[PHP] W2K Pro, IIS5.0 + PHP4.4 install trouble....

2001-01-30 Thread Sebastian Stadtlich

i just installed php on IIS5.01.
i placed a file phpinfo.php in the webroot

whatever i try i always get the following error :
Warning opening 'c:\inetpub\wwwroot\phpinfo.php' for inclusion
(include_path='') in unknown on line 0
i'm not sure what this include thing is about
but on an old installation on a nt4.0 ihave nothing written in it..
if i write phpscripts they are executed perfectly, 

but i don't get any information from phpinfo
( which is pretty usefull..)
any sugestions?

[PHP] could someone point me to a phpbased searchengine crawler?

2001-01-30 Thread Sebastian Stadtlich

I have a tool, that submits our clients pages to popular searchengines. now
i need a script that crawls popular searchengines and look where our pages
are ranked...
i'm sure there must be something like that out there, but i can't find

Sebastian Stadtlich


AW: [PHP] gethostbyaddr timeout

2001-02-01 Thread Sebastian Stadtlich

> I'm at the end of my rope here...
> I have a 100,000+ line file containing IP addresses.  For 
> each line, I need
> to run a "gethostbyaddr" command.  However, some lines take a 
> long time to
> timeout.  Is there a way I can decrease this timeout period 
> to one or two
> seconds?

i don't know about any function that does that, what i did with something
simmilar is to
automaticly generate a frames page that calls the script which then only
performs 10 or so
of the tasks. you can easyly have that page open 10 or so browserwindows.
if you generate a framesmatrix 10*10 open 10 pages at least the time it
takes will
be devided by 1000 ( in avg.)
( and of cause you will need something threadsafe/stable to safe the


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AW: [PHP] OCI* function VS. ORA* function

2001-02-07 Thread Sebastian Stadtlich

i never heard anything about speed difference,
but as far as i remember OCI supports some things
that don't work with ORA ( lobs, stored procedures,pl/sql,etc)
and i think OCI is still improved and developed while ORA is not.


> -Ursprungliche Nachricht-
> Von: Reuben D Budiardja [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 18:53
> Betreff: [PHP] OCI* function VS. ORA* function
> Hi,
> I'm wondering if anybody can give me the advantages of using 
> OCI* function 
> over ORA* function. I mean, in term of speed and efficiency. The 
> documentation does n't say a lot about this.
> I have my API using ORA* funct. for my development team. I'm 
> thinking of 
> rebuilding it using OCI*, but wondering if it worths the 
> effort. Is it 
> really faster?
> Thanks for any answer/comment you can give me.
> Reuben D. Budiardja
> -- 
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[PHP] can i install apache php-module AND php-cgi on the same windows-apache?

2001-02-08 Thread Sebastian Stadtlich

i need it, because i want to do some image genaration and that is broken in 
win32 in the apache module. i would like to have  a different ending for
skripts that need to be executed as CGI... it would be easy possible with
IIS, but i still would prefer apache, since with IIS there are other
( no i won't switch to linux on my laptop, because...)


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[PHP] download prompt not woking on macintosh

2001-02-14 Thread Sebastian Stadtlich

Hi all

I tried to build a script that displays the 'save-file dialog', because the
files that should be downloaded
are huge 32bit jpeg for printing. the problem is that it works in IE on PC,
Netscape on PC and MAC, but
not in IE on a MAC. the files are jpeg, IE on Mac either tried to open the
files ( which does not work, 
because they are CYMK), or displayes the filename 'download.php' in the save
PLEASE HELP our designers can't be the only persons to use Mac on the
i tried everycombination of the following headers, but without success...


code :

header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream");
header("Content-Disposition: inline;
readfile($download) or die ("File nicht gefunden oder sonstiger
Fehler aufgetreten.");

  header("Content-Type: application/download\n");
  header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"$download\"");

  header("Content-Type: application/download\n");
  header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$download\"");
  $fn=fopen("$download" , "r");
   header("Content-Type: doesn/matter\r\n");
   header("Content-Disposition: filename=$download\r\n\r\n");
   header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary\r\n");
   readfile($download) or die ("File nicht gefunden oder sonstiger
Fehler   aufgetreten.");
   header("Content-Type: doesn/matter\r\n");
   header("Content-Disposition: filename=$download");
   header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary\r\n");
   header("Content-Length: ".filesize($download));

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AW: [PHP] Bad Practices

2001-02-14 Thread Sebastian Stadtlich

OR you could tell apache to parse everything that ends with .inc with php.
you can name it .inc .linux .linuxsucks .microsoftsucks

(you'll need to have access to http.conf or .htaccess+right to override ...)


> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Rick Hodger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 14. Februar 2001 09:51
> Betreff: Re: [PHP] Bad Practices
> "Jeff Oien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Would people like to list bad practices and also point us
> > newbies to any articles online dealing with syntax, correct
> > use of single and double quotes etc.?
> People who create scripts that include a need for access to a 
> SQL database,
> meaning you need to give it a username and password then 
> making the damn
> configuration file be called something stupid like config.inc.
> When you are scripting, using anything with a .inc extension 
> is just asking
> for trouble. If someone requests that file, it'll get passed 
> straight to
> them. It's a .inc, which means that PHP does not know to 
> parse it. Which
> means, that person can see your usernames and passwords. And 
> because it's a
> public package, they're far more likely to know the path to said file.
> --
> Rick Hodger
> -- 
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AW: [PHP] How to pipe a command output into another command

2001-02-21 Thread Sebastian Stadtlich

this one uses pipe

$command=`find $verzeichnis. -iname $DateiPattern |sort -f`;
$verzeichnisliste = explode ("\n",$command);


-Ursprungliche Nachricht-
Von: Martin Kong [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 21. Februar 2001 15:45
Betreff: [PHP] How to pipe a command output into another command

>From within PHP, I'm trying to execute an external command and pipe (|)
the result into another command, then capture the output.  I've tried
everything, exec, system, passthru, popen and backtick, and still could
get it to work.  Has anyone done it before?  Is it possible with PHP?

