RE: [PHP] Re: Understanding persistent connections with oci8

2006-10-13 Thread Bauer, Jay W

-Original Message-
From: Richard Lynch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2006 5:50 PM
To: Bauer, Jay W
Cc:; Mendonce, Kiran (STSD); Nikiel, Carsten;
Rai, Moni (GSE WTEC Cupertino); Rieslund, Mikael; Bauer, Jay W
Subject: RE: [PHP] Re: Understanding persistent connections with oci8

On Thu, October 12, 2006 12:52 pm, Bauer, Jay W wrote:
   Under the current situation these won't go away, unless there is a 
 lot of other traffic for the webserver and the httpd servers need to 
 free up these idle connections to handle other requests.

But if there's no traffic, then does it really matter if the idle
connections are sitting around?...

jwb There can be lots of other network traffic on the system and a
socket in use is a socket in use.  It is a jwb very common complaint
from customers about sockets being open that aren't being used and how
to get rid of jwb them without killing the application.   That is the
issue that I can see coming up and is the reason our 
jwb customer in Japan started asking about this timeout option in the
first place. 

   Given something along these lines in a more real world setup, what
 makes sense?   Given this scenario, if there is going to be a timeout,
 it almost needs to be an active one.  And something simple along the 
 lines of garbage collector that checks once an hour for  connections 
 that have gone and terminates them.  But that requires more code in 

Not just more code

LOTS more code, and very complicated.

It's got to be inter-process aware, it's got to wake up some kind of
assassin daemon, it's got to not consume hardly any resources, ...

The only need demonstrated for an active GC is the incorrect
perception that PHP should work that way.

It just doesn't.

Demonstrate a real need for the resources to be freed up when they

Or provide a cheap and easy patch to free them up.

Or, write a cron job to get a 0-byte file and uses ab to tickle enough
of the Apache children that the connections go away, and tell your
customer that you fixed it. :-)

Actually, here's an even more attractive option:
Set up httpd.conf such that the Apache children are dying off soon
enough and fast enough after being idle, that THEY release the
connection.  Not to mention that they'll free up whatever resources the
dormant Apache children are using.

jwb I coming to conclusion that this timeout is not going to really act
as a true idle timeout, and the cost of jwb doing so is too high.  The
need to terminate the unwanted persistent connections is going to need
to be 
jwb handled a different way.  And there are lots of ways to do it, and
at this point is an open question.

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RE: [PHP] Re: Understanding persistent connections with oci8

2006-10-13 Thread Bauer, Jay W

-Original Message-
From: Richard Lynch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2006 5:56 PM
To: Bauer, Jay W
Cc: Roman Neuhauser;; Mendonce, Kiran (STSD);
Nikiel, Carsten; Rai, Moni (GSE WTEC Cupertino); Rieslund, Mikael;
Bauer, Jay W
Subject: RE: [PHP] Re: Understanding persistent connections with oci8

On Thu, October 12, 2006 1:21 pm, Bauer, Jay W wrote:
  I agree and right now all there is in the way of tools for an 
 administrator to use within the PHP configuration is the number of 
 persistent connections per server and the timeout interval.  These are

 a bit crude as tools, but as the persistent_timeout now works it is 
 useless as a tool to tear down unneeded, expensive connections that 
 are no longer being used.


It works fine.

It just tears them down LATER than you expect, and only under conditions
that make sense to tear them down...

Run your tests again, but wait for the timeout duration, and then ab a
non-OCI file with N requests at once.

N OCI connections should disappear.

You've done this for one connection, and it went away, as expected.

Scale your one-connection test up to N.

jwb I'd be very surprised if what you are suggesting wouldn't work.
That is exactly what I'd expect, too.  The 
jwb problem is I don't think any one would want to configure and  run
their Apache web server that way.  Most try jwb to anticipate how many
servers they need, persistent and non-persistent in our case, and run
that way with a 
jwb little head room in total count.   If all we have to be concerned
with are the sockets being used by Apache, 
jwb we see that if we start hitting the max number of servers, and we
need more non-persistent connections, the 
jwb httpd servers will terminate the idle ones for the new requests.
So Apache can pretty much maintain a 
jwb balance between the two.  The problem again gets back to the over
all use of the system, if there are lots of 
jwb the persistent_connections still there, not being used, and the
apache non-persistent load isn't high enough jwb to shutdown the
persistent_connections, how can that be done.  Again I'm coming to the
point that I think 
jwb having the timeout do it is too expensive.  

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RE: [PHP] Re: Understanding persistent connections with oci8

2006-10-12 Thread Richard Lynch
On Wed, October 11, 2006 3:42 pm, Bauer, Jay W wrote:
   From our testing of multiple connections we could easily create 50
 these persistent connections and would have to hit the apache web
 pretty hard with a 1000 requests at 50 at a time to get these to
 terminate after the timeout.

That seems excessive...

Are you saying you have 1000 Apache children and 50 different OCI
logins, for 50,000 persistent connections?

Because it seems to me that you're going to swamp your RAM way too
soon for that to be a workable setup...

Even so, you would only need 1000 hits to kill off any stale
connections, one per Apache child process.

And there's not much point in hitting more often than the time limit
of a single connection, really, as it's just overkill, in any
reasonable scenario.

Of course, it's only the luck of the draw which child you get -- In an
ideal world, you could target each Apache child by PID and ping it
to purge stale connections, I suppose...

Still, if you're talking 1000 children and 50 OCI logins, you've
pulled out the Wrong Weapon.

Persistent Connections are not a magic silver bullet -- They are
effective for an oft-used username/password/db setup, with one
connection per Apache child process.

If you're trying to make the work for 1000 children and 50 OCI logins,
don't do that :-)

Go back to non-persitent connections, because they're the Right Weapon
for your usage.

 But that does work, so that is one
 point and limit when setting this idle timeout.  What I think should
 also happen if the timeout is set, and the persistent connection goes
 idle long enough it should be marked as a candidate for shutting down.

But that is how it works, in effect -- The problem is, who shuts it
down when?

PHP has to be awake and active to do the shutdown.

 PHP itself if it goes to use this stale connection, should kill it and
 use another connection, hopefully a non-stale persistent connection.

But that's silly.

