[pinhole-discussion] an important photo event and opportunity

2001-10-09 Thread Dibassin
Dear all,

I wanted to share this event

Here is New York. Images from the Frontline of History: A Democracy of 

"In response to the World Trade Center tradegy and to the unprecedent flood 
of images that have resulted from it, a unique exhibition and sale of 
photographs will open in Soho on the ground floor of 116 Prince Street, 
Friday, Sept 26. "  Note:They were to close this Wednesday but I was told 
they just   received a grant to stay open until October 24

 Here is New York invites anyone-amateur or professional who has images 
connected to World Trade center disaster to bring them or email them to 116 
Prince Street where they will be scanned , printed and made a part of the 
exhibition. All photographs are for sale  for $25 regardless of their 
provenance and proceeds will go to thousands of children who are among the 
greatest victims of this catastrophe.

Here is New York   www. hereisnewyork.org
116 Prince Street, NY NY. 10012  914 304 9162 Hours Monday-Sunday 11am-6pm

[pinhole-discussion] scanner and darkroom

2001-07-21 Thread Dibassin
I am in the process of constructing space for myself to work within. The 
space consists of time (less work), which is my problem to solve alone, but 
also a physical environment in which I can allow myself to really immerse in 
pinhole. I have been following the discussions regarding dark-light rooms or 
wet-dry rooms and have decidied to slowly allow the space for both. I was 
wondering if anyone could suggest a place to look for "plans" to construct 
(lay-out) either or both in one room.  I tend to be a "build as you need 
person" but my partner (and main contractor) is looking for structure. Also 
any suggestions for a good scanner which will take 120 film and hopefully 
soon 4x5. I know there is a huge range in quality and price . Thanks much
Donna Bassin
I just returned from Egypt and perhaps will be able to post some images as 
soon as I learn how.

[pinhole-discussion] diana camera

2001-06-01 Thread Dibassin
I just got a Diana camera with a flash and was wondering if anyone knew 
whether flash bulbs were still available, and if so where? If anyone has any 
suggestions for interesting play with the Diana I would love to hear from you.
Thanks so much

Re: [pinhole-discussion] contact printers

2001-05-25 Thread Dibassin
I have fallen in love with color pinhole/zone and I have been using 120 color 
film in the Zero 2000. I was wondering if one could use color paper in a 
"oatmeal" box camera as one uses black and white paper. If so, does anyone 
have recommendations for kind of papers, a base line exposure guide ( bright 
sun etc), developing recommendations and whatever. Also there are so many 
color films out there I was curious as to what any other color pinhole/zone 
folks might have found useful/interesting and/or difficult.
PS. There are still available spaces at Peters Valley in New Jersey for Ilan 
Wolff's workshop July 20-24 Camera Obscura. 

[pinhole-discussion] A Question or 2?

2001-04-13 Thread Dibassin
Dear all,
Once again I turn to all of you for some advice. I have many rolls of film ( 
some TMax b&w and some fujireala color, still undeveloped, that I shoot with 
my zero 2000 zone camera. I have a gut feeling that most of the shots were 
underexposed- Flat afternoon light in Paris this Feb. up to 15 minutes but 
most based on situational issues 2-4 minutes and have heard that I could have 
the film developed to compensate. Is that true? And if so, how would I push 
the film? Is there something I can do to increase contrast as well?
Your pinhole pal and still beginner- but learning...

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Upper Midwest Pinhole Get-together.

2001-03-31 Thread Dibassin
I am relatively new to pinhole (but very much in love) and the discussion 
list.  I want to add a Diana camera to my small collection of oatmeal boxes 
and one zero 2000 camera.I know Diana is not a pinhole and I have been 
sensitized to process and product themes on the discussion as of late. But 
certainly a related cousin.   I have so far lost many ebay bidding wars and 
realized I don't know what the differences are between the various Diana 
camera models. Does anybody have any information to share? There seems to be 
a difference in value for 151 vs. F vs. 162 , etc., but I am not sure whether 
that is a "collector's issue" or whether the different models might offer 
something useful for the "fuzzy dreamy quality." Thanks to all of you for 
this wonderful education I have been receiving.  

[pinhole-discussion] low light questions

2001-02-06 Thread Dibassin
I am a newcomer here and eager to learn. I am going to Paris and want to 
bring my 2000 zone and  pinhole ( 120) camera but I am at a loss as to 
exposure times( I know this isn't exact but perhaps suggestions of ranges)  
in what certainly will be flat and grey Paris winter light. I had good 
success in high Florida light with 2 seconds but I don't want to be a fair 
weather friend to pinhole. If anyone has a moment to share their experience 
with this camera and low flat light I would be most appreciative. I recall 
reading somewhere that one could increase contrast with certain types of 
films but I don't recall where I read about that. I am interested in both 
black and white and color film. Thanks much
Donna. I will certainly report back when I return and see what I get .

Re: [pinhole-discussion] 4x5 help?

2001-01-27 Thread Dibassin
Thanks so much for getting back to me. I am gathering from what you are 
saying that you think the Crown would be a better choice ( more flexibility 
for super wide angel) or did I miss something ( out of ignorance) about your 
choice of the other Speed Graphic regarding the shutter options.
Donna Bassin

[pinhole-discussion] 4x5 help?

2001-01-26 Thread Dibassin
I am a newcomer to this discussion list as well as to pinhole. New or not I 
am addicted already. I have used the zone2000, paper cameras with 120 film 
and oatmeal boxes ( as practiced by Marion Roth). Now I am hungery for more.. 
A friend ( not a pinhole person) suggested I find a used 4x5 speed graphic 
press camera and convert to pinhole. I noticed quite a few on ebay and 
wondered whether anybody has converted one of these. If so, what do I need to 
know about getting one ( minimum requirements other than intact bellows ) 
what kind of film packs do I need to get ( can I use polaroid with it)?. 
Anyway I would appreciate any information that you might offer or perhaps a 
book or person I could directly email to. Thanks so much
Donna Bassin