2003-04-01 Thread Jeppe
Thanks for your thoughts!

/ Jeppe

John W. Holmes wrote:
My questions for you:
1) Is there a penelty/drawback when coding PHP instead of ASP on IIS
(towards MySQL)?

No, not really. I'm sure ASP has some little tricks built in that you'd
have to recreate in PHP, but the two are basically the same, regardless
of the OS.

2) Do you see any problems in having both ASP-code and PHP-code on the
same server (it seems to work fine for me)?


3) (on the edge of topic) Do you have any comments or thoughts
concerning the choice of DB. MySQL appears to like Win more than
Postgres, or?

MySQL seems to be more cross platform and more popular, but PG has a
larger feature set. Depends totally upon the complexity of your project
which one you use.
---John Holmes...

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2003-03-30 Thread Jesper Blomström

I hope this is the right place to ask this kind of question, otherwise I 

I would like some advice, this is the situation:

We´re using IIS today and unfortunate we will have to cope with this 
situation for a long time ahead.
There are plans for using Apache on Linux but not right now (not even 
Apache on Win).

A great deal of work has been done in coding ASP (towards an Access-DB) :(
Now we´re going to replace Access with either MySQL or possibly PostgreSQL.
Since we in the future would like to run Apache on Linux instead of IIS 
on Win, it would be great to code all new functions in PHP instead of 
ASP (and nicer code too).
I have done some experiments with PHP on IIS (towards MySQL) and it all 
seems to work just fine.

My questions for you:
1) Is there a penelty/drawback when coding PHP instead of ASP on IIS 
(towards MySQL)?
2) Do you see any problems in having both ASP-code and PHP-code on the 
same server (it seems to work fine for me)?
3) (on the edge of topic) Do you have any comments or thoughts 
concerning the choice of DB. MySQL appears to like Win more than 
Postgres, or?

Many thanks in advance!


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2003-03-30 Thread John W. Holmes
 My questions for you:
 1) Is there a penelty/drawback when coding PHP instead of ASP on IIS
 (towards MySQL)?

No, not really. I'm sure ASP has some little tricks built in that you'd
have to recreate in PHP, but the two are basically the same, regardless
of the OS.

 2) Do you see any problems in having both ASP-code and PHP-code on the
 same server (it seems to work fine for me)?


 3) (on the edge of topic) Do you have any comments or thoughts
 concerning the choice of DB. MySQL appears to like Win more than
 Postgres, or?

MySQL seems to be more cross platform and more popular, but PG has a
larger feature set. Depends totally upon the complexity of your project
which one you use.

---John Holmes...

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2001-10-26 Thread MrBaseball34

In article 023601c15de3$c05d8bc0$[EMAIL PROTECTED], 
 Is the PHP code you provided below working, I need something like than and i
 wonder if i  could use it.

Actually, right now I'm using some code stripped from the PHP-Nuke Weather 
add-on. But it gets its weather from msnbc and I'd rather get it from the 
feds cause they won't change their output. You must know the 4 letter
ACCID value, you can get it from NOAA. I use KAUS for Austin, TX like this:


Code derived from the PHP-Nuke Weather Add-On


$fontface = Arial;
$fontcolor1 = #00;
$fontsize1 = 2;

$filehandle = fsockopen(, 80, $num_error, $str_error, 30);

  print Weather is is not available: $str_error ($num_error)\n;   
$Default_accid HTTP/1.0\n\n);

  // initialize variables
  $v_City= ;
  $v_SubDiv  = ;
  $v_Country = ;
  $v_Region  = ;
  $v_Temp= ;
  $v_CIcon   = ;
  $v_WindS   = ;
  $v_WindD   = ;
  $v_Baro= ;
  $v_Humid   = ;
  $v_Real= ;
  $v_UV  = ;
  $v_Vis = ;
  $v_LastUp  = ;
  $v_Fore= ;
  $v_Acid= ;

  while (!feof($filehandle))
$grabline = fgets($filehandle, 4096);
$grabline= trim($grabline) . \n;
if (substr($grabline,7,4) == City)
  $v_City= substr($grabline,15,20); 
if (substr($grabline,7,6) == SubDiv)  
{ $v_SubDiv  = substr($grabline,17,20); 
if (substr($grabline,7,7) == Country) 
  $v_Country = substr($grabline,18,20); 
if (substr($grabline,7,6) == Region)  
  $v_Region  = substr($grabline,17,20); 
if (substr($grabline,7,4) == Temp)
  $v_Temp= substr($grabline,15,20); 
if (substr($grabline,7,5) == CIcon)   
  $v_CIcon   = substr($grabline,16,20); 
if (substr($grabline,7,5) == WindS)   
  $v_WindS   = substr($grabline,16,20); 
if (substr($grabline,7,5) == WindD)   
  $v_WindD   = substr($grabline,16,20); 
if (substr($grabline,7,4) == Baro)
  $v_Baro= substr($grabline,15,20); 
if (substr($grabline,7,5) == Humid)   
  $v_Humid   = substr($grabline,16,20); 
if (substr($grabline,7,4) == Real)
  $v_Real= substr($grabline,15,20); 
if (substr($grabline,7,2) == UV)  
  $v_UV= substr($grabline,13,20); 
if (substr($grabline,7,3) == Vis) 
  $v_Vis   = substr($grabline,14,20); 
if (substr($grabline,7,5) == LastUp)  
  $v_LastUp  = substr($grabline,16,20); 
if (substr($grabline,7,4) == Fore)
  $v_Fore= substr($grabline,15,200); 
if (substr($grabline,7,4) == Acid)
  $v_Acid= substr($grabline,15,20); 

