Re: [PHP-DOC] Re: [PHP-WEBMASTER] Re: [PHP-DOC] Improving User Notes In The Manual -- First Steps

2012-09-10 Thread Ronald Chmara
On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 11:41 AM, Sherif Ramadan
> On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 1:27 PM, Daniel Brown  wrote:
>> So as long as you want to run lead on it, Sherif, and it's
>> something we can easily disable entirely, should some unforeseen
>> consequences arise as a result of the new voting/reporting features,
>> then you can count me in for a plus-one.
> I have no problem taking lead on it. I'm in it for the long-run and
> hopefully looking forward to finding even better ways to improve
> notes.

It's been a long time since I crawled through the thousands of notes
and added examples/clarification/etc. to documentation based on the
notes, but having client/user sorting of said notes would have been an
absolutely essential tool to speed up the process


Re: [PHP-DOC] About note maintenance; when to delete notes.

2012-02-24 Thread Ronald Chmara
On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 1:54 PM, Maciek Sokolewicz
>  The reason I'm using such "strict" guidelines is simply
> to make the manual notes readable. If you look at a page such as
>, there are > 100 notes
> present. Trying to find something useful to you is simply impossible on such
> a page.

I disagree. The problem is not that there are too many notes. (That's
a bit like complaining the internet has too many pages). The problem
on that page is that strtotime isn't documented in such a way as to
make the many notes unnecessary.

> Trying to clean that page to only leave samples that solve very
> common problems or clarify the behaviour of the function is IMO a good
> thing. That does often mean removing various code samples of the type "this
> might be useful to some people".
> I am wondering what others think, should we try to thin down the stream of
> notes and simply delete notes that have little to say about the actual
> function or are of relatively little use to the common PHP coder? Or should
> we leave as many notes as possible with examples so people can find
> *anything* in there? Possibly leading to unwieldy long lists of notes?
> What do YOU think? Feel free to comment / criticise / be constructive ;)

Notes, to me, are an indication of what is lacking in the manual. If
you want to delete a note, make sure the content/idea/concept has
already been put into the documentation somehow. Update the
documentation, *then* delete the note. Simply deleting a note adds no
value to the project. A page with many notes is a page in need of a
re-write, not a note purge.


Re: [PHP-DOC] now links to you

2011-07-16 Thread Ronald Chmara
I can't tell if this is a "humor fail" or not.

But if you could kindly link more often to, our associates
would greately appreciate and return the favor by linking to
to as so increase your leads and revenues, assuring you a more
successful business enterprise.


On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 7:49 PM,   wrote:
> just trying my best to protect our group here.
> that's why PHP growing fast.  :)
> On Sat, Jul 16, 2011 at 10:23 AM, Daniel Brown  wrote:
>> On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 21:52,   wrote:
>> > that's spam. don't click.
>>    Thanks for your report.  It's folks like you who really make the
>> Internet safer.
>> --
>> Network Infrastructure Manager

Re: [PHP-DOC] Suggestions about Front End code examples

2007-12-05 Thread Ronald Chmara

On Dec 5, 2007, at 5:23 AM, Keryx Web wrote:

Today I polluted the internals list with an off topic remark about  
Front End code quality. I quote myself:

[Off topic rant]
I am constantly amazed that some PHP-wizards, whose knowledge of  
back-end development clearly shows in how many ways I must still be  
considered an newbie, are very unaware about what has been going in  
on the front end this century, with regards to accessibility,  
standards, unobtrusive scripting, semantic (X)HTML, CSS-based  
design, etc.


Now, things might improve if the manual nudged people in the right  
direction. I am not thinking about teaching HTML or CSS, but doing  
the small right things in all examples.

E.g. This page:

The HTML in "An introductory example" should have a DOCTYPE. And  
always a strict version of either HTML 4.01 or XHTML.

I will in a separate mail submit text that may improve this page:

Lars: If you "speak" XML, and have a strong, critical, eye for  
ensuring that documentation is both complete *and* concise, you're  
more than halfway to becoming one heck of a documentation author for  

Have you considered helping out? It's one heck of a resume/ 
recommendation builder.

Some starting points:


Re: [PHP-DOC] Improving the documentation

2007-02-10 Thread Ronald Chmara

On Jan 27, 2007, at 8:26 AM, Mehdi Achour wrote:

Hello internals,
I've been helping with PHP documentation for 4 years now, and I  
still can't help the fact that a lt of things are not  
documented, that our/my way of handling the PHP documentation  
update is not accurate, nor productive, nor bug free at all.

I think it's been ~7 years of off and on work for me... same as it  
ever was. I do think it's *much* more productive and accurate than it  
was 7 years ago, though. Not quite bug-free, yet.

(You think it's bad now...)

