Re: [PHP] PHP with JAVA support

2001-06-21 Thread Robert Vetter

Jim Kirkpatrick wrote:
 Please include the php code you're using to instantiate the class. That will
 give me a better idea of what to suggest.

Hi Jim,

Thanks for the response. Here comes the code:

  $system = new Java(java.lang.System);
  print Java version=.$system-getProperty(java.version). br\n;
  print Java vendor=.$system-getProperty(java.vendor). p\n\n;
  print OS=.$system-getProperty( .
  $system-getProperty(os.version). on .
  $system-getProperty(os.arch). br\n;

  $formatter = new Java(java.text.SimpleDateFormat,,
 dd,  'at' h:mm:ss a );
  print $formatter-format(new Java(java.util.Date)).\n;



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Re: [PHP] Code check please

2001-06-21 Thread Robert Vetter

Andreas Skarin wrote:
 I've tried to get this working for over an hour
 now, and it still won't. I don't even get an error
 message to help me find the problem so I was
 hoping that someone could check my code for me.
 I'm fooling around with a basic form that is
 supposed to send one's name, surname and e-mail
 address to receive.php. receive.php is then
 supposed to take the information and add it to a
 table called tabell in a database called
 databas, but it doesn't work. I think there
 might be something wrong with my MySQL query.
 - - - - - - - - - - - FORM - - - - - - - - - - - -
 - -
 form action=receive.php method=post
 input type=text name=fornamn
 input type=text name=efternamn
 input type=text name=email
 input type=submit name=submit
 value=Log in
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 - - -
 - - - - - - - - - - - RECEIVE.PHP - - - - - - - -
 - - -
 // connection to MySQL
 $connection = mysql_connect(localhost,
 username, password);
 if (!$connection) {
 echo (PUnable to connect to the database
 server at this time./P );
 //select database
 if (! @mysql_select_db(databas) ) {
 echo (PUnable to locate the database at
 this time./P);
 // MySQL query
 $sql = INSERT INTO tabell SET .
 fornamn ='$fornamn', .
 efternamn='$efternamn', .


and where is the mysql_query($sql) function call?


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[PHP] PHP with JAVA support

2001-06-19 Thread Robert Vetter


I'm trying to run PHP with Java support and don't get it to work. First
I compiled PHP '--with-java=/usr/local/jdk1.2.2/'. Then I added this to
the PHP.ini file:


Now, when I try to instantiate a JAVA class I get this error: Fatal
error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: java in
/usr/local/apache/htdocs/index.php on line 3.

Does anybody have expirience with running JAVA with PHP? I don't know
why it doesn't work. I use PHP 4.05 on a Debian Linux machine. Thanks.


[PHP] PHP with JAVA support

2001-06-19 Thread Robert Vetter


I'm trying to run PHP with Java support and don't get it to work. First
I compiled PHP '--with-java=/usr/local/jdk1.2.2/'. Then I added this to
the PHP.ini file:


Now, when I try to instantiate a JAVA class I get this error: Fatal
error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: java in
/usr/local/apache/htdocs/index.php on line 3.

Does anybody have expirience with running JAVA with PHP? I don't know
why it doesn't work. I use PHP 4.05 on a Debian Linux machine. Thanks.


[PHP] PHP with JAVA support

2001-06-19 Thread Robert Vetter


I'm trying to run PHP with Java support and don't get it to work. First
I compiled PHP '--with-java=/usr/local/jdk1.2.2/'. Then I added this to
the PHP.ini file:


Now, when I try to instantiate a JAVA class I get this error: Fatal
error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: java in
/usr/local/apache/htdocs/index.php on line 3.

Does anybody have expirience with running JAVA with PHP? I don't know
why it doesn't work. I use PHP 4.05 on a Debian Linux machine. Thanks.


