way so the session valid at would be also valid at
  With best regards from Ukraine,
  Skype: Francophile
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Re: [PHP] Problem with Include

2010-12-20 Thread Ravi Gehlot
Why mess with something that is already working? If you are trying to make
it pretty then you are not solving a problem. You are creating one.


On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 7:40 AM, Daniel P. Brown

 On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 02:49, Simcha Younger wrote:
  Since it is being included by PHP, and not served by Apache, the
 extension is not important.

 Correct, but keep in mind that it will likely be served as plain
 text if accessed directly, if the web server is not properly
 configured (which, by default, it isn't).

 /Daniel P. Brown
 Dedicated Servers, Cloud and Cloud Hybrid Solutions, VPS, Hosting
 (866-) 725-4321

 PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] All records not displaying...

2010-12-20 Thread Ravi Gehlot
I would say enabled error_reporting(E_ALL); error_reporting(-1);

Then use die(mysql_error()); with your mysql function to get some debugging

Also use var_dump($query_name) to find out what is spits out.

Debugging is your best friend here. If you don't use die() or
error_reporting() then you will see a blank screen.


On Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 9:01 PM, Gary wrote:

 Tamara Temple wrote in message
  On Dec 19, 2010, at 9:46 AM, Gary wrote:
  I have an issue that the first record in a query is not being
  seems that the first row in alphabetical order is not being brought  to
  I have run the query in the DB and it displays the correct result,  so
  to be in the php.
  I have a MySQL DB that lists beers.  I have a column for 'type' of  beer
  (imported, domestic, craft, light). The queries:
  $result = MySQL_query(SELECT * FROM beer WHERE type = 'imported'  AND
  = 'YES' ORDER by beername );
  When I run the query
  if (mysql_num_rows($result) == !'0') {
 $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
   echo 'h3Imported Beers/h3';
   echo 'table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=1
  id=tableone summary=
   while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
  echo 'tr td' . $row['beername'].'/td';
  echo 'td' . $row['manu'] . '/td';
  echo 'td' . $row['type'] . '/td';
  echo 'td width=40' . $row['singles'] . '/td';
  echo 'td width=20' . $row['six'] . '/td';
  echo 'td width=40' . $row['can'] . '/td';
  echo 'td width=20' . $row['bottles'] . '/td';
  echo 'td width=40' . $row['tap'] . '/td';
  echo 'td' . $row['size'] . '/td';
  echo 'td' . $row['descrip'] . '/td';
  echo '/tablebr /';
  All but the first row in alphabetical order are displayed properly.
  Can anyone tell me where I am going wrong?
  BTW, I do have a bonus question that is about javascript in this  same
  so if anyone want to take a stab at that, I'll be happy to post it.
  This code will totally eliminate the first row of data.
  if (mysql_num_rows($result) == !'0') {
 $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
  Fetches the first row, but is not output. Because:
   while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
  Fetches the second row before you do any output of the data.
  Eliminate the first fetch_array and you're code should work fine.
  BTW, if you put the td attributes 'width=n' in the preceding th
  tags, you won't have to output them for each row. You should also put
  units those numbers are associated with.

 Thank you for your help and thank you for the explaination.  I removed the
 line and it works fine.  I dont remember where or why I had that line in
 there, it is code that I have recycled for a while now.


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Re: [PHP] array question

2010-12-20 Thread Ravi Gehlot
Jim Lucas has it. You can use the preg_match function to find it. I would
use regexp for that reason. regexp is good for making sure things are typed
the way they need to (mostly used for).


On Sat, Dec 18, 2010 at 5:17 PM, Jim Lucas wrote:

 On 12/17/2010 12:52 PM, Sorin Buturugeanu wrote:

 Hello all!

 I have a question regarding arrays and the way I can use a value.

 Let's say I have this string:

 $s = 'banana,apple,mellon,grape,nut,orange'

 I want to explode it, and get the third value. For this I would normally

 $a = explode(',', $s);
 echo $s[2];

 That's all fine, but is there a way to get the value directly, without
 having to write another line in my script. I mean something like this:

 echo explode(',', $s)[2];


 echo {explode(',', $s)}[2];

 I couldn't find out this answer anywhere, that's why I posted here.

 Cheers and thanks!

 Sure it CAN be done.  Nobody laugh too loud here... But...


 $s = 'banana,apple,mellon,grape,nut,orange';
 echo preg_replace('/([^,]+,){3}([^,]+).*/', '$2', $s);

 Outputs: grape

 The {3} part is equivalent to the array position.  Change that number, and
 you change which word will get displayed.

 Jim Lucas

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Re: [PHP] PHPInfo disabled due to security

2010-12-20 Thread Ravi Gehlot
Hello there,

If you have a small to medium size web site then go to GoDaddy. Do not
believe all that you see from php_info(). I will give you an example. The
memory_limit it gives on shared hosting does not reflect the one intended
for your shared account. It shows what was set for overall use. But blocking
php_info() isn't right (at least I don't think so).


On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 10:25 AM, Daniel Brown wrote:

 On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 23:39, Paul S wrote:
  Well, I was hoping for stronger arguments to get that DONE. I would think
  there be something in the PHP license
  that would FORBID disabling functionality.

 Really?  You would really think that?  Because we wouldn't.

  After all, 'phpinfo' is essential, really, to achieving secure
  applications, isn't it?

 No.  Writing good code is essential.

