Re: Modest patch proposal: Pixel tweaks to icons, autoscroll, narrow fixed font

2001-07-19 Thread MJ Ray

Bill Janssen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> autoscrolling, a la CSpotRun.  The default speed for scrolling is too
> fast for me, and I can't seem to slow it down enough (or speed up my
> reading :-) to make it usable.

Seconded.  Using large text, it's nearly usable, but it's just too
fast otherwise.

Re: SDK license (was: * Plucker for Windows *)

2001-07-19 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> That is, they include their own "open source" software within the SDK
> itself, so I think they would have a hard time to argue that other open
> source software violates their licence.

I know, I've read the license over and over to make sure I wasn't
hearing things.. but it directly contradicts some 'noise' they were spouting
at Palmsource 2000 when I asked them about supporting VFS in open source
projects, specifically pilot-link.

They guy I spoke with (I have his card here somewhere) said that if
we tried to use the code in the 4.0 SDK or the CDK to add VFS support to an
open source project, or 'circumvent their licensing' by using code in POSE
to do it, they'd have to 'secure a conversation with their attorneys...'

Didn't sit well with me. I basically said "Well, if we can't use the
SDK, but the support exists in POSE, a GPL'd project, we'll just borrow code
from there, and use that instead, I suppose." (on a microphone stand in the
middle of a room of about 400 people). He dodged my question, and evaded
with this counter-attack of lawyers and licensing. I then brought up the
fact that if that was true, they'd have to persue, and shut down every
single open source Palm project, developer, and website out there. He
ignored me and called out the next question from someone else waiting in
line. Gar.

At a later session where they were talking about tools, there was a
conversation had at the podium with myself, jpr, and some head of tool
development. They said they were interested in what we were doing, but that
their intent was focused on 'collapsing the external alternatives'. One of
their pdf slides in their tracks (I'll find the exact slide, I have them all
here) mentioned that they're positioning themselves to be the ONLY provider
of tools to develop PalmOS applications through. They're already doing it
with the CDK's now with hidden classes and APIs in the DLLs. Even their
Upgrade/Installer now, when executed, will export a small handful of DLLs
into the C:\Palm directory, use them, then delete them when finished. Sneaky

They've made a concerted effort to pull in all the external (open
source) tools, including: prc-tools (John Marshall, ex Palm employee),
Kenneth Albanowski (pilot-link, Palm employee), POSE (formerly copilot, then
xcopilot; Keith Rollin, Palm employee), pilrc (Aaron Ardiri, not yet a Palm
employee, though has been courted by them for a job), and others. It's

It's clear that they're scrambling though, since they've been doing
some very stupid things lately. These are 4th generation devices (m505's for
example) and they're STILL shipping with 8 megs. The very first Palmsource I
went to, there was a guy there at one of the pods with a 12-meg PalmIII
device. 3 years later and not even Palm is selling a device with 12 megs.

The iPAQ, by comparison, is just over a year old, and it's already
got 3 screen options, 4 memory options, and several dozen add-ons to it. By
Christmas, the 400Mhz version will be out with 128 megs of onboard storage.

The m505 has made every single option incompatible with it's earlier
brother device, the Palm V/Vx devices. Even down to the stylus rail slot
being 2mm shorter than the V/Vx ones. WHY?! All cases, stylii, clip-on
devices, keyboards, slot adapters, modems, and cradles are completely
incompatible with this device, forcing Palm users to scrap their entire
adapter/addon collections and re-purchase the new ones for the PalmVx, and
people like me who have both devices have to now purchase two of everything.

I talked to some people at Landware (they make/resell addons for the
Palm devices) and they implied that they aren't even going to be making any
m505 supported devices because Palm keeps changing the hardware so fast,
they can't even make up their investment in supporting them. Pathetic.

It's really not in their favor to go to these great lengths to push
us away (open source developers of Palm support applications), but it
appears they don't value us as a large enough market. Sure, we may only be
10% of their entire profit stream, but when 10% leave en masse, because
their device isn't supported under OS/2, Macintosh, Linux... more will

Ok, this diverged way off topic here, but you understand my point.

