[PHP-DOC] #26125 [Opn]: php.ini location in phpinfo() is not where the php4sapi.dll looks for it

2003-11-06 Thread nickh at supportteam dot net
 ID:   26125
 User updated by:  nickh at supportteam dot net
 Reported By:  nickh at supportteam dot net
 Status:   Open
 Bug Type: Documentation problem
 Operating System: Windows Server 2003
 PHP Version:  4.3.3
 New Comment:

Nope.  The php binary is found in e:\php on this particular server.  By
Default, PHP has always looked (by always, I mean on all 2000 Server
installs I've done) in the c:\winnt or c:\windows, whichever you
installed to.  It is behaving differently under 2003.  Eventhough
phpinfo says c:\windows, it's not.

Previous Comments:

[2003-11-06 14:56:14] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This gives a bit of a hint why:

With IIS, the search propably starts where it's binary is located at. I
haven't got w2k3 so I can't really test this.

[2003-11-04 18:35:32] nickh at supportteam dot net


Under Windows Server 2003 when I run a phpinfo() it says the
Configuration File Path is C:\WINDOWS.  I was having trouble with the
sessions path and when running a filemon capture (sysinternals filemon)
I saw it was auctually looking for the ini in
C:\Windows\system32\inetsrv.  Placing the ini there fixed the problem. 
It appears that the ISAPI version of PHP4  .3.3 says the INI should be
in one place but it looks for it elsewhere.  I have tested this on 4
different Windows Server 2003 Standard servers that we have and it's
the same on all 3.

Reproduce code:

Expected result:


Actual result:

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=26125&edit=1

[PHP-DOC] #26125 [Opn]: php.ini location in phpinfo() is not where the php4sapi.dll looks for it

2003-11-06 Thread sniper
 ID:   26125
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  nickh at supportteam dot net
 Status:   Open
-Bug Type: IIS related
+Bug Type: Documentation problem
 Operating System: Windows Server 2003
 PHP Version:  4.3.3
 New Comment:

This gives a bit of a hint why:

With IIS, the search propably starts where it's binary is located at. I
haven't got w2k3 so I can't really test this.

Previous Comments:

[2003-11-04 18:35:32] nickh at supportteam dot net


Under Windows Server 2003 when I run a phpinfo() it says the
Configuration File Path is C:\WINDOWS.  I was having trouble with the
sessions path and when running a filemon capture (sysinternals filemon)
I saw it was auctually looking for the ini in
C:\Windows\system32\inetsrv.  Placing the ini there fixed the problem. 
It appears that the ISAPI version of PHP4  .3.3 says the INI should be
in one place but it looks for it elsewhere.  I have tested this on 4
different Windows Server 2003 Standard servers that we have and it's
the same on all 3.

Reproduce code:

Expected result:


Actual result:

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=26125&edit=1

[PHP-DOC] #26147 [Opn->Ver]: PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imagepsloadfont() in /XXX/X.php

2003-11-06 Thread sniper
 ID:   26147
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  rwh at lim dot com
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Verified
-Bug Type: GD related
+Bug Type: Documentation problem
 Operating System: RH9
 PHP Version:  4.3.4
 New Comment:

You need to compile PHP with --with-t1lib option.
Manual pages for these functions should mention this better.

Previous Comments:

[2003-11-05 23:39:20] rwh at lim dot com


PHP is compiled as an Apache 1.3 DSO; 
./configure --with-apxs=/path/to/apxs 

I just upgraded the PHP engine from 3.0.x to 4.3.4 and I'm debugging
the php3 code.  According to http://php.net/imagepsloadfont,
imagepsloadfont() is a built-in function, so I don't understand the
Fatal Error.

Here is the line from my apache log:
[Wed Nov  5 18:33:04 2003] [error] PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined
function:  imagepsloadfont() in /path/to/chart.inc on line 322

Reproduce code:
Here is line 322 of chart.inc:
313 function render ($log = false, $cache = false)
return false;

  if ($log)
$this->log = $log;

322   $fgc  = imagepsloadfont(_fontpath . "/type1/FGC_.pfb");

  $im = imagecreate($this->x, $this->y);
  $bgcolor= ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 255, 255);
  $fgcolor[0] = ImageColorAllocate($im, 0, 0, 0);
  $fgcolor[1] = ImageColorAllocate($im, 0, 0, 255);
  $hicolor= ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 0, 0);
  $bdcolor= ImageColorAllocate($im, 229, 227, 204);
330   $gridcolor  = ImageColorAllocate($im, 192, 192, 192);


15define('_fontpath', '/path/to/fonts');

Expected result:

I expect the code to make it through the engine without a Fatal Error. 
The function is a built-in so I don't see how it would be undefined.

