Re: [PHP] If PHP4 existed in 1995 we would of taken over the worldby now

2001-09-04 Thread Michael Kimsal

I don't think "we" need "spies" - the ASP stuff is pretty out in the 
open as
to where they're going.  Visit to get some tutorials on how
to use ASP+ in a commerce environment.  There's some neat things, but most
of it seems overkill, and some of the neat things still seem to lock you 
into a
"web page" mentality (what if I want to output WML instead of HTML? - the
"template system" idea seems suited ONLY to HTML imo). is another site with a lot of info on the new ASP 

Bob wrote:

>Do we have spies on the ASP list?  What are they doing on their end?  Now don't get me
>wrong, I've been coding with PHP and have read every tutorial and article I can get my
>hands on in regards to PHP so I don't want to see my time invested go to waste.  Maybe
>I should be asking on the developers list but I just want to hear some strategic
>direction or preview for PHP5.

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Re: [PHP] PHP on Solaris / Linux with MSSQL Server 7.0 or 2000 on Win2K

2001-09-04 Thread Michael Kimsal

Boaz Yahav wrote:

>I'm currently using PHP 4 on Solaris on a front end server with MySQL on
>Solaris as a db server.
>Since I'm having weird problems with MySQL (3.23.41) on very active
>tables (a 700,000 records table with lots
>or reads and writes) .
>I want to work with MSSQL Server 2000 instead of MySQL, does anyone have
>experience with working with such
>a combination? PHP4 on Solaris as front and Win2K with MSSQL Server 2000
>as db?
>  berber

We use freetds under linux to connect to NT4/SQL7 on the backend.  My 
understanding is that
the freetds project *will* work on Sun, and that if you are using basic 
column type, it'll work with SQL2000. - their FAQ may have some questions on SQL2000, but I 
haven't checked it in awhile.  
There weren't too many protocol changes between 7 and 2000 (from what I 
hear) so the basic
stuff should work the same.

What types of 'weird problems' are you having?  

michael kimsal
php training courses

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Re: [PHP] PHP Stress Testing.

2001-09-04 Thread Michael Kimsal

Goalposts change.

The zdnet eweek article from last november showed PHP being *THE* fastest
between JSP, ASP, CF and PHP.  PHP was 47 pages/second.  ASP was 43, CF
was 25 or 26, and JSP was 13.  The benchmark was a ecommerce store  -
each system had functionally equivalent code, and ran on the same hardware.

CF got 'top honors' because of its 'ease of use'.  PHP was hands down 
than everything else.  ASP was close, and became way faster when MS rewrote
the code, but I suspect someone rewriting the PHP could have optimized 
it to see
a 100% improvement as well.

Part of the point here is that people will knock it for any reason they 
even if they don't know any better.  We have a client (running PHP) who 
was in
a meeting with one of their clients.  Trying to demo a new service, they 
went to
his site, which was responding very slowly (turns out there was some 
problems along the way  - I *think* in the client's own office).  Their 
"IT" guy
(to use the term loosely) noticed the ".php" and said "Oh well, there's 
your problem -
PHP isn't multithreaded - of course it's going to run really slow.  You 
should use our
__ system" (I forget if it was Java or MS).  The guy was full of it, 
everyone in the meeting got the impression that PHP sucked and was slow
because it's not "multithreaded" (as if ANYONE in that room, including that
dweeb, even understood the term, much less it's impact on performance).

So what do you want to benchmark?  Whatever it is, you really should get 
others from
other camps to develop similar code - get an ASP person (who is good) to 
write a similar
app, do the same with Java, etc.  If you want to contact me privately, I 
be interested in discussing this further (organizing, etc)

Andy Woolley wrote:

>Has anyone ever tested PHP, MySQL on Apache to see just how well it will
>work when put under serious pressure.
>Seems that people all over the world are saying how PHP doesnt cut it when
>pushed to the limit, question is what is the limit?
>Anyone interested in setting up a stress test, to try and prove how good PHP
>really is.

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Re: [PHP] remote scripting objects

2001-09-05 Thread Michael Kimsal

The javascript would have to call a PHP script on the server instead of 
an ASP script.  
It's nothing specific to MS stuff.

