I am in the process of constructing space for myself to work within. The 
space consists of time (less work), which is my problem to solve alone, but 
also a physical environment in which I can allow myself to really immerse in 
pinhole. I have been following the discussions regarding dark-light rooms or 
wet-dry rooms and have decidied to slowly allow the space for both. I was 
wondering if anyone could suggest a place to look for "plans" to construct 
(lay-out) either or both in one room.  I tend to be a "build as you need 
person" but my partner (and main contractor) is looking for structure. Also 
any suggestions for a good scanner which will take 120 film and hopefully 
soon 4x5. I know there is a huge range in quality and price . Thanks much
Donna Bassin
I just returned from Egypt and perhaps will be able to post some images as 
soon as I learn how.

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