If it needs a connection, and it's already got a connection, even a
just-went-stale connection, and the connection parameters match up,
why in the world would it tear that connection down only to use
another not-quite-stale-yet connection, or, worse, build up a whole
new connection.  That's just daft, really, if you think about it.

   And actually, Kiran in our lab proposed that as a very easy fix to
 implement, and we've tested it and it works fine.  In other words we
 make 50 persistent connections, with the timeout at 10 seconds, wait a
 minute and then make another round of the same php requests.  With the
 fix we proposed all new php connections are made.  So we know this
 works.  I think if this was implemented and the documentation was
 that what the persistent timeout provided was for these connections to
 be shutdown when every a new connection tried to use them, PHP or not,
 that would go along way to satisfying most customers.  Especially if
 clearly and cleanly documented that was how it worked.

I'm afraid not -- If I understand your proposal, you would throw away
perfectly good, if slightly stale, connections, only to re-build a new
one right after that.  That dog won't hunt.

 There seems to me to be several ways to implement this
 persistent_timeout that would make it act like how most idle timeouts
 work, and I agree if we can come up with some simple, low overhead
 that are well documented that would do the trick.

Feel free to submit a patch -- Even the one you have now.

Worst that can happen is the OCI maintainer can tell you exactly why
it's not usable.

Please understand:  I am *NOT* an expert on this stuff, and could be
100% wrong in my armchair analysis.  I don't think I've ever even
*used* OCI.

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RE: [PHP] Re: Understanding persistent connections with oci8

2006-10-12 Thread Bauer, Jay W
Hi Roman,

   As our customers see this, they think if they set a timeout of 10
seconds, that when these connections aren't used for hours they should
go away.  And I can understand that.  As I understand the current
workings, I can see an argument for keeping things as they are, but if
that is the case the current behavior needs to documented.  In a sense
the documentation is the bug.   

 And yes whatever is done will be change in behavior, and it may be a
design change or it might be a fix, it really isn't all that important.
What I like to see is the documentation and behavior match.  They don't

  Regarding there being a way to query the age of the connection, what
was found is that when the timeout occurred there is a easy check that
can be made to see if it has happened.  Currently that is never checked
once the connection is opened.  The fix our lab tried was to check if
the timeout happened whenever the an attempt was made to use the open
connection again.  If the timeout had occurred, then the connection was
closed.  It is a passive check, and I think reasonable.  

 Again if someone is using this oci8.persistent_timeout they are using
it because they want a way of controlling how long these connections
stay around.  And given this is a timeout for idle connections, it is
our customer's expectation that these connections will terminate.

  What I see as needed is clear documentation regarding how this timeout
works and what it does and under what circumstances a persistent
connection will terminate when the timeout is set to a time other than
-1, or infinite.  

 I don't see this as a major coding issue, simply one of documentation
and possibly implementing a small change which would actually implement
an action once the timeout occurred.  Obviously this 10 sec timeout
being used is for testing to see the behavior, I would expect that
normally the time, if not -1 and infinite would be more along the line
of hours in the real world. 
Thanks and regards, Jay 

-Original Message-
From: Roman Neuhauser [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2006 9:25 PM
To: Bauer, Jay W
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED];; Mendonce, Kiran (STSD);
Nikiel, Carsten; Rai, Moni (GSE WTEC Cupertino); Rieslund, Mikael;
Bauer, Jay W
Subject: Re: [PHP] Re: Understanding persistent connections with oci8

# [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 2006-10-11 16:42:06 -0400:
   And actually, Kiran in our lab proposed that as a very easy fix to 
 implement, and we've tested it and it works fine.  In other words we 
 make 50 persistent connections, with the timeout at 10 seconds, wait a

 minute and then make another round of the same php requests.  With the

 fix we proposed all new php connections are made.  So we know this 
 works.  I think if this was implemented and the documentation was 
 clear that what the persistent timeout provided was for these 
 connections to be shutdown when every a new connection tried to use 
 them, PHP or not, that would go along way to satisfying most 
 customers.  Especially if it clearly and cleanly documented that was
how it worked.

That's not so much a fix as a different behavior. FWIW the current
one is perfectly sensible in other circumstances.

Is there a way to query the age of the connection?

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You don't know, man.  You don't KNOW.
Cause you weren't THERE.

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RE: [PHP] Re: Understanding persistent connections with oci8

2006-10-12 Thread Richard Lynch
On Thu, October 12, 2006 12:10 pm, Bauer, Jay W wrote:
  Again if someone is using this oci8.persistent_timeout they are using
 it because they want a way of controlling how long these connections
 stay around.

Actually, that's an over-simplification of the purpose of persistent
and timeout

The purpose of persistent is to avoid spending CPU cycles tearing
down and building up complex data structures with large buffers, while
maintaining the security/integrity of any given user/pass should have
0 chance of accessing persisted (to coin a word) data that is not
their data.

The purpose of timeout is to tear down unused expensive connections
if they are not actively being used, or about to be used in 1

Once you understand this, the PHP behaviour makes perfect sense.

It is a very very very common mis-perception, and your customers are
not the first, and won't be the last, to complain that it's broken.

   What I see as needed is clear documentation regarding how this
 works and what it does and under what circumstances a persistent
 connection will terminate when the timeout is set to a time other than
 -1, or infinite.

Put it in the User Contributed Notes. :-)

  I don't see this as a major coding issue, simply one of documentation
 and possibly implementing a small change which would actually
 an action once the timeout occurred.  Obviously this 10 sec timeout
 being used is for testing to see the behavior, I would expect that
 normally the time, if not -1 and infinite would be more along the line
 of hours in the real world.

I have no idea what real world times are, but would never presume that
they'd be hours rather than 10 seconds...

Each active persistent connection ties up valuable resources.  The
cost/benefit ratio has to be examined carefully and tweaked under
real-world load in dev box tests to be sure you're doing something

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RE: [PHP] Re: Understanding persistent connections with oci8

2006-10-12 Thread Bauer, Jay W
 Hi Richard,

  That seems excessive...

Are you saying you have 1000 Apache children and 50 different OCI
logins, for 50,000 persistent connections?