Actual result:
Here is the line from my apache log:
[Wed Nov  5 18:33:04 2003] [error] PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined
function:  imagepsloadfont() in /path/to/chart.inc on line 322

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=26147&edit=1

[PHP-DOC] #26153 [NEW]: Documentation is incorrect

2003-11-06 Thread nic_up_north at hotmail dot com
From: nic_up_north at hotmail dot com
Operating system: Win32
PHP version:  5.0.0b2 (beta2)
PHP Bug Type: Documentation problem
Bug description:  Documentation is incorrect


install.txt for PHP5b2 should read:

LoadModule php5_module c:/php/sapi/php4apache.dll
AddModule mod_php5.c
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php


AddModule mod_php4.c!!!

for Apache module under 1.3.x

Edit bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=26153&edit=1
Try a CVS snapshot (php4):  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=26153&r=trysnapshot4
Try a CVS snapshot (php5):  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=26153&r=trysnapshot5
Fixed in CVS:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=26153&r=fixedcvs
Fixed in release:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=26153&r=alreadyfixed
Need backtrace: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=26153&r=needtrace
Try newer version:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=26153&r=oldversion
Not developer issue:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=26153&r=support
Expected behavior:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=26153&r=notwrong
Not enough info:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=26153&r=notenoughinfo
Submitted twice:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=26153&r=submittedtwice
register_globals:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=26153&r=globals
PHP 3 support discontinued: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=26153&r=php3
Daylight Savings:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=26153&r=dst
IIS Stability:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=26153&r=isapi
Install GNU Sed:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=26153&r=gnused
Floating point limitations: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=26153&r=float

[PHP-DOC] #24604 [Opn]: SAFE_MODE design issues

2003-11-06 Thread timo dot hummel at 4fb dot de
 ID:   24604
 User updated by:  timo dot hummel at 4fb dot de
 Reported By:  timo dot hummel at 4fb dot de
 Status:   Open
 Bug Type: Documentation problem
 Operating System: SuSE Linux 8.2 Linux 2.4.19
 PHP Version:  Irrelevant
 New Comment:

>Use cgi-php.
>And no such problems at all.

Tell that 99% of all internet hosters. They just won't do it - for
certain reasons. And there will be problems - just read my bug report
again why this is not revelant to cgi-php.

>They _NEVER_ do this. Because to change user,
>process must be owned by
>root. It's mean no security.

Not necessarly. I suggested to change the safe mode logic, not the
creator to create directories.

>My opinion - not needed. Just read aboud mod_php.
>It's always run as apache user.

Yes, but again: Read my bug report carefully. Try it out yourself. If
you know about how unix and linux systems are setup, you'll quickly
discover why it fails. Also remember: Most providers provide PHP, but
only uploads via FTP. Thus, the user id's with which people upload
files don't match the user id of the webserver in most cases.

>File_uploads can working with 'chuid' script, for example.

Most providers also don't do this. What you are recommending here are
workarounds, but not solutions.

>Just turn safe_mode OFF and disable system, popen, >exec... functions

Again, Providers turn on SAFE_MODE because they think they make PHP
secure - but in fact, they are disabling file operations via the web
and 3rd party software (i.e. all scripts you can get on the web) pretty

Or to use plain words:

"Heck, I can create a directory but I cannot write to it afterwards?"

Previous Comments:

[2003-11-03 12:55:54] roman at compic dot ee

Use cgi-php.
And no such problems at all.

1.) Modify the SAFE_MODE concept to become consistent.
They _NEVER_ do this. Because to change user, process must be owned by
root. It's mean no security.

2.) Modify the documentation of SAFE_MODE and all related
functions that for the proper operation of file and directory
the owner and executor have to be the same user.

My opinion - not needed. Just read aboud mod_php. It's always run as
apache user.

The above problems are one reason why most PHP content management
systems recommend to turn SAFE_MODE off in order to make file uploads

File_uploads can working with 'chuid' script, for example.
Just turn safe_mode OFF and disable system, popen, exec... functions

[2003-07-11 08:32:33] timo dot hummel at 4fb dot de


Hello bug processors,

please read the following bug report carefully, as it makes file and
directory operations completely useless. At the end of this report, you
find recommendations about what we should do.