Re: [PHP] Counting Words In a String

2001-04-23 Thread Robert Vetter

Greg Donald wrote:
  I want to check a string and return the amount of words present
  in it. These
  strings could be quite large, some higher than 100,000
  characters. I realize
  I could explode the string on the whitespace and count the number
  of values.
  However, I'm not sure this would be the most optimized way to do this,
  especially considering there will be some quite large strings passed. Any
  ideas on the most efficient to count the number of words in a
  large string?
 $string = Here is a very long string;
 $array = explode( , $string);
 $count = sizeof($array);
 echo $count;


Greg, Jason asked for an _optimized_ solution.

1. If you're using PHP=4.02 just take the substr_count() function (see
2. Otherwise you can take this code:

  if(substr($string,$x,1)== )


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Re: [PHP] checkbox validation

2001-04-18 Thread Robert Vetter

Jacky wrote:
 Hi all
 I have a form with the checkbox like this
 $query="select id from foo";
 while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
 input type="checkbox" name="$id" value="on"
 submit button and stuffs here...

One possibility:
Add a hidden field in the form and write all names of the checkboxes in
it, separated by a semicolon, for example.
$query="select id from foo";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
input type="checkbox" name="$id" value="on"
input type="hidden" name="names_of_checkboxes" value="? echo
$names_of_checkboxes; ?"
 submit button and stuffs here...
Then, in the next page you just do following:
// box checked


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Re: [PHP] Back Button Dilemma's

2001-04-10 Thread Robert Vetter

RealGM wrote:
 Hi Guys,
 I know everywhere it says that it is not possible to actually disable the back 
button, and people have offered some solutions that have not worked for me, this is 
why I am emailing this list.
 I have a form which displays the same page with new content (controlled by a 
counter) in a loop until an exit point is reached.  When the user clicks back on the 
browser the counter still increments and the screen continues like the user pressed 
the continue button (which is the process I want the user to take).  The problem is 
the user did not make a selection and this is where the problem lies (it takes the 
default, which throws the whole process out of whack).

Before I can help you:
How did you programm the counter? Do you forward it in a HTML-form to
the PHP script? Or do you use the counter only server-side?
Please attach the code.


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[PHP] freetype info required

2001-04-02 Thread Robert Vetter

Could someone please supply me with a little information about freetype
fonts concerning the following points of interest:
1/ A good description of what it actually is.
2/ How to actually use it in a practical sense hopefully in conjunction
with php.
3/ Supply of some small code snippets showing real world examples.
4/ Any freetype library functions.

I thank you all in advance for any help that you can grtant to me.

Joe :)

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Re: [PHP] Better way (if...elseif...else)

2001-03-30 Thread Robert Vetter

"Ashley M. Kirchner" wrote:
 Is there a better way to write the following snippet:
 if ($priority == "000") {
   $pstr .= "option value=\"000\" selectedHigh\n";
   $pstr .= "option value=\"050\"Medium\n";
   $pstr .= "option value=\"100\"Low\n";
 } elseif ($priority == "050") {
   $pstr .= "option value=\"000\"High\n";
   $pstr .= "option value=\"050\" selectedMedium\n";
   $pstr .= "option value=\"100\"Low\n";
 } else {
   $pstr .= "option value=\"000\"High\n";
   $pstr .= "option value=\"050\"Medium\n";
   $pstr .= "option value=\"100\" selectedLow\n";

{   $pstr.="option value=\"$p_arr[$x]\" ";

You could optimize the code even more if you'd throw $fc_arr away and
use $ptext_arr instead.


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Re: [PHP] PHP Editor for Linux

2001-03-30 Thread Robert Vetter

Martin Cabrera Diaubalick wrote:
 Hi there!
 I use bluefish for HTML and PHP coding, but I'm not too happy with it. Do
 you know a good PHP Editor for Linux, besides Emacs and xjed...?

Try nedit...