  That would indeed be excessive.  No there are only a max during the
running of ab maybe a 100 apache children and some 50 persistent
connections.  We use the ab bench mark tool to generate a lot of traffic
to see how things work in an extreme condition to see what we could
break.   When the ab finishes we have 50 persistent connections just
setting there doing nothing.  This is not a normal environment.  But I
can use lower numbers and see the same behavior, it was just easier to
see the limits by doing it this way.  And as I've said multiple time,
even under these extreme conditions the persistent connections
themselves work just fine.  And we can do one run where we create 50
persistent connections, do another run where we have another 1
requests coming in at 50 requests at a time and there are no new
persistent connections and none lost, they handle the load just fine.   

  In the real world I'd expect this timeout to be set in the terms of
hours not seconds.  And customer's would want these connections to be
terminated after this time if they had been idle say for 4 hours.  In
the real world I could see an environment that during say a 4 hour
period of the day there are lots of users in the oracle data base, and
say 20 or 25 persistent connections get set up and used over and over
again during that time.  And customer sets the oci8.persistent_timeout
to 4 hours, so after the 4 hours of peak activity all of these
connections will stay available for at least 4 more hours, and maybe 5
of them get some use.  After that time I can see them to expect that
some of these persistent connections will now start terminating because
they aren't being used any more.  

  Under the current situation these won't go away, unless there is a lot
of other traffic for the webserver and the httpd servers need to free up
these idle connections to handle other requests.

  Given something along these lines in a more real world setup, what
makes sense?   Given this scenario, if there is going to be a timeout,
it almost needs to be an active one.  And something simple along the
lines of garbage collector that checks once an hour for  connections
that have gone and terminates them.  But that requires more code in PHP.

  As I've alluded to before, in some sense why is there even an idle
timeout with persistent connections.  It currently doesn't do anything,
and to get it to really act like an idle timeout would require some
changes in the code that aren't really justified. 

 But if timeout is available how it works needs to be clearly documented
so it is clear to anyone using it how it should behave.

  Thanks again for your thoughtful and thought provoking discussion.

Regards, Jay 

-Original Message-
From: Richard Lynch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2006 12:41 PM
To: Bauer, Jay W
Cc:; Mendonce, Kiran (STSD); Nikiel, Carsten;
Rai, Moni (GSE WTEC Cupertino); Rieslund, Mikael; Bauer, Jay W
Subject: RE: [PHP] Re: Understanding persistent connections with oci8

On Wed, October 11, 2006 3:42 pm, Bauer, Jay W wrote:
   From our testing of multiple connections we could easily create 50 
 of these persistent connections and would have to hit the apache web 
 server pretty hard with a 1000 requests at 50 at a time to get these 
 to terminate after the timeout.

That seems excessive...

Are you saying you have 1000 Apache children and 50 different OCI
logins, for 50,000 persistent connections?

Because it seems to me that you're going to swamp your RAM way too soon
for that to be a workable setup...

Even so, you would only need 1000 hits to kill off any stale
connections, one per Apache child process.

And there's not much point in hitting more often than the time limit of
a single connection, really, as it's just overkill, in any reasonable

Of course, it's only the luck of the draw which child you get -- In an
ideal world, you could target each Apache child by PID and ping it to
purge stale connections, I suppose...

Still, if you're talking 1000 children and 50 OCI logins, you've pulled
out the Wrong Weapon.

Persistent Connections are not a magic silver bullet -- They are
effective for an oft-used username/password/db setup, with one
connection per Apache child process.

If you're trying to make the work for 1000 children and 50 OCI logins,
don't do that :-)

Go back to non-persitent connections, because they're the Right Weapon
for your usage.

 But that does work, so that is one
 point and limit when setting this idle timeout.  What I think should 
 also happen if the timeout is set, and the persistent connection goes 
 idle long enough it should be marked as a candidate for shutting down.

But that is how it works, in effect -- The problem is, who shuts it down

PHP has to be awake

RE: [PHP] Re: Understanding persistent connections with oci8

2006-10-12 Thread Bauer, Jay W
 Hi again Richard,

  Excellent points about the purpose of persistent connections and
timeout.  But let's get to your concluding statement:

Each active persistent connection ties up valuable resources.  The
cost/benefit ratio has to be examined carefully and tweaked under
real-world load in dev box tests to be sure you're doing something

 I agree and right now all there is in the way of tools for an
administrator to use within the PHP configuration is the number of
persistent connections per server and the timeout interval.  These are a
bit crude as tools, but as the persistent_timeout now works it is
useless as a tool to tear down unneeded, expensive connections that are
no longer being used.  

   I would think in a customer site, that the customer database and
network administrators would be the ones making decisions or providing
the input on when to let persistent connections go unencumbered and when
to start cutting them down during what ever cycles of business they use.
Now obviously the oci8.persistent_timeout as it now implemented will be
of no help here at all.  So the question here may be more of is the
oci8.persistent_timeout a possible tool with changes to use for this, or
should there be something, may outside of php used.  And if the latter,
is there any reason to even have the oci8.persistent_timeout.

  I need to spend some cycle talking to the php maintainers to see if we
can come to some understanding.

Thanks and regards, Jay 

-Original Message-
From: Richard Lynch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2006 1:37 PM
To: Bauer, Jay W
Cc: Roman Neuhauser;; Mendonce, Kiran (STSD);
Nikiel, Carsten; Rai, Moni (GSE WTEC Cupertino); Rieslund, Mikael;
Bauer, Jay W
Subject: RE: [PHP] Re: Understanding persistent connections with oci8

On Thu, October 12, 2006 12:10 pm, Bauer, Jay W wrote:
  Again if someone is using this oci8.persistent_timeout they are using

 it because they want a way of controlling how long these connections 
 stay around.

Actually, that's an over-simplification of the purpose of persistent
and timeout

The purpose of persistent is to avoid spending CPU cycles tearing down
and building up complex data structures with large buffers, while
maintaining the security/integrity of any given user/pass should have 0
chance of accessing persisted (to coin a word) data that is not their

The purpose of timeout is to tear down unused expensive connections if
they are not actively being used, or about to be used in 1 microsecond.

Once you understand this, the PHP behaviour makes perfect sense.

It is a very very very common mis-perception, and your customers are not
the first, and won't be the last, to complain that it's broken.

