Re: [PHP-DOC] Bad news

2004-03-23 Thread Serban Gh. Ghita
Hello didou,

i am very sorry to hear that. i am shure that you will find a better job.
good luck. we are waiting for you.


Nuno Lopes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  Hi folks,
  Just loosed my job this morning... Some side effects :
  - I won't be able to help the community a lot until I find a new one.
  - I'm not sure that nexen will host the phpdoc website :)
  If you know about a job opportunity in Paris (France, don't send me to
  America please) let me know.
  Thank you for your attention,
  See you soon
  Mehdi Achour

 What a bad news... I hope you find a new job soon!
 I hope you come back soon.


[PHP-DOC] Re: mail() in windows + php4.3

2004-02-25 Thread Serban Gh. Ghita
You don't have sendmail in Windows.
Try using:

[mail function]

For that you must have a SMTP server installed.


Kk Kong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I keep geting error message:

 Warning: mail(): sendmail_from not set in php.ini or custom From:
 missing in D:\Inetpub\wwwroot\php\sendmail.php on line 11

 sendmail_from = [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 mail([EMAIL PROTECTED], My Subject, Line 1\nLine 2\nLine 3,

 Can anyone help with this problem? thanks a lot!

 KK Kong

[PHP-DOC] security chapter - my fault

2004-02-23 Thread Serban Gh. Ghita

Mr Derick Rethans notified my that i have messed by mistake the security
chapter under the /phpdoc/ tree.
I did not do that on purpose, and please excuse me for what i have done. Now
i want to know if that can be fixed. I insist to phpdoc (en) maintainers to
add some explicit examples of cvs operations (update, commit, checkout,
etc.). I think the cvs is very tricky even for the ones who read the

Best regards,

Serban Gh. Ghita

[PHP-DOC] cvs question - again

2004-02-10 Thread Serban Gh. Ghita

After i made some modifications in phpdoc-ro/ro/security i noticed that i
modified the files in a wrong way. The directory /security/ didnt exist
before. I am asking for someone to delete it for me
(phpdoc-ro/ro/security/), and also please tell me what i am doing wrong:

(14:52:56 ~) 0 $ cvs login
Logging in to :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:2401/repository
CVS password:
(14:53:14 ~) 0 $ cvs remove phpdoc-ro/ro/security/
cvs [remove aborted]: no such directory `phpdoc-ro/ro/security'
(14:53:52 ~) 0 $ cvs remove /ro/security/
cvs [remove aborted]: no such directory `/ro/security'
(14:54:02 ~) 0 $ cvs remove /phpdoc-ro/ro/security/
cvs [remove aborted]: no such directory `/phpdoc-ro/ro/security'

I read the cvs manual and the documentation located at, but i didnt
get enough details about deleting a file/directory. In the future maybe i'll
reconsider and add some more details on /howto/ manual because i dont think
it is fully documented, and users like me could make mistakes.

Serban Ghita

[PHP-DOC] help - cvs

2004-02-07 Thread Serban Gh. Ghita

My name is Serban Gh. Ghita and i was accepted as a official manual
translator and developer on, my actual e-mail is
zamolxe_at_php_dot_net .
I have read and understood the most chapters located at , i have also read others cvs recomended
manuals (not entirely), and here i am with a silly problem, i guess..
I am trying to import the chapter /security/ that is not translated under
phpdoc-ro. I only translated apache.xml to make some tests (i have validate
it, etc).

cd phpdoc-ro/ro/  (under which i have /security/apache.xml -- translated)
cvs import -m i have modified apache.xml and i intend to translate the
whole Security chapter security zamolxe v1
{text scrolls}
 i get localy the dir security and in find in it the following:
CVSchapters   preface.xml
INFO_FOR_TRANSLATORS   chmonlyreference
Translatorslanguage-defs.ent  security
apache.xml language-snippets.ent  translation.xml
bookinfo.xml   make_chm_index_ro.html
which i think is bad.

I want to know the following:
1. if my cvs commands were correct
2. do i have to compare /en/ and /ro/ under /phpdoc-ro/ to see what chapters
where not translated
3. please tell me what correct command to issue, to import/add a directory
(i've tested 'cvs add' with no succes). Please give me some examples.

Please be mecifull with my ignorance, but i guess i have to RTFM some more.

Serban Gh. Ghita

Re: [PHP-DOC] security chapter

2004-01-11 Thread Serban Gh. Ghita

I am not an official php developer but i think that the Database chapter
should be split like this:
-Password management (better password protections etc..)
-SQL injection (-- must concentrate on this one)

Serban Ghita

Gabor Hojtsy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 In case you are able to split all the translated files too, then yes :)
 Please add notices to the translated files on what was the original
 revision before the split (see the splitted files in the reference dir).


  May I?
What about splitting the file acording to sub-chapters?
* Introduction + General considerations
* Apache module
* Filesystem
* Database
* Error Reporting
* Register globals
* Submitted data
* Hiding PHP + keeping current
   Seems to be a good idea...