Personally, I try to follow commits on php.cvs, bug reports, Change  
Log?, user notes on the online manual.. but I still have the  
feeling of missing a lot of changes. After a year away from the  
project, I have _no_ clue what was added, when, and whether it was  
added to our documentation or not.

You are in the same boat as me. The dunes change, but the sands  
are always shifting. I might have been away for n years. Much has  
changed, and much has not.

I know that you developers are willing to help a lot with it, but  
that you cannot manage to save the spare time needed to do it the  
right way. That's why I would like to propose a simple/small/ 
timeless change in your CVS commit messages: If you feel that the  
change need to be documented, place the @doc keyword at the end of  
your message log entry.

Scenario one:
All behavior changes must be documented, this tag is always there,  
and thus not useful.

Scenario two:
Developers decide when changes are "important" enough to be  
documented, and tag as such, in which case we go back to...

Scenario three:
The problem of developers who don't think documentation is needed for  
their changes.

In the end, I often wonder if this is documentation issue, or a  
developer issue. Developers read the code, and often don't need *any*  
documentation. Our end users read a manual page, and wonder what a  
"bool" or "int" is, as a very large number of our users are fairly  
new to the whole subject matter.

(side joke, does PHP have a zool(), destroyer of all world (global)  

Anyways, to me, the real challenge of working on the PHP docs is not  
getting programmers to feed us reliable, consistent, data all the  
time (they won't),  but rather, helping out our end users who don't  
read source code.

Vanity devs will want us to document everything, quiet devs will  
never tag it.

In the end, the doc team still has to fix it.


Re: [PHP-DOC] [Fwd: PHP install instructions for FreeBSD]

2003-09-02 Thread Ronald Chmara
On Sunday, August 31, 2003, at 06:48  AM, Gabor Hojtsy wrote:

Anyone motivated to add this to the docs? Would be nice to check 
first... I have no FreeBSD...


From: Greg Magnusson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I hereby grant publication privileges to include this procedure, 
found in the attached file, in the PHP manual found at  If you choose to publish this procedure, please 
include my name within the document.

FreeBSD conventions, author credit and all


Re: [PHP-DOC] Notes systems

2003-08-20 Thread Ronald Chmara
On Tuesday, August 19, 2003, at 08:45  AM, Mehdi Achour wrote:
Ronald Chmara wrote:
On Sunday, August 17, 2003, at 08:56  AM, Mehdi Achour wrote:
It tends to vary over time. When people are very active, the notes 
are well maintained. Sometimes people become less active. From what I 
can see, I think the manual is still totally flooded with confusing, 
contradictory, and poorly written notes.
As far as "who is allowed to manage a given page of notes", I think 
the bare minimum should be
1. Those who know PHP, and the note subject, well.
2. Those who have experience with writing PHP's documentation 
(preferably). If notes editors are also writing documentation, *most* 
of the good notes can be deleted as they are integrated.
And what about an abusive note ? Do we need to know how work the 
domxml extension to delete some non-related note ?

I would say: You *must* know everything about the domxml extension to 
*know* if the note is unrelated. If it was abusive and unhelpful, 

I wasn't talking about the skills needed to moderate the notes, but 
this can also be discussed. I was objecting for allowing other ppl 
(not memebers of the PHP team) to moderate the notes as I've seen that 
it was dicussed.
/me checks out the php team list

A good 200+ people. Most of the people *know* their work. If an Oracle 
expert  starts slamming MySQL , corrections will happen.

I, personally, have not seen a great loss in the notes. Perhaps some 
examples would help.

 2) Reasons for suppression :
   As approached in my first mail, we see from time to time abuses 
in the moderation,
Rather than adding to the workload for each note, how about 
correcting the actions of the abuser themselves?
You mean posting the note again if it was deleted ? Who will take care 
If someone wanted to abuse the system:
Everytime a MySQL fanatic posted a message that MySQL can do 
a PostgreSQL fanatic could delete it

Eventually, would see the cvs churn. I hope


Would that be a more effective solution than adding a greater 
workload to a simple system?
   A smart note, which maybe deserve to be integrated to the manual 
lost, without any
   understable reason :
 "note  was deleted from  by [EMAIL PROTECTED]"
   Why ? did "" read it all ? does he just want to show that 
he's "taking care" ?
There are a lot of valid reasons for deleting notes... ;-) If one 
cannot *trust* in someone else's  competency to manage the notes, 
adding a bunch of categories that they "check off" will not fix that 
problem. Rather than "abusing" without a reason, they can simply 
"abuse" *with* a reason, valid or otherwise.
Abusing with an invalid reason is more critical then abusing with no 
reason at all. Having the need to supply a reason will *maybe* make 
the abuser think twice before deleting the note.
LOL. Ok, this is cultural.

