Re: [PHP] validate international phone numbers

2004-11-02 Thread Joshua D. Drake
Merlin wrote:
I am trying to validate international phone numbers before adding into 
a db.
After a bit of research I came up with this regex:

return (ereg('^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,6}\.[0-9]{1,8}$', $phone));
However, this tightens the numbers to something like this:  

Thats a problem, since some countries have complete other formats and 
some peopole place a + in front and a : instead of . or even just the 

Can anybody recommend a good regex to validate this? I am not to good 
at creating regex :-(

Strip out all non-numerical characters before you process.
Joshua D. Drake

Thanx for any help,

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RE: [PHP] validate international phone numbers

2004-11-02 Thread Graham Cossey
> -Original Message-
> From: Merlin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 02 November 2004 10:49
> Subject: [PHP] validate international phone numbers
> Hi,
> I am trying to validate international phone numbers before adding
> into a db.
> After a bit of research I came up with this regex:
> return (ereg('^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,6}\.[0-9]{1,8}$', $phone));
> However, this tightens the numbers to something like this:  409.711.933838
> Thats a problem, since some countries have complete other formats
> and some
> peopole place a + in front and a : instead of . or even just the number.
> Can anybody recommend a good regex to validate this? I am not to good at
> creating regex :-(
> Thanx for any help,
> Merlin

I know this is not exactly what you were asking, but, some time ago I did
some phone number validation/formatting but not in PHP.

IIRC I had a list of countries each of which had the relevant international
dialling code recorded.

The user of a form would select their country and enter a telephone number.
The international dialling code would be added if not present or validated
if '+' was present. Any leading 0 (after an int. code) would be removed.
Beyond that I think all you can do is validate that a certain number of
digits must have been entered as different people/countries use different
formatting chars: space , . - : etc etc

Another approach would be to request each component separately: int.code,
area code, local number.

This of course was all done within a function/class not a single statement.


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Re: [PHP] validate international phone numbers

2004-11-02 Thread Jason Wong
On Tuesday 02 November 2004 10:49, Merlin wrote:

> I am trying to validate international phone numbers before adding into a
> db. After a bit of research I came up with this regex:
> return (ereg('^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,6}\.[0-9]{1,8}$', $phone));
> However, this tightens the numbers to something like this:  409.711.933838
> Thats a problem, since some countries have complete other formats and some
> peopole place a + in front and a : instead of . or even just the number.
> Can anybody recommend a good regex to validate this? I am not to good at
> creating regex :-(

Using a single regex which encompasses all formats of telephone numbers used 
throughout the world will result in something that is pretty much useless. I 
would just check that their entry consists only of digits, space, hyphen, 
plus sign and period.

Otherwise create an individual check for each country in the world that you're 
interested in.

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates ->
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