[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /en/functions mnogosearch.xml

2001-02-23 Thread Sergey Kartashoff

gluke   Fri Feb 23 21:50:34 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
  mnoGoSearch doc update.

Index: phpdoc/en/functions/mnogosearch.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/functions/mnogosearch.xml:1.7 phpdoc/en/functions/mnogosearch.xml:1.8
--- phpdoc/en/functions/mnogosearch.xml:1.7 Wed Feb 21 23:40:05 2001
+++ phpdoc/en/functions/mnogosearch.xml Fri Feb 23 21:50:34 2001
@@ -267,11 +267,13 @@

-UDM_PARAM_MAX_WORD_LEN - defines maximum word lenght. Any word longer this 
limit is considered to be a stopword. Please note that this paraneter value is 
-i.e. if UDM_PARAM_MAX_WORD_LEN=32, a word 32 characters long will not be 
considered a stopword, while
-a word 33 characters long will be. Default value is 32.
+   that respectively enable or disable using prefixes. E.g. if a word "tested" is 
+in search query, also words like "test", "testing", etc.
+   Only suffixes are supported by default. Prefixes usually change word meanings, 
+for example if somebody is searching for the word "tested" 
+   one hardly wants "untested"  to be found. Prefixes support may also be found 
+useful for site's 
+  spelling checking purposes. In order to enable ispell, you have to load 
+ispell data with udm_load_ispell_data.
@@ -344,6 +346,21 @@
  cat=010201 in the url.
+  UDM_LIMIT_DATE - defines limitation by date document was modified. 
+  Format of parameter value: a string with first character < or >, then 
+with no space - date in unixtime format, for example:
+  Udm_Add_Search_Limit($udm,UDM_LIMIT_DATE,"<908012006");
+  If > character is used, then search will be restricted to those documents 
+having modification date greater than entered.
+  If <, then smaller.

@@ -585,7 +602,147 @@

+Load ispell data
+  int udm_load_ispell_data
+  int agent
+  int var
+  string val1
+  string val2
+  int flag
+ udm_load_ispell_data loads ispell data. Returns 
+TRUE on success, FALSE on error.
+ agent - agent link identifier, received after call to 
+ var - parameter, indicating the source for ispell data. 
+May have the following values:
+It is recommended to load ispell data from files, since in mnogosearch 3.1.10 it 
+is the fastest. In later versions
+it is planned to optimize loading in UDM_ISPELL_TYPE_DB mode as well, so you just 
+try several modes to find the best for you.
+UDM_ISPELL_TYPE_DB - indicates that ispell data should be loaded from SQL. In 
+this case, parameters val1 and val2 are 
+ignored and
+should be left blank. flag should be equal to 
+flag indicates that after loading ispell data from defined 
+source it sould be sorted (it is necessary for correct functioning of ispell).
+In case of loading ispell data from files there may be several calls to 
+udm_load_ispell_data, and there is no sense to sort data after 
+every call, but only after the last one.
+Since in db mode all the data is loaded by one call, this parameter should have 
+the value 1.
+In this mode in case of error, e.g. if ispell tables are absent, the function 
+will return FALSE and code and error message will be accessible 
+through udm_error and udm_errno.
+  if (! Udm_Load_Ispell_Data($udm,UDM_ISPELL_TYPE_DB,'','',1)) {
+  printf("Error #%d: '%s'\n",Udm_Errno($udm),Udm_Error($udm));
+  exit;
+   }
+ UDM_ISPELL_TYPE_AFFIX - indicates that ispell data should be loaded from file 
+and initiates loading affixes file.
+ In this case val1 defines double letter language code for 
+which affixes are loaded, 
+ and val2 - file path. Please note, that if a relative 
+path entered, the module looks for
+ the file not in UDM_CONF_DIR, but in relation to current path, i.e. to the path 
+where the script is executed.
+ In case of error in this mode, e.g. if file is absent, the function will return 
+FALSE, and an error message will be displayed.
+ Error message text cannot be accessed through udm_error and 
+udm_errno, since those functions
+ can only return messages associated with SQL. Please, see 
+flag parameter description in UDM_ISPELL_TYPE_DB.
+ Example:
+   if ((! 
+Udm_Load_Ispell_Data($udm,UDM_ISPELL_TYPE_AFFIX,'en','/opt/ispell/en.aff',0)) ||
+   (! 

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /kr/functions http.xml

2001-02-23 Thread Jaemin Byon

noribsd Fri Feb 23 21:27:13 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
  whole contents in http.xml translated by noribsd

Index: phpdoc/kr/functions/http.xml
diff -u phpdoc/kr/functions/http.xml:1.3 phpdoc/kr/functions/http.xml:1.4
--- phpdoc/kr/functions/http.xml:1.3Fri Feb 23 19:12:08 2001
+++ phpdoc/kr/functions/http.xmlFri Feb 23 21:27:13 2001
@@ -3,66 +3,41 @@
-These functions let you manipulate the output sent back to the
-remote browser right down to the HTTP protocol level.
+   여기 설명되어질 함수들은 원격브라우저에 보내질 
+각종 출력들을HTTP 프로토콜에 충실히 기반하여 다룰 수 있게 


-Send a raw HTTP header
+HTTP 헤더를 전송한다.

+함수 설명
   int header
   string string
- The Header function is used at the top of an
- HTML file to send raw HTTP
- header strings.  See the HTTP 1.1
- Specification for more information on raw http headers.
+ Header 함수는 HTML 파일   
+  상단에 HTTP 헤더 문자열을 전송한다. HTTP 헤더에  
+   대한 자세한 정보는  HTTP 1.1 
+Specification 를 참조하기  바란다.
- There are two special-case header calls.  The first is the
- "Location" header.  Not only does it send this header
- back to the browser, it also returns a REDIRECT status code to
- Apache.  From a script writer's point of view this should not be
- important, but for people who understand Apache internals it is
- important to understand.
+ 헤더와 관련된 두가지 특별한 경우가 있다. 첫번째로 
+"Location " 헤더에 대해 설명하겠다. 이것은 지정된 
+헤더내용을 브라우저에  전송하면서 동시에 아파치 서버로 
+REDIRECT 코드(REDIRECT status code)를  돌려준다. 스크립트 작성자의 
+관점으로 볼때 이것은 별로 중요한 것이  아니지만 아파치 
+내부동작에 관심이 있는 사람들은 알아두어야 할 것이다.  
-header ("Location: http://www.php.net"); /* Redirect browser 
-to PHP web site */
-exit; /* Make sure that code below does 
- not get executed when we redirect. */
+header ("Location: http://www.php.net"); /* PHP 웹사이트로 
+리다이렉트한다. */
+exit; /* 리다이렉트되고 있을때 아래에 있는 
+ 코드가 실행되지 않도록 한다 */
- The second special-case is any header that starts with the
- string, "HTTP/" (case is not significant).  For
- example, if you have your ErrorDocument 404 Apache directive
- pointed to a PHP script, it would be a good idea to make sure
- that your PHP script is actually generating a 404.  The first
- thing you do in your script should then be:
+ 두번째는 "HTTP/" 문자열로 시작하는 헤더를 사용하는 
+경우이다. (대소문자는 상관없음) 예를 들어, 아파치의 
+ErrorDocument 404 지시자가  여러분의 PHP 스크립트를 가리키게 
+해두었다면 그 스크립트가 실제로 404  코드를 생성하고 
+있는지 확실히 해두는 것이 좋다. 아래의 예를 참조하라. 
 header ("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
- PHP scripts often generate dynamic HTML that must not be cached
- by the client browser or any proxy caches between the server and the
- client browser. Many proxies and clients can be forced to disable
- caching with
+ PHP 스크립트를 사용하다보면 클라이언트 브라우저와 
+프록시서버에 캐쉬되지  말아야할 출력(예: 다이내믹 HTML)을 
+만들어야 할 경우가 있다. 이럴 경우  아래와 같이 
+클라이언트와 프록시서버의 캐쉬기능을 강제로 해제할 수 있다. 
 header ("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");// Date in the past
 header ("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); 
@@ -72,27 +47,19 @@
- Remember that the header function must be
- called before any actual output is sent, either by normal HTML
- tags blank lines in a file, or from PHP. It is a very common
- error to read code with include, or
- require, functions, or another file access
- function, and have spaces or empty lines that will output before
- header is called. The same problem exists
- when using a single PHP/HTML file.
+ header 함수는 HTML의 공백라인이나 
+PHP가 만들어낸  어떠한 출력보다도 가장 먼저 호출되어야 
+한다. header  함수가 호출되기 전에 
+include 와 require 혹은 기타 
+다른 파일엑세스 관련 함수를 사용하거나 코드내에 공백을 
+넣는 경우는 스크립트 작성자가 흔히  저지르는 실수이다. 
+설령 PHP/HTML 파일 하나만 사용한다고 해도 이같은 실수의 
+가능성은 여전히 존재한다.
-// Broken, Note the blank lines above
+// 윗줄에 공백이 있으므로 제대로 동작하지 않을 것이다.
- See also headers_sent
+ headers_sent도 참고하라.

