Re: OT: Intellectual property (was: owner_id_build vs. copyprevention_bit)

2002-10-01 Thread Guylhem Aznar

On Tue, Oct 01, 2002 at 09:55:33AM +0200, Michael Nordstr?m wrote:
 In USA you seem to have a long history of passing laws that protects
 the revenue for some companies; in the rest of the world we usually
 also take into consideration how we can balance the rights of both
 sides (i.e. in this case the copyright holders and the users).

Governments should not bother preserving outdated business models.

 Guylhem P. Aznar
 GPG: 92EB37C1 DD11C9C9 20519D01 E8FA1B11 42975AF7
plucker-dev mailing list

RE: owner_id_build vs. copyprevention_bit

2002-10-01 Thread David A. Desrosiers

Hash: SHA1

 Intellectual property is _property_, just as material objects are.

Unfortunately, no. And this is the crux of the problem, in fact.

You cannot say that intellectual property is property, just like a
house, or a boat, or a car. If so, then that property is subject to taxes
and the same levies as real property is. Would you like to have to pay a
yearly tax on your music purchases? After all, it's someone else's
intellectual property, right?

Intellectual property most-certainly is not property like physical
property, but that doesn't mean there aren't laws (in the US, at least) that
make an attempt at helping you protect it.

 Redistribution of copyrighted intellectual property with the express
 permission of the rights holder is _theft_, pure and simple.

It's not theft, it's a violation of copyright. Huge difference.
Theft, stealing, piracy, etc. by definition have very different meanings.
You are depriving the author of due-revenue, but you are by no means guilty
of theft. Theft deprives the owner of something. Theft, as with stealing,
means you have taken something tangible, leaving nothing in it's place. If I
steal your bicycle, there is now the _lack of_ a bicycle, where there used
to be one.

With electronic media such as ebooks and other formats (mp3, et al),
the original is still in place, but there is a digitally-perfect _copy_ in
possession, against the copyright and license of the original. This is not
theft. You have not deprived the creator or owner of his copy, he still
has the original and the ability to make and distribute copies of it for

The courts look at this very differently than you'd think.

In any case, I'm completely against violating the copyrights of
people who have worked hard to provide you something useful. I'm also
against the whole Information wants to be free bandwagon (really only
exists to try to justify electronic piracy and copyright violation, and yes,
I've never yet downloaded a single mp3 or dvd movie from the web, and I
actively support the eradication of the (MP|RI)AA corporations).

I do, however, believe strongly in sharing information which
benefits others, and which benefits the growth and adoption of techology
into new industries. This is not the same thing as share everything without
cost or attribution.

People who do hard work, and provide you with something useful,
should be recognized or compensated in some way. Simply taking what they've
created without even saying as much as thanks is downright rude and
unjust, not to mention a violtion of copyright in some cases.

But now we've diverged way off-topic, and probably should continue
this off-list.

To sum up, adding owner_id to Plucker does not, in any way, restrict
what Plucker can do, nor does it turn Plucker into a DRM-only application.
Anyone could have added this feature, either by us, or commercially, and
used it. The source is available, make the changes you want, or don't. The
choice is up to you.


perldoc -qa.j | perl -lpe '($_)=m((.*))'

Version: GnuPG v1.1.92 (GNU/Linux)


plucker-dev mailing list

Re: OT: Intellectual property (was: owner_id_build vs. copyprevention_bit)

2002-10-01 Thread David A. Desrosiers

 Governments should not bother preserving outdated business models.

The problem is that our current govenment is the whipping-boy of the
monopolistic corporations, who basically feed them pre-paid politicians
every year, and the only thing they are preserving is their continued seats
in the govenment chair, and their continued intra-venous revenue stream.

It's only going to get worse too...


plucker-dev mailing list

Re: owner_id_build vs. copyprevention_bit

2002-10-01 Thread Guylhem Aznar

On Mon, Sep 30, 2002 at 11:01:45PM -0400, Dennis McCunney wrote:
  Shouldn't they be removed altogether? Preveting copy is
  encouraging DRM. DRM should be flushed down the toilets.
 Won't happen.  There are too many folks who are trying to make a living on
 intellectual property, and want _some_ way of insuring they get paid for
 what they do.

I write documentation and get paid for that - sometimes.
I would not be confortable with making a living of DRM. It may means
more money, but in the end it would restrict other people freedom.