Fighting them at every turn, reverse-engineering their protocols
under threats from them in person, and chasing them around for
documentation, is proving very very tiring. All they have to do is extend a
hand and help us, but instead, they threaten us. I've never been paid by
Palm, I've never gotten any free hardware from Palm (though I've spent close
to $5k in devices and add-ons for their hardware out of my own pocket), and
we support their devices and users in our spare time.. with nothing from
them but closed doors and tightening of their policies and licensing.

I've recently had a couple of emails come my way bas

SDK license (was: * Plucker for Windows *)

2001-07-19 Thread Michael Nordström

On Thu, Jul 19, 2001, David A. Desrosiers wrote:
>   Technically, building open source software with the Palm SDK
> directly violates their licensing agreement by sharing constructs of
> internally developed code which is contained in the SDK, available by
> agreeing to a license when downloaded/obtained.

The license I agreed upon does *not* contain any terms that restricts
its use for open source software. Quite the contrary, the SDK includes
sample source code that you are free to *modify* and *distribute*
provided you include a notice saying "Portions copyright (c) 2000 Palm,
Inc. or its subsidiaries.  All rights reserved."

That is, they include their own "open source" software within the SDK
itself, so I think they would have a hard time to argue that other open
source software violates their licence.


Re: Modest patch proposal: Pixel tweaks to icons, autoscroll, narrow fixed font

2001-07-19 Thread Bill Janssen

> A single pixel
> scroll is a bit slow for reading right now on the hardware (about same speed
> as pressing down on scrollbar), but a double pixel scroll, (plus an
> overclocker like Afterburner) works quite nicely. Or can think about adding
> in caching for autoscrolling, though the next generation of the hardware
> will likely be able to zip right through a single pixel scroll as it stands.

Yes, I suspect that the hardware makes a difference.  I'm using a
TRGPro with a Benchmark rating of 148.


Re: * Plucker for Windows *

2001-07-19 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> I apologize, I misread.

No problem. It happens all the time. It's similar to the english
shortening of the name Robert to 'Bob'. Ugh. *shudder* It's like pouring ice
down the back of my shirt.

>  So you better kick the whole Plucker for Win, because that
> requires a lot of proprietary, non-free components. Foundation classes
> for example, Win libs, or DOS. 

Technically, building open source software with the Palm SDK
directly violates their licensing agreement by sharing constructs of
internally developed code which is contained in the SDK, available by
agreeing to a license when downloaded/obtained.

> I don't insist on the control, it's merely convenient. But your
> hypocrisy(sp?) drives me mad.

Sorry about that. Sometimes I come across that way, but it's not

> Actually I never intended to include my app in your CVS, nor did I
> intend to have a discussion about including it at all. I asked Dirk
> whether or not there was a tool like mine yet, and if not, whether he'd
> test it before I'd put it up on _my_ homesite to share with others who'd
> want it.

I see no problem whatsoever with including the code anywhere it's
referenced, whether that be in the cvs, the website, linked to your website,
in the FAQ, in the docs, whereever.

I do, however, care about burdoning the end users with the
requirement that they either license this control, or have to download/warez
the control to get it to build. If it's optional, and doesn't cripple the
capabilities of your tool, I'm all for it.

> It was Dirk who suggested telling this list; and I did so, hoping to get
> some input on how to make it better. Again, solely for my own
> satisfaction. All the better if the outcome would make it more
> satisfying to possible other users, but that isn't essential, it's
> merely an added benefit to me. And yes, the discussion with Dirk _did_
> give me some valuable insights.

If I had more experience with Windows, other than from a sysadmin
perspective or UI perspective, I would lend my comments. I don't have any of
the development tools required to build the software you and Dirk are
developing under Windows.

> Of course I thought about offering you to link to my site, because Win
> users would perhaps like to know about it, and the first place they'd
> look for something would be your site.