   What I see as needed is clear documentation regarding how this 
 timeout works and what it does and under what circumstances a 
 persistent connection will terminate when the timeout is set to a time

 other than -1, or infinite.

Put it in the User Contributed Notes. :-)

  I don't see this as a major coding issue, simply one of documentation

 and possibly implementing a small change which would actually 
 implement an action once the timeout occurred.  Obviously this 10 sec 
 timeout being used is for testing to see the behavior, I would expect 
 that normally the time, if not -1 and infinite would be more along the

 line of hours in the real world.

I have no idea what real world times are, but would never presume that
they'd be hours rather than 10 seconds...

Each active persistent connection ties up valuable resources.  The
cost/benefit ratio has to be examined carefully and tweaked under
real-world load in dev box tests to be sure you're doing something

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I want you to buy a CD from some starving artist.
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RE: [PHP] Re: Understanding persistent connections with oci8

2006-10-12 Thread Richard Lynch
On Thu, October 12, 2006 12:52 pm, Bauer, Jay W wrote:
   Under the current situation these won't go away, unless there is a
 of other traffic for the webserver and the httpd servers need to free
 these idle connections to handle other requests.

But if there's no traffic, then does it really matter if the idle
connections are sitting around?...

   Given something along these lines in a more real world setup, what
 makes sense?   Given this scenario, if there is going to be a timeout,
 it almost needs to be an active one.  And something simple along the
 lines of garbage collector that checks once an hour for  connections
 that have gone and terminates them.  But that requires more code in

Not just more code

LOTS more code, and very complicated.

It's got to be inter-process aware, it's got to wake up some kind of
assassin daemon, it's got to not consume hardly any resources, ...

The only need demonstrated for an active GC is the incorrect
perception that PHP should work that way.

It just doesn't.

Demonstrate a real need for the resources to be freed up when they

Or provide a cheap and easy patch to free them up.

Or, write a cron job to get a 0-byte file and uses ab to tickle enough
of the Apache children that the connections go away, and tell your
customer that you fixed it. :-)

Actually, here's an even more attractive option:
Set up httpd.conf such that the Apache children are dying off soon
enough and fast enough after being idle, that THEY release the
connection.  Not to mention that they'll free up whatever resources
the dormant Apache children are using.

Some people have a gift link here.
Know what I want?
I want you to buy a CD from some starving artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

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RE: [PHP] Re: Understanding persistent connections with oci8

2006-10-12 Thread Richard Lynch
On Thu, October 12, 2006 1:21 pm, Bauer, Jay W wrote:
  I agree and right now all there is in the way of tools for an
 administrator to use within the PHP configuration is the number of
 persistent connections per server and the timeout interval.  These are
 bit crude as tools, but as the persistent_timeout now works it is
 useless as a tool to tear down unneeded, expensive connections that
 no longer being used.


It works fine.

It just tears them down LATER than you expect, and only under
conditions that make sense to tear them down...

Run your tests again, but wait for the timeout duration, and then ab a
non-OCI file with N requests at once.

N OCI connections should disappear.

You've done this for one connection, and it went away, as expected.

Scale your one-connection test up to N.

Some people have a gift link here.
Know what I want?
I want you to buy a CD from some starving artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

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Re: [PHP] Re: Understanding persistent connections with oci8

2006-10-12 Thread Google Kreme

On 12 Oct 2006, at 11:10 , Bauer, Jay W wrote:

 Again if someone is using this oci8.persistent_timeout they are using
it because they want a way of controlling how long these connections
stay around.

Well, are they really?

I would think they are using it to free up idle connections for use  
with new connections.  That seems reasonable.  And they are saying,  
Even if a connection appears to be idle right now, I only want it  
considered idle if there's been no activity in x seconds.

I can see how it's not what you expected, but it still seems reasonable.

Look at it this way, there's no point checking if an idle connection  
needs to be closed unless the idle connection is needed elsewhere.

Bishops move diagonally. That's why they often turn up where the  
kings don't expect them to be.

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RE: [PHP] Re: Understanding persistent connections with oci8

2006-10-11 Thread Bauer, Jay W
Hi Richard,

  Yes there have been some trigger-happy, bug-bogus-marking going on,
but that happens.

  And yes, this stays alive without anything going on.  And we have
tested your other wrinkle and that is how we have been able to end the
persistent connections by making connections to a non-oracle-db request
which will terminate the persistent connections.  The only other way has
been to restart apache.  And I can redo the test with just one server
and one connection and explicitly terminate the persistent connection by
making a new non-oracle-db request.

 Thanks and regards, Jay 

-Original Message-
From: Richard Lynch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 4:49 PM
To: Bauer, Jay W
Subject: RE: [PHP] Re: Understanding persistent connections with oci8


Submit that to, and you have very good odds that it won't
get marked bogus and ignored.

You got caught in the net of trigger-happy bug-bogus-marking before,

It happens, but if you check through the size/scale of the bugs db...

In this case, you've clearly shown that nothing else is keeping the
connection alive

Though, for one other wrinkle -- make some request after your timeout
that does not re-connect to the persistent connection.

It's possible that PHP cannot shutdown the connection after the timeout
unless it's being actively run by a non-db request, if you see what I

On Tue, October 10, 2006 2:01 pm, Bauer, Jay W wrote:
 Hello Richard,

   First let me introduce myself, I'm Jay Bauer and have been 
 supporting the Apache webserver for the last couple of years and have 
 been doing networking support for over 15 years.  I want to thank you 
 for explaining why the folks replying to our lab's enquiries don't 
 think the tests are valid.  I can appreciate the need of doing fault 
 isolation of a problem so that all possible extraneous causes are 

   However, I don't think their specific concerns are valid, as these 
 systems are on internal networks, and very few people access them at 
 all, and only Kiran or I would be accessing the oracle database and 
 that is for our tests.  And yes we will get some 50 httpd servers up 
 and running, but once we stop our testing there is little access to 
 the system or none to these connections, and they will stay around for

 hours or days till one of us decides to do more testing and stops and 
 restarts the Apache server.

   Now having said all of that, I had no problem implementing the test 
 setup you suggested.  If that is what it takes to get everyone on the 
 same page, I'm happy to oblige.