Instead of work depending on the restriction of freedom, I prefer
no work at all or unqualified work. I'm lucky I don't have to take such
a decision right now and can pick up the work I like but sorry I do have
some ethics.

If you take a work you don't like just for the money there's a nice word
to describe that - not quite polite however.

 Ask any author who has books in electronic format how they feel about
 unrestricted distribtion of their copyrighted work without thier permission.

Ask me. I'm fine with that - the businesses may not but it's their job
to choose a new business model, not mine.

 Intellectual property is _property_, just as material objects are.
 Redistribution of copyrighted intellectual property with the express
 permission of the rights holder is _theft_, pure and simple.

As a member of the GNU project ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) I have a different
opinion. Intellectual property only exists because the founding fathers
thought it would help promoting science and knowledge. That's the goal.

IP is just a mean to reach that goal. If it can be reached in other
ways, with added benefits for the public (such as free redistribution)
why should we keep the old schemes??

 Guylhem P. Aznar
 GPG: 92EB37C1 DD11C9C9 20519D01 E8FA1B11 42975AF7
plucker-dev mailing list

Re: OT: Intellectual property (was: owner_id_build vs. copyprevention_bit)

2002-10-01 Thread MJ Ray

Guylhem Aznar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Governments should not bother preserving outdated business models.

Consumers should not encourage outdated business models.  Go buy some
copyleft work today.
MJR|  v
---|--[ Luminas internet applications ]-|
   `--[ ]-[ slef at ]-'

plucker-dev mailing list

DOC compression and image records

2002-10-01 Thread Laurens M. Fridael


Is DOC compression on image records actually supported by the Viewer?

My DOC compression implementation (in Java) works well on Text records and
URL records, I see no errors there. But when I view a DOC-compressed image
in the Viewer, I see a disjointed pixel mess that vaguely resembles the
original image. *However*, the Viewer does not report any errors (nor does
POSE) and does display the image with the correct dimensions. The image just
sits there looking weird.

How does the Python distiller handle this? When a document is
DOC-compressed, does it attempt to apply DOC compression to Image records as

TBMP data usually does not compress well under DOC compression. Most of the
time the DOC-compressed data is larger than the original TBMP bitmap data.
In the rare case that it is smaller, the compression ratio is nothing to
write home about.


plucker-dev mailing list

Re: Errors plucking with Plucker_1_2 (20020924)

2002-10-01 Thread Wesley Mason

But then your stuck with 'Do you let it error out because the image is too
big?' or 'Do you assume they would prefer it to work right off and have
them change it if they don't like the results?'

Basicly, IMHO it sould default to something that will increase the chance
that the channel gets plucked.  A more advanced user would then turn this
option off if they needed it rather than a less advanced user stumbling
around looking for how to make their images actually show.  Simplify if


Bill Janssen said:
 self._auto_scale = config.get_bool('auto_scale_images', 0) or
 config.get_bool('try_reduce_dimension', 0) or config.get_bool('
 try_reduce_bpp', 1)

 This change isn't in the current code because the older code didn't work
 that way, and I'm not sure it makes sense to automagically alter images
 for people.

 plucker-dev mailing list

plucker-dev mailing list

Re: Where did my colors go.... (was: Errors plucking with Plucker_1_2 (20020924))

2002-10-01 Thread Wesley Mason

To build on this, it seems that 1.2 of plucker has yet to incorporate the
colors I sent to the list for :(

I lost my code changes too...  Now I gotta re-work it...  Sigh.

My reason for complaining was this error:

Pluckerdir is '/export/store0/misc/PluckerOut'...
Using proxy '' with authentication for user ''...
 0 collected, 1 to do 
  Retrieved ok.
Error:  Unknown error parsing document
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.2/site-packages/PyPlucker/, line
27, in generic_parser
parser = TextParser.StructuredHTMLParser (url, data, headers, config,
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.2/site-packages/PyPlucker/,
line 879, in __init__
self.feed (text)
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.2/, line 95, in feed
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.2/, line 129, in goahead
k = self.parse_starttag(i)
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.2/, line 290, in parse_starttag
self.finish_starttag(tag, attrs)
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.2/, line 328, in finish_starttag
self.handle_starttag(tag, method, attrs)
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.2/site-packages/PyPlucker/,
line 969, in handle_starttag
sgmllib.SGMLParser.handle_starttag(self, tag, method, attrs)
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.2/, line 364, in handle_starttag
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.2/site-packages/PyPlucker/,
line 1377, in start_font
self._doc.set_forecolor (rgb)
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.2/site-packages/PyPlucker/,
line 492, in set_forecolor
if string.atoi(rgb, 16) == 0xFF:
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.2/, line 217, in atoi
return _int(s, base)
ValueError: invalid literal for int(): darkblue
  Parsing failed.
 all 0 pages retrieved and parsed 