   One more occasion to fit our readers needs is lost here.
some notes disserve to be on the users notes, without being 
deleted nor integrated.
Can you provide some examples? I perceive the optimal manual as a 
manual without *any* notes. If the manual is good enough, no 
additional notes and explanations would ever be needed. So, if a page 
*has* notes, that is a sign that more effort should be applied to 
improving the documentation... to a point where PHP no longer 
requires "external help".
For example, a trick on the mysql_num_rows page showing the use of 
COUNT() (mysql function) to get the number of records in a table 
instead of doing mysql_num_rows(mysql_query('select * from foo'));
That's about MySql magic, not PHP.

This can not be integrated to the manual (or we'll have to introduce 
all the optimization stuff) but is really usefull for newbies (when 
I've started PHP/MySQL I was using the bad way =D)
there's a lot of examples of this kind.
That's not about PHP.

A new note is posted :
  - if the note should be deleted (deleted, not rejected as 
described by the current howto) we do
This is missing a large number of "other" reasons for 
deleting/rejecting notes, here are some reasons from poking around 
notes tonight:
12. Coding-101-notes: Notes that mention that things like "closing 
quotes" matter. (Uhm...)
nice shot :)
Delete a few hundred a night. Fun. Real fun. ;-)

Ronald Chmara
Ronin Professional Consulting LLC
"They have computers, and they may have other weapons of mass 
destruction ."  --Janet Reno

Re: [PHP-DOC] Notes systems

2003-08-20 Thread Ronald Chmara
On Tuesday, August 19, 2003, at 03:22  AM, Gabor Hojtsy wrote:
As far as "who is allowed to manage a given page of notes", I think 
the bare minimum should be
1. Those who know PHP, and the note subject, well.
2. Those who have experience with writing PHP's documentation 
(preferably). If notes editors are also writing documentation, *most* 
of the good notes can be deleted as they are integrated.
Didou tries to propose some system, where notes will be categorized 
"to be integrated", so they can sooner become part of the manual.
How does that make them part of the manual sooner?
Are doc editors required to look for those tags?
Are note/doc people required to work on those categories first?
Just because something is "labeled", does it change anything?

My practice when I was editing (a very little number of) notes, I left 
those needed integration, because I only had time to delete bad ones. 
If I would be able to mark them "to be integrated", I would have done 
My practice would be that if it *wasn't* deleted, it should be 
integrated. If it's good enough to have on a manual page, it's good 
enough to be in the manual.

Rather than adding to the workload for each note, how about 
correcting the actions of the abuser themselves?
Erm, what do you mean?
I am "ronabop".

Every note I delete is marked with that name.

If I am deleting thousands of notes, out of a grudge, anger, malice, 

Am *I* the problem, or is the notes system?

If I am behaving poorly, should we mistrust *all* notes editors or 
just me?

Rather than making each editor do more work, why not ban my actions?

One more occasion to fit our readers needs is lost here.
some notes disserve to be on the users notes, without being deleted 
nor integrated.
Can you provide some examples? I perceive the optimal manual as a 
manual without *any* notes. If the manual is good enough, no 
additional notes and explanations would ever be needed. So, if a page 
*has* notes, that is a sign that more effort should be applied to 
improving the documentation... to a point where PHP no longer 
requires "external help".
I think there are probably many notes, which deserve to be there. 
There are some notes actually submitted by manual authors, because 
they thought that it would not fit into the manual, but rather as a 
note. There are special things, like how to fix some bug affecting PHP 
in Apache 2.x, and the like. These are too specific to get into the 
manual, while they are important, and actual stuff.
I think PHP and apache 2.x versions is a bad example. I think it 
belongs *not* as a note, but as a web page about PHP and apache 2.x. 
Maybe apache 2.X will be a failed project, but, until then, why should 
it *not* be a manual page?

Our users are mostly convinced that the user notes often contain 
valuable information (more often than crap). We get requests all the 
time to integrate them in the downloadable versions. I had created the 
special CHM version, and the feedback I received always pointed to the 
great inclusion of the user notes  This may be an indication that 
the manual is weak at many places, yes. But it is also an indication 
IMHO that user notes have their own place.
I don't think that this means the notes are "weak", I think it means 
that the manual is weak.

Ronald Chmara
Ronin Professional Consulting LLC
"Shall we play a game?" --Joshua

Re: [PHP-DOC] Notes systems

2003-08-18 Thread Ronald Chmara
e bad, only one note 
is needed to ask for corrections to the docs. Having 15 notes will not 
get it fixed any faster.
5. Old notes that do not relate to old PHP versions, but things like 
archaic web browser versions ("To fix a problem with IE5...").
6. Notes about problems that are *so* unrelated to the page as to be 
meaningless (Example: A note on a file upload page about a buggy 
ethernet card/driver causing upload problems.)
7. Didn't RTFM: Notes which say (or imply) that the user didn't 
actually read the page (such as notes to set important configuration 
directives... which are mentioned on the page).
8. Slashdot-style Opinion notes: For example, people posting how they 
*think* a function should work, how OO "should" work in PHP, etc.
9. Pointless nit-picking notes: For example, 3-15 notes arguing over 
"whether or not /r/n is RFC822 compliant".
10. Repeat notes: For example, quoting an entire note and then noting 
that it helped someone.
11. Reworded-bug-report notes: A clever way of getting around some past 
or present PHP bug is *still* a bug report. The solution is fixing PHP.
12. Coding-101-notes: Notes that mention that things like "closing 
quotes" matter. (Uhm...)