@@ -100,10 +67,10 @@

-Returns true if headers have been sent
+헤더가 전송되었으면 참(true)을 돌려준다.

+함수 설명
   boolean headers_sent
@@ -111,11 +78,9 @@
- This function returns true if the HTTP headers have already been
- sent, false otherwise.
+ 이 함수는 HTTP 헤더가 이미 전송되어진 경우 참(true)을, 
+반대의 경우  거짓(false)을 돌려준다.
- See also hea

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /kr/functions http.xml

2001-02-23 Thread Jaemin Byon

noribsd Fri Feb 23 19:12:08 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
Index: phpdoc/kr/functions/http.xml
diff -u phpdoc/kr/functions/http.xml:1.2 phpdoc/kr/functions/http.xml:1.3
--- phpdoc/kr/functions/http.xml:1.2Wed Jan 10 06:53:26 2001
+++ phpdoc/kr/functions/http.xmlFri Feb 23 19:12:08 2001
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
   HTTP functions
@@ -27,13 +27,6 @@
  HTML file to send raw HTTP
  header strings.  See the HTTP 1.1
  Specification for more information on raw http headers.
- Note: Remember that the
- Header function must be called before any
- actual output is sent either by normal HTML tags or from PHP. It
- is a very common error to read code with
- include or with auto_prepend and have spaces
- or empty lines in this code that force output before
- header is called.
  There are two special-case header calls.  The first is the
@@ -79,6 +72,25 @@
+ Remember that the header function must be
+ called before any actual output is sent, either by normal HTML
+ tags blank lines in a file, or from PHP. It is a very common
+ error to read code with include, or
+ require, functions, or another file access
+ function, and have spaces or empty lines that will output before
+ header is called. The same problem exists
+ when using a single PHP/HTML file.
+// Broken, Note the blank lines above
  See also headers_sent

Re: [PHP-DOC] Off-topic: adding the printed PHP manuals to books.php

2001-02-23 Thread eschmid+sic

On Fri, Feb 23, 2001 at 06:40:55PM -0800, Jesus M. Castagnetto wrote:

> I do not have enough karma (with the new access
> system) to make changes to phpweb, that was why I
> mentioned the links I saw and that someone may want to
> make the additions.

I hope you will get some more karma very soon.
> Was not aware of the background, origin or problems
> that this print had (and is causing), otherwise I
> would not have brought them up here. So, now that I
> know, I understand why is not important that those get
> listed in books.php

No problem. It is very close to be solved.

> As Rasmus mentioned, moving the manual to the ODL
> would be better, because it was designed for
> documentation and the GPL is not a perfect fit for the
> manual.

This was mentioned also.

> I did not want to offend or irritate anyone, just
> pointing out stuff I found out while carelessly
> browsing through online bookstores.

I did occassionally the same and have seen that books at amazon.com,
amazon.de, and barnes-and-nobles. I hope this company will no longer
exists in the near future.



Re: [PHP-DOC] Off-topic: adding the printed PHP manuals to books.php

2001-02-23 Thread Jesus M. Castagnetto

> > Someone with enough karma may want to do these
> updates
> > in phpweb.
> If you do that I will delete it. 

I do not have enough karma (with the new access
system) to make changes to phpweb, that was why I
mentioned the links I saw and that someone may want to
make the additions.

Was not aware of the background, origin or problems
that this print had (and is causing), otherwise I
would not have brought them up here. So, now that I
know, I understand why is not important that those get
listed in books.php

As Rasmus mentioned, moving the manual to the ODL
would be better, because it was designed for
documentation and the GPL is not a perfect fit for the

I did not want to offend or irritate anyone, just
pointing out stuff I found out while carelessly
browsing through online bookstores.

About making changes to phpweb, I have some diffs for
one of the scripts we in the php-notes list use to
admin/edit the notes to the manual, but I cannot apply
them, who should I ask for karma?, or failing that who
should I send the diffs to be applied?


--- Jesus M. Castagnetto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. 

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /pt_BR Translators

2001-02-23 Thread Anderson da Silveira Fortaleza

afortaleza  Fri Feb 23 18:01:02 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/pt_BR   Translators 
  updated translated files
Index: phpdoc/pt_BR/Translators
diff -u phpdoc/pt_BR/Translators:1.8 phpdoc/pt_BR/Translators:1.9
--- phpdoc/pt_BR/Translators:1.8Mon Feb 19 21:14:29 2001
+++ phpdoc/pt_BR/TranslatorsFri Feb 23 18:01:02 2001
@@ -43,9 +43,9 @@
 bookinfo.xml   soneca  done (not reviewed)
 preface.xmlsoneca  done (not reviewed)
-config.xml afortaleza  finalizing
+config.xml afortaleza  done
 install.xml afortaleza  started 
+intro.xml   afortaleza  done
 basic-syntax.xml   soneca  done (not reviewed)

