Re: [php-list] Re: session_start

2008-10-27 Thread fw7oaks

--- On Mon, 10/27/08, bryan_is_south [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  And it gives me three error messages:
  2 like this: Warning: open(/tmp\sess_...,
 O_RDWR) failed: No such
  file or directory (2) in ...
  And another that says Failed to write session
 data (files). Please
  verify that the current setting of session.save_path
 is correct...
  Linux or Windows?
  Make up your mind lol!
 I'm on Windows. XP to be exact. But that is the error
 it gives me...
 The only thing I changed in those was I took out the long
 string of
 letters and numbers. Here is the full error messages
 without any
 deletions though:
 open(/tmp\sess_a68c3a0287f2393832cc6a40b5d77755, O_RDWR)
 failed: No such file or directory (2) in
 website\sessions.php on line 2
 open(/tmp\sess_a68c3a0287f2393832cc6a40b5d77755, O_RDWR)
 failed: No such file or directory (2) in Unknown on line 0
 Warning: Failed to write session data (files). Please
 verify that the
 current setting of session.save_path is correct (/tmp) in
 Unknown on
 line 0
 Is this abnormal for Windows or something?
 Any ideas for getting it running?

The point about  Windows or Linux is that they expect different 'backslashes' 
that is / or \  in fact Linux is clever and can cope with both while Windows 

So what's causing the problem is this /tmp\ses...

If you changed it to  \tmp\ses

it will probably work - no guarantee, but it's not much effort to try :-)

Easily done, by the way, Linux is case sensitive for file names and Windows 
isn't - that's another good sticking point.

Re: [php-list] Indenting code

2008-10-13 Thread fw7oaks
--- On Mon, 10/13/08, Bob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  - Original Message - 
  From: Gordon Stewart
  is there a good utility / programme to use - That will automatically
  indent PHP scripts (make them easier to read)
  As an afterthought -
  I use Crimson Editor for php.
  I use MetaPad for text as it has excelent search and
 replace that includes \n\r\t charactors. I often
 import a list of variables or 
  constants into MetaPad and use the search and replace
 to turn it into a block of php code or mysql query string.
 Then back to 
  Crimson Editor.
  I use ConTEXT editing HTML/Javascript as it is very
 good at highlighting these expectialy Javascript.
  Any one have better sugestions?
 I use EditPlus which you can integrate
 Tidy into it as a User Tool. It's not
 specific to php, but you can download syntax files for most
 languages. It will also search  replace using regexs
 for 100+ pages if ever you needed to.
 The free utility called phpCodeBeautifier is
 useful, which you can add to your right click. This is handy
 for re-formatting old code or if you're using some
 downloaded code.
 Regards, Bob E.

I like PSPad, freeware, does everything Crimson Editor does and a bit more  (No connection, just happy user)