When you feel that the package is ready for public consumption, the
link can be put whereever the Windows users can easily reach it, either from
the docs, the download page, wherever.

Don't get me wrong, what you've done is great work from what I see
from the screenshot and the discussions I've read here between Dirk and
yourself. I fully support it's development and advancement. Wherever
possible, it is better to find and support any potential free alternatives
which provide the same or similar functionality.

> > third-party tool can do what they wish, proprietary or not, however,
> > the Plucker project itself will not be able to accept those patches or
> > additions internally if they require proprietary components or code.
> You mean like PalmOS?

Exactly. Proprietary. Restrictive. Limited. I support it because I
like the device. I have had many arguments with them in person, over and
over and over, and they've slowly started to open their eyes. It's
unfortunate that there are not more converts in their facility, as they
begin to clamp down on the tools and internalize them (POSE, prc-tools,
pilrc, etc.; they're trying to pull these in-house, and have declared an
initiative to do so within the next 3 quarters).

> It wraps Dirk's work into a GUI, there is no redundancy.

Ok, I misunderstood the purpose of the tool.

> If there was a free alternative, don't you think I'd have it?

I don't assume anything. Sometimes the alternatives aren't known.
Perhaps the component shipped with your IDE, perhaps it came with some other
product. Maybe there was no reason to seek out and find a free alternative.

What exactly is the name of this component again? What does it
provide? Simple resizing of a dialog?

> 2)  The source does not contain the control.

Is the functionality of the source decreased without the control?
Can the source be built and function in absence of the control?

> 2a) unless a developer explicitely wants it (which would mean (s)he
> must email me).

Or obtain it from the original author, no? (albeit with a nag)

> 3a) and will run without problems without the control.

Ok, this was my concern.

> 4)  I can (not must) include the control in the compiled executable.


> 4a) I can just as well distribute the executable without the control.

What are the restrictions (imposed by the author of the control)
about distributing an executable compiled with that control (if any)?

> Do you want a polite or an honest answer?

I have thick skin. I prefer hon

Re: * Plucker for Windows *

2001-07-19 Thread Lissi

>  Who's Dave? My name is David.

I apologize, I misread.

>  I have reservations about a GPL project containing non-GPL code or
> tools. Plucker does not (and should/will not) ever require or contain
> any components which require a license or that are not free. We've had
> a similar discussion awhile back about the Windows code Dirk was
> developing related to a DLL if I recall correctly.
>  ALL components required to build Plucker are GPL'd or free. Any

So you better kick the whole Plucker for Win, because that requires
a lot of proprietary, non-free components. Foundation classes for
example, Win libs, or DOS.

I don't insist on the control, it's merely convenient. But your
hypocrisy(sp?) drives me mad.

Actually I never intended to include my app in your CVS, nor did I
intend to have a discussion about including it at all. I asked Dirk
whether or not there was a tool like mine yet, and if not, whether
he'd test it before I'd put it up on _my_ homesite to share with
others who'd want it.

It was Dirk who suggested telling this list; and I did so, hoping to
get some input on how to make it better. Again, solely for my own
satisfaction. All the better if the outcome would make it more
satisfying to possible other users, but that isn't essential, it's
merely an added benefit to me. And yes, the discussion with Dirk
_did_ give me some valuable insights.

Of course I thought about offering you to link to my site, because
Win users would perhaps like to know about it, and the first place
they'd look for something would be your site.

> third-party tool can do what they wish, proprietary or not, however,
> the Plucker project itself will not be able to accept those patches or
> additions internally if they require proprietary components or code.

You mean like PalmOS?

> Since I don't run Windows, I'm not clear where your codebase sits in
> the scheme of things, but it looks like it's a bit redundant with what
> Dirk has, no?

It wraps Dirk's work into a GUI, there is no redundancy.

>  In any case, if you would like to include your code in the Plucker
> project (i.e. in the cvs, linked in with releases, etc.) let's see if
> we can find a free/open alternative to the resizing component you've

If there was a free alternative, don't you think I'd have it?