  The HP-UX Apache web server only provides the worker MPM so in order 
 to set up Apache as requested we use the following configuration in

  changed the worker.c configuration to:

 IfModule worker.c
 StartServers 1
 MaxClients   1
 MinSpareThreads  1
 MaxSpareThreads  1
 ThreadsPerChild  1
 MaxRequestsPerChild  1

 and commented out mod_cgid:
 #LoadModule cgid_module modules/

 and in php.ini:

 After starting Apache we have two process running:

 ps -ef |grep apache
  www 29362 29361  0 23:39:52 ? 0:00
 /opt/hpws/apache/bin/httpd -d /opt/hpws/apache -k start
 root 29361 1  0 23:39:52 ? 0:00
 /opt/hpws/apache/bin/httpd -d /opt/hpws/apache -k start

 Pid 29361, the master httpd server, and one worker httpd server pid 
 29362, which is the minimum configuration possible with worker MPM.

  I then ran the apache bench mark for just one connection:

 bin/ab -n 1
 Document Path:  /oracle_mufasa.php
 Document Length:334 bytes

 Concurrency Level:  1
 Time taken for tests:   0.370606 seconds
 Complete requests:  1

 And then checked on the connection

 As quick as possible:
netstat -an |grep 1521
 tcp0  0

 30 sends later:
netstat -an |grep 1521
 tcp0  0

 2 minutes later:
netstat -an |grep 1521
 tcp0  0

 5 minutes later:
netstat -an |grep 1521
 tcp0  0

 It wasn't until about 40 minutes later that this connection did 
 finally terminate.

 And when I checked the error_log, it was clear what terminated it:

 [error] [client] Symbolic link not allowed:
 [debug] worker.c(1342): taking over scoreboard slot from 29362

  Another request finally came in to this system , which errored, and 
 since there was only one server allowed to run it did and that is what
 killed this persistent connection.   This is what we have also
 that other apache requests

RE: [PHP] Re: Understanding persistent connections with oci8

2006-10-11 Thread Bauer, Jay W
 Hello everyone,

  I followed up on Richards suggested new-wrinkle and automated the
time recording a bit better than before.  Here is what I did and the

This time I first enabled the access_log on maggie, so I had that
history, and used browser windows to connect to to set up a persistent
connection and then about 15 minutes later in another browser connect to  Within that time there were no other
attempts to connect to the web server.  The access_log gives the times
quite clearly:

/opt/hpws/apachemore logs/access_log - - [11/Oct/2006:20:16:03 +0530] GET /oracle_mufasa.php
HTTP/1.1 200 334 - - [11/Oct/2006:20:31:52 +0530] GET / HTTP/1.1 200 1456 - - [11/Oct/2006:20:31:53 +0530] GET /apache_pb.gif
HTTP/1.1 200 2326

And the error_log entry is the same as seen in the test yesterday when
the persistent connection was terminated by a random request.  It is
good to confirm that under this restricted configuration those are the
errors we are getting:

/opt/hpws/apachetail logs/error_log  
[Wed Oct 11 20:31:52 2006] [error] [client] Symbolic link
not allowed: /opt/hpws/apache/htdocs/index.html
[Wed Oct 11 20:31:53 2006] [debug] worker.c(1342): taking over
scoreboard slot from 11077 (quiescing)
[Wed Oct 11 20:31:53 2006] [debug] util_ldap.c(1697): Initialisation of
global mutex /opt/hpws/apache/ in child process 11267 successful.

  And using date and netstat we see the persistent connection stay
ESTABLISHED till the second non-oracle-db request comes in:

Wed Oct 11 20:17:34 IST 2006
/user/jwbaunetstat -an|grep 1521
tcp0  0
Wed Oct 11 20:21:26 IST 2006
/user/jwbaunetstat -an|grep 1521
tcp0  0
Wed Oct 11 20:21:45 IST 2006
/user/jwbaunetstat -an|grep 1521
tcp0  0
Wed Oct 11 20:23:20 IST 2006
/user/jwbaunetstat -an|grep 1521
tcp0  0
Wed Oct 11 20:25:09 IST 2006
/user/jwbaunetstat -an|grep 1521
tcp0  0
Wed Oct 11 20:31:21 IST 2006
/user/jwbaunetstat -an|grep 1521
tcp0  0
Wed Oct 11 20:32:11 IST 2006
/user/jwbaunetstat -an|grep 1521
tcp0  0
Wed Oct 11 20:33:35 IST 2006
/user/jwbaunetstat -an|grep 1521

  I'll put this and the data from yesterday together and submit it to

 Best regards, Jay 

-Original Message-
From: Bauer, Jay W 
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2006 9:46 AM
Cc: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'; Mendonce, Kiran (STSD); Nikiel, Carsten; Rai,
Moni (GSE WTEC Cupertino); Rieslund, Mikael
Subject: RE: [PHP] Re: Understanding persistent connections with oci8

Hi Richard,

  Yes there have been some trigger-happy, bug-bogus-marking going on,
but that happens.

  And yes, this stays alive without anything going on.  And we have
tested your other wrinkle and that is how we have been able to end the
persistent connections by making connections to a non-oracle-db request
which will terminate the persistent connections.  The only other way has
been to restart apache.  And I can redo the test with just one server
and one connection and explicitly terminate the persistent connection by
making a new non-oracle-db request.

 Thanks and regards, Jay 

-Original Message-
From: Richard Lynch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 4:49 PM
To: Bauer, Jay W
Subject: RE: [PHP] Re: Understanding persistent connections with oci8


Submit that to, and you have very good odds that it won't
get marked bogus and ignored.

You got caught in the net of trigger-happy bug-bogus-marking before,

It happens, but if you check through the size/scale of the bugs db...

In this case, you've clearly shown that nothing else is keeping the
connection alive

Though, for one other wrinkle -- make some request after your timeout
that does not re-connect to the persistent connection.