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /pt_BR/chapters intro.xml

2001-02-23 Thread Anderson da Silveira Fortaleza

afortaleza  Fri Feb 23 17:59:49 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/pt_BR/chapters  intro.xml 
  Done ! 
Index: phpdoc/pt_BR/chapters/intro.xml
diff -u /dev/null phpdoc/pt_BR/chapters/intro.xml:1.3
--- /dev/null   Fri Feb 23 17:59:49 2001
+++ phpdoc/pt_BR/chapters/intro.xml Fri Feb 23 17:59:49 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+  Introdução
+   O que é PHP?
+PHP (oficialmente "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor") é uma linguagem de script
+server-side HTML-embedded.
+Resposta simples, mas o que isso significa ? Um exemplo:
+ Um exemplo introdutório
+Note como isso é diferente de scripts CGI escritos em outras
+linguagens como Perl ou C --- ao invés de escrever um programa com um monte
+de comandos para imprimir HTML, você escreve um script HTML com algum
+código inserido para fazer alguma coisa (nesse caso, imprimir algum
+texto). O código PHP é delimitado por tags iniciais e finais
+que lhe permitem pular pra dentro e pra fora do modo PHP.
+O que distingui o PHP de algo como Javascript client-side
+é que o código é executado no servidor. Se você tivesse um
+script similar ao acima em seu servidor, o cliente receberia
+os resultados da execução desse script, sem nenhum modo de determinar
+qual é o código fonte. Você pode inclusive configurar seu servidor
+para processar todos os seus arquivos HTML como PHP, e então não haverá
+nenhum modo dos usuários descobrirem que você usa código.
+   O que o PHP pode fazer?
+No nível mais básico, o PHP pode fazer qualquer coisa que qualquer outro programa
+CGI pode fazer, como coletar dados de formulário, gerar conteúdo
+de página dinâmico, ou enviar e receber cookies.
+Talvez a mais forte e mais significante característica do PHP é seu
+suporte a uma ampla variedade de banco de dados. Escrever uma página que consulte
+um banco de dados é incivelmente simples. Os seguintes bancos de dados são 
+  Adabas D
+  dBase
+  Empress
+  FilePro (read-only)
+  Hyperwave
+  IBM DB2
+  Informix
+  Ingres
+  InterBase
+  FrontBase
+  mSQL
+  Direct MS-SQL
+  MySQL
+  Oracle (OCI7 and OCI8)
+  Ovrimos
+  PostgreSQL
+  Solid
+  Sybase
+  Velocis
+  Unix dbm
+O PHP também tem suporte para conversar com outros serviços usando protocolos
+como IMAP, SNMP, NNTP, POP3, HTTP e incintáveis outros. Você também pode
+abrir cockets raw de rede e interagir usando outros protocolos.
+   Uma breve história do PHP
+O PHP foi concebido em alguma época de 1994 por &link.rasmus;.
+Versões iniciais não lançadas foram usadas em sua home page para manter
+uma trilha de quem estava olhando o seu currículo virtual. A primeira versão
+usada por outros estava disponível em alguma época de 1995 e era conhecida como
+o Personal Home Page Tools.  Consistia de um interpretador
+muito simplista que apenas entendia algumas macros especiais
+e um número de utilidades que eram de uso comum em home pages
+daquela época. Um guestbook, um contador, e algumas outras coisas. O
+interpretador foi reescrito em meados de 1995 e batizado PHP/FI Version 2. O
+FI veio de outro pacote que Rasmus tinha escrito que interpretava
+dados de formulários html. Ele combinou os scripts do Personal Home Page Tools
+com o Form Interpreter e adicionou suporte mSQL e o PHP/FI
+nasceu. PHP/FI cresceu a um passo fantástico e pessoas começaram
+a contribuir para o código.
+É difícil dar qualquer estatística, mas é estimado
+que ao tardar de 1996 o PHP/FI estava em uso em pelo menos 15,000 web sites
+ao redor do mundo. Em meados de 1997 este número tinha crescido para mais de
+50,000.  Em 1997 també houve uma mudança no desenvolvimento do PHP. Deixou
+de ser o projeto pessoal de Ramus para o qual muitas pessoas tinham
+contribuído, para se tornar em um esforço de um time mais
+organizado. O interpretador foi reescrito do zero por Zeev Suraski e
+Andi Gutmans e este novo interpretador formou a base do PHP Version
+3.  Muito do código de utilitários do PHP/FI foi portado para o PHP 3
+e muito dele foi completamente reescrito.
+A última versão (PHP 4) usa a ferramenta Zend scripting para possibilitar alta
+performance, suporta ainda uma ampla variedade de bibliotecas externas
+e extensões, e roda como um módulo nativo com todos os
+servidores web populares.
+Hoje (1/2001) PHP 3 ou PHP 4 agora detém um 

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /pt_BR/chapters config.xml

2001-02-23 Thread Anderson da Silveira Fortaleza

afortaleza  Fri Feb 23 17:58:22 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/pt_BR/chapters  config.xml 
  Reviwed and finished

Index: phpdoc/pt_BR/chapters/config.xml
diff -u phpdoc/pt_BR/chapters/config.xml:1.3 phpdoc/pt_BR/chapters/config.xml:1.4
--- phpdoc/pt_BR/chapters/config.xml:1.3Wed Jan 24 18:01:27 2001
+++ phpdoc/pt_BR/chapters/config.xmlFri Feb 23 17:58:21 2001
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@

 Isto define o valor da variável especificada. Definições de
 configuração "Admin" só podem ser definidas a partir dos
-arquivos principais de confioguração do Apache, e não
-dos arquivos .haccess.
+arquivos principais de configuração do Apache, e não
+dos arquivos .htaccess.
@@ -92,10 +92,10 @@

- This option enables the URL-aware fopen wrappers that enable accessing URL 
- like files. Default wrappers are provided for the access of 
- remote files
- using the ftp or http protocol, some extensions like zlib may register 
additional wrappers. 
+ Esta opção habilita o URL-aware fopen wrappers que possibilitam o acesso a 
+objetos URL
+ como arquivos. Wrappers padrão são fornecidos para o acesso de 
+ arquivos remotos
+ usando os protocolos ftp ou http, algumas extensões como zlib podem 
+registrar wrappers adicionais. 
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@

- Nome do arquivo onde erros de escript devem ser guardados.  Se o
+ Nome do arquivo onde erros de script devem ser guardados.  Se o
  valor especial syslog for usado, os erros serão
  enviados para o logger do sistema.  No UNIX, isto significa
  syslog(3) e no Windows NT isto significa event log.  O
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@
  O valor especial .
- indica que o diretório ode o script está armazenado será
+ indica que o diretório onde o script está armazenado será
  usado como o diretório base.
@@ -312,10 +312,10 @@
  automaticamente herdados.
- O supporte para multiplos diretórios foi adicionado na versão 
+ O supporte para múltiplos diretórios foi adicionado na versão 
- O padrão é permitir que todos os arquivos serem abertos.
+ O padrão é permitir que todos os arquivos sejam abertos.

@@ -327,10 +327,10 @@

- Define a ordem de interpretação va variável GET/POST/COOKIE .  A
+ Define a ordem de interpretação da variável GET/POST/COOKIE .  A
  definição padrão para essa diretiva é "GPC".  Definindo-a para
  "GP", por exemplo, fará com que o PHP ignore completamente cookies
- e irá sobescrever quaisuqer variáveis com o método GET por variáveis com
+ e irá sobescrever quaisquer variáveis com o método GET por variáveis com
  o método POST com o mesmo nome.

@@ -399,7 +399,7 @@

  Diz se as mensagens de erro devem ser salvas no
- arquivo de do servidor.  Esta opção então é específica do servidor.
+ arquivo de log do servidor. Logo, esta opção é específica do servidor.