Take a breath, it's quite a bunch of stuff to read and understand.
Remember that the following is only an example, but which could be
applied to almost every system running PHP with SAFE_MODE and where
scripts need to perform file and directory operations.

As you might all know, providers tend to host multiple domains on a
single machine. In the example, Apache runs as the system user
"wwwrun", and we have a client user which has the system user "client".
We have the following script:

in the htdocs directory of the webserver:

-rw-r--r-- 1 client users 24 test.php

given the fact that the directory where test.php resides is owned by
"client", test.php was called via the web and SAFE_MODE is on, the
following happens:

- the directory "test" will be created
- the directory "test" has the owner "wwwrun"
- any further operations with the directory "test" will fail since
SAFE_MODE is on and don't allow any operations on files and/or
directories not owned by the owner of the script

This introduces another problem:

move_uploaded_file will fail in the above scenario. The htdocs
directory of "client" is writable and owned by "client". If now a file
is uploaded, it is stored in the PHP_TEMP_DIR specified in the php.ini
with the user "wwwrun", thus making "move_uploaded_file" fail if it
should be moved to the htdocs-directory of "client".

The big problem with the SAFE_MODE of PHP is maybe a communications
problem, but I try to propose a few solutions:

1.) Modify the SAFE_MODE concept to become consistent. I.e. if a
directory is created with a script owned by "client", the new directory
should also belong to "client" instead of wwwrun, or SAFE_MODE
shouldn't check the owner of the script, but rather the executor of the

2.) Modify the documentation of SAFE_MODE and all related
file/directory functions that for the proper operation of file and
directory functions, the owner and executor have to be the same user.

3.) Modify the documentation of SAFE_MODE and all related
file/directory functions that for the proper operat

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /en/reference/image/functions imagealphablending.xml imageantialias.xml imagecopyresampled.xml imagefilledarc.xml imagefilledellipse.xml imagesetstyle.xml imagesetthickness.xml

2003-11-06 Thread Mehdi Achour
didou   Thu Nov  6 11:07:38 2003 EDT

  Modified files:  
  some protos updates
  Index: phpdoc/en/reference/image/functions/imagealphablending.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/reference/image/functions/imagealphablending.xml:1.4 
--- phpdoc/en/reference/image/functions/imagealphablending.xml:1.4  Tue Jun 25 
17:04:36 2002
+++ phpdoc/en/reference/image/functions/imagealphablending.xml  Thu Nov  6 11:07:38 
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
- intimagealphablending
+ boolimagealphablending
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 when drawing on palette images.
 If blendmode is &true;, then blending mode is enabled, 

Index: phpdoc/en/reference/image/functions/imageantialias.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/reference/image/functions/imageantialias.xml:1.1 
--- phpdoc/en/reference/image/functions/imageantialias.xml:1.1  Wed May 21 19:36:37 
+++ phpdoc/en/reference/image/functions/imageantialias.xml  Thu Nov  6 11:07:38 
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
- intim
+ resourceim
Index: phpdoc/en/reference/image/functions/imagecopyresampled.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/reference/image/functions/imagecopyresampled.xml:1.3 
--- phpdoc/en/reference/image/functions/imagecopyresampled.xml:1.3  Sat Jan 18 
22:09:47 2003
+++ phpdoc/en/reference/image/functions/imagecopyresampled.xml  Thu Nov  6 11:07:38 
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
- intimagecopyresampled
+ boolimagecopyresampled
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
 imagecopyresampled copies a rectangular
 portion of one image to another image, smoothly interpolating pixel
 values so that, in particular, reducing the size of an image still
-retains a great deal of clarity.
-Dst_im is the destination image,
+retains a great deal of clarity. &return.success;
+dst_im is the destination image,
 src_im is the source image identifier.  If
 the source and destination coordinates and width and heights
 differ, appropriate stretching or shrinking of the image fragment
Index: phpdoc/en/reference/image/functions/imagefilledarc.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/reference/image/functions/imagefilledarc.xml:1.5 
--- phpdoc/en/reference/image/functions/imagefilledarc.xml:1.5  Fri Aug 15 18:50:50 
+++ phpdoc/en/reference/image/functions/imagefilledarc.xml  Thu Nov  6 11:07:38 
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
- intimagefilledarc
+ boolimagefilledarc
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 imagefilledarc draws a partial ellipse centered at
 cx, cy (top left is
 0, 0) in the image represented by image.
 and h specifies the ellipse's width and
 height respectively while the start and end points are specified
Index: phpdoc/en/reference/image/functions/imagefilledellipse.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/reference/image/functions/imagefilledellipse.xml:1.6 
--- phpdoc/en/reference/image/functions/imagefilledellipse.xml:1.6  Thu Nov  6 
10:24:36 2003
+++ phpdoc/en/reference/image/functions/imagefilledellipse.xml  Thu Nov  6 11:07:38 
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
- intimagefilledellipse
+ boolimagefilledellipse
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 0, 0) in the image represented by image.
 W and h specifies the
 ellipse's width and height respectively. The ellipse is filled using
+color. &return.success;