Please listen again:
1)  A control is simply a lib.
2)  The source does not contain the control.
2a) unless a developer explicitely wants it (which would mean (s)he
must email me).
3)  The program can be compiled from the source.
3a) and will run without problems without the control.
4)  I can (not must) include the control in the compiled executable.
4a) I can just as well distribute the executable without the control.

> chosen. Without that, I think it can only remain external.
>  Comments anyone? Am I being too anal here?

Do you want a polite or an honest answer?


Life ain't fair, but the root password helps.
  - BOFH
F119 52A9 A520 B1C5 28B7  BDFE 2B72 9E38 479E 31CC

Re: Modest patch proposal: Pixel tweaks to icons, autoscroll, narrow fixed font

2001-07-19 Thread Michael Nordström

On Thu, Jul 19, 2001, Robert O'Connor wrote:

Great work, Robert.

> > > A .prc is available at

I have merged the changes with the latest code from CVS and will add it
to a separate branch (replace the current autoscroll branch?) tomorrow.

Shouldn't take that long before it can be included in the main trunk.

> Sure thing. Will work on this too.

One option is to turn off the autoscroll (and reset the auto off timer)
when you reach the end of the page.


Re: Modest patch proposal: Pixel tweaks to icons, autoscroll, narrow fixed font

2001-07-19 Thread MJ Ray

"Robert O'Connor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> as pressing down on scrollbar), but a double pixel scroll, (plus an
> overclocker like Afterburner) works quite nicely. Or can think about adding

Ow!  Eat my batteries with an overclocker just to scroll Plucker

Re: * Plucker for Windows *

2001-07-19 Thread Dirk Heiser

"David" == David A. Desrosiers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

David> Windows, I'm not clear where your codebase sits in the scheme
David> of things, but it looks like it's a bit redundant with what
David> Dirk has, no?

No, its not redundant. Its simply a GUI frontend for the plucker-build
command line tool. (IIRC you also plan something like this for the
LINUX graphical shell)

AFAIK the licence of the tool do not care as long as the user do not
need to pay something. Because: Since the unique disribution
requirements of VisualBasic programs (you need ship the whole runtime
libarys with the app :-)) i suggest to create an separate install
package (like it is already) and put a link on the Webpage beside the
link to the Windows distribution. So if the Windows user download
plucker he could _also_ download the frontend (created by a plucker
user to help other plucker users) if he prefer a GUI for
plucker-build. IMHO there are no need to include the code in the CVS.
BTW: the whole Windows stuff are also not there and i guess you do not
want it in the CVS and the source distribution (ca. 2MB :-)).

IMHO the are no problem in this.

BTW: remember in Windows its common to provide binarys and even if you
need to buy something to _create_ a program it _not_ mean that you
also need to pay something to use it.


Permanent URLs to the latest Version () of the Plucker Windows installer
 - For the Webpage:
 - Direct Download: [2.79MB]

Re: * Plucker for Windows *

2001-07-19 Thread Dirk Heiser


>> Sure if this possible. But i just see that Krayzel use Delphi, so its
>> maybe difficult :-)

Lissi> SetWindowLong and SetParent should do the trick if all fails ;)

Sure :-)

>> Lissi> You can't rely on having plucker or plucker-build in the $PATH,
>> it's Lissi> not done during setup. Perhaps it would be a good idea to
>> add it?
>> It's done by put a copy of plucker-build.exe in the Windows directory.

Lissi> Ouch :( Wouldn't a .lnk have the same effect without keeping multiple

No a .lnk does not the same :-( and also a .bat file do it not :-(

Lissi> copies around? Multiple copies are a major problem if you ever need
Lissi> to label or GUID it.

Well there are not many options for a command that should be available
from all directorys. Every solution have some negative side effects,
well thats Windows :-)

>> As i started with the Windows distribution of Plucker i also used a
>> BAT file to call the tools similar as you do it. But after receiving a
>> lot of bug report (because every Windows has its own bug in the DOS
>> box) i give up this :-(

Lissi> So you'd favour CreateProcess and a bunch of settings in the registry?