@@ -429,7 +429,7 @@
  Se magic_quotes_runtime é habilitado,
  a maioria das funções que retornam dados de qualquer tipo de fonte
- esterna incluindo banco de dados e arquivos de texto terão aspas
+ externa incluindo banco de dados e arquivos de texto terão aspas
  escapadas com barra invertida. Se magic_quotes_sybase
  também estiver habilitado (on), aspa simpes é escapada como aspa simples
  ao invés de barra invertida.
@@ -459,8 +459,8 @@

- Isto define a quantide máxima de tempo em segundos que um script é pertmitido
- ter antes de ser finalizado pelo interpretaor.  Isto previne
+ Isto define a quantide máxima de tempo em segundos que um script é permitido
+ ter antes de ser finalizado pelo interpretador.  Isto previne
  scripts mal escritos de travar o servidor. O valor padrão é 

@@ -501,9 +501,9 @@
  Diz quando registrar as variáveis EGPCS (Environment, GET,
  POST, Cookie, Server) como globais ou não. Você pode
  desabilitar isso se você não quer misturar o escopo global do seu script
- com dados de usuário. Isto faz mas senso quando usado juntamente com
- track_vars - neste caso
+ com dados de usuário. Isto faz mais senso
+ quando usado juntamente com track_vars - neste caso
  você pode acessar todas as variáveis EGPCS através das matrizes
@@ -582,8 +582,8 @@


Re: [PHP-DOC] Off-topic: adding the printed PHP manuals to books.php

2001-02-23 Thread Rasmus Lerdorf

> On Fri, Feb 23, 2001 at 04:41:56PM -0800, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
> > > Since the PHP manual is under the GPL all people around the world think,
> > > they can copy it and publish it in printed form. This is also the thinking
> > > mostly all PHP Group and Documentation members. But the publisher have
> > > now the copyright and this can us protect from distributing the manual as
> > > usual. Copyright law is not GPL.
> >
> > The publisher cannot possibly have the copyright.  The authors of the
> > documentation hold the copyright.  I see nothing wrong with them printing
> > up the documentation.  If there were to try to stop others from doing the
> > same, then we would have a problem.  But until I see evidence of that I
> > don't see the issue.
> No, you have not gotten the point. If you as a author gets a contract with
> a publisher to publish your book, then the publisher holds the copyright.
> He has also the right to ask the author to update it and so on.

Only if I, as an author, sign over such copyright.  Nobody has signed over
the copyright so it isn't their's.

> Have you looked close to the first pages of the mentioned books. There you
> will see a copyright notice from the publisher. Why I think it is illegal
> is, he don't have a contract with the original authors and the editors.

Sure, they have a copyright on their particular printing.  They have added
things like cover art and other things.  That's fine.  That doesn't mean
they have the copyright on the contents and it doesn't mean they can
prevent others from printing similar books.  The GPL is of course rather
vague on stuff like this.  The intent was always to move the document to
the Open Doc license.


Re: [PHP-DOC] Off-topic: adding the printed PHP manuals to books.php

2001-02-23 Thread eschmid+sic

On Fri, Feb 23, 2001 at 04:41:56PM -0800, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
> > Since the PHP manual is under the GPL all people around the world think,
> > they can copy it and publish it in printed form. This is also the thinking
> > mostly all PHP Group and Documentation members. But the publisher have
> > now the copyright and this can us protect from distributing the manual as
> > usual. Copyright law is not GPL.
> The publisher cannot possibly have the copyright.  The authors of the
> documentation hold the copyright.  I see nothing wrong with them printing
> up the documentation.  If there were to try to stop others from doing the
> same, then we would have a problem.  But until I see evidence of that I
> don't see the issue.

No, you have not gotten the point. If you as a author gets a contract with
a publisher to publish your book, then the publisher holds the copyright.
He has also the right to ask the author to update it and so on.

Have you looked close to the first pages of the mentioned books. There you
will see a copyright notice from the publisher. Why I think it is illegal
is, he don't have a contract with the original authors and the editors. 

It is a book on demand and such a thing we probably can manage ourself.
In Germany there have been for weeks a voting "how many money will you pay
for a printed manual". Feedback was great.



Re: [PHP-DOC] Translators Heads UP

2001-02-23 Thread Luca Perugini

Thank's Egon.


On Mon, 19 Feb 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hello,
> I was looking into the French PHP manual and I have received the
> following:
> /usr/bin/jade:./fr/functions/uodbc.xml:23:19:X: reference to non-existent
> ID "database-support-options"
> The cause is the following, ./en/chapters/install.xml has been changed and
> "database-support-options" are now not defined. In
> ./en/functions/uodbc.xml the paragraph with the
> llinkend="database-support-options" is only a comment.
> bash-2.01$ find . -name "*.xml" | xargs grep "database-support-options"
> ./en/functions/uodbc.xml:
> llinkend="database-support-options">Installation on Unix
> ./ja/functions/uodbc.xml: llinkend="database-support-options">UNIXシステムへのインストー
> ./it/chapters/install.xml:   
> ../kr/functions/uodbc.xml:
> llinkend="database-support-options">Installation on Unix
> ./fr/functions/uodbc.xml: llinkend="database-support-options">Installation sous Unix
> ./nl/chapters/install.xml:   
> ../nl/functions/uodbc.xml:
> llinkend="database-support-options">Installation on Unix
> This means the following:
> ja is ok
> it don't have a partintro in it/functions/uodbc.xml
> kr have an english version with partintro for uodbc.xml and in the
> translated install.xml there is no database-support-options defined.
> uodbc.xml should be removed, because the ./configure command will
> automatically substitute a missing file with the english version
> fr have two old files (install.xml and uodbc.xml)
> nl have also two old files (install.xml and uodbc.xml) 
> Please check the two files and update.
> -Egon
> -- 
> http://www.linuxtag.de/
> http://php.net/books.php 
> http://www.concert-band.de/
> http://www.php-buch.de/

 Ing. Luca Perugini o Linux Consultant
 Editor PHP Manual Italian language o mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 SysAdmin   o http://www.uisp.it
 SysAdmin   o http://www.sporty.it

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /it/functions uodbc.xml

2001-02-23 Thread Luca Perugini

peruginiFri Feb 23 17:10:28 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
  Inserting a partintro in it/functions/uodbc.xml
Index: phpdoc/it/functions/uodbc.xml
diff -u phpdoc/it/functions/uodbc.xml:1.6 phpdoc/it/functions/uodbc.xml:1.7
--- phpdoc/it/functions/uodbc.xml:1.6   Sun Jul 30 16:28:38 2000
+++ phpdoc/it/functions/uodbc.xml   Fri Feb 23 17:10:28 2001
@@ -1,6 +1,38 @@
-  Funzioni ODBC
+  Funzioni ODBC Unificate
+In aggiunta al normale supporto ODBC, le funzioni ODBC unificate del
+PHP consentono l'accesso a diversi database che hanno preso in prestito
+la semantica dell'API ODBC per implementare la loro API. Invece di mantenere
+più driver per database che sono tutti pressoché identici, questi driver sono 
+stati riuniti in un singolo insieme di funzioni ODBC.
+I seguenti database sono supportati dalle funzioni ODBC unificate:
+Adabas D, IBM DB2, iODBC, Solid, and Sybase SQL Anywhere.
+ Nella connessione ai database sopra elencati non vengono coinvolte funzioni
+ ODBC. Le funzioni che vengono utilizzate per collegarsi nativamente con essi
+ condividono solamente lo stesso nome e sintassi delle funzioni ODBC.

Re: [PHP-DOC] Off-topic: adding the printed PHP manuals to books.php

2001-02-23 Thread Rasmus Lerdorf

> Since the PHP manual is under the GPL all people around the world think,
> they can copy it and publish it in printed form. This is also the thinking
> mostly all PHP Group and Documentation members. But the publisher have
> now the copyright and this can us protect from distributing the manual as
> usual. Copyright law is not GPL.

The publisher cannot possibly have the copyright.  The authors of the
documentation hold the copyright.  I see nothing wrong with them printing
up the documentation.  If there were to try to stop others from doing the
same, then we would have a problem.  But until I see evidence of that I
don't see the issue.


