[PHP] URL file-access disabled

2005-03-31 Thread Jackson Linux
Hi, ho,
I have a problem; something which works locally is complaining on the 
BSD Unix server I use:

The Code: (somewhere else I define $image_dir)
!-- If there's an image, get it, get its height and width and slap it 
into an image tag, otherwise, move on  --
?php if (!empty($article['image']))  {
$image = ($article['image']);
$size1 = getimagesize($image_dir.$image);
$width1 = $size1[0];
$height1 = $size1[1];

include_once(INCLUDES . 'image.include.php');
The Include:
img class='right-float' src='?php echo $image_dir.$image ?' 
width='?php echo $width1 ?' height='?php echo $height1 ?' 
alt='?php echo $image ?' border='0' /

The Error:
Warning: getimagesize(): URL file-access is disabled in the server 
configuration in /usr/www/users/user/articles/technology/index.htm on 
line 180

failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in 
/usr/www/users/user/articles/technology/index.htm on line 180

The Question:
Anything I can do within .htaccess to make this not happen? I don't 
have root access or access to php.ini, and they're loathe to change the 
configuration  on a shared servcer.

Thanks in advance,
PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] URL file-access disabled

2005-03-31 Thread Marek Kilimajer
$image_dir is an url (begins with http:// or similar) and 
allow_url_fopen is off on your BSD.

Do you need to access it using url wrappers? If the images are local you 
can access them using plain filesystem access

Jackson Linux wrote:
Hi, ho,
I have a problem; something which works locally is complaining on the 
BSD Unix server I use:

The Code: (somewhere else I define $image_dir)
!-- If there's an image, get it, get its height and width and slap it 
into an image tag, otherwise, move on  --
?php if (!empty($article['image']))  {
$image = ($article['image']);
$size1 = getimagesize($image_dir.$image);
$width1 = $size1[0];
$height1 = $size1[1];

include_once(INCLUDES . 'image.include.php');
The Include:
img class='right-float' src='?php echo $image_dir.$image ?' 
width='?php echo $width1 ?' height='?php echo $height1 ?' alt='?php 
echo $image ?' border='0' /

The Error:
Warning: getimagesize(): URL file-access is disabled in the server 
configuration in /usr/www/users/user/articles/technology/index.htm on 
line 180

failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in 
/usr/www/users/user/articles/technology/index.htm on line 180

The Question:
Anything I can do within .htaccess to make this not happen? I don't have 
root access or access to php.ini, and they're loathe to change the 
configuration  on a shared servcer.

Thanks in advance,
PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Re: [PHP] URL file-access disabled

2005-03-31 Thread Jackson Linux
My provider has provided me the solution: adding
php_flag allow_url_fopen on
to the .htaccess
Apologies to the list for wasting time and bandwidth.
On 31 Mar 2005, at 17:47, Jackson Linux wrote:
Hi, ho,
I have a problem; something which works locally is complaining on the 
BSD Unix server I use:

The Code: (somewhere else I define $image_dir)
!-- If there's an image, get it, get its height and width and slap it 
into an image tag, otherwise, move on  --
?php if (!empty($article['image']))  {
$image = ($article['image']);
$size1 = getimagesize($image_dir.$image);
$width1 = $size1[0];
$height1 = $size1[1];

include_once(INCLUDES . 'image.include.php');
The Include:
img class='right-float' src='?php echo $image_dir.$image ?' 
width='?php echo $width1 ?' height='?php echo $height1 ?' 
alt='?php echo $image ?' border='0' /

The Error:
Warning: getimagesize(): URL file-access is disabled in the server 
configuration in /usr/www/users/user/articles/technology/index.htm on 
line 180

failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in 
/usr/www/users/user/articles/technology/index.htm on line 180

The Question:
Anything I can do within .htaccess to make this not happen? I don't 
have root access or access to php.ini, and they're loathe to change 
the configuration  on a shared servcer.

Thanks in advance,
PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php