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[PHP] Re: Complex mysql query

2001-03-29 Thread Robert Vetter

 Yann Larrive wrote:
 Thanks for the answer but it is a bit more complexe, i actually
 creates these sample table for the example. Here is an attachement of
 the structure dump.
 Hummm you got me to think more about my database structure withc is
 really good. The idea you bourght up seems really good.
 I am a junior developper, actually only been 2 month i really program
 soi now have more experience then  i used to have spacially when
 people like yuo give me tricks , this really helps me out :-)
 CREATE TABLE produits (   
PID varchar(5) NOT NULL,  

Why a VARCHAR? Numeric values (INT) are better.

titre tinytext NOT NULL, 
description text,   
artiste tinyint(3) NOT NULL, Artiste reference number see the artiste table

TINYINT has value range from -128 to 127. It's too small for an ID. How
man artists will your database have?

image varchar(5) NOT NULL,  Image name
num_page smallint(5),Number of page if a book
duree smallint(4),Length if  video or cd, 
tape ...
format tinyint(3) NOT NULL,Format of the product hardcover 
softcover, tape , cd, dvd

You better use ENUM instead: format ENUM('softcover','hardcover',...)

ISBN smallint(10),ISBN number or serial number

A SMALLINT is not enought for an ISBN number. I must be an INT at least,
or even an BIGINT. Check it out in the manual.

quantite tinyint(3) NOT NULL,Stock quantity

What if you have more then 127 on the stock? see artiste...

fournisseur tinyint(4) NOT NULL,Provider ID number
prix float NOT NULL,Our sales prices
retail float NOT NULL,Retail Price
 CREATE TABLE artiste (
ID smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,   artiste ID number
nom varchar(15) NOT NULL,   artiste name
 CREATE TABLE fournisseurs (
 My provider table
ID tinyint(5) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,Provider ID
Nom varchar(20) NOT NULL,
 Provider Name
adresse1 varchar(50) NOT NULL,
adresse2 varchar(50),
ville varchar(20) NOT NULL,
province varchar(20) NOT NULL,
pays varchar(30) NOT NULL,
telephone varchar(20) NOT
 NULL,   phone number
fax varchar(20),
email varchar(25),
site_web varchar(30),
pers_ressources varchar(40),
 person to contact
num_compte varchar(20) NOT
 NULL,   account number
code_postal varchar(7) NOT NULL,
 Postal code
 I got more tables but the others are not interesting in the specific
 query i want to make.
produits ON artist.ID=produits.artist_ID LEFT JOIN provider ON
produits.provider_ID=provider.ID WHERE LIKE 'some_name';


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Re: [PHP] help gurus: multi-dimensional array problem.

2001-03-05 Thread Robert Vetter

andrew wrote:
 Because I want to display it like this:
 category1 (href anchor to category1 below)


Ever heard of mysql_data_seek()? Have a look in the PHP Docs.


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Re: [PHP] dealing with no record

2001-03-05 Thread Robert Vetter

"Jacky@lilst" wrote:
 If I run a sniplet like this:
 $query="select name from foo";
 $result= mysql_query($query);
 while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) display record found
 what am I suppose to do if I also want the code to be able to deal with the case 
that no record found  and redirect user to other page?


In the PHP Manual, section MySQL, there is a description of a function
called mysql_num_rows()...


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Re: [PHP] help gurus: multi-dimensional array problem.

2001-03-05 Thread Robert Vetter

Tim Ward wrote:
 Get a list of unique categories then get a list of each one would do it.
 $link_id = mysql_connect($host, $usr, $pass) or die (mysql_error());
 mysql_select_db($database, $link_id);
 $sql="select distinct category from links";
 $result = mysql_query($sql, $link_id) or die ("no results");
 $cat_list = new Array();
 while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result))
 {   $cat_list[] = $row["category"];
 foreach ($cat_list as $this_Cat)
 {   echo("a name=\"$category\"$this_Cat/font/abr");
 $sql="select name, url from links where category =
 $result = mysql_query($sql, $link_id);
 while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result))
 {   echo ("a href='" . $row[url] . "'" . $row["name"]
 . "/abr");
 haven't tested this but the principal should be okay and do what you're
 Tim Ward
 Senior Systems Engineer


This sulution is not very good: too many SELECTs, too much memory

Why not just use 2 Tables: Category and Links, and work with a LEFT
JOIN? Then you could get all data needed with a single SQL statment, no
additional arrays would be needed, either. Don't forget: MySQL is a
RELATIONAL database - Why not make usage of it?