Writing out collected data...
Writing document 'PaintBall Cousins' to file
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/local/bin/plucker-build, line 1496, in ?
  File /usr/local/bin/plucker-build, line 1489, in realmain
retval = main (config, exclusion_lists)
  File /usr/local/bin/plucker-build, line 1025, in main
mapping = writer.write (verbose=verbosity, alias_list=alias_list)
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.2/site-packages/PyPlucker/, line
518, in write
result = Writer.write (self, verbose, alias_list=alias_list)
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.2/site-packages/PyPlucker/, line
337, in write
raise RuntimeError(The collection process failed to generate a 'home'
RuntimeError: The collection process failed to generate a 'home' document

Subject: Re: Color codes give errors...

tdp4 wrote:
 Here is a page that says they have the complete list...


 Original Message-
 On Thu, 16 May 2002 16:31:28 +0100,
 Robert O'Connor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 : ValueError: invalid literal for atoi(): darkblue
 :I don't remember darkblue being supported. The original
 :color table from color support had
 :these core named colors:
 :Silver   C0C0C0
 :Gray 808080
 :Maroon   80
 :Red  FF
 :Purple   800080
 :Lime 00FF00
 :Yellow   00
 :Navy 80
 :Blue FF
 :Teal 008080
 :Aqua 00
 :But I don't know if added more named colors when moved
 :to hash table lookup (and for some
 :reason can't get through to CVS today to check). Does
 :the parser still crash if you download
 :the page, and do a find and replace of darkblue to
 :blue? If so, then perhaps just a matter
 :of having ensuring a fallthrough case works in the
 :named color lookup.
 :Best wishes,

plucker-dev mailing list

Re: Where did my colors go.... (was: Errors plucking with Plucker_1_2 (20020924))

2002-10-01 Thread Wesley Mason

Here are the lines:

## the following is the default set of colornames understood by HTML
Colornames = {
'black':   00,
'silver':  C0C0C0,
'white':   FF,
'maroon':  80,
'red': FF,
'purple':  800080,
'fuchsia': FF00FF,
'green':   008000,
'olive':   808000,
'yellow':  00,
'antiquewhite': #FAEBD7,
'aqua': #00,
'aquamarine':   #7FFFD4,
'bisque':   #FFE4C4,
'blanchedalmond':   #FFEBCD,
'blue': #FF,
'blueviolet':   #8A2BE2,
'chartreuse':   #7FFF00,
'cornflowerblue':   #6495ED,
'cornsilk': #FFF8DC,
'crimson':  #DC143C,
'cyan': #00,
'darkblue': #8B,
'darkcyan': #008B8B,
'darkgray': #A9A9A9,
'darkmagenta':  #8B008B,
'darkolivegreen':   #556B2F,
'darkorange':   #FF8C00,
'darkorchid':   #9932CC,
'darkred':  #8B,
'darksalmon':   #E9967A,
'darkseagreen': #8FBC8F,
'darkviolet':   #9400D3,
'deeppink': #FF1493,
'deepskyblue':  #00BFFF,
'dimgray':  #696969,
'dodgerblue':   #1E90FF,
'feldspar': #D19275,
'floralwhite':  #FFFAF0,
'forestgreen':  #228B22,
'fuchsia':  #FF00FF,
'ghostwhite':   #F8F8FF,
'gold': #FFD700,
'gray': #808080,
'greenyellow':  #ADFF2F,
'honeydew': #F0FFF0,
'hotpink':  #FF69B4,
'indigo':   #4B0082,
'lavender': #E6E6FA,
'lemonchiffon': #FFFACD,
'lightcoral':   #F08080,
'lightgoldenrodyellow': #FAFAD2,
'lightgreen':   #90EE90,
'lightsalmon':  #FFA07A,
'lightskyblue': #87CEFA,
'lightslateblue':   #8470FF,
'lightslategray':   #778899,
'lightsteelblue':   #B0C4DE,
'lightyellow':  #E0,
'lime': #00FF00,
'magenta':  #FF00FF,
'maroon':   #80,
'mediumaquamarine': #66CDAA,
'mediumblue':   #CD,
'mediumorchid': #BA55D3,
'mediumpurple': #9370D8,
'mediumseagreen':   #3CB371,
'mediumslateblue':  #7B68EE,
'mediumturquoise':  #48D1CC,
'mediumvioletred':  #C71585,
'midnightblue': #191970,
'moccasin': #FFE4B5,
'navajowhite':  #FFDEAD,
'navy': #80,
'oldlace':  #FDF5E6,
'orange':   #FFA500,
'orchid':   #DA70D6,