MailingLists wrote:

> I don't know if it's IIS or ASP that handles this, but there's a beast 
> called a remote scripting object.  It combines JavaScript and ASP to 
> call a remote script on your server without having to submit your 
> browser or load a new page.  SO I can add a value to a form field and 
> in the onchange event for that form call a function which resides in a 
> script on the server, it hits a database or whatever and then returns 
> a value that I can display on the same page.
> Is there any way to do this within a PHP script on Linux? 

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[PHP] Cybercash compiling as shared module

2001-09-07 Thread Michael Kimsal

I'm trying this specifically with the cybercash module.  When I just do
./configure --with-cybercash=/path/to/mck, it works (well, it gets thru 
and make anyway).  

./configure --with-cybercash=/path/to/mck,shared and
./configure --with-cybercash=shared,/path/to/mck

both don't work.  Is Cybercash not something that can be compiled as a 
shared object?

Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:

>>That's not allowing me to simply dl() an SO file, because I don't have the
>>SO file to start with - that's what I was trying to get at.  If I have
>>to reconfigure
>>everything, there's not much point, I don't think.  Unless I'm missing
>>obvious.  I'd like to be able to simply have an SO file I can dl()
>>without recompiling.
>>Or are you saying that that configure statement WILL create an SO file
>>that can
>>be dl()ed later, without recompiling PHP?
>Exactly.  When you do ./configure --with-foo=shared; make
>then modules/ will appear magically and you can dl() that or load it
>using "" in your php.ini.  You don't have to recompile

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Re: [PHP] Re: a general perl like pares of the query string...

2001-09-08 Thread Michael Kimsal

Aaron, CC Zona wrote before that:

If track_vars is on (always true if version >= 4.0.3), then the global vars 
$HTTP_GET_VARS['bob'] and $HTTP_GET_VARS['phil']  are already set.

And if register_globals is on, then the global vars $bob and $phil are also 
already set.

Taking from your original post -


If you create a file.php in your server, and hit it with 
you should just be able to say

and you'll get "manager" printed out for you.  Most installations of 
PHP, by default,
create variables for you from the GET string parameters.  There can be a 
security concern
if you're not careful to validate the data that you get in from those 
GET strings,
but this 'ease of use' (not having to use that Perl stuff from below, or 
firing up
every request) is one of the main attractions to PHP for beginning 

CC Zona also wrote that you can use the $HTTP_GET_VARS array (which would
be the equivalent to the $fields{} array that is created below.  One really
nifty thing about PHP that isn't addressed in your Perl snippet below is 
arrays -


would give me an array called $name with 3 elements in it.  There's most 
a Perl module to handle that (does handle that) but it's handled 
in PHP.  

Aaron Moore wrote:

>Well hers teh perl version of the the parser... how do i convert this to php
>$tmp = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};
>@pairs = split(/&/, $tmp);
>foreach $item (@pairs) {
> ($key, $content) = split(/=/,$item,2);
> $content =~ tr/+/ /;
> $content =~ s/%(..)/pack("c",hex($1))/ge;
> $fields{$key} = $content;

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Re: [PHP] Assigning output of include() to a variable

2001-09-09 Thread Michael Kimsal

file() probably won't do it, unless you call an http:// file request to
your webserver - PHP won't execute other PHP code in another file when
pulled in thru file().

What you are looking for is most likely output buffering.

Read up on ob_start at  Basically turn output buffering
on, include() the file, grab the contents from the output buffer, put them
into $x, and clear the buffer.  There should be an example or 2 at the
website. also had an article on output buffering.

Michael Kimsal

On Mon, 10 Sep 2001, Jason Brooke wrote:

> > Hi,
> >
> > I've been trying to figure this thing out for 3 hours now. Lets say we
> have
> > a variable $x. Now I need to assign $x with similar output that comes from
> > an include function.
> >
> > For anyone who did not understand me --> Instead of the stupid include()
> > function outputing the file contents to the browser I need it to assign it
> > to variable x.
> >
> > I am pretty sure inlude() cannot do it but is there any other function
> > similar to include() that will process the file and then assign the output
> > to a variable.
> >
> > Thanks in advance
> >
> > SID
> there's a stupid function called file() that does that
> it's in the stupid manual - which also explains the behaviour of include for
> you as well
> jason
> --
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Re: [PHP] PHP Redirect in the middle of code?

2001-09-10 Thread Michael Kimsal

As others have mentioned, output buffering is
what you want to look at.  