Re: [PHP-DOC] Off-topic: adding the printed PHP manuals to books.php

2001-02-23 Thread eschmid+sic

On Fri, Feb 23, 2001 at 02:38:29PM -0800, Jesus M. Castagnetto wrote:
> I think that the printed PHP Manuals should be added
> to the books.php list, and/or linked from the docs.php
> page too.
> Saw them at Amazon.com:
> http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0595132278
> http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0595132286
> Someone with enough karma may want to do these updates
> in phpweb.

If you do that I will delete it. This is a very old copy of a historical
PDF file. Its distributed under the GPL (which is not appropriate for
documentation). And the publisher said, he will give a portion of the
money he earns to the open source community. He said not to which

Since the PHP manual is under the GPL all people around the world think,
they can copy it and publish it in printed form. This is also the thinking
mostly all PHP Group and Documentation members. But the publisher have
now the copyright and this can us protect from distributing the manual as
usual. Copyright law is not GPL.

Only Jouni and Hartmut have seen the problems. I haven't yet received any
feedback about the conversation with Rasmus, RMS, and Hartmut at Bruessel 
about that problem.



[PHP-DOC] Off-topic: adding the printed PHP manuals to books.php

2001-02-23 Thread Jesus M. Castagnetto

I think that the printed PHP Manuals should be added
to the books.php list, and/or linked from the docs.php
page too.

Saw them at Amazon.com:


Someone with enough karma may want to do these updates
in phpweb.


--- Jesus M. Castagnetto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Yahoo! Auctions - Buy the things you want at great prices! http://auctions.yahoo.com/

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /en/functions dir.xml

2001-02-23 Thread Daniel Beckham

danbeck Fri Feb 23 14:08:33 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
  clarified return value of opendir and added example
Index: phpdoc/en/functions/dir.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/functions/dir.xml:1.12 phpdoc/en/functions/dir.xml:1.13
--- phpdoc/en/functions/dir.xml:1.12Thu Feb 15 16:47:33 2001
+++ phpdoc/en/functions/dir.xml Fri Feb 23 14:08:33 2001
@@ -148,6 +148,31 @@
  closedir, readdir, and
  rewinddir calls.
+ If path is not a valid directory or the
+ directory can not be opened due to permission restrictions or
+ filesystem errors, opendir returns false and
+ generates a PHP error.  You can suppress the error output of
+ opendir by prepending `@' to the front of
+ the function name.
+  opendir Example


[PHP-DOC] posix.xml - typo?

2001-02-23 Thread Martin Samesch


in function posix_setuid it says

 Set the effective UID of the current process

and later

Set the real user ID of the current process

Is this correct or should there be either effective or real?

Same situation in the next function.


[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /de/functions posix.xml

2001-02-23 Thread Martin Samesch

samesch Fri Feb 23 13:08:30 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
  added permanently (cvs told me to do so ;-)

Index: phpdoc/de/functions/posix.xml
diff -u /dev/null phpdoc/de/functions/posix.xml:1.6
--- /dev/null   Fri Feb 23 13:08:30 2001
+++ phpdoc/de/functions/posix.xml   Fri Feb 23 13:08:30 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,854 @@
+  POSIX Funktionen
+Dieses Modul enthält eine Schnittstelle zu den im IEEE 1003.1
+(POSIX.1) Standards Dokument definierten Funktionen, die durch
+andere Mittel nicht erreichbar sind. POSIX.1 definierte zum
+Beispiel auch die open(), read(), write() und close() Funktionen,
+die seit langer Zeit Bestandteil von PHP 3 sind. Trotzdem standen
+einige andere systemspezifische Funktionen bisher nicht zur
+Verfügung. Dieses Modul versucht hier Abhilfe zu schaffen, indem
+es einen einfachen Zugang zu diesen Funktionen bereitstellt.
+Sendet einem Prozess ein Signal
+  bool posix_kill
+  int pid
+  int sig
+ Diese Funktion sendet das Signal sig zum
+ Prozess mit der Prozesskennung (Prozess-ID)
+ pid. Sie gibt FALSE zurück, wenn sie das
+ Signal nicht senden konnte, andernfalls TRUE.
+ Sehen Sie sich dazu auch die kill(2)-Manpage Ihres POSIX-Systems
+ an, die zusätzliche Informationen über negative Prozess-IDs, die
+ speziellen pid 0 und -1 und die Signalnummer 0 enthält.
+Liefert die aktuelle Prozesskennung
+  int posix_getpid
+  void 
+ Diese Funktion gibt die Prozesskennung des aktuellen Prozesses
+ zurück.
+ Liefert die Prozesskennung des Elternprozesses
+  int posix_getppid
+  void 
+ Diese Funktion gibt die Prozesskennung des Elternprozesses des
+ aktuellen Prozesses zurück.
+ Liefert die wirkliche Benutzer-ID des aktuellen Prozesses
+  int posix_getuid
+  void 
+ Diese Funktion gibt die numerische wirkliche Benutzer-ID des
+ aktuellen Prozesses zurück. Für Informationen, wie die
+ Benutzer-ID in einen gebräuchlichen Benutzernamen umgewandelt
+ werden kann, siehe auch posix_getpwuid.
+ Liefert die effektive Benutzer-ID des aktuellen Prozesses
+  int posix_geteuid
+  void 
+ Diese Funktion gibt die numerische effektive Benutzer-ID des
+ aktuellen Prozesses zurück. Für Informationen, wie die
+ Benutzer-ID in einen gebräuchlichen Benutzernamen umgewandelt
+ werden kann, siehe auch posix_getpwuid.
+ Liefert die wirkliche Gruppen-ID des aktuellen Prozesses
+  int posix_getgid
+  void 
+ Diese Funktion gibt die numerische wirkliche Gruppen-ID des
+ aktuellen Prozesses zurück. Für Informationen, wie die Gruppen-ID
+ in einen gebräuchlichen Gruppennamen umgewandelt werden kann,
+ siehe auch posix_getgrgid.
+ Liefert die effektive Gruppen-ID des aktuellen Prozesses
+  int posix_getegid
+  void 
+ Diese Funktion gibt die numerische effektive Gruppen-ID des
+ aktuellen Prozesses zurück.
+ Für Informationen, wie die Gruppen-ID in einen gebräuchlichen
+ Gruppennamen umgewandelt werden kann, siehe auch
+ posix_getgrgid.
+ Setzt die effektive Benutzer-ID des aktuellen Prozesses
+  bool posix_setuid
+  int uid
+ Diese Funktion setzt die wirkliche Benutzer-ID
+ uid des aktuellen Prozesses. Es handelt
+ sich um eine privilegierte Funktion, für die Sie die
+ entspechenden Berechtigungen (normalerweise root) auf Ihrem
+ System benötigen, um diese Funktion ausführen zu können.
+ Gibt bei Erfolg TRUE und andernfalls FALSE zurück.
+ Siehe auch: posix_setgid.
+ Setzt die effektive Gruppen-ID des aktuellen Prozesses
+  bool posix_setgid
+  int gid
+ Diese Funktion setzt die wirkliche Gruppen-ID
+ gid des aktuellen Prozesses. Es handelt
+ sich um eine privilegierte Funktion, für die Sie die

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /en/functions posix.xml

2001-02-23 Thread Martin Samesch

samesch Fri Feb 23 13:03:42 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
  some re-indenting

Index: phpdoc/en/functions/posix.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/functions/posix.xml:1.7 phpdoc/en/functions/posix.xml:1.8
--- phpdoc/en/functions/posix.xml:1.7   Mon Oct  9 08:06:37 2000
+++ phpdoc/en/functions/posix.xml   Fri Feb 23 13:03:42 2001
@@ -4,17 +4,17 @@

-This module contains an interface to those functions defined in the
-IEEE 1003.1 (POSIX.1) standards document which are not accessible
-through other means. POSIX.1 for example defined the open(), read(),
-write() and close() functions, too, which traditionally have been
-part of PHP 3 for a long time. Some more system specific functions
-have not been available before, though, and this module tries to
-remedy this by providing easy access to these functions.
+This module contains an interface to those functions defined in
+the IEEE 1003.1 (POSIX.1) standards document which are not
+accessible through other means. POSIX.1 for example defined the
+open(), read(), write() and close() functions, too, which
+traditionally have been part of PHP 3 for a long time. Some more
+system specific functions have not been available before, though,
+and this module tries to remedy this by providing easy access to
+these functions.