RE: Where did my colors go.... (was: Errors plucking with Plucker_1_2 (20020924))

2002-10-01 Thread Blake Winton

  Here is a page that says they have the complete list...
 To build on this, it seems that 1.2 of plucker has yet to 
 incorporate the colors I sent to the list for :(

From the page you gave:
Note: Color names are not supported by the W3C standards.
If you want to write correct HTML you should use the Color
HEX values.

However, throwing an exception is kind of nasty.

Fortunately, revision 1.41 (as of Fri Sep 20 02:58:44 2002)
contains code that will catch the exception, and ignore the
bad colour.

My vote is to leave out the huge table of non-standard
colours, if anyone's counting votes.


plucker-dev mailing list

library jogdial behavior

2002-10-01 Thread Adam McDaniel

Question, (Mostly directed to either Matto or Mike, but anyone's input
is welcome:)...

Which would you prefer for how sony jogdial reacts in libraryform.c?

  When a user highlights an entry using the jogdial, and quickly
  presses and releases it, the popup list appears. If the user holds
  down the jogdial then releases, the document opens right away.


  The opposite. If a user quickly presses/releases, the document
  opens.  If a user presses and holds.. the popup list appears.

I'm impartial to either option, and cannot decide. I don't think that
this needs to be 'customizable' by the user. I'm not sure what the sony
UI standards stipulate.

Adam McDaniel
Calgary, AB, Canada

Description: PGP signature

Re: Where did my colors go.... (was: Errors plucking with Plucker_1_2(20020924))

2002-10-01 Thread Edward Rayl

Here is a page that says they have the complete list...

To build on this, it seems that 1.2 of plucker has yet to 
incorporate the colors I sent to the list for :(

I asked this same question on 7-9-02.  Here was the answer;

plucker-dev mailing list

Re: library jogdial behavior

2002-10-01 Thread Michael Nordström

On Tue, Oct 01, 2002, Adam McDaniel wrote:

 Which would you prefer for how sony jogdial reacts in libraryform.c?

   The opposite. If a user quickly presses/releases, the document
   opens.  If a user presses and holds.. the popup list appears.

This one seems to make most sense since that's how it would have to
work when using the stylus, i.e. tap and hold will display a popup
while a simple tap on the document will open it.


plucker-dev mailing list

Re: DOC compression and image records

2002-10-01 Thread Bill Janssen

 How does the Python distiller handle this? When a document is
 DOC-compressed, does it attempt to apply DOC compression to Image records as


plucker-dev mailing list

Re: Version 1.41 (was: Where did my colors go....)

2002-10-01 Thread Bill Janssen

 Does it have a default color to use if the color 'name' is not found?

It ignores the color spec, if a non-standard name is used.

plucker-dev mailing list

Re: DOC compression and image records

2002-10-01 Thread Michael Nordström

On Tue, Oct 01, 2002, Laurens M. Fridael wrote:
 Is DOC compression on image records actually supported by the Viewer?


The image handling works with uncompressed image data, so the
compression method doesn't matter.


plucker-dev mailing list

Re: library jogdial behavior

2002-10-01 Thread masakazu

On 2002.10.2, at 05:26  AM, Michael Nordström wrote:

 On Tue, Oct 01, 2002, Adam McDaniel wrote:

 Which would you prefer for how sony jogdial reacts in libraryform.c?

   The opposite. If a user quickly presses/releases, the document
   opens.  If a user presses and holds.. the popup list appears.

 This one seems to make most sense since that's how it would have to
 work when using the stylus, i.e. tap and hold will display a popup
 while a simple tap on the document will open it.

I agree.
It is also natural for macintosh and mozilla users. :-)

plucker-dev mailing list