Index: phpdoc/en/reference/image/functions/imagesetstyle.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/reference/image/functions/imagesetstyle.xml:1.5 
--- phpdoc/en/reference/image/functions/imagesetstyle.xml:1.5   Sun Dec 22 14:46:02 
+++ phpdoc/en/reference/image/functions/imagesetstyle.xml   Thu Nov  6 11:07:38 
@@ -1,5 +

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /en/reference/image/functions imageellipse.xml imagefilledellipse.xml

2003-11-06 Thread Mehdi Achour
didou   Thu Nov  6 10:24:36 2003 EDT

  Modified files:  
  examples and see also
Index: phpdoc/en/reference/image/functions/imageellipse.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/reference/image/functions/imageellipse.xml:1.5 
--- phpdoc/en/reference/image/functions/imageellipse.xml:1.5Wed Feb 12 12:49:07 
+++ phpdoc/en/reference/image/functions/imageellipse.xmlThu Nov  6 10:24:36 
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@@ -26,11 +26,40 @@
 specified by color.

-This function was added in PHP 4.0.6 and requires GD 2.0.2 or later 
+This function was added in PHP 4.0.6 and requires GD 2.0.2 or later
 which can be obtained at &url.gd;

-See also imagearc.
+ imageellipse example
+See also imagefilledellipse and

Index: phpdoc/en/reference/image/functions/imagefilledellipse.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/reference/image/functions/imagefilledellipse.xml:1.5 
--- phpdoc/en/reference/image/functions/imagefilledellipse.xml:1.5  Fri Aug 15 
18:50:50 2003
+++ phpdoc/en/reference/image/functions/imagefilledellipse.xml  Thu Nov  6 10:24:36 
@@ -1,58 +1,87 @@
-   imagefilledellipse
-   Draw a filled ellipse
-   Description
- intimagefilledellipse
- resourceimage
- intcx
- intcy
- intw
- inth
- intcolor
-imagefilledellipse draws an ellipse centered at
-cx, cy (top left is
-0, 0) in the image represented by image.
-W and h specifies the
-ellipse's width and height respectively. The ellipse is filled using
- This function was added in PHP 4.0.6 and requires GD 2.0.1 or later
-See also imagefilledarc.
+   imagefilledellipse
+   Draw a filled ellipse
+   Description
+ intimagefilledellipse
+ resourceimage
+ intcx
+ intcy
+ intw
+ inth
+ intcolor
+imagefilledellipse draws an ellipse centered at
+cx, cy (top left is
+0, 0) in the image represented by image.
+W and h specifies the
+ellipse's width and height respectively. The ellipse is filled using
+ This function was added in PHP 4.0.6 and requires GD 2.0.1 or later
+ imagefilledellipse example
+See also imageellipse and

Re: [PHP-DOC] current manual build broken?

2003-11-06 Thread Derick Rethans
On Wed, 5 Nov 2003, Derek Ford wrote:

> It seems the extending php4 sections are missing. I doubt something like 
> that would be removed intentionally, regardless, the extending php3 
> section remains :)

They are added to the running running build, it will be online as soon 
as the build is done. (In a day or so)


"Interpreting what the GPL actually means is a job best left to those
that read the future by examining animal entrails."
 Derick Rethans http://derickrethans.nl/ 
 International PHP Magazine  http://php-mag.net/

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /en/reference/image/functions imagepolygon.xml

2003-11-06 Thread Mehdi Achour
didou   Thu Nov  6 05:58:47 2003 EDT

  Modified files:  
  ading an example
Index: phpdoc/en/reference/image/functions/imagepolygon.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/reference/image/functions/imagepolygon.xml:1.5 
--- phpdoc/en/reference/image/functions/imagepolygon.xml:1.5Wed Feb 12 12:49:07 
+++ phpdoc/en/reference/image/functions/imagepolygon.xmlThu Nov  6 05:58:47 
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@