At the end thats maybe the best solution :-) But for the Settings
maybe an INI are a alternative? Think about someone who need to
reinstall Windows and want keep this settings. Copy the ini to a save
place and restore it later are easy. Do it with the Registry are maybe
not so good for every user :-)

Lissi> Dirk, would you please not CC to my personal address? As much as I
Lissi> like hearing from you, I always confuse the message to answer to :)

OK, fixed.

FYI: Since all mails to the contact address on the Plucker homepage
are go also in this ML without that the user are subscribed here it is
also a good idea to CC an Replay to the Sender in case he is not
subscribed. (That's why i setup my Mailclient to add a CC by default.)


Permanent URLs to the latest Version () of the Plucker Windows installer
 - For the Webpage:
 - Direct Download: [2.79MB]

RE: Modest patch proposal: Pixel tweaks to icons, autoscroll, narrow fixed font

2001-07-19 Thread Robert O'Connor

> > A .prc is available at
> >
> In general, I like Robert's changes.  Though I tend to find the
> autoscroll unusable unless we get to smooth single-pixel
> autoscrolling, a la CSpotRun.  The default speed for scrolling is too
> fast for me, and I can't seem to slow it down enough (or speed up my
> reading :-) to make it usable.

Hi Bill, thanks for the comments. Will work on putting in a selector to
allow a choice of page/half-page/pixel/etc for each scroll. A single pixel
scroll is a bit slow for reading right now on the hardware (about same speed
as pressing down on scrollbar), but a double pixel scroll, (plus an
overclocker like Afterburner) works quite nicely. Or can think about adding
in caching for autoscrolling, though the next generation of the hardware
will likely be able to zip right through a single pixel scroll as it stands.

Will work on setting a good default speed so the text doesn't fly by like
some sort of Clockwork Orange training :) when first run.

> Of the optional features, I'd suggest that two are highly desired:
> > 1. Hardkey/Gesture options to increase/decrease speed.
> To make it more like CSpotRun.

Sounds great. They will be appended to the end of the listboxes under
"Toggle Autoscroll".

> > 3. Upper time limit on the prevent of power off without user
> input so that
> > can't accidently leave it running and wipe your PDA since it ran out of
> > juice.
> This, I think, is critical.

Sure thing. Will work on this too.

There is also a small bug in the prc that will (quite rightly) report an
object not in form when toggle autoscroll with toolbar off, that will be
fixed, with a proper check first to see that not in the toolbarless form
before trying to change the play/stop button.

Best wishes,

Re: Plucker manual comments and a bug

2001-07-19 Thread Michael Nordström

On Thu, Jul 19, 2001, David A. Desrosiers wrote:
>   Have you reported it?

He's probably a Red Hat user (problem is described in the FAQ.)


Re: * Plucker for Windows *

2001-07-19 Thread Michael Nordström

On Thu, Jul 19, 2001, David A. Desrosiers wrote:
>   Who's Dave? My name is David.

Grrr... Easy, tiger ;-)

> Plucker does not (and should/will not) ever require or contain any
> components which require a license or that are not free.

Well, it's difficult to avoid the Palm SDK requirement ;-)

> ALL components required to build Plucker are GPL'd or free.

... and it should continue to be like that.

> Any third-party tool can do what they wish, proprietary or not, however, the
> Plucker project itself will not be able to accept those patches or additions
> internally if they require proprietary components or code.

I would like more info before I cast my vote. If the source code can be
compiled without this extra component, then it's OK with me (and the GPL
as I understand it). It's not a perfect solution, but if the code for the
tool is released under GPL then maybe someone else can rewrite the part 
that requires this "bad" component.

Anyway, Lissi has not requested that we should include something non-
free in Plucker, she has only told us about her tool. If it's not 
possible to include the tool and source code, we can at least include
a link to the tool. Regardless of whether the tool is included in the
Plucker project or not, Dirk can still include the tool in his package
(as long as the license for the component allows this).