@@ -30,14 +30,16 @@
- Send the signal sig to the process
- with the process identifier pid.
- Returns FALSE, if unable to send the signal, TRUE otherwise.
+ Send the signal sig to the process with
+ the process identifier pid. Returns FALSE,
+ if unable to send the signal, TRUE otherwise.
  See also the kill(2) manual page of your POSIX system, which
  contains additional information about negative process
  identifiers, the special pid 0, the special pid -1, and the
- signal number 0.
+ signal number 0.

@@ -73,9 +75,9 @@
- Return the process identifier of the parent process of the current
- process.
+ Return the process identifier of the parent process of the
+ current process.

@@ -97,7 +99,8 @@
  Return the numeric real user ID of the current process. See also
  posix_getpwuid for information on how to
- convert this into a useable username.
+ convert this into a useable username.

@@ -119,7 +122,8 @@
  Return the numeric effective user ID of the current process. See
  also posix_getpwuid for information on how
- to convert this into a useable username.
+ to convert this into a useable username.

@@ -141,7 +145,8 @@
  Return the numeric real group ID of the current process. See also
  posix_getgrgid for information on how to
- convert this into a useable group name.
+ convert this into a useable group name.

@@ -163,7 +168,8 @@
  Return the numeric effective group ID of the current process. See
  also posix_getgrgid for information on how
- to convert this into a useable group name.
+ to convert this into a useable group name.

@@ -185,10 +191,12 @@
  Set the real user ID of the current process. This is a privileged
  function and you need appropriate privileges (usually root) on
- your system to be able to perform this function.
+ your system to be able to perform this function.
  Returns TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise. See also
- posix_setgid.
+ posix_setgid.

@@ -213,9 +221,11 @@
  root) on your system to be able to perform this function. The
  appropriate order of function calls is
  posix_setgid first,
- posix_setuid last.
+ posix_setuid last.
- Returns TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise.
+ Returns TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise.

@@ -238,7 +248,8 @@
  Returns an array of integers containing the numeric group ids of
  the group set of the current process. See also
  posix_getgrgid for information on how to
- convert this into useable group names.
+ convert this into useable group names.

@@ -258,7 +269,8 @@
  Returns the login name of the user owning the current process.
  See posix_getpwnam for information how to
- get more information about this user.
+ get more information about this user.

@@ -280,7 +292,8 @@
  Return the process group identifier of the current process. See
  POSIX.1 and the getpgrp(2) manual page on your POSIX system for
- more information on process groups.
+ more information on process groups.

@@ -298,10 +311,10 @@
- Make the current process a session leader. See POSIX.1 and
- the setsid(2) 

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /de/functions strings.xml

2001-02-23 Thread Egon Schmid

eschmid Fri Feb 23 12:33:33 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
  Another change to nl2br.
Index: phpdoc/de/functions/strings.xml
diff -u phpdoc/de/functions/strings.xml:1.28 phpdoc/de/functions/strings.xml:1.29
--- phpdoc/de/functions/strings.xml:1.28Thu Feb 22 16:15:16 2001
+++ phpdoc/de/functions/strings.xml Fri Feb 23 12:33:33 2001
@@ -1101,8 +1101,8 @@
- Gibt string mit '
' an Stelle von - Neue-Zeile zurück. + Gibt den string mit einem eingefügten + '
' vor dem Neue-Zeile-Zeichen zurück. Siehe auch htmlspecialchars und

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /en/functions strings.xml

2001-02-23 Thread Sascha Schumann

sas Fri Feb 23 07:35:46 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
  reflect that nl2br has been changed to conform to xhtml 1.0. 
Index: phpdoc/en/functions/strings.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/functions/strings.xml:1.74 phpdoc/en/functions/strings.xml:1.75
--- phpdoc/en/functions/strings.xml:1.74Thu Feb 22 16:05:34 2001
+++ phpdoc/en/functions/strings.xml Fri Feb 23 07:35:46 2001
@@ -1353,7 +1353,7 @@
- Returns string with '
' inserted + Returns string with '
' inserted before all newlines.

Re: [PHP-DOC] Missing configure option in install.xml

2001-02-23 Thread Daniel Beckham

Please do add these if you can...  The en/chapters directory has been
inaccessible for some time now.  I have the --with-bz2 stuff already in my
copy of install.xml, but I can not commit the change due to cvs server

Any idea when this stuff might be fixed guys?


- Original Message -
From: "Damien Seguy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "phpdoc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, February 23, 2001 3:46 AM
Subject: [PHP-DOC] Missing configure option in install.xml

> Hi ,
> I went throw the doc, and I've pined down all those configure
> option which are in their own file, and not listed in install.xml.
> Here is a list of undefined tags, with the corresponding
> xml file.
> --with-bz2 (bz2.xml)
> --with-gmp (gmp.xml)
> --with-mnogosearch (mnogosearch.xml)
> --with-ovrimos (ovrimos.xml)
> --enable-shared-pdflib (pdfflib.xml)
> --with-recode (recode.xml)
> --enable-shmop (shmop.xml)
> --enable-wddx (wddx.xml)
> --enable-asp-tags (basic-syntax.xml)
> --enable-short-tags (basic-syntax.xml)
> As I review the doc, it seems that the description of
> --with-informix is wrong.
> If everyone's ok, I'll add all those options in the install.xml file.
> BTW, most options use the  tag, while some use the
>  tag, which usually link to the install.xml file, and is
> pretty much clever. I suggest using the link tag instead of
> option. Any opinions?
> best regards,
> Damien Seguy

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /fr/functions bc.xml

2001-02-23 Thread Damien Seguy

damsFri Feb 23 02:31:27 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
  Updating configure option
Index: phpdoc/fr/functions/bc.xml
diff -u phpdoc/fr/functions/bc.xml:1.3 phpdoc/fr/functions/bc.xml:1.4
--- phpdoc/fr/functions/bc.xml:1.3  Tue Jan 16 02:38:38 2001
+++ phpdoc/fr/functions/bc.xml  Fri Feb 23 02:31:27 2001
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
   BC math
- Ces fonctions ne sont disponibles que si l'option de configuration
- --enable-bcmath a été 
activée lors de la
- compilation.
+   Ces fonctions ne sont disponibles que si l'option de configuration
+   --enable-bcmath a été
+   activée lors de la compilation.

@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@

-Addionne deux nombres de taille arbitraire.
+Additionne deux nombres de grande taille.

@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@

-Compare deux nombres de taille arbitraire.
+Compare deux nombres de grande taille.

@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@

-Divise deux nombres de taille arbitraire.
+Divise deux nombres de grande taille.

@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@

-  Retourne le reste d'une division entre nombre de taille arbitraire.
+  Retourne le reste d'une division entre nombre de grande taille.