I've been doing some minor research on CF the past couple weeks,
and it seems that CF, by default, always has output buffering on.  While
it's great for allowing redirects/header info to be pushed out wherever
in a script, it apparently also consumes more memory, as the engine
needs to keep a full copy of the output in memory before pushing it down.

While there are definitely systems where this is desired, it's an option 
in PHP,
but doesn't seem to be one in CF.  (If anyone can tell me differently - 
which CF
tag to use to toggle it on/off - please let me know). would be a place to start reading about
output buffering, and the article is good as well.

Andrew Penniman wrote:

>I am trying to figure out how to use PHP to redirect the user to a new
>location *after* processing and most likely outputting a bunch of code.
>Because this redirection would happen late in the game I can't use
>header("Location: ".$redirect_to);
>I come from a ColdFusion background and am used to CFAS' 
>tag.  Does PHP have an equivalent function?
>I am really hoping not to use JavaScript, I want this redirection to
>happen at the server and not the client.

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Re: [PHP] PHP Redirect in the middle of code?

2001-09-10 Thread Michael Kimsal

Good to hear.  How's fusebox working for you?

Andrew Penniman wrote:

>The Steve Edberg (option #2) and Michael Kimsal suggestions to use
>ob_start() output buffering work like a charm.  Thanks so much!  I would
>have been a long time coming before I mad this connection on my own.
>Guess I need to hone my archive querying skills...
>I think it would be _really_ swell if the documention for header()
>mentioned output buffering as a means of tweaking the headers,
>especially header("Location: ".$redirect_to), in mid-code.
>I Fusebox my pages ( so I only need to add a single
>ob_start() and ob_end_flush() call to my source tree.  If I'm
>redirecting then I call ob_end_clean(); header("Location:
>".$redirect_to); and everything works like a charm!

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[PHP] PHP Training Course

2001-09-10 Thread Michael Kimsal

Hello all.

This is just another reminder for anyone who may have missed
it that we have another PHP training course coming up very soon.

October 1-5, 2001, in Ann Arbor, Michigan, Tap Internet will be
offering a PHP training course.  The course will feature material
aimed at beginners to intermediate PHP developers, with an emphasis
on hands-on training.  Each student will get their own net-connected
terminal, with 5 full days of instruction.  

What you should know before you come:
Basic knowledge of programming - variables, conditionals (if/else), etc.
Basic knowledge of the web (relationship between browser and server)
Basic understanding of HTML (simple forms creation, tables, etc)

What you can expect to learn
PHP syntax
Database usage
PHP/forms interaction
Creating custom functions
Basic session management
Classes/objects overview
Templating techniques
Graphics creation

More information can be found at
or you can call 1-866-745-3660 (toll free in US) or 734-480-9961 if
 you have more questions.

We offer discounts to students and educational/government/nonprofit
organizations, as well as group discounts.

I look forward to hearing from everyone out there.  :)

Michael Kimsal

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Re: [PHP] User Authentication / only 1 login per user at any time

2001-09-10 Thread Michael Kimsal

Hi there:

We have this functionality built into our core framework
with our custom session handling.  The basic premise is that you don't 
store a
1/0 in a 'logged in' flag, but store the session key with the username.  

When someone logs in, assign their session key to that username.  The
previous session key associated with that username will be overwritten,
and that user will no longer be able to do anything, because they have
no data associated with their session.

To do it like this, you'd need to come up with your own mechanism for 
if someone was no longer valid - we tie that to session data.  No 
session data,
no access.  

If I log in with your username, you are guaranteed to be 'kicked off'.  

Hope that helps...

Lewi Hirvela wrote:

>With most of my scripts, when I am about to write something, I have it in my
>head on how to do it exactly.. But with only 1 login per user at anytime, I
>havent found any good ways to do it,
>All I can think of is to set a mysql field called ³logged_in² to ³1² or ³0²
>if logged in or not, but the problem with that is if you close the browser ,
>it will stay ³logged_in=1²  ,
>Is the way around that problem to do some sort of timeout code that checks
>all ³logged_in² in the whole table and also a field where it logged the last
>time the user accesses a page, to see if the user has accessed a page within
>20 minutes .. Or is there a better way to do it?