It's possible that PHP cannot shutdown the connection after the timeout
unless it's being actively run by a non-db request, if you see what I

On Tue, October 10, 2006 2:01 pm, Bauer, Jay W wrote:
 Hello Richard,

   First let me introduce myself, I'm Jay Bauer and have been 
 supporting the Apache webserver for the last couple of years and have 
 been doing networking support for over 15 years.  I want to thank you 
 for explaining why the folks replying to our lab's enquiries don't 
 think the tests are valid.  I can

RE: [PHP] Re: Understanding persistent connections with oci8

2006-10-11 Thread Richard Lynch
On Wed, October 11, 2006 8:46 am, Bauer, Jay W wrote:
   Yes there have been some trigger-happy, bug-bogus-marking going on,
 but that happens.

   And yes, this stays alive without anything going on.  And we have
 tested your other wrinkle and that is how we have been able to end
 persistent connections by making connections to a non-oracle-db
 which will terminate the persistent connections.  The only other way
 been to restart apache.  And I can redo the test with just one server
 and one connection and explicitly terminate the persistent connection
 making a new non-oracle-db request.

Okay, so here's the thing...

At what point in the process of normal web-server operations would you
expect PHP to notice that the connection is stale and it should die?

It's clear, to me, and to many others, that the problem here is not
that it doesn't work -- Just that it works in a non-intuitive way
for perfectly logical technical reasons.

To clarify this, consider your one-process, one-user, one-hit test.

00:00 User asks for URL that accesses DB
00:01 PHP opens persistent connection
00:02 PHP returns HTML to user
[It's probably not really 2 seconds, but let's just pretend.]

At this juncture, Apache and PHP pretty much just go back to sleep,
and don't do anything at all until something else comes along to wake
them up.

If the next thing to wake them up authenticates against the DB, and
starts using the connections, then they are re-used, because they are
already there, and there is no sense in tearing down a perfectly good
stale connection if you're about to build another one.

If the next thing to wake them up does NOT use the DB connection, the
connection is noticed to be stale and killed off.

This is how it works, as far as we can see from your testing.

So there are several possible solutions here.

PHP could set some kind of timer to wake itself up, check any
outstanding persistent connections, and kill them off.  This would
need to be managed so that there is only one active timer and its
wake-up time is extended as various events occur, since you wouldn't
want it doing too much extra work that PHP is already doing.

That would probably involve a great deal of inter-process
communication and some significant overhead.

The other option, cheap and easy, is to behave the way it does now: 
If somebody wakes PHP up, and it sees a stale connection, and it's not
gonna use that stale connection, it kills it off.

Now for MOST users, on MOST real-life scenarios, the cheap and easy
solution is best.

For those who have an unusual case, such as your dev server, a cron
job to heartbeat a non-DB page every X minutes is a no-brainer, once
one understands what's going on and why.

You are certainly welcome to code and submit a patch to PHP to make it
wake up and kill off stale connections, if you really think this is
absolutely crucial...  But if it has the kind of overhead I suspect it
would have, it's not likely to be implemented.

Or you could run a heartbeat cron job to a non-DB connection just a
little bit longer than your connection time-out, and call the problem

I am NOT an expert on PHP internals, and may be grossly incorrect
about all this.  I'm just giving my perception of your test results,
based on how HTTP / Apache/ PHP generally work.

PS I think this is how all the persistent connections operate...

Some people have a gift link here.
Know what I want?
I want you to buy a CD from some starving artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

PHP General Mailing List (
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RE: [PHP] Re: Understanding persistent connections with oci8

2006-10-11 Thread Bauer, Jay W
 Hi Richard,

  You've asked the $64,000 question.  What is a reasonable way for this
timeout to work?  Unfortunately we haven't gotten  far with the folks to ask the question.  I agree with you that providing
an active thread or process to go out and check for idle persistent
connections is too much overhead. 
I think what is needed is a little investigation to see what can be
reasonable done if a customer wants to use the oci8.persistent_timeout
to limit how long these connections hang around.  

  From our testing of multiple connections we could easily create 50 of
these persistent connections and would have to hit the apache web server
pretty hard with a 1000 requests at 50 at a time to get these to
terminate after the timeout.But that does work, so that is one data
point and limit when setting this idle timeout.  What I think should
also happen if the timeout is set, and the persistent connection goes
idle long enough it should be marked as a candidate for shutting down.
PHP itself if it goes to use this stale connection, should kill it and
use another connection, hopefully a non-stale persistent connection.

  And actually, Kiran in our lab proposed that as a very easy fix to
implement, and we've tested it and it works fine.  In other words we
make 50 persistent connections, with the timeout at 10 seconds, wait a
minute and then make another round of the same php requests.  With the
fix we proposed all new php connections are made.  So we know this
works.  I think if this was implemented and the documentation was clear
that what the persistent timeout provided was for these connections to
be shutdown when every a new connection tried to use them, PHP or not,
that would go along way to satisfying most customers.  Especially if it
clearly and cleanly documented that was how it worked.

  I can also see environments where the system hosting apache and these
persistent connections for the database is very busy, and can get large
burst of PHP requests from different users accessing the data at a given
time, which creates lots of persistent connections.  I can see them
wanting a more active mechanism for terminating any connections after
the peak has ended and thinks have quieted down for awhile.   I think
your idea of a cron job might work there, or the same mechanism within
PHP.  If there was one, I'd make it optional as it would be overhead and
many customers wouldn't want it.

  There seems to me to be several ways to implement this
persistent_timeout that would make it act like how most idle timeouts
work, and I agree if we can come up with some simple, low overhead ways
that are well documented that would do the trick.

 Thanks and regards, Jay 

-Original Message-
From: Richard Lynch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2006 3:44 PM
To: Bauer, Jay W
Cc:; Bauer, Jay W; Mendonce, Kiran (STSD);
Nikiel, Carsten; Rai, Moni (GSE WTEC Cupertino); Rieslund, Mikael
Subject: RE: [PHP] Re: Understanding persistent connections with oci8

On Wed, October 11, 2006 8:46 am, Bauer, Jay W wrote:
   Yes there have been some trigger-happy, bug-bogus-marking going on, 
 but that happens.

   And yes, this stays alive without anything going on.  And we have 
 tested your other wrinkle and that is how we have been able to end 
 the persistent connections by making connections to a non-oracle-db 
 request which will terminate the persistent connections.  The only 
 other way has been to restart apache.  And I can redo the test with 
 just one server and one connection and explicitly terminate the 
 persistent connection by making a new non-oracle-db request.

Okay, so here's the thing...