I'm sure we could create labels for all of these (or apply existing 
ones), but to what end? If the end product is a good manual, annotated 
and then improved as needed, how will it help reach that goal if each 
note submission/rejection/deletion/integration requires more work? 
Especially since the manual is still filled with notes that need to be 
integrated, or removed?

Ronald Chmara
Ronin Professional Consulting LLC
"The question of whether a computer can think is no more interesting 
than the question of whether a submarine can swim." ---Dijkstra

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[PHP-DOC] Re: [PHP-NOTES] Re: [PHP-DOC] Re: Notes Status, 9952 total

2003-08-10 Thread Ronald Chmara
On Saturday, August 9, 2003, at 08:45  PM, Mehdi Achour wrote:
BTW Goba, can we make things move for the notes maintenance ?
Two things :
2 - The notes system
From the same URL, topic "3. User note handling"
When deleting :
 - outdated : for example, a note helping to configure some library 
with  PHP 3.X, a note using a function that is no more part of PHP.
 - replying : the note is a reply to another note asking for help. The 
original note should be hunted down and rejected (as stated in the 
So should the reply, IMNSHO.

 - bogus : for example, a note giving an example for a mysql_* 
function on a mssql_* function page.
 - trash : spam, bad words, an _old_ (more than 6 months is a good 
limit) note asking for help, a non-english note, a note that should be 
rejected but have a wrong email address ..
 - duplicated : there's already a note saying the same thing, 
differently. If there's a lot of duplicated entries stating the same 
thing, we should think about integrating the note in the manual
 - added : the note content was added to the manual. We can even send 
a mail to the note submitter, giving him a link to the updated CVS 
file and thanking him for his add-on.

When rejecting :
 - support : a note asking for help
Uhm, see above?

Here's how I think of the notes:
Unless it helps *me* somehow, someday, it doesn't belong.
Ronald Chmara, Ronin Professional Consulting LLC
520-326-6109, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"A strange game. The only winning move is not to play. How about a nice 
game of chess?" --Joshua

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Re: [PHP-DOC] Re: Notes Status, 9952 total

2003-08-09 Thread Ronald Chmara
On Saturday, August 9, 2003, at 03:16  PM, Mehdi Achour wrote:

Just FYI, some statistics about the notes moderatores are there :
It's *not* official and maybe false
Whoa. Many months of near-inactivity and I'm still way up there. 
Looking at didou's work, he's catching up fast. :-)

Generally, when I "note-slammed" a page:
1. I go through each note on the page, while I have the xml doc open.
2. If I can add a line or two of clarification, or enhance an example 
based on a note, I delete the note and add to the docs.

I had found that an amazing amount of note content can be summarized in 
just a few more lines of documentation, or an additional line (or 
three) of example code.

Ronald Chmara
Ronin Professional Consulting LLC
"Never send a human to do a machine's job."  --Agent Smith, "The Matrix"
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Re: [PHP-DOC] Re: PHP documentation authors / editors and license

2003-02-03 Thread Ronald Chmara
On Sunday, February 2, 2003, at 03:13  AM, Zak Greant wrote:

  Heh. The content is already in docbook and the user notes are mostly
  useless already. ;)

*wakes from a long slumber*

Depends on coding style (the notes), doesn't it? I used to bitch about 
PHP2->3 migrations, now I have 3->4, and 4->5(?). Revenue for me, but...

  Seriously, of course it is better that we use what we have and just
  change to a better license.

  However, we do have options - this being one of them. :)

For the PHP ER, I spent a *little* bit of time revising old docs. It 
was a bit sad, seeing how many simple protos were... to put it gently, 
not currently accurate. It (the PHP ER work) knocked me out of docs for 
a while.

Somewhere around here I have information to get paid for it... I never 
sent it in. Heh.

For proper tribute, multiple CVS dumps should allow for *all* of the 
applicable authors to be listed. It sounds a bit like the BSD license, 
but what is the cost of 2 (or even 12) pages of 6 point text in a 
thousand page manual? About nothing. Web costs? Even less.

Give the chapter-slaves their credit, the editor folks their credit, 
the one brilliant example their creditetc.

Or, switch from an old über-editor-batch to a "new" 
über-editor-batch... hmm.


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