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Re: [PHP] HREFs that can't be

2001-03-02 Thread Robert Vetter

"Boget, Chris" wrote:
   That won't work.  Clicking on a link does not trigger
   sending of fields (hidden or not).
  No? How about:
  form name=myForm method=post action=...
  input bla bla bla...
  a href="javascript:document.myForm.submit();"Click here/a
  a href="#" onclick="document.myForm.submit();return
  false;"or here/a
 This would require a form for every link and that was something I
 illustrated earlier as one of the possibilities I had come up with.  But
 it was a possibility that I was trying to avoid...

No, you could do following:


...for each link. And you'd have one single form.

BTW. In you first email you wrote: "plan they are pushing is to make our
site(s) free of all GET variables".
Who are "they"?


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Re: [PHP] HREFs that can't be

2001-03-02 Thread Robert Vetter

"Boget, Chris" wrote:
   This would require a form for every link and that was something I
   illustrated earlier as one of the possibilities I had come
   up with.  But it was a possibility that I was trying to avoid...
  No, you could do following:
  orm.submit();"Click here/a
  ...for each link. And you'd have one single form.
 It couldn't be that generic because as I pointed out in my initial email,
 each link can have a variable number of GET variables and not all of
 them would have the same name (though, some would).

Then you'd have to insert hidden fields for all possible variables in
the form.

  BTW. In you first email you wrote: "plan they are pushing is
  to make our site(s) free of all GET variables".
  Who are "they"?
 My superiors.

I bet they have nothing better to do than to say: "What are those funny
characters next to the internet address? We don't like them. They don't
let our site look seriously. And we _are_ a very serious company. They
must diappear right away!!"


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Re: [PHP] Newbie question about running JAVA classes on PHP scripts

2001-03-01 Thread Robert Vetter

Federico Ragazzoni wrote:
 Hi all, I've a problem with my php.ini file, running JAVA classes...
 What exactly should write in php.ini?
 I've JDK in /usr/local/jdk and PHP in /usr/local/php

Would you explain us, what does (or should) php.ini have to do with


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Re: [PHP] A small Q

2001-02-28 Thread Robert Vetter

Harshdeep S Jawanda wrote:
 Does the extension of files that are require()-d or include()-d in PHP
 have to be ".inc"? Can it be ".php"?
 All examples seem to show this extension as ".inc". Could there be any
 problems if the extension is kept ".php"?

I don't know what examples you mean, but:

the name of the included/required file in PHP does not matter. However
the best thing is always to use the extention "*.php" to make sure the
files are always going thru the PHP interpreter, even when someone
access them directly by its URL.


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Re: [PHP] how do i check if a server is online ?

2001-02-27 Thread Robert Vetter

"Markus H. Maussner" wrote:
 i have the problem that i need to connect to a database on a server wich
 is quiet often offline.
 how can i connect to this database (mysql) and can check if the server is
 like.. if server is online - fine we work as normaly
 if server is NOT online - print out message and say "server offline try
 i tried something like mysql_connect and then die ...
 but it takes approx 5 mins.. till i get the message..
 do i have to set the timeout lower? and if yes.. how do i do that ?

You could use ping command like this:

exec("ping -c 4 TheServer",$out_arr);

...and evaluate the $out_arr to see if the ping command was successful.


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Re: [PHP] Get name of current function

2001-02-21 Thread Robert Vetter

"Ide, Jim" wrote:
 Hi -
 Is there some way I can get the name of the currently executing function?
 For example:
 function MyFunction () {
 echo "The currently executing function is: " . here  ;


function MyFunction () {
 echo "The currently executing function is: MyFunction()"  ;

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