@@ -21,6 +21,40 @@
  polygon's vertices, ie. points[0] = x0, points[1] = y0, points[2]
  = x1, points[3] = y1, etc.  num_points is
  the total number of points (vertices).
+  imagepolygon example
  See also imagecreate and

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /en/reference/tidy/functions tidy-clean-repair.xml tidy-diagnose.xml tidy-get-error-buffer.xml tidy-is-xhtml.xml tidy-node::has-children.xml tidy-node::has-siblings.xml tidy-node::is-asp.xml tidy-node::is-comment.xml tidy-node::is-html.xml tidy-node::is-jsp.xml tidy-node::is-jste.xml tidy-node::is-text.xml tidy-node::is-xhtml.xml tidy-node::is-xml.xml tidy-parse-file.xml tidy-repair-file.xml tidy-repair-string.xml tidy-save-config.xml tidy-set-encoding.xml tidy-setopt.xml

2003-11-06 Thread Mehdi Achour
didou   Thu Nov  6 05:15:43 2003 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/en/reference/tidy/functions tidy-clean-repair.xml 
  Index: phpdoc/en/reference/tidy/functions/tidy-clean-repair.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/reference/tidy/functions/tidy-clean-repair.xml:1.1 
--- phpdoc/en/reference/tidy/functions/tidy-clean-repair.xml:1.1Tue Nov  4 
08:26:55 2003
+++ phpdoc/en/reference/tidy/functions/tidy-clean-repair.xmlThu Nov  6 05:15:42 
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@

@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@

- booleantidy_clean_repair
+ booltidy_clean_repair
Index: phpdoc/en/reference/tidy/functions/tidy-diagnose.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/reference/tidy/functions/tidy-diagnose.xml:1.1 
--- phpdoc/en/reference/tidy/functions/tidy-diagnose.xml:1.1Tue Nov  4 08:26:55 
+++ phpdoc/en/reference/tidy/functions/tidy-diagnose.xmlThu Nov  6 05:15:43 
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@

@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@

- booleantidy_diagnose
+ booltidy_diagnose
Index: phpdoc/en/reference/tidy/functions/tidy-get-error-buffer.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/reference/tidy/functions/tidy-get-error-buffer.xml:1.1 
--- phpdoc/en/reference/tidy/functions/tidy-get-error-buffer.xml:1.1Tue Nov  4 
08:26:55 2003
+++ phpdoc/en/reference/tidy/functions/tidy-get-error-buffer.xmlThu Nov  6 
05:15:43 2003
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@

@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
- booleandetailed
+ booldetailed
Index: phpdoc/en/reference/tidy/functions/tidy-is-xhtml.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/reference/tidy/functions/tidy-is-xhtml.xml:1.1 
--- phpdoc/en/reference/tidy/functions/tidy-is-xhtml.xml:1.1Tue Nov  4 08:26:55 
+++ phpdoc/en/reference/tidy/functions/tidy-is-xhtml.xmlThu Nov  6 05:15:43 
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@

@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@

- booleantidy_is_xhtml
+ booltidy_is_xhtml
Index: phpdoc/en/reference/tidy/functions/tidy-node::has-children.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/reference/tidy/functions/tidy-node::has-children.xml:1.1 
--- phpdoc/en/reference/tidy/functions/tidy-node::has-children.xml:1.1  Tue Nov  4 
08:26:55 2003
+++ phpdoc/en/reference/tidy/functions/tidy-node::has-children.xml  Thu Nov  6 
05:15:43 2003
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@

@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@

- booleantidy_node::has_children
+ booltidy_node::has_children
Index: phpdoc/en/reference/tidy/functions/tidy-node::has-siblings.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/reference/tidy/functions/tidy-node::has-siblings.xml:1.1 
--- phpdoc/en/reference/tidy/functions/tidy-node::has-siblings.xml:1.1  Tue Nov  4 
08:26:55 2003
+++ phpdoc/en/reference/tidy/functions/tidy-node::has-siblings.xml  Thu Nov  6 
05:15:43 2003
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@

@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@

- booleantidy_node::has_siblings
+ booltidy_node::has_siblings
Index: phpdoc/en/reference/tidy/functions/tidy-node::is-asp.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/reference/tidy/functions/tidy-node::is-asp.xml:1.1 
--- phpdoc/en/reference/tidy/functions/tidy-node::is-asp.xml:1.1Tue Nov  4 
08:26:55 2003
+++ phpdoc/en/reference/tidy/functions/tidy