Re: Plucker manual comments and a bug

2001-07-19 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> I'm a plucker first time user and would like to make some comments to
> help you improve your documentation. I'm a linux user.

Welcome aboard! Any help on any parts is greatly appreciated.

> 1. node20.html You should say that the file PluckerDB.pdb will be
> created in the .plucker directory.

..except when you use the -f option and tell it where to put the
target file: plucker-build -f /tmp/Foo -H ""; will create a
file in /tmp/ called Foo.pdb. Good catch.

Who's maintaining the docs these days? Has anyone stepped up and
taken ownership of that part?

> 2.node22.html Should give as an explample the installation of the just
> downloaded ./plucker/PluckerDB.pdb file

Presumably someone using Plucker on a linux platform would know how
to use the pilot-link suite to install this file (I'm the maintainer of
that), but perhaps it needs to be more clear how to do that with other tools
such as Evolution, JPilot, KPilot and friends.

> 3. There's nothing about installing the viewer and all the multilingual
> versions.  You should tell to run the plucker-setup program.

Installing the viewer is the same as installing any of the
multilingual versions. You cannot have more than one version of Plucker
onboard, unless you compile it with a different CreatorID.

> I've found an weird bug. Some urls were parsed as (from output):

Have you reported it?

> Processing ://
> You can see that it misses the "http" in front of it. I've solved it
> with a little hack, just verified if it didn't had the http, and put it.
> I believe it is aproblem a parsing the text.

We can see one line of the output here, but what was the syntax
which drove that output? What was your commandline which initiated this?
What was the contents of your ~/.pluckerrc?


Re: * Plucker for Windows *

2001-07-19 Thread David A. Desrosiers

> The control isn't _required_, Dave.

Who's Dave? My name is David.

> If you have reservations about using a compiled version that contains
> the control and a source that doesn't, I suggest a offsite link to the
> compiled version _with_ the control and onsite links to source and
> compiled version _without_ it.

I have reservations about a GPL project containing non-GPL code or
tools. Plucker does not (and should/will not) ever require or contain any
components which require a license or that are not free. We've had a similar
discussion awhile back about the Windows code Dirk was developing related to
a DLL if I recall correctly.

ALL components required to build Plucker are GPL'd or free. Any
third-party tool can do what they wish, proprietary or not, however, the
Plucker project itself will not be able to accept those patches or additions
internally if they require proprietary components or code. Since I don't run
Windows, I'm not clear where your codebase sits in the scheme of things, but
it looks like it's a bit redundant with what Dirk has, no?

In any case, if you would like to include your code in the Plucker
project (i.e. in the cvs, linked in with releases, etc.) let's see if we can
find a free/open alternative to the resizing component you've chosen.
Without that, I think it can only remain external.

Comments anyone? Am I being too anal here?


Plucker manual comments and a bug

2001-07-19 Thread Paulo Eduardo Neves

I'm a plucker first time user and would like to make some comments to 
help you improve your documentation. I'm a linux user.

1. node20.html
You should say that the file PluckerDB.pdb will be created in the 
.plucker directory.

Should give as an explample the installation of the just downloaded 
./plucker/PluckerDB.pdb file

3. There's nothing about installing the viewer and all the multilingual 
versions.  You should tell to run the plucker-setup program. 

I've found an weird bug. Some urls were parsed as (from output):

Processing ://

You can see that it misses the "http" in front of it. I've solved it 
with a little hack, just verified if it didn't had the http, and put 
it. I believe it is aproblem a parsing the text. 