@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@

-Multiplie deux nombres de taille arbitraire.
+Multiplie deux nombres de grande taille.

@@ -193,8 +193,7 @@

- Détermine le nombre de décimales par défaut pour les
- fonctions de précision mathématiques.
+ Détermine le nombre de décimales par défaut

@@ -216,7 +215,7 @@

-   Renvoie la racine carrée d'un nombre de taille arbitraire.
+   Renvoie la racine carrée d'un nombre de grande taille.

@@ -245,7 +244,7 @@

-  Soustrait un nombre de taille arbitraire à un autre.
+  Soustrait un nombre de grande taille à un autre.

@@ -261,11 +260,13 @@
- bcsub soustrait l'opérande right 
- de l'opérande left operand et renvoie le 
- sous forme de chaîne de caractères. Le paramètre optionnel
- scale définit le nombre de chiffres après
- la virgule dans le résultat.
+ bcsub soustrait l'opérande 
+ right operand à l'opérande 
+ left operand et renvoie le résultat
+ sous forme de chaîne de caractères. Le 
+ paramètre optionnel scale 
+ définit le nombre de chiffres après la virgule
+ dans le résultat.
  Voir aussi bcadd.

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /fr/chapters security.xml

2001-02-23 Thread Damien Seguy

damsFri Feb 23 02:30:12 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/fr/chapters security.xml 
  Updated configure option
Index: phpdoc/fr/chapters/security.xml
diff -u phpdoc/fr/chapters/security.xml:1.13 phpdoc/fr/chapters/security.xml:1.14
--- phpdoc/fr/chapters/security.xml:1.13Tue Jan 23 02:35:06 2001
+++ phpdoc/fr/chapters/security.xml Fri Feb 23 02:30:12 2001
@@ -141,7 +141,8 @@

-  Cas 2: Utilisation de la directive de compilation --enable-force-cgi-redirect
+  Cas 2: Utilisation de la directive de compilation 
+  --enable-force-cgi-redirect
   Cette option de compilation prévient quiconque d'appeler

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /fr/functions strings.xml

2001-02-23 Thread Damien Seguy

damsFri Feb 23 02:29:22 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
  Updated configure option
Index: phpdoc/fr/functions/strings.xml
diff -u phpdoc/fr/functions/strings.xml:1.28 phpdoc/fr/functions/strings.xml:1.29
--- phpdoc/fr/functions/strings.xml:1.28Thu Feb 15 11:22:20 2001
+++ phpdoc/fr/functions/strings.xml Fri Feb 23 02:29:22 2001
@@ -1340,7 +1340,7 @@

-Convertit les nouvelles lignes en HTML ( avant chaque nouvelle ligne.


[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /fr/functions pdf.xml

2001-02-23 Thread Damien Seguy

damsFri Feb 23 02:29:16 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
  Updated configure option

Index: phpdoc/fr/functions/pdf.xml
diff -u phpdoc/fr/functions/pdf.xml:1.8 phpdoc/fr/functions/pdf.xml:1.9
--- phpdoc/fr/functions/pdf.xml:1.8 Sat Feb 17 04:56:00 2001
+++ phpdoc/fr/functions/pdf.xml Fri Feb 23 02:29:15 2001
@@ -13,13 +13,13 @@
  de la configuration. Suivez attentivement les messages d'erreur.

- Reportez vous à l'excellente documentation de pdflib, disponible
- avec la  distribution de pdflib. C'est une introduction très
- pratique des possibilités de pdflib et elle contient la liste
+ Reportez vous à l'excellente documentation de PDFLib, disponible
+ avec la  distribution de PDFLib. C'est une introduction très
+ pratique des possibilités de PDFLib et elle contient la liste
  la plus complète et les descriptions les plus à jours des 
- Toutes les fonctions de pdflib se retrouvent dans PHP sous le même nom.
+ Toutes les fonctions de PDFLib se retrouvent dans PHP sous le même nom.
  De même, les paramètres sont identiques.
  Vous devez connaître les concepts
  de base de PDF ou de Postscript pour utiliser efficacement ce module.
@@ -43,20 +43,20 @@

-Confusion entre les vieilles version de pdflib
+Confusion entre les vieilles versions de PDFLib
  Depuis le début du support de PDF sous PHP,
- (commençant avec la version pdflib 0.6), il y a eu des milliers
- de modifications dans les API de pdflib. La plus part de ces modifications
+ (commençant avec la version PDFLib 0.6), il y a eu des milliers
+ de modifications dans les API de PDFLib. La plus part de ces modifications
  ont été suivies par PHP, et parfois même au prix
  de modifications des API PHP. Depuis la version 3.x, ces API semblent
  s'être stabilisées, et PHP 4 a adoptée cette
  version comme le minimum nécessaire pour supporter PDF.
  En conséquence de quoi, un grand nombre de fonction vont
- disparaître, ou être
- remplacée. Le support de pdflib 0.6 est complétement 
- La liste suivante indique quelles sont les fonctions obsolète
- dans PHP 4.02, et qui devraient être remplacées par de nouvelles 
+ disparaître, ou être remplacée. Le support de
+ PDFLib 0.6 est complétement abandonné. La liste suivante
+ indique quelles sont les fonctions obsolètes en PHP 4.02, et qui
+ devraient être remplacées par de nouvelles versions.
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
  "Creator" comme second paramètre.
- pdf_set_info_title
+ pdf_set_info_title()
  pdf_set_info avec
  "Title" comme second paramètre.
@@ -114,51 +114,51 @@
  "Subject" comme second paramètre.
- pdf_set_info_author
+ pdf_set_info_author()
  pdf_set_info avec
  "Author" comme second paramètre.
- pdf_set_info_keywords
+ pdf_set_info_keywords()
  pdf_set_info avec
  "Keywords" comme second paramètre.
- pdf_set_leading
+ pdf_set_leading()
  pdf_set_value avec
  "leading" comme second paramètre.
- pdf_set_text_rendering
+ pdf_set_text_rendering()
  pdf_set_value avec
  "textrendering" comme second paramètre.
- pdf_set_text_rise
+ pdf_set_text_rise()
  pdf_set_value avec
  "textrise" comme second paramètre.
- pdf_set_horiz_scaling
+ pdf_set_horiz_scaling()
  pdf_set_value avec
  "horizscaling" comme second paramètre.
- pdf_set_text_matrix
+ pdf_set_text_matrix()
  Désormais inutile
- pdf_set_char_spacing
+ pdf_set_char_spacing()
  pdf_set_value avec
  "charspacing" comme second paramètre.
- pdf_set_word_spacing
+ pdf_set_word_spacing()
  pdf_set_value avec
  "wordspacing" comme second paramètre.
- pdf_set_transition
+ pdf_set_transition()
  pdf_set_parameter avec
  "transition" comme second paramètre.
@@ -173,38 +173,38 @@
- pdf_set_duration
+ pdf_set_duration()
  pdf_set_value avec
  "duration" comme second paramètre.
- pdf_open_gif
+ pdf_open_gif()
  pdf_open_image_file avec
  "gif" comme second paramètre.
- pdf_open_jpeg
+ pdf_open_jpeg()
  pdf_open_image_file avec
  "jpeg" comme second paramètre.
- pdf_open_tiff

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /fr/functions image.xml

2001-02-23 Thread Damien Seguy

damsFri Feb 23 02:29:08 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
  Updated configure option
Index: phpdoc/fr/functions/image.xml
diff -u phpdoc/fr/functions/image.xml:1.14 phpdoc/fr/functions/image.xml:1.15
--- phpdoc/fr/functions/image.xml:1.14  Sat Feb  3 16:33:28 2001
+++ phpdoc/fr/functions/image.xml   Fri Feb 23 02:29:08 2001
@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@
 Pour les versions plus récentes, c'est le contraire.