 /Daniel P. Brown
 Network Infrastructure Manager
 Documentation, Webmaster Teams

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Re: [PHP] Error Querying Database

2010-12-20 Thread Ravi Gehlot
Trying to connect to the database can involve setting up your database. Make
sure that you have a valid login/password that is recognized by MySQL.
Please keep in mind that MySQL works on permission by hosts. So your host IP
must be matched with the username/password on the database for a successful
authentication. One way to know that you can connect successfully to your
remote database is to actually test it. Download MySQL Workbench from and then try to connect to remote from the same host that your php
application is sitting at. If it works, thumbs up. If it does not then you
have a permission issue there. Add your username/host appropriately.

If you can connect without a hitch then you are doing something wrong on
your code. Use mysql_connect(), mysql_select_db() and then send an statement
and use the resource to see if it returns TRUE or FALSE. At this point, on
FALSE it means that you have a bad written statement.

There is so much that can go wrong. Debug step by step.


On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 9:26 PM, Phred White phpl...@planetphred.comwrote:

 It seems like there are several questions emerging, but ...

 Try echoing your query to the page by putting echo $query in your code
 before you call mysql, then copy it and run it in phpmyadmin. If it runs
 then you know your problem is somewhere else like the connection. This can
 really help you find typos that can cause mysterious results.

 If you want to use the same page to process the form (my preference) then
 put a hidden field in your form like:

input type=hidden name=phpaction id=phpaction value=process /

 and wrap the form processing code like so:

 if (isset($_POST['phpaction'])) {
//process submitted form data
 } else {
//processing for initial form entry

 When the form is initially loaded it will ignore the first part
 There are a 1000 ways to do this, but this is pretty straightforward.

 On Dec 15, 2010, at 1:34 PM, Gary wrote:

  Steve Staples wrote in message
  On Wed, 2010-12-15 at 13:42 -0500, Gary wrote:
  I cant seem to get this to connect.  This is to my local testing
  which is on, so we need not worry that I have posted the UN/PW.
  This is a duplicate of a script I have used countless times and it
  The error message is 'Error querying database.'
  Some one point out the error of my ways?
  form action=?php echo $_SERVER[PHP_SELF]; ? method=post
  labelName of Beer/label/tdtdinput name=beername type=text
  labelMaker of Beer/label/tdtdinput name=manu type=text /
  labelType of Beer/label/td
  tdselect name=type size=1 id=type
  !--select name=avail size=1 id=avail
  tdlabelSold in/label
  /tdtdinput type=checkbox name=singles value=Yes /
  input type=checkbox name=six value=Yes / Six Packs br /
  input type=checkbox name=can value=Yes / Cansbr /
  input type=checkbox name=bottles value=Yes / Bottles br /
  input type=checkbox name=tap value=Yes / Draft br /
  labelSize/label/tdtdinput name=size type=text /
  labelDescription/label/tdtdtextarea name=desc cols=40
  input name=submit type=submit value=Submit //td/tr
  div id=list
  $beername = $_POST['beername'];
  $manu = $_POST['manu'];
  $type = $_POST['type'];
  $singles = $_POST['singles'];
  $six = $_POST['six'];
  $can = $_POST['can'];
  $bottles = $_POST['bottles'];
  $tap = $_POST['tap'];
  $size = $_POST['size'];
  $desc = $_POST['desc'];
  $dbc = mysqli_connect('localhost','root','','rr')or die('Error
  with MySQL Database');
  $query = INSERT INTO beer (beername, manu, type, singles, six, can,
  bottles, tap, size, desc, ip ). VALUES ('$beername', '$manu',
  '$singles', '$six', '$can', '$bottles', '$tap', '$size', '$desc',
  '$ip' );
  $result = mysqli_query($dbc, $query)
  or die('Error querying database.');
  Read Ash's reply...   but basically, you're running the query with POST
  variables, and inserting them on page display as well as on form submit.
  can you ensure that you can connect from the command line?
  if you may take some criticism, you should rethink your database design,
  as well as the page flow/design... you should either post the form to a
  new page, or if it is back to itself, you should check to see that you
  have in fact posted it before just blindly inserting into the database
  (as currently, every time you view the page, you will insert into the
  database, even if completely empty values).
  Thank you for your reply.
  I did not see a 

Re: [PHP] Problem with Include

2010-12-20 Thread Ravi Gehlot
My point is that you tried to take code from one page and put it all
organized in another page and the include that page of includes back into
the pages that you want it to feed off from. If stuff works the way that it
does then there a reason for it to have been done that way. That's why
documenting code is so important. 99% doesn't do it (including me).


On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 2:35 AM, David Hutto wrote:

 On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 2:29 AM, Ravi Gehlot wrote:
  Why mess with something that is already working? If you are trying to
  it pretty then you are not solving a problem. You are creating one.

 Define working. I've had programs 'work', but more experienced would
 say it's flawed in some respect. Does it perform the immediate task?

 Now define pretty. Is it aesthetically pleasing to you, or to someone
 else with less, or maybe more experience.

 By defining the two above, you then define whether it's a problem. To
 you, or to them, or to the original designer?

  On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 7:40 AM, Daniel P. Brown
  On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 02:49, Simcha Younger
   Since it is being included by PHP, and not served by Apache, the
  extension is not important.
  Correct, but keep in mind that it will likely be served as plain
  text if accessed directly, if the web server is not properly
  configured (which, by default, it isn't).
  /Daniel P. Brown
  Dedicated Servers, Cloud and Cloud Hybrid Solutions, VPS, Hosting
  (866-) 725-4321
  PHP General Mailing List (
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 They're installing the breathalyzer on my email account next week.