I'm using plucker 1.19 with pythn 1.52
Paulo Eduardo Neves mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Agenda do Samba & Choro, a boa música brasileira na Internet 

Re: * Plucker for Windows *

2001-07-19 Thread Lissi

> Well it depend in the point of view. Lets say plucker's API allow
> other programs to store settings with a name. So later this other app
> could call the stored settings by a name. I would not say that this
> are a mess with the original app. Keep in mind that the [Lissi-Shell]
> section are not change any other thinks in plucker, it is only used if
> your frontend call it.
> The same mechanism are used by the "right-click Frontend" thats
> included in the setup (right click in the explorer on a *.html and
> select "convert to Plucker"). Its a Frontend (a simple, but..) and the
> settings it use are stored in the main plucker ini in the
> [CONTEXT_DEFAULT] section.

Hm. I need to ponder this a bit.

> Sure if this possible. But i just see that Krayzel use Delphi, so its
> maybe difficult :-)

SetWindowLong and SetParent should do the trick if all fails ;)

> Never Mind was the user want, the _only_ right value for the
> PluckerHome are the Directory were Plucker are installed :-)
> You could set a different PluckerHome but then you also need take care
> that a plucker.ini with the right settings are there (include the base
> settings for the image converter tools).


> About the PluckerDir: That the one the user should set. plucker-build
> set this to the working Directory so you do not *need* to set this on
> the command line (so could could save space here). If the user select
> a PluckerDir (eg. C:\Test\Testing) you could add this in the BAT: C:\
> CD\ CD Test\Testing plucker-build.exe ..

Umm. I'd rather read the current path and change it from my program,
not from the batch ;) The batch should call, nothing else. And should
I decide to ditch the batch in favour of CreateProcess at some time
in the future, this would be the only acceptable way.

> Lissi> You can't rely on having plucker or plucker-build in the $PATH,
> it's Lissi> not done during setup. Perhaps it would be a good idea to
> add it?
> It's done by put a copy of plucker-build.exe in the Windows directory.

Ouch :( Wouldn't a .lnk have the same effect without keeping multiple
copies around? Multiple copies are a major problem if you ever need
to label or GUID it.

> So you could access from every place without messing with the PATH
> setting. I do not wan't to modify the PATH because the are also a
> length limit :-(
> The best you could do are access the Registry key
> Software\The Plucker Team\Plucker\Path
> to read the Plucker Directory and the call:
> \plucker-build.exe

I didn't know of the key before you told me :) I'm going to change
that this weekend.

> Well not the command line are limited to 80 chars, only the DOS Box
> are limited to that (and there also enough other bugs here :-( ).

I only looked it up yesterday. You're right, the commandline is
limited to 128 chars, not 80.

> As i started with the Windows distribution of Plucker i also used a
> BAT file to call the tools similar as you do it. But after receiving a
> lot of bug report (because every Windows has its own bug in the DOS
> box) i give up this :-(

So you'd favour CreateProcess and a bunch of settings in the registry?

Dirk, would you please not CC to my personal address? As much as I
like hearing from you, I always confuse the message to answer to :)


Life ain't fair, but the root password helps.
  - BOFH
F119 52A9 A520 B1C5 28B7  BDFE 2B72 9E38 479E 31CC

Re: * Plucker for Windows *

2001-07-19 Thread Lissi

>> The compiled version contains a control from Component One that I
>> have licensed. It's not in the source package, since it would pop up
>> a nag-screen when compiling (only unlicensed controls do that). If
>> anybody wants the source _with_ the control and have the nag version
>> (downloadable from Component One) or the licensed one, let me know.
> Concerns here? Are we going to put code which requires licenced
> controls into the CVS or into the Plucker project itself?

The control isn't _required_, Dave.

It's responsible for a smooth resizing of the form (window) of my app.
I can code that manually, but it's a real pain and I certainly don't
have the time for it :(

I can leave it out of the source. You could build the app without it,
only that no resizing happens.

If you have reservations about using a compiled version that contains
the control and a source that doesn't, I suggest a offsite link to
the compiled version _with_ the control and onsite links to source and
compiled version _without_ it.

Life ain't fair, but the root password helps.
  - BOFH
F119 52A9 A520 B1C5 28B7  BDFE 2B72 9E38 479E 31CC