Re: [PHP] Re: simple templateing

2004-09-26 Thread Paul Bissex
On 25 Sep 2004 19:51:46 -, Matthew Weier O'Phinney
> I use Smarty. The thing about Smarty is it can be as simple or as
> complex as you want it. I personally feel you could do exactly as you
> describe with it -- just tell your designers the bare minimum of what
> you will allow in a template.

I'd second the recommendation of Smarty -- as Matthew implies, you can
set it up to only allow a restricted set of tags in templates, and you
can define what those tags are so that they are intuitive to your
template-editing users.


paul bissex, -- database-driven web development
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[PHP] Re: simple templateing

2004-09-25 Thread Matthew Weier O'Phinney
> I am searching for a REAL simple templateing
> class/package
> I have googled for this and basically SMARTY and PAT
> is too bulky, the people who will be using this script
> will be pretty dumb and all I can trust them to do
> would be something like this:
> and the template should have a cacheing feature...

I use Smarty. The thing about Smarty is it can be as simple or as
complex as you want it. I personally feel you could do exactly as you
describe with it -- just tell your designers the bare minimum of what
you will allow in a template.

You might look into Savant as well -- but the idea behind Savant is that
a template is simply another PHP page, only you do code related to
display logic only. I don't believe it does caching, either (though I'm
unsure of that point).

PEAR also has a number of templating systems, and I'd be surprised if
they don't do caching; look under the HTTP or HTML categories on PEAR
for some possibilities.

Matthew Weier O'Phinney   | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webmaster and IT Specialist   |
National Gardening Association|
802-863-5251 x156 |

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