At what point in the process of normal web-server operations would you
expect PHP to notice that the connection is stale and it should die?

It's clear, to me, and to many others, that the problem here is not that
it doesn't work -- Just that it works in a non-intuitive way for
perfectly logical technical reasons.

To clarify this, consider your one-process, one-user, one-hit test.

00:00 User asks for URL that accesses DB
00:01 PHP opens persistent connection
00:02 PHP returns HTML to user
[It's probably not really 2 seconds, but let's just pretend.]

At this juncture, Apache and PHP pretty much just go back to sleep, and
don't do anything at all until something else comes along to wake them

If the next thing to wake them up authenticates against the DB, and
starts using the connections, then they are re-used, because they are
already there, and there is no sense in tearing down a perfectly good
stale connection if you're about to build another one.

If the next thing to wake them up does NOT use the DB connection, the
connection is noticed to be stale and killed off.

This is how it works, as far as we can see from your testing.

So there are several possible solutions here.

PHP could set some kind of timer to wake itself up, check any

Re: [PHP] Re: Understanding persistent connections with oci8

2006-10-11 Thread Roman Neuhauser
# [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 2006-10-11 16:42:06 -0400:
   And actually, Kiran in our lab proposed that as a very easy fix to
 implement, and we've tested it and it works fine.  In other words we
 make 50 persistent connections, with the timeout at 10 seconds, wait a
 minute and then make another round of the same php requests.  With the
 fix we proposed all new php connections are made.  So we know this
 works.  I think if this was implemented and the documentation was clear
 that what the persistent timeout provided was for these connections to
 be shutdown when every a new connection tried to use them, PHP or not,
 that would go along way to satisfying most customers.  Especially if it
 clearly and cleanly documented that was how it worked.

That's not so much a fix as a different behavior. FWIW the current
one is perfectly sensible in other circumstances.

Is there a way to query the age of the connection?

How many Vietnam vets does it take to screw in a light bulb?
You don't know, man.  You don't KNOW.
Cause you weren't THERE.

PHP General Mailing List (
To unsubscribe, visit:

RE: [PHP] Re: Understanding persistent connections with oci8

2006-10-10 Thread Bauer, Jay W
Hello Richard,

  First let me introduce myself, I'm Jay Bauer and have been supporting
the Apache webserver for the last couple of years and have been doing
networking support for over 15 years.  I want to thank you for
explaining why the folks replying to our lab's enquiries don't think the
tests are valid.  I can appreciate the need of doing fault isolation of
a problem so that all possible extraneous causes are eliminated.   

  However, I don't think their specific concerns are valid, as these
systems are on internal networks, and very few people access them at
all, and only Kiran or I would be accessing the oracle database and that
is for our tests.  And yes we will get some 50 httpd servers up and
running, but once we stop our testing there is little access to the
system or none to these connections, and they will stay around for hours
or days till one of us decides to do more testing and stops and restarts
the Apache server. 

  Now having said all of that, I had no problem implementing the test
setup you suggested.  If that is what it takes to get everyone on the
same page, I'm happy to oblige.

 The HP-UX Apache web server only provides the worker MPM so in order to
set up Apache as requested we use the following configuration in

 changed the worker.c configuration to:

IfModule worker.c
StartServers 1
MaxClients   1
MinSpareThreads  1
MaxSpareThreads  1
ThreadsPerChild  1
MaxRequestsPerChild  1

and commented out mod_cgid:
#LoadModule cgid_module modules/ 

and in php.ini:

After starting Apache we have two process running:

ps -ef |grep apache 
 www 29362 29361  0 23:39:52 ? 0:00
/opt/hpws/apache/bin/httpd -d /opt/hpws/apache -k start   
root 29361 1  0 23:39:52 ? 0:00
/opt/hpws/apache/bin/httpd -d /opt/hpws/apache -k start

Pid 29361, the master httpd server, and one worker httpd server pid
29362, which is the minimum configuration possible with worker MPM.

 I then ran the apache bench mark for just one connection:

bin/ab -n 1

Document Path:  /oracle_mufasa.php
Document Length:334 bytes

Concurrency Level:  1
Time taken for tests:   0.370606 seconds
Complete requests:  1
And then checked on the connection
As quick as possible:
netstat -an |grep 1521
tcp0  0

30 sends later:
netstat -an |grep 1521
tcp0  0

2 minutes later:
netstat -an |grep 1521
tcp0  0

5 minutes later:
netstat -an |grep 1521
tcp0  0

It wasn't until about 40 minutes later that this connection did finally

And when I checked the error_log, it was clear what terminated it:

[error] [client] Symbolic link not allowed:
[debug] worker.c(1342): taking over scoreboard slot from 29362

 Another request finally came in to this system , which errored, and
since there was only one server allowed to run it did and that is what
killed this persistent connection.   This is what we have also observed
that other apache requests will cause this persistent connections to be
terminated, they don't close on their own.   And as said earlier this
system's webserver doesn't get many hits, it is a test environment, not
a production system.  And as we can see it took 40 minutes for any
traffic to hit this system.  

  I hope this test is adequate to clear up the concerns that the testing
is invalid.   

Best regards, Jay Bauer 
WTEC Engineer, Internet Services HP-UX
Hewlett Packard Co.  

-Original Message-
From: Richard Lynch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2006 4:48 PM
To: Mendonce, Kiran (STSD)
Subject: RE: [PHP] Re: Understanding persistent connections with oci8

On Wed, October 4, 2006 12:34 pm, Mendonce, Kiran (STSD) wrote:
 I understand the performance boost one can get by reusing existing 
 connections. And I did see for myself that with the default settings,
 oci_pconnect() does reuse all the connections.

 But what should happen if there are idle connections and the timeout 
 is reached ? That is my question. What is the purpose of the 
 persistent_timeout setting ? Does it give the user a means of 
 specifying a timeout after which idle connections are removed ?


Their claim is that your tests are invalid because your have MULTIPLE
Apache processing swapping the connections around, so they are NOT idle
for 10 seconds.

To prove them wrong, you would need to:
Set up a dev server on a private network with Apache having ONE, and
ONLY ONE, child.
Set the timeout to 10 seconds.