Michael Kimsal
PHP Training Courses

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Re: [PHP] Re: More thoughts about PHP: Taglibs

2001-09-11 Thread Michael Kimsal

Perhaps you should just use cold fusion then, if you're that
hot and heavy into tag-based languages. has a Java/CF hybrid which may hold some interest.

PHP's strength, IMO, is that it's NOT a tag-based language.  You can create
any functions you want and call them already from a  combination

Separating code/content is a much stronger idea, with just variable 
in the 'template'.  In the examples below, how do you gracefully handle 
You don't - not without addding more code to the file.  

Or look more into XML/XSLT stuff.  

nicolas costes wrote:

>maybe one day, PHP will implement user defined tags 
>this could be an idea, if this is prooved to be useful.
>Yep this is not bad!
>>Hello, .  Your last login was .
>and now using PHP's short tags, you can make it even prettier:
> Hello, .  Your last login was .
>"Dr. Evil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>>It seems to me that one of the problems with PHP is that you have to
>>include code in your HTML pages.  Even with the cleanest design, you
>>end up with HTML that looks like this:
>>Hello, .  Your last login was >showlastlogin(); ?>.
>>This is ok, but it seems to me that java taglibs provide a more
>>elegant way to do the same things:
>>Hello, .  Your last login was .
>>This lets the backend stuff be completely separated from the html
>>design part of things.  What do people think of this?  I'm just now
>>learning JSP so I'm thinking about the differences between PHP and
>>In general, both are powerful ways of creating dynamic websites, but
>>they have different characteristics and are better for different
>>things.  I'm learning java but I will continue to use both, depending
>>on the task.

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Re: [PHP] More thoughts about PHP: Taglibs

2001-09-11 Thread Michael Kimsal

Dr. Evil wrote:

>It seems to me that one of the problems with PHP is that you have to
>include code in your HTML pages.  Even with the cleanest design, you
>end up with HTML that looks like this:
>Hello, .  Your last login was showlastlogin(); ?>.
No, you don't.  

Have a script file that processes your information, then include() a 
file that would have drop in replacements



Hello  your last login was .

Your PHP file can get fancy.
60 days) {

You can check conditionals, handle errors, etc., in your PHP file,
without putting any function calls in your HTML template.  We
try to avoid putting function calls in the templates at all costs.  
variables - yes.  logic (if/else/etc) - yes (on occasion).  
function calls? No.

>This is ok, but it seems to me that java taglibs provide a more
>elegant way to do the same things:
>Hello, .  Your last login was .

Again - what if showlastlogin returned an error for some reason?  How
would you handle that there?

If the 'elegance' is simply saving a few keystrokes, that's not really
doing much.  :(

>This lets the backend stuff be completely separated from the html
>design part of things.  What do people think of this?  I'm just now
>learning JSP so I'm thinking about the differences between PHP and
It's not separated enough if you're possibly pulling back stuff from 
which you haven't error checked.  You would do that error checking in the
template then, which doesn't strike me as very efficient in most cases.

>In general, both are powerful ways of creating dynamic websites, but
>they have different characteristics and are better for different
>things.  I'm learning java but I will continue to use both, depending
>on the task.

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Re: [PHP] Performance: PHP vs. Visual Basic

2001-09-16 Thread Michael Kimsal

Much as I don't like to defend MS, I'll take a stab here.

By 40-50 people in an office, I presume you're talking about an intranet
of some type - 40-50 aren't constantly hitting it (meaning 40-50 requests
per second all the time), but 40-50 are using it throughout the day for
various tasks.

You don't give the machine specs, but I'd hazard to say, if it's moderate
equipment, that there's some DB optimization (or VB optimization) that
could be done.  40 people lightly hitting a machine shouldn't cause much
of a problem regardless of language used, unless there's some extremely
bad coding going on.

Are you closing DB connections?
Are you avoiding putting objects in session and/or application scope?
Are the DB queries optimized properly (proper indices on tables, etc)?

Those are just a few things I'd look for.  Yeah it'd be great to have you
switch to PHP, but some optimization issues are universal, and if it's
written poorly in one language, chances are it'll be written poorly in

Regardless of this, we still recommened PHP to most clients because of
the cost issue as well.  However, since you've already paid for this
software you're running (right?) it's probably worth it to take a while to
optimize what you've got first.

Michael Kimsal

On Sun, 16 Sep 2001, Masami Kawakami wrote:

> Maybe this is one of FAQ, Please give me a URL of this kind of comparison
> page, or your experience.
> A web server program is running in my office. It consists of Visual
> Basic, IIS, and MS SQL Server on Windows 2000. although the performance
> is confortable for few users, it is terribly slow for 40-50 users. Once
> all of them start to use, it takes more than 20 seconds to open a page
> in client browser.
> To improve the performance, we have an idea to use, instead of Microsoft,
> PHP, Apache, and mySQL/ProgreSQL on Linux. How much will be the
> improvement?
> We also have plan to enhance the hardware, 1PC for DataBase, 2nd and 3rd
> for IIS or Apaches. Which has better scalability, VB or PHP?
> --
> Masami Kawakami <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --
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Re: [PHP] MSSQL Support

2001-09-19 Thread Michael Kimsal

Jason Wilson wrote:

>I'm compiling PHP and have a request from one of my developers for MSSQL
>support in mod_php (4.0.6). However, I don't see a configure option for
>MSSQL. Is there a *secret* configure option or are the MSSQL functions
>built in by default?
>| +-+ Digitally Enhanced| 
>| |-O-O-| Portrait of:  | 
>| |  %  | Jason Wilson, | 
>| | --- | Systems Administrator |
>| +-+ Nextron, Inc. |
No offense, but I hope that's not a good likeness.  :)

There's no secret - there's no *real* way of doing MSSQL stuff from 
which it seems you're trying to do - ("mod_php").

PHP doesn't include anything by default (bear with me) - it basically 
other code libraries for their functionality.  Obviously for basic stuff 
variable manipulation it does it itself - but things like PDF creation, 
database handling, etc. -
those are all libraries that get compiled in.  

MS doesn't make DB libraries available for unix platforms.  I know
some larger companies buy access to them and create their own commercial
products, but there's no official MS stuff out there.  That's why I said 
'real' way.


Our local genius Brian Bruns reverse engineered the TDS protocol which 
is what
MS uses to talk between clients and servers.  His project is located at  We've
used it fine talking from a RedHat 6.2 box to multiple SQL7.0 machines 
on NT4.  
I say he's our local genius cause he presents at our local LUG and PHP 
user groups
on occasion.  One hell of a nice guy.  :)

FreeTDS will be sufficient for most of your MSSQL needs if you need to 
from Linux/Unix.

Good luck.  :)

Michael Kimsal
PHP Training Courses

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Re: [PHP] Re: event cache management (no, not code cache) -- W32/Nimda filter

2001-09-22 Thread Michael Kimsal

Sean Straw / PSE wrote:

> The design consideration here is that an SQL dependance means anyone 
> who might want to use the module (this is for dealing with CodeRed and 
> W32/Nimda and no doubt the next IIS worm that strikes) must do SQL 
> setup for a new database, etc.
> oh, and after verifying that the whois protocol is indeed as trivial 
> as I thought is was, I've dealt with that - so at the moment, my 
> script isn't dependant upon any external utilities (obviously, support 
> for updating a firewall would require an external script (fired up 
> from cron), but that isn't required unless you're going to actually 
> enable the firewalling capability, and it still isn't something that 
> is exec'd from the PHP script).

Just to throw my two cents in, I'd agree with Richard that SQL would 
make this much easier.  Yes, you'd need to set up a db or table for the 
SQL stuff, but it's going to be much more scaleable, and my hunch is 
most people that are concerned enough about nimda and future 
worms/viruses/etc are either going to have some SQL database at their 
disposal, or will expend the time/effort to get one.

Also, consider those with multiple web servers - each of them logging 
distinct data would be overkill - a separate DB machine would take the 
load off them (network only, no disk) and keep a centralized copy of logs.

Good luck.

Michael Kimsal
PHP training courses

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Re: [PHP] chat with php

2001-09-25 Thread Michael Kimsal

Edney Marcel Imm wrote:

>Anyone have a chat with php?
ME:  Hello PHP
PHP: Hello
M: How are you?
P: Tell me more about you.
M: I'm just a guy living in Michigan
P: Are you sure?
M: Yes
P: How does that make you feel?
M: I dunno...

Sorry - I couldn't resist.  Visions of old ELIZA popped into my head 
when I read your question.

There's a list of some chat software at

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