Running PHP 4.0.1pl2 as a Apache module.


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AW: [PHP] Session files? (Very Techy Questions)

2001-02-21 Thread Sebastian Stadtlich

> writing an apache module that did the following:
> When a file with .pdf is asked for it looks to see if the user is 
> currently in a session (aka 'logged on'). I'm guessing the module can 
> know this by using the HTTP headers. Figuring we can look to see if 
> its giving a cookie with the sid or its part of the URL.

you can handle that with php also, if you don't allow direct download. 
instead you write a download skript that first checks for login, then 
sends the proper header to handle the download and then passes the data
to the user. you can find information about that in the manual at 

> Now according to this the cookie like files should be deleted after 
> 1440 seconds, but on my machine their not. Any reason why?

the 1440 is just when the data is identified as garbage.
after that also the garbage collector must be invoked.
you have a gc_probability of 1% set, so it's not very likely they will 
be deleted soon


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AW: [PHP] Passing values from ASP to PHP

2001-03-01 Thread Sebastian Stadtlich


you could try to ad a filter for 'exactfilename.asp' and assign it to
i forgot most of my iis knowledge, but as far as i recal the .asp filter

can be changed on per-directory basis. putting exactfilename.asp in the
tab higher then the asp one should map it to php
it can be done with apache even easier, but as you use asp, i assume you
use iis


> -Ursprungliche Nachricht-
> Von: Isaac [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 28. Februar 2001 22:08
> Betreff: [PHP] Passing values from ASP to PHP
> I've been given a project that I want to use PHP with, but 
> unfortunately
> there are unchangable hard-coded values that point clients to an ASP
> script residing on our server. Here's what I want to do, and I don't
> really know how to do it:
> I want to pass all the key/value pairs that are passed to the 
> ASP script
> to a PHP script. I can get values with Request.Form("key_name"), but
> that takes hard-coding the name of the key.
> So if the following is passed to the ASP script:
> one=blue&two=red&three=yellow
> Then I would want to redirect to
> myscript.php?one=blue&two=red&three=yellow
> How do I go about walking through all the key/values that 
> have been passed
> in ASP? I really don't want to have to learn this ugly language..
> -- 
> (503)656-2489   http://gorgonous.dhs.org
> Real Users find the one combination of bizarre 
> input values that shuts down the system for days.
> -- 
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AW: [PHP] running scripts

2001-01-11 Thread Sebastian Stadtlich

if your server is not in safemode or as stupid cgi:


> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: DonJuan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 11. Januar 2001 14:56
> Betreff: [PHP] running scripts
> Hi,
> I've written a weekly newsletter in php3 and there are more
> then 900 readers of the email sent.
> The script is always started through a web-browser (pe.
> www.myurl.com/admin ).
> Is there a way to keep the script running, even after the 
> browser is closed?
> (sending 900 emails might take a while)
> thx,
> Juan
> -- 
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[PHP] how to track haeder trouble???

2001-01-11 Thread Sebastian Stadtlich

Hi All
my isp mumbels something about trouble with header changes with php since
running in CGI mode. I diffuse remember a way to connect to a webserver with
telnet on port
80 and then typing something to request a page.. could somone please tell me
what that something
was? or a page that point's out stuff like that?

AW: [PHP] number of users currently on web

2001-01-11 Thread Sebastian Stadtlich


i think it's useless since http is stateless, but you can find one here :


> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Gregor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 11. Januar 2001 18:29
> Betreff: [PHP] number of users currently on web
> hello, can somebody give me some hint (or complete code) how 
> to find out,
> how many users are on my page at that moment.
> -- 
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AW: [PHP] problem with rewind

2001-01-11 Thread Sebastian Stadtlich

[Sebastian Stadtlich] 
you are missing 2 times a '
$file = fopen (' http://ultra10:9000/cgi-bin/query?mss=search
<http://ultra10:9000/cgi-bin/query?mss=search> ', "r");
I try use this code, but not work
$file = fopen ( http://ultra10:9000/cgi-bin/query?mss=search
<http://ultra10:9000/cgi-bin/query?mss=search> , "r");
if (!$file) {
echo "Unable to open remote file.\n";
This is the error mesagge: 
"Warning: Unable to find file identifier 1 in /www/radar/busca.php3 "
Telecom Internet
 Jorge Inti Benites Roche
 Tel: +54 (11)4968-6106
 Gcia. Web Services

AW: [PHP] how do i hide my .inc files in apache??

2001-01-17 Thread Sebastian Stadtlich

why don't you rename your include files to 

so they are parsed by php and no valuable information would be given out.
also you could use folowing lines in a .htaccess

# .inc-files not readable:

Order allow,deny
Deny from all


> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Jamie Burns [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 17. Januar 2001 13:48
> Betreff: [PHP] how do i hide my .inc files in apache??
> hi..
> can anyone tell me how i get apache to never send out the 
> contents of my include files (*.inc) to users?
> i dont want my source sode to be visible to browsers.
> thanks,
> jamie.

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AW: [PHP] url hide

2001-01-22 Thread Sebastian Stadtlich

you can do that by using a frames site that just has 1 frame(=the 'hidden'
this is very weak , because the user just has to take a look at page
to see the real URL.
another aproach would be to wrap all access to your server through apache
404 to
a php that opens the desired url with fopen and then parses the html for  -Ursprungliche Nachricht-
> Von: Eric Dahnke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gesendet: Montag, 22. Januar 2001 12:24
> Betreff: Re: [PHP] url hide
> I just asked a similar question two hours ago, and would like 
> to express 
> my interest in this same question.
> Sorry it for a no answer response.
> > Perhaps not related to php but I was wandering, is it 
> possible to hide 
> > site's real url and replace it with something else (some 
> other URL).  ie. 
> > someone clicks on a link on www.blah.co.uk which takes the 
> user to an 
> > designated area (ie. /house-search/) on www.foo.co.uk.  I want 
> > the user still to see www.blah.co.uk. This is just for 
> aesthetic reasons 
> > since ones the user finishes the search for houses (on 
> > www.foo.co.uk/house-search/) he/she will return to www.blah.co.uk. 
> > 
> > I have tried www.javascripts.com but no success??
> > 
> > Thanks
> > 
> > Ajdin
> -- 
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AW: [PHP] Non-existant folders??

2001-01-23 Thread Sebastian Stadtlich


you can do that by assigning custom error pages if you use apache.
if you have access to the hhtp.conf place this in it :

ErrorDocument 404 /redirect.php

is you can't access httpd.conf you can hope that you are allowed to
overide it by a .htaccess

in redirect.php you need to parse the $REDIRECT_SCRIPT_URI
to know what the user wanted to see.
also you have to send a header("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");. otherwise
apache will ad 404 by itself an IE will display it's stupid
own errormessages


> Hi,
> I'm creating a little app whereby people will be able to 
> create a simple
> site for themselves (maybe 10 html pages).
> here's the problem:
> say their company is called "companyname" and my site is called
> "www.mysite.com" i'd like their site to be located at
> "http://www.mysite.com/companyname"
> Is there a way i can do this without creating indivual 
> folders for each
> company.I'd like the whole creation process to be automated.
> I'm sure the ftp functions in php would allow for the 
> generation of new
> folders for each,but since all content/style etc. will be 
> pulled from a DB
> it's seems to me a little pointless having all these folders 
> with the same
> php page in each.essentially i'd like a php script to run 
> automatically each
> time taking what looks like a folder name and making a call 
> to the db using
> this name as a variable.
> easy,difficult or impossible?
> thanx,
> adrian
> -- 
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[PHP] bug with sessions and output-compression?????

2001-04-27 Thread Sebastian Stadtlich


I just rewrote a website to use sessions all over the site. on one page
i used
output-compression just to test it. if i use MSIE everything just works
fine, BUT:
if i use Netscape WITHOUT cookies the PHP does not rewrite the relative
here is the code of the page :

function my_obstart() {
$encoding = getenv("HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING");
if (eregi("gzip",$encoding))
} else

i can't view the html-source-code when using netscape and compression,
so i don't
know exactly what arrives at the browser



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AW: [PHP] remotly include file

2001-05-08 Thread Sebastian Stadtlich

> include("http://www.somehost.ext/path/to/include/include.php";);

i don't think that is a goob idea...
if it works ( what i'm not sure ) you would get the complete output of
the file,
BUT in that remote file you would miss the parameters,etc from the
calling script.
is it is on the same server ( hardwarelike ) then u can use the complete
path to include it
eg : include('/home/www/blah/yourfile.php')


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AW: AW: [PHP] remotly include file

2001-05-08 Thread Sebastian Stadtlich

> i think the proplem is, that within the included file there are other
> files included (and so on...).
> Error Message:
> Warning: Failed opening 'inc/var_general.inc.php3' for inclusion
> (include_path='') in /opt/...

i think you gave the answer yourself.
you need to use the full path to the includes in that includefile
it probably be easiest to handle if in the file to be included you use

the variable customroot should be empty on normal inclusion, but on the
different dir
u use


anyhow: you need to rewrite the files that need to be included 

> May you know a solution?
> thanx
> dominic
> -- 
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AW: [PHP] Kill a cookie....

2001-05-16 Thread Sebastian Stadtlich

you kill a cookie by setting an emty one with the same name


> -Ursprungliche Nachricht-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 16. Mai 2001 18:39
> Betreff: [PHP] Kill a cookie
> I am using setCookie("cookie1", "$form_variable")
> Is there a command like killCookie?
> I am finding that my pages are remembering cookies after they 
> are needed.
> I've looked on php.net, but couldn't find anything.
> Tris...
> **
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RE: [PHP] Help! OCIFetchInto does not work at all

2001-05-17 Thread Sebastian Stadtlich

please try this :
OCIFetchInto ($stmt, $row, OCI_ASSOC);
usually i also use a second modifier



> I'm tryibg to execute a simple query on Oracle:
> $stmt=OCIParse($cn,"select * from grisha");
> OCIExecute($stmt);
> OCIFetchInto ($stmt, &$row, OCI_ASSOC);
> But $row is always empty and OCIFetchInto  returns nothing. 
> The table is not
> empty, I can execute the same query directly on SQL*Plus 
> Worksheet and it
> returns rows, but with PHP it returns nothing.
> What is wrong in this code?
> Grishick.
> -- 
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AW: AW: [PHP] Kill a cookie....

2001-05-17 Thread Sebastian Stadtlich

LOOK at the manual!!!
a cookie new cookie value is just accessible on the next page


> -Ursprungliche Nachricht-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 17. Mai 2001 11:56
> Betreff: Re: AW: [PHP] Kill a cookie
> Thanks to all who replied.
> I am really confused as to why, at teh very top of my page, I 
> have told the
> cookie to set to null.
> and then in the last part of my php, just before my head tag, 
> I re-set teh
> cookie.
> but the old value still remains.
> What am I doing wrong???
> Thanks you guys, I'll get there in the end.
> Tris... ;)
> you kill a cookie by setting an emty one with the same name
> www.php.net/setcookie
> sebastian
> =
> >
> > I am using setCookie("cookie1", "$form_variable")
> >
> > Is there a command like killCookie?
> >
> > I am finding that my pages are remembering cookies after they
> > are needed.
> >
> > I've looked on php.net, but couldn't find anything.
> > Tris...
> **
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[PHP] apache and php ate up all my memory :-[

2001-06-19 Thread Sebastian Stadtlich

Hi all

Probably some Apache/mysql/php-Admin gurus can give me a hint :
i just moved a website to it's own server ( my first one).
now apache had eaten up all physical and virtual memory
some httpd had allocated 45MB of RAM, memory ran out myqsl crashed...

php is compiled in to apache 
Apache/1.3.19 (Unix) PHP/4.0.4pl1 
these are the relevant entries is my  httpd.conf
Timeout 300
KeepAlive On
MaxKeepAliveRequests 500
KeepAliveTimeout 15
MinSpareServers 5
MaxSpareServers 20
StartServers 20
MaxClients 150
MaxRequestsPerChild 500

in the php.ini

memory_limit = 8M 
( but i think that has nothing to do with it)

i can't find anything in the logfiles exept that some httpd were already
killed by itself, because
there was no memory left that they could eat
needless to say that my site does NOT get that much traffic that the
server was at the edge
of it's capacity.


AW: [PHP] .htaccess logout sequence

2001-06-20 Thread Sebastian Stadtlich

the key to logout is the realmname.
the browser will always send password etc again to the same 
realm as long as you don't close it.
extend the realmname by a random number or timestamp and store it in a
session or wherever.
to logout change that realmname...


> -Ursprungliche Nachricht-
> Von: Chris Aitken [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 20. Juni 2001 05:53
> Betreff: [PHP] .htaccess logout sequence
> Hi All.
> I have a query which has confused me a bit. I have a database 
> setup where I 
> use htaccess (using apache/php/mysql on a freebsd 3.4 box) to 
> grant access, 
> then it grabs the users info from the database, sets a cookie 
> and pretty 
> much lets the system know whos doing what on the db.
> What I do want to do however is have the facility to have a 
> logout option 
> where it ditches all info about the current logged in user, 
> fires them back 
> to the start of the system and re-requests the htaccess login window.
> My past attempts have failed miserably so I thought I would 
> ask around and 
> see if anyone else has had any success (without changing to a 
> different 
> method of auth :)
> Cheers
> Chris
>Chris Aitken - Webmaster/Database Designer - IDEAL Internet
> email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  phone: +61 2 4628   fax: +61 2 
> 4628 8890
>  If the foo shits, call your sysadmin

[PHP] apache and php ate up all my memory :-[

2001-06-22 Thread Sebastian Stadtlich

Hi all

Probably some Apache/mysql/php-Admin gurus can give me a hint :
i just moved a website to it's own server ( my first one).
now apache had eaten up all physical and virtual memory
some httpd had allocated 45MB of RAM, memory ran out myqsl crashed...

php is compiled in to apache 
Apache/1.3.19 (Unix) PHP/4.0.4pl1 
these are the relevant entries is my  httpd.conf
Timeout 300
KeepAlive On
MaxKeepAliveRequests 500
KeepAliveTimeout 15
MinSpareServers 5
MaxSpareServers 20
StartServers 20
MaxClients 150
MaxRequestsPerChild 500

in the php.ini

memory_limit = 8M 
( but i think that has nothing to do with it)

i can't find anything in the logfiles exept that some httpd were already
killed by itself, because
there was no memory left that they could eat
needless to say that my site does NOT get that much traffic that the
server was at the edge
of it's capacity.


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AW: [PHP] apache and php ate up all my memory :-[

2001-06-25 Thread Sebastian Stadtlich
.5 53228 8944 ?SJun22   0:17
/usr/libexec/mysqld --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf --basedir=/usr --data
mysql12700  0.0  3.5 53228 8944 ?SJun22   0:27
/usr/libexec/mysqld --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf --basedir=/usr --data
mysql12701  0.0  3.5 53228 8944 ?SJun22   0:00
/usr/libexec/mysqld --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf --basedir=/usr --data
mysql 3113  0.0  3.5 53228 8944 ?SJun24   1:02
/usr/libexec/mysqld --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf --basedir=/usr --data
mysql 3759  0.0  3.5 53228 8944 ?SJun24   0:01
/usr/libexec/mysqld --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf --basedir=/usr --data
root 20367  0.0  0.8  4648 2048 ?S00:01   0:00
apache   32210  0.1  3.7 18304 9576 ?S13:32   0:00
apache   32353  0.1  1.3  6024 3556 ?S13:35   0:00
apache   32354  0.2  2.0  9168 5108 ?S13:35   0:00
apache   32355  0.2  1.9  8764 5080 ?S13:35   0:00
apache   32440  0.0  1.7  7504 4508 ?S13:37   0:00
apache   32453  0.1  1.8  8724 4648 ?S13:38   0:00
apache   32454  0.1  1.6  7464 4152 ?S13:38   0:00
apache   32542  0.0  1.5  6788 3928 ?S13:39   0:00
apache   32566  0.1  1.1  4980 2828 ?S13:40   0:00
apache   32579  0.5  1.5  7112 3980 ?S13:40   0:00
apache   32581  0.0  0.9  4764 2416 ?S13:40   0:00
apache   32582  0.0  0.9  4808 2532 ?S13:40   0:00

i have to thank you...


> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Chadwick, Russell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gesendet: Freitag, 22. Juni 2001 20:59
> Betreff: RE: [PHP] apache and php ate up all my memory :-[
> Can you post the information at the header of top
> like...
> CPU states:  0.4% user,  0.0% nice,  3.6% system,  0.0% 
> interrupt, 96.1%
> idle
> Mem: 47M Active, 147M Inact, 36M Wired, 11M Cache, 35M Buf, 7328K Free
> Swap: 1024M Total, 144K Used, 1024M Free
> and also the output of 
> ps waux | grep mysql && ps waux | grep httpd
> Thx
> ---
> Toolshed Computer Productions - Professional PHP Hosting
>  Hosting - Dedicated Servers - Design - Programming
>  http://www.toolshed51.com
> -Original Message-
> From: Sebastian Stadtlich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, June 22, 2001 6:36 AM
> Subject: [PHP] apache and php ate up all my memory :-[
> Hi all
> Probably some Apache/mysql/php-Admin gurus can give me a hint :
> i just moved a website to it's own server ( my first one).
> now apache had eaten up all physical and virtual memory
> some httpd had allocated 45MB of RAM, memory ran out myqsl crashed...
> php is compiled in to apache 
> Apache/1.3.19 (Unix) PHP/4.0.4pl1 
> these are the relevant entries is my  httpd.conf
> Timeout 300
> KeepAlive On
> MaxKeepAliveRequests 500
> KeepAliveTimeout 15
> MinSpareServers 5
> MaxSpareServers 20
> StartServers 20
> MaxClients 150
> MaxRequestsPerChild 500
> in the php.ini
> memory_limit = 8M 
> ( but i think that has nothing to do with it)
> i can't find anything in the logfiles exept that some httpd 
> were already
> killed by itself, because
> there was no memory left that they could eat
> needless to say that my site does NOT get that much traffic that the
> server was at the edge
> of it's capacity.
> HELP...
> Sebastian 
> -- 
> PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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AW: [PHP] Help with PHP/Oracle and serializing data

2001-06-26 Thread Sebastian Stadtlich

NEVER use long

varchar2 for < 4k
or clob for longer

does long still exist in oracle9 
i thought it is supposed to be left out
( as soon as possible )

to your question at first :
why don't you try to overwrite the php session handling funktions?
serialisation is done by them and you need just to save in db
look here : http://www.phpbuilder.net/columns/ying2602.php3
i always wanted to do that, but newer did...
if you make it code snipplets are welcome


> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: infoz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 26. Juni 2001 12:42
> An: Michael Champagne; PHP General Mailing List
> Betreff: Re: [PHP] Help with PHP/Oracle and serializing data
> If the data will be less than ~4K, use 'varchar2', otherwise 
> use 'long'.
> - Tim
>   http://www.phptemplates.org
> - Original Message -
> From: "Michael Champagne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "PHP General Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, June 25, 2001 2:42 PM
> Subject: [PHP] Help with PHP/Oracle and serializing data
> > I'm developing a web application and would like to be able 
> to store the
> state
> > of the application in an Oracle table by serializing a 
> bunch of variables
> and
> > storing them in the database.  Has anyone done this?  What 
> datatype would
> be
> > best to use here?  I'm not serializing too much data now, but other
> > applications that we do in the future may.  Would this be a 
> place to use a
> > CLOB or should I stick with varchar2?  Thanks!
> -- 
> PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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AW: [PHP] Stopping stolen / spoofed / linked sessions

2001-06-28 Thread Sebastian Stadtlich

there is an option in php ini :

session.referer_check = 

which should fit your needs

not sure how to use it, but probably one of the php-developers on this
can assist...


> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: adam (dahamsta) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 27. Juni 2001 19:39
> Betreff: [PHP] Stopping stolen / spoofed / linked sessions
> [Please copy replies off-list.]
> I want to use PHP4 sessions for authentication, but I'm 
> having difficulty 
> understanding how to get around users spoofing, stealing or 
> linking sessions. 
> Here's an example: Alice sends Bob a link from a site she's 
> logged into. 
> Alice has cookies turned off in her browser, so the session 
> id will be in the 
> URL she sends Bob. Eve intercepts the message, follows the 
> link and now she 
> can take over Alice's session, and any data that is 
> associated with that 
> session. For that matter, Bob can do the same thing.
> I can think of lots of ways around this, but most of them are 
> kludges that 
> don't really cut it. I can store a second authentication 
> value in a cookie, 
> but that would require cookies, which isn't acceptable. I 
> could propogate a 
> second authentication variable in the URL, but that's a lot 
> of hassle and 
> defeats the purpose of PHP sessions. I can check the 
> HTTP_REFERER to see if 
> the user came from my own site, but that can be spoofed. I 
> can log and check 
> the users IP address, but that can't be relied upon.
> Is there any reliable way around this? Am I missing something obvious?
> Cheers,
> adam
> -- 
> PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP] how to determine size of gz-handler output

2001-06-29 Thread Sebastian Stadtlich

Hi all

I'd like to know how small my content gets when i use 
so far i tried 
echo "\n";

but it outputs 

while apache says in its logfile: - - [29/Jun/2001:12:43:59 +0200] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 2028

i'm starting to get confused...


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AW: [PHP] caching

2001-07-03 Thread Sebastian Stadtlich

you could attach a random number as a get parameter

that image would hardly ever be cached...


> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Jon Yaggie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 31. Mai 2001 00:36
> Betreff: [PHP] caching
> Ok I am dynamically creating images.  my problem is my 
> browser is caching the images (or at least half ot them - i 
> see no particular system to which)  i have no idea how to 
> stop this.  i have tried using the header Cache-Control: 
> no-cahe  However it seems to have no helped.  maybe i am 
> using it wrongly?  is there another method i can clear the 
> browser cache?
> Thank You,
> Jon Yaggie
> www.design-monster.com
> And they were singing . . . 
> '100 little bugs in the code
> 100 bugs in the code
> fix one bug, compile it again
> 101 little bugs in the code
> 101 little bugs in the code . . .'
> And it continued until they reached 0

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AW: [PHP] Very urgent!!!

2001-07-06 Thread Sebastian Stadtlich

have a look here :
second example should answer all your questions...


> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Duy B [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gesendet: Samstag, 9. Januar 1999 00:16
> Betreff: [PHP] Very urgent!!!
> Dear all,
> Is there anybody know how to upload a file gif or jpg from a 
> form into Oracle database?
> I am very keen to solve that problem. Please show me soon.
> Thanks you very much.
> Best regards,
> BaoDuy 

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[PHP] please don't flame : it's an editor-question

2001-12-06 Thread Sebastian Stadtlich

I use PHPed for ages now, since it has one feature that i definitely
need :
if i have used the variable $fooBar somewhere in a script, then i just
have to type
'$fo' and the editor shows me all valiables that start with '$fo' and i
just have to hit
Enter to use it. 
I know of pleanty editors that have that feature for php-functions, but
i want it for
variablenames. PhpEd has lots of bugs, which are not fixed since it's
gone commercial.
I can't afford 299$ for an Texteditor,so :
Does anyone know of a free/cheap Edtor that has this feature?



[PHP] crashed apache-processes eat up my cpu

2002-11-21 Thread sebastian stadtlich
Sorry it is not 100% sure that this PHP relatet, but since PHP
is the only thing i run on the Server it is very likely :
Every day i find strange httpd-processes that eat up my cpu power.
# /top
 336 nobody17   0  6012 6012  4944 R95.9  0.5  55:49 httpd
32745 nobody19   0  6324 6324  4864 R95.5  0.6  55:01 httpd
it is PHP 4.2.3 running on apache 1.3.37
Question Nr 1 : Did anyone ever have something similar an found a
solution ?
Question Nr 2 : How can i track what this process is doing? strace -p
{pid} does not output anything
Question Nr 3 : Does someone have a script that automatically kill
process that reach a certain amount of CPU Time?

AW: [PHP] Oracle question

2001-07-10 Thread Sebastian Stadtlich

oracle does not have an autoincrement.
it has the more powerfull concept of TRIGGERS
unfortunatelly you have to write them in pl/sql or java...
have a look on the net for oracle trigger tutorial or
you can 
find a super oracle-feature-documentation here :

which features a small non-trigger-work-around


> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Duy B [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 10. Juli 2001 04:36
> Betreff: [PHP] Oracle question
> Dear all,
> If i want to use id field in Oracle database, how can i do?
> For example, in MySQL
> create table test (
> id int not null auto-increment primary key,
> ten char(10));
> So that, when i insert a new row into MySQL database, id 
> increases by 1.
> But in Oracle i couldn't use as that.
> Somebody could help me.
> Thanks you all,
> BaoDuy

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[PHP] how to use/compile ssl with apache and php?

2001-07-10 Thread Sebastian Stadtlich

I had to recompile apache on my redhat 7.1, because the default
missed some 'features'. I acomplished that since it was well documented
the php readme/install.
But now i need ssl in that apache too. is there a EASY way to do that?
a small tutorial?
all i found with google were big tutorials which involved apache
patching and NO PHP.
could someone explain me what i need to ad to the apache compiling
string ?
( i build php in apache )


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AW: [PHP] global.asa or application.cfm equivalent?

2001-07-10 Thread Sebastian Stadtlich

> Hello, is there an equivalent of the global.asa (ASP) or 
> application.cfm

, but usually you can work around that by 
a sessionstuff
b persistent DB connections + storing information there
c enviroment vars
d ...
what do you need it for?


> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Frédéric Mériot [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 10. Juli 2001 14:33
> Betreff: [PHP] global.asa or application.cfm equivalent?

> (cold fusion) in PHP?
> -- 
> PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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AW: [PHP] Access to oracle db

2001-07-10 Thread Sebastian Stadtlich


did you specify the third 'optional' parameter?
OCILogon (string username, string password [, string db])

db should be your tnsname
on windows i could not make it without that parameter.
it should be set as enviroment variable ORACLE_SID,
but that did not work for me on win( it does on linux )
despite that no further configuration was needed by me after installing
oracle client


> -Ursprungliche Nachricht-
> Auftrag von Parisi Giuliano
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 10. Juli 2001 17:10
> Betreff: [PHP] Access to oracle db
> Hi,
> I've installed Apache server and PHP interpreter on Microsoft Windows
> platform. I'm trying to access to Oracle db without results (I've
> installed Oracle client and configured tnsnames.ora file). PHP
> interpreter return following error:
> Oracle: Connection Failed: ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve 
> service name
> in ...
> I think that Oracle client used by PHP doesn't find tnsnames.ora file
> (I've tryied to move tnsnames.ora file from installation folder to
> another folder and error message doesn't change).
> sqlplus utility, that used the same tnsnames.ora file, 
> correctly access
> to oracle db without problem .
> The question is: how can I configure PHP to enable access to oracle db
> via oracle client ?
> Thanks in advantage for any suggestion.
> Regards
> Giuliano
> -- 
> PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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AW: AW: [PHP] Access to oracle db

2001-07-10 Thread Sebastian Stadtlich

which oracle version do you use?
if it is 8.x then you should use the OCI-Functions
not ora
if it is not 8.X then i can't help.
( and you should upgrade :-] )
the tnsnames.ora looks ok
ocilogon("sr_tst" , "sr_tst","ORATEST");


> -Ursprungliche Nachricht-
> Auftrag von Parisi Giuliano
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 10. Juli 2001 17:49
> An: Sebastian Stadtlich
> Cc: 'Php-General (E-Mail)
> Betreff: Re: AW: [PHP] Access to oracle db
> HI,
> I use this PHP call to open an Oracle db connection:
> ora_logon("sr_tst@ORATEST" , "sr_tst")
> where user=password=sr_tst and service name is ORATEST .
> My tnsnames.ora contains:
>   (Host = offida)
>   (Port = 1525)
> )
> )
>   )
> Thanks
> Giuliano
> Sebastian Stadtlich wrote:
> > hi
> >
> > did you specify the third 'optional' parameter?
> > OCILogon (string username, string password [, string db])
> >
> > db should be your tnsname
> > on windows i could not make it without that parameter.
> > it should be set as enviroment variable ORACLE_SID,
> > but that did not work for me on win( it does on linux )
> > despite that no further configuration was needed by me 
> after installing
> > the
> > oracle client
> >
> > sebastian
> >
> > > -Ursprungliche Nachricht-
> > Auftrag von Parisi Giuliano
> > Gesendet: Dienstag, 10. Juli 2001 17:10
> > Betreff: [PHP] Access to oracle db
> >
> >
> > Hi,
> > I've installed Apache server and PHP interpreter on Microsoft
> > platform. I'm trying to access to Oracle db without results (I've
> > installed Oracle client and configured tnsnames.ora file). PHP
> > interpreter return following error:
> >
> > Oracle: Connection Failed: ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve
> > service name
> > in ...
> >
> > I think that Oracle client used by PHP doesn't find tnsnames.ora
> > (I've tryied to move tnsnames.ora file from installation folder to
> > another folder and error message doesn't change).
> > sqlplus utility, that used the same tnsnames.ora file,
> > correctly access
> > to oracle db without problem .
> > The question is: how can I configure PHP to enable access to oracle
> > via oracle client ?
> > Thanks in advantage for any suggestion.
> > Regards
> >
> > Giuliano
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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> >

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AW: [PHP] Image manipulation

2001-07-10 Thread Sebastian Stadtlich



> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Kevin Pratt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 10. Juli 2001 19:05
> Betreff: [PHP] Image manipulation
> Does any one know if you can check the dimensions of a GIF file?
> Thanks
> Kevin
> -- 
> PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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AW: [PHP] Speed of loding PHP pages

2001-07-11 Thread Sebastian Stadtlich

recently heard of a review which measured that 
IE 6(on win) was 3 times faster with 'tricky'-pages then 
everything else on win & linux.
looking at HTML specifications it also won with 93% of supported 
the review as in a linux mag/webpage 

( even opera which runs VERY nice in my opinion.
if it would only were better at javascript)


> -Ursprungliche Nachricht-
> Von: Brian S. Dunworth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 11. Juli 2001 19:18
> An: php list
> Betreff: RE: [PHP] Speed of loding PHP pages
> Are IE and Netscape both set the same as far as caching?
>  -
>Brian S. Dunworth
>Sr. Software Development Engineer
>Oracle Database Administrator
>The Printing House, Ltd.
>(850) 875-1500  x225
>  -
> -Original Message-
> Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2001 12:48 PM
> To:   php list
> Subject:  [PHP] Speed of loding PHP pages
> Hi,
> Has anyone tries any test loading PHP pages into IE 5.x and Netscape
> 4.7x?
> As an experiment, I have a page that issues a phpinfo().  
> WIth I.E. 5.5,
> it takes about 3 seconds.  With Netscape 4.77, it takes almost 20
> seconds.
> Thanks,
> Don
> -- 
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AW: [PHP] Re: Detection of no cookies?

2001-07-12 Thread Sebastian Stadtlich

that does not work since cookie will just be available on the next
 a hack could be just to try to set one, like
> if (setcookie(...)) {
> "the user has cookies";
> } else {
> echo "No cookies";
> exit;
> }

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AW: [PHP] Alternative to phpMyAdmin

2001-07-13 Thread Sebastian Stadtlich

> > one, but postgresql is 5432) and therefore where you are is not an
> > issue.
> Well, the issue is, that normally, connects to mysql are NOT 
> allowed from any arbitrary host.  Normally, in safe setups, 
> network connections to mysql are not possible.  And if they 
> are, you need to specify a ip from which connects are allowed.


as it happens i'm just installing my webserver...
i'd like to set it up just like that, but don't know how..
of cause i set it in mysql, but i don't trust mysql,
so it'd like linux ( redhat 7.1) take care of that .
all connections just from localip or my STATIC work ip

could you/or someone help?

> -- 
> Homepage:http://www.digitalprojects.com   |   
> http://www.iso-top.de
> iso-top.de - Die günstige Art an Linux Distributionen zu kommen
> -- 
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[PHP] PHP/Sendmail interaction : how to get rid of wrong emails

2001-08-28 Thread Sebastian Stadtlich

Hi all
I'm facing the Problem that lots of my users are too stupid to write
their email correct.
When i mail them with php a return email is send to me by their
mailserver, which
results in LOTS of mail for the root account.
Can i get sendmail to put the returned emails in a file? so that i can
check that file with php
and delete those mails from my DB ?
or is there a way to check the email when they enter it in a form
(online versus their mailserver)?
i already check for wrong email syntax, but that does not solve the

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AW: [PHP] PHP/Sendmail interaction : how to get rid of wrong emails

2001-08-28 Thread Sebastian Stadtlich

any hint where to find the perl mod or some php-code that
contacts mailservers like you described?

> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Jon Farmer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 28. August 2001 16:14
> An: Sebastian Stadtlich; 'Php-General (E-Mail)
> Betreff: RE: [PHP] PHP/Sendmail interaction : how to get rid of wrong
> emails
> Well on submission of the email you could try contacting 
> their mail server
> and pretend to a have a mail for them using SMTP.
> If you get a "recipient ok" or similar message.. ,thre is a 
> code for it,
> then at least the server accepts mail for that address. You 
> might be better
> off croning this rather than have the user wait on a http request.
> Alternatively there is a perl mod that does this as well.
> Secondly you could write a script that downloads the mail 
> from root and
> deletes out the database anything that bounces. You could 
> even delete these
> messages from the root account once done
> Regards
> Jon
> --
> Jon Farmer  Õ¿Õ¬
> Systems Programmer, Entanet www.enta.net
> Tel +44 (0)1952 428969 Mob +44 (0)7968 524175
> PGP Key available, send blank email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -Original Message-
> From: Sebastian Stadtlich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 28 August 2001 15:08
> To: 'Php-General (E-Mail)
> Subject: [PHP] PHP/Sendmail interaction : how to get rid of 
> wrong emails
> Hi all
> I'm facing the Problem that lots of my users are too stupid to write
> their email correct.
> When i mail them with php a return email is send to me by their
> mailserver, which
> results in LOTS of mail for the root account.
> Can i get sendmail to put the returned emails in a file? so that i can
> check that file with php
> and delete those mails from my DB ?
> or is there a way to check the email when they enter it in a form
> (online versus their mailserver)?
> i already check for wrong email syntax, but that does not solve the
> problem...
> Sebastian
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP] HELP : How to suggest a download-filename for IE on MAC

2001-08-29 Thread Sebastian Stadtlich

HELP i'm desperate
I try to write a downloadskript, which results in the fillowing URL :

yes you guessed right : securedownload does some auth-stuff 
it works on win2000 IE 6.0,5.5 NE 6.0 AND 4.76. it also works well on 
MAC when used with Netscape 4.5 but not when used with IE 5.
it always suggests 'securedownload.php' as the filename, which of cause
I tried EVERY combination of the suggested headers at www.php.net/header
but can't get it to work.
here is what i use :

header( "Content-type: application/download\n" );
header( "Content-Disposition: filename=$download" );
header( "Content-Description: PHP3 Generated Data" );


Anyone ever found a solution for MAC ??
( i hate Mac, but my boss uses one, so ... )


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[PHP] AW: HELP : How to suggest a download-filename for IE on MAC

2001-08-30 Thread Sebastian Stadtlich

Thanks David

That behavior is the best i could acomplish be header() also.
But i found another way :
1. I link to a nonexiting directroy:
2. i catch 404s by htaccess redirection
3. i parse the REDIRECT_URI if the request is for a pdf in that vitual
4. if true and the file exists i include the downloadscript, which
checks for authorisation
5. else raise either authentication of 404
6. works on all browsers 

thanks for your suggestions


> -Ursprungliche Nachricht-
> Von: David Minor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 30. August 2001 07:11
> An: Sebastian Stadtlich
> Betreff: re: HELP : How to suggest a download-filename for IE on MAC
> I just submitted my results from a download script test.  You can see 
> the full results in the archive search "force download".
> The short version is:
> IE for Mac users must click and hold the link until the 
> contextual menu 
> appears and choose the option "Download Link to Disk".
> This is not what I was wanting either, but alas ...
> I put up a javascript pop up window with instructions for IE for mac 
> users.  Not the best news, but hope this helps.
> David Minor

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[PHP] need help with compiling apc-cache

2001-09-05 Thread Sebastian Stadtlich

I'm completely desperate. it looks i'm missing something when i try to
install the cache on my server :-[
maybe anyone can have a quick look and point me to my error. Thanks in
i try to install APC on my redhat 7.1 server.
I use apache apache_1.3.19 and built php in it.
( is that possible at all??? )
what i do is :
copy files to /usr/src/php4.0.6/ext/apc
cd /usr/src/php4.0.6/
make clean
./configure  --enable-apc --with-config-file-path=/etc --disable-debug
--with-exec-dir=/usr/bin --with-regex=system --with-gettext --with-gd
--with-jpeg-dir=/usr --with-png --with-zlib --enable-magic-quotes
--enable-sockets --enable-track-vars --enable-ftp --with-mysql
--with-xml --enable-trans-sid --with-apache=../apache_1.3.19
make install
cd ../apache_1.3.19
./configure --prefix=/www --activate-module=src/modules/php4/libphp4.a
edit php.ini :
apc.mode = mmap
apc.cachedir = /tmp
then i stop my webserver, copy the new httpd into /www/bin , start it
all i get is :
Call to undefined function: apc_cache_index() 
what am i missing
or does it neither work as static build in or with php 4.0.6 

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[PHP] Any known reason, why 'ob_start("ob_gzhandler")' does not work?

2001-11-09 Thread Sebastian Stadtlich

Hi all
I have two scripts on the server in the SAME directory.
both have this line in the beginning:
in one script it works. in the other it does not...
it buffers, but does not zip the html...
the one where it does not work is VERy huge and does lots of stuff, so i
can't post it here.
what could prevent the gz_handler from  working
this drives me nuts


2003-02-28 Thread Sebastian Stadtlich
Hi all

Is this a Bug? or a feature that i don't understand ?

This is what I do:

mytest.php :
$mycmsdataquery="SELECT * FROM foo";
$mycmsdataresult = mysql_query($mycmsdataquery,$mycmsconn);
$mycmsdatarow = mysql_fetch_array($mycmsdataresult);
I test versus my firewall :

292486 3685K ACCEPT tcp  --  anyany anywhere
anywhere   state ESTABLISHED tcp spt:mysql
291249 65053 ACCEPT tcp  --  anyany anywhere
anywhere   state NEW,ESTABLISHED tcp dpt:mysql

then i restart my firewall and do :
mytest.php :

$mycmsdataquery="SELECT * FROM foo";
$mycmsdataresult = mysql_query($mycmsdataquery,$mycmsconn);
$mycmsdatarow = mysql_fetch_array($mycmsdataresult);

/etc/init.d/firewall.sh status | grep mysql

292486 3684K ACCEPT tcp  --  anyany anywhere
anywhere   state ESTABLISHED tcp spt:mysql
291249 65053 ACCEPT tcp  --  anyany anywhere
anywhere   state NEW,ESTABLISHED tcp dpt:mysql

( needless to say that the database server is on a remote host)

No compresion here? 
could anybody please verify this? then i would file in a bug report on



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