-Pour accéder aux images en JPEG, vous devez installer 
la librairie
-jpeg-6b (disponible à &url.jpeg;),
-puis, recompiler GD pour qu'elle utilise jpeg-6b. Vous devrez aussi
-compiler PHP avec
+Pour accéder aux images en JPEG, vous devez 
+installer la librairie jpeg-6b (disponible à 
+&url.jpeg;), puis, recompiler GD 
+pour qu'elle utilise jpeg-6b. Vous devrez aussi compiler PHP avec

@@ -477,7 +477,8 @@
  les valeurs de la couleur correspondante.
-  Voir aussi imagecolorat et 
+  Voir aussi imagecolorat et 
+  imagecolorexact.

@@ -495,10 +496,12 @@
- imagecolorstotal retourne le nombre de couleur de la 
+ imagecolorstotal retourne le nombre de couleurs 
+ de la palette.
- Voir aussi imagecolorat et 
+ Voir aussi imagecolorat et 
+ imagecolorsforindex.

@@ -2285,7 +2288,8 @@
read_exif_data n'est disponible que sous PHP 4 ,
-   compilé avec --enable-exif.
+   compilé avec 
+   --enable-exif.
read_exif_data ne requiert par la librairie GD.

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /fr/language oop.xml

2001-02-23 Thread Damien Seguy

damsFri Feb 23 02:28:23 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/fr/language oop.xml 
  Added new example
Index: phpdoc/fr/language/oop.xml
diff -u phpdoc/fr/language/oop.xml:1.6 phpdoc/fr/language/oop.xml:1.7
--- phpdoc/fr/language/oop.xml:1.6  Mon Feb 19 00:57:33 2001
+++ phpdoc/fr/language/oop.xml  Fri Feb 23 02:28:23 2001
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 date_du_jour = date("d/m/Y");
+$this->name = $GLOBALS['firstname'];
+/* etc... */

 Les classes forment un type de variable. Pour créer une variable
@@ -48,13 +74,13 @@

 add_item("10", 1);

-L'instruction ci-dessus crée l'objet $cart de la class Cart.
+L'instruction ci-dessus crée l'objet $cart de la class Caddie.
 La fonction add_idem() est appelée afin d'ajouter l'article
 numéro 10 dans la panier.

@@ -69,7 +95,7 @@

 owner = $name;
@@ -79,8 +105,8 @@

- L'exemple ci-desssus définit la classe Named_Cart qui
- possède les même variables que la classe Cart et
+ L'exemple ci-desssus définit la classe Caddie_nomme qui
+ possède les même variables que la classe Caddie et
  la variable $owner en plus, ainsi que la fonction set_owner().
  Vous créez un panier nominatif de la même
  manière que précédemment, et vous pouvez alors
@@ -91,7 +117,7 @@

 set_owner ("kris"); // Affectation du nom du panier
 print $ncart->owner;// Affichage du nom du panier
 $ncart->add_item ("10", 1); // (héritage des fonctions de la classe 
@@ -127,8 +153,8 @@

 add_item ("10", 1);
@@ -136,8 +162,8 @@

- L'exemple ci-dessus définit la classe Auto_Cart qui
- hérite de la classe Cart et définit le construteur
+ L'exemple ci-dessus définit la classe Auto_Caddie qui
+ hérite de la classe Caddie et définit le construteur
  de la classe. Ce dernier initialise le panier avec 1 article de
  type numéro 10 dès que l'instruction "new" est
  appelée. La fonction constructeur peut prendre ou non,
@@ -147,16 +173,16 @@

 add_item ($item, $num);
 // Place dans le caddie toujours la même chose...
-$default_cart   = new Constructor_Cart;
+$default_cart   = new Constructor_Caddie;
 // Place dans le caddie des objets différents, comme dans la
 // réalité
-$different_cart = new Constructor_Cart ("20", 17);
+$different_cart = new Constructor_Caddie ("20", 17);

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /fr/language basic-syntax.xml

2001-02-23 Thread Damien Seguy

damsFri Feb 23 02:28:03 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/fr/language basic-syntax.xml 
  Updated configure option
Index: phpdoc/fr/language/basic-syntax.xml
diff -u phpdoc/fr/language/basic-syntax.xml:1.4 phpdoc/fr/language/basic-syntax.xml:1.5
--- phpdoc/fr/language/basic-syntax.xml:1.4 Fri Jan 12 02:56:51 2001
+++ phpdoc/fr/language/basic-syntax.xml Fri Feb 23 02:28:02 2001
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
  n'accepte pas les expressions telles que celle ci.");
 4.  <% echo ("Vous pouvez aussi utiliser le style ASP comme délimiteur."); 
-<%= $variable; # ceci est un raccourci pour  "<%%echo .." %>
+<%= $variable; # ceci est un raccourci pour  "<%%echo .." %>
@@ -26,23 +26,23 @@
  prochaine génération de XHTML.
-  La première possibilité n'est valable que si vous
-  l'avez activée. Soit en faisant appel à la fonction
-  short_tags() (NdT : semble avoir disparu), soit en utilisant l'option
-  d'exécution short_open_tag
-  dans le fichier de configuration, soit en utilisant l'option de
-  compilation --enable-short-tags.
+ La première possibilité n'est valable que si vous
+ l'avez activée. Soit en faisant appel à la fonction
+ short_tags() (NdT : semble avoir disparu), soit en utilisant l'option
+ d'exécution short_open_tag
+ dans le fichier de configuration, soit en utilisant l'option de
+ compilation --enable-short-tags.
-  La quatrième possibilité est seulement disponible
-  si vous l'avez activée en utilisant soit l'option
-  d'exécution asp_tags,
-  soit en utilisant l'option de compilation --enable-asp-tags.
+ La quatrième possibilité est seulement disponible
+ si vous l'avez activée en utilisant soit l'option
+ d'exécution asp_tags,
+ soit en utilisant l'option de compilation --enable-asp-tags.
-   Le support de la quatrième possibilité,
-   ASP-style, a été ajouté dans la
-   version 3.0.4.
+  Le support de la quatrième possibilité,
+  ASP-style, a été ajouté dans la
+  version 3.0.4.

[PHP-DOC] Missing configure option in install.xml

2001-02-23 Thread Damien Seguy

Hi ,

I went throw the doc, and I've pined down all those configure
option which are in their own file, and not listed in install.xml.

Here is a list of undefined tags, with the corresponding
xml file.
--with-bz2 (bz2.xml)
--with-gmp (gmp.xml)
--with-mnogosearch (mnogosearch.xml)
--with-ovrimos (ovrimos.xml)
--enable-shared-pdflib (pdfflib.xml)
--with-recode (recode.xml)
--enable-shmop (shmop.xml)
--enable-wddx (wddx.xml)
--enable-asp-tags (basic-syntax.xml)
--enable-short-tags (basic-syntax.xml)

As I review the doc, it seems that the description of
--with-informix is wrong.

If everyone's ok, I'll add all those options in the install.xml file.

BTW, most options use the  tag, while some use the
 tag, which usually link to the install.xml file, and is
pretty much clever. I suggest using the link tag instead of
option. Any opinions?

best regards,
Damien Seguy