  $v_City= substr($v_City,0,strlen($v_City)-3);
  $v_SubDiv  = substr($v_SubDiv,0,strlen($v_SubDiv)-3);
  $v_Country = substr($v_Country,0,strlen($v_Country)-3);
  $v_Region  = substr($v_Region,0,strlen($v_Region)-3);
  $v_Temp= substr($v_Temp,0,strlen($v_Temp)-3);
  $v_CIcon   = substr($v_CIcon,0,strlen($v_CIcon)-3);
  $v_WindS   = substr($v_WindS,0,strlen($v_WindS)-3);
  $v_WindD   = substr($v_WindD,0,strlen($v_WindD)-3);
  $v_Baro= substr($v_Baro,0,strlen($v_Baro)-3);
  $v_Humid   = substr($v_Humid,0,strlen($v_Humid)-3);
  $v_Real= substr($v_Real,0,strlen($v_Real)-3);
  $v_UV  = substr($v_UV,0,strlen($v_UV)-3);
  $v_Vis = substr($v_Vis,0,strlen($v_Vis)-3);
  $v_LastUp  = substr($v_LastUp,0,strlen($v_LastUp)-3);
  $v_Fore= substr($v_Fore,0,strlen($v_Fore)-3);
  $v_Acid= substr($v_Acid,0,strlen($v_Acid)-3);
!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN
title? $v_City ? Weather/title

   table width=150 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=1
   td colspan=5 name=cityst align=center
 font face=? $fontface ? color=? $fontcolor1 ? size=? 
$fontsize1 ?b?$v_City?, ?$v_SubDiv?/bfont
   td colspan=3 name=temptextTemperature:/td
   td colspan=2 name=tempdata?$v_Temp ?deg;/td
   td colspan=3 name=humidtextHumidity:/td
   td colspan=2 name=humiddata?$v_Humid ?%/td
   td colspan=3 name=barotextBarometric Pressure:/td
   td colspan=2 name=barodata?$v_Baro ?/td
   td name=windtextWind:/td
   td name=winddir?$v_WindD ?/td
   td name=attextat/td
   td name=windspd?$v_WindS ?/td
   td name=mphtxtmph/td

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2001-10-25 Thread MrBaseball34

Can anyone show me the ASP equivalent to this PHP code I 
cut from a Weather script? I need to know how to get the 
response from the server into a string array fo process
each line.

$weather_url =;;
$city_name = AUSTIN;
exec ($wget_command $weather_url, $raw_contents);

// We got the weather data we needed, so we can proceeed

$located = 0;
foreach ($raw_contents as $line)
  // line may wrap in editor
  if (preg_match (/^$city_name\s+\S+\s+(-*\d{1,3})\s+(\d{1,3})\s+(\d{1,3})\s+
(\D+)(\d*)\S*\s+(\d{2}\.\d{2})([FRS]{1})/, $line, $regs))
$temp = $regs[1];
$dewpoint = $regs[2];
$humidity = $regs[3];
$wind_direction = trim($regs[4]);
$wind_speed = $regs[5];
$pressure = $regs[6];
$pressurechg = trim($regs[7]); // Falling, Rising, Steady
$located = 1;
break 1;

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2001-10-25 Thread Tshering Norbu

Is the PHP code you provided below working, I need something like than and i
wonder if i  could use it.
(ps:  sorry, i can't show u ASP equiv of it coz I do not know)

- Original Message -
From: MrBaseball34 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2001 9:24 PM
Subject: [PHP] PHP-ASP

 Can anyone show me the ASP equivalent to this PHP code I
 cut from a Weather script? I need to know how to get the
 response from the server into a string array fo process
 each line.

 $weather_url =;;
 $city_name = AUSTIN;
 exec ($wget_command $weather_url, $raw_contents);

 // We got the weather data we needed, so we can proceeed

 $located = 0;
 foreach ($raw_contents as $line)
   // line may wrap in editor
   if (preg_match
 (\D+)(\d*)\S*\s+(\d{2}\.\d{2})([FRS]{1})/, $line, $regs))
 $temp = $regs[1];
 $dewpoint = $regs[2];
 $humidity = $regs[3];
 $wind_direction = trim($regs[4]);
 $wind_speed = $regs[5];
 $pressure = $regs[6];
 $pressurechg = trim($regs[7]); // Falling, Rising, Steady
 $located = 1;
 break 1;

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[PHP] PHP asp

2001-04-07 Thread Kittiwat Manosuthi

I guess this one is quite interesting...

and the battle begins...


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Re: [PHP] PHP asp

2001-04-07 Thread Plutarck

Bah. No matter how fast I read, by the time I get to the end of a page a new
page has filled with comments.

I'd say something witty about TIMTOWTDI, microwaves, and what a drunk
sorrority girl has in common with R2D2, but I can't get to the end of the
friggin' thread! It never ends! *cries*

Should be working on something...
...but forgot what it was.

""Kittiwat Manosuthi"" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I guess this one is quite interesting...

 and the battle begins...


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Re: [PHP] PHP asp

2001-04-07 Thread Kittiwat Manosuthi

Well.. I forgot to warn that read it "only" when you've free time.

Having read though all those made me feel sick, and wanted to stop
programming for a year. He he.


- Original Message -
From: "Plutarck" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2001 10:54 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP] PHP  asp

 Bah. No matter how fast I read, by the time I get to the end of a page
a new
 page has filled with comments.

 I'd say something witty about TIMTOWTDI, microwaves, and what a drunk
 sorrority girl has in common with R2D2, but I can't get to the end of
 friggin' thread! It never ends! *cries*

 Should be working on something...
 ...but forgot what it was.

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