Re: Bug with Cinderella w/images

2001-03-27 Thread Michael Nordström

On Mon, 26 Mar 2001, David A. Desrosiers wrote:

>   When you load up this database, everything appears to look fine,
> until you get to 27% and to 80%, which is where the other two images are.
> I tried swapping the images around (filenames, out of order) and only the
> first image shows up, no matter what image I put in it's place.

There is one big difference between the location of the first
image and the other two images --- the first image is outside
the .

The blockquote tag will add a margin (12 pixels) to the left
and right side of the text and since the image has a width of
150 pixels it will not fit in the available space. Either you
should remove the blockquote tag or decrease the size of the
image to make it fit.


Re: (viewer) Large picture in indentation

2001-03-27 Thread Michael Nordström

On Mon, 26 Mar 2001, Masakazu MATSUMOTO wrote:

> In plucker viewer, image is not displayed when
> 1. The width of the image is about 160 (ie the screen width)
> and
> 2. The text is indented. (ul,ol,blockquote, etc)

That is a known "feature" ;-)

The viewer could replace the "missing" image with a string
([img]) instead. Maybe it would be possible for that string
to be a link to the image.

> Also the followed texts are not displayed until the indentation ends.

That is a bug (and it will be automatically fixed if something
like the above is added to the code).


Comments on plucker

2001-03-27 Thread luis fernandes

I've been using plucker on my Visor for about a month now and here
are my comments:

(I like the new design of the web-site; it is far better and
intuitive that when I was last there so there is no need to comment
on improving it).

* When I initially unpacked it and tried to use it I found it very
difficult to do what I was trying to do-- basically I wanted to
download a single webpage and load it into my Visor. I liked the
install procedure-- don't change that.

* Looking at the command names in bin/ I couldn't tell what the
commands did without running them; and when I did run them the error
messages were cryptic. (I still don't know what plucker-decode and
plucker-dump do and I don't care since plucker-build has all the
finctionality I need).

* The HTML manual (whether on-line or in pluckerdb format) is too long to
read there should be something in the README that says: "If you want
to download a page, do this...".

* I finally stumbled on the man-page which was great! I love
command-line stuff with millions of options. One nit I have is about
the inconsistent naming of the options: e.g. "--noimages" rather than
"--no-images". If "--no-urlinfo" has a dash after the "no", why
doesn't "--noimages"?

* --dbname should default to the contents of the  tag
  of the document being downloaded.

* I wrote an zsh function as an alias for plucker-build, and I use
  this consistently:

#pluck: download website to PDA
#takes 3 arguments: 1)URL to d/l 2)maxdepth 3)name of pdbfile 
if [ -z "$1" -o -z "$2" -o -z "$3" ]; then
echo "Usage: pluck URL maxdepth pdbfile "
plucker-build --pluckerdir=$HOME/public_html --home-url="$1" --maxdepth=$2 -f 


I think it would be useful to have aliases pluck1, pluck2, pluckN
that would retrieve a doc, with maxdepth set appropriately to N
(based on stripping N from argv[0]).

* User-interface issue: I would like to suggest that links not
  downloaded (followed) should either not be rendered in plucker or
  should be rendered in another distinct manner that indicates to the
  user, before he clicks on it, that it will not be followed. (If you
  have a chance, read Alan Cooper's _About Face_ a good book on UI
  issues.). It's just like a grayed-out menu option; the item is
  there but it can't be selected rather than having a dialog box
  pop-up saying that you shouldn't have clicked on this
  link/menu-item, etc.). Perhaps if maxdepth could be embedded into
  the document so plucker would know how many links deep it has data

* Why do the bottom 2 lines of the previous page appear at the top of
  the next page when scrolling? I've already read those 2 lines and
  the screen real-estate is precious enough for this to be justified.

* Would it be possible to seamlessly read a large document rather
  than ask the user to click "Click here for next part", etc. Isilo
  does this and it would be nice if plucker this this too.

* There are 2 types of uses for plucker: 1) update a set of pages
  "every morning" to be downloaded; 2) retrieve a specified document
  on demand (something interesting on slash-dot, etc.). There should
  be appropriate front-ends for these 2 distinct uses.

That's about it, for now :). 

Version numbers (was:

2001-03-27 Thread Michael Nordström

On Tue, 27 Mar 2001, Dirk Heiser wrote:

> Michael: How we handle the Versions numbering? Currently the Windows
> Package are named "Plucker-1.1.exe". The Changes for fix the new
> reported bugs affect only the installer itself and the "plucker-build"
> and "runSync.exe" Windows tools.

The problem we have here is that none of the tools you changed
are in CVS, i.e. nothing in the 1.1 package has really changed.

Making a change to the 1.1 branch and call it 1.1.1 wouldn't
work¸ since 1.1.1 has already been used in the main trunk (it
is now at 1.1.3).

How about naming the Windows package "Plucker-1.1-1.exe"? If
more changes have to be done to the _package_ you can use
'-2', '-3', etc.

The way we have assigned version numbers in the past doesn't
handle this kind of changes. Right now, the release branch is
merged with the main trunk when the package has been built and
released (David, maybe you could update the web site to reflect
the fact that 1.1 is out:) and after that the branch is removed,
i.e. all development continues in the main trunk and if bugs are
found in the released version they are fixed in the main trunk.

Good or bad, that's the way it works and it will continue to work
like that until someone comes up with a better solution ;-)


Re: Version numbers (was:

2001-03-27 Thread Bill Janssen

> David, maybe you could update the web site to reflect
> the fact that 1.1 is out:)

And we should send out an announcement to plucker-announce, and it
should be posted to PalmGear.


Re: ANN: Plucker Installer for Windows Version 1.1 is now available!

2001-03-27 Thread Bill Janssen

> Plucker Installer for Windows Version 1.1 is now available from
>   - (2.79 MB)

Dirk, I can't see it from here.  I get "/plucker/Plucker-1.1.exe not
found on this server" errors.


mod_perl memory leak found, squashed (I think =)

2001-03-27 Thread David A. Desrosiers

I noticed an exhorbitant amount of error messages coming back from
the server today (~500 emails an hour) about missing files which were
definately there. I found a memory leak and was able to work around it
with a fix to the server config. You should be able to get to all content
now. Previously this would show up as mysterious 404's or blank pages with
only a blue background. I'm still looking into it.