RE: [PHP] Re: Understanding persistent connections with oci8

2006-10-09 Thread Mendonce, Kiran (STSD)
I did some checking on the web and noticed that another user encountered
a similar problem and even reported it as a bug (#36634). The
documentation is misleading here with the intent of the
persistent_timeout setting not clearly explained.

If the behavior is as designed, can someone please update the
documentation so its more clearer to the end user ?

Thanks and Regards,

-Original Message-
From: Mendonce, Kiran (STSD) 
Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2006 10:34 AM
Subject: RE: [PHP] Re: Understanding persistent connections with oci8

I understand the performance boost one can get by reusing existing
connections. And I did see for myself that with the default settings,
oci_pconnect() does reuse all the connections.

But what should happen if there are idle connections and the timeout is
reached ? That is my question. What is the purpose of the
persistent_timeout setting ? Does it give the user a means of specifying
a timeout after which idle connections are removed ?

-Original Message-
From: Manuel Lemos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2006 12:16 AM
Subject: [PHP] Re: Understanding persistent connections with oci8


on 10/03/2006 07:03 PM Mendonce, Kiran (STSD) said the following:
 This is a follow up to the bug (#39029) that I reported earlier which 
 has been repeatedly closed as bogus.
 The oci8.persistent_timeout setting in the php.ini file is documented 
 The maximum length of time (in seconds) that a given process is 
 allowed to maintain an idle persistent connection. Setting this option

 to -1 means that idle persistent connections will be maintained
 If I do not want the connection to be persist forever, then by using 
 this setting, I should be able to ensure that a connection is not idle

 for longer than what I specified. However, when I set 
 persistent_timeout to 10 seconds, I find that the connection is not 
 terminated even after 10 seconds have passed. In fact, it doesn't 
 terminate at all. So the question is what is the purpose of this 
 setting ? And what does an 'idle connection' mean ? A google query for

 'idle timeout' yields enough results to point that when the timeout 
 occurs, the idle connection is terminated.
 Obviously there is a bug somewhere. Either in the documentation or in 
 the behavior. Please advise.

I think that there is no bug and that option is useless.

If you are using Apache, it will rotate the processes that serve each
request. So, unless your server is mostly idle or your scripts rarely
access the database, your connections will keep being reused before
reaching that timeout.

If you are willing to reduce the number of persistent Oracle
connections, you will most likely get better results if you move your
site images to a separate Web server. Image requests do not establish
Oracle connections, but they raise the need for Apache to fork more
processes, which leads to more opened persistent connections.

Here you may find more details about that strategy:


Manuel Lemos

Metastorage - Data object relational mapping layer generator

PHP Classes - Free ready to use OOP components written in PHP

PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit:

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PHP General Mailing List (
To unsubscribe, visit:

RE: [PHP] Re: Understanding persistent connections with oci8

2006-10-05 Thread Richard Lynch
On Wed, October 4, 2006 12:34 pm, Mendonce, Kiran (STSD) wrote:
 I understand the performance boost one can get by reusing existing
 connections. And I did see for myself that with the default settings,
 oci_pconnect() does reuse all the connections.

 But what should happen if there are idle connections and the timeout
 reached ? That is my question. What is the purpose of the
 persistent_timeout setting ? Does it give the user a means of
 a timeout after which idle connections are removed ?


Their claim is that your tests are invalid because your have MULTIPLE
Apache processing swapping the connections around, so they are NOT
idle for 10 seconds.

To prove them wrong, you would need to:
Set up a dev server on a private network with Apache having ONE, and
ONLY ONE, child.
Set the timeout to 10 seconds.
Surf to a test page.
Wait 10 seconds.
See if the connection goes away.

If anybody else on the planet (or off-planet, for that matter,
assuming our astronauts have time to surf to your site) can surf to
the site and keep the connection alive by having Apache re-use it,
then it's going to stay alive.

Some people have a gift link here.
Know what I want?
I want you to buy a CD from some starving artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

PHP General Mailing List (
To unsubscribe, visit:

RE: [PHP] Re: Understanding persistent connections with oci8

2006-10-04 Thread Mendonce, Kiran (STSD)
I understand the performance boost one can get by reusing existing
connections. And I did see for myself that with the default settings,
oci_pconnect() does reuse all the connections.

But what should happen if there are idle connections and the timeout is
reached ? That is my question. What is the purpose of the
persistent_timeout setting ? Does it give the user a means of specifying
a timeout after which idle connections are removed ?

-Original Message-
From: Manuel Lemos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2006 12:16 AM
Subject: [PHP] Re: Understanding persistent connections with oci8


on 10/03/2006 07:03 PM Mendonce, Kiran (STSD) said the following:
 This is a follow up to the bug (#39029) that I reported earlier which 
 has been repeatedly closed as bogus.
 The oci8.persistent_timeout setting in the php.ini file is documented 
 The maximum length of time (in seconds) that a given process is 
 allowed to maintain an idle persistent connection. Setting this option

 to -1 means that idle persistent connections will be maintained
 If I do not want the connection to be persist forever, then by using 
 this setting, I should be able to ensure that a connection is not idle

 for longer than what I specified. However, when I set 
 persistent_timeout to 10 seconds, I find that the connection is not 
 terminated even after 10 seconds have passed. In fact, it doesn't 
 terminate at all. So the question is what is the purpose of this 
 setting ? And what does an 'idle connection' mean ? A google query for

 'idle timeout' yields enough results to point that when the timeout 
 occurs, the idle connection is terminated.
 Obviously there is a bug somewhere. Either in the documentation or in 
 the behavior. Please advise.

I think that there is no bug and that option is useless.

If you are using Apache, it will rotate the processes that serve each
request. So, unless your server is mostly idle or your scripts rarely
access the database, your connections will keep being reused before
reaching that timeout.

If you are willing to reduce the number of persistent Oracle
connections, you will most likely get better results if you move your
site images to a separate Web server. Image requests do not establish
Oracle connections, but they raise the need for Apache to fork more
processes, which leads to more opened persistent connections.

Here you may find more details about that strategy:


Manuel Lemos

Metastorage - Data object relational mapping layer generator

PHP Classes - Free ready to use OOP components written in PHP

PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit:

PHP General Mailing List (
To unsubscribe, visit: