Re: [PHP] HTTPS vs. HTTP ?

2002-07-07 Thread Tracker 1

Personally, I think the concept of NEEDING https is a bit rediculous.

Generally, trying to get through the front door, would be the same as
trying to get through a concrete wall with a baseball bat...

Now, finding a back door, and getting at THEIR database is the REAL key.
people don't generally try and hack routers... most current router systems
haven't been hacked.. there are attempts, same as anything else.. it just
isn't very common.

if you can steal the keys, you can steal the database, which holds more
than stealing a site for a few minutes.

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Richard Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 In public key cryptography, it is the *keys*, not the digital
 certificate that encrypt/decrypt the communication.


 I break into his co-lo, I walk off with his computer, and I break into his
 office, I walk off with his computers, I kill the guy, and I kidnap his

 I have everything.

 I have his Certs, his keys, his server, his domain, *EVERYTHING*.

 This is not *IMPOSSIBLE*, no matter how unlikely it is painted.

 But let me paint a more-likely scenario.

 Some guy sets up a tiny on-line retail shop on his $20/month ISP.

 He gets hacked, never even notices, and his Certs and keys are all stolen.
 Meanwhile, the guy good enough to do that is also good enough to routinely
 hijack his domain name for short periods of time.

 Game Over.

 How about another, even *easier* scenario.

 I set up a nice little retail shop that specializes in hard-to-find items.
 I scour the 'net for things people can't seem to find anywhere else, not
 even eBay.  Nothing big or really expensive, just odd parts and pieces of

 I build a nice big web-site catalog shopping cart.

 I buy a Cert for a whopping $119.

 I collect the credit cards for a day or two, I charge them nine ways to
 Sunday, and I take off.

 Game Over.

 How about an even *easier* scenario:

 I find a web-site that is storing the credit-card numbers in their database,
 and rip them off.

 Game Over.

 that issued his certificate, he may as well let you run your rogue site
 off of his server; it's the same difference.


 Or, he may as well be the criminal and *GET* a CA signed certificate for
 his criminal web-site.

 I do not trust that a CA Signed Cert is worth the bits its stored in.

 If you trust Microsoft with Security, shop away.

 Think of it this way. Let's use as an example.
 Do you trust doing business with them? I sure do; at least I trust 100%
 that my HTTP requests are going to get to the server
 safely. If someone stole their SSL certificate:


 Real-world example from *MY* personal life:  Stick with
 -- a site you do *NOT* know, you do *NOT* trust, but they are the only ones
 that have the power-supply you need to run your laptop.

 You can:
 A) Throw away your laptop.
 B) Risk the fact that an unknown site with a CA Signed Certificate
 (Ooh I'm impressed (not)) is the only one who can sell you the part you
 need to power the laptop.
 C) Try (and fail miserably) to find the part in real stores, and go back
 to A or B.

 Yes, this really happened to me.

 Yes, I really bought the thing on-line.

 No, I had no trust that they weren't crooks or at least incompetents.

 Yes, that's why the current system is insufficient.

 Yes, that's why I think it is ridiculous that people have essentially been
 trained to trust that little lock icon in the browser, no matter how naive
 that is, and how untrustworthy it is.

 Now, on to stealing their domain name. All of a sudden, Amazon is
 getting no traffic. Think they won't notice?

 Again, forget Amazon.

 There *ARE* on-line retailers who don't get any traffic, whose ISP's are so
 crappy their site is down all the time.

 Think they would notice?

 How quickly?

 What's their response?  Call up the ISP and complain, and the ISP says
 Hmmm, it's working okay now.  Probably just a network outage

 Think it matters since the
 HTTP requests you'll be receiving can't be decrypted by you anyway?

 Assume I've also stolen their Cert and keys and whatever else it takes to
 steal your credit card number.

 Yes, there are fewer sites where that's possible, but is it 0?  No.  Is it
 growing, as more and more mom-n-pop on-line stores are built on $20/month
 hosts with crappy Security?

 Are you telling me you've never walked in to an eCommerce site to find
 major, huge, gaping holes in their security?

 Are you telling me those sites don't exist?

 Actually, assume the 

Re: [PHP] checking the path from which someone has arrived at a specific script

2002-07-04 Thread Tracker 1

Miguel Cruz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message...
  Unfortunately...This is not working.  I went to the php manual and it
  basically stated that not all web sites will post the $HTTP_REFERER.  I
  believe that is what is happening in this case.

 Also, anyone can fake HTTP_REFERER to be anything they want, so it's a
 pretty lousy payment verification mechanism.

Paypal offers the use of a direct response to a url you designate for
verification.. send them to a thank you page, and maybe give them temp
access.. there are directions on setting up verification with paypal
in their payment manuals..

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Re: [PHP] fsockopen question

2002-07-04 Thread Tracker 1

you can do more than one fsockopen, which means you will have
multiple sockets open, however, these are part of the same thread
in the same process.. in other words, you can't do two things at
once by default.. with php-gtk, you can maybe have multiple user
events.. and not sure if you can emulate it..

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Jose Arce [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 So...i can do more than one fsockopen()...but is not multi-thread? i don't
 understand...i mean...if i can open more than one is
 multithread, or in wich cases php open more than one fsockopen?
 thx :D

 From: Martin Towell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: [PHP] fsockopen question
 Date: Thu, 4 Jul 2002 16:39:36 +1000
 you can do more than one fsockopen(), but since php isn't multi-threaded -
 you'll still only be able to download one file at a time.
 -Original Message-
 From: Jose Arce [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, July 04, 2002 4:39 PM
 Subject: [PHP] fsockopen question
 Hi, i'm making a script to transfer all the zips from my old server to my
 new one, i mean, server to server. That's the easy part. The cuestion is:
 Can i open more than just one instance for fsockopen to retrieve more files
 in the same script, at the same time? i mean, not one by one (that will be
 slow), but 4 or 5 at the same time...
 some people think it's possible, some people don't...thx :D
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[PHP] Re: Weird preg problem

2002-07-04 Thread Tracker 1

the /i means case insensitive, remove the i, and it will work as intended.

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Sp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Hi I am trying to check if a word contains only capital letters.  For some
 reason it's not working.  The below example is checking the word weird to
 see if it's all capital letters but it's saying it's matches.  I've tried
 checking for only lower case letters with WEIRD and it's not working there
 too.  What am I doing wrong?

 $pattern = A-Z;
 $regexp = '/^['.$pattern.']*$/i';
 if( preg_match($regexp, weird) )
 echo matches;
 echo does not match;

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[PHP] Re: RegEx question

2002-07-03 Thread Tracker 1

as a preg  /(...)$/

this gives you the last three chars..

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David Busby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 How can I regex to compare the last three chars of a string to php?


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[PHP] Re: RegEx question

2002-07-03 Thread Tracker 1

Richard Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message...
  How can I regex to compare the last three chars of a string to php?

 if (substr($foo, -3) == 'php'){

 Oh, wait, you wanted to use RegEx.  Sorry, can't help you there. :-)

 Don't use a cannon to swat a fly.

probably a good call.. :)

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[PHP] Re: Where do I specify a DSN?

2002-07-03 Thread Tracker 1

Richard Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message...
  I'm getting this error message...where does it come from?
 Warning: SQL error: [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Data source name not
 found, and no default driver specified, SQL state IM002 in SQLConnect in
 /var/www/html/index.php on line 4@

 Microsoft. :-)

 Microsoft defines possible database connections as DSN in the ODBC Control

 Open up the ODBC Control Panel, and make a DSN named foo and point it to
 the database you want to access.

it said unixODBC, not sure what he was trying to connect to though,
may be best to use the native connection drivers?

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[PHP] Re: How to put a new line character with fputs($birthday_file, $content);

2002-06-24 Thread Tracker 1

Download unix2dos.exe (there is also a dos2unix.exe)

If you are running the php on *nix, and wanting to import the file
on excel, you will need it..

Another thing you can do, is create it in an html/table format


this will be read fine by excel regardless of the end of line string.

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Alfredo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 I am saving the result of a query on a text file.  Then I want to open it
 with excel.

 At the moment, when I open it with excel, all results appear in one very
 long line.  How could I insert a new line character at the end of each



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Re: [PHP] is there a function like javascript's in PHP

2002-06-24 Thread Tracker 1

heh, my first thought was to suggest php-gtk g  you are right, I
see this question on asp lists all the time.. :)

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Mark Charette [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 This is a common question, related to the lack of understanding of
 client/server architectures I believe.

 PHP is all server side - a browser is all client side.

 Servers can send data only to the browser, nothing else. The server can
 inquire and gather data from text files and databases, but it will format
 the data into a particular protocol (HTTP most often) and send it to the
 browser. The data may even include lines of text from a language that the
 browser understands, like JavaScript. Or it might be XML data and the
 corresponding XSLT instructions. But ... it can't affect the browser
 directly. Only the embedded instructions that the browser understands can
 actually affect anything on the browser.

 The browser looks at the stream of data provided by the server and decides
 on-the-fly what to do with it. If it sees JavaScript instructions, it may
 decide to interpret them and do some particular action. Or it may decide
 that it doesn't want to play with JavaScript today and just ignore them. It
 may see the XML/XSLT and decide to do something - but it doesn't have to.
 This, of couse, is the bane of Web programmers everywhere. What does the
 browser understand, and what does it do with the data.

 PHP allows us to write programs eaisy on the server to make some decisions
 on what to send a browser, but it cannot act directly on the browser. We
 must depend (somehow) on the browser interpreting what we tell it and then
 acting in a particular way.

 -Original Message-
 From: Jason Wong [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, June 23, 2002 12:17 AM
 Subject: Re: [PHP] is there a function like javascript's in

 On Sunday 23 June 2002 07:21, Burak Delice wrote:
  I wonder that is there a PHP function like into Javascript?


 Jason Wong - Gremlins Associates -
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[PHP] Re: cookies

2002-06-24 Thread Tracker 1

Paul O'Neil [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message...
 If a browser has cookies blocked , anyone have code if unable to
 set cookie then goto another page.

at the top of a page.. psuedo code

if cookie['test'] exists...
if true //cool
if get['cookietest'] exists
cookietest failed, redirect
set test cookie, and redirect to self
with ?cookietest=true

this should work for you... :D

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[PHP] Re: Removing Empty Lines from Text??

2002-06-24 Thread Tracker 1

$strMine = preg.replace(/(\r\n|\r|\n)+/,$strMine,\r\n\r\n);

or \n\n as the replace.. :)

I use the (\r\n|\r|\n) to match against windows, unix,  mac line
terminations...  I usually replace with the windows \r\n

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Jason Caldwell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message...
 Is there an elegant way to remove excess blank lines from my form data?

 For example;  if someone enters the following text and then press' the
 Submit button:

 This is a some text

 This is more text, and yet even more

 What I want to do is remove the excess white space and make it look like

 This is a some text

 This is more text, and yet even more

 My users may press enter too many times and I want to ensure clean text
 and formatting.


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[PHP] Re: Removing Empty Lines from Text??

2002-06-24 Thread Tracker 1

would suggest /(\r\n|\r|\n)+/ especially if the input is from a
browser that could be mac, or windows.. :)

Michael J. Ryan  -  tracker1[*at*]
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Bb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 $var = preg_replace(/\n*/,\n,$var);
 Jason Caldwell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  Is there an elegant way to remove excess blank lines from my form data?
  For example;  if someone enters the following text and then press' the
  Submit button:
  This is a some text
  This is more text, and yet even more
  What I want to do is remove the excess white space and make it look like
  This is a some text
  This is more text, and yet even more
  My users may press enter too many times and I want to ensure clean text
  and formatting.

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